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  1. És mindenki ugyanarra a következtetésre jut : a spekulációs buborékok okozta válság leplezésére és további fokozására, na meg globális diktatúraépítésre mondva csinált járvány (eredeti cikk németül)
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  27. Home » Current » Who will benefit from the lockdown? Speech by Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiß at the Corona demo on June 13, 2020 in Ulm
  28. Who will benefit from the lockdown? Speech by Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiß at the Corona demo on June 13, 2020 in Ulm
  30. After being blocked by YouTube, the video is now online again on KenFM!
  32. Here the speech by Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiß from June 13th, 2020 to read:
  34. As an economist, I want to start with economic developments. According to the Wall Street Journal, the number of starving people in the world will double this year from 130 million to 260 million. 260 million people: that is an enormous number. Experience shows that these include a large number of children. Quite a few of them always die. What can numbers say? We will probably see several million additional deaths from starvation this year, especially children, especially girls, especially black and colored people. The reason: The Covid lockdown measures, which were based on the "Western world" model and were adopted unquestioningly in most third world countries. That's why I'm standing here demonstrating peacefully. Several million starvation deaths.
  36. The number of corona deaths worldwide is currently less than 0.5 million. Around 1.5 billion students have been locked out of schools worldwide. According to the Wall Street Journal, many of these in the developing world will not be returning to school, especially girls, especially colored people. Because of corona lockdowns based on the western model. That's why I'm standing here demonstrating. In India, exports and imports plummeted by 60 percent. About 100 million people have been sent into unemployment. 100 million people. Alone in India. Because of the corona lockdowns there and in the rest of the world. Imports and exports are also collapsing in countries like Indonesia, the Philippines and dozens of others. The result: mass unemployment, misery and hardship.
  38. According to the Wall Street Journal, food prices in particularly poor regions have risen significantly and are prohibitively high for many. 36 Third World countries are facing severe debt problems. Financial crises are foreseeable. I was an investment banker for seven years and think this will turn out badly for some countries and many hundreds of millions of people. The reason: Corona lockdowns worldwide according to western, according to our model. As a result, we produce misery, suffering and death on an unimaginable scale in the poor countries of the world. That's why I'm standing here demonstrating. The situation in the USA: In the last nine weeks, around 30 million Americans have registered as unemployed. 30 million. Youth unemployment is 25 percent. Particularly hard hit: black people. That's why I'm standing here demonstrating.Almost 40 percent of US households with children under the age of 12 do not know how to eat. Affected more than average: black people. Reason: Corona lockdown.
  40. A look at Germany: At the moment, over 20 percent of the working people are unemployed, most of them on short-time work. In April, every fourth production company in Baden-Württemberg was closed. Incoming orders in the industry fell by 38 percent from January to April. That doesn't bode well for the labor market in the coming months. Hundreds of thousands of operations have failed in our country, including against cancer, and hundreds of thousands of doctor visits have not been made. Because of corona measures, because of corona fear. The death toll is estimated at 125,000. Of course, these are all very rough estimates, nobody knows whether the numbers are correct. One thing is certain: there will be serious consequential damage to health, and certainly many deaths in our country. Because of the corona measures and the fear of Covid.
  42. For comparison, the number of corona deaths in Germany on June 9, 2020: below 9,000; Average and median age: around 80, practically all of them with several serious previous illnesses (multimorbid previous illnesses). One might suspect that the state-prescribed cure is many times worse than the disease. Even the American Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is now saying (June 11th) that if a second corona wave comes, there will be no lockdowns because they are disproportionate. The harm is greater than the benefit, even the health. We in Germany are still a long way from this insight. The Covid measures we have taken were and are completely disproportionate. There is no reasonable relationship between the means and the end. We have to end it immediately. That's why I'm standing here demonstrating.Let us come to the causes of these worldwide, dramatic developments, which, in my opinion, will lead to tens of millions of deaths, especially in the Third World, especially among children, girls, blacks and people of color. Because of the Covid lockdown based on the western model.
  44. The main reason for this is not Covid, but the fear of Covid. This fear has been fueled on almost all media channels for months. And right from the start: In my opinion, this fear is unfounded for the vast majority of the population and therefore completely nonsensical. This fear is fueled consciously and actively. Covid is an extremely aggressive virus for very specific target groups. In retirement and nursing homes, people are being dragged away at breakneck speed. That's true. This is cruel. We urgently need to protect these people. But it is not true for young and healthy people, with children and those with non-multimorbid diseases. All the numbers speak a clear language. Even the numbers of the vaccination lobby. Even the numbers from Johns Hopkins University. Even the numbers from RKI,even the numbers of the federal government. But that reassuring part of the news is practically always left out.
  46. It is reported on almost all channels with such one-sided fear that it borders on active lying. And that comes from above. For example, Chancellor Merkel said on May 13th, 2020 "Corona is and will remain a danger for each and every one of us". That is an objective falsehood. Corona is not a danger for any of us, but only for very specific target groups. Again: the average and median age of the Covid deaths are around 80. Virtually all Covid deaths were statistically significantly very old and / or multimorbid. If Ms. Merkel had these figures, as I assume, and if Ms. Merkel, who has a doctorate in physics, can read statistics - she was already dealing with statistical questions in her thesis - if the Chancellor deliberately made this statement wrong,then this statement by Ms. Merkel is a lie. I repeat: This statement by Chancellor Merkel from May 13th, 2020 is objectively untrue and if she knew this, then it is a lie. An untruth that creates fear and, in my opinion, should create fear. I don't think that's right.
  48. That's why I'm standing here demonstrating. An internal government document that came to light and that shows in detail how to create fear in the representation of Covid has shown that the Federal Government should consciously work with fear. So these untruths come from above. And almost the entire media landscape has adopted this extremely one-sided, fear-inducing representation of Covid. A sober, objective, factual discussion about the real, target group-related dangers and about sensible, balanced countermeasures against Covid was practically no longer possible. The fear climate was so heated that all people, including excellent experts, who had very good arguments against fear, practically no longer had a say.but were sometimes even verbally abused.
  50. The style of argumentation in the media and against dissenting opinions was often downright terrifying. There was - and still is - intolerance to a degree that I have seldom seen in our country until now. It is very painful. Now a lot of media are trying to badmouth peaceful demonstrators who stand up for basic and human rights and against the disproportionate nature of the corona measures by trying to put them in a right corner. The demonstrations were infiltrated by citizens of the Reich, by the AfD, by the Right, by Esos, by spinners, were cross-front. That is untrue, dishonest, and insincere. That's why I'm standing here demonstrating.
  52. An example: A demonstration for our human rights and against the exaggerated Corona measures took place in a neighboring village. We know the organizers. All political parties were invited, except for the AfD. The next day we could read in the newspapers about the large-scale demonstrations in the big cities that the demonstrations were being abused by right-wing extremists and the AfD. That's not good journalism.
  54. I come back to the subject of fear. In order to consciously create fear of corona, certain scientists are used who are allowed to have their say. Other scientists are not given their say. The most prominent fear-inducing scientist in this field in our country is Christian Drosten. A few years ago, Mr. Drosten was noticed with nonsensical false prognoses. In June 2010 he gave a massive warning against swine flu. You will move across Germany. Literally: "The disease [swine flu] is a serious general viral infection that has far more side effects than anyone can imagine from the worst vaccine." That was complete nonsense. Pure misstatements and false prognoses, the opposite of what happened.So it has been proven that Mr. Drosten is a great prognosticator. Why is he appointed as the government's chief medical mouthpiece today? I was an investment banker for seven years.
  56. If someone gave a surefire tip about a stock that is absolutely sure to go up - and then it crashes - that doesn't go down well. You won't listen to such people in the future. Our federal government and many of our leading media do, even more so. Fundamental false prognoses are not a problem. It's not about truth or honesty either. Instead, Mr. Drosten is very useful to stir up the desired fear. In short: The fear of Covid that is widespread among the population is, in my opinion, not a coincidence, but rather actively generated. In my opinion, the repulsive, inhuman and medically extremely controversial face masks also serve to generate and maintain fear. That's why I'm standing here demonstrating. Of course, the question immediately arises:Why only this scare tactic? Why on earth do you want to scare people into such fear of infection, suffering and death from Covid? Well, this fear is very useful for certain purposes. It allows you to distinguish yourself as a maker, like the power-hungry populist Markus Söder in Bavaria. A side anecdote:
  58. My family and I rested at the Walchensee in Upper Bavaria after a legally permitted mountain hike at the end of March. When the police come, ask for our ID, insult us: “Are you crazy?” When asked what the legal basis of the abuse was, the answer was literally: “Sitting in the sun is forbidden”. So we thought: now we have landed in a madhouse. Thanks to Mr. Söder. That's why I'm standing here demonstrating. Back to the topic: In a mood of fear, a power-hungry politician can increase his power by turning off fundamental rights: the right to freedom of assembly, the right to practice religion, the right to be outdoors, the right to visit and visit old and sick people Show sympathy, give warmth and comfort, etc. etc.Power people love restrictions on fundamental rights, which is very much in keeping with their drive to rule. And practically all top politicians are power people who are usually more concerned with their ego than with the well-being of the population.
  60. For the media, too, fear articles are better. Shredded shock messages sell better than balanced, reassuring information. Unfortunately, this applies not only to the sensational press, but also to the mainstream media. Anxiety sells, fear sells. However, widespread fear also has other benefits for certain stakeholders. On the one hand the pharmaceutical industry, the vaccination industry. The greater the spread of fear, the safer it will later be vaccinated millions of times, maybe even under state compulsion, maybe even billions of times. That is the declared aim of Bill Gates and his multi-billion foundation, for example. There are double-digit billions in profits. But it is not just the vaccination industry that benefits from scare tactics from one-sided reporting. The greater the fear, the easier it is to order lockdowns,the further they spread in the world and the longer they stay.
  62. The economic growth engine in the western world had already stuttered at the end of 2018. Automobile sales fell, incoming orders shrank, business continued to deteriorate, and profits came under pressure. Something had to be done to get market share and profits back. A state-ordered standstill was not entirely wrong for the corporate executives. For the following reasons: On the one hand, for example, the car fleet could now age due to a lack of production and sales - then there will be reliable replacement business in the following months. On the other hand, the corporate board of directors now had a buck for the whole misery, a culprit. And besides, and could hope for high government aid at the expense of taxpayers. The big ones are not allowed to go bankruptthe government cannot afford that. Too big to fail.
  64. But by far the most important thing about lockdowns is this: There are huge winners. Namely, certain large corporations and multi-billionaires who were already sitting on unimaginably high mountains of liquidity before the crisis. Because in all economic crises: Cash is king. Some know that very well. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Larry Ellison are the five big winners of this crisis so far.
  66. By the end of May the billionaires in the US had achieved an asset increase of 434 billion dollars due to the crisis, not in spite of the crisis, but due to the crisis. At the same time, at the end of May, 38 million people in the United States were living below the poverty line and 28 million had no health insurance. High levels of unemployment in large sections of the population have the additional advantage for large corporations and billionaires that they can lower wages. People no longer oppose low wages. Job fear and the threat of unemployment are just too big. So there are enormous winners in the crisis. For me as an economic historian, this is hardly surprising. Events do not take this course by chance. You can help there. We saw something very similar in history during the Great Depression of 1907,where very few men, especially John Pierpont Morgan, has immensely increased his fortune through the crisis while plunging millions into poverty. He has become particularly rich because of the fact that he has plunged them into poverty. Because JP Morgan, with its gigantic banking empire, consciously and deliberately brought about the crisis, precisely in order to eliminate the competition and to enrich itself through the crisis.just to eliminate the competition and to enrich yourself through the crisis.just to eliminate the competition and to enrich yourself through the crisis.
  68. The crisis wasn't bad for JP Morgan. She was a blessing. But not sent by God, but brought about by himself. Something similar is happening again today. But one man alone is no longer powerful enough to do so. The big eat the little. And want to eat the little ones.
  70. Every day longer lockdown is a boon to certain large corporations and their owners who are sitting on huge sums of cash. Each additional day of lockdown means the elimination of tens of thousands more small and medium-sized competitors, whose market shares can be taken over cheaply or free of charge afterwards. The greater the fear stoked in the population, the easier it is to politically justify strict and long lockdown measures. Mask requirement for as long as possible. University closes as long as possible. Closures as long as possible, distancing themselves, and abolishing fundamental rights of all kinds. The enemy is everywhere, fear is everywhere. A few months later, the big guys can fish cheaply, as JP Morgan did in 1907. At certain corporate headquarters, one wonders:Where do we want to be in five or 10 years? How can we maximally expand our market share in the long term?
  72. You just need perseverance, and above all you need a lot of cash. I assume that in five or ten years' time certain market leaders and the biggest of the big ones will be much bigger than they are today, especially the owners behind them, the billionaires. The power of the powerful is immensely increased by the Covid lockdown. At the expense of the middle class, the workers, the poor and the third world. And that brings me to the crucial point. The concentration of power in the hands of very few, very wealthy, not democratically elected people increases dramatically through the lockdowns, through the conscious spread of fear. Bundle is called il fascio in Italian. Hence the term fascism comes from.
  74. I am very concerned that Corona is being deliberately misused for these purposes, that all the fear is created with the intention of promoting fascist processes, specifically: The pooling of power in the hands of a few who were not elected by anyone. These are very dangerous, anti-democratic developments. I am very concerned about our democracy. I am very concerned that our fundamental rights will be permanently restricted. I am very concerned that our wonderful Basic Law, which we have won with so much suffering, will be increasingly undermined. I want to defend myself against that. I think everyone who is here feels that somehow. That is why we are here on this peaceful demonstration: for freedom, for democracy, for human dignity and for our precious fundamental rights.
  76. About the author: Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiß, born in 1962: studies and doctorate in economics and economic history at the LMU Munich. Nine years as a banker, seven of which as an investment banker. Since 2002 professor at Aalen University of Finance and Economics. Author of six books: Profit mania - Why a more humane economy pays off (2013); Planned wear and tear - How industry drives us to ever more and ever faster consumption - and how we can defend ourselves against it (2014); Purchased Research - Science in the Service of Corporations (2015); Advertising No Thanks - Why We Could Live Much Better Without Advertising (2016); BWL Blenden Wuchern Lamentieren - How business administration contributes to the brutalization of society (2019, together with Heinz Siebenbrock);The Mephisto Principle in Our Economy (2019). Three invitations to the German Bundestag as an independent expert (by three different political parties), member of ver.di. Numerous television, radio and magazine interviews, public lectures and publications.
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  102. Published on: June 14, 2020
  104. Number of comments: 44 comments
  105. Tags used:
  106. fear unemployment Federal Government Christian Drosten corona Corona measures demonstration Financial crisis Fundamental rights lockdown Mask requirement media speech Swine flu Ulm
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  125. 44 comments on: “ Who will benefit from the lockdown? Speech by Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiß at the Corona demo on June 13th, 2020 in Ulm ”
  127. The nightwalker says:
  128. June 20, 2020 at 11:58 am
  130. A really, really good conversation: The talk with Jens Lehrich (THANK YOU Jens Lehrich)
  132. ON EQUAL LEVEL / VIRUS - LOCKDOWN - OWN RESPONSIBILITY? with Helmbold, Hüter, Schiffmann and Jungbluth
  135. Sign in to reply
  136. Heiko Mandel says:
  137. June 19, 2020 at 3:19 pm
  139. However, I would have liked the uncut version here. That's why I looked at them from "lateral thinking" on Youtube. This takes about 24 minutes, so there are about 9 minutes missing, as it only takes 15 minutes.
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  141. skyman says:
  142. 19. June 2020 at 12:00
  144. Actually, every Klipp pupil should be aware that when he pulls this Corona app filth on his smartphone, Pandora's box has been opened. Second wave, software update, tightening of controls and spying, quickly another amendment to the constitution so that the "legal" is crooked - not to fear any of this borders on total naivety, sheep-headedness or blind obedience to the felon with the diamond.
  146. Welcome to fascism 2.0, powered by Merkel.
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  148. Alcedo says:
  149. 18. June 2020 at 10:13
  151. Source:
  152. (recommended by Duxingzhe)
  154. am at min 30 and need a break.
  156. Statements:
  157. 1) The amplification is not standardized worldwide, ie the amplification cycles can be set arbitrarily.
  158. 2) Infectious diseases are usually defined as a disease in the way a layperson imagines it - you isolate a pathogen, infect a host that then falls ill with the same symptoms, remove the pathogen from the newly infected person and continue the chain.
  159. This has been the standard for infectious diseases since 1890, i.e. bacterial and virological causes (although this is not explicitly mentioned), only with covid19 it is not used.
  161. Are there any further confirmations?
  162. 1) Instructions for use?
  163. 2) Epidemiologists, health authorities, ...?
  165. Ok, so far we know (as far as I know) that people are tricked and manipulated and that the government does not really try to react scientifically to the WHOpemic, but this concerns the question - is there a disease covid19?
  166. Sign in to reply
  167. Awakened says:
  168. June 18, 2020 at 14:53
  170. We could end the lockdown IMMEDIATELY ...
  172. so and exactly the GDR, the German Democratic Republic was exactly the same, like a blueprint, like from this shop here. And then all of a sudden she disappeared and everyone pretended, no, we had never been there. Nothing people, nothing! Your Federal Republic, your European Union and what do I know, what all of you are up to, it will all go away! All the scrap comes away! I tell you. And you will be happy, one day you will say, my face, this is amazing, how well we are really doing and we are in love again, we are at peace, we are no longer at war and hate, we are no longer in this shitty lie.
  174. In 1789 people moved to the Bastille and then that same night they tore the shit down when the symbol of power fell. Whether that was controlled or not - it doesn't matter - it's all about the events of human history. I hope you understand - 1989 understand. That you always understand how people went off. That you somehow just buckle up the way it has gone in the history of human history, no matter where! Every time a tyrant was overthrown, a tyrant of the system or something else, people went out, went to the tyrant and didn't go anywhere with a cardboard sign and demonstrated in some fishing village. I hope you now understand what I was saying
  176. Off to the tyrant and not with a cardboard sign in some fishing village!
  178. Josef Gabriel Twickel says:
  179. June 18th, 2020 at 16:05
  181. Here is a new video from Andrew Kaufman, whose work David Icke is referring to
  183. In it Kaufman - m. E. Carefully, clearly, simply and unequivocally - that none of the fundamental scientific papers that stated SARS in 2003 and SARS-CoV2 in 2019/20 even described virus identification according to Koch's or Rivers' postulates.
  185. The virologists use their current methods to create viruses as required. Whether it is actually viruses, which it is, whether it is exosomes, whether what has been identified comes from the lung fluids of the patients examined or from the added nutrient cultures - nothing is clear, nothing about it is honest science.
  187. As you write, it is "tricked and manipulated".
  189. To your question, Mr. Kaufman gives an answer: since COVID-19 is defined as caused by SARS-CoV2, COVID-19 does not exist. Because Sars-CoV2 is neither proven to be the cause of the disease nor even to exist.
  191. WHO, Gates, Drosten, Merkel, Wieler, Spiegel u. Co. made COVID-19.
  192. Josef Gabriel Twickel says:
  193. June 18th, 2020 at 17:48
  195. @ Alcedo
  196. Further clarification about SARS-CoV2 "Misinterpretation of the virus - beginning and end of the corona crisis" by Stefan Lanka
  197. Alcedo says:
  198. June 18th, 2020 at 21:39
  200. To the awakened:
  201. Immediately is better than tomorrow, I will definitely be with you.
  202. Alcedo says:
  203. June 18, 2020 at 21:48
  205. To Josef Gabriel Twickel:
  206. Thanks for the documents, especially the .pdf
  207. My jaw dropped once when I was working with the gene scissors, the accuracy of which I considered to have existed for a long time, since it was written over and over again that genetic changes were made here and there performs, but the gene scissors were NEW! And was hailed as a breakthrough.
  208. In this respect, I do not want to simply sweep off the table that one has practiced and published pseudoscience for decades, but teaching my environment about it has rather moderate prospects. (without title and detailed competence)
  209. Josef Gabriel Twickel says:
  210. June 19, 2020 at 8:59 pm
  212. Although I have known about the AIDS lie for about 20 years, that in virology and medical policy, money and political goals count more than science - u. A. about the articles by Thorsten Engelbrecht; Stefan Lanka for example = stefan% 20lanka% 20Ivan% 20Illich & f = false; Prof. Heinz Ludwig Singer; Dr H. Kremer
  213. I don't have many,but met some people around me who also see it that way.
  215. Corona also works as an eye opener because it gets on us.
  216. Frank - Rudolf says:
  217. June 18th, 2020 at 01:04 am
  219. And of course it MUST go on, Mutti likes it - "WE" can do THAT, says Mutti!
  221. Covid-19 legal regulation extension law:
  224. Sign in to reply
  225. GroundkeeperWilly says:
  226. June 17th, 2020 at 17:03
  228. The video is no longer available, is there an alternative link?
  229. VLG
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  231. Kinga says:
  232. June 17th, 2020 at 18:43
  235. Frank - Rudolf says:
  236. June 17th, 2020 at 21:01
  238. Thanks, that's the uncut speech.
  239. Ralph says:
  240. June 17th, 2020 at 11:02 pm
  243. Axel F. says:
  244. June 17th, 2020 at 13:55
  246. The latest component of the uncertainty and intimidation of the population is this new corona warning app, which supposedly over 6 million users have downloaded onto their smartphones 24 hours after being released. I would call it the Corona fear app. The aim is to remind everyone every hour of how dangerous the virus is for us all.
  247. A wonderful new business area for the IT companies that worked this out. And the first large-scale attempt towards mobile total control of the population. In times of fear, one likes to believe the assurances of data protection officers that everything is clean and harmless. Something like the motto: And if this app is of no use, can't it hurt?
  248. Sign in to reply
  249. Sleep sheep says:
  250. June 18th, 2020 at 13:22
  252. It is the Pokamon 2 version.
  253. Our children have known it for a long time and will therefore be easy to use in the future.
  254. So version 1 was better because there were more monsters to be found. But that can still be improved, with Covit20 to….
  255. I can already see them swiping their smartphones in beer gardens and then tracking down the monster on the next table.
  256. The digital denunciation should now be promoted in preschool age. It's also called getting fit for the job market.
  257. Unpleasant people are marked with a digital star.
  258. It's all just a dream of the future and will never happen.
  259. The VT Aldus Huxley and Georg Orwell Ray Bradbery etc. send their regards.
  260. Frank - Rudolf says:
  261. June 17th, 2020 at 11:09 am
  263. I looked at it again, no question about it. TOP speech. What I missed was a reference to, let's say "Deep State Ambitions". On the other hand, perhaps one shouldn't "put too much on the scales" right away.
  264. The fact that in the background, beyond the obvious, there have been quite different efforts with other main actors in parallel for years cannot be overlooked, at least if you look closely.
  265. I would also be interested in why the video was cut, does anyone have information or a link to the original - if there is any?
  266. Sign in to reply
  267. David Lepold says:
  268. June 17th, 2020 at 09:39
  270. The video was deleted again.
  271. There is a copy here on D.Tube (d for denzentral):
  273. Sign in to reply
  274. Frank - Rudolf says:
  275. June 17th, 2020 at 11:14 am
  277. Thanks David, here again the Re..from Re ...:
  280. Josef Gabriel Twickel says:
  281. June 16, 2020 at 11:51 pm
  283. To complement the great speech by Christian Kreiss - and the commentary by Duxingzhe, David Icke here in more detail. He speaks of the great present opportunity that we can now finally recognize and end our damned condoning of an illusion of power.
  285. The whole interview: Brian Rose from London Real interviewed David Icke (German translation).
  287. Here Karla Engemann's translation follows about the last half hour of the interview
  289. "David Icke: It's not about health, it's about control. This control agenda stretches back into ridiculously enormous periods of time and is now about to be fulfilled. I have described its old and modern forms in detail in all of my books. This is nothing new. It's now down to the final. A tiny number of people are imprisoned nearly 8 billion, 66 million of them in England just imprisoning.
  290. I think I see a way out.
  291. Brian Rose: What way out, David? How can we get on that Based on our own knowledge, our own research and our own gut feeling, decide what is right?
  292. David: Let me just put it this way: We got into this darned mess for tacitly coming to terms with the Force! Most, no, all power is simply based on our perception that it has power! 66 million against a handful ... I don't think they have power. However, if we have gotten into this mess of tacit acceptance of the illusion of power, then the simple answer can only be to stop. Then we see where the real power lies. And that won't be with the few.
  293. Brian: David, how is it for you to watch everything that you've worked on for 30 years turn out to be fulfillment, prognosis, reality within three weeks? How does that feel to you
  294. David: (thinks for a long time) I don't take the time to feel frustrated because it just drains my energy. I just take it as it is and see silver threads in every cloud. All those thirty years of their laughter, ridicule and abuse, I was aware, Brian, that it really had to get a little worse before enough people were concerned with the thought that this world is not what they thought it was, and that it is not directed by the powers assumed by them. I don't see this simply as a danger, which it certainly represents, I see it as a wonderful opportunity. Some, even if there were of course only a few, agreed - they didn't have to, they did it voluntarily - to become software programs, so to speak "press ENTER" people,and they denied their ability to think freely. But there are very many whose perception of the world will have changed in the last three weeks. You have probably realized that you cannot simply put aside the thought that very few rule the world and bring it to a very malicious end; because they watch how it develops before their eyes. In the coming weeks we will see what effect this mass knowledge of what we are dealing with and what this world is will show itself in what people do and how they end their tacit tolerance of power or perception of power, because that's all it is.whose perception of the world will have changed in the past three weeks. You have probably realized that you cannot simply put aside the thought that very few rule the world and bring it to a very malicious end; because they watch how it develops before their eyes. In the coming weeks we will see what effect this mass knowledge of what we are dealing with and what this world is will show itself in what people do and how they end their tacit tolerance of power or perception of power, because that's all it is.whose perception of the world will have changed in the past three weeks. You have probably realized that you cannot simply put aside the thought that very few rule the world and bring it to a very malicious end; because they watch how it develops before their eyes. In the coming weeks we will see what effect this mass knowledge of what we are dealing with and what this world is will show itself in what people do and how they end their tacit tolerance of power or perception of power, because that's all it that develops before their eyes. In the coming weeks we will see what effect this mass knowledge of what we are dealing with and what this world is will show itself in what people do and how they end their tacit tolerance of power or perception of power, because that's all it that develops before their eyes. In the coming weeks we will see what effect this mass knowledge of what we are dealing with and what this world is will show itself in what people do and how they end their tacit tolerance of power or perception of power, because that's all it is.
  295. We are in a situation here where this could be the turning point when humanity finally gets off their darned knees. David: Oh, of course. And it's not about me, it's about the information. It is about recognizing the reality that surrounds us behind the veils of fog and the illusions that have been given and told to make us believe in them. You know, they seemed to be dealing with an almighty force with the old wizard of Oz's Yellow Brick Street, and when they looked behind the curtain, it was an old bastard who had no power.
  296. Brian: We had around seven million viewers watching our last episode, David, and I'm sure there are more than ten million watching us today. Our latest episode could be aired on a television station in our country and advertised in a mainstream newspaper with a circulation of nearly millions. People listen, they tune in, does that make you hope?
  298. This cult expresses his power by persuading the target population that he has power. His power consists in our tacit tolerance of that illusion of power. We now have the opportunity to break the enchantment, break the spell that has been placed on our minds, and look behind the curtain. What we will find there is in no way endowed with power as soon as we refuse our tacit consent.
  299. Well, I wish it would develop into that. But I also know that it can develop there, because this spell has been broken worldwide for a few weeks. At the same time, this cult broke its cover. He walked into the room where we can see him. And do you know what happened? The damn door slammed behind him!
  300. We are now in a different game. And I tell you, I've followed these people and this cult full time for over thirty years, and I've seen what they do, I've seen them act, and I've seen their dizzying shocking levels of psychopathic disorders. And should I tell you something? I am not in the least afraid of them, for I am more powerful than them and they know that very well. I didn't come here to fail and I certainly won't.
  301. Brian: Why are you stronger than her, David, why?
  302. David: Because I have levels of consciousness and everyone who watches our program has the same levels of consciousness if they just open up to it! It belongs to them, it belongs to them rightly, it is their true self! Whereas this cult is so limited in its perception and its ability to make things happen. See, all they did because of their limitation, I'm telling you they are so limited, was - as the only way to control humanity - to pigeonhole humanity into a smaller box than your own. I saw them do that, and once humanity steps out of the drawer and realizes their true identity, which is the state of infinite awareness that these morons barricaded,then they are in the drawer and we are a consciousness that extends far beyond this drawer. They are powerless against that. They have to put us in a smaller box than their own, and they did, there was no other way. As soon as we open our eyes, we open our minds and we open our hearts. The prison walls, the walls of the bubble we are in, the walls of the drawer, whatever you want to call it just dissolve and we become the true power that we, all of us, really are.the walls of the bubble we are in, the walls of the drawer, whatever you want to call it, just dissolve and we become the true power that we, all of us, really are.the walls of the bubble we are in, the walls of the drawer, whatever you want to call it, just dissolve and we become the true power that we, all of us, really are.
  303. The way they controlled us happened by blocking that expansion of our true selves and locking us in a bubble where we only perceive everything through our five senses. We identify ourselves through labels. We identify ourselves through the stories of our lives, our race, our sexuality and all that stuff. These are just experiences, but they keep us in the bubble when we think that's us. That's how we are in the bubble, and they're in just a slightly larger bubble, and that's how they're in control. When we realize the true nature of who we are, namely consciousness, eternal limitless exploratory consciousness that has a brief experience called being human,and when we tap into that infinite creativity and power and open our hearts - opening the heart doesn't just mean loving, no 'I love you honey, I saw you down in the disco' love - I mean true love in its infinite unconditional meaning - then you tap into a level of consciousness that has nothing of what is the true basis of human control, it is not afraid.
  304. So I am a unique expression of everything that is, was and ever will be. I will research on and on forever, this is just a brief experience. What is there to fear? Nothing at all. And when you lose fear, you do what you know is right and don't ask a question, because that is fear that asks, “I know I have to do this, but what are the consequences for me? ”The question of the consequences is fear, and that leads to people not doing what they think is right. When you open that up and go beyond fear, you no longer ask what the consequences are. You just do what you think is right.
  305. You have to know something. This cult is terrified of it. He is terrified of fearless people because fear is the currency for their control. When people are no longer afraid, then they have lost control of the currency. That's why I have more power than them. I'm telling you something, they are being eaten up by fear. And their greatest fear - because then it is all over - is that humanity will awaken to what is really going on and to who is really in control. They can only control by keeping their target population ignorant of it. As soon as we realize it, it's game over. And that's why I have more power than you and you know that very well. All of us are much more powerful than them.
  306. Put aside the fear. Stop asking about the consequences and then you will see where the real power lies. It's not with these psychopaths.
  307. Brian: Hm, hm, the way you put it, it seems so clear and so obvious, yet fear paralyzes so many because they care about all the consequences with the stamp-collecting mentality you've been talking about for thirty years . And so there are all of these reasons why they don't do what they should and that slows them down, but they are so close to saying, “What is the matter with you? There is nothing to be afraid of because I am here as an infinite being in an infinite consciousness. So bring it here, and then we'll see that they have no power. "
  308. David: Ask them a question if you have to. Fear will ask: "What are the consequences for me not to take over the crap any longer?" OK Ask another question: "What are the consequences if I take it over?" And now I will tell you, the consequences, taking it over is infinitely greater than not taking it over. So when people let go of their fear - that includes the fear of death that freezes so many; there is no death, it just shifts a point of attention, that means death; it means infinite awareness - so once you let go of your fear, what can stop or control you and now force its will on you? Because it is done through fear, and if you are not afraid then nothing can be done. Just get started;you don't scare me and you know what, that will never succeed.
  309. Brian: For some reason, I suddenly remember an old episode from Star Trek, David, from the very first one with William Shatner. There was this alien being terrorizing the Starship Enterprise. And it fed on the hatred and fear of the crew for one another, and when Captain Kirk saw this in the last scene, he said, "Oh, that's what they feed on," and everyone started laughing and getting happy, and they Entities literally died before their eyes, and they saw that it was tiny, insignificant insects that ran away.
  310. David: Well, when people read my books where I go to a deep level of what's behind the cult, it's actually so close to the truth of what's going on when we go deeper Get in levels. That's exactly what happens. And immediately after the fear comes that they have to split up into rulers. So they have racial divisions, sexuality, political beliefs and all that, and if we can just find the peace of being at peace with others who have a different point of view than we do, then those false lines will break down and we will begin to see that it doesn't matter if you're Jewish, Muslim, transgender, black and white or whatever. These are simply different experiences of the same infinite state of awareness.They are simply different points of attention in the same state of awareness. We are face to face and the key is that you believe what you want to believe. But don't try to impose it on anyone else.
  311. I don't care what people believe, I don't care what they think or what their views are. It just bothers me when they try to impose this on other people. That's where the problems start. Why can't I sit down with a Muslim and a Jew and a Christian and a Hindu and reject their belief systems for myself because I don't buy any of them, and we still have a friendly conversation without having to come to a conflict, without us have to fight: “I do not agree with you; it's very interesting what you say, but there are some things that I, you know, somewhat agree with, but I can't use the whole belief system. Nonetheless, let's have a cup of tea or a chai. OK? Nice to meet you. ”And the casual conversation continues.There doesn't have to be a conflict.
  312. A conflict and a rule of division arise when each of the others tries to force their beliefs on the other and me. Then the conflict arises. For us to come together, one of the great prerequisites must be that people make their peace with other people having different opinions. Because we are expressions of everything that is, was and ever will be. What am I saying when I say this: We are expressions of all possibilities, all possibilities! So what the hell do we do when we insist that everyone share the meaning of what is possible for us. We are dealing with the totality of all possibilities. We should celebrate real diversity! Not the damned illusion of being awakened. We should celebrate real diversity and celebrate uniquenessthe spontaneity and the different ways and angles of looking at things. We should celebrate so that we can learn from each other.
  313. But when we think: “I'm right!” Then this is the mentality of the Awakened, carefully coordinated by the one percent, which is why billionaires like Soros finance them. "I'm right," and that's why it is avowedly Brian, if I'm right and you tell me otherwise, then you must be wrong. And if you are wrong then there is no free speech - you are wrong! Is not it? But if we say that everyone has a right to their own opinion, everyone has a right to their own point of view and that there is no one who is “all right”, and there is no one who is wrong in everything, then it is simply a question of gradation. If we say we are at peace with this, then we may disagree about how we see the worldand are in perfect harmony with one another.
  314. Because it doesn't matter which labels, subdivisions and dividing lines are used to divide us. This cult has each and every one of us in its sights. Can't you see that now Hindus are being locked up, Christians are being locked up, and Jews are being locked up? Hello? Let this be the time for us to see what a delusion and farce it is, to let our beliefs divide us and dominate us, especially the belief that “I am right, and therefore no one should be able to create one to have a different opinion than mine! ”This is how this cult works. He plays these groups off against one another and leads them to war against one another. If they just looked up, they would have realized that it is the same hands that hold all the strings together,While we're fighting down here
  315. Let's get together and see what's going on here and where it's going. And let's stop pulling us apart and being ruled. We're all in this together and we'll all get out of it together.
  316. Brian: My favorite part of our last conversation three weeks ago was pretty much over when you said, “Everyone should make up their own mind and do exactly what they feel. And that's the opposite of what any person with an agenda, any cult, any government, or any corporation says. They all tell you what to do.
  317. David: Right,
  318. Brian: Do this! Because that means why. And i am right! Yeah And now David Icke says at the end: "Do what is important to you."
  319. David: Do what you feel, what is right. Do what you know what is right. And you will make a unique contribution, you are a unique contribution to getting out of this thing. But tacit tolerance is not an alternative, because it is through this tacit consent that we have slipped into it.
  320. Brian: I got a call this week and the person said, “How is David?” I thought about it, and then I said, “David is a great person.” And I think you're a great person, David.
  321. David: That's very friendly, but we're all great, it's just that most of the people have forgotten that, they think they are a season before checkout, and they buy that, like at the discount store. No, no, this is just your experience. You are everything that was and that can ever be, and all the power, all the creativity, all the insight and all the knowledge are just waiting for you to open up to it and break out of the bubble of the illusion of the five senses. And at that point this world will change in ways that we cannot even remotely imagine.
  322. Brian: I think this is exactly the point to say goodbye today, David. We'll join hands. (shaking hands)
  323. David: (mocking) Don't you dare transfer me Covid 19 that doesn't exist!
  324. Brian: That's symbolic. Please be careful, David, carry on as before. If people want to find the entire playlist of these documents, please go to If you would like to watch our previous four conversations, you can access them via
  325. I already said, take good care of yourself. Please keep bringing this news out.
  326. David: I don't see what else to do. If they carry me out, I'll probably still announce them. Nobody can shut me up.
  327. Brian: Is there anything else you would like to conclude?
  328. David: Well, just that this is just a wonderful opportunity for us to look at all the nonsense we got this far and see that all we have to do is turn everything around and we're out. You see, people are asking for solutions. We drown in solutions. Solutions lead to more problems and so it goes on and on.
  329. The greatest approach to solving a problem is to remove the cause. You can find a solution to a problem, but it leads to something else, which will lead to another problem. Or, you can find out why the problem occurred and then remove the cause. And if you remove the cause of a problem, then the problem must go away. It's just like that. Because if the cause that creates the problem disappears, then the problem must go too.
  330. And we got there through the tacit tolerance of power, that is, the illusion of power. Now the solution is not, “Do this. Do that. Fight this. Fight that! ”But rather: stop condoning the illusion of power. And stop letting the illusion of power tell you what to do when you know that's not what you should be doing. Then the problem that is the illusion of power that others have resolved and the world has changed. In fact, today's world is a manifestation of the tacit tolerance of power. That's all, and it's never as extreme as it is now. Removes this cause and the problem goes away. And it will be the cult that will line up for the toilet paper.
  331. Brian: I'm looking forward to this reality! David, see you sooner or later next time, who knows.
  332. David: Yeah.
  333. Brian: Thank you very much. Yes. And I thank everyone who watched. Until next time. Thanks for another amazing talk.
  334. David: Cheers (take care) Brian, you are great. You are a great interviewee.
  335. Brian: Thank you, David. "
  336. Sign in to reply
  337. Sleep sheep says:
  338. 17. June 2020 at 10:34
  340. Well, a finding that is not that new. All wheels stand still….
  341. Since David refers to his books, which I am supposed to read now, it seems to me to fall into the field of promotions.
  342. What is not considered at all is the fact that the lockdown was enacted from above. When talking about a unique opportunity now, what seems to be overlooked is the fact that those who stage the lockdown know exactly what they are doing. There will not have been very many initiated who have a say.
  343. Certainly not Ms. Merkel.
  344. Otherwise this strange fidgeting, which the RKI and the state governments organize, would not go hand in hand with so many breakdowns.
  345. E.g. strategy paper on fear generation is made public.
  346. Josef Gabriel Twickel says:
  347. June 17th, 2020 at 13:22
  349. Hello sleep sheep! Hello !
  351. To quote you, "No matter what is said, there is no listening. You don't want dialogue, so these appeals are completely pointless."
  353. But that could certainly be changed. Perhaps. Perhaps you will read through Icke again at your leisure - and discover something more than a book promotion, something you know and something worthy of criticism
  354. Sleep sheep says:
  355. June 17th, 2020 at 17:04
  357. It's okay, I'll have to read it over again.
  358. Unfortunately at the moment my internet breaks down after about 10 minutes, I got a fiber optic connection.
  359. New technology is not always the yellow one either.
  360. It won't be any different with the Corona app. But you have another toy. Hopefully the herd will not always be kept in the Ferch.
  361. Pip Pip, please observe all safety measures.
  362. Josef Gabriel Twickel says:
  363. June 18, 2020 at 17:06
  365. "It's okay, I have to read it again in peace." Wow!
  366. Sleep sheep says:
  367. 16. June 2020 at 18:30
  369. No matter what is said, it is not listened to. You don't want dialogue, so these appeals are completely pointless.
  370. Open war has been declared and arguments are still being used to oppose it.
  371. Arguments that are not taken note of, however, testify to arrogance, in the consciousness, speak up, we have to say that here.
  372. Since we are at this point, the crowbar should actually be taken out.
  373. The government junta is much better positioned there. It has the legitimized apparatus of state power behind it.
  374. Demands for committees of inquiry are just as illusory as wish lists for the Christ Child.
  375. We are at a point where the question arises, do I shut up and duck, or do I deny myself to the state. You have to weigh it up whether you stand against the majority of the population. The question arose in 1933 too. How it was then answered is well known. Only this time there will be no postcards. It would not have existed with the NAZIS either, if they had pulled through their madness. This time we are not dealing with an ideology, but with economic interests. The end will be reached when you can't open the door for all the trash. But a few more years will pass.
  376. The latter becomes very exhausting.
  384. Sign in to reply
  385. Josef Gabriel Twickel says:
  386. 16. June 2020 at 16:21
  388. Thank you very much for this wonderfully clear speech, in which Merkel's lie is also mentioned! Describing all of the worldwide suffering and misery caused by the lockdown! In which some of the multibillionaires are named, who, as the driving force, deliberately brought about the crime of worldwide lockdown in order to expand their power massively.
  389. An excellent analysis, excellent clarification, which will reach many people with their upright spirit.
  390. Sign in to reply
  391. KaraHasan says:
  392. June 15, 2020 at 18:20
  394. Don't offend my Chancellor here. She must have done everything right if she has been elected over and over again since 2005.
  395. Sign in to reply
  396. KaraHasan says:
  397. June 15, 2020 at 20:12
  399. Mob!!!
  400. Frank - Rudolf says:
  401. 16. June 2020 at 03:52
  403. Correct Kara - rabble! There is no better way to express it, I also wonder what kind of contaminated - disturbed types hang around here. I agree! PÖÖÖBEEEEEELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  404. Conspiracy theorists are bad if you then have to deal with the disturbed version, they are then already disturbance - practitioners of the irradiated - disturbed conspiracy theory.
  406. And of course Frau Doktor Merkel did EVERYTHING, really EVERYTHING, right. I see it the same way, here I join forces with technology without hesitation.
  407. Early in her career, she crawled, slipped on her knees, and worked hard to straighten herself up.
  408. So she was noticed, and was then able to prostitute herself to the highest bidder for little money. In the years that followed, the quality of their work increased continuously. She achieved things that her predecessors could only dream of. No Chancellor before her was able to damage Germany as much as she successfully practiced after a short term in office. The damage to the country and people that Frau Doktor Merkel caused during her term of office is unparalleled - in vain.
  410. With powerful backers behind them who had bought and installed them, she was able to successfully conspire, corrupt people or clear away those who initially stood in the way of hard work to create their own empire with their own subjects.
  411. Privatization to the detriment of the citizens, social cuts and poverty in old age, a decline in education such as rent explosions, the invasion and occupation of the EU, all this and much more, Mrs. Merkel successfully initiated through hard personal commitment.
  413. Warmongering, support for drone murders and wars of aggression contrary to international law, "nuclear participation" in Germany's nuclear self-destruction, all of this and much more, was successfully initiated by Frau Doktor Merkel through hard personal commitment.
  415. Only good deeds, a fine person. Even the banks were "saved" by it, so that gambling could continue unmolested at the taxpayer's expense. We would like to thank the Frau Doktor, especially those behind her, who made this gift possible for Germany, indeed all of Europe. Ms. Merkel successfully brought all this and much more off the ground through hard personal commitment.
  417. The current situation was also handled confidently and professionally by Frau Doktor Merkel.
  418. After hard work, a preparation time of 11 years (2009 swine flu), in cooperation with her backers, Frau Doktor Merkel was finally able to present us with COVID - 19, with its calculated and deliberately planned murderous consequences. Millions of unemployed, a national debt which the grandchildren of Merkel's backers still have to work off.
  419. Destruction and elimination of undesirable parts of the economy, billions in profits in record time for billionaires, the prospect of maximum profits for the pharmaceutical industry through "vaccination certificates" for decades, hundreds of thousands of people being forced to involuntary accomplices due to the threat to their existence through the hierarchical structure.
  420. Killing by omission and isolation of the elderly, multiple bodily harm, sometimes resulting in death due to postponed and impossible operations, while the hospitals were almost empty, doctors' practices had to go on short-time work. The whole deliberate breach of law like many other crimes under the direction of our great Chancellor, her backers and also criminal governance like "Opposition", I leave aside for time and space reasons.
  421. Unlawful takeover of democracy by dictatorial structures of action, which should be expanded and stabilized in the long term, this is currently the work of Frau Doktor Merkel.
  423. I think most of us know what we got about our Chancellor. Especially what we will owe to their extreme achievements in the near future.
  424. Such a dear and soulful person who stood up for other people all his life, fought for their dignity and rights. Quite successful as you can see.
  425. Oh yes, Frau Doktor Merkel did everything right, at least for herself and her backers. We will all be able to pull that for a long time.
  426. libertine999 says:
  427. June 16, 2020 at 10:11 pm
  429. 🙂
  430. Oliver7 says:
  431. June 15, 2020 at 14:56
  433. I have great respect for Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiß. Have read his book "The Mephisto Principle in Our Economy". This is a TOP man!
  434. Sign in to reply
  435. Thomas Fricke says:
  436. June 15, 2020 at 14:37
  438. Passionate, enlightening speech against the corona paranoia and the actual background of the so-called pandemic generated in the media!
  441. Sign in to reply
  442. Duxingzhe says:
  443. June 15, 2020 at 06:22
  445. No question! - Great speech from Mr Kreiß! - Thank you very much to him.
  447. A week earlier and in Passau, but also a very passionate, remarkable speech by Daniela Folkinger (MWGFD), who vehemently addresses the (predominantly) young people who demonstrated en masse for "Black Lives Matter", but the Stay away from fundamental rights demonstrations:
  450. Sign in to reply
  451. Frank - Rudolf says:
  452. June 15, 2020 at 15:34
  454. Top-notch commitment of the woman to, I'll call it a lack ... , as a demonstration phenomenon.
  455. That went through my head immediately when I saw the overall situation. For all sorts of things and elsewhere, people let themselves be driven into the streets, go demonstrating. Only in your own country, for your own interests, nothing happens. Why can a large part of people who have good school qualifications, successful studies and career paths not see what is actually going on here? Why not sit down in front of the PC and do some research, where does this lack of interest come from in this extremely dangerous situation for all of us?
  456. Whatever the reason, the willingness to get up, line up and go demonstrating is obviously there. Why can the necessities, the real relevant goals NOT be recognized here ?! That should be the main question.
  458. Questions that I don't like myself, but have to be asked. Why are people unable to notice the looming danger? Or is it up to me, is it me who is drowning in the vortex of paranoid conspiracy theories, not even noticing.
  459. Frank - Rudolf says:
  460. June 15, 2020 at 02:25
  462. Thank you Professor, a more than valuable analysis of current processes. Here I recognize myself, an identification a matter of form, this is where automatism comes into play.
  463. My first thought, my following and now current one - they lead me to a realization. It's not "5 to 12", it's "20 after 1". The horror, the evil we all know will happen at some point, is just around the corner.
  464. You have to subdivide it, the corona manipulation, the COVID-19 fraud, serves on the one hand to stabilize the system, due to the billions gambled away, after 2008 it continued unabated. As a rather disguised secondary function (or also the main function, we will find out shortly), I now see a much more threatening overall picture, this is not about a few vaccination deals in the pharmaceutical industry in the long term. Here some interest groups may want to enrich themselves unrestrainedly, of course, the process is from 2009 (swine flu) as well as previously known on a smaller scale. Also with the same amateur actors.
  465. But behind this superficially illuminating image, which was projected comfortably and for everyone on the board, there is now a completely different long-term strategy.
  466. You have to wait for a vaccine before everything can return to normal. The number of cases goes up and down all the time, a "COVID - 19 outbreak" chasing the next one etc ... etc. Hardly bearable, especially since you are one of those people who KNOW that "COVID - 19 outbreak" is nothing more than a stupid lie.
  467. Dr. Wodarg describes it as follows, "If we didn't have the test, we wouldn't notice a 'pandemic'!". You can not ignore that, especially when the events of 2009 (swine flu) and the "adjustment"the term "pandemic" is known by the WHO.
  468. So what is actually happening here, beyond the very overtly obvious? Or, why, you could almost get used to it, is there constant preparation for the extension of the stupid lookdown?
  470. An alternative explanation, here I am approaching it from a different angle / consideration.
  471. The profit / power - u. Greed - In the near future, politics will mean that a disproportionately large number of people will be unemployed. This fact is probably one of the greatest fear factors among the elites. Not only will millions of people be unemployed, they will also be profoundly dissatisfied, scared, frustrated and angry. A "nutrient" which is beneficial to the truth, one will start thinking again, including fear - u. The silence factor of losing one's job is then eliminated. The few people who then still have work, but no "system-related activities (not relevant)", become exploitative and Be active in overreaching tariff. It will simmer, in fact we are being steered into this situation.
  472. With sensible, philanthropic policies around the world, this scenario would never have occurred. Corrupted politics and their greedy and power-addicted backers are responsible for this. The citizens' personal responsibility has also suffered badly, one has "slept", thereby creating the ultimate conditions. At some point the system with all the pending substructures became a murderous self-runner. Nobody knows, nobody can say and most importantly - nobody is responsible. I don't list the details here, they are well known.
  473. In the near future we will be faced with a huge potential threat, on the one hand for the elites (the backers themselves), as well as for their bought puppet governments and connected system functions.
  474. Millions of dissatisfied and aggressive people whose existence fell victim to greed and lust for power. And then, you will know, you will have realized by that point. It is conceivable (and please, I am not concerned with scaremongering, but rather with stimulating thought) that this artificial prolongation of current conditions serves completely different interests. In the last few years the spying of the population has increased to a terrifying extent. No street, no house without a surveillance camera. Cell phone tracking, eavesdropping and long-term storage of e-mails, telephone calls, drone monitoring, etc. Due to the alleged terrorist threat, all possible weapons were collected, including access to substances that could be used to build possible explosive devices.One could also look at it in such a way that the population was deprived of all opportunities to defend themselves in an emergency. It cannot have been due to the 3 1/2 confused temporary terrorists with "a saucepan full of gasoline". Even Switzerland should be disarmed with economic blackmail. There are many other incidents that I cannot even mention here. What is still "missing" would be the abolition of cash, each citizen with a chip or substances that are useful for localization injections. The cash thing would be done quickly, the thing with the vaccinable tracking substances on the can't have been. Even Switzerland should be disarmed with economic blackmail. There are many other incidents that I cannot even mention here. What is still "missing" would be the abolition of cash, every citizen with a chip or substances that are useful for localization injections. The cash thing would be done quickly, the thing with the vaccinable tracking substances on the can't have been. Even Switzerland should be disarmed with economic blackmail. There are many other incidents that I cannot even mention here. What is still "missing" would be the abolition of cash, every citizen with a chip or substances that are useful for localization injections. The cash thing would be done quickly, the thing with the vaccinable tracking substances on the way.
  475. So what would happen now if we couldn't get out of this lockdown, exactly this is planned?
  476. Huge NATO troop exercises are planned in Europe in 2021. The perfect time to uninstall all democracies. Announcement Merkel: "Dear citizens, I'm sorry, there is no other way and have a nice day". The following address from Panzer - Uschi, who, with a beaming smile, explains in many languages ​​the advantages of living in a dictatorship?
  477. End of the announcement. Anyone who then objects will be surgically located and removed by special forces.
  478. Resistance would have no chance, would be immediately and this time really "nipped in the bud" due to overwhelming surveillance technology. Oh yes, I forgot to mention the hidden microphones installed almost everywhere.
  479. Many people also believe that only the surveillance cameras are there, the hidden ones are of course not noticed.
  480. And how could something like this go on, on outside help as in previous years (the Allies), could no longer be counted. The people behind the money rule all over the world - who should come and rescue, or provide weapons and equipment?
  481. Just a few trains of thought, I hope to be mistaken, otherwise we would be heading straight for an Orwellian nightmare. The often mentioned wish to reduce the population would also fit here, perhaps the intention is to "clean up" properly in the coming years. I do not worry about the moral value of people who have people killed every day, who involve thousands in wars, who have been destabilizing and overthrowing states for decades, just for their profit, their moral value. You don't have any.
  482. What irritates me and makes me expect the worst is the carelessness of those responsible who proclaim the COVID - 19 lie around the globe. I hope to be mistaken.
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  484. Duxingzhe says:
  485. June 15th, 2020 at 05:55
  487. I am afraid you are not mistaken.
  489. What's more (but not to depress you):
  490. Haven't you looked at the link in another comment thread?
  493. Even if some things seem too crass to me: It always sounds plausible and if you are clear that our "democratic" government (more correctly: the lobbyists behind it) can be trusted to do everything (!), Then there are no times Roll more (no matter if 5 before 12, or 20 after 1). A countdown is more likely: 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 -… .. 😉
  495. In my opinion, the most important statement is given at the very end (from approx. 1:46:00):
  497. >> People ask for solutions. We drown in solutions. But other problems follow solutions. And so it goes on and on.
  499. The best way to solve a problem is to remove the cause. (...) you check why the problem occurs and eliminate the cause. Once the cause is eliminated, the problem will go away. It has to go, because the cause that caused the problem is gone. So the problem can no longer arise.
  501. The toleration of power, the illusion of power, has brought us here and the solution is not to do anything or to fight it, it is: stop indulging in the illusion of power. And stop letting the illusion of power tell you what to do when it isn't what you think is right. Then the problem, the illusion of power (...) will disappear.
  503. The world has changed because the world of today is only the manifestation of the tolerance of power. It has never been more extreme than now. Eliminate this cause and the problem goes away.
  505. And then the (?!? - incomprehensible) will stand in line to get toilet paper. I'm already looking forward to it…. <<
  507. So the power-obedience principle. The question still remains, what is the root cause of this power-and-obedience principle, where it has been cultivated and maintained in our humanity from time immemorial up to the present day. Our modern times, in which this ANCIENT principle anchored in human minds (from the most innocent childhood) - in contrast to the centuries before - can fall back on mega-hyper-electronic IT "weapons"!?!
  509. The UR thing is, in my opinion, the UR division of humanity into good and bad, man and woman, left and right, above and below…. God versus Satan!
  511. Take away one component (either omnipotence or submission) and the system dissolves.
  513. The question remains: which component can one give up?
  515. As "Almighty" the need for omnipotence?!?
  517. or: as a submissive obedience?!?
  519. >>
  520. Man is created free,
  521. is free!
  522. And would he be born in chains.
  523. <<
  524. (Friedrich von Schiller)
  525. Frank - Rudolf says:
  526. 15. June 2020 at 22:00
  528. at: Duxingzhe
  530. David Icke, really, really? It must have been about 15 years since I last heard from the man.
  531. Top Pop - Art, I took a look, downloaded the video for the late evening, enjoyed the first 3 minutes. Then I immediately thought of Erick von Däniken, unfortunately the corresponding research on our "killer virus" was not so pleasant / productive.
  532. Sure, you can also count down the countdown here: 1 million… 2 million… 500 million… 1 billion… .300 billion… 1 trillion….
  534. Crass can also be plausible; for Merkel or Leyen, for example, I would speak of crass - plausible.
  535. Heavily illuminating, so to speak.
  536. Making the problem go away could also be considered a "solution". Unfortunately, sometimes problems keep recurring, even if you think they are removed, we know that from medicine, for example.
  537. IM Erika also appears every year, incomprehensibly. I would recommend prophylaxis here.
  539. In order to eliminate the "manifestation of the toleration of power", solutions and viable concepts are needed.
  540. This is exactly what it is missing. Well, it doesn't have to stay that way to briefly go into the suspected secondary depression. In this theater soon - I promise. Little Erika and little Uschi, in the great kingdom of Corona.
  542. The power - obedience - principle? Or the little thing - existential fear - principle? Who came first, the power or the little bit, the obedience or the existential fear? No, sure, I'm just kidding. Must be in these dreary days.
  543. No, so with omnipotence alone the system would continue to run, with pure submission as an individual item too, our views are contrary. But well, I'll think about it again, sometimes the approaches are misunderstood.
  545. Thanks for David Icke, that saves the evening. Well, at least on a trial basis.
  546. Frank - Rudolf says:
  547. 16. June 2020 at 00:32
  549. at: Duxingzhe
  551. EXTRADANK for this link. I'm now at minute 30 and amazed at how well the previous process for COVID-19 fraud is documented in an easily understandable way. Icke seems to have prepared extremely well and the scientific aspects of his presentation are convincing. Of course I'll check that again tomorrow in detail, based on what I know so far, but everything seems to fit here.
  552. If the quality of the video continues like this, then it is really a BULLETIME of the education.
  553. Unfortunately, the quality is not so good on large devices and of course does not change the content. I interrupted because I wanted to see if it can be found somewhere in top quality - unfortunately negative.
  554. In terms of descriptive text, I agree so far - YOU MUST HAVE SEEN, let's see which comments on G 5 follow, so an exciting evening after all.
  555. AlexH says:
  556. June 15, 2020 at 02:16
  558. And in general:
  560. Merkel and her Mischpoke have to go home! (wherever that may be, to hell as well)
  562. We need fresh, healthy air in our country again!
  564. I can't shake the feeling that something is moving for the better here.
  566. That gives hope.
  568. Keep it up!
  569. Sign in to reply
  570. Frank - Rudolf says:
  571. 16. June 2020 at 00:37
  573. Go home? So if it were up to me there would be some ideas. "Going home" is NOT one of them. Optional:
  575. - Pretrial detention center
  576. - Psychiatry
  577. - Detention center for mentally ill offenders
  579. Just to name a few, the rest are not suitable for minors.
  580. AlexH says:
  581. 15. June 2020 at 01:41
  583. That's awesome too
  585. the only question is how long it will be in there:
  589. Please secure everything!
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  591. Frank - Rudolf says:
  592. June 15, 2020 at 02:40
  594. Yes, thank you, it was good (is good).
  595. AlexH says:
  596. June 15, 2020 at 00:47
  598. Hello guys at KenFM,
  600. speech is a thousand times better than written text. How can that be?
  602. An exact transcript of the speech is required!
  604. Actually, that can't be that difficult to deliver. In addition, the video is obviously cut.
  606. So that nobody gets me wrong: a brilliant speech by Christian Kreiss, who gets to the point! Hats off!
  608. I think it's a shame that this brilliant, verbally improvised speech does not come across in the written version.
  610. Best regards from exile,
  611. AlexH
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