
Aeron: From Slave to Knight - Elyon's Marking

Apr 15th, 2017
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  1. [18:34:40] The ultimate encounter!
  2. Infernus Kaor Lord versus Umbral Kaor Lord...
  3. One lord of the age, against one bound for the ages.
  4. One where the other finally challenged their autho--
  6. A slight gasp, and eyes opened...
  7. It was... A dream....
  8. The feeling of realizing such was....
  9. So...
  11. "Depressing." Aeron took the liberty of commenting.
  12. By now, the reconstruction of the citadel throne chamber had been reconstructed, far more warped than its former stature. Wall tiles were replaced with obsidian counterparts of their former glory, as to further emphasize the transmundanic arcane the Kaor Lord radiated.
  14. Upon a new throne, manifested of his element, he sat upon... Gazing down the isle that lead to the staircase below. Slaves were allowed to wander freely with extreme supervision from yokai underlings... Though, the thought of retaliation for freedom? Thoroughly discouraged by the Umbral Kaor Lord whom waited for the slightest excuse to exercise his wrath.
  15. (Aeron)
  16. [18:41:29] As one of the prisoners continued to work, the Kaor Lord set his eyes upon them - poor souls they all are. What are they doing here anyway? Even though missing an arm, Elyon didn't stop working, his face blank and emotionless, and moved like a robot.
  18. A gaze was then placed upon the Kaor Lord, by the said prisoner. He then just stood there and looked at him. If Aeron observed, he'd see sweat trickling down a side of Elyon's face, and his body shaking.
  20. "L-Lord Kaor. Forgive me for speaking my mind. But, if those letters were true. Then, aren't we all going to die?" He asked, his voice trembling for some reason.
  21. (Elyon Loreth)
  22. [19:00:16] "There will be plenty of casualties..." The Umbral Kaor claimed, "All of them, on their account." He clarified.
  23. "Not a single attacker will survive the endeavor, and those not killed on the spot will face damnation unlike any other capable of the human capability to percieve."
  25. He was so confident in the claim, unmoved in his seat, gazing down upon Elyon with crimson scelera gleaming through the dimly lit room, "Do you feel fear for the approach of your fellow ilk, human?" It asked of the slave, "--or do you doubt me..."
  26. The latter, albeit cooed growled with venom towards its end.
  27. (Aeron)
  28. [19:07:56] "I do not doubt your power, Lord Kaor. I've experience it myself." He said, his tone of voice low, and weak, as he bowed his head down to look upon the ground. The Kaor asked if he feared for the approach of his own race, and Elyon just stood in the spot in silence, providing no answers.
  30. He took a deep sigh, before slowly turning his gaze back at the Kaor, though wanting to avoid the yokai's gaze, is unable to do so. "Humans. Sub-humans. Or whatever race with semblance to humans. I know them, Lord Kaor. Though I doubt they can defeat you by individual power alone, they are too cunning and cowardly, so they will come pouring in numbers." Elyon explained. He's a logical man, and he speaks well, not wanting to cause agitation or anything else, but simple speaks of facts.
  32. "Though I admit . . . I'm afraid."
  33. (Elyon Loreth)
  34. [19:18:11] "Hrmmnnn..."
  35. From an armrest, he took up his right arm and rested it against his chin-- gaze, never breaking from a subject: One of his newest subjects. They feared the numbers... Because, despite the power he wielded, he doubted its capability to take down them all.
  36. "You're afraid because you believe your life is at stake, being in your current condition. Such, is added on to the fact, that you doubt your own power... But what if I told you, human..."
  38. He leaned forth from his seat, looming towards the man whom stood before the throne.
  39. "That I can bestow upon you... A power unseen for generations, that will allow you to stand against the forces that approach us." He claimed, enticing curiosity. "A power, that can make you.... Mooore..."
  40. (Aeron)
  41. [19:28:25] Elyon swallowed hard, putting his only arm behind him, and closed his only eye. He thought for a while, of all the possibilities of what's gonna happen, if the Alterosi-Nostvalian Alliance actually comes here to destroy them. He remembered the letter from the Coffin Maker, and doubted its authenticity. However, he couldn't change the fact of the possibility of an attack.
  43. His thoughts were interrupted as the Kaor offered something . . . something enticing. Elyon suddenly had a flashback, of years long before this one. It was when he met Xiahcoatl, of how attracted he was to the snake kaor's location, and of course, of his offers. But, Elyon was able to save his skin, perhaps only because of the Snake losing interest to him.
  45. "Before that, Lord Kaor. I am your prisoner, therefore, your ally. And because my life is in your hands, would you like to hear my tales?"
  46. (Elyon Loreth)
  47. [19:40:22] The Kaor Lord sat there silently...
  48. Although, curious as to why one didn't act on the implied offer, he decided to listen on what the man wished to speak. It wasn't often that he got information he truly needed on the new age he lived within... and now, with a source, he'd have plenty to learn before stepping outside the citadel again.
  50. "Go on, human... Tell your tale."
  51. The offer wasn't going to be made twice, it was entirely up to Elyon to bring it back to the Kaor Lord's attention to see it through.
  52. With such said, Aeron leaned back as to embrace his seat once more-- Silent... and listening.
  54. "I'm listening."
  55. (Aeron)
  56. [19:51:28] The man silently nodded, though not knowing where to start, he decided to begin with Valmasia's battle against a god - Nerebia. This is something he considered as a turning point to the country's history.
  58. "Nerebia. The Neries' mother and god, foreigners from a different land. Though, I really can't tell where they came from, and how they reached this land." He started, before opening up his mouth again to continue.
  60. "Long, they scattered and fought against Valmasia. Then, it came, Nerebia. It was a godlike existence that threatened to destroy all of Valmasia. It was a power beyond that of the Imperfect. Loranthis, Nostvale and New Alteros marched together to fight a common enemy. Many died, but Valmasia triumphed." Elyon said before swaying about his bangs, and revealing his closed right eye.
  62. "I was in this battle with New Alteros, and this is where I lost my eye." He said before putting his hand back down, and awaited for the Kaor's input - not of his missing right eye, but about Nerebia and how Valmasia put aside their differences to fight a foreign enemy. He didn't attempt to sugarcoat any of his words, and told the story very plainly. Only facts.
  63. (Elyon Loreth)
  64. [19:58:17] The Kaor kept hearing the topic of this 'Nerebia' character; only now though did he hear added entitlement to the entity. "A God?" He asked in slightly risen tone, "It carries a far-fetched taint." He claimed, bearing some disbelief. He wasn't aware of what foreigners the man spoke of, and frankly couldn't bring himself to care...
  65. "Seems like an underwhelming loss." He commented, rather unsatisfied with the story thus far.
  67. However, it gave him an idea...
  68. The lacking appendages of this figure meant that they were indeed, handicapped by even magi standards-- Regardless of their magical potency. That did not mean that they were unrepairable by the Kaor's workings... In fact, it provided him with more incentive fuel.
  70. "So, you come from loss? Or is there more to this story..." He asked, "Go on." urging their continuation.
  71. (Aeron)
  72. [20:07:40] "Yes. However, a god the Neries claimed it to be. It was not Nerebia who blinded me, but by a follower of it. Anyways, that's not important. Nerebia is dead." He continued. Elyon is only using this underwhelming tale of Nerebia like a bookmark of history.
  74. "It was about ten to twelve years ago - year 1027. Moving on, Queen Clio of Nostvale though in quite a vague manner, declared and prepared for war against Loranthis. That is, when she came home after Valmasia destroyed Nerebia." He continued.
  76. "New Alteros, under the leadership of Queen Veronica and King Gavin Kyros, fought alongside Nostvale and attacked Loranthis. The war took place just about five years ago, year 1033. However, I cannot tell you more for I did not join that war." The result surprised even him. However, the Kaor Yokai might be underwhelmed after hearing the results. Elyon closed his eye for a moment, before opening it up again.
  78. "Loranthis crushed the Nostvalian-Alterosi Alliance."
  79. (Elyon Loreth)
  80. [20:12:48] "Queen Clio..." He parroted in a hushed manner, reserved for himself- Noted.
  81. "--Of Nostvale? So that was King Kyros descendent." He thought to himself, hearing out what the man had to say afterwards... Only to find his claim, horribly contradicted.
  83. "A King Gavin Kyros?" He asked aloud, "I retract my statement. This... New Alteros, is Byson, yes? That must mean that I must go there to find the Lich King." He doubted the death of the Lich, expecting them to have lived even to this day. How? Merely a hunch with some understanding as to how necromancy worked.
  85. Then again... The odds of him being prominent in this time, considering the lack of common knowledge was...
  86. "On second thought, it is likely that he won't appear with my searching... I'll have to flush him out."
  88. Then, came the twist...
  89. "Loranthos, crushed the both of their forces? So, this Imperfect Dumuzid is actually more competent than I gave credit for... I see..."
  91. "This, Nerebia feels like an irrelevant topic... Continue..."
  92. (Aeron)
  93. [20:28:09] Elyon hid a smile, because indeed, Nerebia is an irrelevant topic. But, he might tell him later on why he deemed the tale as important. He saw various magis and their powers, both hailing from different sides, and it is not something that should be ignored.
  95. He noticed the Kaor in quite a mild silence, though he really can't explain it and can't tell what is in the yokai's mind. And then, his voice, like always, gave Elyon goose bumps. To answer Aeron's question, he then again opened his mouth.
  97. "Yes, New Alteros was previously called Byson, with the Grand Library still standing strong. And if you mean Ryan Kyros, the Lich King - I've seen him hang around the city and he's one of the most prominent figures of Valmasia." He explained before standing silent for a while, and put his hand on his chin.
  99. "The Imperfect is far too strong. And also has very powerful beings under his command. Gorandis, though I know not much about him, is a very powerful magi. Loranthis too, like the other two cities, has a Queen. I've never seen her, but I doubt her power falls short compared to the Imperfect." He said and finally put his hand down to look at the Kaor, awaiting to see if he has any questions that he can answer before resuming his tale - though he's actually just telling him history.
  100. (Elyon Loreth)
  101. [20:34:08] "I see..."
  102. That meant that he could get in contact with the Lich King...
  103. Perhaps, when the letter he recieved news on finally followed through with its death threat, he'd find the opportunity to invite the prominent entity towards his audience. There was no time to delay the reclaiming of the former Vytherinean State.
  105. "The Imperfect is, what he is... Do not fret yourself over him." He assured, ""His followers likely follow him, and are bound to sway to direct confrontations to him. I do not fear them to stand in my way, though I take your provided knowledge in, for future reference." He stated, nodding slightly with thought on the matter.
  107. This history lesson was starting to lose the Kaor's interest, leaving his offer from before still hanging by a thread-- Assuming Elyon still remembered it.
  108. "I assume you're nearing the end of this story? It's dragging on."
  109. (Aeron)
  110. [20:49:29] "Dumuzid is far, far more powerful than the vampire you fought, Lord Kaor. Do you remember that ookami who came when you've awoken?" He said, referring to Starox.
  112. "That ookami too is very powerful, and can badly injure the vampire if he chooses to do so. However, I doubt he can defeat the vampire by himself. There are others more powerful than that of the ookami under the queens' command. Namely, the Marshalls of Nostvale." Elyon said, attempting to make a vague estimation of the cities' power.
  114. Though, he knew that the comparison he just made is pretty poor. It was the best he could do, and can't make other comparison, since the Kaor have no idea of said other people's strength. Starox is someone Elyon personally knew, but he didn't know his full strength. There is even Yeshua, whom he met when the energy magi was still only but a child - but already far too powerful for his age.
  116. "That's why I admitted of fear, Lord Kaor. They are far too many and powerful to directly confront. You need more than individual power. . . and I can provide that, if you can provide me that something you offered." He finally said.
  117. (Elyon Loreth)
  118. [21:08:16] The man's fears were that of what he expected-- The fears proven by perception: That, was everything. Though, in the very same light, it could've been manipulated. In such stature, it was more than malleable, and so-- with recollection of the original offer, wrapped back towards through the history lesson the Kaor Lord leaned forth in his throne.
  120. "You speak of something I expect of humanity... Doubt. Though, I will make a believer out of you..."
  122. "Step forth, human..." He ordered, expecting them to follow suit. Silence would follow in wait.
  124. "Kneal." The sole expectation, was compliance-- For what came next was his extended palm.
  125. "I offer you the gift of the shadows and eternal night. Where shade festers, so shall you. With your hatred and fury, you shall grow strong. Through your malice and dominance, shall come power. Through me, you ascend... Through purity, you become..."
  126. The Kaor's outreached hand ignited in ebonic pyre, burning cold and bringing telekinetic rise to the dust and debris lining the chamber. The bone-chilling radiance it gave off, sought to pulsate through the bodies of vessels abroad-- and from every corner of the dimly lit chamber, crimson hues gleamed. They all looked on as audience, to the dubbing of this Dark Lord to what was soon to be, his first knight.
  128. "I, as the antipodal to life's sustaining essence dub upon you the power of the ultimate Occult. This, is my blessing... From Deity-to-be... To Disciple."
  129. The shadows extended themselves from abroad the room, to collapse upon the sole man, leaving perception of all else, inept-- Not to ensnare him to the treachery of the mind under duress, but the oblivion of a power that invaded his every system and sense.
  131. It welled within him, overflowing his circuitry before straining to escape through his chest. In its liberation, it carved out the linings of the Kaor's accord, complying to his bidding. The pain was merely a byproduct induced upon the human target... The bonding of his enthralling mentality choking at Elyon's every wilm, contorting at memories and morals through the intoxicating charge of his stygian hex.
  133. The result, was a circular lining of inscriptions, gleaming a distinct mauve in reverence to his exuded mana...
  134. The Kaor lowers his hand, leaving the human to writhe in the newfound agony that followed through in the casting endeavor.
  136. The aftermath was likely to take some time, assuming it didn't kill the man, or drive him insane like the rest of his workings. Then again, it was far more finer tuned, written telekinetically... And... Different...
  137. Likely with an intended effect, far from the malignant brand he forced upon those before.
  139. "You will know the name: Umbral Kaor Lord Aeron." He stated, keeping his stare held upon the man until he properly recovered.
  140. (Aeron)
  141. [21:36:25] Elyon's fear? Yes, he fears the Kaor and Mazino, same as like the others. Simply, because of the power they hold. However, he fears not of death, or he fears not of those people he claimed to hold upon fear. He didn't fear Dumuzid.
  143. In short, though he fears power that powerful beings hold, he didn't fear for his life as he claimed to be. However, Aeron was right - Elyon doubts Aeron's powers to go against his enemies. Simply because he witnessed it for himself. How powerful they are.
  145. With a light tap of his naked heels, Elyon stepped forward, his face showing no emotions as he knelt down. He asked for power, and expects Aeron to provide him so. A very risky gamble he considered it to be, however, he's a prisoner and got nothing to lose. Elyon expected no one to rescue him, for he is someone who walks the world alone. Though he had people he considered his allies, his battles are his alone. He decided to play one of his few cards with Aeron, and so he risked his life.
  147. And so, Aeron offered upon him his gift. Through his malice and dominance? Is he evil like Rhaziel claimed Elyon to be? Or is he good? Symbolizing his purity with the holy magic that he wields? This man, blessed by the Umbral, seeks war and death to those he deemed as his enemies - for the greater good. Isn't that what Aeron aims to do so, by himself? Isn't it what a lot of occultist claim to achieve? Darkness for the greater good? Elyon is no different, that is why he walks alone.
  149. He'll do anything, that a lot of his allies may disapprove of, to achieve his ultimate goal. A very fine example of that, is presently bowing his head down upon a yokai for power, he will rise.
  151. And then, the holy magi screamed. His scream echoing beyond that of the citadel, his scream not enough to describe the overwhelming silent pain. His eyes poked by thousands blades, his chest repeatedly pounded by a hundred thousand tons of mountains, whilst he felt his body burn in a thousand years. Undescribed by words, he may die of pain alone.
  153. And then, there was silence, until Elyon rose his head and stared deep within Aeron's eyes. A curl was formed in the magi's lips, though he himself knew not, if it was of glee or something else. A smile was his say, until he finally lost his consciousness.
  154. (Elyon Loreth)
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