

Apr 14th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. logo: &8[&4&l人狼RPG&8]
  4. command /jinro [<text>]:
  5. permission: skript.admin
  6. permission message: &cYou don't have permission!
  7. trigger:
  8. if arg-1 is "stop":
  9. set {game} to "false"
  10. command "/scoreboard teams leave @a"
  11. delete {jinrou::*}
  12. delete {_player::*}
  13. delete {kyozin::*}
  14. delete {gouhu::*}
  15. delete {kyu::*}
  16. set {map} to "none"
  17. delete {murabito::*}
  18. set {time} to "none"
  19. set {times} to 150
  20. delete {_p}
  21. delete {_a}
  22. delete {_i}
  23. delete {_u}
  24. loop all players:
  25. set {sanka.%loop-player%} to "false"
  26. set {score.%loop-player%} to 0
  27. set slot 4 of loop-player to 1 nether star named "&aゲームに参加"
  28. if arg-1 is "start":
  29. broadcast "{@logo} &aマップを選んでいます…"
  30. wait 2 seconds
  31. command "/clear @a nether_star"
  32. chance of 20%:
  33. send title "&8&k!! &6&l Unknown Stage &8&k!!"
  34. broadcast "&6================================="
  35. broadcast "&b Made: _N4_ , Marble_Pro"
  36. broadcast "&b &aMAP: Unknown Stage"
  37. broadcast "&6=================================="
  38. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.generic.explode master @a"
  39. set {map} to 1
  40. wait 2 seconds
  41. execute console command "/tp @a[team=sanka] -349 9 1375"
  42. else:
  43. chance of 25%:
  44. send title "&8&k!! &6&l 豪邸 &8&k!!"
  45. broadcast "&6=============================="
  46. broadcast "&b Made: Futaba_Nyan , MakingMe_"
  47. broadcast "&b &aMAP: 豪邸"
  48. broadcast "&6==============================="
  49. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.generic.explode master @a"
  50. set {map} to 2
  51. wait 2 seconds
  52. execute console command "/tp @a[team=sanka] 100 5 100"
  53. else:
  54. chance of 100%:
  55. send title "&8&k!! &6&l Big Ocean &8&k!!"
  56. broadcast "&6=============================="
  57. broadcast "&b Made: Marble_Pro"
  58. broadcast "&b &aMAP: Big Ocean"
  59. broadcast "&6==============================="
  60. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.generic.explode master @a"
  61. set {map} to 3
  62. wait 2 seconds
  63. execute console command "/tp @a[team=sanka] 100 5 100"
  64. wait 2 seconds
  65. broadcast "{@logo} &e試合を開始します。開始前にプレイヤーは散らばりましょう"
  66. broadcast "{@logo} &e試合開始までのこり&c15秒前&e…"
  67. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  68. send title "&e15…"
  69. wait 5 seconds
  70. broadcast "{@logo} &e試合開始までのこり&c10秒前&e…"
  71. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  72. send title "&e10…"
  73. wait 5 seconds
  74. broadcast "{@logo} &e試合開始までのこり&c5秒前&e…"
  75. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  76. send title "&e5…"
  77. wait 1 seconds
  78. broadcast "{@logo} &e試合開始までのこり&c4秒前&e…"
  79. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  80. send title "&e4…"
  81. wait 1 seconds
  82. broadcast "{@logo} &e試合開始までのこり&c3秒前&e…"
  83. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  84. send title "&e3…"
  85. wait 1 seconds
  86. broadcast "{@logo} &e試合開始までのこり&c2秒前&e…"
  87. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  88. send title "&e2…"
  89. wait 1 seconds
  90. broadcast "{@logo} &e試合開始までのこり&c1秒前&e…"
  91. command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound master @a"
  92. send title "&e1…"
  93. wait 1 seconds
  94. broadcast "{@logo} &6&lStart!"
  95. broadcast "{@logo} &7役職が配られました"
  96. execute console command "/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.wolf.howl master @a ~ ~ ~"
  97. command "/time set night"
  98. set {time} to "night"
  99. set {times} to 150
  100. set {game} to "true"
  101. loop all players:
  102. if {sanka.%loop-player%} is "true":
  103. add loop-player to {_player::*}
  104. command "/scoreboard teams join murabito %loop-player%"
  105. set {score.%loop-player%} to 5
  106. loop {jinrou} times:
  107. set {_p} to random player of {_player::*}
  108. add {_p} to {jinrou::*}
  109. set {jinrou::%{_p}%} to "true"
  110. command "/scoreboard teams join jinrou %{_p}%"
  111. set {score.%{_p}%} to 1
  112. set {villager::%{_p}%} to "true"
  113. remove {_p} from {_player::*}
  114. loop {kyouzin} times:
  115. set {_a} to random player of {_player::*}
  116. command "/scoreboard teams join kyouzin %{_a}%"
  117. set {score.%{_a}%} to 2
  118. add {_a} to {kyozin::*}
  119. set {kyouzin::%{_p}%} to "true"
  120. remove {_a} from {_player::*}
  121. loop {kyu} times:
  122. set {_i} to random player of {_player::*}
  123. command "/scoreboard teams join kyuketu %{_i}%"
  124. set {score.%{_i}%} to 3
  125. add {_i} to {kyu::*}
  126. set {vampire::%{_p}%} to "true"
  127. remove {_i} from {_player::*}
  128. loop {gouhu} times:
  129. set {_u} to random player of {_player::*}
  130. set {score.%{_u}%} to 4
  131. add {_u} to {gouhu::*}
  132. set {gouhu::%{_p}%} to "true"
  133. command "/scoreboard teams join gouhu %{_u}%"
  134. remove {_u} from {_player::*}
  135. add {_player::*} to {murabito::*}
  136. set {villager::%{_p}%} to "true"
  137. remove {_player::*} from {_murabito::*}
  138. #1 = 人狼 ¦ 2 = 狂人 ¦ 3 = 吸血鬼 ¦ 4 = 豪富 ¦ 5 = 村人#
  139. loop all players:
  140. if {score.%loop-player%} is 0:
  141. set slot 4 of loop-player to 1 bed named "&c観戦"
  142. if {score.%loop-player%} is 1:
  143. execute console command "menu grab %loop-player% jinrou"
  144. give loop-player pieces of paper named "&4&l人狼" with lore "&e他の人狼 &b%{jinrou::*}%"
  145. send "&aあなたは&4&l人狼&aです" to loop-player
  146. send "&e他の人狼 … &f%{jinrou::*}%" to loop-player
  147. command "/title %loop-player% times 20 100 20"
  148. command "title %loop-player% subtitle ["""",{""text"":""\u4ed6\u306e\u4eba\u72fc"",""color"":""yellow""},{""text"":"" \u2026"",""color"":""yellow""},{""text"":"" ""},{""selector"":""@a[team=jinrou]""}]"
  149. command "/title %loop-player% title ["""",{""text"":""\u3042\u306a\u305f\u306f"",""color"":""green""},{""text"":""\u4eba\u72fc"",""bold"":true,""color"":""dark_red""},{""text"":""\u3067\u3059"",""color"":""green""}]"
  150. if {score.%loop-player%} is 2:
  151. send title "&aあなたは&8&l狂人&aです" to loop-player
  152. send "&aあなたは&8&l狂人&aです" to loop-player
  153. execute console command "menu grab %loop-player% kyouzin"
  155. every 1 seconds:
  156. if {game} is "true":
  157. remove 1 from {times}
  158. loop all players:
  159. if {time} is "day":
  160. send action bar "&6&l朝 &b>>> &a残り時間:&e%{times}%" to loop-player
  161. else:
  162. if {time} is "night":
  163. send action bar "&9&l夜 &b>>> &a残り時間:&e%{times}%" to loop-player
  164. if {times} is less than 1:
  165. loop all players:
  166. if {time} is "day":
  167. set {time} to "night"
  168. set {times} to 150
  169. send title "&8--= &b☽&9夜になりました&b☽ &8=--" to loop-player
  170. command "/time set night"
  171. else:
  172. if {time} is "night":
  173. set {time} to "day"
  174. set {times} to 100
  175. send title "&8--= &c☀&6朝になりました&c☀ &8=--" to loop-player
  176. command "/time set day"
  178. on first join:
  179. wait 2 tick
  180. if {game} is "false":
  181. set slot 4 of player to 1 nether star named "&aゲームに参加"
  182. else:
  183. if {game} is "true":
  184. command "/clear %player% nether_star"
  185. set player's gamemode to spectator
  186. send "&aゲームがすでに始まっていたため観戦になりました"
  187. if {map} is 1:
  188. command "/tp %player% -349 9 1375"
  189. if {map} is 2:
  190. command "/tp %player% 100 5 100"
  191. if {map} is 3:
  193. on join:
  194. wait 2 tick
  195. if {game} is "false":
  196. set slot 4 of player to 1 nether star named "&aゲームに参加"
  197. else:
  198. if {game} is "true":
  199. command "/clear %player% nether_star"
  200. set player's gamemode to spectator
  201. send "&aゲームがすでに始まっていたため観戦になりました"
  202. if {map} is 1:
  203. command "/tp %player% -349 9 1375"
  204. if {map} is 2:
  205. command "/tp %player% 100 5 100"
  206. if {map} is 3:
  210. on join:
  211. wait 0.2 seconds
  212. send title "&ew"
  213. wait 0.3 seconds
  214. send title "&ew&de" #Welcome
  215. wait 0.3 seconds
  216. send title "&ew&de&bl"
  217. wait 0.3 seconds
  218. send title "&aw&de&bl&ac"
  219. wait 0.3 seconds
  220. send title "&aw&de&bl&ac&9o"
  221. wait 0.3 seconds
  222. send title "&aw&de&bl&ac&9o&6m"
  223. wait 0.3 seconds
  224. send title "&aW&de&bl&ac&9o&6m&3e"
  225. wait 0.3 seconds
  226. wait 0.3 seconds
  227. send title "&aW&de&bl&ac&9o&6m&3e, &a%player%!"
  230. command /check:
  231. trigger:
  232. send "%{jinrou::*}% 人狼 %{jinrou}%"
  233. send "%{kyozin::*}% 狂人 %{kyouzin}%"
  234. send "%{gouhu::*}% 豪富 %{gouhu}%"
  235. send "%{kyu::*}% 吸血鬼 %{kyu}%"
  236. send "%{murabito::*}% 村人"
  237. send "%{_player::*}%"
  239. on rightclick holding a nether star:
  240. name of held item contains "&aゲームに参加"
  241. if {sanka.%player%} is "false":
  242. send "&8[&4&l人狼RPG&8] &aゲームに参加しました!"
  243. command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound master %player%"
  244. set {sanka.%player%} to "true"
  245. command "/scoreboard teams join sanka %player%"
  246. else:
  247. send "&8[&4&l人狼RPG&8] &cすでに参加しています"
  248. command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound master %player%"
  250. on rightclick holding a bed:
  251. name of held item contains "&c観戦"
  252. if {game} is "false":
  253. send "&c試合は始まっていません"
  254. else:
  255. send "&a観戦になりました"
  256. if {map} is 1:
  257. execute console command "/tp %player% -349 9 1375"
  258. if {map} is 2:
  259. execute console command "/tp %player% 100 5 100"
  260. if {map} is 3:
  263. command /settime [<number>]:
  264. permission: skript.admin
  265. trigger:
  266. set {times} to arg-1
  268. on inventory click:
  269. if {game} is "false":
  270. if clicked slot is 4:
  271. cancel event
  274. command /a [<player>]:
  275. trigger:
  276. set {sanka.%arg-1%} to "true"
  277. on damage:
  278. if attacker's tool is stick:
  279. if {jinrou::%victim%} is "true":
  280. cancel event
  281. execute console command "clear %attacker% minecraft:stick 0 1 "
  282. send "&6占っています.." to attacker
  283. wait 1 second
  284. send "&b結果: &a%victim%は&4人狼でした。" to attacker
  285. else:
  286. if {villager::%victim%} is "true":
  287. cancel event
  288. execute console command "clear %attacker% minecraft:stick 0 1 "
  289. send "&6占っています.." to attacker
  290. wait 1 second
  291. send "&b結果: &a%victim%は&b村人でした。" to attacker
  292. if {vampire::%victim%} is "true":
  293. cancel event
  294. execute console command "clear %attacker% minecraft:stick 0 1 "
  295. send "&6占っています.." to attacker
  296. wait 1 second
  297. send "&b結果: &a%victim%は&5吸血鬼でした。" to attacker
  298. else:
  299. cancel event
  300. execute console command "clear %attacker% minecraft:stick 0 1 "
  301. send "&6占っています.." to attacker
  302. wait 1 second
  303. send "&b結果: &a%victim%は&a村人でした。" to attacker
  305. on damage:
  306. if attacker's tool is redstone dust:
  307. if {vampire::%victim%} is "true":
  308. send "&5吸血の十字架&aを使って吸血鬼を倒した!" to attacker
  309. execute console command "/execute %attacker% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:item.shield.break ambient %attacker% ~ ~ ~"
  310. execute console command "clear %attacker% redstone 0 1"
  311. kill victim
  312. else:
  313. send "&5吸血の十字架&aを使った。"
  314. execute console command "/execute %attacker% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:item.shield.break ambient %attacker% ~ ~ ~"
  315. execute console command "clear %attacker% redstone 0 1"
  316. cancel event
  317. on rightclick holding a armor stand:
  318. name of held item contains "&6&l騎士の祈り"
  319. execute console command "/effect %player% 11 1000000 255 true"
  320. execute console command "/clear %player% armor_stand 0 1"
  321. send "&6騎士の祈り&aを使用しました。"
  322. on rightclick holding a ender crystal:
  323. name of held item contains "共犯者の目"
  324. execute console command "/clear %player% end_crystal 0 1"
  325. send "&5共犯者の目&aを使用しました。"
  326. execute console command "/scoreboard teams join jinrou %player%"
  327. wait 20 seconds
  328. send "&5共犯者の目の効果が&a残り&610秒&aで効果が切れます…"
  329. wait 10 seconds
  330. send "&5共犯者の目&aの効果が切れました。"
  331. execute console command "/scoreboard teams join kyouzin %player%"
  332. on rightclick holding a firework star:
  333. name of held item contains "&7&l煙幕"
  334. execute console command "execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /effect @a[r=5] 15 5 1"
  335. execute console command "effect %Player% 15 0 "
  336. send "&7&l煙幕&aを使用しました。"
  337. on rightclick holding a totems of undying:
  338. name of held item contains "&e&l透姿"
  339. execute console command "/effect @a glowing 3 1 "
  340. send "&e&l透姿&aを使用しました。"
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