

Aug 29th, 2018
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  1. Dear ——,
  3. Julian Assange is in great jeopardy and it appears that you may be the only one who can help him. His asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy is threatened and he is living under intolerable conditions. Yet, if he leaves, he is exposed to arrest and imprisonment in the US. Senior US law enforcement officials have stated that they intend to do anything they can do to imprison him in the US. In recent days heavily armored police vehicles have surrounded the Embassy and the media is reporting that his arrest is imminent. You can prevent this and we urge you to free Assange.
  5. The relentless attacks on Assange and Wikileaks threatens the future of a free press that is the bulwark of democracy.
  7. Assange has been held without charge inside the Ecuadorian Embassy for more than 2700 days and he has been gagged since March 28th. All the while, not a shred of evidence has ever been found that he has done anything but publish the truth. He is relentlessly attacked by those who fear the truth will put them in jeopardy and those who cannot accept Hillary Clinton’s defeat.
  9. We urge you to take action. Only you can end this travesty.
  11. Thank you,
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