
Shes off to NY

Dec 28th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad was sitting at the counter with the intent to be moral support for Kelsey talking to her dad tonight, but of course not without a nice slice of sugar free chocolate creme pie. With a fork in hand, he'd proceeded to stab at it to mix his whipped cream into the chocolate, bringing a forkful up to his mouth to enjoy.-
  2. Covet: Kelsey was chewing on the inside of her lip, she was waiting for the call from her parents. They had Connor for a little bit before everyone jetted off to NYC next week. Kelsey had been feeling nervous and anxious about all of it. And Her and Brad hadn't really said anything more about it, and she hadn't put much thought into what she was going to say. She looked over at Brad, "I wish I was that pie right now.. it looks way happier right now. Even for being eaten."
  3. Alexithymiaa: "I dont know how good of a comparison that is considering you usually look pretty happy being eaten." He couldn't help, but snicker and smirk at his own joke, lowering his head to hide his amusement because he knew she wouldn't find it all that funny right now since she was stressed out.-
  4. Covet has left the chat
  5. Covet has joined the chat
  6. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: "I dont know how good of a comparison that is considering you usually look pretty happy being eaten." He couldn't help, but snicker and smirk at his own joke, lowering his head to hide his amusement because he knew she wouldn't find it all that funny right now since she was stressed out.-
  7. Covet: "Bradley!" Kelsey said giving him a glare. "Seriously I can't with you right now." She said wrapping her arms around her middle then looked down to see her phone vibrating. with the notification coming up for the video call. She sighed and hit answer on it holding up her phone putting a smile on her face. "Hi mom, Hi Dad. How's Connor behaving for you?" She said seeing her dad looking a little tired and a little pale. // "He's doing good sweetie. He always does good for Grandma and Grandpa though." Sarah said with a laugh. Her dad even smiled. "I wish I could keep up with him right now, but he understands that I can't and we've been doing other things with Haven, They're showing me how to play tennis on the wii. I don't have to get out of my chair"
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Brad smirked and took another bite of his pie before leaning in to look at her phone, giving a wave to Kelsey's parents. "Hi. You're looking good Mr. M. I think all that Wii tennis is good for you." He said with a laugh because Wii tennis isnt good for anyone.-
  9. Covet: Kelsey gave a soft smile, "Good I'm glad. So the flight is leaving on Sunday morning at Eight am, then I'mg oing to be busy most of Tuesday Day doing sound check and rehersal but, Bradley is going to be there with you guys so I'm sure you can find things to do. Then we can get together for dinner before we hit up Times Square." // "Okay Honey. That sounds doable enough. It'd be nice to see New York with you though. We're staying a couple days after right?" Sarah asked. // Harrison looked at Brad and smiled, "Thanks Brad. It's keeping me young, so I can't complain."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Don't worry, I'll show you around all the best spots in New York while Kelsey is busy. Any kind of fun you want to have, I'll take you to the best place for it." He said with a nod, trying to sound cheerful and encouraging.-
  11. Covet: Kelsey nudged Brad with her elbow, because he was laying it on a little thick. // "Thank You Brad, You're an absolute sweetheart." Sarah said with a smile. // Harrison nodded along then cleared his throat, " We were thinking about plans for after New York, about taking a trip to Fresno. We were thinking about inviting you guys along, get some warmer weather for little while, before your classes start back up."
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Ow." He frowned when Kelsey nudged him, not really getting her hint or being discreet with the fact that she'd just done it. When Harrison piped up about traveling together, he pursed his lips, glancing at her because it was now or never.-
  13. Covet: Kelsey felt her heart drop a little and swallowed hard, before speaking up a little nervously. "I would love to...but I can't. I'm not going to be leaving New York for a few weeks. I'm... taking some music and writing classes here, and just kind of secluding myself a bit to focus on some personal things." She said unable to look up at the phone. // Sarah's smile tightened a little. "Oh, okay, well maybe for spring break then? Right Dear?" She said looking at Harrison. // Her dad pursed his lips looking at Kelsey then to Brad, giving him the 'don't lie to me boy' look." Is everything alright?"
  14. Alexithymiaa: -He leaned in a little closer to her, swinging his arm around Kelsey's shoulders to show them at least somewhat of a united front to be reassuring. "Everythings fine. We just feel that it's important to take time away from the spotlight to take care of mental health and make sure nothing ever gets out of hand." Lie by omission.-
  15. Covet: Kelsey looked over at Brad as he came to the rescue with a lie, because she couldn't lie. "Yes, exactly This last semester has been pretty stressful, and I want to start off the next one in a good place." She said adding to the lie, giving his knee a squeeze out of sight of the camera. // " That's a very mature desicion for you. Is Connor going to be with you? Or do you need someone to look after him?" // Harrison just watched them, but with the smaller digital screen it was harder to really catch those micro emotions he was good at spotting.
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Connor is actually going to be staying with me for the few weeks that Kels is in New York. It's easier since his school is here, and I'd prefer not to be without him for all of that time anyway. If you want, we can head out there on weekends and he can stay with you for a couple of nights while I work."-
  17. Covet: Kelsey smiled, "That's a great idea, and if you guys all want to go to Fresno, by all means, still do it. Just make sure to send me lots of pictures and video." She said with a smile. // Sarah brought her hands to her chest, "Awwww that's so sweet of you Brad. I'm sure Connor will be in wonderful hands." // Harrison blinked a couple of times before just nodding his head, too tired to pry even further."Alright. You better have someone escorting you around. New York is a big city and I don't want anything to happen to you." Like portland isn't a terrible big city Harrison...c'mon.
  18. Alexithymiaa: "He definitely will be. And I'll still have Holly to help out too." He said with a nod before directing his attention to Harrison. "She's going to have security escorting her around and Bryan is also going to be there with her. I already went over some of the awful things that might happen if she wanders into a bad area alone so there's no need to worry."-
  19. Covet: "He's going to make me... well.. He's going to have Evan make me a map of the areas not to go to during which times. He's being very helpful and supportive about all of this. And I've already made plans with Bryan, and he's already asked me to come cook. So I'll be well taken care of out there." // Sarah and Harrison both looked relieved, " Okay sweetie, If you need to talk to anyone you know I'm always here." Her mother said .
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Yep, we;ve got it all under control, I promise." He smiled to them before leaning in to kiss Kelsey's cheek. "She's got plenty of people looking out for her."-
  21. Covet: "Mhhm. It's getting late, we still need to finish up here before we head home. But I'll talk to you more tomorrow. Tell Connor I love him. I love you both so much." She said blowing her family a kiss at the screen. // "Alright honey, Sleep well and sweet dreams when you get there. Love you both too."// Harrison nodded his head, kind of pleased with Bradly, bumping him up in his mental ladder a step. "Goodnight you two, Love you. Goodbye."
  22. Alexithymiaa: "Have a good night." He said with a gentle wave, waiting until the call was completely disconnected to breathe a deep sigh of relief. "See, that wasn't so bad, right?"-
  23. Covet: "No... not really but that's because you jumped in to save my butt." Kelsey said as she set the phone down and rubbed her temples for a second. "But at least now I don't have to worry about that Stress before next week, right?"
  24. Alexithymiaa: "That's what I'm here for. To save your cute butt." He moved his hand to stroke gently through her hair, kissing her cheek. "Exactly. Now we can just get through all of the craziness of New Years without that hanging over your head."-
  25. Covet: "It willl be fun crazy though." She said turning her head to give him a kiss. "Thank you. I appreciate you. Ready to head home, I'm tired and just want to curl up in bed and watch a movie together before we pass out."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "That sounds perfect. Hold that thought." He turned to the remainder of his pie, taking a few giant forkfuls into his mouth until the plate was clear. "Okay, we're ready now."-
  27. Covet: Kelsey laughed and shook her head, taking his hand so they could head out to the vehicle.
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