
Cybernetic Equestria Semi-CYOA with Sumdum and Ben Dover

Aug 18th, 2015
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  1. Cyborg in Equestria semi- CYOA with Sumdum - Inspired by Roger's Semi-CYOA of Anon's Harem in EQG
  5. >Loading data base… Patient identified as… Error. Species not found in database.
  6. >Administrator Sparkle has logged on...
  7. >New software installed… Loading…
  8. >Loading Custom Program Software HUM4N…
  9. >Loading data base… Patient identified as: Human.
  10. >Loading CEPE tutorial and introduction guide...
  11. >Welcome to the Cybernetic Enhancements Program of Equestria, or better known as the CEPE.
  12. >You are currently awaiting to be installed into Equestria’s latest advancement in technology and project that will change the lives of others for the better!
  13. >You are currently in the CEPE data base awaiting to be transferred to an already constructed custom cybernetic shell. This shell will help you to defend Equestria from any dangers that will harm any loyal subjects of Equestria or any land occupied by Princess Celestia herself.
  14. >The shell number you will be assigned to is ‘PROTOTYPE-AY’. To better modify your preference and new body, we shall produce a set of options to pick from to customize your shell.
  16. >1 - Weapons: All weapon ammunition is made up of magic consisted bullet shells that act like a laser projectile. Weapons can be modded to add specific spells to bullets, adding large variations and capacity to your weapons. All weapons have advantages and disadvantages over each other. Picking one that most comforts to your combat style will be vital for future encounters.
  18. >Ranged Weapons (Pick One):
  19. -Standard Pistol (Silenced and Unsilenced)
  20. -Revolver
  21. -Compound Bow
  23. >Melee Weapons (Pick One):
  24. -Sabre (More powerful and longer, but heavier and less stealthy)
  25. -Tactical Knife (Less powerful and short, but lighter and more stealthy)
  26. -Chainsaw (Extremely powerful, heaviest out of all, horrible for stealth combat, and cost energy to use)
  28. >2 - Augments: Each shell comes with a power core that can hold one augment that can give each individual a specific, advantageous role and abilities in combat sequences. Shells can be upgraded to increase armor, mobility, and resistance to magic. Weapons also can be given temporary augments depending on how many slots the weapon can contain. The standard CEPE weapons do not contain any slots, but can be given or purchased by certified Equestrian gun merchants. Pick one of the follow augments for your default shell: [spoiler]NOTE: Shell Augment is permanent and CANNOT be changed once chosen, please choose wisely.[/spoiler]
  30. -Standard Shell: Moderate shell with no unique advantage or disadvantage. A perfect balance compared to other augments.
  31. -Power Shell: Overall strength and power mitigated on weapons increased, but lowers armor capacity.
  32. -Bulk Shell: Overall armor capacity increased, reducing damage taken, but lowers damage mitigated by weapons and shell.
  33. -Speed Shell: Overall agility and mobility increased, but lowers damage and armor capacity moderately.
  34. -Stealth Shell: Overall noise made reduced greatly. Overall stealth weapon damage increased and quicker non-lethal take out methods. Overall armor capacity reduced and gun damage reduced greatly.
  35. -Resistant Shell: Overall shell magic resistance increased, but does not increase overall armor capacity. Overall reduces harmony (energy) consumption on spells.
  36. -Spell Shell: Increases augment powers on weapons and increases spell effectiveness on shell, but does not increase overall damage mitigated. Overall consumes more harmony (energy) on spells.
  37. -Regenerative Shell: Overall increases repair rate on shell, but reduces mobility.
  38. -Caster Shell: Overall increases harmony regenerate rate on shell, but reduces mobility.
  40. >3 - Spells: Each shell can give the user the ability to hone and cast their own magic spells standard unicorns can only cast. Each spell costs a certain amount of energy to perform, which is known as harmony. Harmony is replenished over time depending on your replenishing rate. Shells can be given upgrades to add more spell slots and increase overall harmony capacity. Spells can be upgraded to be more effective and stronger. Pick one of the spells listed:
  42. -Grenade Spell: Produces a magic grenade that produces a powerful explosion where placed or thrown. (Harmony Consumption: Moderate)
  43. -Magic Missile: Produces a magic projectile that explodes with moderate damage on contact. (Harmony Consumption: Low)
  44. -Cloak Spell: User is camouflaged into the environment until harmony is depleted. (Harmony Consumption: High, but harmony regeneration increased after using spell. Harmony Regeneration buff cancelled after a different spell is casted)
  46. >Input command option "CHOICE"
  47. >"Ranged Weapon" CHOICE: Compound Bow
  48. >"Melee Weapon" CHOICE: Tactical Knife
  49. >"Shell Augment" CHOICE: Stealth Shell
  50. >"Spell" CHOICE: Cloak Spell
  51. >Command option "CHOICE" concluded
  53. >Configuring shell software based off of User: HUM4N.
  54. >Loading… Loading…
  55. >Installing Shell Software.
  56. >Configuring Shell Core Software…
  57. >Downloading memory files to memory bank…
  58. >25% Complete.
  59. >ERROR: Memory files corrupted!
  60. >Scanning for backup…
  61. >Backup not found, recovering memory files
  62. >Memory files corrupted. Approximately 10 files recovered.
  63. >Downloading movement software…
  64. >50% Complete.
  65. >Installing nano bot software…
  66. >Shell Software Installed.
  67. >Memory Installed to memory banks.
  68. >75% Complete
  69. >Movement mechanics and connections completed.
  70. >Booting up nanobots… Nanobots online.
  71. >Shell Core Software installed.
  72. >100% Complete.
  73. >Disconnecting from CEPE tutorial and introduction guide…
  74. >Downloading CEPE tutorial and introduction guide to memory bank archives and system replay...
  75. >Booting up core…
  76. >User : HUM4N Online.
  78. …………………An………..
  79. …...Anon……………..
  80. …….Did it work………..?
  81. ………..Anon!.........Wake up……..
  82. ……Oh please be alive……………………..
  83. …………………………...WAKE UP, ANON!
  85. >GAH!
  86. >Startled by the sudden outburst, you are awaken from your slumber,spastically throwing yourself off the table you were lying on.
  87. >Cables hanging from the ceiling and to your sides disconnect from you as you hit the floor, causing them to aimlessly sway about letting off sparks.
  88. >THUD!
  89. >You sheepishly rub your head, squinting a bit from the very slight headache received.
  90. >Gosh… If you wanted a good alarm clock, you’d buy one that didn’t scare the living crap out of you every time you woke up...
  91. >Now to see what all the commotion is about- Wait… What the hell?
  92. >Your hands… They’re made of… Metal?
  93. >Huh, guess you weren’t awake at all. Oh wait, that fall felt pretty awake to you.
  94. >You look down at yourself and see that... You’re now a combination of flesh and metal…
  95. >Weird, could of swore you were a fleshy human… Or a hairless ape, as others seem to call you… For some reason you don’t remember…? Er….
  96. >If this isn’t a dream… Oh god what’s happened to you?
  97. >You scramble to your feet as you hysterically examine your body frantically, hit by the sudden wave of reality on the sudden change.
  98. >A purple alicorn approaches you, lightly chuckling at your reaction, giving you a warm comforting smile.
  99. >Hey, now you remember, it’s your pony friend, Twilight Sparkle… Why can’t you remember anything of before?
  100. >Wait… It’s slowly coming back, but it’s all chopped up…
  101. >All you can remember were that you were from another planet, dimension, or whatever.
  102. >You somehow got teleported or transported to this magical land of Equestria, to be totally hopeless and lost.
  103. >But once you were discovered and causing a huge episode with the locals, you were taken away to Canterlot by Princess Twilight to be inspected after causing countless ponies to faint in Ponyville.
  104. >After that, you were promised to stay as long as you like if you abide by simple rules of harmony with the other pony locals, as proclaimed by Princess Celestia herself.
  105. >It hit you pretty hard that you were the only human, but you sometimes wonder if it’s worth sacrificing being with your own kind to live in such a peaceful world…
  106. >You had countless memories with Twilight and her friends, so many that cherished your soul and brought the only love to life you ever had…
  107. >Speaking of life… You can’t seem to remember… Your past life, or where you ever came from…
  108. >Trying to remember, you get a rough gist that you shared your alien culture and ways to your newfound friends, but all too blurry to specifically remember…
  109. >You can’t remember your past life, or how you ended up as a giant hunk of metal. You still had some fleshy parts, but the proportion of organic to non-organic is about a 9 to 1.
  110. >Twilight waves a hoof in your face, snapping you out of your daze.
  111. Hello? Equestria to Anon? By the stars, seriously, even in this new body you seem to space out like you usually do…
  112. >Twilight then embraces you, surprising you, but to respond by gently wrapping your arms around her neck as she nuzzles against your metallic torso.
  113. >Tears start rolling down your chrome body from Twilight’s face, as sniffles come from the now sobbing alicorn.
  114. We thought we really lost you… *sniff*
  116. >All so sudden and cloudy… What to ask first…?
  118. "Erm… What exactly happened to me to result in… -gestures vaguely at body- This?"
  120. >The alicorn tilts her head to the side with a questioning look on her face.
  121. You mean… You don’t remember…? Hold on…
  122. >Twilight trots away to a chair in front of a giant monitor, sits her rump on her chair, and starts typing on the keyboard. Seriously, how does she type one key with those hooves? It still boggles your mind to this day how ponies can perform actions with their hooves that would require digits...
  123. >You then hear your purple friend gasp and then slam her hoof in frustration on the table next to her.
  124. FUCK- I mean… By the stars, the memory files that were transferred over from your old brain got corrupted in the transfer process… Can you sit on the table over there and plug those cables hanging onto your head for me, please?
  125. >You obliged to the alicorns orders and plugged the cables into corresponding parts of your cranium.
  126. >As she types away on the computer, you feel a slight tickling sensation in your head, almost like an ich. Must be her connecting to your memory.
  127. >Twilight sighs in frustration and turns around on her chair to face you, pinching the bridge of her muzzle with her hoof.
  128. I’m so sorry, Anon… It seems your past life memories and memories of the accident got corrupted and can’t be recovered… I could of swore I made a backup! What could have gone wrong? SPIKE!
  129. >You perk up at the same as Twilight calls it. Spike! That little ol’ dragon that was like a little brother to you. He can be a real bro to hang around when you want time away from the girls just to do some more manly things you couldn’t do or talk about around Twilight or her friends.
  130. ‘Yeah, I’m coming I’m coming!’
  131. >Heh that’s what she said- No, Anon. No bad jokes…
  132. >As you continue your entertaining monologue silently, you see a silhouette of a tiny dragon approach one of the lab doors.
  133. >You can only stare in confusion at the sight in front of you, as both Spike’s and your gaze meet.
  134. >He’s… A Cyborg too, but a complete cyborg to almost be considered a robot, but the same Spike still seems to be there.
  135. >The purple dragon then scurries over to you and embraces you tightly.
  136. >You respond the same way you did with Twilight previously.
  137. ‘A-Anon… *sniff* Y-You’re alive!?’
  138. >You nod your head in response, giving Twilight a confused look, wondering what he means by ‘still alive’.
  139. Spike, did you double check that we made that backup for Anon’s memory, and triple check that it wasn’t corrupted before we transferred it into the shell?
  140. ‘Yeah, I promise I double checked, triple checked, even quadruple checked!’
  141. >Twilight then turns back to the monitor for a couple minutes, only to turn back with the angriest glare on her face, scaring the poor little metal dragon.
  142. ‘Twilight…? Why are you looking at me like that?’
  143. Spike… You mixed up the files so the computer didn’t detect the specific ones the program requested! What the hay did you mix-
  144. >Total silence, yet you sit there amused at your friend’s frustrated antics. Poor little guy, he now has a shell of solid armor, but still is a little guy on the inside.
  145. >You pat the dragon’s head sympathetically, trying to help him calm down from the scare Twilight gave him, to get a sheepish smile in return.
  146. >Twilight goes back to frantically trying to recover your files as you both watch in silence.
  148. >Maybe you should ask the little guy some questions about what’s happened the period you were gone, considering he’s a robot and all...
  151. -smiles warmly-
  152. "Whelp Spike, considering my memories seem to be completely gone, and Twilight is off in her own world (as usual), maybe you could briefly fill me in on what I've missed, up to and including the two of us looking like we got into a losing fight with an army of household appliances?”
  154. >The dragon perks up, hopping up and sitting on the table next to you, clearing his throat.
  155. >Taking a deep breath and sighing, the little dragon prepares himself to tell you his story.
  156. ’Well, it all started when this shady satyr came to Ponyville and into the Everfree Forest a few days after the nightmare incident with Princess Luna. We were all just hanging out at Applejack’s farms for another barn raising, until later we realized that residents of Ponyville were disappearing. That’s when she came… Ugh…
  157. >He gestures a finger pointing towards his mouth and makes a gagging expression. Whoever ‘she’ was, she probably wasn’t the best looking it seems, or just maybe the rudest.
  158. ’Her name was Hubris… She used to be Discord’s… You could say ‘ex-girlfriend’, but Discord ended up breaking up with her a long time ago, causing her to lose her ego and her powers. She feeds off self-confidence and pride…’
  159. >You wonder if she got a boost in power from Rainbow Dash, she can be a cunt sometimes…
  160. ’So when she got her power back, she took control by casting a spell on ponies that caused them to be egotistical jerks, feeding off their over-confidence. She had this little satyr named Silva who used a pan flute to lure ponies into the Everfree Forest to put them under her spell. Ponies were hurting themselves and each other because they thought they were invincible or better than each other, stupid if you ask me...’
  161. >Seems like the typical Equestrian villain, each unique with the same goal to take over everything...
  162. ’Anyways, after taking over most of town and Canterlot, we… As in you, I, and the girls, the usual saviors of Equestria-’
  163. >Spike then proceeds to flex his imaginary muscles after this comment, seeming to boost an ego of his own.
  164. >You haven’t REALLY saved Equestria from any mortal danger, not that you can remember or any that was significant to you...
  165. ‘-Rushed to confront that annoying demon… Seriously, sometimes it wasn’t even scary being around her, just annoying hearing her brag and stuff… No wonder she got along with Discord…’
  166. ’But she was really powerful, almost more than Twilight! But her own self-pride, thank Celestia, got the better of her, and she technically defeated herself… It was weird, she had the whole town against us or rendered useless to help us.’
  167. >Seems like quite the battle, wished you remember to know how epic it was.
  168. ‘The worst part was… She made you her slave and used you against us...’
  169. >Spike then looks down depressingly, probably still upset that you, a big brother figure and friend, betrayed everyone you loved.
  170. ‘I know you didn’t do it on purpose… You were under her spell, were you?’
  171. >You can’t remember… But why is he even asking you if you don’t even remember? You still give him a reassuring nod, because it doesn’t seem like you to betray your only beloved friends. Why were they your only good friends anyways? Why did it seem that you were so lonely and lost even before you got to Equestria? Even the feels are still there...
  172. ‘We ended up… Having to turn you to stone… You being human has an advantage over ponies. You’re taller, stronger, and more agile, and considering Twilight trained you in Magic Defense, it was hard to use magic on you to take you down… We had to use the Element’s power...’
  173. ‘Once we did, Hubris got so frustrated that she smashed the statue you were imprisoned in… Thank Celestia it wasn’t into dust, we were able to recover a couple pieces, especially your head.’
  174. >You put a hand on your head to be thankful you still have your head and brain… Or your previous head and brain intact to make your new body.
  175. ‘It’s funny, the little satyr Silva actually betrayed her in the end, being sick with how she mistreated him and took all the credit for almost taking over Equestria, blah blah... In the end he became a pretty cool guy and gave us one of the 8 enchanted items of the great mage, Meadowbrook. The Panflute of Purity, yet somehow they were able to use it against us. Probably just used some weird spell like all the evil guys do, huh?’
  178. ‘But I guess you don’t have to depend on your Magic Defense training anymore since you got that cool body now, huh? Mine isn’t as great… It’s basically just me, with enhanced organizing tools and skills… More cleaning tools and faster cleaning mechanics… Just more house work for me...’
  179. >Spike lowers his head, but springs it back up and shrugs nonchalantly. Hopping off the table, he then stops in his track, just to turn around quickly.
  180. ‘Oh yeah! Almost forgot to tell my story! But it’s not as interesting as yours… I kind of had an accident with cleaning the castle and the giant tree roots on the castle ceiling… And BAM! Heh heh...’
  181. >The dragon blushes as he puts his hands behind his back and looks down.
  182. ‘So Twilight fixed me up with the same thing as you, I was her first prototype… Though I miss having my scales...’
  183. >He says this as he nostalgically rubs his chrome arm, where his scales would of have been if he still had them.
  184. >Well that explains the accident part, kind of cool how you went down. Not heroically, but epic enough to be written in the history books. But your story isn’t over yet…
  185. >You gesture Spike to go on, hoping to see if he knows anything about your past life from Equestria.
  186. ‘Uhhh… What? Oh… Umm… Sorry Anon, you never shared your human life or experiences with us… Something about human life and ways being corrupt or something… Didn’t want to ruin our innocence with such vulgar ideas… Even though you told us cool historical events and cultures! Even though you taught half of Equestria curse words… Twilight sometimes calls me a faggot...’
  187. >Twilight quickly turns around from the monitor to glare at Spike, jaw almost hitting the floor.
  188. I do not!
  189. ‘Really Twilight? Remember that time when I accidentally stained one of the parchments with a drop of ink off the side a bit too much and we had to do the list all over again? It took us another 3 hours to recheck everything that you got so mad at me you called me that!’
  190. >Twilight blushes and frustratingly tries to come up with a response. Damn, she’s so cute when she’s so frustrated… Can cyborgs get boners? Nevermind, you’ll explore that later.
  191. Spike, I love you, I say it out of frustration, I don’t really mean it…
  192. >Then and there, Spike just falls to the floor, rolling around laughing hysterically. Oh you know why this is so funny…
  193. ‘Twilight… *pant* I-I know you don’t mean it… Haha! I was just teasing you, didn’t think you would take that seriously!’
  194. >Realizing how foolish she seemed, Twilight blushes even more and starts to chuckle herself.
  195. What would I do without you?
  196. ‘Have a less ‘messy’ checklist?’
  197. Shut up, Spike…
  198. >You chuckle yourself, seeing that things haven’t really changed. Even if you lost your body, you’re glad your friends are still here with you. Wonder how the other girls are doing…
  199. Well, it seems I couldn’t find your old memory files in the database… But I guess Spike made it up by creating a new one for you.
  200. >The dragon blushes and twiddles his claws at the sudden compliment, or what you think is a compliment…
  201. ‘Awww… It was nothing… Guess I owed you for that screw up, huh Anon?’
  202. >Nodding in response, you get up and shake yourself to loosen up your metal joints, cracking your knuckles and back.
  203. But we can’t help you remember about your past human life… You always said how hard it was and how evil humans could be compared to ponies, maybe it’s a good thing you can’t remember.
  204. >But if you can’t remember, you don’t really know how you came to be who you are today. Past experiences have probably shaped you into the guy people, or ponies, know you as today. Shame you can’t remember those struggles, but you can feel it almost the same… Damn, maybe those feels were pretty good after all…
  205. Now that we caught up with everything, I’ll have to run a few tests just in case your shell has any malfunctions… Follow me, Anon.
  206. >You follow Twilight into a secluded lab room with multiple obstacles and targets. When you’re inside, Twilight steps out into a separate room next to the test room with a viewing window. Probably to examine and test things at a safe and viewable area.
  207. Alright, Anon. First we have target practice, I want you to take out the primary weapon you selected for your shell and hit the moving targets up ahead. It’s attached onto your back and we can upgrade your shell later on to hold more weapons.
  210. >Loading CEPE combat tutorial on User: HUM4N...
  211. >Combat damage depends on which part of the body you hit and each part of the body has certain benefits to hitting. Timing depends on the situation of combat at the moment, such as if an enemy is charging at you.
  213. Torso/Upper Body: 100% Damage (Does full weapon damage and causes target to flinch more often to normal hits) Accuracy: Moderately low.
  214. Arms: 15% Damage (Does 15% of weapon damage and can drastically reduce accuracy of target or even disarm the target) Accuracy: Moderate.
  215. Legs: 30% Damage (Does 30% of weapon damage and can cause impaired mobility. This also results in enemies who rely on movement to attack to have slower attacks or can not attack overall) Accuracy: High.
  216. Head: 125% Damage (Does 125% more of weapon damage and reduce overall accuracy of the target and cause the target to be hazed or even a 1-shot kill.) Accuracy: Low.
  218. Remember! Enemies have the same model as above on hitting you back! So pick your encounters wisely and what part of the body to expose in certain combat situations!
  220. Performing certain stunts and parkour is all random and can succeed or fail any time during or out of combat. Just cross your fingers and hope for the best on your journey to making Equestria a better place!
  222. >Two robots ponies jump in front of you, slowly approaching you unarmed and ready to attack.
  223. >Drawing your bow, you aim and prepare to shoot an arrow.
  225. >What do you do…?
  227. Seeing as both ponies are originally equidistant from me, there is no ranged advantage either way for the first attack. I crouch slightly, both to steady my aim and reduce my target size, and deftly shoot an arrow towards the legs of the robopone on my right.
  229. >The shot hits, crippling the right robot, slowing it down enough to focus on the robot to your left.
  230. >The robot seems to be damaged a bit, a headshot or body shot can do the trick.
  231. >The robot leaps high in the air, closing in on you quick, ready to tackle you.
  232. >What is your next move?
  234. I reach to my hip with my left hand, fumbling for the knife that I'm sure I had there. To be safe, I draw an arrow with my right hand, pointing the sharp tip at the oncoming robot, preparing to stab
  236. >While fumbling for your knife, the bot tackles you, pinning you to the ground.
  237. ANON!
  238. >Twilight yells over to you as the bot glares at you ready to strike.
  239. >Luckily, you have the arrow tip in your hand and stab the bot right in the eye, pushing it in hard.
  240. >The bot topples over and shuts down.
  241. >The remaining bot is fairly close to you now, but its mobility still reduced.
  242. >Next move?
  244. Taking the initiative, I push the unmoving bot pone out of my way, get to my feet, and load another arrow into my bow quickly, shooting for the head of the remaining mech horse
  246. >Direct hit to the head! The bot shuts down and topples over to its side.
  247. >Twilight anxiously gallops over to see if you’re hurt, only to see that you’ve made a new home for the bots in the scrap yard.
  248. >She then lets out a relieved sigh, but changes to an infuriated expression.
  249. ANON! Don’t ever do that again! Seriously, taking your time in a very impending situation to grab out another weapon is just sloppy!
  250. >Noticing your reaction to her sudden outburst, she calms down and gives you another hug.
  251. I’m sorry, I got so worried… But you were smart to be so resourceful using your arrow tip, I’ll give you that…
  252. >I’ll give you another tip of my own- Nope. Seriously, you probably have a software virus causing you to think these thoughts… Or it’s just how you are. Meh.
  253. >Petting her mane, you pull away from each others embrace for her to return back to her spectating cubicle.
  254. Alright, I think you got the primary weapon thing down, not many people chose the bow, considering it takes some skill and has low ammunition… But you did really well with it! Now let’s try the secondary weapon.
  255. Since you chose the tactical laser knife, I’ll show you a neat trick once you’ve taken down your opponent.
  256. >You look around a bit and notice the robots came out of a hole in the ground with an elevating platform… Except now there was a giant robot being elevated up. Whoa, it’s a fucking giant minotaur!
  257. >You quickly step back, startled by the surprise guest, and even more surprised that Twilight was worried about you getting hurt and now sends out THIS!
  258. >Seriously, what the fuck.
  259. >Once the minotaur bot reaches floor level, it powers on and lets out a loud snort, sending steam out of its nostrils.
  260. >It’s got a dark black shield and what seems to be a cyan laser morningstar.
  261. >Oh boy this’ll be fun…
  262. Some enemies have advanced armor that will significantly reduce weapon or spell damage depending on the armor. Use your built in detection device to find it’s armor weak spot, but it takes some time to detect, so it’s better to scan from afar or without being noticed beforehand.
  263. How about we kill two birds with one stone? Oh this is so fun! I like advancing a bit more than intended!
  264. >The alicorn squeals in delight from her own response.
  265. Use the spell you chose to your advantage towards the minotaur, then find it’s weak spot and break off its armor. After that, you can proceed to do damage like you normally would do.
  266. >Let’s see what you can do about this big guy… [spoiler]Reference not intended[/spoiler]
  267. "Testing new abilities? I think I can do that!"
  268. >I activate my detection device with little trouble and, after fumbling around for a second, I figure out how to activate the cloaking spell. Not yet though…. Approaching the mechataur slowly, I wait until just out of his reach to activate the spell, and promptly dash between his legs, taking advantage of his confusion at my sudden disappearance. Working on a hunch, and the fragments of data being produced by my still-processing detection device, I surmise my best bet is the back of the Iron Giant's head and neck. Hoisting myself up by his mechanized tail, I quickly switch my grip on the knife's hilt and stab the blade as deeply as I can into nape of his neck.
  270. >The knife has no trouble at all digging into the minotaur’s neck, causing sparks all around his body and his armor to fracture.
  271. >Target is now able to take normal damage.
  272. >The minotaur extends his tail and swings it up at you, peeling you off its back and sending you flying towards the east side of the room.
  273. >You hit the wall, taking heavy damage from the tail swing and impact from the wall.
  274. >You fall to the floor, but you are able to tumble before you land flat on the floor and take more damage.
  275. >The minotaur protects himself with his shield and positions his morningstar in an offensive posture next to his shield.
  276. >The minotaur starts to charge towards you at a fast pace.
  277. >You must act quickly!
  279. >I scramble to my feet, and back up to the wall, waiting until I am once again just outside of his attack range, before dashing towards him again, this time under his arm towards the armpit, attempting to dodge his thundering legs while I stab upwards towards his pit
  281. >Because of the greater size ratio between you and the minotaur, you only jab the knife a little into the minotaur’s armpit, causing very little damage and no crippling at all.
  282. >The minotaur barely brushes you, any closer and you would have been turned into aluminum foil.
  283. >You both pass each other to be on opposite sides of the room.
  284. >Twilight seems to be trying to keep her cool since the battle commenced, but is biting her hoof while anxiously watching.
  285. Try using it’s size against itself! The bigger they are, the harder they fall!
  286. >Like you didn’t know that already...
  287. >The minotaur spins around to only charge back at you, but you now have a greater distance between you and it than earlier.
  288. >Let’s see if you can find an opening…
  290. >-with an exasperated sigh, I notice that the detection spell is almost complete, which will undoubtedly show the most efficient way to solve this problem. Not soon enough, though… I once again take off running, the increased distance allowing me to pick up more speed, still aiming for his right side. This time, however, I duck into a slide, passing by his thick, tree-trunk legs and slashing at his ankle as i pass by…
  291. >The minotaur is damaged 40% of your knife damage due to critical strike on your Stealth Augment, and impairing its mobility due to the slash on the leg.
  292. >The minotaur is not able to charge attack effectively.
  293. >Twilight cheers you on at your successful maneuver, impressed by your sliding technique.
  294. Nice job, Anon! That was really good!
  295. >No time to face your audience, the minotaur is still alive, glaring it’s red eyes at you.
  296. >The minotaur slowly approaches you putting himself in a defensive stance, jutting out his morningstar at you and shield up.
  297. >Giving you a menacing snort, the giant robot stomps it’s good leg on the ground, causing the ground to shake a bit beneath you, impairing your balance slightly.
  298. >It gets close, roars, and prepares to swing.
  299. >Next move…?
  301. >Downward swings are slow, and the construction of maces means only the area in range of the head is dangerous. Knowing this, I regain my balance quickly and make yet another dash towards Mechahorn's legs, deftly strafing the shield before finally plunging my dagger as deep as I possibly can in the metal monstrosity's as of yet uninjured leg.
  303. >The minotaur is damaged 40% of your knife damage, making the minotaur close to half health.
  304. >The giant titan’s other leg is now impaired and its mobility lowered harshly.
  305. >It attempts to get up, giving you some time to strike again.
  306. Nice work, Anon! Now finish it off!
  307. >You take the purple alicorn’s advice and prepare to plant the final strike.
  308. Anon, before you do anything, try to disable the minotaur than destroying it, I want to show you something you can do with the knife once you down an enemy.
  310. "Disable it, eh?"
  311. >Hoping against hope that mechataur anatomy works anything like a biological one, I quickly run up behind the beast and scale its back, lunging forward and plunge the knife into its spine, just below the hole I made earlier (hue) in an attempt to paralyze my lumbering foe
  313. >You damage the minotaur for 110% of your knife damage and is slammed down towards the ground, making the minotaur close to being destroyed.
  314. Alright Anon, you have a built in CEPE Hacker Module in your shell that allows you to hack any weak enemies to be used as minions in battle. Your CEPE Hacker Module is the standard one, so it will just make the hacked bot your ally in its current state. Finding better Modules are rare and expensive, which can repair the minions you hack and increase the number you can hack at the same time. But for now you can use them as a distraction or for extra aid in battle. Go on, try it out!
  315. >You cut open the armor covering the minotaurs core in its head and proceed to grab it.
  316. >Once your hand gets close to it, your index finger tip turns into a plug, directly connecting to the core and sending a bunch a code in your vision.
  317. >After a short period of time, the minotaur’s eyes changes from a menacing red to a friendly green color.
  318. >The plug then disconnects and you jump off the minotaur to see what will happen.
  319. >The minotaur tries to stand up, but you screwed up its legs pretty bad…
  320. >Poor guy, you feel bad for him now, even if he did try to eat your bolts for breakfast.
  321. If you want to hack a specific target, it’s better to attack it from the body so it still has a good amount of mobility and a way to attack. Also, the stronger the enemy, the harder it is to hack. For now, you can only hack 2 weak cyborgs or robots as a minion with the standard Module at the same time.
  322. >After hearing the useful tip, you proceed to try and help up the beaten up minotaur.
  323. Oh Anon, don’t worry about him, we’ll just take him to the Repair Wing and get him all patched up for any more trainees. But that settles our training! You passed with an A+!
  324. >Twilight grins and gives you the most ‘I’m so proud of you’ look she can give you…
  325. >Cute book horse is cute, who can’t love someone so dedicated like that?
  326. >Maybe if they were too dedicated… Those type of ponies are no fun…
  327. >You then wave goodbye to the training minotaur, as it waves back at you, soon to be hauled away by engineer ponies to be repaired.
  328. >Do ponies mistreat robots like that? Can he even feel pain like you?
  329. >He’s not a cyborg, but you feel bad that the guy gets toyed with his mind and beat up for training… But maybe he’s just a robot and can’t feel real pain.
  330. >You don’t ponder about it for too much as you exit the training room with Twilight.
  331. Alright Anon, let’s heal you up over by this station.
  332. >Twilight points her hoof toward a machine on the wall with a cable that attaches to your wrist.
  333. >You proceed to take the cable and apply it to your wrist, feeling an aura of magic course through your veins- Or, er… Wires…
  334. >Your armor is regenerated back and patched up, good as new.
  335. There are healing stations all over the lab for robots and prototype cyborgs like you and Spike that instantly heal your shell. You can also use these regenerative magic vaccines, but they only repair a portion of your shell.
  336. >She then shows you a metallic tube that almost looks like an EpiPen that hooks into the same place you plugged the healing station into.
  337. You can store these in your storage compartment in your shell, which can be upgraded to hold more weapons and materials you need.
  338. >Twilight gives you a couple of vaccines and you gladly put them away in your storage compartment.
  339. >After a moment of awkward silence, the purple alicorn gives you another embraceful hug, just for the heck of it.
  340. I’m so glad that you’re alive, and that you haven’t changed a bit… And plus it will be harder to kill you, considering you’re almost immortal when it comes to biological aging…
  341. >You both disconnect the hug one last time to see what Twilight has in for you next.
  342. Celestia is going to visit the lab a couple days from now to see how my latest project, which is you,and see if it was a success! So you can now go catch up with everyone in Ponyville and explore a bit. But I need you back in the lab to shut you down for the night to make sure nothing happens to you before Celestia inspects you.
  343. >Really? You’re a freakin cyborg with badass abilities and weapons, you can take care of yourself.
  344. >But you know what she means… If you fall into the wrong hands, things could get ugly…
  346. >Now you’re free to roam and explore wherever you please, what to do now…?
  348. "I think I'll head to Sugarcube corner, it's been a long time since I've had one of Pinkie's cupcakes, and the two of us need to catch up anyw- Hang on, I can still eat, right?!?!?"
  350. >Twilight then turns to you and giggles in response to your question.
  351. No Anon… *giggle* You can’t eat regular pony food anymore… But you do have to replenish energy now and then, almost like food… Except without the taste and the satisfaction of eating a well prepared meal…
  352. >That fucking sucks....
  353. >tfw you will never be able to try Pinkie’s delicious pastries ever again.
  354. >If you’d known your fate, you would have ordered a cake before your funeral…
  355. >Rest in peace taste buds and stomach, you will be missed…
  356. >Twilight sees your troubled expression and comforts you by your side.
  357. Cheer up, Anon… Being a cyborg has its ups and downs… Believe me, Spike had it hard the first time he became one, but he acts like he’s been one his entire life… You’ll get used to it, but again, sorry for your loss…
  358. >You pet the alicorn’s mane and soon wave good bye as you exit the lab, out into the fresh air of Equestria leaving you friend to continue her studies.
  360. >Shall you head to Sugar Cube Corner or go somewhere else?
  362. "I guess I'll head to the farm. Applejack always needs a hand, and brute strength is something I have in spades now. I could use an excuse to make a little pocket change too… I'll visit Pinkie once I've quelled the temptation for delicious pastry…”
  364. >Before you have any time to take another step, Twilight rushes out of the lab towards you.
  365. >You hear her trotting and turn around to see what’s wrong.
  366. A-Anon… *pant* I… I f-forgot! To give you… T-This!
  367. >The exhausted alicorn forcefully holds up a chip for you to take.
  368. Just… Put it in your built in screen on your wrist, there’s a slot for it there.
  369. >Looking at your wrist, you insert the chip next to the screen, causing it to turn on and project a map of Ponyville.
  370. You can also use that screen to see how much damage you’ve taken, organize your storage compartment, and see how much ammunition you have…
  371. >You fumble around more and zoom out to see an entire map of Equestria, but the other areas besides Ponyville are shaded out.
  372. In order to see mapping of other areas, you need to upgrade your map with more chips or simply explore around so it updates the maps radar spell.
  373. >She gets her bearings, finally recovers from her workout.
  374. Okay, okay… I’ll be going now...
  375. >Twilight smiles sheepishly then finally gives you one more good bye wave before heading back into the lab.
  376. >You simply shrug and continue walking down the path to Applejack’s, using your built in GPS device on your new map.
  377. >You mark Sweet Apple Acres on your map and it faintly projects a path for you to follow every time you pop up the map again. This map is really neat, wish you had this that one time you got lost in the Everfree.
  378. >Never shall you go in there alone, cyborg or human, map or no map.
  379. >Not worth, for no reason.
  380. >After a couple of minutes, you arrive at Sweet Apple Acres, trying to take in the aroma of apples you usually love to smell.
  381. >Oh.
  382. >You can’t smell either… Right…
  383. >Now you feel just more depressed about the situation, but brighten up once you see an orange mare in the distance bucking some apples from some trees.
  384. >You take your time approaching her, admiring the flora and fauna of the vast apple orchard.
  385. >Slowly getting closer to the mare, she turns around in time to meet you face to face, surprised by the encounter.
  387. ‘Well ah’ll be… Is dat… Is dat you, Anon?’
  388. >How did she know it was you?
  389. >Right, only human in Equestria… Or er... cyborg that looks like a human in Equestria…
  390. >You nod your head and give a warming smile, to be hoofed bumped in the shoulder in a friendly manner, sending out a metallic echo on contact.
  391. >You miss her country accent and friendly hospitality, Applejack always treated you like part of her family.
  392. ‘Well strap me to an apple tree and buck me silly! It is Anon! I thought you was killed when you got turned into dat statue back dair… But I mean ya’ll a robot now so… Are ya alive?’
  393. >You explain briefly that Twilight transferred you into a new metallic body with the same mind and same personality you’ve always had. You’re still Anon, just a cyborg now.
  394. ‘I’m glad she’s doing sum sciencey stuff for the better of our lives. She technically saved your life!’
  395. >Now that you think about it, she really did, and gave you a couple of perks, too.
  396. >You’ll have to give her a present or make it up to her some time in the future.
  397. ‘How about we cum inside and let the family know yer back? And while yer at it, help yerself to the kitchen, I know how you like yer apple family goods...’
  398. >You look down depressingly and knock yourself on the chest, letting out a metallic ring to signify you can’t eat like a normal pony, or human, anymore…
  399. ‘Oh… Dats right… You can’t eat normal food no more… A’hm sorry sugarcube… Ah didn’t know...’
  400. >You gently stroke Applejack’s mane to signify that you're fine and that you forgive her for misunderstanding.
  401. >She smiles warmly at you, guiding you towards the Apple house near the barn.
  402. >Once there, you see Applebloom and Granny Smith knitting on the front porch.
  403. -Nya gatta go in a specific pattern, deary…-
  404. “Granny, this is too hard and boring, Ah don’t think imma get a cutie mark in knittin’...”
  405. >Halfway towards them, they seem to notice you arriving and drop what they're doing, to see who the stranger next to their loved one is.
  406. >Their eyes widen in realization as they notice who you are, rushing over quickly.
  407. -Well ah’ll be darned, isn’t dat lad over yonder Anon?-
  408. “It is Granny! It really is”
  409. >Both newly encountered Apple members hug you comfortingly, for you to hug back warmly.
  410. -We’s though you wer a gonner, sonny…-
  411. “Whoa, das so cool! You’s a robot now! Did Twilight bring you back? I heard rumors she was tryin’ to.”
  412. >You smile in response to the little filly’s optimism.
  413. -It’s gud to hav ya back in our family-
  414. *Eyup*
  415. >Sometime during your reunion, Big Macintosh seemed to have join in on the hug, but you couldn’t tell if he was crushing you or not.
  416. >Usually you could, but with your new body, you can sustain some pressure, even if he is a big stallion.
  417. ‘Now give him sum space, he just got back and it’d be nice if we give him a calm, peaceful day. This is probably a lot on his shoulders to be back after such a long time...’
  418. >Long time? Has it really be that long? You give Applejack a questioning glare as to see if she gets your hint.
  419. ‘You didn’t know how long you was gone, sugarcube? Well ah’ll say you’ve been gone fer about… 5 years?’
  420. >5 YEARS? Well, it could have been worse, like 1,000 years! Sorry, Luna, had to call you out on that one.
  421. >5 years is still a lot, you can’t gain all that time back, but wait… You’re a cyborg now, hell yeah you can, you can’t age.
  422. >But you have a LOT of catching up to do with your friends, so better make the best of your free time to do that.
  423. ‘So Anon, ya need anything from us or have anymore questions to ask us?’
  424. >You explain you wanted to help around the farm and even make a little bit of cash if you can while you’re at it.
  426. ‘Aww shucks, Anon. Ya need a break on yer first day back with us. Here, just take it, and Ah don’t want ya to complain or whine, we gave it to you cuz we don’t need it, ya need it more…’
  427. >Applebloom seem to have left without you noticing, to only then return dragging a large sack that seems to be a little heavy for the filly.
  428. >Applebloom carefully places it in front of you, waiting patiently for you to pick it up and see your reaction.
  429. >You gingerly pick it up and look at the contents, to see a huge quantity of bits!
  430. ‘Ah know ah’m not suppose to be the generous one, that’s Rarity’s job, but yer part of our family and we’re just happy to have ya back...’
  431. >Looking to Applejack and then back to the bag several times, you then give her a hug, showing how thankful you are of their gift.
  432. ‘No need ta thank us, Anon. We love ya, and like ah said before, we’re just happy to have ya back’
  433. *Eyup*
  434. -Dats right, sonny-
  435. “Mhm!”
  436. >You slowly start to feel like you’re tearing up, but since you’re a robot now you can’t actually cry.
  437. >You pretend to wipe a metaphorical tear at the heart wrenching moment and give them one final nod to show your appreciation.
  438. >You put away the bag in your storage compartment for safe keeping.
  439. >250 bits acquired.
  441. >Now that you’ve greeted the Apple’s, what should you do now?
  443. "Thanks, you guys… It's always great seeing you. 5 years is a lot of time, and I'm sure there's so much I've missed. I intend to hear about every. Last. Second. And while I'm at it, I can use this new strength -flex- to help around the farm, and pay you back for this generosity. So anytime you need me, just come a-hollerin' and old Tin Man Anon will come and help out. In the meantime, I need to go make sure everyone else is okay, I had no idea I had been gone that long. Ah… Is Rainbow still living in her cloud house? And if so, any tips on getting up to see her? I need some advice on… awesomeness…"
  445. ‘Anon, like ah said, ya ain’t gatta pay us back nothin’. But some help around the farm would be nice once in a while… Oh, and to answer yer other question, RD still lives in her cloud house, but ah don’t know where it is cuz it’s always drifting in the sky… Cuz you know, it’s a cloud and all…’
  446. “Ah do, ah do!”
  447. >The little yellow filly pipes up, jumping up and down raising her hoof to get your attention.
  448. >You gesture your hand for her to proceed, only for it to be taken by the filly and pulled away into the orchard. You wave good bye to the Apple’s as they wave in reply to you, soon to give your attention to the filly dragging you to Celestia knows where…
  449. >You end up in front of the Cutie Mark Crusader’s clubhouse, to be greeted by the two other Cutie Mark Crusader’s, completing the trio.
  450. -Ohhh! Is that Anon?-
  451. >The high pitch adorable squeal is accompanied by a hug, while the other orange filly examines your new body.
  452. ‘Whoa! Cooool! You look awesome, Anon! Not as awesome as Rainbow Dash- I mean, you still look awesome!’
  453. >Still intrigued by all the attention, you give the brief catch up on your personal experience becoming a cyborg to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.
  454. >They watch in awe as you tell them how you feel, what you can do, and how you’re still the same old Anon they know.
  455. >Apple Bloom watches for a bit while you converse with the other fillies before tapping you on the arm with her hoof.
  456. “Ahem. I don’t mean tah interrupt, but Anon here wanted to know where Rainbow Dash’s house is, and I know you know Scoots.”
  457. ‘Pfff- What? What makes you think that?’
  458. >Scootaloo backs away while blushing, but tries to hide it with a menacing, glare.
  459. >At least you think she’s trying to be menacing, if she is, she’s failing big time at it, because she looks adorable scrunching up her muzzle like that.
  460. >Apple Bloom just gives her an unamused reaction and raises an eyebrow in suspicion.
  461. ‘Fine, fine… You got me… Her house should be over above Town Square around this time… It is around morning to noonish, right?’
  462. >The other fillies nod in response to Scootaloo’s question.
  463. >Morning to noonish, huh? That should give you enough time today to catch up with your friends.
  464. >You give them a thankful nod and a wave farewell before setting off to see your awesome pegasus friend.
  465. “If ya ever wanna cum by to play with us, you know where tah find us!”
  466. -Mhm! Oh, and I’ll tell Rarity you said ‘Hi’!-
  467. >You give Sweetie Belle a thumbs up at the favor.
  468. ‘Hey, maybe we can get a cutie mark in cybernetic mechanics!’
  469. >After hearing that comment, you turn around nervously and change your pace from a casual walk to a hurried power walk. Nope, not letting little fillies probe and dismember you.
  470. >After using your map and GPS for a while, you reach Town Square and see a cloud hovering high up above the Town Hall.
  471. >You call out for Rainbow Dash, shouting at the cloud house to see if she’ll come out.
  472. >No budge, must be sleeping like always, that rascal.
  473. >You can’t fly, nor is it close enough to the Town Hall for you to climb up and reach it.
  474. >And even if you did make it, can you even walk on clouds?
  475. >What to do…? Maybe you should find someone you know to help you out, or that can get up there for you…
  477. "I guess my best bet is Derpy. It's late enough that she should be done with her mail runs, and I've been wanting to catch up with that adorable ditz anyway. If I remember correctly, her house is… That one!"
  478. >initiate program
  480. >You walk up to the house you pointed out to be Derpy’s and proceed to knock on the front door.
  481. >Derpy is a pegasus, but she prefers to have a home on flat land, she tends to drop things out of the sky often…
  482. >After knocking and calling her name several times, you see a note next to her mailbox in her hoofwriting.
  483. >’Gone to get some muffins <3’
  484. >If Derpy is getting muffins, she must be at Sugarcube Corner.
  485. >How convenient, you meant to stop by there anyways, so might as well catch up with Pinkie too.
  486. >It’s not even that far, just a couple blocks away in view.
  487. >Coming close to the pastry shop, you see that it’s moderately crowded, probably because it’s morning rush and ponies are going in to get a quick bite before work.
  488. >As you get closer to the shop, ponies all around start giving you stares, even some afraid of you, but after a while they recognize it’s just you, Anon.
  489. >Once they realize it’s you, their expressions turn from sour to sweet, even some greeting you on the way.
  490. >You greet back and see some familiar faces on the way. Much doesn’t seem to have changed, except maybe some new ponies you haven’t seen before, or some things moved around from their previous spot.
  491. >Finally, you reach the pastry shop and walk in, to get the same reaction as before.
  492. >Ponies examine you in amazement as you retell your transformation into an epic cyborg.
  493. >After greeting the ponies in the shop, you realize Derpy is nowhere to be found.
  494. >You walk up to the counter and ring the bell, while bracing yourself for whatever surprise may pop out.
  496. >Anticipating for a while now, you realize no one is behind the counter, but then suddenly a pink earth pony just falls from the ceiling, ending up behind the register.
  497. >You don’t even flinch as you try to process what just happened.
  498. >It’s Pinkie, try not to think too hard about it…
  499. >You greet the bubbly pink pone as she gets her bearings, only to gasp and freeze in mid-air at the sight of you.
  500. >Seriously, how does she do that? The whole freezing in mid-air thing.
  501. >You wave your robot hand in her face to snap her back into reality, only to get a crushing hug in reply.
  502. >Holy crap, how is she crushing you, even Big Mac didn’t hug this hard… Hnngg…
  503. >You playfully push Pinkie Pie off you and give her a more formal greeting than being hug attacked.
  504. “Nonny, Nonny, Nonny! You’re alive!”
  505. >Pinkie starts hopping around you as you nod in response, smiling at the pony’s enthusiasm.
  506. “Wait, did Twilight fix you up in her lab after Hubris blew you up into tiny stone pieces when we turned you into a statue? Only to be put through various tests by Twilight to see if you work properly and had to fight this HUGE robot minotaur! And also you saw Spike who’s also a cyborg now and looks 10 times cuter than he usually is-”
  507. >Covering the ponies mouth to calm her down, you give her a sheepish smile to show that she got a bit carried away like she usually does.
  508. >She gives an apologetic smile and gives you a hug.
  509. “Sorry, Nonny… Just glad to have you back… Oh! That means we have to throw you a ‘Welcome Back From the Undead as a Cyborg Party!’”
  510. >You don’t mind a party, but you explain to Pinkie you rather let this day be a calm one since it’s your first day back.
  511. “Oh, okay! We can have a calm party later with all our friends to celebrate you coming back, then.”
  512. >Maybe a small party won’t be so bad, so you give her a thumbs up in reply.
  513. “Be back here at around evening for the party, all your bestest friends will be there!”
  514. >Before she can spring off to prepare your party, you stop Pinkie and ask her where Derpy might be.
  515. “Oh, I sent her to get my delivery of muffins because she wanted some. The usual delivery pony is never late, and she insisted on going to find him because she REALLY loves her muffins!”
  516. >You ask where the usually delivery route for the muffin pony is.
  517. “Here! I’ll show you!”
  518. >She grabs your wrist and starts fiddling with your wrist screen so quickly you can’t even see what she’s doing.
  519. >In an instant your map and GPS highlight the muffin delivery route! How the hell did she know- You know what, it’s Pinkie, don’t use logic where there isn’t any.
  520. >You thank the party pony, say your farewells and promising to stop by later for the party.
  521. >After a few feet away from the shop, Pinkie bursts through the doors and shouts at the top of her lungs,
  523. >Yeah yeah, you’ll be there… Or be square… Considering it’s Pinkie, if you didn’t show up, you’d probably turn into a cube for no logical reason. You’ll go anyways despite if it might be a threat or not.
  524. >You follow your GPS for almost an hour now, realizing you’ve been going in circles.
  525. >After giving one more round around the route, you end up next to the Everfree Forest, only to hear screaming coming from it…
  526. >No… Please Celestia no….
  527. >Yeah, that was Derpy, and another yell along with hers must be the delivery pony…
  528. >Not the Everfree… Anywhere but there!
  529. >They might be in danger, and you’re not sure if there’s time to get help, and the closest pony is Fluttershy, yet she knows the forest better than anypony.
  530. >What should you do?!?
  532. >Looking around, I spot a moderate length of rope on the ground. Tying it to a tree just inside of the forest, I begin heading towards the voices, hoping it will be long enough…
  534. >You slowly pass through the entrance of the forest, treading lightly not to alarm any creatures nearby.
  535. >The map and GPS seemed to be jammed, not working in the eerie forest.
  536. >Well, can’t use that right now.
  537. >Suddenly, another scream is heard towards the east, causing you to bolt in that direction, only to fall off a small cliff and onto a slope.
  538. >You slide down, dodging various thorns and branches, some hitting you on the way down.
  539. >Warning: Minor Damage Detected.
  540. >Better be a bit more careful…
  541. >You see some tracks, scanning them and highlighting them with your scanner.
  542. >Hoofmarks… Fresh, too. They must be Derpy’s! You continue to follow the hoofmarks to some bushes, only to hear more screaming, only for it to become muffled.
  543. >You peak over to see what all the commotion is about.
  544. >In the corner of the little open area, you see Derpy and the delivery pony strapped to a tree by rope with mouths duct taped.
  545. “Please be quiet little ponies. We’re in the middle of something here…”
  546. -Gimme the Gem! It’s mine!-
  547. ‘No! I got it off this pony’s bag, so it’s mine!’
  548. >The bigger, muscular dog that was taping the ponies mouths shut turns to the other two dogs.
  549. “But I spotted the gem in the bag… So I should get it”
  550. >In the center of the forest opening, you see the 3 Diamond dogs quarrelling over a diamond the small dog is possessing.
  551. >Derpy notices you in the bushes and her eyes grow wide as she cocks her head over to the dogs, probably telling you they did this.
  552. >The delivery pony is just going crazy, flailing his hooves all around and screaming through the tape.
  553. >You try to get closer to Derpy around the perimeter of the area, but accidentally step on a twig, only for the dogs to swerve their heads around towards you.
  554. >Hugging a tree to hide behind cover, you hear them approach you as they start to sniff around your general area.
  555. -I smell… A pony….-
  556. >The taller dog starts to bark, trying to scare you out of cover, but you stay in your spot.
  557. >Wait, you’re a cyborg, you have no scent… But considering you’ve been hugging ponies all day, their scent probably rubbed off on you.
  558. -You two idiots! Guard the hostages!-
  559. ‘You got it, but the gem is still mine.’
  560. -Will you shut up about the gem? We have a visitor amongst us…-
  561. “But who’s come to visit? We didn’t invite anyone.”
  562. -Then they’ll introduce themselves momentarily… Heheheheh… If you hurt any of us and don’t surrender, we’ll hurt these puny ponies!-
  563. >The large muscular dog stands by the tree, holding a knife up to Derpy’s neck, while the smaller dog puts the delivery pony in a choke hold.
  564. >Those bastards… They’ll pay for their thievish crimes…
  565. >You can’t kill them, they haven’t actually hurt Derpy or the delivery pony, and jumping in will only make things worse…
  566. >You need a smarter approach, what should you do?
  568. Adopting my best Diamond Dog accent, I call out to the mangy mutts:
  569. "Hulluh, friends! Me name is Grandmaster Buttsniffer, and me is NO PONEH! Me called here to settle fight over pretty gem because me smartest Diamond Dog Judge in history. Me say this: The gem will belong to the dawg who can dig the deepest hole! That is the best test to find best Diamond Dog! Now go, doggiesh! Dig your holesh! I will keep an eye on dese tew stewpid PONEHS, and will give the bestest Dog the gem when he has won!"
  571. >The dogs share silent glances, before they stare back in your general area in bewilderment.
  572. -Grandmaster Buttsniffer? In history? Never heard of him!-
  573. “I was never really good at diamond dog history…”
  574. >You explain you’re part of a different district of Diamond dogs, and that is probably why they’ve never heard of you.
  575. ‘So he might be a judge, Rover, but what if he’s lying…?’
  576. “But he does bring a good point about who gets the gem, digging sounds nice…”
  577. -Alright, we’ll do your ‘contest’... But first, stranger… You must reveal yourself, in order to judge us, that is...-
  578. >He gives you a menacing chuckle, knowing he’s stumped you.
  579. >Oh fuck, you didn’t think you’d make it this far, yet that Rover dog is on to your scheme… Think, think…
  580. >You scratch your chrome chin and snap your fingers.
  581. >The dogs flinch after you snap your fingers, and you cringe back realizing that could have blown your cover. No creature in Equestria can snap as well as a human. Better be careful when you do that...
  582. >You explain that viewing the contestants could lead to a biased decision, resulting in an unfair choice.
  583. >After a brief moment of silence, you realize none of them understood what you said.
  584. >They all just scratch their heads in confusion.
  585. >Quietly facepalming, you simply explain that seeing them will make you pick favorites, which is unfair.
  586. >You actually might pick the calmer, giant dog just because he’s so chill, but that’s besides the point.
  587. ‘Ohhh… I get it! But what’s the point? I’ll dig the deepest!’
  588. -What are you talking about, you puny mutt-!-
  589. ‘What did you call me-?!’
  590. >Both other dogs arguing eventually turn to see the bigger one already starting to dig.
  591. ‘Wait- That’s cheating!’
  592. -No head starts! You better not choose him, Buttsniffer!-
  593. >You chuckle at the sudden nickname, hastily covering your mouth with your hand to avoid making any sound.
  595. >Now all the dogs are distracted, digging their own individual holes in the earth.
  596. >Hopefully this will buy you enough time to rescue Derpy.
  597. >5 minutes later, you reveal yourself from your cover and run over to the tree Derpy is tied on.
  598. >Upon seeing you, the delivery pony starts to panic more at your appearance, but calms down realizing you’re the rescue team.
  599. >Quickly untying both ponies, you keep a lookout to see if any of the dogs will come back.
  600. >Once free, Derpy gives you a big hug, while the delivery pony just plops down on the ground with a loud THUD.
  601. /Oh thank you, Anon! I thought we would have been dog food if it weren’t for you… And I can’t believe it’s really you! You’re alive!/
  602. >She gives you a cute smile with those adorable googly eyes watering up.
  603. >Dawww… That’s just pure diabetes… If you had an organic heart, you sure would have had a heart attack after that display.
  604. >You turn to the delivery pony who’s anxiously looking for a way out of the forest opening.
  605. .Thanks a lot! But I really have to get going! I'm behind schedule!.
  606. >Before you can give him a reassuring nod, he was already gone in a flash.
  607. >So much for saying you’re welcome…
  608. >You then signal Derpy to run off before the Diamond Dogs come back, and she does so willingly.
  609. >You’re about to follow her, but then Derpy stops and gives you a worried expression.
  610. /Oh no! Anon, the gem! I have to deliver that to Rarity, and if she doesn’t get it… Oh no.../
  611. >Her expression is one of that just yells ‘I’m fucked’, and you can’t help but run back.
  612. >You wave her off to show her to keep going and that you’ll get the gem.
  613. >Derpy, nods and starts to run off before turning around and giving you one last stare.
  614. >You turn back and give her a thumbs up, showing she has nothing to worry about.
  615. >Turning back to find the gem, you see the smaller diamond dog has crawled out of its hole and is sneaking off with the gem.
  616. >So much for the contest…
  617. >Looks like he’s about to get away, what should you do?
  619. >Grabbing a rock, I start running towards the small canine, throwing the rock into a tree near him, causing enough of a halting distraction for me to get into tackling range, then lunging…
  621. >The midget dog looks up at the rock just recently hurdled towards him, then turns behind to see a giant mechanical monster charging towards him.
  622. >His eyes go wide as his mouth opens agape, not even a sound escaping from his throat.
  623. >You push him enough that he tumbles into the bushes and the gem flies out of his hands, but into one of the other diamond dog’s holes.
  624. -OW! What was- Ooohhhh! So does this mean I win?-
  625. >You don’t reply, trying to find a place to hide to grab the gem off of Rover, only to get a tiny dog to tackle your face.
  626. >Oh fuck, get it off! Smells like shit, piss, and dirt!
  627. >You pull the dog off your face and hold him by his neck fat as he flails around in the air.
  629. >Rude… Could have swore you were Buttsniffer, the best dog judge.
  630. >Rover crawls out of his hole to encounter you with the gem in his hand, static in position.
  632. >Rover puts the gem away in one of his gem pouches and cracks his knuckles.
  633. -Well well… This is definitely a surprise… I think I’ll be the judge of this situation, and it seems you are no judge or dog, but a…. Uh… Metal monster, thing…-
  635. >Rover rolls his eyes and prepares to attack, raising his paws up in a gripping position, slowly creeping towards you.
  636. >You still have the little pup flailing helplessly in the air, what should you do?
  637. >I throw the small diamond dog into the face of the larger one, drawing my knife as I dash by his side, slashing at his bag in an attempt to grab the gem while he is distracted by his newly-intimate friend.
  640. >You slash the pouch, causing the gem to plop out onto the ground.
  641. >You hear a howling sound as you pick up the gem, seeing the crimson liquid on the sapphire.
  642. >You turn to see the Rover with a slight cut near his rib cage, covering it with his paw as blood drips out.
  643. >Doesn’t look like a cut deep, but you fucked up, you didn’t intend to hurt him.
  644. >You sheepishly smile and wave your hands to signal you didn’t mean to do it, but realize you’re holding the knife while doing it.
  645. >The dog thinks it’s mocking you and howls out, causing the bigger dog that was digging to come out.
  646. “You called…? Did you win- Oh no…”
  647. -Get… H-Him…-
  648. >Rover points his claw at you as it shakes from the pain of the cut.
  649. >Nervously putting your knife away, you make a run for it into the woods, only to be blocked by the giant dog.
  650. “Where do you think you’re going, tin can? You can’t hurt my friends and get away with it...”
  651. >The large mutt takes a boulder next to him and breaks it in half with his skull.
  652. >Holyfuckthat’s2stronk5me
  653. ‘I’ll show this guy who’s boss!’
  654. >The little dog starts boxing the air, throwing punches and doing little grunts and yelps.
  655. ’Oh yeah, wait until he gets a piece of this!’
  656. >You try to run back, but blocked off by the small dog and Rover.
  657. >Rover unsheathes a dagger and closes in on you.
  658. -I’ll be cutting myself a new gem out of your scrap metal!-
  659. >You’re cornered, and you don’t intend on trying to hurt them anymore unless things turn for the worse.
  660. >What should you do now?
  662. "Fellas, can't we be reasonable about this?"
  663. >I ask as I slowly back away… I definitely fucked up, hurting (relatively) innocent animals isn't my style, but hey, Cute\sexy ass dyspraxic pone was counting on me. Reaching down, I activate my cloaking spell, and then make a mad dash past the smallest of the three whilst they are disorganized and confused.
  665. >The Diamond dogs are confused at your sudden disappearance, only to see their puny pup friend be tossed aside by thin air.
  666. “Huh…? Where’d he go…?”
  667. >The giant mutt scratches his head, turning his body to try and find where you stormed off to.
  668. ‘He disappeared! I’ve still got his scent, let’s get him-’
  669. >The small pup is stopped by Rover’s paw by setting it on his shoulder.
  670. >All three dogs stare into dense forest where you ran off into, just watching…
  671. -No… Let him go… We’ll see him again real soon…-
  672. >The dogs grin, letting out one last howl that echoes through the entire forest.
  673. >You keep running, not looking back, only to keep darting straight ahead, watching for any tree roots or branches that come your way.
  674. >Suddenly, you get tugged back by the rope you put on yourself, tripping and falling flat on the ground.
  675. >You almost forgot you had this rope on you, and the diamond dogs could follow you with it anytime now.
  676. >You cut the attached rope and leave it on the ground, following the rope to retrace your steps.
  677. >Being at a fair distance from the rope not to directly follow it, but enough to see the path you’ve taken, you reach back to the opened forest area where you encountered the dogs, only for them to be gone.
  678. >Thank Celestia for that, you didn’t want any more trouble than you’ve already gotten yourself into.
  679. >Passing the opened forest area, you go back into the dark forest, seeing the slope you slipped down and carefully scaling it again, to finally reach the entrance of the forest after a few minutes of trekking.
  680. >At the entrance, the grey pegasus is waiting for you, trotting up to you with a big smile.
  681. /Hey Anon, you okay? Besides you being a weird robot thingy and all.../
  682. >You brush off some dirt and grime off your metal skin, noticing you’ve been scratched up and dented a bit, but nothing too major.
  683. >Giving another reassuring nod like you always do, you pet Derpy’s golden mane and take out the gem you retrieved for her.
  684. >Her eyes go wide as she let’s an audible cheer, giving you another hug.
  685. >You wonder if Twilight put a magnet on your shell, a ‘chick magnet’...
  686. >That was bad… Note to self, stop making shitty jokes…
  687. >The pegasus eyeballs the gem weirdly before taking it with her hoof and examining it.
  688. /What’s with this red stuff on it, Anon?/
  689. >Oh fuck, you forgot to clean it up before giving it to her! You give her, ‘it’s not what it looks like’, type of expression.
  690. /Anon… Did you…?/
  692. >You shake your head, explaining you accidentally might have injured one of them trying to get the gem back.
  693. /Anon… You have to be more careful! We might be in big trouble now! But I guess it doesn’t matter right now, we got the gem back. C’mon, let’s go give it to Rarity./
  694. >Seems like you’ll be seeing everyone today, hopefully you can before you need to go to Pinkie’s party…
  695. >Derpy takes out a handkerchief out of her mailbag and wipes the gem clean from any blood on it.
  696. >Both of you start to walk back towards town, chatting on the way.
  697. /So you’re a robot now? Does that mean you can’t eat muffins?/
  698. >You shake your head and can’t help but grin casually at the question.
  699. /What?!? Can’t have muffins? How can someone live like that?/
  700. >You shrug and explain that it’s not all that bad, telling her about all the cool stuff you can do.
  701. /Wow! So you’re like a superhero now? That’s so cool! But how did you end up like that?/
  702. >You tell her the same story you tell everypony, not missing a single detail.
  703. >During the part where you tell her about the Hubris battle, Derpy goes over by a nearby fountain and uses the water to clean her bloody handkerchief outside the fountain.
  704. >While wringing it out, she continues to converse with you.
  705. /Whoa, I remember her, she was a big meanie.../
  706. >Derpy pouts, causing you to internally bask in her cuteness.
  707. /And it’s great to have you back Anon, we can have muffins like we used to- Oh… Sorry.../
  708. >Derpy blushes and hides her face in embarrassment, only for you to hug her in response, reassuring that it’s all fine.
  709. >Seems like it’ll take some time for them to get used to you being a cyborg and all.
  710. >You continue your story until you arrive at the Carousel Boutique, with the gem ready for delivery.
  711. >Derpy knocks on the door three times, only to get no response.
  712. >You knock with her several times, only to soon resort to calling Rarity’s name.
  713. /Rarity! We have your gem that you needed to be delivered!/
  714. >Suddenly, you both hear hasteful galloping down to the front door, only for it to be swung open by Rarity herself.
  715. >Her mane was in a mess, and a measuring tape was wrapped around her unicorn horn, tangling aimlessly around as her glasses drooped down to her muzzle.
  716. “Oh my! FINALLY! I’ve been waiting all DAY for this, why did it come so late? Oh... I’m almost near my deadline for my set!”
  717. >Rarity snatches the gem in haste and examines it quickly, but thoroughly.
  718. “This will do- Oh! Anon! What great timing, hold on, I need your assistance!”
  719. >Before you can speak, you’re pulled into the boutique, only to see Derpy watching, mouthing the words ‘I’m so sorry!’
  720. >You give her a thumbs up to show it’s fine while you’re dragged into a fashion stage.
  721. /Uhhh… Anon, I’ll catch you later, I’ll be at my house if you need me. And thanks for saving me!/
  722. >Least you could do is return the favor! But whatever, you don’t really mind.
  723. >With that said, Derpy closes the front door, leaving you with the tangled fashionista mess now measuring your metal physique.
  725. “One of my clients is a minotaur, so you know the drill Anon!”
  726. >Of course, whenever Rarity had a client that resembled human physical form, she would use you as a mannequin to get measurements and try on clothing.
  727. >You’re surprised she hasn’t noticed you’re a giant metal machine, probably because she’s in her ‘zone’.
  728. >She moves around you in a flash, taking measurements, putting on hats, shoes, other sorts of attire onto you…
  729. >You don’t even know what’s happening anymore.
  730. >Can this be considered rape? Nah, you’re good…
  731. >Finally, she scurries upstairs without thanking you for your assistance, only for her to come down with her new line of clothing.
  732. “Oh thank you Anonymous! I am truly grateful you came in a time of need! And I actually ended up not needing to use the gem anyways!”
  733. >She gives a little giggle, showing you her new line.
  734. >You have to admit, she’s still got it, those dresses and outfits look amazing.
  735. >You compliment her line as she shows it off to you, giving you a brief rundown of each unique clothing.
  736. >Yet you’re still pissed that she didn’t end up using the gem and all that trouble for nothing…
  737. “Anon, since you were such a great help, here, you can have this. And no ‘buts’! It is my gift to you.”
  738. >Sapphire Gem added to storage compartment.
  739. “My, you look a bit different from our last encounter- OH MY, IT’S ANON!”
  740. >The sudden burst of realization hits her, as she gives you a big hug.
  741. “Oh Anon! My darling! We thought you were gone! And I didn’t even realize it was you! How silly of me… Hehehe… How in Equestria are you alive as… This!”
  742. >She gestures to your metal body, and you set her down, starting to explain your whole story before interrupting you.
  743. “Wait, hold on, no need to explain, I remember Sweetie Belle telling me all about it. Oh and, hello to you too, Anon.”
  744. >You give a confused expression before remembering that Sweetie sent your regards to Rarity.
  745. “My my, I have to say, this dull chrome hue is just awful, what was Twilight thinking! She isn’t really good when it comes to fashion…”
  746. >You wouldn’t say you look that bad, just a standard cyborg grey metal with some blue or red here for LED lights and wiring, and with weapons and advanced armor.
  747. “Give me some time and maybe I can customize your suit of shining armor to something more… Glamorous!”
  748. “Now why is it you came over here to see little old me..?”
  749. >You explain that you were helping Derpy deliver the gem before you were dragged in to be used as a mannequin.
  750. “Oh, did I? I am terribly sorry, Anonymous, you have my apology… But at least we got to catch up, and we’ll be meeting later this afternoon for Pinkie’s party, correct?”
  751. >You give the white unicorn a reassuring nod.
  752. “Oh my! Almost forgot! I have to get an outfit ready and all for the party! Pardon me Anon, but you do know your way out, I must get ready. It’s been nice catching up with you, I’ll see you at the party! Ta ta!”
  753. >Rarity storms off, her purple mane flowing behind her.
  754. >Pony knows how to make herself look good, you’ll give her that.
  755. >You wave as she scurries upstairs to her room, getting ready for the upcoming get together.
  756. >You make your way to the door, scratching your head, making a metal scratching sound as you do.
  757. >What was it you had to do again? So much has happened in a matter of one day...
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