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Feb 11th, 2022
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  1. #Mod_Priority,#Mod_Status,#Mod_Name
  2. "0002","+","[JCesarN] AWAR"
  3. "0003","+","[Blindside] Reanimation Pack Loner"
  4. "0004","+","[Mich] Boomsticks and Sharpsticks (BaS) 08-12-21"
  5. "0005","+","[TheVoidPancake] General Fire Mode Script With BaS Sound"
  6. "0006","+","[Kuez] BaS Dots and Reticles Extravaganza"
  7. "0007","+","[Sneaky] Adjustable Scopes"
  8. "0008","+","[Sneaky] EFT Reposition"
  9. "0009","+","[EFP] EFT Repos + Machine Pistols"
  10. "0010","+","[Strogglet15] AN-94 Remodel"
  11. "0011","+","[Strogglet15] SVD Remodel"
  12. "0012","+","[Strogglet15]] Saiga Remodel"
  13. "0013","+","[Strogglet15] The G36 Pack"
  14. "0014","+","[Sneaky] BAN's Repositions"
  15. "0015","+","[dynsprod27] EFT Grenade Checkout Sound"
  16. "0016","+","[JSRS] P.1 - Main Addon"
  17. "0017","+","[JSRS] P.2 - Cracks + Impacts Patch"
  18. "0018","+","[JSRS] P.3 - Blindside's Patch"
  19. "0019","+","[JSRS] P.4 - Blindsides Lite Patch v0.2"
  20. "0020","+","[JSRS] P.5 - Blindside Lite Resound - YungPr1nce"
  21. "0021","+","[dudildo] Silencer Wear and Tear"
  22. "0022","+","[Siks] FNX45"
  23. "0023","+","[BAN] AEK"
  24. "0024","+","[BAN] Better Saiga"
  25. "0025","+","[Strogglet15] Pretty Pistols Pack"
  26. "0027","+","[Grok] Body Health System Redux"
  27. "0028","+","[Grok] Craft and Repair Overhaul"
  28. "0029","+","[Grok] Stash Overhaul"
  29. "0030","+","[FeelFried] Food Drug and Drinks Animations"
  30. "0032","+","[Solarint] SCO3 Real Mutant Sounds"
  31. "0033","+","[Solarint] SCO3 New Outdoor Sounds"
  32. "0034","+","[Solarint] SCO3 Quieter Rain"
  33. "0035","+","[Solarint] SCO3 New Underground Sounds"
  34. "0036","+","[Solarint] SCO3 Anomaly Sounds"
  35. "0037","+","[Solarint] SCO3 Object Sounds"
  36. "0038","+","[Solarint] SCO3 Thunder"
  37. "0039","+","[] EFT Inventory Sound"
  38. "0040","+","[DesmanMetzger] Injury Audio Extended"
  39. "0041","+","Taunt - BEAR 2"
  40. "0042","+","[xchrisx88] NPC Footstep Misery Boots"
  41. "0043","+","[Souvlaki] EFT Footsteps"
  42. "0044","+","[HarukaSai] EFT Jump and Land SFX"
  43. "0045","+","[Haruka] Exo Servo Sounds"
  44. "0046","+","[Qudix] EFT Aim Rattle"
  45. "0047","+","[FunkBuddha1] PDA No Beep"
  46. "0048","+","[JaykoFlaykoYT] Blowout Siren Enhanced"
  47. "0049","+","[Ethylia] Pre-Blowout Murder Of Crows Noises"
  48. "0050","+","[Awene] Agressor - Custom Weather"
  49. "0051","+","[manzmnl] EFT Medic Item Overhaul Base"
  50. "0052","+","[manzmnl] EFTMO Sound BEAR 2 (Russian)"
  51. "0053","+","[maslinupoymal] MK14 C-More Dot Fix"
  52. "0054","+","Player Voice - Base"
  53. "0055","+","Player Voice - BEAR 2"
  54. "0056","+","[indyora] Narrative Loadscreens"
  55. "0057","+","[Raven] Instant Tooltip"
  56. "0058","+","[Raven] Cost In Tooltip"
  57. "0059","+","[] No Grey Radiation Screen"
  58. "0060","+","[Raven] MCM"
  59. "0061","+","[swergdach] Artefact Renovation"
  60. "0062","+","[indyora] Dialogue Expanded v4"
  61. "0063","+","[xcvb] More Dynamic Tasks"
  62. "0064","+","[Raven] Item Highlight"
  63. "0065","+","[Yakovleva] Improved Ranks"
  64. "0066","+","[hexef] Slightly Tougher Important NPCs"
  65. "0067","+","[xcvb] Stealth 2.0"
  66. "0068","+","[mora145] AI More Cover"
  67. "0069","+","Backpacks Revised"
  68. "0070","+","[RagingPanic] Better Quick Release"
  69. "0071","+","[Raven] He Is With Me"
  70. "0072","+","[] Companion Disguises Fix"
  71. "0073","+","[Great_Day] Remove Dropping Weapons From Damage"
  72. "0074","+","[Arti] Outfits Affect Movement Speed"
  73. "0075","+","[Desman] Radios Extended"
  74. "0076","+","[R0N1N.PW] Atmospheric Radio Russian"
  75. "0077","+","[Raven] Toggle Minimap"
  76. "0078","+","[TDLemon] Mutant Icon Parts"
  77. "0079","+","[Erick Hummel] Improved HK417 ACOG Crosshair"
  78. "0080","+","[Raven] Companion Inventory Remote"
  79. "0081","+","[Raven] No Companion Friendly Fire"
  80. "0082","+","[Skieppy] Fluid Aim v1.2.3"
  81. "0083","+","[Ishtar] Minimalist Ambient Music Vol 2"
  82. "0084","+","[Raven] Knife And Pistol In Binoc Slot"
  83. "0085","+","[Naxza] No Toolkit Requirement For Vices"
  84. "0086","+","[FishWings] XR Reach Task Script Fix"
  85. "0087","+","[ScotchCarb] Leshiy On A Leash"
  86. "0088","+","[Ishmaeel] Toggle Scope"
  87. "0089","+","[TB] Companions Deactivate Headlamps Stealth"
  88. "0090","+","[DPH] Debug Hud Weapon Editor Fix"
  89. "0091","+","[Flashbangz] Modern Important NPCs"
  90. "0092","+","[manzmnl] Gore Mod Port"
  91. "0093","+","[DaveCooper] Sidorovich Voice"
  92. "0094","+","[Ayyku] Screen Effects"
  93. "0095","+","[DPH] Smart Terrain Fix"
  94. "0096","+","[TB] Bugged Stashes Fix"
  95. "0097","+","[TB] New Stash Locations"
  96. "0099","+","[Grok] Mask Overlay"
  97. "0100","+","[Arti] Lootboxes"
  98. "0101","+","[Arti] Outfit Attachment Overhaul"
  99. "0102","+","[HarukaSai] Fillable Cant"
  100. "0103","+","[DerChrom] EFT Modular Helmets"
  101. "0104","+","[Arti] Outfit Chance To Drop"
  102. "0105","+","[Arti] Powered Exos 3.0"
  103. "0106","+","[BAN] AltIcons (Black & White)"
  104. "0107","+","[Raven] Sorting Plus"
  105. "0108","+","[TB] RF Reciever Sidequests 1.7"
  106. "0109","+","[TB] Fairer Thermal Anomalies 1.5"
  107. "0110","+","[TB] Coordinate Based Safe Zones 1.5"
  108. "0111","+","[xcvb] Bas Fire Switch fix"
  109. "0112","+","[Desman] Horror Overhaul 2"
  110. "0113","+","[Desman] Horror Overhaul SO 3.0 patch"
  111. "0114","+","[KronQ] Smoother progression"
  112. "0115","+","[ChadSTALKEREnjoyer] Remade Animations v4"
  113. "0116","+","[IENCE] Camera Reanimation Project - I.N.E.R.T.I.A"
  114. "0117","+","[TheMrDemonized] Keep Crafting Window Open"
  115. "0118","+","[Ishmaeel] Fire Mode Check"
  116. "0119","+","[xcvb] Hunger Thirst Sleep Bars"
  117. "0120","+","[TheMrDemonized] Item Details Repair Bonuses"
  118. "0121","+","[Toothless Shark] Lifegranter Counter"
  119. "0122","+","[Shadow Guardian] Pack of Devices - Grenades"
  120. "0123","+","[Sneaky] Toggle Companion HUD"
  121. "0124","+","[Arti] Ammo Maker"
  122. "0125","+","[Arti] Remote IEDS"
  123. "0126","+","[Stands] Hobo Matches 1.3"
  124. "0127","+","[Jurkonov] Artefact Rebalance"
  125. "0128","+","[DPH] Companion Anti Awol1.0"
  126. "0129","+","[Arti] Streamlined Upgrades"
  127. "0130","+","[Arszy] Campfire Roasting + Purified Edit"
  128. "0131","+","[PossuM] FAMINE"
  129. "0132","+","[Arti] Weapon Parts Overhaul"
  130. "0133","+","[Arti] Outfit Parts Overhaul"
  131. "0134","+","[Arti & Raven] Mags Redux"
  132. "0135","+","[Maid] Difficulty Edits"
  133. "0136","+","[Arti] Usable Toolkit"
  134. "0137","+","[Arti] Food Toxines"
  135. "0138","+","[EFP] HD Icons"
  136. "0139","+","[Maid] EFP Modern UI"
  137. "0140","+","[Maid] EFP Menu"
  138. "0141","+","[Haruka] Skill System"
  139. "0142","+","[Haruka] Faction Based Economy"
  140. "0143","+","[Ishmaeel] KillTracker TM"
  141. "0144","+","[Rowan] Rebalanced Squads 2.0"
  142. "0145","+","[Maid] Dynamic Loadouts (pick your loadouts)"
  143. "0146","+","[Fluffy] Rowan's NPC Loadout Rebalance"
  144. "0147","+","[Arszi] Rotting Meat"
  145. "0148","+","[Raven] Guide Tasks Fix"
  146. "0149","+","[EFP] Enhanced Recoil Tweaks and Bas Compatibility"
  147. "0150","+","[Ishmaeel] Nitpicker's Modpack"
  148. "0151","+","[Maid] Upgradable Hides"
  149. "0152","+","[Arti] Injector Scripts"
  150. "0153","+","[TheMrDemonized] Perk Based Artefacts"
  151. "0154","+","[Arti] Campfire Psy & Health Regen"
  152. "0155","+","[AGoodSetOfPistol] Trader Overhaul"
  153. "0156","+","[Maid] Drop Scarcity"
  154. "0157","+","[Maid] EFP Progression (Ranking & Reputation)"
  155. "0158","+","[Maid] EFT Valuables"
  156. "0159","+","[Arszi] Mutant Bleeding"
  157. "0160","+","[Raven] FIAB"
  158. "0161","+","[Lvutner] No Weapon Blur"
  159. "0162","+","[silkysmooth] Toasted Fuzz"
  160. "0163","+","[EFP] GBO Recoil Module"
  161. "0164","+","[GhenTuong] Level Changing Point To The Garbage Closer To The Rostok Checkpoint"
  162. "0165","+","[TheMrDemonized] Disassemble All Items"
  163. "0166","+","[TheMrDemonized] Combine All Items"
  164. "0167","+","[DTTheGunslinger] NPCs Stops Dropping Weapons"
  165. "0168","+","[yohjimane] Persistent Weather"
  166. "0169","+","[EFP Custom] Quick Melee"
  167. "0170","+","[TheMrDemonized] Extra Level Transitions"
  168. "0171","+","[TheMrDemonized] Loot Crows"
  169. "0172","+","[Westhatmann] Upgraded Sleeping Bag"
  170. "0173","+","[Sneaky & Raven] Companion Carry Weight"
  171. "0174","+","[Raven] Companion Inventory Unlock"
  172. "0176","+","[] Enemies Don't Shoot Through Bushes"
  173. "0177","+","[Haruka] Low Ammo Sounds"
  174. "0179","+","[SarisKhan] Lost To The Zone - Director's Cut"
  175. "0180","+","[Gwub] Better First Person Messages"
  176. "0181","+","[Hisalute] Mysteries of the Zone - LTTZ DC Version"
  177. "0182","+","[Gwub] LLTZ & Mysteries of the Zone - Vanilla"
  178. "0184","+","[EFP Custom] Companion Teleport"
  179. "0185","+","[EFP Custom] Scream At Enemies"
  180. "0186","+","[EFP Custom] Minimal Hud"
  181. "0187","+","[EFP Custom] Tweak UI Options"
  182. "0188","+","[EFP Custom] Warfare Important NPCs"
  183. "0189","+","[EFP Custom] Scripts"
  184. "0190","+","[EFP Custom] LTXs"
  185. "0191","+","[EFP Custom] Sounds"
  186. "0193","+","[Compat] ArteRenovation & EFT Repos"
  187. "0194","+","[Compat] EFT Modular Helmets"
  188. "0195","+","[Compat] Smoother Progression & Backpack Revised"
  189. "0196","+","[Compat] Artefact Renovation & Buged Stashes"
  190. "0197","+","[Compat] Dialog Expanded & LTTZ"
  191. "0198","+","[Compat] Famine & ArteRenov & MutantIcons"
  192. "0199","+","[Compat] Smokes Rebalance"
  193. "0200","+","[Compat] Arti Powered Exos & Mags Redux & OPO"
  194. "0201","+","[Compat] Streamlined Upgrades"
  195. "0202","+","[Compat] Recipes Inject"
  196. "0203","+","[Compat] EFTMO & Arti's Toxines Adaptation & BaS Parts"
  197. "0204","+","[Compat] Grok's BHS & EFTMO"
  198. "0206","+","[Raven] DNPCAV"
  199. "0208","+","[Ichicrow] T.H.A.P"
  200. "0209","+","[IENCE] T.H.A.P. Rework"
  201. "0210","+","[Ishtar] EFT Hands"
  202. "0211","+","[Compat] Vanilla Models & THAP & HD Icons"
  203. "0217","+","[Vintar0] Bounty Squads Expanded"
  204. "0220","+","[EFP] No Pickup & Skinning Animations"
  205. "0221","+","[EFP] No Smoke Animations"
  206. "0222","+","[Beef] NVGs"
  207. "0224","+","[Haruka] Display Campfires on Map"
  208. "0226","+","[bhelen] Sid Door Always Open"
  209. "0234","+","[Souvlaki] Fal 2.0"
  210. "0235","+","[FireBreath] UMP Reamodel-Reanimation"
  211. "0236","+","[Firebreath] L96 Reanimation"
  212. "0237","+","[Firebreath] Binocular Reanimation"
  213. "0238","+","[ShinyHaxorus] Bolt Reanimation"
  214. "0245","+","[Vintar0] NPC Loot Claim"
  215. "0246","+","[wepl] Hit Effects"
  216. "0247","+","[Grok] Ballistics Overhaul"
  217. "0248","+","[TheMrDemonized] Advanced Stamina System"
  218. "0257","+","[JDude] Cinematic VFX 3.5 U1.1.2"
  219. "0258","+","[JDude] Cinematic VFX 3.5 Ultraviolent Blood Effect"
  220. "0264","+","Fixed_Vanilla_ModelsTextures.3"
  221. "0265","+","01 No Ecologist Zombies"
  222. "0266","+","00 Less Ugly Variety"
  223. "0267","+","Dux's Innumerable Character Kit"
  224. "0268","+","Dux's Innumberable Character Kit - BaS Patch"
  225. "0269","+","Dux's Innumberable Character Kit - Warfare Alife Overhaul Patch"
  226. "0270","+","Dux's Innumerable Character Kit - Improved Ranks Compatability patch"
  227. "0271","+","Dux's Innumerable Character Kit - LTTZ DC Compatability Patch"
  228. "0272","+","01 MAIN"
  229. "0273","+","99 New Icons"
  230. "0274","+","Beef's NVGs"
  231. "0275","+","01 Enhanced Shaders - PBR"
  232. "0276","+","02 Enhanced Color Grading"
  233. "0277","+","Optional - Corrected Cubemaps"
  234. "0278","+","Optional - shader_param controls - simple"
  235. "0279","+","Glossy Surfaces SSR"
  236. "0280","+","Glossy Surfaces SSR - Water (Optional)"
  237. "0281","+","Beef's NVGs - Patch (ES AND SSR)"
  238. "0282","+","performance textures"
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