

Nov 25th, 2014
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  1. Nov 25 09:52:56 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: 402318.913760 wlan0.A[63499] AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::configureRoamingProfile(): Received new roaming profile 3 (was 3, flag=0x1)
  2. Nov 25 09:53:11 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone timed[1478] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Current mcc: '234' simulated:'0'.
  3. Nov 25 09:53:11 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone timed[1478] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "Europe/London" from "Location" with mcc 234
  4. Nov 25 09:53:11 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone timed[1478] <Notice>: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to Europe/London from Location because time zone is unchanged
  5. Nov 25 09:53:11 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601991.515138]: __WiFiManagerCellularTransmitCallback_block_invoke: Cellular Transmit Started = TRUE
  6. Nov 25 09:53:11 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601991.611203]: WiFi unquiescing requested by "locationd"
  7. Nov 25 09:53:13 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: xpcproxy[3503] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C5DD44F2-BE78-4797-9F14-C2F8EBC64C74 (sandbox)
  8. Nov 25 09:53:13 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone SpringBoard[540] <Warning>: No file exists for default image of name LaunchImage-800-667h
  9. Nov 25 09:53:13 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone SpringBoard[540] <Warning>: LICreateIconForImage passed NULL CGImageRef image
  10. Nov 25 09:53:13 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone locationd[3350] <Notice>: Gesture EnabledForTopCLient: 0, EnabledInDaemonSettings: 0
  11. Nov 25 09:53:13 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Error>: assertion failed: 12B436: libxpc.dylib + 71820 [A4F17798-F3DE-3FBC-85E3-F569762F0EB9]: 0x7d
  12. Nov 25 09:53:13 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Unknown[3503] <Error>:
  13. Nov 25 09:53:13 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone AdSheet[3504] <Error>: assertion failed: 12B436: libxpc.dylib + 71820 [A4F17798-F3DE-3FBC-85E3-F569762F0EB9]: 0x7d
  14. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601994.012587]: BG Application: Not Present, BG Daemon: Present. Daemons: identityservices assistantd networkd
  15. Nov 25 09:53:13 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Unknown[3504] <Error>:
  16. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Error>: SecTrustEvaluate [leaf ValidLeaf]
  17. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone limitadtrackingd[3488] <Warning>: Not scheduling a new BTA job; keeping previously scheduled job should run after 6875s from now when the network is available.
  18. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone syncdefaultsd[3502] <Notice>: (Note ) marked "" topic as "enabled" on <APSConnection: 0x12ee118d0>
  19. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: GET ''
  20. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: [E] __52+[UAirship handleAppDidFinishLaunchingNotification:]_block_invoke [Line 237] [UAirship takeOff] was not called in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
  21. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: [E] __52+[UAirship handleAppDidFinishLaunchingNotification:]_block_invoke [Line 238] Please ensure that [UAirship takeOff] is called synchronously before application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: returns
  22. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: GET ''
  23. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.1734 s]
  24. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: GET ''
  25. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: GET ''
  26. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: POST ''
  27. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: About to POST 'create story to server' with dictionary {
  28. families = vGjeLDtpvy98dZhnmGWJb8;
  29. "num_attachments" = 1;
  30. text = "";
  31. }
  32. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: PUT ''
  33. Nov 25 09:53:14 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone backboardd[56] <Warning>: CoreAnimation: updates deferred for too long
  34. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: idfa class missing, won't collect idfa
  35. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.4986 s]
  36. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.4884 s]
  37. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.4739 s]
  38. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: GET ''
  39. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: No error creating story, lets continue...
  40. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: Adding image to queue to be uploaded at url file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C5DD44F2-BE78-4797-9F14-C2F8EBC64C74/Library/Caches/4386018493468.jpg
  41. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: PUT ''
  42. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.5842 s]
  43. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.6792 s]
  44. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.7373 s]
  45. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: 400 '' [0.3071 s]
  46. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: TOGETEHRA RESPONSE ERROR:
  47. {"message":"File name \"attachment\" expected."}
  48. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: Error uploading image at filepath file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C5DD44F2-BE78-4797-9F14-C2F8EBC64C74/Library/Caches/4386018493468.jpg -- Error Domain=com.alamofire.error.serialization.response Code=-1011 "Request failed: bad request (400)" UserInfo=0x1742ea580 {NSLocalizedDescription=Request failed: bad request (400), NSUnderlyingError=0x17484c030 "Request failed: unacceptable content-type: text/html", NSErrorFailingURLKey=, com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.response=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x17042e320> { URL: } { status code: 400, headers {
  49. Connection = "keep-alive";
  50. "Content-Type" = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
  51. Date = "Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:53:15 GMT";
  52. Server = "gunicorn/0.16.1";
  53. "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity;
  54. Vary = Cookie;
  55. } }}
  56. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Warning>: Finished but there are errors (
  57. "Error Domain=com.alamofire.error.serialization.response Code=-1011 \"Request failed: bad request (400)\" UserInfo=0x1742ea580 {NSLocalizedDescription=Request failed: bad request (400), NSUnderlyingError=0x17484c030 \"Request failed: unacceptable content-type: text/html\", NSErrorFailingURLKey=, com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.response=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x17042e320> { URL: } { status code: 400, headers {\n Connection = \"keep-alive\";\n \"Content-Type\" = \"text/html; charset=utf-8\";\n Date = \"Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:53:15 GMT\";\n Server = \"gunicorn/0.16.1\";\n \"Transfer-Encoding\" = Identity;\n Vary = Cookie;\n} }}"
  58. )
  59. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3503] <Error>: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'CALayerInvalidGeometry', reason: 'CALayer position contains NaN: [nan 2.5]'
  60. *** First throw call stack:
  61. (0x184c2259c 0x1953740e4 0x184c224dc 0x188d20970 0x188d208c8 0x188d20858 0x1893cdbe0 0x100085268 0x100084ce0 0x1959b93ac 0x1959b936c 0x1959bd980 0x184bd9fa4 0x184bd804c 0x184b050a4 0x18dca75a4 0x18943a3c0 0x1000729e0 0x1959e2a08)
  62. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3505] <Error>: task_set_exception_ports(B07, 400, D03, 0, 0) failed with error (4: (os/kern) invalid argument)
  63. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3505] <Notice>: ReportCrash acting against PID 3503
  64. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone diagnosticd[3491] <Error>: error evaluating process info - pid: 3503, punique: 3503
  65. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3505] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process Togethera Beta[3503]
  66. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone[1] (UIKitApplication:com.togethera.Togethera[0xe2d6][3503]) <Notice>: Service exited due to signal: Abort trap: 6
  67. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3505] <Notice>: Saved report to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Togethera Beta_2014-11-25-095315_Matt-Dempseys-iPhone.ips
  68. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone SpringBoard[540] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.togethera.Togethera[0xe2d6]' crashed.
  69. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone assertiond[63] <Warning>: pid_suspend failed for <BKNewProcess: 0x13c63d750; com.togethera.Togethera; pid: 3503; hostpid: -1>: Unknown error: -1, Unknown error: -1
  70. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone assertiond[63] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x13c63d750; com.togethera.Togethera; pid: 3503; hostpid: -1> to 2, priority: No such process
  71. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone assertiond[63] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x13c63d750; com.togethera.Togethera; pid: 3503; hostpid: -1> to 4096, priority: No such process
  72. Nov 25 09:53:15 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone UserEventAgent[20] <Warning>: id=com.togethera.Togethera pid=3503, state=0
  73. Nov 25 09:53:16 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601996.045584]: Async scan requested by "locationd" for 1 iterations with maxage=0 priority low on en0
  74. Nov 25 09:53:16 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601996.045948]: Enqueuing command type: "Scan" pending commands: 0
  75. Nov 25 09:53:16 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601996.048656]: Dequeuing command type: "Scan" pending commands: 0
  76. Nov 25 09:53:16 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601996.048790]: Attempting Apple80211ScanAsync on en0
  77. Nov 25 09:53:16 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601996.530033]: Completed Apple80211ScanAsync on en0 (0)
  78. Nov 25 09:53:16 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601996.544546]: Async scan request completed for "locationd" (0)
  79. Nov 25 09:53:16 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601996.569687]: __WiFiManagerCellularTransmitCallback_block_invoke: Cellular Transmit Started = FALSE
  80. Nov 25 09:53:16 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438601996.694673]: WiFi unquiescing requested by "locationd"
  81. Nov 25 09:53:21 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: 402343.958638 wlan0.A[63500] AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::configureRoamingProfile(): Received new roaming profile 3 (was 3, flag=0x0)
  82. Nov 25 09:53:23 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone wifid[37] <Notice>: WiFi:[438602003.549682]: scanCache: Purging scan cache
  83. Nov 25 09:53:24 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: xpcproxy[3506] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C5DD44F2-BE78-4797-9F14-C2F8EBC64C74 (sandbox)
  84. Nov 25 09:53:24 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Error>: assertion failed: 12B436: libxpc.dylib + 71820 [A4F17798-F3DE-3FBC-85E3-F569762F0EB9]: 0x7d
  85. Nov 25 09:53:24 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Unknown[3506] <Error>:
  86. Nov 25 09:53:24 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone discoveryd[55] <Notice>: Basic Sockets SetDelegatePID() failed for PID[3097] errno[3] result[-1]
  87. Nov 25 09:53:24 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Error>: SecTrustEvaluate [leaf ValidLeaf]
  88. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: GET ''
  89. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: [E] __52+[UAirship handleAppDidFinishLaunchingNotification:]_block_invoke [Line 237] [UAirship takeOff] was not called in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
  90. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: [E] __52+[UAirship handleAppDidFinishLaunchingNotification:]_block_invoke [Line 238] Please ensure that [UAirship takeOff] is called synchronously before application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: returns
  91. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: GET ''
  92. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: GET ''
  93. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: GET ''
  94. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.3130 s]
  95. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone backboardd[56] <Warning>: CoreAnimation: timed out fence 2974f
  96. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: idfa class missing, won't collect idfa
  97. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.7416 s]
  98. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.7449 s]
  99. Nov 25 09:53:25 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3506] <Warning>: POST ''
  100. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3507] <Error>: task_set_exception_ports(B07, 400, D03, 0, 0) failed with error (4: (os/kern) invalid argument)
  101. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3507] <Notice>: ReportCrash acting against PID 3506
  102. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone diagnosticd[3491] <Error>: error evaluating process info - pid: 3506, punique: 3506
  103. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3507] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process Togethera Beta[3506]
  104. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone[1] (UIKitApplication:com.togethera.Togethera[0xa33f][3506]) <Notice>: Service exited due to signal: Segmentation fault: 11
  105. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3507] <Notice>: Saved report to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Togethera Beta_2014-11-25-095326_Matt-Dempseys-iPhone.ips
  106. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone SpringBoard[540] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.togethera.Togethera[0xa33f]' crashed.
  107. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone UserEventAgent[20] <Warning>: id=com.togethera.Togethera pid=3506, state=0
  108. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone assertiond[63] <Warning>: pid_suspend failed for <BKNewProcess: 0x13c55f2b0; com.togethera.Togethera; pid: 3506; hostpid: -1>: Unknown error: -1, Unknown error: -1
  109. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone assertiond[63] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x13c55f2b0; com.togethera.Togethera; pid: 3506; hostpid: -1> to 2, priority: No such process
  110. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone assertiond[63] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x13c55f2b0; com.togethera.Togethera; pid: 3506; hostpid: -1> to 4096, priority: No such process
  111. Nov 25 09:53:26 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: 402348.963297 wlan0.A[63501] AppleBCMWLANConfigManager::configureRoamingProfile(): Received new roaming profile 3 (was 3, flag=0x1)
  112. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: xpcproxy[3508] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C5DD44F2-BE78-4797-9F14-C2F8EBC64C74 (sandbox)
  113. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Error>: assertion failed: 12B436: libxpc.dylib + 71820 [A4F17798-F3DE-3FBC-85E3-F569762F0EB9]: 0x7d
  114. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Unknown[3508] <Error>:
  115. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Error>: SecTrustEvaluate [leaf ValidLeaf]
  116. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: GET ''
  117. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: [E] __52+[UAirship handleAppDidFinishLaunchingNotification:]_block_invoke [Line 237] [UAirship takeOff] was not called in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
  118. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: [E] __52+[UAirship handleAppDidFinishLaunchingNotification:]_block_invoke [Line 238] Please ensure that [UAirship takeOff] is called synchronously before application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: returns
  119. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: GET ''
  120. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: GET ''
  121. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: GET ''
  122. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.0587 s]
  123. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.0564 s]
  124. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: About to POST 'create story to server' with dictionary {
  125. families = vGjeLDtpvy98dZhnmGWJb8;
  126. "num_attachments" = 1;
  127. text = "";
  128. }
  129. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: PUT ''
  130. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: POST ''
  131. Nov 25 09:53:27 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: GET ''
  132. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.1821 s]
  133. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: No error creating story, lets continue...
  134. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: Adding image to queue to be uploaded at url file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C5DD44F2-BE78-4797-9F14-C2F8EBC64C74/Library/Caches/4386018493468.jpg
  135. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: PUT ''
  136. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: idfa class missing, won't collect idfa
  137. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.3033 s]
  138. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.6131 s]
  139. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: 200 '' [0.5242 s]
  140. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: 400 '' [0.5985 s]
  141. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: TOGETEHRA RESPONSE ERROR:
  142. {"message":"File name \"attachment\" expected."}
  143. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: Error uploading image at filepath file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C5DD44F2-BE78-4797-9F14-C2F8EBC64C74/Library/Caches/4386018493468.jpg -- Error Domain=com.alamofire.error.serialization.response Code=-1011 "Request failed: bad request (400)" UserInfo=0x1740ee000 {NSLocalizedDescription=Request failed: bad request (400), NSUnderlyingError=0x17424a230 "Request failed: unacceptable content-type: text/html", NSErrorFailingURLKey=, com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.response=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x170623780> { URL: } { status code: 400, headers {
  144. Connection = "keep-alive";
  145. "Content-Type" = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
  146. Date = "Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:53:28 GMT";
  147. Server = "gunicorn/0.16.1";
  148. "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity;
  149. Vary = Cookie;
  150. } }}
  151. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Warning>: Finished but there are errors (
  152. "Error Domain=com.alamofire.error.serialization.response Code=-1011 \"Request failed: bad request (400)\" UserInfo=0x1740ee000 {NSLocalizedDescription=Request failed: bad request (400), NSUnderlyingError=0x17424a230 \"Request failed: unacceptable content-type: text/html\", NSErrorFailingURLKey=, com.alamofire.serialization.response.error.response=<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x170623780> { URL: } { status code: 400, headers {\n Connection = \"keep-alive\";\n \"Content-Type\" = \"text/html; charset=utf-8\";\n Date = \"Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:53:28 GMT\";\n Server = \"gunicorn/0.16.1\";\n \"Transfer-Encoding\" = Identity;\n Vary = Cookie;\n} }}"
  153. )
  154. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone Togethera Beta[3508] <Error>: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'CALayerInvalidGeometry', reason: 'CALayer position contains NaN: [nan 2.5]'
  155. *** First throw call stack:
  156. (0x184c2259c 0x1953740e4 0x184c224dc 0x188d20970 0x188d208c8 0x188d20858 0x1893cdbe0 0x1000e5268 0x1000e4bc4 0x1959b93ac 0x1959b936c 0x1959bd980 0x184bd9fa4 0x184bd804c 0x184b050a4 0x18dca75a4 0x18943a3c0 0x1000d29e0 0x1959e2a08)
  157. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3507] <Notice>: ReportCrash acting against PID 3508
  158. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone diagnosticd[3491] <Error>: error evaluating process info - pid: 3508, punique: 3508
  159. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3507] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process Togethera Beta[3508]
  160. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone ReportCrash[3507] <Notice>: Saved report to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Togethera Beta_2014-11-25-095328_Matt-Dempseys-iPhone.ips
  161. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone SpringBoard[540] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.togethera.Togethera[0x1596]' crashed.
  162. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone assertiond[63] <Warning>: pid_suspend failed for <BKNewProcess: 0x13c63d750; com.togethera.Togethera; pid: 3508; hostpid: -1>: Unknown error: -1, Unknown error: -1
  163. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone assertiond[63] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x13c63d750; com.togethera.Togethera; pid: 3508; hostpid: -1> to 2, priority: No such process
  164. Nov 25 09:53:28 Matt-Dempseys-iPhone assertiond[63] <Warning>: Could not set priority of <BKNewProcess: 0x13c63d750; com.togethera.Togethera; pid: 3508; hostpid: -1> to 4096, priority: No such process
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