
/u/ and /lit/ - Book Club part 2

Oct 24th, 2020
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  1. Book Club - Part 2
  3. There was a pause in the air. Kitty had asked Lily to come over to her place to pick up the book she wanted.
  5. “Are you gonna bad touch me?” Lilly asked, the same way a child would ask a doctor if she was going to get a shot.
  7. “What? Nononono, I just have the book and I’m willing to share it with you.” Kitty started sweating. Was she putting off a creepy vibe? She hadn’t hit on anyone in over a year, nor had she been hit on, so maybe she just fired it off without noticing.
  9. “Because you can if you want.” Lily smugly grinned at the panicking older woman.
  11. Kitty’s head was reeling from whiplash. All she could do was stare blankly. Was Lily the predator in this situation? She kept staring at the girl, trying to decide if she wanted to let something happen.
  13. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” she genuinely had no response to the situation.
  15. Lilly laughed harder than before. “I’m kidding. I will happily join you in walking to your place for a chaste visit and the book.”
  17. “Okay, give me two minutes to grab my stuff and lock up.”
  19. Kitty ran around the building turning off lights and locking windows before grabbing her purse and walking out the door with Lily.
  21. ****
  23. Lily was excited to make a new friend. When she saw the way Kitty blushed when she had asked about the book, Lily decided to tease the poor woman and see what she would do. Lily knew she would eventually have to confess she wasn’t interested in being with anyone now, but she was content to be a brat for a while.
  25. Once they were outside, a cool breeze passed by and tried to lift up her dress. She squeaked louder than earlier and tried to push everything down. She turned to see Kitty looking at the door and fiddling with keys.
  27. ‘Good, she didn’t see anything,’ She thought to herself. ‘but did I want her to?’
  29. She shook the thought away as she reminded herself what Shizuka, her sister, said.
  31. “Give yourself a year to be you.”
  32. As they walked to the sidewalk, they turned the opposite direction of Lily’s apartment.
  34. “How far is it?” she asked, trying not to sound like she was a wimp for having to walk?
  36. “It’s just up about a block. Why, how far is your place?”
  38. “About 3 blocks the other way, but it shouldn’t be a problem trying to get home.”
  40. They continued walking in silence, Kitty was thinking of a million different questions to ask Lily, but the younger one made the first move.
  42. “Where did you go to school? You said you had your masters.”
  44. “I have a BA in English from Clover University, and a Masters in Literature from Columbia.”
  46. “OH! I went to Clover too. GO SHAMROCKS!” She jumped in the air like a cheerleader. “I did my undergrad in Communications. I figured since I was so bubbly, it would be a great communicator.”
  48. “And how did that turn out?” Kitty said with a smug smile.
  50. “Rude! Well I’m here in a new town with no job, so you can do the math. What dorm did you stay in?”
  52. “I was in Blue Hall. It was fun, we had a nice group. There was a special girl who liked My Little Pony waaaaaaaay too much, but she was fun to have around regardless. What about you?”
  54. “I got into Red Dorm. I don’t know how, it felt like everyone was much older than me, but not in a good way. There was a literal nazi on the first floor. I roomed with my sister but we tended to trade the room as needed.”
  56. Kitty got a puzzled look on her face for a moment, then put the pieces together.
  58. Lily thought back to her time at school. It was wild, but it had run its course. By the time it was over, she was burned out on booze and parties, not to mention she and her sister had been with almost everyone in both dorms.
  60. “So, you have that book at your place. Does that mean youuuuuu…?” Lily stretched the last word out so she wouldn’t have to put a label on Kitty.
  62. “Yes.” she replied nonchalantly. “I’m far more comfortable kissing girls than guys. In fact, I enjoy it so much that I do it exclusively.” She had a dumb grin on her face by the time she finished.
  64. “You’re such a dork.” giggled Lily.
  65. It felt nice to be around Kitty. She’d never had a friend who was also into girls. Lily rarely ever used the word lesbian to describe herself, but she could scarcely count the number of men she’d slept with on two hands. Girls, she’d have to take her shoes off, then the other girls shoes off too.
  67. By the time Lily finished her thought, they had arrived. Kitty unlocked the door and they walked into a basic apartment. Kitchen, bedroom, living room. It looked almost exactly like Lily’s except with only one bedroom.
  69. “Take a seat wherever. Do you want some tea?” asked Kitty. “I have green or lapsang if you’re feeling adventurous?”
  71. “Just green is fine. I don’t want to be up all night.”
  73. Kitty nodded and started heating up the water. Lily took this time to look around the room. One of the walls was lined floor to ceiling with bookshelves.
  75. “So, I want to be up-front with you.” said Lily, once Kitty came back with the tea. “I’m not looking for anything right now. My sister and I just moved here and I, well me and her, well mostly her, want to make friends before I start making a move on someone. Is that okay? I just want to get the awkwardness out.”
  77. Kitty smiled. “Of course.”
  79. Lily continued. “I’ve never had a friend that was also into girls. My sister is gay too but it’s not the same, ya know? You’re fun to talk to though and I want to hang out at the shop all the time, especially if you’re super sassy to me.
  81. Then, without warning, she blurted out, “Can I have a job? Even if it's just minimum wage?”
  83. She slapped her hands across her mouth, as if to block the words that had already come out.
  85. ****
  87. Kitty said nothing at first, then sipped some of her tea while she did some mental math. She could afford slightly above minimum wage for the time being, especially if business started picking up. Plus, Lily had much better people skills than she ever wanted to have. Lily could be the face, while Kitty was the brain.
  89. “Okay kiddo, you can run front-of-house. Cash register, greeting customers, doing all of the things that I am clearly awful at. This will be perfect while we continue setting the place up.”
  91. Lily beamed and downed the rest of her tea.
  93. “Yes! Okay, I have to leave but can I use your bathroom first?”
  95. “Yeah it’s through my bedroom.”
  97. While she was up, Kitty made sure to slip the book into her purse. When she came back, she picked up her purse, saw the book was inside, and smiled.
  99. “Can I have your number, boss?”
  101. They traded numbers, and Lily gave her a hug before leaving. Kitty patted her on the head absentmindedly.
  103. “I’ll see you tomorrow. What time should I come in?”
  105. “I’ll be there around 8, so any time after that.”
  107. “Cool, I’ll bring breakfast.”
  109. With that last bit, she walked out the door.
  111. Once Lilly had left, Kitty laid back on the couch and sighed heavily. The girl was a lot to manage, but she was also fun to be around. Neither was the others type, but she was confident that they would still be great friends.
  113. She looked at the clock. It was just after 9pm. She could walk back to the shop now and get a couple more hours of shelving in, or she could sleep and get up early. Her body made the choice for her as she trudged into her bedroom. It was there that she saw something on the bed. Panties, and they weren’t hers.
  115. These were a soft pink. Bikini cut, with lace on the legs. Cotton, but with a hint of spandex. There was no tag, but she suspected they were high-end, at least more so than the plain green ones she had on now. Kitty blushed furiously, torn between bewilderment and curiosity. What the fuck kind of game was this girl trying to play?
  117. She took a photo of them and sent them to Lily.
  119. “This you?”
  121. *Lily is typing*
  123. “Lol. If its any consolation, I wish I had them back. Its breezy out here.”
  125. “Oh you’ll get them back.” Kitty turned her phone on Do Not Disturb and continued undressing.
  127. Kitty spent the next 45 minutes with the panties in her left hand, feeling the fabric and wetness between her fingers. She couldn’t bring herself to do anything else with them, she didn’t want to have any more feelings for a girl who was unavailable. Meanwhile, her right hand was three fingers deep in her slit, thumb on her clit. A million images and scenes flashed in her head while she tried to erase Lily’s face. Goddammit. Why did she have to be so cute?
  129. Once Kitty was finished, she took her panties and used them to clean up her sweat and grool. She would find a way to get Lily back. For now, she would try and get some sleep.
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