
[unfinished] Oblivious Anon (Bella Grim) RGRE enough

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  1. This is NOT by me but author has no known pastebin, if author has a pastebin and wants this removed simply say so in the thread.
  3. >be Anon in Equestria
  4. >A wealthy migrant, you have skills, motivation, and enough dosh to get you settled in this new land of tiny colorful horses
  5. >And enough reason to avoid ever being in law's reach back in old Terra Mariana again
  6. >You look again at the brochure you snagged off the train-ride here :"Wholesome living conditions! Friendly atmosphere! Loads of job oportunities!" Painted under a picture of what looks like a dude horse with the most 'come hither' look you have ever seen, behind an iconised image of the twin rulers of this state.
  7. >Kind of weird, but hey, you have eaten weirder things than what your are holding so its calmly shuffled under the category of "Worlds just crazy"
  8. >Stuffing it back into your pocket you look around for the first time in this trainstation you got off. Loads of ponies getting on and off the trains, followed by the ocasional whistle and scream of starting engines.
  9. >Mentally you count off all the things you need to get yourself settled in here:
  10. 1. find a place to rent/crash/buy[doubtfull you have that much dosh]
  11. 2. Rebuy vital clothing/ house supplies
  12. 2. find a job
  13. 3. Look for stuff to make life more comfy
  14. >That last part drew a tiny prick of longing for good old internet....damn, you sorta miss it already..
  16. >Be Bella Grim, a buttonmare of the pinstripe gang
  17. >The most notorious gathering of illicit mares this side of Canterlot, your sisters bordellos, backalley rackets and casinos cover most of canterlots less wholesome needs.
  18. >And while waiting for the next drop from the 6 o'clock train, you and your backup spotted just the most sought after addition to the local lovenests: an eye-catching curiosity
  19. "Ummh...Hi there Ladies. Im new in town and i was hoping you could tell where i can find a room to stay around here?"
  20. >bingo.
  22. >Be Anon, and asking for guidance
  23. >The moment you mentioned you were new in the capital, you notice all the mares grin and share knowing looks with eachother.
  24. >Seeing girls faces lit up like that just tickles a bit on your sweet scenters, and before you know it you are smiling innocently back at the tiny herd of mares
  25. "So, i was hoping you could point me in the direction of the nearest motel, or maybe even know who might have a place to rent?"
  26. >"O' i believe i can be more t'n helpfull wit' that. S'ay, why don't we go t' a bar nearby. Me' sis own the place, an in 'dere i can tell' you's what to do"
  27. >She says the last part with a strange purring tone in her voice...must be local dialect or something
  28. >Still, an offer for a drink is something you have been genetically hardcoded to never refuse. Double that when asked by a woman...and mares are close enough for that to count
  29. >With a happy smile you do a playful bow to the small fedora wearing mare, earning a few snickers and hoof giggles from the group
  30. "I would be delighted to. My throats been dry for the last few hours of my ride here"
  31. >The fedora-mare gives another of those cute cheeky grins, whispers a few words with her friends, and then sets off alone down a nearby street. Grabbing your suitcase you follow her, a slight smile comes to your face at already meeting friendly people around here. Guess the gay looking pamphlet was right
  33. >Be Bella Grim, the most cunning of mares around it seems
  34. >And be leading the night's target toward its future as an another asset of the Pinstripe gang.
  35. >You can barelly hold back a demented giggle at the thought of "Breaking in" this stallion once he is delivered to the local love-nest. Oooh, they break so easly, its just fun
  36. >Sure, its a big lookin buck you are leading, but, its just a stallion. Those can barely take a mean stare from you without fainting, never mind when you should try an hooves-on-approach, as you currently are.
  37. >Oh, there he is right behind me....hmm...should try talking to keep his mind at ease...for now..
  38. "Sshoo..... Where did you come from, cutie?"
  39. >There...that got the dumb buck talking...goddamn....i forgot how chatty males are....
  40. >"Well, and then i decided to see what oportunities i-" And on and on and on he drones...Intercepted with a few disinterested nods and 'oh''s from me to keep him distracted...Oooh, there's the spot! Finally!
  41. >Looking up, i see the girls are in place on the roof....Damn, why the hell did those silly sods wear panty-hoes as mask, you will never know...
  42. >'No class in the new class at all', as you refit your prized purple fedora, and prepare to take him quietly
  43. >Silently falling a few steps just behind your mark, you take out a clean little handkerchief, and douse it thoroughly with a label-less bottle you pull out of your pocket. You hold the rag on your hooves, and give the signal to the girls as you sneak behind the new working boy
  45. >Be Anon, wandering the streets with your new guide
  46. "Aaand so, i came in posession of a free ticket on the next train, and i could barelly have enough time to even pack!"
  47. >You have been bullshitting your ass off for the past fifteen minutes, as your companion hasnt said a single thing other than that...knowing nod or whinny of acknowledgment...
  48. >It started out quite simple with you telling your pre-thought out story, but seems anything you say will just earn that nod...that 'I know you are lying, so better fess up' nod...
  49. >To be honest its making you already a bit nervous...Maybe you are just too much reading in to it?
  50. *Your guide yawns, and looks at you with a look of 'how long do you plan to bullshit me?'....The look you know quite well from a few poli......people...
  51. >Oh damn....dont read into it....just try to change the topic...
  52. *SPLASH!*
  53. >OH THANK GOD, a distraction!
  54. >Something fell from the sky just ahead of you, and hit a deceptively deep wait, make it two somethings...
  55. "FFfFrrriiiggginwheredidthisfffffriggingcoldwatercame*Smack* Ow! What?....Oh..."
  56. >One of the two somethings pointed its hoof to me...
  57. >The other of that somethings just took out a switchblade from its belt
  58. >And only now i notice them having muggers mask on their faces...
  59. ...
  60. ...
  61. ...
  62. >Right, time to run!
  63. >Turning around you bump right into your small guide...
  64. >Her hoof is outstretched toward you...No time to think! Just grab her and run!
  65. >You pick the tiny mare quickly up with your hands as you make a quick dash, the mare yelping in fright
  66. >She struggles in your lap for a moment but you have other things in mind, running as fast as you can away as you hold the mare in your arms
  67. >She is light, and as you run full speed, you feel her suddenly stop struggling, going a bit limb even...
  68. >No time to think, just Sprint, man!
  70. >You are Anon, a brave man running away from a fight
  71. >As you dash through the back-alleys you hear surprised shouts and the stomping of hooves behind you
  72. >You quickly dart around corners, all the while trying to lose sight of your pursuers.
  73. >Going on full sprint you finally reach one of the main streets, with a slow, steady traffic of people milling back and forth. With a last push of speed you dart into the crowd of ponies, hoping to blend in...
  74. >That plan however backfires horribly, seeing as you are a gigantic hairless ape carrying a suited mare, and everyone else is barely your waist height...
  75. >Still, you see the masked mares stop right at the alley's end, peeking out of it at you with their horrible masks and luxurious eyelashes...wait what brain?
  76. >Still...seems they have halted their chase for now. You breathe a sigh of relief and look down on your lap.
  77. >Wow...seems she fainted in fright...damn, poor thing...
  78. >You take the handkerchief that seemed to have fallen on her muzzle by accident, and softly stuff it back in her pocket. Your hand brushes just for a moment against something heavy and metallic, but you don't search further. Its kind of personal enough you carried her as you did
  79. >You look quite surprised at the fainted mare. Its amazing how vulnerable and peaceful she can look... And that cute eye-patch and those little scars on her cheeks....Just adorable..
  80. >Looking around you spot a nearby empty bench overlooking the busy. With no better idea, no knowledge on where to go or what to do, you think waiting here for your guide to wake up again is the best of your options.
  81. >i cant just leave her here and walk off...she did try to help you.
  82. >Setting her fainted form on the bench beside you she instantly curls up and shivers as she feels the cold bench beneath her.
  83. > You just cant let her lay like that...You take off your jacket, and lay it on her as you set yourself in for a small wait until she recovers...
  85. >You are Anon, the sleepy horse guardian
  86. >Five hours ago, you and your guide miss.....Damn, you never asked her name...
  87. >Well, you and the cute fedora'd mare were traveling to an inn, and got jumped on by a group of ne'er-do-wells..
  88. >Well....not so much of a group, there were just two of them
  89. >Scary, big, mea....well, they were kind of short actually...
  90. >In hindsight, you start to wonder why you actually ran
  91. >Still, you ran, grabbed your poor guide who shortly after fainted, and now have brought her here on this bench to wait for her recovery
  92. >For the past five hours, it seems...
  93. >Damn, you have to go and be roped into guarding some damsel in distress...god damn gender inequality...
  94. >You could just leave her here gently snoring on this park bench but....what happens if some pervert of a stallion sees her out cold like that?
  95. >As you think that, you see her shiver a bit in her sleep even as she snuggles closer to your jacket.
  96. >Nah... I can be a cold person when i want to, but that would just be wrong
  97. >Aaand....seems since the sun went down an hour ago, the nightly chill is gently getting to you too.
  98. >damn....cute mares...
  99. > think by now she is just snoring with her gentle high pitched whinnies next to you
  100. >God damn...mares sure can be skittish
  102. >You are Miss B. B. Grim the First, the up and coming local underworld Boss and soon to be a menace for equestrian authorities for a decade
  103. >You gently stir as a small chill seeps into your underside. A small rawness is felt in your throat and nose, and the faintest smell of...some scent?
  104. >Smells like...spilled liquer...but sweeter...with only a gentle sting of alcohol, rather than an overwhelming stench that usually accompanies a spilled drink
  105. >Right... Waking up in a strange place with no memory on how you got there is considered quite average in both your line of work and in your lifestyle.
  106. >Hmm...last thing i did, last thing i did? Take the promising looking target to the back alley... Call the girls...there was a tussle....
  107. >A small smile creeps on your face
  108. >Ahh...i must have went celebrating when we bagged the catch
  109. >Jup...aaand since i should have had first right to ride as its my catch, i shooould be...
  110. >Cuddling with a shell-shocked colt right about now....hmm...where is the boy-toy?
  111. >Blindly reaching your hoof out, you hear a surprised deep gasp as your hoof reaches around something warm. Not even caring to be gentle, you wrap your hooves around it and pull it into your embrace
  112. >Mmmmhmmm...cloth~
  113. >And you fall back to well deserved victory sleep
  115. >You are Anon, and this is just silly...
  116. >Seems your charge got a bit chilly, and decided to wrap herself around your leg...
  117. >Quite forcefully you might add..
  118. >Deciding that no, you cant actually play a pillow to a mare for all night, no matter how cute or cuddly and...oh, she is warm...
  119. >Never mind... Ah hell, im going to go and look for a nearby hotel to get her into
  120. >You gently snake your arms between the mare cuddling with your leg, and lift the jacket-bundled mare up to your lap
  121. >You hear her sleepy mumbles about how she will whip that squirming out of you if you don't stop moving around, but you ignore that for now and hold the curled up sleeping bundle in your arms.
  122. >You decide tho say heck with it...You notice a few ponies trotting around the street
  123. >You see a colt nearby. As gently as you can carry, you set your sight toward him
  124. >Damn....Now you know for certain that equestrians have no sense of fashion...
  126. >You are Jay Rim, a colt of the night
  127. >Seems this night will turn out to be like every last one.
  128. >Come to your corner, adjust your purple codpiece to show just a little bit of the good stuff
  129. >Slightly wiggle in your leather pants as potential mares walk by, same old same old
  130. >Until you notice out of the corner of your eye something giant approach you
  131. >Oh fuck....
  132. >God damn, no matter what they pay, never have a go with a minotaur or something larger than a princess
  133. >That's rule number one...only rule you still have left and cling to
  134. >Oh god, its coming my way!
  135. >I-it...oh thank god its a dude...
  136. >Carrying...What The f-fiddle?
  138. >You are Anon, carrier of horses, briefcase you still cling on to, and a whole lot of contempt for the fasion of the colt before you
  139. >As you approached the colt seemed almost ready to bolt away, untill it seemed to look in your face and recognize something...hmm, i guess it can be a bit scary for a big dude to approach you in the dark
  140. >And as you get nearer, the colt suddenly turns skittish again, this time eyeing the mare in your arms with pin-pricked eyes
  141. >Damn... This proves it, the creeps will be all over her if you leave her outside to sleep
  142. "*Cough* Hi there. Say, do you know where i might find a nearby hotel? Hmm...fancier one if you can, but should be in walking distance"
  143. >I point in leaving a mare on some run-down roach nest. You were raised better than that
  144. >The colt stammers, his voice seeming almost sqeakish as he points his hoof down the main road "D-down that way, just a few hoof-penny-lengths is La Laul...Y-you cant miss it...sir..."
  145. >Right, do a curtuous nod, and head off that way....damn creep
  146. >As you leave, the bundle shifts again as you walk, and another row of small curses and mumblings directed at you for probably stirring her sleep
  147. >You shake your head...Damn, and you thought women back there were needy...
  149. >You are receptionist Angel Hair of the Grand La Laul, on this busy busy mid-week night
  150. >A comfy position you might say, but worry has creeped into your mind that you cant really keep this position for the rest of your life
  151. >I mean, Ponies only want to see young, attractive colts serving them...and ever so slowly your 26's are creeping up on you...
  152. >Damn... Maybe you need to start looking for a mare? Maybe its not too late fo..
  153. *Cling!*
  154. >Oh, quests!
  155. >With a practiced flourish you rise from your table and head to the door, a note of grace only stallions can archive as you glide toward the door
  156. > should have been a dancer like you dreamed of
  157. >But..only dancers they like in this district are...What the f.... Oh sweet Celestia....
  158. >We... We payed off the Pinstripes this month, right?
  159. >...right?
  161. >You are Anon, the one and only human to serve as a pack animal for animals. You feel so proud...
  162. >You carry the ever-slowly more grumpy bundle with you through grand hotel lobby. You visibly wince as the high-noted *Cling* Announces your approach, since that earns you another half-hearted tirade of curses and silly threats you begin to silently laugh at
  163. >A receptionist... dude eyes you with a beaming smile as you enter
  164. >Same smile that does not go away as he sees your size, but shatters like glass the moment you see his eyes trail over the purple fedora of your overly-grumpy package
  165. >"B-B-B-but w-we p-p..."
  166. >You quickly drop your suitcase to the ground and put a single finger before your lips as an universal sign of hope...god, those ponies have no fingers, so how are they going to know that gesture
  167. >Next, you gently point downward to the sleeping mare on your lap to show that lets keep our tone a bit on the silent side
  168. >The colt shuts up in a moment, and quickly backs away, his tail weirdly held right between his legs as he semi-sprints back to his desk
  169. >He shuffles around with the keys there, and quickly tosses a silver looking one on the table ahead of you
  170. >Damn... I have to say, that stallion could read my mind on what i wanted... Hmm...
  171. >You point to the mare, then to the upper floors where you figure your rooms must be, and then at you coming back down again, to signal that you will pay later
  172. >The receptionist just meep's and looks away, shivering a bit in his seat
  173. >W-what? I mean...i am not that scary, right?
  174. >Self-contemplating on your appearance, you carry the mare your briefcase and a key to the 'XII' floor suite on your hand as you get in the elevator, and dial to floor 12
  175. >...holy hell...this hotel only has 12 floors...did you just get scammed to take the presidential suite?...G...god damn it...
  177. >You are miss Bella Belle Grimm, a magical princess in your purple-silver dress
  178. >As you walk through your grand castle, you see ponies of all races bow down to you with no deception in their eyes, just awe at your presence.
  179. >You, a lowly little runt growing up in the streets, now a full ali...
  180. *Cling!*
  181. >And there goes your sweet dream....Tirek damn it... I was so close to reaching the harem tower this night...
  182. >Your agitation reaches out a bit... Gently rousing, you hear some small distant chatter, but you respond to that as you respond to any annoyance. With threats and occasional show of strength
  183. >Just in this case, a 'show of strength' is ineffectual patting your hoof against that...whatever your nuzzled against...
  184. >Dont care...dreams are cool
  185. >And there we go~. Everything is quiet, i feel warm and...snuggled?
  186. >Hmm...well...that's new for a broken in colt but...damn, i don't really mind
  187. >You reach around to snuggle back a know, its kind of fun to not have them squirming and screaming every once in a while
  188. >Aaand as you think of that, you feel yourself dropped into a fall...
  189. >Oh no you don't you rat!
  191. >You are the one and only Anon of Canterlot
  192. >And as you just managed to open with one hand the suite's door, keep your suitcase with you through out all this trouble, enter the overly-large and...oh damn, this place is fancy...
  193. >Wait...never mind, deal with sight-seeing later. First things first, find bed, drop of miss faintly there, and then get the hell out of here
  194. >Randomly carrying your grumpy luggage through three misc rooms, one kitchen, and two bathrooms until you finally find the grand bedroom
  195. >Ah, there it is....the softest looking bed you have seen a long time since... Ah, but first lets take care of this little visitor
  196. >Seeing the mare snuggled and cuddled in your hands, you gently sit on the bed and lower her toward the waiting bed
  197. >She seems to stir a bit, and worm her hooves right under your sides just to hold on a bit seems heart breakingly cute to see the tiny eye-patched mare snuggle in such a way, but....Honor demands that you at least get to know a mares name before being used as a snuggle toy for her for the entire night, so...
  198. >With a heavy heart, you give the sleeping, snuggling mare one last squeeze, and gently lower her to her bed
  199. > you do that, she suddenly, fiercely wrapped her hooves around your jacket....Your only jacket....
  200. >....
  201. >...
  202. >God damn it...
  203. >You give a faint little pulls to get your jacket free...even offer her a pillow or...or maybe a silken blanket as cuddle material...
  204. >No dice...
  205. >That mare wont let go of your jacket willingly...
  207. >You are Anon, the newly jacketless jackass, it seems
  208. >Finally depositing your poor guide in the bed, you have tried to gently pull your jacket away from the suited, sleeping mare in the bed
  209. >Nope...You cant pull even an inch of it loose from her. You fear you might tear your jacket if you pull too hard
  210. >Also the mare gives cute little growls with every pull
  211. >Well....Time to cut your losses. Ah, you will just approach her some other day to ask that back
  212. >You theftly remove your wallet from the suit, and leave it at the pinstripe suited mare's snuggles for now
  213. >Thinking for a pull the blanket from the bed over her as she releases the cutest sleepy little sigh
  214. >She is still clothed under there, mind...but you dont really see how undressing a stranger for bed can ever be explained away without coming off creepy
  215. >And so, picking up your suitcase and putting the wallet away, you give a quiet farewell to your fainted guide, and a bit teary eyed goodbye to your jacket...damn, you loved that thing...
  216. >And so, you head out of the bedroom, manage to get lost trying to find the exit, and head downstairs with a slightly gloomy mood.
  217. >God damn...This is a bit more expensive than you thought for a good deed
  219. >You are Angel Hair, receptionist for the Grand La Laul hotel, and you are panicing...
  220. >Half an hour ago, some giant hairless ape carried the most dangerous pony in canterlot through your front door...
  221. >No....not the most dangerous...but high enough above you in the food-chain that you dont want anything to do with it
  222. > panic, you tossed the presidential suite key to her...A Suit that is currently reserved for a soonly arriving dignitaries...
  223. >Oh sweet Celestia... Are.. Those were gangsters going expect a few carriage full of those "Party Colts" to be pulling up any minute now.... and with heavy, burly mares with more scars and knives than braincells...
  224. >And you just gave them the key to the crystal guard dignitaries suit key...
  225. > are doomed...
  226. "*Cough* Hi there"
  227. >Oh sweet Luna save me
  228. >This is my end....
  230. >You are anon of Canterlot, and once again you question equestrian work ethics
  231. >As you came down from your accidentally rented palace, you approach the receptionists desk with some trepidation over the soon to be horrific hotel bill...
  232. >Well...its not like you are in any short of dosh, as you glance down again at your briefcase that you would honestly hand-cuff to your arm if that did not rouse a lot of suspicion
  233. >Still... Its the point that counts... And you did a good thing. Saving an innocent little mare who just wanted to help you out from being left at the mercy of the cold cold night
  234. >Hmm...I are already here... might as well rent a room for yourself as well... Could be a little home base to get you started here for the first few nights
  235. >And as you approach the front desk again, the previously cheery receptionist seems to be mumbling to himself and sniffling as he holds his head on the table dejectedly
  236. >Hmm...maybe some new fangled meditation ritual he has going on there or something... Hipstery little thing most likely
  237. >Still, you need a room, he can meditate and mumble himself to paradise if all he cares to
  238. "*Cough* Hi there"
  239. >You hear a few more sniffles come from the stallion, him seemingly intent on continuing his weird rituals
  240. "Umm....Hello?"
  241. >You poke the stallions hoof a few times, and soon he turns his head up, his eyes glistening and shining a bit too weirdly
  242. "Hi there. I would like to pay for both the room you gave me, and rent a new one for..the next two nights"
  243. >The pony gives me the biggest puppy-dog-eyed look you have ever seen, and sniffles, rubbing his nose with his hoof "S-sorry about that, sir...G-got lost in thoughts.."
  245. >You are Angel Hair, the doomed pony
  246. >As you look up from your well earned bout of hopelessness, the same beast that brought this all down on you smiles sweetly at you
  247. >You barely contain a contemptuous snort, but professional courtesy comes first. I mean, even as the great ship Alitanic sunk, the band kept playing..,
  248. >And as you look up to him, blinking your eyes as you do, you notice the same, damning things that you always seen in books and movies, but never in real life...
  249. >A Homme Fatale... The confidence not out of place of an officer of the Wonderbolts. The blind assurance of his place above you, above everything....
  250. >The ease and lack of a single damn given for modesty as he carried one of the most dangerous things around as nothing but a harmless kitten...
  251. >This guy...he is trouble, you just know it
  252. >Aaand now he is waving his hand before my face...did i miss something?
  253. "Hello? Do You have any rooms? Can you understand me?"
  254. >You blush a bit, slumping back a bit on your seat...sweet Cele, i didn't notice anything he said
  255. "can i get a room in here? And pay for the one on the 12th floor?"
  256. >Of course.... I'm actually surprised he cares to pay for that... the pinstripes usually just take what they want... Hmm...maybe its a trap...Maybe they want me to ask for a price for they could stab everyone here....
  257. >Oh, well two can play that game!
  258. >"Well, sir the room you and your...Madame used are already payed for...."
  259. >There we go, placate the monsters, so they wont destroy and/or kidnap anyone of importance
  260. >To that, the towering ape brightens up noticeably. Damn...he seems almost stallionly when he is a bit more carefree
  261. "Ah, well that is a wonderful surprise. Say, are there any more free rooms available tonight?"
  262. >What are you planning, you vile snake....
  263. >"Yeeeeeeesssss...."
  265. >You are Mirror Glint, the Crystal Kingdoms Dignitary to Equestria
  266. >Weary...oh so weary you are as you reach for your hotel...your only sanctuary in this... obsessively insane kingdom.
  267. >Reaching the front lobby, you dismiss your two guards to stay in their transport carriage as you pass a strange looking minotaur haggling with the receptionist. Well, you have better things to do than trade courtesies with that pretty-boy, so you head straight for the elevator
  268. >Huh...seems the pretty boy noticed you just as you got on, and with a yelp pushed past the minotaur, rushing up to your elevator
  269. >Leeeets see if he can reach it before the doors close...Doors are closing...closing...closing...
  270. *click* *KLANG*
  271. >Nope...he did not make it. Shame on him
  272. >You enter the room with your key, lock it behind you, and just give a finally relieved sigh of reaching your safe haven
  273. >Not even bothering to turn on the lights, you just take off your formal robes, toss them to the ground, and jump into your luxurious bed
  274. > at last...
  276. >You are *KLANG* Anon of *KLANG* canterlot, and *KLANG* seems like you will be a future called witness to describe the receptionist's head trauma
  277. *KLANG*
  278. >He hits his head against the elevator doors again...
  279. *KLANG*
  280. >Aaand again...
  281. >And again...
  282. >Right... Crazy is in style here so...maybe just ask about the empty rooms again
  283. "Uh...Mister...? "
  284. *KLANG*
  285. >"Angel Hair Sir. Or just Angy for short"
  286. *KLANG*
  287. "Right...So...Do you have any free rooms for the night, mister Hair?"
  288. *KLANG*
  289. >"No...No we do not..."
  290. >And with saying that he stops developing the first skull-door symbiotic life-form that could have come to dominate every hotel lobby on this continent
  291. >Instead, he walks back to his desk [a bit wobbly you might add], pulls out a big metal plate, and starts walking toward the main doors leading outside
  292. >Confused, you follow him outside. And as you exit the building, he closes the door behind you, and places a big red 'CLOSED' sign before it
  293. >And without even looking at you he mumbles as if into the distance "I am going to get so drunk i dont care where i wake up...Want to join?"
  294. >...
  295. >Hell with it, you needed a drink five and an half hours ago. With a nod you let the horse lead the way, who seems to be developing a small bump on his forehead
  297. >You are Lady Grimm of Canterlot, a wealthy noblemare
  298. >And as you look over your balcony, you are greeted to the most wonderful of sighs.
  299. >A busy town, toiling away all day and night along the ever-restless highways, streets and markets as they go on about their business
  300. >And there you are...On a balcony across your bedroom...Covered in a lazy, slightly revealing morning robe as you look down on them all..All of them below you... all of them happy and fat at your most merciful administrations
  301. >And as you watch down the bustling city with delight, you hear your concubine stir and give a small whinny at you being away
  302. >Soon, soon love~. Let me just watch them for a moment longer~
  303. *Whomp*
  304. >You blink awake from the sudden shift as you feel somepony jump into your bed
  305. >Acting on instincts well honed by the years, you spring up and over whatever invaded your private space
  306. >A surprised, quite stallionly whinny comes as you tackle your surprise'r beneath you
  307. >Blinking your eyes clear, you notice a...crystal pony stallion, staring up at you with a terrified look on his face
  308. >He opens his mouth...and with practiced grace you put your hoof down his mouth, muffling his alarmed cry
  309. >You giggle, getting into the spirit of things. Well, this was not what you expected, but life always honed you to be an opportunist~
  310. >And as the stallion feebly twists and tries to struggle, you just smile and come a little bit closer to the one that dared invade your bed
  312. >For a moment you notice a strange...gray cloth stay between your two bodies...Huh...something to ponder about tomorrow, tonight is for this~
  314. >You are the one and only Anon, a slightly buzzed human in equestria
  315. >And for the past hour you have enjoyed the company of a morose looking stallion who invited you to this fine fine establishment
  316. >And as you think that, you rise your hand from the slightly sticky wooden table as you lean back on a rickety old chair
  317. >This place certainly has a charm to it... An ill lit wooden cellar, with an old barmare serving both you and your ad-hoc companion with all the hospitality of an industrial bot
  318. >Still, it was nice you came. Soon after you two came here and started drinking away, you have started enjoying the atmosphere here
  319. >A lot of lovely mares here, barely any other males of any species besides you two
  320. >And you feel a bit flattered by the attention, as you notice occasional glances from every third mare here
  321. >And as the night wears on, your companion, downing his current shot of Tequila that he was so insistent on pouring into him, gives a little shiver, and passes out face first onto the table
  322. >Hmm...shame... Well, at least its a dude passing out this time. You don't have to worry about anything bad happening to him
  323. >And as you sip your current drink and mull over what to do next, a group of mares rises from their table and heads toward you
  325. >You are miss Grimm, shaking your wet short mane as you walk out of the luxurious looking bathroom
  326. >With a smile you pick up your bit ruffled clothes from the floor, and suit back up. Buttoning up your vest, you walk back into the bedroom with a lovely afterglow smile
  327. >And as you return to your bedroom, a tied up stallion gives a little meep, trying hard to act as if he hasn't tried to wiggle out of your makeshift binds
  328. >With a giggle you approach his tied-up, spread-eagled body and helpfully tighten the cloth strip that had gotten a bit loose from his right fore hoof as he struggled, earning a few panicked yelps from him
  329. >Well, no matter. You lean forward and plant a small little peck on his cheek as you nuzzle the sticky, sweating and most wonderfully smelling crystal lover one last time.
  330. >That earning only a few more panicked mewls from him, you grin and put back on your purple fedora, and head toward the window
  331. >Opening and theftly exiting along the fire escape route, you blow one more air-kiss toward your bed-invader, and exit along the fire-escape ladder
  332. >A task quite difficult for anyone without hands, but you slide down it with practiced ease
  333. >Aaand feeling a bit happy about how this night has went, you decide to celebrate it with a drink
  334. >In your favorite, most seediest place around
  335. >The "Barrels Bottom"
  337. >You are Anon, a humble, slightly drunk person as you happily chatter away with a group of mares before the bar
  338. >Your passed out companion, the receptionist Angy seems to still be snoring while passed out on the table, so you know he is quite alright
  339. >A bit more than alright as you see out of the corner of your eye, as a slightly tubby looking mare took a seat next to him and is now taking care of him by poking the passed out stallion and giggling
  340. >Damn lucky git to get attention even without trying. Guess some just have that natural charm
  341. >The rest of the mares are quite wonderful company as well. A bit odd bunch, but well meaning. For some reason they keep mentioning on what jobs they have and how much they earn, all while giving you strange looks
  342. >Must be quite a workaholic bunch. But still, you respect women that have what it takes to punch through the business world. And seeing them, you know for certain they are true hearted workers, not just a bunch of office hotties
  343. *Cling*
  344. >Huh...the bar died down all of a sudden as all the mares seem to stare off toward the door
  345. >Looking around them, you notice the cute fedora mare again. Oh, she looks much better now, she is even giving everyone that cheeky little smile
  347. >You are agent Honey Trap, Part of Luna's organized crime unit Canterlot subdivision No.02
  348. >Going around in civilian clothes, you have been on the lookout in the "Barrel's Bottom" for three hours already
  349. >A thing that would rise questions, but luckily nobody ever suspects a stallion to be seedy, and wont question him if he only drinks orange juice for the whole night
  350. >An observation operation, your informants hinted that this place is the hub and general meeting place for all of the LOCAC2's biggest targets
  351. >But since this was just a hint from some prostitute, your direct supervisor thought this was just a waste of the agencies resources, and told you to ignore it
  352. >And as you trot out of the bathroom, you become aware on just how wrong she was
  353. "Clear out everypony... No, not you, big boy", comes a rough, malicious voice you know too well from the door
  354. >Oh crud....You must have been compromised... The informant must have set up a trap!
  355. >That!...LUNA DAMNED Codpiece polisher!
  356. > wont go down that easily... You retreat back into the bathroom before anyone notices, and look around
  357. > windows....
  358. > backup coming...
  359. >D-dont panic....
  361. >You are Bella Grim, a lucky lucky lady it seems
  362. >While your memory is quite hazy on what went on yesterday, or what happened, noticing the same oddity you tried to catch before again, and this time in your own territory, you cant help but grin
  363. "Clear out everyone", your voice containing just the perfect amount of cocksure command and slight threat, you grin as everyone starts hurriedly gathering their stuff. As you notice the surprised looking human rise as well, you point your hoof at him and grin "No, not you, Big boy~". You cant help but keep out a little purr in your voice as you say that
  364. >A quick call for the locals to leave, and every mare with half a brain quickly finishes their drink and heads out. You notice a few even leave their drinks simply on the table in a hurry to leave. The barmaid grumbles quite a bit to herself as a lot of those costomers storm off before paying their tab, but she is smarter than to raise the issue in front of you
  365. >Instead, she breathes out a small sigh, takes out a black Labled bottle, and places it before the bar without a single word
  366. >With a grin you walk toward the human, passing many last mares hurrying away, one porky one even carrying her passed out date on her back as she skitters away. The boy-toy seems to want to say something about that, but just shrugs and looks at you without a trace of fear in his eyes
  367. >Well, that is a wonderful change in attitude, that you hope to soon correct~
  369. >You are Anon, a pleasantly surprised human currently enjoying a nice drink
  370. >Seems as just as the bar was about to be closed, your guide appears out of nowhere and let you stay for a bit longer
  371. >Just your luck, actually. There is still half a bottle for you to go, and you previous drinking partner, An....huh, where did he go?
  372. >Ah, must have went home with the crowd or something
  373. >You smile a bit to yourself as you turn to face the mare with the wonderfully cheeky smile, as she makes her way to the seat next to you. She takes a seat, and as you two sit you both almost come close to being on eye-to-eye level with eachother. Still, you dont have to crain your neck too much, and seems like she wont have to do the same eighter, so its fine
  374. "Its nice to see you again, Missh. I hope you are feeling better now?"
  375. >Huh...a slight drunken drawl is in your voice... Might be best to call it a night soon. Still, you can at least have a small round with the mare to see if she is all right
  376. >No point in starting a topic with what she has done with my jacket. Tho she took it, she might be still a bit terrified of what happened, and lets not thhhraumathise the cute thing any furtherrr
  377. >And to that slightly stammering welcome and your own glass-eyeness, she just grins wider and pours a glass full of vicious looking black liquid that...oddly smells like home
  378. >"My my my, how caring for a stallion. But yes, i am feeling a lot, lot better, sweet cheeks" She grins and rises her glass to her mouth, taking a big sip of it while eyeing you with that slightly cute, searching look
  379. "Oh, that's wonderful to hear. Oh, and i think i forgot to introduce myself. My name is Anon, and who might be the lovely mare that guided me before?"
  380. >A bit of flattery and flirt is seeping into your voice...hmm... Not what you intended to do, but seems she enjoyed it a bit, her posture changing just a bit in surprise
  381. >" Bee Bee, and..."
  383. >You are miss ...
  384. " yea"
  385. >And you just suddenly stuttered like a little filly on asking out her first colt-friend
  386. >Now...that little thing threw your mind out of sync...Did he say you guided him?.. Wait...Didnt i capture him... Wait, what happened last night?...Why is he free? Wait, why is he actually not afraid? Drunken bravery?
  387. >As a being of mostly rushing hormones and varying degrees of intoxication, picture-perfect memory was one of the first things sacrificed on the altar of adulthood, but...
  388. >Oh Cele... He is looking at you with a weird look on his face...How long were you lost in thought?
  389. >You but on a bluff, quickly bringing the glass of stinging black to your lips, draining it to buy time to think
  390. >He gives a deep little laugh, and reaches his hoof...hand at you...You are too confused and need time to think...what to do, what to sa-..
  391. >He grabs your hoof with his...strange, long fingers as the slender things curl around your hoof, twisting around and binding it, bringing it upwards as your hair stands on edge from the s-strange weird feeling
  392. "-Sa-Ha-hay!"
  393. >The drunken ape brought his lips and kissed the tip of your hoof, and then gave you a...hungry looking grin as he releases his touch
  394. >T-this... is a bit new...Need time to think, need time to think! Need to be aggressive and direct to him to throw him off balance, just like mother said!
  395. >You try giving a challenging, the usual "You are beneath me since you are only a wussy stallion while im cool" look you honed so well on nightly pickups on this place...Nice!, now to top it off with some self-confidence throwing snipe, and like all stallions, his first reaction should be outraged hysterics and proving that he is not that simple a man...Its simple, like you have practiced before
  396. "T-thank you...Felt like a kiss from a prince"
  397. >Hah! That should throw enough salt into the insult
  398. >W-why is he just grinning and thanking you for the compliment?
  400. >You are Honey Trap, Agent of LOCAC2, currently on your free time
  401. >Inside a bathroom of an emptied, peeking from just a half-opened crack in the door at the bar and holding your breath for all your life's worth
  402. >Seems by some damned luck you took a bathroom break just as an order to clear out the room was given....and now you lack any hope of blending in with the masses for a quick escape...
  403. >And the longer you stood hidden, the more obvious it became that something extremely shifty is going on, and should anyone know you peeked...
  404. >You gulp, shifting a bit as you try to get a better look at what goes on
  405. >Seems one of the Pinstripes head mares has had a meeting with this...unknown human... male...
  406. >Seems well dressed... but then again, almost all humans seem either well dressed, or a bag of rags to most ponies...honestly only a few fashionista's can describe humans clothing in any other way then "Covering most of it", and "um...nice?"
  408. >Having to go with your guts, it seems this...colt, you presume from the distance... Seems totally unfazed...even a bit flirty with the main target...
  409. >And the Pinstripe is... nervously shifting from her seat?
  410. >Hmm... Could this be a possible "Grand Mister" of one of her bordello's? Possible... Nobody else would dare be so non-chalant to psychopathic mares like that...
  411. >Or...Maybe new gang member?, seems unlikely... Its a stallion...Maybe a possible drug-mule?...No...Those are usually young, stupid and nervous..
  412. >Oh...seems the pinstripe waved the waiter to leave...Now this means this is important if even their low ranking member has to leave...
  413. >You...Could be possibly hearing in on Something Big...
  414. >You...just have to get closer to hear... This could actually be something that sticks to those crooks and harlots...
  415. >Looking around, you notice a table just next to the restroom... If you crawl, they wont have line of sight...and then...maybe you can actually catch some perps! Prove to the mares at the station that stallions can work and bust crooks too!
  416. >filled with determination to prove yourself, you crouch down on the ground and slowly push the door open, hoping it will go unnoticed
  418. >You are Anon, a quite happy gentleman
  419. >Seems as you started speaking with the shy mare, she locked up. Luckily, your drunken reasoning on trying to do a silly little gesture to ease her up payed off, and she even complimented you as she seems a lot more relaxed
  420. >She even started to look at you with a funny look. Her uncovered eye just squinting a bit to look playful to you. You just smile back and thank her for her, you admit, a bit shy and stuttering compliment, but a compliment nevertheless
  421. >Huh, never have been called to kiss like a prince. Well, guess a bit of flattery is not native only to you, as you happily chatter with her
  422. >You notice out of the corner of your eye the bathroom door push open, and nobody step out..hmm, must have been a drift of wind or something...Still, that reminds you of your most basic desires
  423. >You smile and rise from your seat, and promise to her to be back in a moment as you walk off toward the door with a picture of a stallion on it
  424. >Hmm...must be the bathroom for men, you guess...
  425. >And walking into the empty room, you set yourself up t...
  427. >You are miss Bella Belle Grimm
  428. >And..uh...yeah...
  429. >You are befuddled
  430. >You are used to speaking to scared little stallions...or to those not willing to admit being a bit scared of you... you mean..its been like that ever since you grew up
  431. >But... yeah...That was... Quite...
  432. >You blush a bit, and bite your lip
  433. >Well... No matter, you are just...bit riding on that afterglow from the hotel..right!
  434. >Thats it! Nothing else...just... kind of feeling happy about being approached, thats all and talked to...Must be hormones or something...
  435. >you kind of lose yourself in thought, until a small ruckus near the table next to the bathrooms nods you out of those thoughts, and your eyes drift toward the closed door
  436. >Hmm... He is...he is a catch...
  437. >A valuable catch...
  438. >And... at the end of the day, you are just... a provider of goods, nothing more, or ...nothing less
  439. >You see her drink unsupervised, and with a small sigh and a practiced reach, you reach into your coat pocket and uncork a small glass bottle
  440. >You pour a cork's worth of it into the cork...and then into the drink...and you think a bit about the size of the damn ape...
  441. >And you pour another cork full of it in there
  442. >A small, oily coating seems to have reached his drink. With theft moves you use the small plastic cork to swirl the drink around, just enough to dilute the concoction in it
  443. >And just as you finish mixing it, you hear the door right behind you open
  444. >Well...Maybe...he wont mind it so much...
  446. >You are Agent Honey Trap, a quite thoughtless stallion in hindsight...
  447. >Just as you ducked under the table the whole room got quiet...
  448. >And then...heavy more heavy and dull...
  449. >and slower..heavy stomps, steppin in pair toward your table...
  450. >H-have you been discovered? the...The door! They, they must have noticed it! Oh, how could i...
  451. *Creak* *Creak* *Creak* *CREEEEEaAAAK* *Phomph!*
  452. >Oh...oh dear, my heart please stay still....
  453. >You cup your chest as your heart beats a mile a minute, feeling the weight of that... Mister's footsteps under your hooves as floorboards bent from his passing...
  454. >Y-you... Are a bit too far from them need to get closer...Hmm...Behind the bar is a possibility...they cant see you there if you are ducked behind it...
  455. >There is a stretch of open ground between your table and the need to time this perfectly...
  456. >Looking out under the tablecloth, you notice the Pinstripe sigh, and turn her back on you, as she does something with her suit
  457. >Now's your chance!
  458. >You crawl and slink just along the...eww...dirty, muddy floor on your belly as you slink behind the bar..
  459. >Well...that cost you your nice Fragrance&Foals's coatshine...Still.. You have a mission, and no dirtied coat or chipped hooves are going to stop you, no ma'am!
  461. >You are Anon, a quite swimmin' fellow in Canterlot
  462. >For the past hour you enjoyed drinking with a slightly emotional stallion...then came mares...then came the shy mare
  463. >Aaaand now, your are just splashing water to your face to wake a bit of sobriety to your face in the bathroom, as you stare at the mirror
  464. >...right! Good enough to spiff' me up!
  465. >With [drunken] confidence you walk out of the bathroom, stumbling against something as you stride over, just to see her look at you with that cute innocent look as she sputters a bit
  466. >You take your seat, and smile as you look at the two drinks placed before you two
  467. >Well~. One for you, one for her, aaand your thoat has been drying for another drink ever since you left
  468. > you reach for it a hoof is placed over your hand...Huh, seems the shy guide looks you straight into your eyes...well...eye, know...eye-patch and all...
  469. >"Uh...Wait for me to share a drink! Yeah!.."
  470. >Well...ok?
  471. >"Ah!... um...Wonderful! I will just...go visit the shittery... i mean....The...lavatory..."
  472. >Well..this is odd... but, hell, you are in a new land. Quirky people are what you honestly expected. You gave her a happy wave and wink to her to return soon
  473. >Well...
  474. >You wrap your fingers around your glass
  475. >Maaaaybe just a sip...
  476. *CLIRRRrr*
  477. >What the fuck was that?
  479. >You are Honey Trap, a Cele damn soon-to-be boy-toy for a psychopath if your luck continues as it does...
  480. >As you crouched and crawled along the floor...suddenly the human returns a lot sooner than you thought, slamming the restroom door open with healthy vigor
  481. >And walk with confidence only the drunk can have forward, giving you a small kick in the ribs as he stumbles upon your laying form... Thank the night that he just stumbled and you got a chance to slink behind the bar, out of sight and out of mind
  482. >Nursing the small bruise that the brutish bastard did to you, you quietly neak along the floor toward where the two are seated, pushing your back against the bar seperating you from them untill a small afterthought hits you
  483. >How the hell are you going to escape this place without being taken for the obvious spy you are...
  484. >Umm...hmm...
  485. >This is a The only people who wont clear out when god damn monsters order it are the brave and the fools...and since you know for certain that you are neighter of the above options.... You need to be an artificial fool...
  486. >You need to look and smell like a drunk...
  487. >A...hard thing to do...You sniff your hoof, and nod...
  488. >Jup...still smells too suspicious to be a drunk...
  489. > need to mask yourself...
  490. >Looking around, you spot a heavy cupboard right next to you
  491. >Gently pulling on it...and you barely bite down a depressed sigh...locked..
  492. >Looking all around you can see on the floor level of the bar...nope...not a single drink or smelly liquid laying around for you to use as your disguise...
  493. >But what abo-..
  494. *Clink*
  495. >Hmm...
  496. >The sound of bottle hitting fine crystal glass...
  497. >That means.. The only drink around is the one on those two's table...
  498. >Jup...Need to think of a plan B-
  499. "I- uhh...Mean the lavatory!"
  500. >Rushing footsteps leave right next to you...
  501. >Wait..that means the human is alone now..
  502. >Wait, that is your chance! You just need to make a distraction, swipe the drink, and then pretend to be a regular drunk!
  504. >Fuck it, no time to think, this will work!
  505. >Just make a... a ...Oooh, dirty glass dishes are hanging just above you, waiting for the morning cleanup...
  506. >Right! Plan, toss-and-pray, here we go!
  507. >You toss the glass over the edge with a wide arc, hoping to fly over the human's field of vision
  508. *KLIRRrrrr...*
  509. "What the f...."
  510. >Yess, now's your chance!
  511. >You rise up from behind the bar as you see the Bordello Mister turn his back on you, and swipe quickly one of the glasses from the table
  512. >You quickly retreat behind the bar, your heart pounding as you hide yourself under the sink
  513. >As you slowly wash your mouth with the stinging drink, you start pouring the rest over your coat as you pray to Luna that your ruse worked
  515. >You are Anon of Canterlot, and what the hell?
  516. >Huh...seems a wine glass suddenly shattered near the back of the bar..huh..oh, its near a table...maybe wind knocked it off of it or something
  517. >You shrug, and return with your drink in your hand to look over your vacant compainons seat
  518. >You are drunk... you have no time to deal with silly shit mother nature does to gather your attention... Silly dame... Trying to knock stuff over with wind and stuff...
  519. >You dismissedly blow a rasberry, as you rise your glass to your lips, untill...
  520. >Wait... Where is her drink? It was...
  521. >You look at your glass shards there...
  522. >You look over the bar...
  523. >Nope...nothing there
  524. >What the....
  525. >Fuck it.. as you told, you have no time to deal with silly stuff
  526. >You reach over the bar to grab a new glass, your fingers grabbing at random over the bar
  527. >You grab something soft and hear a small squeak. You quickly let go, thinking you must have touched a toy or something as you blindly touch around, hoping to grab another glass...gods man, this is a bar, there has to be a glass around here somewhere...
  528. >Ah, There we go! Your hand hits something solid and of approximate weight to a glass. You pull it up with flourish and look happily at...
  529. >A glass!
  530. >a dirty glass.. you can quite visibly see smudged lip-prints on the walls...
  531. >And...something dark and root-like at its bottom...
  532. > cant pour her a drink in a glass like this..
  533. >You look at your own, pure and shining glass of swirling dark liquid...
  534. >Nah... You are a man. You can stand a bit of filth.
  535. >You put your glass where her one was before, and pour from the bottle some more into the new dirty one
  536. >Keeping the dirty glass to yourself, you wait for her return
  537. >I point in making her more nervous than she is already. She just opened up to you and point in worrying her with that little stuff
  539. >You are miss Bella Belle Grim, splashing a bit of water to your muzzle as you stare into the mirror
  540. >You see your face in the reflection... the same cold, deep red eye stares right back. You see the small scar trailing out from right under your left eye's eyepatch, continuing downward till it reaches the top of your nose
  541. >You see the tiny snip missing from your left ear, and as you open your lips, you see a slightly smoke stained teeth, with one of those you lost replaced with a golden one
  542. >And as with a sigh you close your lips, you notice a tiny bit of your lower right lip missing, lost years ago to an unfortunate night
  543. >You sigh...
  544. >This is not a face that can charm a stallion... Scare them, of course. Intimidate, pressure, threaten, easily...
  545. >B-but how can anyone like something like this?
  546. >...
  547. > they cant... He is probably just too drunk to even see you clearly
  548. >You grab a small paper towel from the dispenser nearby, drying your face with it
  549. >And... If he should become sober, he will just... Run away, like they all do...Like they should do
  550. >So...
  551. >You should take what you can from him... While he is still around
  552. >Crumbling up the paper, you cast one last glimpse at the mirror, as if to search or hear someone argue... fight back or deny your thoughts..
  553. >...
  554. >Nothing... Your reflection is the same it has always been
  555. >Shaking your head you exit the bathroom. Returning, you see him looking around the bar as if searching for something, but his search ends the moment he glances you. He clutches his still filled glass as he happily calls out to you, and...Seeming happy to see your scarred mug again
  556. "Bee Bee, Lovely mare!"
  557. >You cant help but crack a tiny smile as you approach him
  559. >You are Anon, a quite happy fellow in some good company
  560. >Calling out to the nice mare as she returns from the bathroom, seeing her crack a small, shyish smile just elevates your mood a bit more
  561. >As she returns to her seat next to you, you smile and rise your glass to her
  562. >But as she takes her seat, you see she is a bit uncomfortable. Her eye darts to your glass every now and then, and when you try to make eye contact, she looks down, as if a bit ashamed
  563. >Aww... She must have remembered she took your jacket... Well, thats no reason to ruin her mood. You gotta make her forget about that
  564. >You smile, and call for her with all the softness your slightly drunken voice can master
  565. "Bee bee..."
  566. >She looks up to you wide-eyed, as if caught on a lie
  567. >You cant help but smile and reach your hand forward, petting her soft mane
  568. >She winces as your hand approaches, her whole body tensing up the moment you touch her... But seems as your fingers just gently run through her soft mane she relaxes, tilting her head even a bit toward you
  569. "Its all right. Im not upset, and im happy to have enjoyed your company"
  570. >There. That should make her forget about the jacket
  571. >She looks at you with surprise and slight shock in her face... Poor girl, im guessing she overreacted. Its just a piece of clothing after all
  572. >But a moment later, she starts blinking a bit and sniffling slightly as she rubs her face with her free hoof
  573. >You are worried for a moment that you might have said the wrong thing... But then you hear a small, relieved giggle coming from her
  575. >"T...thank you", she says as she once more can look you in the eye again.
  576. >You grin and rise your glass to the now reassured mare, smiling widely
  577. "Come now, no reason to be sad. Lets have a little toast"
  578. >You rise your glass and with a little *Klink* bump it against her own as you wait for her to rise it to her lips
  579. >Huh... Her eye widens and turns into a single prick. Just as you are rising your glass she suddenly puts her hoof on yours and pulls it down
  580. >"Don't!.... I mean... There is a fly in there!..."
  581. >You look down at your drink in surprise, but before you can inspect it further she swipes it from your hand. Quickly she places it behind her on the bar, and with what to you seems practiced ease, reaches over the counter and pulls out a new glass...Huh, its even clean and shiny...Damn, you should have looked more before
  582. >She laughs a bit nervously as she quickly uncorks her black bottle again, refilling your glass and placing it in your hands again
  583. >"S-sorry about that. I just know how much you stallions cant stand filth and such"
  584. >She gives a small nervous laughter, and rises her glass quickly up before you could protest
  585. >"Lets drink!"
  586. >You cant help but crack a smile at her silly jokes, and with a happy headshake you bump your glass again against her and raise it to your lips
  587. *Klink* "To new friends, Bee Bee"
  588. >*Klink* "To.." She breathes out a relieved sigh, and looks to you a lot more relaxed and relieved as she rises the glass to her lips "To new friends, Anon... And call me Bella please"
  590. >You are Bella Belle, and...
  591. >*Klink* "... And Call me Bella please"
  592. >You are happy... In a way. You glance just behind you at the dirty, drugged glass you took away from anon as you take a gulp from your drink... Huh?
  593. > actually was a dirty looking glass... How did you miss that when you poured him a drink?
  594. >You swallow your gulp, and an oily, soapy aftertaste of the drink fills your mouth
  595. >You shrug, and turn back toward him.
  596. >He... He... He is...
  597. >You cringe a bit at him managing to surprise you so, inadvertently blushing as you remember suddenly fearing so much that he would hate you for what you did, but...
  598. >He... He said its alright...That...That im...
  599. >He is... Nice... He... He didnt...He...say.... you...pretty...he...wait...
  600. >Oily...Taste...Odd....wait...
  601. >wait...
  602. >Wait...
  603. >OH THAT MOTHerfffff...
  604. >"Youuuuushnnnnoff...."
  605. >Fuck...that...ape....Punch im!
  606. >You rear back your hoof and throw it frantically toward his face as your vision turns dark
  608. >You are Anon of Canterlot, and....
  609. >"Youuuushonnoffff..."
  610. >You see your companions eyes roll up as she rears her hoof back, and starts falling off the chair
  611. >Reacting as quickly as you can, you move closer to catch her, your drink you are still holding on slightly splashing against her back as your arms curl around her
  612. >Her hoof falls quickly behind your neck, surprisingly pulling herself close into your lap as you hear her drunken, surprised squeak
  613. >You....Well this is a surprise
  614. >You check to see if she is still breathing, placing your finger under her nose...
  615. >Jup...Still breath..*lick* well, she is certainly breathing, as you wipe your finger on your buttoned shirt and try setting her back on her bar-stool
  616. >You seat her light form there....and the moment you let go she starts falling on her back off of it. You quickly catch her in your arms again, holding her like a small, surprisingly quickly drunken kitten
  617. >You look around the place as the mare keeps groggily wiggling in your lap... You see nobody around, so in drunken logic, you rise her small form on the bar before you where she can actually lay down. Even a casual glance on the ground tells you that there is a layer of filth and dirt on the ground, and you see nothing more comfortable than a barstool at hand to lay her down on
  618. >Softly placing her on the wooden flat area, you take your hands away just as you see her reach her hooves toward you, open as if to beg for a hug.
  620. >You are Bella de Grim, a mare furiously smacking a gigantic stuffed monkey
  621. >Why?....Who cares! *whack* That...that Tirek rimming *Whack* banana stuffin' *whack* loose shafted *whack* that*whack**whack*whack*....
  622. >Suddenly the giant stuffed ape leans over you, and as you respond with only a small, surprised yelp it wraps its long, stuffed limbs around you and pulling you toward it
  623. >N-no! Monkey...N-...
  624. >You try to rear your hoof back again to smack it some more, but your limbs feel hard, sluggish as you feel suddenly drained... The stuffed giant stumpy arms just slowly curl along your back, pulling you into a warm, soft hug...
  625. >You sniffle, trying to still feebly hit it as your anger fades, a scent of... that...familiar...drink-not-spilled...
  626. >the giant arms just gently hold you in place as you feel the feel safe... Comfy... its... being held like a little filly...
  627. >You...still try to shift around, but seems every move you make just makes you shift more comfortably onto its the end you just give up, giving a defeated...happy little sigh... You feel the stuffed animal's one paw reach up to your head from behind, softly ruffling your mane as you bury your face in its soft, comfy chest
  628. >You... know you should be angry at the stuffed toy for some reason.... you cant remember why, but a moment ago you felt so righteous in beating it into pavement, but... the exotic scent... you feel the intoxicating drink as if just under your nose as you give it a small lick
  629. >Its..
  630. >Suddenly the world shifts, and the stuffed monkey lays you down on the cold ice ridge on your side
  631. > cold... You try to rise but you are still sluggishly slow.. The giant toy looks down on you with its stuffed face, and seems to start turning away, leaving you there
  632. >Monkey... Monkey no!...
  634. >You are Honey Trap, agent on his free time and...
  635. >What the fuck is going on?
  636. >*Soft bump is heard above you as your ad-hoc ceiling creaks
  637. >*A small...desperate whinny comes just from that place...pleading...innocent...
  638. >And you know for certain that there is no pony in the room that could make that sound... Its...its only the Pinstripe there...
  639. >*Another whimper, coming as if from just a tiny foal...
  640. >what the fuck is going on?
  641. >The weight on the table above you disappears with a small creak
  642. >*a small, relieved high pitched sigh reaches your ears...followed by a deep voiced sigh of resignation...
  643. >You... have no single clue what is happening above you... one moment the perps were most certainly speaking in some secret code about a drop...and the next....
  644. >Are...are you a witness to some sort of....wet-work?
  645. >Oh...
  646. *low voiced grumbling*
  647. *tripping sound just where the weight was once before*
  648. >Oh...oh god....
  649. >D-did somepony carry a hit on...on the Pinstripe?
  650. >You whimper a bit to yourself at imagining that, retreating under the sink a bit more
  651. >W-what have you gotten yourself into?..
  652. >N-no...its...its... You need to be sure... you need to peak over the edge...
  653. >As quietly as you can, you push open the small cupboard hiding you, wincing a bit as you step on the squeaky chairs and slowly crawl out from under the sink
  654. >You gently place your hooves on the wooden floor...and visibly wince when they release four audible creaks as they bend under your weight...
  655. >The...deep grumbling stops from the back of the bar...
  656. >You...what do you do?
  658. >You are A. Non, the anon of canterlot
  659. >And...
  660. >God damn it...
  661. >You see a bit more comfy chair in a small backroom of the bar.. With a resigned sigh you pick up the shivering small mare again, and rise from your seat, heading toward it
  662. >You are... too damn drunk and tired already... You wanted a hotel room two damn hours ago... your throat is dry... You have a nasty feeling that one of your shoe laces is untied and... you are currently carrying an unconcious tiny pony
  663. >A cute pony... Shy at that, but...
  664. >You notice her bury her muzzle under your arm, as she curls up as much as she can in your lap
  665. >...
  666. >Sigh...
  667. >You carry her to the comfy, soft couch on the bar's back corner
  668. >Its.. comfy, you can feel as you lay her down there. Enough to get her through the night
  669. >And, as you try to drop her off your lap, she just gives a small shiver, and gives that... cute little little whinny again...
  670. >...
  671. >Hell with it... its your first night here... might as well go along with it this time...
  672. >With another sigh you stop trying to roll her off your lap, and just sit down on the couch yourself, the mare snuggled on your lap
  673. >You look down and... you swear you see her smiling that same cheeky smile on your lap while at the same time looking like the most adorable little ball of cute there...
  674. >Well.. you make your backrest more comfortable... its not the worst way to spend a nig..
  675. *Creak*...*crea-crea-creak*
  676. >Your eyes turn at the bar, curiously
  677. >A moment later, you notice a head peek out from behind the bar... it seems to look around the place, but the moment it spots you looking straight at it, it eep's and drops down behind the bar again
  678. >And...stays there for 15 minutes...
  679. >Creaks start to sound again behind the bar, heading toward one of the far ends of the bar...
  680. >Oh...god damn, why must that whatever cause such a ruckus?
  682. >You are agent Honey Trap, and panic is slowly setting into your mind....
  683. >You just poked your head out from over the bar, and...while you did not notice it at first as you scanned the room... Down at one corner of the bar, the... The Bordello Mister... the Human that... 'took care' of the Pinstripe...
  684. >Was looking straight at you... and seems he had been for a long long time...
  685. >Ducking quickly back behind the bar you push your hoof into your mouth to muffle a frightened scream as your other hoof holds your heart threathening to explode from your chest...
  686. > it cool.... Wait for a bit.... Wait and...maybe...maybe he didnt notice you?
  687. >You bite down on a whimper as this reminds you just that scene on the recent horror movie...about nubile teenage stallions going...tenting and...then the d-d-....
  688. >You shake your head.... No... Thats...thats just movies... You are an agent of Luna!
  689. > agent, a quiet part of your mind reminds you... With all your skills in just observing and talking to people...
  690. >And... Who might have just been compromised a bit ago by a no-good codpiece-ornament
  691. >You gulp, and shake your head... it cool...if you get cough, pretend you are drunk! PretendYouAreDrunkAndItWillAllGetBetter....pretendyou'redrunkpretendpretendohLunaletsjustpretend!
  692. "*Cough*"
  693. >Huh? wait...Maybe...maybe its safe now to peek?... But just to be sure, you move a bit away from your previous peeking spot... You crouch down and as quietly as you can, you move toward the back, farthest end of the bar from the seat you observed the... marehunter....
  694. >You wince as once again every time your hooves step on a plank it creaks under your hooves.... The total silence in the bar, where the only thing you can hear is just your heart beating a mile-a-minute...
  696. >You reach the back of the bar, as total silence decends upon the bar.
  697. >Meekly you coil into a seated position, your shivering hooves reaching over the bar counter, as you prepare to take just a...lightning quick glance at the contract killer lounging across the bar where you last glanced at him
  698. >You give a few reashuring deep breaths, whisper to yourself a bit despite yourself, and rise your head over the counter...
  699. >And...rights across from you, a row of sharp...white teeth smile to you... With beady, evil little eyes filled with nothing but malice boring into your soul...
  700. >You shiver in shock, your mouth hanging open and meekly trying to anything...anything...
  701. >And...the beast rises one of its digits, and puts it straight across its razor sharp teeth...
  703. >You are Anon, the fellow almost ready to call it a night
  704. >Just as you were getting yourself comfortable as much as you could with a small passed out mare squirming in your lap that seems to shiver meekly every time you try to let go, you notice two things of note just a moment before you could shut your eyes...
  705. >One, some pony who is making quite a loud racket behind the bar looked shiftily around the bar as if looking for something, before noticing you looking and hastily returning under the bar...
  706. >And...second, you have left your briefcase where you were previously drinking... All the other side of the bar, unsupervised...
  707. >Riight... You might be drunk, but you are neither stupid nor rich enough to leave it out on its own as you start your nap...
  708. >And just as you were thinking that, you start hearing creaks coming from behind the bar, moving seemingly slowly to the back side of the bar
  709. >Huh... Must be the janitor or something... Maybe the cleaning crew is not allowed to bother anyone while clients are still here?... maybe not, but you have known establishments with even weirder rules for their employees, so... Who are you to judge
  710. >Still, you have stuff that should not be "found" by some long-fingered cleaning staff, so, with a heavy sigh you try to pull the small mare off your your arms.
  711. >The moment you rise her a bit, the chilling sting of cold air blows between your both formerly warmed chests, causing her to visibly shiver and whimper in her sleep... she reaches in her dream-state that to you by now seems way too intentionally around your arm with her hooves, holding on to her life...
  712. >Well...maybe if you...
  714. >You reach behind her head with your free hand, slowly running your hooves through her silky hair and just gently scratch under her ear a few times, eliciting a tiny, sleepy purr from her as she visibly calms and relaxes, letting your arm go
  715. >You have no better idea on what to do... On instinct, you softly whisper to her ear that you will be right back, and fit her snugly into your formerly warm seat on the couch
  716. >She curls up quietly on the seat, hugging her tail as a tiny, pleading look graces her sleeping face, but at least she is not holding you hostage
  717. >Well..this will do for now. you need to get your stuff, then you can play a pillow for strangers all you like
  718. >Turning toward the bar, you walk toward with all the grace of the tired and drunk, only blind luck preventing you from stumbling on the haphazardly laid tables around
  719. >You reach your former seat and pick up the suitcase in one hand, as you hear the cleaner muttering and squeaking get a lot louder...way louder than necessary...
  720. "*Cough*"
  721. >Heh...well that broke out the pointless self blabber the cleaner was doing for a while. Seems he is quiet again
  722. >And as you turn around the muttering starts up again... God damn it...he might wake her up that way
  723. >You make your way toward the far back of the bar, and as you reach it, you notice two hooves being placed on the top of the bar as the janitor seems to be busy looking at the ground
  724. >Well, no point in being rude. You walk just opposite to where his hooves are, and put on a friendly smile
  725. >And as...huh, its a he, you guess... You smile and put a finger before your lips to convey an universal message o-
  726. *Thump*
  727. >Well...
  728. >You didn't mean that silent...
  730. >You are miss Bella Belle Grim
  731. >And... you feel alone again... only a small, slightly lingering scent is what remains of the... thing that should have held you...
  732. >You squirm, your soft sleeping object vanishing under you as only lingering and quickly fleeting warmth of the cloth under your side reminding you that you were not always on your own
  733. >You try to look around you, but all you see is just....blackness... nothing, no shape or form visible but your own little body...
  734. >Looking down at your hooves and body you see...flowing red cloth, with complex, regal patterns criss-crossing itself all along... You notice long, silky gloves covering your front hooves, trailing all the way nearly up to where the dress begins, revealing only a teasing flicker of your fore-legs
  735. Curiously continuing trailing your form with your eye, the complex pattern continues down your chest, with a form-hugging dress descending all along your curves up to your flanks.. And from there, a frilly, long skirt decending all the way to your stocking covered hooves
  736. >You give a furious blush suddenly...this...this You would die of shame if anypony would see you in
  737. >Suddenly you hear heavy steps from somewhere in the darkness coming toward you... You squeak in fright, trying to curl up and hide your body with your hooves... No, you cant be seen like this! Its....Its not how a mare should dress!
  738. >And from the distance, you see...
  740. >Its...its the giant toy again, b-but..
  741. >its...its holding somepony else in its stuffed paws. You cant make out...what its carrying, but...
  742. >You... You sniffle a bit as you see it walk past you, familiar feelings creeping up from the back of your mind about...
  743. >Until... The stuffed head turns toward you... and looking at you and at whatever its carrying, tosses the thing unceremoniously right next to you, while gently bending toward you, its gigantic arms reaching toward your ashamed form
  744. >You blush heavily as feelings of taboo soar up at someone seeing you like this, fearing ridicule, sneering or even outraged shouts to come from it, but...
  745. >The monkey just picks you up, and places you in its lap again as it falls on its back, with you safely snuggled on its gigantic, soft chest
  746. >You give a surprised, blushing look at the monkey's stuffed face, but... it just smiles at you without any lies...monkey just likes your dress without any scent of deceit or lies on its face
  747. >You sniffle again a bit, n-not expecting it not ridicule you...
  748. >And to that, you feel the monkey's giant paw softly pet your mane as you give a more relieved sigh than you ever had...dressed in your deepest guilty secret
  750. >You are Anon of Canterlot, yawning as first sounds of a busy workday morning wake you from your sleep.
  751. >Wincing a bit as the shining sun, reflecting off a random glass shard near the door manages to reflect a disgustingly cheerful beam of sunlight straight to your eye...You instinctively grumble and pull your hand quickly before your eyes, it only to cause a quick wince of pain in your head to suddenly make clear that your body did not forgive your last nights over-extrertion and inebriation so easly...
  752. >And finally, closing your mouth a bit the taste of purest decay and death can be felt in your throat...
  753. >The last taste was what motivated you most to try and rise, trying to shift off your blanket as you try to rise
  754. >Only to hear a small, sleepy mumble coming just above your chest..
  755. >That got your eyes suddenly open....And staring down you see a sleeping, suited mare curled up in your lap, without seemingly a care in the world...
  756. >You also discover that you slept with a suit yourself, that by now is properly, thoroughly wrinkled and dirty...
  757. >And...A small, light-blue pony slouched next to you on the couch, snoring a bit
  758. >And that last piece of insanity is what boosted your brain to push through the usual morning hangover haze, and recollect fully what happened last night..
  759. >...
  760. >Yeah... You don't remember shit...
  761. >Well...
  763. >a spike of fear passes through your chest suddenly at thinking where your suitcase might be, but as your hand hangs over the edge the familiar, metallic cover of it brushes against your fingers, making you breathe out a relieved sigh..
  764. >Well...first things first... your mouth is both dry and/or rotting by the taste of it, so, no more slouching about..
  765. >You as gently as you could, slither out from under the suited mare, who you as gently as you can, place right back where you formerly lay
  766. >Tho...seeming that the moment you placed her down, she gave a little whinny and started blindly waving her hoof around
  767. >The sight makes you give a small laugh...followed instantly by a wince of pain as your brain makes quite clear to you on its stance on funny shit so soon after pissing it off so much..
  768. >nursing your temples with your free hand, you rise and dust off any wrinkles from your suit, as you notice the suited mare suddenly find something with her hoof-searching...
  769. >She puts one of her hooves on the sleeping...stallion you guess from the jawline... And pulls him quite roughly into a snuggle, as his eyes suddenly dart open
  770. >You would honestly laugh at that, but you need to be quiet, both for their, and for your own headache's sake.
  771. >So you just crouch right next to the suddenly wide-eyed stallion as he is held quite firmly in the mares snuggle...damn, some stallions just have the nicest mornings..
  772. >You just smile, and place your finger on your lips again, and point at his back at the Coo'ing mare spooning him, motioning not to be too rough on her with getting up
  773. >The stallion's eyes narrow to pinpricks as he freezes up, and you cant help but laugh at the socially awkward fellow. Heh, shy guys.
  774. >You shake your head and start walking away, stepping lazily over the shattered glass covering the floor as you push open the bar's door, breathing in the fresh...ish air of Canterlot, and going to look for some breakfast
  776. >You are Anon, happily enjoying some fried eggs and hay at what the locals call "The gryphon place", in Canterlot
  777. >You were led this way by a nice little gryphon....chick is the word for them?... or cup?... Well, no matter. Tiny gryphon was happy to point you toward its "Aunty's" place before resuming doing...whatever it is tiny gryphons do early in the morning... Collect morning dew or something?
  778. >No matter. The dinery on itself was quite homely. soft, light wooden tables, and nearly empty save for two gryphon cook's chirping away in the kitchen. Seems you missed the morning rush, but still managed to get a surprisingly wholesome breakfast. Your hangover head, placated a bit by the offerings, even allows you to now smile without jamming an imaginary nail though your brain.
  779. >Now... you need a room, need a room, need a room.... Oh! this morning's newspapers hanging for reading here. Could check that out for places to rent.
  780. >Now, lets see lets see.... buying jewelry, not needed... Selling local sky-grown flubber-berries... you have no clue on what that is.... Cheap, loyal stallion husbands from Stalliongrad....yeah, that must be a joke.... Oh! Apartments, here we go.
  781. >Selection is actually quite varied and large... Well, guess you have your work cut out for today
  782. >Finishing up most of your meal, you pay your bill, and thanks to a generous tip, the cook's graciously allows you to take the newspaper with you.
  783. >And just outside, a mare pulling a small taxi carriage is resting in the shade.
  784. >You approach her with a wide smile, a thing that stops her from picking her nose the moment she notices you, and making her blush and cough.
  786. >You are miss Grim of Canterlot, in a surprisingly up-beat mood
  787. >Sure, you... heh, its kind of silly in hindsight, but you got properly tricked by rough jaw-line and long legs again
  788. >Still, when you woke up this morning, you had junior detective Honey Trap in your hooves, being quite...compliant even~
  789. >And as you remember Honey quite well from a few interrogations he and his partner did back when they still thought you as just another lowly crook, well...
  790. >Lets just say you both will remember the time spent together a lot more fondly
  791. *whimper*
  792. >Still. So the human used his masculine charms on you and got the better of you? Well, win some, lose some. That just a lesson to remember and take home. Besides, as sister Tongue Lash always said, Colts aint nuffin but a bag o' tricks and dicks.
  793. *muffled gasp*
  794. >And... Still...small memories of last night come and go. Like... the...dreams...
  795. *Mmmhmmm!~*
  796. >You shiver, feeling a small tingle of want as you remember being held... even if it was just in a dream....
  797. >You... just need somepony to... to hold you...not for you to hold down...
  798. >in a moment of...softness, you lay down, looking up to those big, golden eyes with your own, a...desperate, pleading look on yours...
  799. >You just lay on top, waiting...just for him to put his hooves around you...hold you and... Tell you you are....
  801. >You blink a bit, shaking your head out of the strange daze you were in, before remembering what you were actually doing
  802. >Well... No matter...
  803. >still... the tiny want remains
  805. >You are Anon, currently traveling to the fourth possible rent place on a taxy carriage, as you cross out another ad from the paper
  806. >Looking out the side of the carriage, you see the sun reaching its zenith a while ago, and starting its ever-calm decent behind the horizont
  807. >Its not an unpleasant ride. Your driver is gracious enough to wait for you during every tour you make, saving you another headache of finding a new driver every time.
  808. >Passing another semi-busy boulevard, you glance on the sidewalk a... familiar cute little fedora, heading toward the same direction as you
  809. >Well, another lovely chance to meet a friendly face, the least you could do to the nice mare is offer her a ride, seeing as you both head to the same direction anyway
  810. >Calling of your plan to the driver, she simply nods and pulls alongside the suited mare, her single eye widening in surprise as she notices you open the door for her
  812. >You are madam Smooth Step, a carriage driver both by trade and by nature
  813. >And today seems to be a surprisingly profitable day to be in business
  814. >Sure, you had to lug around a strange foreigner to places he read off seemingly randomly, since your route has been so far quite back and forth, but you cant really complain to him for making a bigger bill for himself.
  815. >Still, seems like male lack of ability to navigate the roads is showing up again, as you pass right back to the same district you have been twice before to stop before another apartment building.
  816. "Driver. Please stop here for a moment"
  817. >huh? Well, this is not exactly the kind of place where you thought a frail thing like he would stop at, as you pull the carriage right aside the grimy street
  818. >And looking at the tiny rear-view window, you tense up the moment you notice that notorious tint of purple look toward your livelihood with a surprised look
  819. >And only years of stoic calm installed in every driver that has dealt with Canterlot traffic for years you suppress a gasp as your carriage's door opens from the inside for the horror
  821. >You are miss Bella Belle Grimm, aaand...
  822. >Yeah...this has to be a trap
  823. >You look at the most suspiciously open and harmless carriage, pulled by a mare reaching retirement age soon. And on it, opening a door open to you with a smile you would mistake for innocent is him
  824. >You look quickly behind you and on the roofs for any sign of of the buzzkill crew readying their shackles as you innoculously stretch your limbs a bit in case you need to hoof it the tartarus out of there
  825. "Lovely Bella.."
  826. >And with that single call, your head snaps right back before the trap to be. Pulling you out of the fatalistic determination of before, last nights quaint little chats and memories... the good ones, just come to your mind uncalled, and despite yourself you cant push down a small happy smile tugging your lips upward
  827. "Need a ride? Save yourself a bit of leg... Hoof-work"
  828. >And despite yourself you knowing for certain that ...that Sun damned reynard so sneakily got the better of you...
  829. >You take a slightly hesitant step toward the carriage.. Well... its open, and... you dont see any....reeeeaaaly obvious hints that this is a stick-up
  830. >And as you near the in your hesitant movements, you stop just before the raised carriage door, looking down and breathing just enough as the feeling you are walking into a trap come rushing right back.
  831. >Get a grip, Bella! This is obviously a trap! And he! He is probably an ag-
  832. "Ah, where are my manners. "
  833. >You bring your head up in surprise, only to see his lithe hand stretched out to you, and him reaching down to your level to ...
  835. >You are the Anon of Canterlot, a cheerfully optimistic human now that you see the familiar mare happy and well
  836. >Honestly you had a small stab of guilt at leaving her sleeping in the inn, but as much as you can recall from that hazy night, it was a very friendly place. Loads of mares, and a few stallions
  837. >Now that you think about it, you might have accidentaly stepped into a gay bar in hindsight. So many mares, and only a few stallions of who'm most seemed disinterested in talking to them..
  838. >Well... Still, it was a nice night. Even if that...say, what ever happened to that stallion who..
  839. >..
  840. >Oh... seemed your mind wandered a bit, and now the little suited mare stands before the carriage door, a little shy by the look of it.
  841. >Well... Another dashing oportunity to display a bit of chivalry
  842. "Ah, where are my manners"
  843. >You offer your hand to her... and have to crouch a little as well to reach it to her height as you notice her look at it in a look of skitterish surprise
  844. >and just as you near your hand, she rises one of her left forehoof in the air, that you happily take hold to help her into the carriage
  845. >Oh, she is soft. Her hoof tensed up just as you took it, but as you gave a gentle tug toward the carriage it softened up.
  846. > And as she accepts your small civil gesture with a small glint of bewilderment in her eye as she looks up to you with her lovely uncovered eye
  847. >Guess she is a bit unused to a bit common courtesy
  848. >More the reason to show her how a man should act
  850. >You are Madam Smooth Step, the carriage driver of Canterlot
  851. >And currently you are nervously standing before a crossroad, lightly swaying from hoof to hoof as you wait for the green light to come back on
  852. >Right as your new passenger joined, this boring day took on a noticeable tinge of risk, and you have stumbled more than once on the cobble road streets as you have unconsciously driven your charges to their destination with a slightly increased haste
  853. >Still... its not the first time you have dealt driven people you dont want to cross, as you remember a particularly intimidating trio of unicorns. And bad ponies are just like regular ponies... they just want to get from point a to point b with little hassle..
  854. >And now that you think about it, usually they are quite generous tippers... Scary, but profitable mares, most of them
  855. >Well... You are already carrying one scary mare. Might as well just do the job, and carry home to your sweet bed-warmer a small prize from this night
  856. >Hmm... should you go for a pocket-watch? have gotten him three already...Maybe some new...col-...colo....Ah, whatever is it that stallions use to stain their cheeks with nice scent-water...... Jaw-smell-water.... Gah, who knows what damn silly names stallions give to common stuff...
  857. >They should just call it a perfume and be done with it, but nooooooo.... They have to give it a fancy, curly name... Stallions, you swea-
  858. >"Now is..'t .... Surprise.. did not think a st....n ... ... would dare c... .. .."
  859. >You perk your ears a bit as you hear the passengers talk... Not that you are snooping, princess-forbid...thats totally unprofessional and stallionly
  861. ".. ... ... ... .. ?"
  862. >All you make out is a lower, smoother voice...must be your passenger, but the...accent is too alien to make anything out other than a deep, calm mutter
  863. >"... think i will l... ... ... so easily this t.... Mister A.... . "
  864. >Even from the half heard tone your neck hair gently stands on its edge... its...the voice of a predator... What has this stallion done? W-what will happ-
  865. *Deep, friendly laughter* ".. ... ?"
  866. *the sound of one of the side windows of the carriage being pulled up "Well ,my apologies, Lovely Bella. I thought you seemed too tired to stir with me."
  867. >"I... Wait what?..."
  868. >Huh?...wait, what? Is...this tourist and the crime pony a....?
  869. >"What do you.... oh, wait a minute..."
  870. >What juicy gossip are you hearing abo...
  871. >...
  872. >!
  873. >...
  874. >You just noticed in the rear-view mirror the mare stick her head out of the window, and give you your life's most intimidating look you have seen from a flat surface...
  875. >You gulp and meekly look away, as the carriage window slams shut shortly after with a heavy slam
  876. >Just...keep on walking...dont listen..
  877. >".... .... ...nosy pony..."
  878. ".... ... .. ..?"
  879. >"no.... ... .. place..."
  880. >La-lalalala, cant hear anything, nope, no ma'am! Just going to trot along by whay, lalalalalalaaaaoh barn im doomed...
  881. >You are the one and, as far as you know, the only Anon you have met in Canterlot. Either that is a good or a bad thing is something up to debate for future archaeologists and/or crime scene investigators
  882. >And at the moment you are enjoying a relaxing ride with some nice company along the mane streets
  883. >"flat *grumple* nosy pony..."
  884. *Slam*
  885. >You see her make an adorable little squint through the carriage window she just slammed shut, eyeing something through it with a cute little pout
  886. > Well, she certainly has gotten a bit over her shyness of yesterday, as she was quite forward, maybe even a bit grumpy when she first came inside
  887. >Still, you can see she seems a bit thrown off by something. Like she expected something else or something
  888. "Everything all right?"
  889. >"S' Nothing... But if this turns into a gold-bust, i swear...not even your deceptive, long, soft, warm arms that feel so silky can...."
  890. >you notice her get a bit glassy look in her uncovered eye as her features soften as she seemingly unconsciously cuddles herself with her two front hooves at the seat next to you
  891. *Cough*
  892. >She shakes out of her slight daze, blinking a bit as she refocuses back on herself and takes notice of her whereabouts
  893. >and with a theft move she turns her face away from you, toward her window
  894. >And you notice her shift in slight surprise again.
  895. >"Oh, this is my spot", she mutters with a slightly surprised, embarrased voice, before hastly knocking on the front carriage's window thrice
  897. >The carriage slows to a stop, and even without letting you take a look of her face she opens the carriage door, steps out without even a backward glance, and slams the door closed right behind herself with haste
  898. >Huh.. Maybe you were a bit too rude to her or bro-
  899. >*Click* the door is pulled quickly open, and the mare practically jumps back inside, hastily pulling it closed behind herself
  900. >"Right! Appointments change, I actually need to be somewhere Else! "
  901. "well, i'm heading toward the centr-"
  902. >"PERFECT! I will come right with you. Driver! To central...Place!"
  903. >And even without awaiting further instructions the carriage starts moving again. Curiously you try to take a glance from the right side window, only to notice two ponies staring at you with their mouths open in shocked stupor
  904. >Huh, how cute. One of them is decked in golden arm-
  905. >"SO! Where are you heading?"
  906. >Oh, your lovely companion seemed to want a bit attention as well, raising her head right before your face as you notice her uncovered eye narrowed into a pin-prick
  907. >eery, but..
  908. >Well, she is just a little mare, and a friendly one at that.
  909. >with a smile you show her how your apartment hunting has went so far, and much to your amusement she enthusiastically digs into the list of available apartments you had planned to visit today
  910. >You are Ltnt. Rest, the leader of this operation
  911. >Operation formerly organized perfectly...
  912. >The target, one of the main mares, and a key pony to the entire investigation...
  913. >Just witness you putting the final touches on the honey-trap you had prepared...
  914. >"Umm... M'am, i mean... uhhhhh..."
  915. >And as you see the target suddenly pop out of nowhere from a random cab near half-an hour ahead of schedule, from the opposite direction she should have appeared... with escort she should never ever ever have...
  916. >"I... Should i... wave to Beebee ?"
  917. >You sigh, and shake your head as you softly hold the soul of your hoof against your forehead
  918. >And now you are left with a suited up stallion in a dirty alley, four of your colleagues hiding behind dirty dumpster nearby... And with your target more than a bit aware of the guards plans..
  919. >rising your head as you look at the carriage distancing, you have half a mind to pull it over and just... take the both of them in, but...
  920. >No... She knows perfectly what the guard can and cant do, and... She should be without anything incriminating on her save for the odd..
  921. >"Uh... umm...So? About th-"
  922. >You just silence the playcolt with your hoof, as you breathe in and out with a steady, calm rhythm
  923. >"Mmhmmmmhmhmmphay?"
  924. >You shake your head... Time to deal with that later....
  925. >Hmm...Maybe you can salvage something from this...
  926. >You whistle, and with trained and perfected coordination four pure white pegasi jump down from the top of the roof, all forming quickly before you in a row
  927. >Pushing the colt to the side for a moment, you address the gathered guards with a somber, cold tone
  928. >"Two trail the target, two take the colt to the station. No contact yet. See maybe you can spot another of her safe-houses before the trail grows cold"
  929. >And with a quick nod the two guards on left lift off to the sky, while the other two start herding the confused colt away as you stare at the carriage hurrying away down the street
  930. >This day... a failure, but there will be other days
  931. >And in other ways and in other days i will catch you, Miss Grimm
  932. >Just as the carriage disappears behind the horizon, you turn around and with a sight start preparing a mission report in your head
  934. >You are the ever charming Anon of Canterlot, the one and onl-...
  935. *Click*
  936. *Swissssh*...*splash*
  937. *SLAM*
  938. >In a move you could have sworn seemed pracitced, your companion opened a window, quickly tossed something out of it as you both were crossing one of the many tiny bridges crossing over the quite scenic tiny rivers of fresh mountain-water running through the city, and turn back to you with a look like what you just witnessed was the most natural thing on the world...
  939. >Of course, the fact that her eyes kept darting to the river, and herself visibly gulping as you see something dive-bomb to the water from the sky give you a small inkling of something weird going on...
  940. >Hmm...
  941. >Seems like ponies take littering quite seriously around here, if your companions nervousness over her tossed whatever is to be any gauge
  942. >"So! You want a place to stay, right?", she says, placing her head right at the center of your view to the river just as.. place to stay?
  943. >She pulls up the newspaper you had crisscrossed and used for searching, casts a glance at it, and then quite nonchalantly opens up the window again and tosses it out of the cabin
  944. >"Nuffin' but overpriced rats nests in 'dere, Darlin'. Only ponies and spooks who wanna get tricked look at dat page of haymold"
  945. >And as you see at the edge of your vision that your lovely companion has not managed to block, another thing dives from skies above and smashes into the tossed papers...
  947. >Ponies seem to take littering eighter excessively seriously, or they have some kind of overly complicat-...
  948. >You mentaly slap yourself as you remember the documentary describing how ponies use magic for the most silly and banal tasks... Imagining that they have a hovering magical flying-dive-bombing roompa in this city to sweep up garbage as it becomes is not actually a wide gap
  949. >wait...refocus a bit... she mentioned...
  950. >You smile and nod, returning your gaze to meet her strangely soul-searching look
  951. "The sooner i find a nice place to stay the better. You have a few suggestions for me then?"
  952. >Well, if she tries to butter you up for buying a roach-nest, you luckily have enough experience already to say no on appartment No.2 you checked out...daaamn that was a creepy colt there...
  953. >"Well, i have just this perfect spot for you, and... " *She takes a quick peek out of the open window, before pulling her head back in and giving you that lovely grin of hers "i could say i have been waiting for somepony to just come and step in there~"
  954. >Aaand that happy smile you see gracing her muzzle just makes you smile back at the peppy, helpful mare
  955. "Lead the way, Bella. I could never turn down such a nice suggestion"
  956. >And at your compliance, she grins even more widely, before reaching toward the forward window to give directions to the carriage carrier/driver
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