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a guest
Oct 8th, 2019
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  1. Server rules
  2. -----------------------------
  3. -No intentional team killing
  4. -No griefing
  5. -Teaming is tolerated, but cannot be excessive
  6. -Moderators are free to use their discretion
  7. -No macros
  8. -No harassment
  10. List of mods
  12. SCP-035
  13. -When a player picks up this item (which is randomized), they will die and a random spectator will be selected to play as SCP-035
  14. -SPC035 deals damage when in close proximity
  15. -Can use all items and be disarmed
  16. -This SPC can not escape the facility
  17. -2 items are rotated every 4 minutes to be scp-035
  18. -SCP-036 will spawn items at the beginning of the round, these items won't be normally spawned items
  19. -Friendly fire is off for SCP’s
  21. SCP-106 Reworked
  22. This makes 106 stronger. It utilizes his pocket ability to also work as a trap, anyone who steps on it will be teleported to the pocket dimension.
  23. -corpses no longer show up in the pocket dimension
  24. -When you escape the pocket dimension the location you teleport is randomized
  25. -The amount of doors you can escape from In the pocket dimension has increased from 2 to 3
  27. Better disarm
  28. Players can no longer open doors or elevators when disarmed, when you escape the facility disarmed you are respawned as the opposite faction
  30. CIspy (beta)
  31. this adds a 15% chance a facility guard or MTF will spawn as a chaos insurgent undercover, this person's job is to kill all NTF guards and help Dclass escape. If the CIspy is the last left alive he will be revealed.
  33. Custom loadouts
  34. NTF Scientist’s now spawn with Micros after escaping the facility
  35. Chaos Insurgent now spawn with grenades
  36. ALL NTF will spawn with flashlights
  38. Pro-079
  39. This plugin gives SCP-079 extra commands, such as faking SCP deaths or faking an MTF spawn wave. Open your console when you spawn as SCP-079 to view the extra commands.
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