

Aug 26th, 2018
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  1. Hey Freddit, things have been crazy over the last few months. When I told my friends from school, Ivy and Monty, they told me that this would be the perfect place to post it. I agree; it's a fresh breath of air compared to the screaming children that have mostly turned YouTube and FFP Amino into a crayon-smeared replica of the very pizzeria we're talking about. Amino didn’t take me seriously. I just got spammed with replies from 11-year old kids calling me out for "faking a story", or "oh your just doing this for attention". But you won’t do that right? You can understand, right? You seem like a smarter and more mature bunch. Perhaps you could help me figure this out.
  3. Here's the story… mom runs this shop/roadside museum affiliated with the Utah Museum of Architecture and Robotics. Now, you might have heard that name from that post that some photographer did a few months back. Mom did mention some Freddy she said just popped in and popped out, along with some of her collectible scoopers. This place seems to have become a weirdness magnet lately… they don't call Hurricane the—what was it again—Derry of Deseret for nothing.
  5. Well, one day, Mom came to my house a nervous wreck, shaking and demanding a bottle of brandy as soon as she came in the door. It took a while for her to calm down and tell me what was going on, and well, if I'd heard this story last year, I'd have thought she was just seeing things. All the recent strangeness has shook up my worldview, so I decided it wouldn't hurt to hear her out. When I told her about Freddit, she asked if she could type up her story, get it out of her system. This is what follows. Once you read it, I think you'll understand what I mean.
  7. ***
  9. Hello teens of the "Freddit". My name is Edna Cartwright. I am a 66-year old woman and the owner of a museum dedicated to a children's food place called Freddy's. It’s quite a big museum, with many artifacts from the old pizza place, including masks, fliers, children's drawings, etc. Floor-to-ceiling rooms of mementos from those golden days. It's known as the largest "Fazbear Museum" in the county, and was even mentioned in the latest print and was featured in Fox News. If you've attended FazCon in Pennsylvania you've no doubt heard of us.
  11. Wait, I’m getting off track. Now I don’t remember much of that place since my memory isn't as good as it used to be. But I remember bringing my son, Jack, there almost all the time on every one of his birthdays. He would always go to his friends and play on the arcade machines. He was so playful back then. Oh how times have changed… now he always plays that… DAMN Spanish song; he doesn't even understand a lick of Spanish! Kids these days… I don't think I'll ever understand their new tablets and X-Boxes and all those gadgets. Just the other day I saw one of those teens walking around looking at their new phone and he bumped into the stoplight! The games they're playing are no better… long time ago we used to play *actual* games like Fruity Maze or Midnight Motorist, but now everyone is playing this silly shoot-em-up game, something called "Fortnight" or something… I can't go *anywhere* without seeing something about it, and it's driving me nuts.
  13. But I'm not making this "post" to explain my views on teenagers and their obsession with their electronic devices. I'm making this post because I saw something, something very strange, and my son told me that this is the place to post sightings like this. I suppose I should start at the beginning.
  15. \*\*\*
  17. It started as a normal day working at this museum, a bit cold, but I didn't mind. Summer was coming soon, so it was nice to have cold days like this. The day was slow as the day before that, and the other days before it too. The children who weren't confined to their screens, most of which were probably too young to even have phones or tablets, were walking with their parents most likely going out shopping. The teenagers who did have their screens were staring down to look at them as usual, or using their selfie sticks to snap some "pics" of themselves to post on insta-snap-book despite it being specifically against the museum rules. I think I even saw two of them bump into each other. Then there were the grown men and women in suits, holding briefcases, speed-walking to work to make sure they weren't late. It was just a average day like the others. To be quite frank, slow as it is, business has been doing quite great for the past few months, though even I've got to admit that watching Sean Hannity go on and on about how the Animus program means that he was right about the Deep State is getting old.
  19. Anyway, it was 6:26 and I was just cleaning under the desk table, just minding my own business. I frequently check the artifacts making sure that everything was in its proper place and carefully dusted, and today's no exception. However, I wasn't expecting to see a straggler after closing time. He was there, standing in front of one of the large glass pane displays. It was the one containing the "Toy Animatronic" set, salvaged from the scrap heap and carefully refurbished to almost brand-new condition. Even the Toy Foxy, the one that the employees would call the Mangle. That was tough to find the spare parts for. The man was just standing idly in front of the display almost as if he was a statue.
  21. I got up and walked over to see what the man was doing, just to make sure he wasn't stealing anything. If anything, he looked like trouble. As I got closer I thought I saw something… weird. It was hard to make out, but I swear to God I saw a figure next to him with glowing eyes… maybe that was a trick of the eye, like maybe the spotlights reflected onto some shadow wrong. I have been hallucinating a lot lately, I need to catch up with my doctor next week. Anyway, soon I was next to the man. His hands were in the pockets of his dark sweater, while his face seemed relatively normal, well as normal as you could think. He had a stubble beard and hair that was short in the front, and he had dark green eyes that I swear shimmered a bit. He looked like he was focused in on the "Freddy" and "Bonnie" animatronics on the display, as well as some of the smaller fragmentary elements. He was just staring at the displays grumbling something under his breath. It sounding like he was saying "what… can I… use."
  23. We stood there for a few minutes in silence before he noticed me next to him. He blinked for a bit and then flashed a perfect grin, too perfect, as if he were hiding something. He suddenly looked like one of those mannequins at Old Navy.
  25. "Oh, sorry miss."
  27. "No need to apologize, though, we do close shortly."
  29. "That's fine."
  31. 11 seconds passed until I asked him of what of he thought of the displays, just to strike up conversation.
  33. "Just admiring the display. Heard you're the resident expert."
  35. "Well," I replied, blushing, "you-you can say that."
  37. He turned back to the display and paced around. "These are beautiful." He pointed to one of the signs on the wall. "Where's this one from?"
  39. "That's a sign advertising Chica's Party World in Centralia, Pennsylvania."
  41. "For real?"
  43. He then noticed a patchy, dark yellow rabbit doll, sitting on a chair. "How bout this one?"
  45. "Oh, that was donated by the Afton family. They called him Plushtrap."
  47. Finally, he pointed to a pair of broken animatronic shells, specifically two upper jaws. One was a Foxy and the other was a Fredbear. "And these?"
  49. I frowned. I never really liked talking about these, considering the… mishaps they were involved in. He seemed to get the point and looked back before asking me another question. "You've got quite the collection ma'am. What's your take on Freddy's?"
  51. Welcoming the change of topic, I told him what I usually told everyone who asked that question. "Well, they definitely held up to their standard of fantasy and fun coming to life in such a magical place, if for a short time." I smiled, remembering the experiences I had with Jack. "It's a damn shame that all… well, *that* happened with all those poor little kids. Left its own stain on the place that they could never scrub off. Plenty of rumors and strange things too. Why, I remember seeing something, well… purple or plum-colored, I don't know—walking around the place. I'm sure it scared quite a couple of kids. I wouldn't wish that on anybody."
  53. The man thought for a bit then nodded. "It's strange. You see, every piece has its history," he murmured, absent-mindedly picking up the label for the broken jaws. "You ever wonder… what's it like knowing you have all these relics with such a dark past connected to them, and so many?"
  55. I was starting to feel a bit creeped out, whether because of the morbid question or some other instinct. I furrowed my brow and after a slight pause, I responded curtly. "Well, what happened happened young man. I'm just a humble collector trying to earn a living, as well as making sure that these stories are told, good or bad."
  57. "I see." He paused before continuing, almost with a whisper. "Don't fret, I can take these off your hands for you."
  59. I froze. So he probably *was* here to steal something. Now I was outright scared of this and I was beginning to debate whether I should call the cops on him.
  61. "These items are not for sale! Anyway, I think you should get going, we're closing up."
  63. He still smiled and then shrugged, before beginning to make his way out. He stopped and looked back at me.
  65. "You're a kind old lady, taking care of all these for so long. Must be tough having to live under the shadow of that sorry place."
  67. I said nothing as he ambled past the mementos.
  69. "I suppose there's always next-"
  71. Suddenly, he fell forward, catching his arms against the chair Plushtrap sat upon, before toppling over alongside both chair and doll. He began to tremble as if he felt sick. I ran over and tried to help him up, but as I did, I then noticed something about his hand. It looked like he got burned. "What happened to your hand?!" He looked surprised as he immediately looked down at his hand. His eyes widened and then, after a pause, he was instantly on his feet; he brought out a gun and pointed it at me. "GET IN THE Fư̴̡҉̷ć̢͟ḱ͜͟I̸̶͟͞N̨͟͡͠G BROOM CLOSET!!" he yelled, and I could see that his eyes had turned… black… like the Devil. "W-wha-"
  73. #"G̷͚̙̟͈ͅÈ͚̰͞T͟͏̯̮ ̨̭͕̭̕͡A̶̱͘W̶̛̫͔̩͇̤̞͜ͅA̻̲͕̲̩̞͓̘Y̛̲̲͇̥̖ ̻̪͔̻͡F̢̥͕͔͚͈͉̀͟R̼͖̲͙̖̲͓͜O͏̴͚̪͔̳͉͖͝M̶̢͖̗̱͍ ̷̛҉̜̣̣̬̖ͅM̤̱͕͕͕E̲͓̙̪̟͕̙̱!͉͉̙̖̀̕"
  75. He suddenly grabbed me and pushed me into the broom closet with considerable force, before slamming the door shut and locking it.
  77. I immediately got up and looked through the window. And then… I saw it. It was like the shit I heard about from Goshen a couple months back, you know, the one where all those people were killed? The man started to groan violently while he keeled over in pain. Parts of his body flaked off of him like dust near a fan, and soon he began screaming. At that same instant, all four glass cases surrounding each Toy animatronic shattered, but I didn't care. All I could see was his pain.
  79. His body violently contorted, every limb moving in directions that seemed unnatural as his neck and back began to arc backwards while he screamed. Oh God, the sounds he made… I've never seen anyone scream like that, and I sure as hell don't want to ever again. And then… oh… I don't think I'll be sleeping soundly for a long time after seeing what came next. Knowing that that man—no—that *THING* is still out there.
  81. His face cracked open like a walnut, then the rest of him just broke wide open, like he was being crushed by some invisible force. There was no blood. It was like he was filled with black tar that was now pouring out onto the floor like a balloon had just burst. Now, I've seen what happens when some poor soul ends up getting caught in machinery, and this was almost like that, except instead of blood, it was that damn puddle of ink coating the bits of bone and meat quivering on the ground.
  83. The puddle was rippling and moving by itself… four tendrils began to ooze and make their way to the Toys as I watched in horror. The stuff climbed up the plastic, YES, *UP*, and then soon began to leak out from their joints, mouths, and eyes. As if that wasn't horrible enough, the Toys started to rattle. Then they started to move their heads and the rest of their bodies like they were glitching and short-circuiting. They moved faster and faster, until they were moving like crazy as if they were being attacked by a wild animal, all the while there were these sickening squelching and gurgling noises as the ink spattered all over the walls.
  85. Suddenly, the puddle began to bubble once more and a hand burst out—not his hand, it was too small for that. It was black and dripping the stuff like those poor birds after the Deepwater Horizon spill. It clawed at anything it could reach, and that's when something came crawling out. This inky naked THING… it looked like a child but it was too skinny; I could barely see his ribs sticking out like those starving children in Africa. Then he looked at me… a misshapen head with a massive dent, and on it, two CHILD'S EYES CRYING TEARS OF OIL stared into mine as if he was begging for me to help and there was nothing I could do…
  87. The animatronics had stopped twitching and were now still, but then they all moved in unison, taking unsteady steps off their platforms and then approaching the child, who began to whimper as they looked down at him, menacingly. All four—no—FIVE surrounded him… there was this one that was like a Freddy but all black, like made out of some nothing cut out of the air like a hole, with those DAMN eyes and teeth, and he was staring the child down.
  89. Then it cocked its head to the side and that's when all hell broke loose.
  91. They were on the child in an instant and he began wailing and crying as they grabbed him. The screaming… I still hear it at night, even after I drink myself to sleep. Each of them grabbed his kicking and flailing legs and arms and for a moment I thought I was going to see them pull him apart, but instead they dragged him over to that black bear as he sank down, melted, into man's entrails and began forcing the child into its mouth. The child gurgled and screamed, and soon I began to hear the man's screaming as well…
  93. I don't remember much of what happened next. It was all a blur after that. The last thing I remember were the Toys leaving with that man… who was alive and healthy somehow. No child, no ink, no black Freddy, just a ruined hall and broken glass everywhere. Now, I may be old, I may hear and see things from time to time—but whenever I see the broken display glass and pass by the empty cases where my prized Toys used to stand, I'm reminded that it wasn't a dream or anything like that. I need to ask someone, anyone one question:
  95. Tell me,
  97. what did I see?
  99. ***
  101. Well… you can see why I thought Mom was losing her mind at first when she told me all that. I told her as much and she looked me in the eyes and said "if you don't believe me then you check the place for yourself!" Well, we did… I checked the camera footage and when I got to last week's footage at closing time, she jumped up and pointed at the screen, shouting "**THAT'S HIM!** THAT'S THE MAN WHO-WHO-" before she sat back down crying. Strangely enough, the footage immediately glitched out and turned to static right as he fell over, and I could not make out anything after that point.
  103. The thing that bothers me more than anything, and the reason I don't dismiss Mom's story outright, is because similar incidents have cropped up all over the country recently, especially after the Portsmouth Incident. Now, I know what shadow people are and I know that it would be easy to dismiss the accounts as hallucinations like I thought, but with each story, common elements emerge that don't happen in other shadow-people stories. Black tar in broad daylight, someone who did not appear entirely human, mutilated body parts, multiple witnesses, etc. Hauntings in Connecticut and Massachusetts, a sighting in Waterford Township, Michigan, a grisly murder at a trailer park outside Carbondale, IL, and the purported sightings at the Riverwood Mall in Goshen… these are only a few examples of the recent happenings, and ALL of them match quite closely with Mom's story.
  105. It's been a week since she showed up at my house, and we're just completely stumped. I just don't know, okay? Mom has never been one to lie, bullshit, or play a prank like that just for the sake of added publicity; perhaps she really is going crazy? It's clear that her mental state has been rapidly deteriorating since she stopped by. I need your advice… do you think I should call the police? At least get them to perform a welfare check or something? I have no idea. I tried calling this private eye who has had experiences with cold cases like this, but as soon as I mentioned Freddy's, he cut me off short and asked that I never call him again before hanging up.
  107. I'd gladly be willing to provide more details in modmail if you think it would be helpful, but for now, I want to ask: have you seen anything like this before? And if so, what do you think I should do next?
  133. #/u/WALLJOINT presents:
  135. #26 Frights of Freddy: K is for Kleptomania
  137. #[WE ARE BACK MOTHERFUCKERS](/r/26FrightsofFreddy)
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