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Apr 23rd, 2019
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  1. Everything Wrong
  3. 1. Governments lie about anything and everything and get away with it.
  4. 2. American school systems are complete shit. Our intellect is based on a 1-100 number when our brains haven’t even fully developed yet. Schools don’t care about the students mental health. Instead, they just punish you for staying home if you’re in a horrible mental state. Children and teens kill themselves over a number. If we get a failing grade, we’re punished for it no matter the circumstances.
  5. 3. All we do until we retire at 65 years old is wake up, go to school/work for 8 hours or more, get stressed and depressed, come home exhausted, spend time with family for a few hours, sleep, and repeat. We’re all just slaves stuck in an endless cycle of pain.
  6. 4. For men, society views us as sex-hungry freaks. If a man stands anywhere near a kid he’s at risk of being called a pedophile. If he say hi to a female stranger he’s called a creep. But if a woman is near a kid, she’s just kid friendly. If a woman says hi to a stranger she’s greeted nicely. Fathers can’t even go outside with their kid without getting weird looks. Statisically, men commit suicide 3x more than women. If a women hits a man, people ask what did the man do wrong. If a man hits a woman, even in self defense, he goes to prison for domestic violence or assault. Society makes men suppress normal human emotions and actions, such as crying, to be “more manly”.
  7. 5. This is controversial, but religion is bullshit. It has a factor in almost all war and all it does is divide everyone. Where’s the God(s) when children are starving in Africa or dying of cancer? It does nothing but bring humanity down more.
  8. 6. Conspiracy theorists are called mental and insane even if they have tons of proof for a theory. I’m not trying to be the stereotypical “woke” person, if people would just open their eyes they would see the world isn’t a beautiful place with no bad people other than some low life criminals.
  9. 7. We kill others due to disagreements. This was mentioned when I was talking about religion, but how many deaths have come from religion? Whether it be war, ancient sacrifices, or anything. We are a war species. Many people all over the world are constantly scared about a new war starting, whether it’s World War 3, or even just a small civil war.
  10. 8. The American government (and I’m sure many others) is just straight up horrible. They lie to the citizens about many, many things. High level politicians can commit crimes with no punishment because they have money and pay them off in secret. The 2-Party system that we have right now does absolutely nothing except divide America.
  11. 9. Racism. Racism was starting to die down, until some bullshit came up with the white community. Now it’s the cool thing to make fun of white people on Twitter and such. The reasons why people are racist to whites is because they think that whites now are responsible for slavery that ended around 200 years ago. And I know this isn’t just subjected to whites but this is the only thing I can truly relate to, being white. No race is superior to another. We are all human.
  12. 10. Although this is just beginning, SJW bullshit. I’m not jumping on the hate bandwagon so I’m gonna keep this short. Gender should stay biological physically and legally. Male and female. Mentally you can identify as a damn otherkin firefox polyqueer for all I care. Sexuality wise you can be attracted to anything you want as long as it doesn’t hurt me or anyone else. Women have all the same rights as men, are more socially acceptable in most situations, have more support groups for a lot of things, and equal pay.
  13. 11. We are nothing. We're not even a spec inside of the endless void of our universe. This lifetime, my only lifetime, will mean nothing. I won't leave an impact on anything. And for the people who do impact Earth and humanity in huge ways, what the fuck does it do in the long run? We're going to die out like all species eventually. Nothing can save us from death. I'll die, you'll die, everyone I've ever met will die. Hell, we don't even know if there's an afterlife! There's no physical evidence or any sort of evidence other than some books for 2000 years ago. The universe won't even change in the slightest way when humans die out, so what's the point in life? What's the point in trying every single fucking day of my life when I know deep inside that I am nothing. Everyone is nothing. Life is just an endless cycle of agonizing misery. I mean I don't even know if I exist! I don't know if everything is a simulation and every other organism other than me is a part of the simulation. I just don't know.
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