
The World Hereafter. [Ch8] Introductions are in order.

Oct 31st, 2013
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  1. >The door knocks once more before you finally answer it.
  2. "Come in!"
  3. >Twilight pushes her head in through the small gap after opening the door carefully.
  4. >She looks over at you with worried eyes.
  5. >"Uhm... did you sleep well?"
  6. >You sit up on the side of the bed and slide your pants on.
  7. >Standing up, you begin the process of getting dressed while replying.
  8. "Don't worry, Twilight. I've had the chance to do some soul-searching."
  9. >You turn around while tying your tie and you give her a genuine smile.
  10. "With the help of a certain someone.. or somepony, I realized, I wasn't being honest with myself."
  11. >You don the vest and button it up.
  12. "You see, princess Luna came and had a chat with me in my dreams."
  13. >Twilight enters the room and she perks up at your last statement.
  14. >"Princess Luna? What did you talk about?"
  15. >You roll the sleeves of your shirt up and put the golden pocket watch into the vest chest pocket.
  16. >Now you looked quite dapper and you walk up to Twilight.
  17. "We didn't really talk about much. I think she mainly just broke down my reasons to be morose."
  18. >Twilight tilts her head.
  19. >"What?"
  20. >You chuckle and open the door, it wasn't cold inside the castle so you leave your suit jacket and coat on the hanger.
  21. >Twilight follows you as you begin walking through the castle halls.
  22. "You know what, I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I like it here. I just didn't realize it. I was stuck idealizing the old world when the truth is; I didn't like it at all."
  25. >She looks at you, an incredulous expression lingers while you explain.
  26. >"You didn't like your home?"
  27. "No Twilight, I didn't. I had to lie, cheat and be generally unpleasant in order to achieve anything there."
  28. >Your arms fold over your chest as you stop by the same fountain you had seen the same night you had arrived in the castle.
  29. "It's a cruel world. Sure, it has it's beacons of good, but compared to this world, it's horrible."
  30. >You watch the water flowing from the pitchers the princess statues are holding, imagining the water being your delusions pouring into oblivion.
  31. "I don't know how I got here, but I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. I've found a beautiful world with wonderful people and ponies. I'm done sulking. I'm gonna enjoy this as much as I can."
  32. >You mean it. You don't know why, but somehow this place made it hard for you to be negative.
  33. >So why even try?
  34. >This was nice after all. The colors were vibrant, you felt and looked better than you can even remember.
  35. >Why deny yourself happiness now that you seemed to have found it.
  36. >"Gift horse what now?"
  37. >You blink. Oh right.. probably not the right metaphor to use here.
  38. "Uh.. old world saying. What I mean is that I've been given a new chance and I'm gonna take it."
  39. >"That's great to hear. I'm glad you're feeling better."
  40. >She smiles and puts a hoof on your leg.
  41. >You chuckle and nod.
  42. "Me too."
  43. >You stand there for a bit, looking out over the courtyard.
  44. >Twilight then speaks up again.
  45. >"So, what are you going to do about the offer?"
  46. "I'm gonna accept."
  49. >"Really?"
  50. "Are you kidding? I'm here for two days and I've been offered a job as a royal envoy."
  51. >You laugh.
  52. "I'm pretty stoked actually. Ambassador Anonymous. Got a ring to it, don't you think?"
  53. >She laughs as well.
  54. >"I guess it does. I'm surprised how well you're taking this."
  55. "Me too. I don't know why, but this place seems to have some kind of effect on me."
  56. >"Effect?"
  57. "Yeah. Ever since I've arrived I've felt better than I've had in all my life. I feel like I could take on the world."
  58. >She raises an eyebrow.
  59. >"That's odd."
  60. >She pokes her chin with the tip of her hoof.
  61. >"Would you mind if I did some tests on you when we get back to Ponyville?"
  62. >You blink and suddenly this little pony gives you a bit of the rustles.
  63. "Uh.. tests?"
  64. >She nods.
  65. >"Just some basic ones. I'm interested in these effects you're talking about."
  66. >You're not sure if you like this idea, but she seems harmless enough.
  67. "As long as you don't try poking me with any needles."
  68. >She gasps.
  69. >"Why would anypony poke you with needles?!"
  70. >You shrug and look back at the fountain.
  71. "No idea. Just saying, I don't like needles."
  72. >Except for sowing needles, you like those.
  74. >You agree to let Twilight have a few tests. She's been nice enough and you feel like you can trust her.
  75. >With not much more to say, you two begin walking towards the throne room.
  76. >The large doors slide open and the white princess gives you a warm smile as you walk into the chamber with Twilight in tow.
  77. >You give her a slight bow, remembering that she didn't require it, but damn you if you weren't going to be nice to her.
  78. >"Oh come now, Anonymous. You know you don't need to be so formal."
  79. >She chirps and stands up from her throne, walks down the steps and stops before you and Twilight.
  80. "Sorry, but my inner gentleco..gentleman won't let me."
  81. >Oh great, now you're starting to talk like that too.
  82. >Though it doesn't sound as corny as you thought it would.
  83. >Still, nope. You're not a pony so it's not happening.
  84. >Celestia giggles and nods.
  85. >"Very well. Now, how about breakfast?"
  86. >You nod and you see a table made for three set up near the window where it had stood yesterday.
  87. >The three of you spend an hour eating breakfast, a little small talk between Celestia and Twilight comes up about.. things.
  88. >You weren't really listening. You were too absorbed by the bacon and eggs to really pay attention.
  89. >After breakfast, the three of you go on a stroll through the castle.
  90. >"So, about the offer, Anonymous. Have you made up your mind?"
  91. >You nod and stop before a pair of white doors.
  92. "I have, princess. I've decided to take you up on it."
  93. >You feel a bit of a nervous knot in your stomach.
  94. >It's still a big responsibility.
  95. >You hope you're not going to let them down.
  96. >Celestia seems happy though.
  97. >She's literally beaming.
  98. >"Wonderful! I'm glad to hear that."
  100. >She looks at Twilight.
  101. >"How about you, my faithful student?"
  102. >Oh, she's good at this.
  103. >Twilight nods eagerly.
  104. >"YES! .. uh.. I mean, of course, princess."
  105. >Twilight smiles awkwardly at her outburst but Celestia seems to have expected it and only replies with a nod and a smile.
  106. >She then continues.
  107. >"By the way, Twilight. Your friends arrived this morning. They seemed a bit worried that you had not sent them any letters since you left to come here."
  108. >Twilight's ears shoot up and she lets out a nervous giggle.
  109. >"Heh.. oops. I guess I was so distracted by yesterday that I forgot to let them know things were okay."
  110. >Celestia doesn't seem to think much of this and with her horn, she opens the doors to another courtyard.
  111. >Outside you could see four ponies.
  112. >One you recognized as Rarity, who was standing near a statue, inspecting the fine details of cut marble.
  113. >Another one was Fluttershy who was hovering mid-air, busy talking to a small group of birds in a tree.
  114. >Two other ponies were busy hoof-wrestling on a nearby table.
  115. >Then suddenly, pink, pink everywhere.
  116. >"HI!"
  117. "GUH!"
  118. >"BLEH!"
  119. "AAAAAAAAH!"
  120. >"AAAAAAAAAAAAHehehehe!"
  121. >You flail your arms and fall backwards while the pink fluffy thing clings to your neck, giggling like crazy.
  122. >After a second or two, the thing releases you and you open your eyes again.
  123. >She's hovering in the air above and Rarity is standing beside you.
  124. >"Pinky. That was not very nice of you."
  125. >The pink pony unzips...what? She unzips the magical aura and hops out of it, landing with a honk on the ground.
  127. >"What do you mean, Rarity? Everypony likes hugs!"
  128. >Rarity lifts you to your feet and levitates a brush up to clean any dust that may have gotten on your clothes off.
  129. >"He's not a pony."
  130. >Twilight interjects, apparently these details were crucial to her.
  131. >The pink pony's poofy mane deflates and she looks up to you with puppy eyes.
  132. >Oh god, how does she do those quivering eyes?
  133. >"Y-you don't like hugs?"
  134. >She looks ready to cry.
  135. >Think fast, Anon!
  136. "O-of course I like hugs!"
  137. >Smoothoperator.rar
  138. >Pinky's mane fluffs up again and she starts bouncing in circles around you.
  139. >Confound these ponies.
  140. >While this is going on, the two other ponies has stopped hoof-wrestling and have walked up to the rest of you.
  141. >Fluttershy remains with the birds, but she waves a hoof to you.
  142. >You return the wave and she goes back to talking to the birds, throwing the occasional glance over to the group.
  143. >You didn't notice it earlier, but one of the ponies is wearing a stetson.
  144. >She's looking up at you with wide eyes.
  145. >"Well, butter mah biscuits! He's ev'n taller than Big Mac!"
  146. >You have no clue what she's talking about.
  147. "Uhm. It's nice to meet you. I'm Anonymous, Anon for short."
  148. >You guess from the southern belle feel of this pony she'd probably want a shorter name from you.
  149. >"Well I say, nice to see ya got manners. It's a pleasure to meet ya Anon. I'm Applejack!"
  150. >Applejack, three apples on her flank. Why not.
  151. >She offer her hoof and you take it.
  152. >Your arm now feels a bit sore from her powerful shake. She has some serious strength in her despite her small frame.
  154. >The blue pegasus next to Applejack looks at you for a bit.
  155. >She seems to be inspecting you.
  156. >After taking a small stroll in a circle around you, she finally speaks up.
  157. >"Are you fast, Anon?"
  158. >You blink, not sure what to say.
  159. "What do you mean?"
  160. >She sighs and rolls her eyes.
  161. >"I mean can you run fast?"
  162. >She's an odd one.
  163. "I don't think so. I haven't really done any running since gym class in school."
  164. >She chuckles and takes to the air, hovering in front of you.
  165. >"That's a shame. Oh well, guess I'll have to remain the fastest in Equestria! I'm Rainbow Dash, by the way."
  166. >Wow, big head much?
  167. >"Only the fastest in the air, Rainbow."
  168. >Applejack gives her a wide grin.
  169. >Rainbow Dash flies down and puts her nose against Applejack's.
  170. >You guess they're rivals.
  171. >"Oh yeah? I guess all the dust I made you eat in the race must have clouded your head."
  172. >"Issat so? You'd like ta go again without cheatin' this time, suggarcube?"
  173. >They growl at each other but suddenly Twilight chips in with a grin.
  174. >"If I recall, I beat you both. So doesn't that mean I'M the fastest?"
  175. >RD and AJ both give her a deadpan stare.
  176. >"uhm..." Twilight gives them a nervous smile and scrapes her hoof.
  177. >Suddenly they all burst out laughing.
  178. >You can't help but join them, it's pretty infections, the cute laugh they seem to share.
  179. >Especially the pink one who occasionally lets out a goofy snort.
  181. >The pink, fluffy one suddenly begins bouncing up and down in front of you, reaching head height with ease.
  182. >Each bounce is joined by a squeaking noise.
  183. >"ItotallyforgottointroducemyselfhiI'mPinkiepPieandsinceyou'renewIshouldthrowyouaparty!"
  184. >Brain, can you decrypt that?
  185. >lol no.
  186. >Oh well.
  187. >You try to catch her name but it all ends up garbled in her rapid speech.
  188. "Uh, nice to meet you... Hanky Pank, was it?"
  189. >She nearly falls over, giggling.
  190. >"No, silly! It's Pinkie Pie!"
  191. >Balloon butt. You also heard party. She must be some kind of party arranger or something.
  192. >It certainly fits her personality.
  193. >With all of them introduced, you look to Celestia who's just smiling at this point.
  194. >Apparently she was used to this kind of behavior.
  195. "So. When do I start?"
  196. >She snaps out of it and turns to you.
  197. >"Oh, yes. You'll get a letter with your official badge and secondary citizenship in Ponyville once Solaris is done with the paperwork."
  198. >Twilight taps her hoof on the floor and continues once Celestia is done.
  199. >"You're welcome to stay with me. I have a spare guest room. Though the bed isn't really in your size."
  200. >Celestia nods.
  201. >"How kind of you, Twilight. I'll have a minotaur-sized bed delivered along with you. I assume the room is big enough?"
  202. >Twilight does a little jump and returns the nod.
  203. >"It will definitely fit and leave room to move about. It's were my lab was before I moved it to the basement."
  204. >They nod in agreement.
  205. >You nod as well, why not?
  207. >Later that day, you and the six ponies are on a train, heading towards Ponyville.
  208. >Rarity is constantly talking about ideas for dresses she had gotten from inspecting your clothes.
  209. >You would normally listen with interest, but your mind is busy.
  210. >You look out through the window down at the approaching town, Ponyville.
  211. >It feels like you're on an adventure.
  212. >Heh, Anonymous adventure in Equestria.
  213. >You like the sound of that.
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