
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 27

Dec 15th, 2014
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  1. >Looking towards the direction of the noise, you see two girls about the same size as the one before you
  2. >One of them, dressed in a pair of jeans and a green jacket is waving threateningly at you, the red ribbon in her hair complimenting its rosy color
  3. >The second one looks like she'd rather be anywhere but here at this moment, her lavender-and-pink curls flowing in the wind, clearly done by a professional
  4. >You can't help thinking that you'd seen one of them before
  5. >Echoing the red haired girl's cries, she yells at you
  6. >''Y-yeah! And, uh, don't you even think about, uh, doing stuff? To her, I mean.''
  7. >The ginger girl sighs loudly and face palms, still keeping her pace towards you
  8. >''Sweetie, y'all are supposed ta sound assertive! How can anybody take us seriously when y'all act like ya do?''
  9. >The familiar-looking girl on the receiving end of the tirade gasps in shock
  10. >''Act like I do? Well, you're just, just being a big, old, me-''
  11. >The purple-haired girl beside you waves at the intruders, a huge grin fixed on her face
  12. >''Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle! Hey guys, what's up?''
  13. >Stuck somewhere between confusion and panic, you stand your ground quietly
  14. >As the girls reach you, the farm girl rounds on you, anger and worry clear on her face
  15. >''Alright, ugly, what th' hay have y'all done to my friend?''
  16. >The nervous lavender-haired one stays quiet, scanning your face intensely
  17. >''Uh, girls?''
  18. >The battered teen in front of you looks nervous, her eyes flitting between all three of you
  19. >The red-haired one takes your silence as an invitation, and leans closer, hands balled into fists
  20. >''Ah swear, if ya'll so much as touch her, Ah'm gonna-''
  21. ''I didn't even-''
  22. >''Girls!''
  23. >The purple-haired one yells out suddenly, stepping between the farm girl and you
  24. >''Come on you guys, he's my friend!''
  25. >''Oh. Well then, how come Ah've never met him before?''
  26. >Despite the red-haired girl's tone softening, her voice still has an edge to it, and you can't help feeling nervous
  27. >''Because I just met him, Apple Bloom!''
  28. >Standing behind the inquisitive country girl, the lavender-haired one meekly pulls on her friend's sleeve, clearly nervous
  29. >''Oh? Well Ah-''
  30. >Turning around in a quick 180, the cowgirl rounds on her friend
  31. >''What is it, Sweetie? Can't y'all see Ah'm-''
  32. >Following the girl's finger, the girl named Apple Bloom lands her gaze on one of the unconscious teens on the tarmac, eyes widening in shock
  33. >''What th' heck? Jus' what happened here, Scootaloo?''
  34. >As if on cue, the two floored teenagers start groaning loudly, finally waking up from their stupor
  35. >''Who are these guys, anyway? Did they do this to y'all?''
  36. >Scootaloo shrugs nervously, keeping her eyes on the ground
  37. >''Y-yeah, but they didn't mean nothing by it! It was just, uh, a misunderstanding.''
  38. >Apple Bloom turns to Scootaloo, completely shocked
  39. >''A misunderstanding? Scoots, y'all look almost as bad as that guy!''
  40. >Pointing at your face, you can't help fidgeting nervously, replying in a small voice
  41. ''It ain't that bad…''
  42. >Marching decisively towards the shorter boy, Apple Bloom ignores you
  43. >Motioning for her friends to join, you decide to tag along just in case
  44. >''Now, Ah don't buy all that about 'misunderstandings'. Ah think there's more to this than y'all are saying.''
  45. >As the red-haired girl crouches down, narrowing her eyes, the girl named Sweetie Belle pipes up, her tone clearly nervous
  46. >''So, uh, what do you think we should do?''
  47. >Turning to Sweetie with a glare, Apple Bloom' tone turns immensely threatening
  48. >''Eggs-trackt some information, that's what we'll do.''
  49. >''So, uh, how? Are you gonna ask them? They look scary...''
  50. >Grabbing the boy's middle finger in a vice-like grip, she slowly twists it with a determined look on her face
  51. >''Ah'm not just gonna ask, Sweetie! We're gonna beat th' intel outta them! Trust me. Ah've seen this on TV.''
  52. >''So, uh. Specific Skill Zealot torturers? I don't think that's a good idea…''
  53. >''Come on, it's easy! Ya just twist right here, and-''
  54. >The girl's rambling is cut short by a painful scream from the floored teen, the expression on his face a rictus of pain
  55. >Going pale, the girl's pupils narrow in panic, her grip loosening
  56. >''Wh-why did y'all attack Scoots?''
  57. >The boy curls up in a whimpering ball, and you see Sweetie Belle looking decidedly ill
  58. >''Apple Bloom! Calm down!''
  59. >Scootaloo finally breaks her silence with a panicked look on her face, physically pulling Apple Bloom away from the whimpering ball on the ground
  60. >Judging from the sounds the farm girl's ministrations caused, the teenager's finger may be broken, in addition to the small cut on his temple
  61. >You wince quietly despite yourself
  62. >You know all too well that the middle finger is the most painful one to break
  63. >Looking up at you with a terrified look on his face, the boy suddenly jumps up, bolting away from you and the girls with adrenaline-fueled speed
  64. >''Hey! Y'all better come ba- oof!''
  65. >Taking off after the boy, Apple Bloom's chase is cut short by Scootaloo's arms wrapping around her midsection, the purple-haired girl holding her back for dear life
  66. >''Lemme go, Scoots! Ah can take him!''
  67. >''Calm down, AB!''
  68. >Following his friend's example, the taller one shambles unsteadily away as quickly as he can, staunching the flow of blood from his nose with his hands
  69. >Stopping and turning around roughly thirty feet from you, he points at Scootaloo with a blood-soaked finger, drawing his thumb across his throat in an universal gesture of ill will
  70. >''You're fuckin' dead, Sgoodaloo! You hear be? Dead!''
  71. >In response, you take off towards him, satisfied to see the boy's eyes widen as he turns around and scrambles off with newfound speed
  72. >Stopping and calling out after him, you cup your hands around your mouth as an improvised megaphone
  73. ''Come over here and say that, fuckboy!''
  74. >Turning around and walking back to the girls with a satisfied look on your face, you are once again met with an inquisitive stare from Apple Bloom
  75. >Reaching the three and picking up your tray again, you narrow your eyes at the farm girl in response
  76. >Breaking the impromptu staring contest, Scootaloo takes her place beside you and puts an arm around you, thumping your back with a slightly too wide grin on her face
  77. >You put on the prettiest smile you can muster, and hold your hand out to the red-haired teen
  78. ''I'm Anon. What's up?''
  79. >After some awkward seconds of Apple Bloom intensely scanning you, your smile falters
  80. >Finally, after what feels like hours, she finally gives you a smile and shakes your hand with both of her's, large dimples forming on her face
  81. >''Ah'm Apple Bloom! Nice ta meet ya!''
  82. ''Uh, yeah. Sure. Now, I'll just-''
  83. >''Wait! Y'all haven't met Sweetie Belle yet, right? Come on Sweetie, introduce yourself!''
  84. >The lavender-haired girl hesitantly steps forward, a worried look on her face
  85. >You hold your hand out to her with an encouraging smile
  86. >''Uh, hi. Again. I'm Sweetie Belle, in case you didn't catch that.''
  87. >She shakes your hand timidly, her pale green eyes only briefly meeting yours
  88. ''Again, huh? Anyway, I'm Anon.''
  89. >She gives you a hesitant smile, the snow on her red pea coat shimmering in the light of the street lamps
  90. >''Yeah, I think I saw you at six-F. You had the, uh, chicken waffles, right?''
  91. ''Oh yeah, that's right. Well, it's been nice meeting all of you but I really got to-''
  92. >''Wait, mister! Y'all haven't told us anything about what happened!''
  93. >Jesus Christ
  94. >You sigh, lighting a cigarette, ignoring the small cough from Sweetie Belle
  95. ''Well, long story short, I saw those two guys stomping her-''
  96. >You point at Scootaloo, the purple-haired girl sporting an embarrassed blush
  97. ''Jumped in, decked both, almost got strangled, decked the motherfucker again.''
  98. >The girl in red flinches slightly at your profanity, and you can't help feeling slightly bad about it
  99. >She is a kid after all, and looks fairly sheltered, unlike the other two, having a nervous, slightly skittish air about her
  101. >Judging by her looks, you assume she's from a fairly upscale kind of place, maybe even one of the gated communities near the river
  102. >Apple Bloom, in turn, seems more curious than anything
  103. >From her demeanor and accent, you assume that she's from one of the farms just outside of town
  104. >Nevertheless, the dirt and muck of Emerald Hills don't seem to faze her that much
  105. >She exudes an air of reliability, much like an old American muscle car
  106. >Scootaloo, on the other hand, seems, unsurprisingly, completely at home here
  107. >Carrying herself with a kind of fluid swagger despite her cuts and bruises, she almost reminds you of some of your more rough-and-tumble childhood friends
  109. >''But why'd they do it? I mean, she's a girl! You just don't do that!''
  110. >Sweetie Belle speaks up again, breaking your short-lived trance
  111. >You shrug in response and spit, the saliva mixing with the red droplets spattered on the ground
  112. ''No idea. I mean, I don't see any motherfu-''
  113. >You clear your throat, slightly embarrassed
  114. ''I mean, any good reason for them to do what they did.''
  115. >''So, Scoots, what do y'all think that was about?''
  116. >Apple Bloom pipes up again, her tone tinged with suspicion
  117. >Scootaloo fidgets nervously, scratching the back of her neck, eyes fixed on the crimson spatter on the tarmac
  118. >''I have no idea. But, hey, they're gone now, right? Anyway, what are you planning for-''
  119. >''But Ah'm worried, Scoots! What if they come back? Ah mean, he did say he was gonna kill ya!''
  120. >Scootaloo gives a nervous grin, shifting her attention to the drawstrings of her hoodie
  121. >''Don't worry about it, Ay-bee. I mean, they don't even know me, right?''
  122. >Narrowing her eyes at her nervous friend, Apple Bloom finally gives up with a sigh
  123. >''Ah swear, sometimes y'all are just so difficult… Anyway, how about we have a sleepover at the farm tonight? Granny can make some cocoa, and we can-''
  124. ''Alright girls, it's been a pleasure. But, as I said, I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I'll just-''
  125. >''Oh. Well, alright mistah, pleasure meetin' y'all!''
  126. >Scootaloo walks up to you and gives you a short hug, a small smile fixed on her face
  127. >''Bye Anon, see you around!''
  128. >Echoing their friend's farewells, the two girls wave at you
  129. >''Bye mistah!''
  130. >''Bye bye sir, see you.''
  131. ''Uh, yeah. See you.''
  132. >Taking off as fast as you can without spilling your drinks, you jog around the corner towards the car
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