
Why you should care Speech

Apr 7th, 2016
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  1. There's something really special about this game which I can't really describe. This game has stuck with me since the first time I ever played it 5 years ago. I find it incredible how a game with no purpose or story can stick with me for so long. And it's confusing to others. It's confusing to people who don't understand why I spend hour after hour just building things and creating things sometimes no one in the entire world will see. Except me. And I get why that confuses people, almost everything we build seems pointless and meaningless.
  3. But it isn't pointless and it isn't meaningless, because I am the one who gives my creations purpose. Even if I delete what I've made and never think about it again, I have made it, and it has in turn, made a part of me. Art is only meaningless if you give it no meaning. And that's why this game is so special. Because I give it meaning – and to an extent, that's why my life is special. If I can apply meaning to every single pointless thing I make in a game, then I can use that to learn how to apply meaning to my own life.
  5. Because even if there is no god and maybe humanity will stop existing one day…I don’t care. Because the lives we live now are important because we make them important. That's why everything we do is important. Who cares if one day we'll all be gone, it's happening right now and that's why we should care. That's why you should care about everything you do as insignificant as it may seem.
  7. Everything you make, everything you cry about, everything you laugh about, all the times you shared a secret with someone, every time you speak a word, and every friend you made, every time you wanted to share something with world and tell everyone you know "look what I can do"…it's important… and it's worth caring about. And that's exactly why I share every video I make with you. Including this one.
  9. Taken from:
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