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Jun 19th, 2019
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  1. When writing a short story what should I do first?
  2. Can you write a short science fiction story that you think most people will enjoy?
  3. How would you write a story where an intelligent person is deliberately sabotaging the most interesting ideas in the audience's head?
  4. What are the best tips for writing an interesting short story?
  5. What inspired you to write short stories?
  6. What are the basics of writing short stories?
  7. What are the best online courses to teach aspiring writers how to create and write short stories?
  8. What does Edgar Allan Poe's short stories tell us about the dangers that lie in the dark?
  9. Can you give a short motivational poem to read to a little girl?
  10. How can I write a poem for somebody dying soon?
  11. How can you create a story out of nothing?
  12. What is the best way to begin writing my novel?
  13. Why is it okay to use real life people in fictional books?
  14. What is the real story behind "The Bells"?
  15. Is it possible to have a book published and then have it published online?
  16. Did you know that most books published in the last 20 years have not been written by Amish Tripathi or his wife?
  17. Can you write a real touching poem?
  18. Why is it that people are usually in a hurry to write what they want to write?
  19. What synopses do you have of the poem To Zante by Robert Frost?
  20. Is poetry one of the few arts? How then is it different from art? How does it differ from creative writing?
  21. What words rhyme with cheese?
  22. Will your writing be judged by someone other than a reviewer who is judging the literary merits of your work?
  23. I want to write a poetry book. I have an idea, but no money. How do I get my book seen by publishers?
  24. How can I find help writing an autobiography?
  25. What is your favorite poem by Edgar Allan Poe?
  26. Where does poetry go from here in the internet age?
  27. What are some good English poetry communities?
  28. Why am I good at writing but less good at performing?
  29. How important are the first three or four sentences in a fiction novel?
  30. How can performance in writing be important without being a writer?
  31. How do I avoid cliches when writing a science fiction story?
  32. What is it like to write a novel for a living?
  33. Is it really worth putting off writing a book/movie just because you never feel that you are a finished writer?
  34. Where do screenwriters draw inspiration from their characters?
  35. How do you decide when a story book is ready for publishing?
  36. What are cliches you wish a writer at Marvel would avoid using?
  37. How much time goes into deciding which genre of fiction is right for your books?
  38. What do you believe will be the next technology that will revolutionize the writing genre?
  39. How important is storytelling in writing a novel?
  40. For new writers, what books can help improve their understanding of how to construct a world and organize its details?
  41. What is the best structure to write fiction in if you only have 3 hours to write per story?
  42. How do you handle writing a complex story like a book?
  43. What's the best way to write a character whose personality I don't like?
  44. How important is character development to writing a book?
  45. What is the best way to publish my novel?
  46. How can one avoid self-publishing?
  47. How much time will it take to write a hundred pages of fiction for a single author?
  48. Who are the best-selling authors of all time for fiction writers?
  49. What steps do you take to prepare for writing? I get very excited when I hear the idea of publishing a novel but I dont know how to get started. Are there strategies to making it interesting?
  50. Can I translate and publish works of fiction in a foreign language?
  51. What can I do to succeed in becoming a novelist?
  52. Which book series has the best fanfiction?
  53. Which is the best way to self publish a novel?
  54. What makes a character most unlikable in an English novel?
  55. What makes a character most unlikable in an Italian novel?
  56. Who needs publishers if you self-publish your books?
  57. What is self publishing? What makes someone a publisher?
  58. How important Is the first sentence in a novel?
  59. What are the best ways to make a crowdfunded online novel stand out?
  60. What is the best way to create an audience for a novel when you write it from a limited omniscient point of view?
  61. What makes someone a better writer?
  62. What is the most ridiculous gimmick or flaw in a novel you've ever seen?
  63. What is fiction called where the main character is someone unknown to your readers but you know exactly who he or she is?
  64. Who wrote and published the "Miser" poem?
  65. Can you write an epic poem about love, death and the sea?
  66. Can you write an epic poem about water lilies?
  67. Can you write an epic poem about the ocean?
  68. Are there any poetic justice organizations to promote the poetry of the past?
  69. How can you write a song about a person you hate?
  70. Which poetry magazine would you suggest to publish poems or literary works of your own?
  71. What is a poem which makes you feel "this feels so bad"?
  72. How do you keep from getting the lyrics wrong for a song?
  73. What are some cool songs you know by heart?
  74. Why is it that a song can have such a huge impact upon your life but be so disappointing when you finish it?
  75. What are some songs sung by the Beatles in unison?
  76. Did Paul McCartney write any songs for John Lennon?
  77. How much does it cost to make a film?
  78. When writing a novel, does the author need to be in the same room?
  79. Why are the Beatles so good at singing?
  80. How can you get help when writing lyrics?
  81. How do I get a good idea for a song if I've never written one before?
  82. How might music theory be expanded into lyrics?
  83. Who wrote the song "Hallelujah" and why did they write it?
  84. How would you describe the lyrics to Paul McCartney's song "Hallelujah"?
  85. How are lyricists treated in popular music nowadays these days (like lyrics writer, artist, composer etc)?
  86. How do you write a song about love?
  87. What are the songs/albums that John Lennon wrote in one week?
  88. Is it more than a coincidence that John Lennon and Paul McCartney are considered as the greatest song writers?
  89. What is the song "A Day in the Life" about? Does it describe a real day?
  90. What are some excellent poems written in the 20th century, that could benefit a child looking to write their first poem?
  91. Is there such a thing as a fourth person narrator?
  92. What are the tips for writing a short and intelligent story?
  93. Can you share with us some of the short stories you've written?
  94. What is the best short story you've ever read?
  95. How can I get help on writing a short story?
  96. What is your biggest challenge when writing a short story?
  97. What is the most interesting short story you have read?
  98. Writers: can you please write a short story about a relationship that will change the course of your life?
  99. Who was the most prolific writer of the 1970s in terms of creative works produced in a single year?
  100. What are your thoughts on creative writing courses nowadays?
  101. What is a short story with poetic license?
  102. What is the best way to earn money from writing short stories and being a novelist?
  103. What are the best short stories written to have a twist ending?
  104. What are some of the most interesting and entertaining short stories on Quora?
  105. What is the best way to write a short story in which violence is justified due to a hero's heroism?
  106. What is the worst short story you can write with the title, 'The Big Lie'?
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