

Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. Most common ethnicities and nationalities of Chernobyl Zone of Alienation: 2011.
  3. In the 21st century, countries and ethnicities surrounding Ukraine and Chernobyl can be divided into two large camps.
  5. Eastern Slav Nations are within Russian sphere of influence and are following it's example (that was based on USSR's system) in most spheres. Historically they were involved with Kievan Rus and Moscow Rus.
  7. Western Slav Nations are either independent or ex-USSR states that gravitate towards West, namely NATO and/or EU. Historically they were independent nations that sit inbetween classic European nations/ethnicities and Eastern slavs.
  9. Common vocabulary:
  10. Bydlo - a member of underclass, poorly educated and with bad taste. Offensive way of saying "the masses".
  12. Brat, Bratan - Brother, reserved for actual brothers and friends.
  14. Khui - Male reproductive organ, vulgar. Very popular in all languages, sentences can be constructed almost exclusively from this word or it's forms. "Nakhui etu khunyu" (to dick with this dick) - "fuck this shit". A person, a situation, an object, a destination. Form "khuly" can replace "Why" in angry rants. Various slavs pronounce it differently, but all recognize it.
  16. Muzhik - Man. Cult of manhood is big in slav countries, and "true" men refer to those they don't know as muzhik.
  18. Pacan - A young male/friend.
  20. Pizda - Female reproductive organ, vulgar. Very popular in all languages, less universal than Khui. A destination, description of the situation (pizdec), an incoming violent end ("Nam pizda" - "we're fucked").
  22. Vodka - aka Wodka aka Horilka. The only drink that all people in the region drink. Social lube, celebration drink, depression cure. A good business deal must end with it, a good meal must involve it, it's not grief without it. Coincidentally, drinking vodka while consuming poor quality food may prevent sickness due to destruction of pathological organisms in the stomach.
  24. Eastern Slav Countries:
  25. Russia
  26. Population: 130-145~ mil
  27. President in 2011: Dimitry Medvedev
  28. Ethnicities: Asian, European, Semitic, Slavs, Arabs, rarely blacks.
  29. Stereotype: Drunkards, poors, everyone-is-cannon-fodder, everyone-is-spetsnaz, evil. Non-European/asian/slav are terrorists or bandits.
  31. Inheritor of USSR and it's de-facto center, Russia inherited it's regional power and it's multi-ethnic population. Most of the systems are built upon Soviet model, with modernizations and additions required for it's federal form of government. Most of population resides in the west of the country, within mega-city of Moscow or in surrounding regions. Moscow is center of Russia in all respects, all life flows there, all money flows there. Moscow citizen earns twice as much as non-Moscow citizen. City center is pretty much European in quality of life.
  33. It is period of stability and growth in Russia. Bandits of the 90s died or became legit businessmen, so the only major scale crimes are financial or caused by ethnic gangs and mafias (chechens, dagestani, etc). Kids with their childhood in 2000s experienced internet, TV, freedom of speech and western products and ideals in a safe environment. Children of 90s, as well as adults, lived in fear of gangs and violence, were poor and were in fear of conscription into Caucasus wars or terror attacks.
  35. Access to firearms is license-based, magazine capacity is 10 max, no handguns in civilian ownership. Military is conscription-based with contract positions for career military. Police and Civil Services are militarized, both FSB and MVD possess tanks, aviation, armored troop carriers with high caliber cannons and all sorts of explosives. Emergency rescue and medicine eschew weaponry, but still use similar vehicles and possess similar resources.
  37. High corruption and low trust in government officials, but violent patriotism, especially in relation to foreign politics.
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