
fe - ann/sierra supports beta

Apr 29th, 2016
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  1. ===C rank===
  3. ===B rank===
  5. ===A rank===
  6. *Sierra is sitting at a desk poring through a spellbook, pouting; Ann walks in holding two bowls of stew, one for herself and one for Sierra*
  7. Ann: Hey. Brought you dinner.
  8. Sierra: *looks over at Ann* Oh, is it that late already? I hadn't realized... eheh.
  9. Ann: You get so wrapped up in your work, you forget to eat... It produces results, but it's not healthy.
  10. Sierra: I know, I know, but... The applications of this are so vast, if I could just iron out the kinks... *accepts her bowl* Smells great as usual.
  11. Ann: Trying a new new seasoning for the beef stew tonight.
  12. Sierra: *stabs her fork into a piece of meat and takes a bite* ...Mmmm. *nods* That's good.
  13. Ann: *smiles* Glad you like it. *starts eating* So, how's it going? Any luck?
  14. Sierra: *pouts and motions towards the stone workbench, splintered pieces of wood scattered across it*
  15. Ann: Ah.
  16. Sierra: I just don't get it... I made the spell's framework to have an interchangeable material slot... It worked for the metals. *nom*
  17. Ann: Hmm... Maybe wood's just too complex to fit it into a basic formula like that?
  18. Sierra: Huh? *swallow* What do you mean?
  19. Ann: Well, blades, plates of metal, that kind of thing, they're pretty consistent throughout, right? Wood's not like that at all. I'm no biologist, I don't know the specifics, but the makeup of the wood varies drastically, right?
  20. Sierra: You... have a point... *sighs* Oh, gods, that's going to be a pain in the ass to code, then...
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