
Anonpencil Writes Drunk For Rat: Hope Sinks (Oneshit)

May 6th, 2014
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  1. >The little orange filly looks up at you with big doleful eyes and smiles a hopeful smile at you. The very sight of it makes you hard with anticipation.
  2. “R-really?” She squeaks out. “You'll adopt me?”
  3. “I swear it,” you say calmly, trying to hide your gleeful giggles.
  4. >This is too much fun. You can see her getting her hopes up, feel her slowly falling in love with you. Soon she'll be devoted to you, just at the promise of a forever home. You smile warmly at her, and she gasps.
  5. “Wow, I've never...never had a dad before. Can I call you dad?”
  6. “Sure you can, Pumpkin,” you say gently.
  7. >You can see tears brimming in her tiny eyes.
  8. “Will we go to the park together?”
  9. “You betcha.”
  10. “Will you help me learn how to fly?”
  11. “Of course, darling.”
  12. “Will you tell me you love me every night?”
  13. “Every. Single. Night.”
  14. >She gasps, her little cheeks glowing a bright red and wet lines slowly tracing their way down through the cur on her face.
  15. “I'll even tell you I love you right this minute...”
  16. “You WILL?”
  17. “If...”
  18. >You see her smile waver just a little bit, but she stays hopeful. Foolish girl. You raise a finger in front of her, almost like you're telling her to pause her enthusiasm.
  19. “If,” you go on. “You are able to earn your cutie mark.”
  20. >Now she really does seem to sag a little. You knew that would get her. Then, nearly right away, she perks up again, shrugging off any sadness that had begun to consumer her. The younger ones do tend to be more resilient, but you can't help be impressed that she's still smiling.
  21. >Somehow, you're all the harder for it.
  22. “W-well,” she says, trying to stay bright. “I'm sure I'll manage in time. I'll do my best Anon! For you!”
  23. >Hynnnngh your dick. You can't keep from smiling fiendishly.
  24. “I don't mean eventually,” you say slowly. “I mean now. I can't possibly have a daughter who doesn't have her cutie mark yet.”
  25. “So how long-”
  26. >Before she can go on, you lean down very close to her face, so you're almost kissing her. You smile broadly and a low laugh rumbles in your throat.
  27. “You have,” you say very slowly, enjoying each syllable. “One. Minute.”
  28. >As the color drains from her face, the happy tear lines suddenly look cold and fearful. Her smile is gone, and in its place is a gaunt, horrified expression. Her mouth works, but no sounds come out, and her little, useless wings quiver.
  29. “Go,” you hiss.
  30. >For a moment, she can't seem to move. Then, all at once, she's completely in motion in every direction. Her little orange carrot stick legs flail through the air.
  31. “Um, um, um...” she says endlessly.
  32. >You can't stop smiling.
  33. >Scootaloo rushes to the fence and grabs up a rope in her mouth, desperately she tries to spin it like a lasso, but instead it catches her back leg and she topples forward onto the ground with a tiny “uff.” the rope continues to coil around her until she's well bound.
  34. >God, if only you were into pony bondage. Then at least saddles would be sexy.
  35. >She glances up at you frantically as you calmly tap your wrist. With a whine of frustration, she rushes to her her feet and tries to shake off the rope.
  36. >She spots a bucket and quickly runs to it. With a groan of frustration through clenched teeth, she tries to balance the bucket atop her head. It sways there precariously a moment, then topples forward onto her head like a hat. You hear her cry of desperation echo from inside. She pulls up the bucket to look at you.
  37. >Again, you tap your wrist.
  38. >Still saying um over and over again, she rushes to stand in front of you, then suddenly breaks out into an awkward, flailing dance.
  39. “W-winter wrap up winter wrap uuuup...” she sings out off key.
  40. >You snicker to yourself under your breath.
  41. >With a sudden flurry of failure, she slips and falls onto her face. Mud flecks the orange fur on her face, clinging to the lines from her tears. She looks up at you, eyes pleading desperately.
  42. “Five,” you say.
  43. >She flops forward across your feet, tears springing fresh from her eyes.
  44. “Please, Anon! I'll do anything!"
  45. “Four.
  46. >She kisses at your shoes.
  47. “I'm trying, I'm trying!”
  48. “Three.”
  49. >She hugs tightly to her legs, as if that might keep you there.
  50. “I promise, I'll try harder. Please stop counting."
  51. “Two.”
  52. >She crushes her tear-stained face against your leg, shaking her head back and forth vigorously.
  53. “No, no no no no...”
  54. “One.”
  55. >She waits out the final second curled possessively around your legs, whining out that she loves you and wants so much to be your daughter. At last, you shrug your shoulders and shake your head at her. She sniffles as she looks up at you.
  56. “Time's up,” you say wistfully.
  57. “B-but...”
  58. >You lean down and gently wipe a tear from her cheek, almost lovingly. For a moment, you see hope spring anew in her eyes. Slowly, you put your finger tip to your lips, and lick the tear away.
  59. “Your tears,” you say softly. “are delicious."
  60. >She stares up at you, horrified, as you turn away from her.
  61. “Pathetic,” you toss the indictment over your shoulder.
  62. >You hear her break into sobs.
  63. >It's her fault though. None of this would have happened if she and her two fucking friends hadn't fucking come into your house to try to get their cutie marks. You had only one dragon dildo. One. And they painted it and made it into a royal scepter for Celestia, in the hopes of earning some arts and crafts cutie marks. Now, every time the princess's in town, you have to see your beautiful Vergil dildo bobbing up and down in gold and glitters at her side.
  64. >You said you'd never forgive.
  65. >You said you'd never forget.
  66. >You haven't. And your vengeance tastes sweet.
  67. >No one fucks with a man's dildo.
  68. >You chuckle as you leave Scootaloo in the mud, and consider what you're going to do once you reach Applebloom's house.
  70. -End-
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