
Fluffy vs Yarn (hugbox)

May 20th, 2012
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  1. >Fluffy pony is sitting happily in his blanket nest in his safe room.
  2. >He gets bored and starts to run around the room.
  3. >He trips and falls on the door which wasn’t shut tight and the door swings open.
  4. >Fluffy is now free to run around the house.
  5. >He walks around looking for daddy.
  6. >”Daddy! Fwuffy wan pway!” he shouts as he runs around.
  7. >He finally ends up in the den and sees a ball of yarn on the floor.
  8. >Fluffies face lights up, “Fwuffy wan pway wit baww.”
  9. >He runs up to the ball of yarn and jumps on it giggling.
  10. >Fluffy tumbles over it rolling along the floor happily.
  11. >Fluffy looks up and see a trail of loose string behind it.
  12. >”Oh nuu! Fwuffy bwoke ball!” Horror crosses its face because he just broke his new toy.
  13. >He runs over and grabs the end of the yarn and brings it back to the main ball.
  14. >He puts it on top of it, “Baww fixed now.” He says with a satisfied smile.
  15. >Ball starts to roll way again and fluffy sees sting being left behind.
  16. >”Nuu, baww stiww bwaking! Come back baww!” it bites on the yarn and tries to pull the ball back
  17. >When he tugs on the string the ball rolls away faster.
  18. >”NUUUU!!!” It yells chasing after the rolling ball only to get its stubby legs caught in the yarn.
  19. >It trips and rolls forward rolling yarn around its body
  20. >”Ahh! Fwuffy getting tangweled.” It cries and tries to shake off the string.
  21. >Shaking causes more string to stick to the fluffy pony.
  22. >”Daddy gowing to be mad.” It says. Renews effort to fix ball of yarn.
  23. >Fluffy starts to push string together with its nose until it makes a pile.
  24. >Using its head, it bulldozes the pile to the small ball of yarn.
  25. >”Put bwoken stuff back in baww. Baww be fixed now.”
  26. >Pushes pile of yarn on top of ball then rises up and tries to push it back in with its front hooves.
  27. >Hooves shoot through pile knocking the ball of yarn out and getting stuck in the yarn.
  28. >The fluffy pony watches as the ever shrinking ball of yarn shoots out, hit the wall and bounces back over its head leaving a trail of string.
  29. >Fluffy looks on with horror then tries to turn and chase after string only to trip over its front hooves and rolling across more string.
  30. >”Baww be mean to fwuffy! Yoo make fwuffy get sowwy stick!” It starts yelling at the ball of string.
  31. >Unable to really walk with its front legs, the fluffy starts to run in place with its back legs slowly pushing it toward the ball of yarn
  32. >Fluffy starts making a pile of yarn as he gets closer to the ball.
  33. >Finally pile hits the small ball of yarn and it rolls out completely.
  34. >Fluffy eyes start to tear up. “Baww go bye bye. Fwuffy jus wan pway and baww mean to fwuffy and go way.”
  35. >Its little body starts to shake with anger. “Now fwuffy canna move weggies.”
  36. >Fluffy furiously starts to shake its front legs trying to get free and loses it balance falling into the fresh pile of yarn.
  37. >Fluffy rolls several times before stopping on its back with yarn firmly wrapped around its entire body with just some of its face exposed.
  38. >Fluffy wiggles its legs furiously trying to get some sort of traction or flip it over, fluffy doesn’t move.
  39. >”Fwuffy twapped! Fwuffy scawed! Someone hewp fwuffy!” it screams and starts to cry.
  40. >Fluffy hears door open, “Waaaahhh! Hewp fwuffy! Waaaaah!”
  41. >Fluffy looks through his tear soaked eyes to see daddy’s shoes. “Daddy hewp fwuffy!”
  42. >”What in the world have you done to yourself? Hold on.” Daddy starts to walk away
  43. >Daddy comes back with scissors. “Ok big guy, I’m going to cut you out but you have to be still.”
  44. >Fluffy is still as possible for daddy as he cuts the yarn away.
  45. >”Fwuffy sowwy daddy. Fwuffy found mean bawwy that twicked fwuffy and twapped me.” Fluffy is still sniffling.
  46. >The last bit of yarn is pulled away. “I’ll tell mommy not to leave her craft material around big guy. You ok?”
  47. >Fluffy gets back on its feet still shaking and scared.
  48. >”Fwuffy wan huggie.”
  49. >Daddy picks up fluffy and gives him big hug.
  50. >Fluffy smiles. “Daddy huggie make fwuffy betta.”
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