
Twist's Blossoming Summer

Dec 30th, 2014
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  1. Inspired by this pic
  3. >Twist comes to work at Sugarcube Corner one summer when her parents leave for a second honeymoon.
  4. >The young girl is just entering puberty and is kind of in awe of Mrs. Cake and especially Pinkie Pie.
  5. >They're just so curvy and womanly!
  6. >Her own mother is a rather slim lady and so the willowy little girl doesn't hold out much hope of ever being like these two paragons of baking pulchritude.
  7. >But little Twist has no idea what the summer has in store for her.
  8. >At first she thinks she's just putting on weight from being around all the treats in the bakery.
  9. >Then, a week after her arrival, she descends the stairs one morning and feels a peculiar bouncing sensation on her chest.
  10. >She thinks that perhaps it's the shirt she she threw on in a rush this morning.
  11. >Turning around, she heads back to her room.
  12. >Undoing her top buttons, she almost gasps out loud.
  13. >There, sitting on her chest, are not the shallow little pre-pubescent pads that she's become accustomed to over the past few months.
  14. >No, these are actual breasts!
  15. >The nipples are a swollen, angry pink and her areola's have spread out to cap perky cones of flesh that jut with youthful vigor from her chest.
  16. >She is, of course, delighted.
  17. >As far as she knows, no one else in her class has really developed very much.
  18. >Her mother has told her that the women in their family don't tend to have very much in the way of curves, either.
  19. >Perhaps Twist will prove her wrong!
  20. >She does up her shirt and excitedly bounces her way downstairs.
  21. >In the days that follow her slim, girlish body starts to fill out rather quickly.
  22. >In fact she starts gaining womanly contours so rapidly that she actually starts to get a little worried.
  23. >Fortunately, Pinkie Pie recognizes what's going on and sympathizes with her plight, so she gives the young girl a crash course on what it's like to have an adult figure.
  24. >Pinkie tells her about her own struggles growing up as an early bloomer on the rock farm and how she handles being stacked.
  25. >(She even makes a few veiled references to how all the guys really like her curves too, but these mostly go over her younger co-worker's head.)
  26. >As the weeks go by, young Twist quickly takes on a voluptuousness that surprises even Pinkie.
  27. >Not only is the girl filling out but she's growing up too.
  28. >By the middle of summer she's as tall as Mrs. Cake.
  29. >Speaking of whom, the matron of Sugarcube Corner also takes the maturing girl under her proverbial wing.
  30. >Where Pinkie knows about the social aspects of being built, Mrs. Cake helps her young charge with more practical matters.
  31. >Like underwear.
  32. >After her chest starts to develop, Twist manages to go braless by wearing loose fitting shirts and, when those get too tight, looser fitting sweaters.
  33. >That ends about three weeks later after an incident where she bends over to pick something up and nearly gives Mr. Cake a heart attack with an inadvertent display of creamy cleavage.
  34. >Later that night Mrs. Cake, along with Pinkie, explains why large busted ladies such as themselves really DO need good support, if only to keep men's eyes from popping out of their sockets.
  35. >So they start Twist off with some of Pinkie's old things.
  36. >Not only bras but panties as well, as it turns out that the adolescent's bottom has been filling out almost as well as her top.
  37. >This works for a few weeks but the girl's growing bosom seemingly resents being restrained and her teats start swelling even faster.
  38. >It isn't long before the youngest employee at Sugarcube corner is swapping bras with her curvy senior.
  39. >Then comes the fateful morning when Pinkie goes to get her junior so they can start the day's baking.
  40. >As she approaches the door to Twist's room she hears gentle sobbing coming from within.
  41. >After announcing her presence, she enters to see Twist sitting on her bed, bare chested and crying, with one of Pinkie's tops lying limply on the girl's lap.
  42. >It's obvious that Twist's massive mounds have continued their astonishing growth.
  43. >The tearful girl confirms, between sobs, that she simply can't wrangle her burgeoning bosom into the capacious cups of Pinkie's bras anymore.
  44. >After some quiet consoling, Pinkie talks to Mrs. Cake and they both agree to take the poor girl to the only person in town that might be able to help: Rarity.
  45. >The fashionista is, of course, shocked by Twist's development.
  46. >In only two short months, this little girl has grown nearly as tall as Rarity herself; not to mention the fact that she's developed a bustline that is only outdone by a certain pink haired, animal loving friend and several immortal princesses!
  47. >Rarity stitches together a brassier capable of handling Twists maturing mammaries (based on a design that she made for Fluttershy) but informs her that they should probably wait until she stops growing so fast before she makes any more.
  48. >Again this worries the developing young woman.
  49. >What if she never stops growing?
  50. >Pinkie reassures her by telling her what Twilight went though when she became a princess and her boobs magically grew about twelve cup sizes.
  51. >At first Twilight was freaked out, but with help from Princess Celestia she came to realize that she should love her body no matter what and that after her magical growth spurt she simply had a lot more body to love.
  52. >Twist seems to take this to heart and the rest of the summer consists of her working, maturing, and getting used to her new body.
  53. >She recalls how when she first arrived everyone treated her like a little girl; a child to be coddled.
  54. >But as the summer goes on things definitely change.
  55. >From that first night helping Twist cope with her budding features, Pinkie really takes the blossoming girl seriously; talking and confiding in her almost like they are sisters.
  56. >In fact, thinking about it, Twist realizes that's what their friendship reminds her of: a relationship of equals.
  57. >Not only Pinkie, but the Cakes as well.
  58. >For a while Mr. Cake treated her like any little kid; patting her on the head and calling her 'kiddo'.
  59. >When he wanted something done, he would take his time and goes over every detail of a task with Twist.
  60. >After the 'sweater cleavage' incident, though, he now treats her more like Pinkie Pie; looking her square in the eye, rattling off a brief summary of what he wants done, and then telling her to ask his wife or Pinkie if she has any questions.
  61. >For a while Twist wonders if he's mad at her, until one day she asks Mrs. Cake about it.
  62. >Mrs. Cake tells her that it's not really her fault and then instructs the confused apprentice to watch how Mr. Cake handles the female customers.
  63. >Curious, Twist does as instructed.
  64. >Soon, the young baker realizes something that amazes her.
  65. >Any time a pretty lady come into the shop, Mr. Cake behaves differently around her!
  66. >Thinking about it, she actually finds it kind of funny.
  67. >He treats any woman who's not his wife with a sort of brittle, ginger politeness; as though he's afraid his wife will get mad at him for talking to another female for too long.
  68. >In fact, it's the exact way he always behaves around Pinkie Pie, and how he is now acting towards Twist.
  69. >It's a realization that she is both puzzled and a little pleased by.
  70. >Of course Mrs. Cake has also come to behave differently around her youthful ward.
  71. >Though at first she was wary of trusting the new girl with any important tasks, Twist realizes the matriarch of Sugarcube Corner has probably changed the most in how she regards the young apprentice.
  72. >Mrs. Cake has certainly come to depend more and more on her as she has proven herself to be reliable.
  73. >Of course, Twist's work ethic has a lot to do with that, but it's certainly gone way beyond that.
  74. >As the youth has grown taller and more mature, Mrs. Cake has let her take on more 'adult' responsibilities.
  75. >At first it's things like tending the ovens and taking care of the twins (who both become very fond of Twist as the summer passes, or maybe they just like how their new babysitter seems to grow more and more bouncy like their Auntie Pinkie Pie?)
  76. >Towards the end of the summer she is handling orders on her own and tending the store front as opposed to the first half of the season which has been spent in the back.
  77. >It certainly helps in running the front counter that most of the adults who come in don't really recognize her as 'little Twist' anymore but, rather, think that she must be some out-of-town girl visiting for the summer.
  78. >One woman actually asks if she is one of Pinkie Pie's sisters!
  79. >Speaking of Pinkie, there are even a few occasions where Mrs. Cake asks Twist to supervise her pink haired mentor!
  80. >As the junior member of the shop has come to learn, the party maven is a marvelous baker but a bit prone to distraction.
  81. >By this time Twist has grown as tall as Pinkie (a fact that delights the bubblegum-haired baker when when she discovers it) so she thinks that perhaps that's why her employer feels comfortable giving her such a job.
  82. >In fact, Pinkie Pie doesn't seem to mind Twist's rising star in the slightest as she explains that it gives her more time to plan parties and save Equestria from the latest, unspeakable evil.
  83. >In any case, the former little girl feels as though her world has changed, and for the better.
  84. >She likes being treated as an adult and that's how the Cakes and Pinkie Pie now seem to regard her.
  85. >And they're not the only ones.
  86. >After one particularly busy day, the young baker is counting up her tips and exulting to her employers about how well she's done.
  87. >Mr. Cake takes a long look at his young employee and his face blanches.
  88. >He whispers something to his wife and then hurries into the back.
  89. >Mrs. Cake sits down with the busty girl and points to her shirt which has several buttons undone, showing off an amazing décolletage.
  90. >Twist explains that it's hot and her shirt is tight so she's loosened it a bit.
  91. >When Mrs. Cake explains the relationship between six inches of exposed cleavage and hefty tips from male customers, Twist's face flushes as red as her hair.
  92. >For the rest of the summer she makes sure the she is properly buttoned up, at least when she is around customers.
  93. >But even though the episode is a bit embarrassing, the buxom girl can't help but feel a little thrill.
  94. >Even now, as she tends to the patrons she can tell when a man (or boy) is surreptitiously eying her up.
  95. >Conversely, she has become aware of the looks of poorly guarded jealousy that come from women that are less endowed than her (which by now is pretty much every female in town with the possible exception of Fluttershy).
  96. >In fact she's surprised at herself for feeling that way she does when she catches other people either admiring or judging her now ample form.
  97. >The old her would have surely died of chagrin if she received such attention.
  98. >By summer's end, though, Twist is a whole new person.
  99. >No longer a skinny, shy little girl, she is now a stunning, voluptuous, confident young woman.
  100. >Fortunately, as summer ends, so too does Twist's runaway development.
  101. >Rarity finally feels comfortable making the young woman several brassieres and tops to contain her new bounty.
  102. >For a short while, Rarity actually let her use one of Fluttershy's massive bras but even that spacious garment is now incapable of holding 'the girls' as Pinkie calls them.
  103. >Twist for her part has mixed feelings about her new body.
  104. >She feels a little awkward in this new, plump form.
  105. >Go back just a few months and she would be able to jump and play like any other girl her age.
  106. >Now if she wants to play a game like hopscotch in public, she's liable to cause a riot.
  107. >(Not to mention the fact that she's pretty sure she wouldn't be able to see any of the hopscotch squares on the ground anymore if she did try to play.)
  108. >On the other hand she's quite proud of her body.
  109. >As of her last fitting Rarity informs Twist that, of all the women she knows, only Princess Celestia has a bigger bust.
  110. >How exciting is that?!
  111. >As mature as her body has become though, Twist is still just a girl, so as summer comes to a close so too does her apprenticeship at Sugarcube Corner.
  112. >As she packs her things (and some panties and skirts that Pinkie has given her) she ponders how all her friends will react to her new size.
  113. >Most of them have been away, traveling.
  114. >Those that stayed haven't really seen her yet since she's been ensconced in her job all summer.
  115. >”Well, they're going to get an eyeful when school starts on Monday.” she thinks ruefully.
  116. >Not just her friends, but what about her parents?
  117. >She's seen her mother give Pinkie Pie small, critical glances.
  118. >Will she react to her daughter the same way?
  119. >She is also pretty sure that she's taller than her father now.
  120. >Awk-waaard.
  121. >Thinking about leaving the safe haven of Sugarcube Corner, with it's understanding role models and their guidance, suddenly fill the top-heavy girl with dread.
  122. >As though she can sense the fact that Twist is about to start crying, Pinkie sweeps in suddenly and asks if the she is nervous about going home, to which the young woman nods emphatically.
  123. >Pinkie then explains that things are the way they are and all the worrying in the world won't change anything.
  124. >It's actually pretty sage advice, especially coming from the hyper party planner.
  125. >After that serious, heartfelt lecture, Pinky pauses for a moment.
  126. >Then she thrusts out her own chest and loudly proclaims, “Besides, HAVING BIG BOOBS IS AWESOME!”
  127. >That silly statement causes Twist to start laughing which causes her OWN chest to start shaking like two gargantuan bowls of pudding.
  128. >This, of course, causes them both to laugh even harder.
  129. >When they finally stop giggling they notice that Mrs. Cake has come into Twist's bedroom and has a gentle smile on her face.
  130. >She tells Twist that they are so glad that she has been a part of their family for the summer and that they have been there to help her as she has blossomed into a fine young woman.
  131. >Twist blushes at the compliment.
  132. >Mrs. Cake then informs the young woman that she agrees with Pinkie one hundred percent as she folds her arms underneath her own corpulent chest.
  133. >“Having big boobs IS awesome!” she smirks and pushes her motherly bosom up a bit to emphasize the point.
  134. >The other two females stare at the plump shop owner for a moment and then start laughing all over again with Mrs. Cake joining in a moment later.
  135. >After the trio calms down Mrs. Cake asks if Twist feels better now.
  136. >To her surprise, she does.
  137. >She is certain that if she hadn't matured, that if she was still a small little thing, then she would be thinking differently.
  138. >"But when you are big," she realizes, "you can afford to take things a little less seriously."
  139. >”Besides,” she thinks, “why should I worry now?”
  140. >Sure she may get nasty looks from a few women, or questionable looks from some men, but she is sure of what she is now and confident in what she is capable of.
  141. >And it's all thanks to what she's learned this summer, from this family.
  142. >She assures Mrs. Cake and Pinkie that she's okay and they both grin.
  143. >Mrs. Cake then tells Twist that if she ever needs anything, even advice on clothing or boys, she will always have a place at Sugarcube Corner.
  144. >“After all deary,” she confides, “us 'big girls' have to stick together. And you are certainly a big girl now!”
  145. >Twist giggles softly as she pulls first Mrs. Cake and then Pinkie Pie into a spontaneous embrace, tears shining in each woman's eyes.
  146. >As her soft, more-than-full breasts squish pleasantly against the other two pairs of plush pillows in that bosomy, three-way hug, Twist can't help but agree with the matron of Sugarcube corner.
  147. >”Yes. Yes I certainly am.”
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