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Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. Bob really felt down in the dumps since his dog died. He lives alone in an old disgusting apartment. Then one day Bob watched TV, when suddenly the phone started to ring. He picked up the phone and answered: ‘Hello’ ‘Hey Bob, it’s Lola’. Bob was surprised to hear her voice. ‘Hey Lola! What’s up? I have not heard from you in a long time!’. Lola explained that she was in big trouble and needed Bob’s help, ‘ I know this is crazy but I need to see you right now’. Bob was puzzling by this mystery but he decided he will help his friend. However when he arrived at Lola’s apartment, the door was locked. Next to the door there was an envelope with Bob’s name on it. He bent over to pick it up. ‘Lola must have left it there’ thought a weary Bob. He opened the envelope and found a key with the number of a safety deposit box written on a sheet of paper. Bob returned home. He couldn't stop thinking about this key. He called his boss to tell him that he isn’t coming to work as he had to get to the bottom of this. Poor Bob, he should have gone to work and forgotten about this strange mystery.
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