
Nomont: Forging The Helstave - Testing

May 13th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. [11:06] Alexander leads the way to the room inside the clinic...
  3. His own living quarters. A kitchen on one side, a bed room in another, and a study desk at a different corner.
  5. Walking up to the desk, Alexander leans down to open up a hidden compartment underneath the floor, to take the unique materials he was referring to.
  7. "Some of them are quite... Peculiar. Warning you in advance." Alexander explains, putting down the different materials on the table:
  9. First, a compact battery at a size no bigger than a pebble, its once overcharged components have been removed, leaving a battery that can contain a lot of energy inside of it, without the source for said energy.
  11. Second, is a crystalized chunk of black bile. When touched, one might be able to feel the same kind of energy that the Nethradin once possessed, still living inside the fragment.
  13. Lastly?
  15. Is a beaker, filled with a black substance with no clear shape. What is off about it is the color:
  17. If there was ever an item in the world that would be considered as the 'blackest', this living filth would be a contender.
  19. Vantablack, absorbing so much light that if one were to look at a certain angle, it'll appear as if they are looking at a two dimensional object, unable to see the depth and dimension the filth has on its surface.
  21. Alexander remains silent, giving Asura a chance to check each one.
  22. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [11:18] Walking In , he knows that they are discussing something .. but he is need of the sergeants help right now "Greetings , sergeant "
  28. "Can you take a look at my wounds once you're done here ?"
  29. (Nathan Einar)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [11:20] The nonmagi took it upon himself to approach up close to personally examine each instance -- each specimen needed to be properly understood before it could see interpretation into something greater than its seemingly harmless component counterparts.
  34. First the... Pebble?
  35. No, further analysis revealed it to be... A... Battery?
  36. --but it was so small! The batteries for Asura's Battlesuits were at least the size of a balled fist. How could this have stored, anything? Better yet, how did it not simply get lost by accidently getting brushed somewhere.
  37. Had the man not had experience designing his own brand of battery from scratch without much inspiration prior, he'd likely never figure out what it was on his own.
  39. Then, was the Nethradin Fragment...
  40. Something... The nonmagi didn't even know how to comprehend. It was... A chunk of black bile to put it plainly.
  41. Lacking a magus' sensing capability, the best he could do was reachout to lightly brush it with his tyrium arm.
  43. With nearing contact, the metal took a soft alabaster gleam attempting to siphon what foreign essence came within proximity. So -that- was its gimmick! Asura's brow raised, deducing such to be the reason why it was showcased alongside the instances... Before being brought to the last... Black... Thing.
  45. What -was- it?
  47. It was in a vial, somehow even darker than the last instance. Except, this time it seemingly... Felt like a hole in reality -- a vacant visual space that defied the physics of that around it.
  48. The same treatment was provided as the last two, except -this- time? The nonmagi's tyrium arm took up a far more vibrant gleam.
  50. This... Essence...
  51. It was more capable than even some magi!
  52. Reflexively, he jerked his hand away, unsure of whether prolonged contact would alter the state of being.
  54. "I... See..."
  55. That, was when a voice broke from behind him and visiblyearned the man's flinch.
  56. He thought this room was private, hence the treatment of materials!
  57. "Huh! Hello there..."
  59. (Asura Nomont)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [11:25] Alexander's eyes quickly turn upon Nathan at first, frowning at him walking into his room without asking first.
  64. "This is a private conversation Nathan. I'll handle your injuries afterwards, all right?" He asks the corporal, gesturing towards the door for him to leave in the meantime.
  66. This is not the kind of conversation he'll want to do with eavesdroppers.
  67. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [11:26] Nathan Einar says, "Alright .."
  71. [11:34] With Nathan gone, Alexander leans in on the table. After Asura has checked the items, it is time to give a more thorough explanation about each one.
  73. "First, the battery... An item Augustus has brought in when he returned to Acyhon from oversees. It used to contain components that were overcharged to the point it and other batteries like it have caused a large explosion with many casualties in an incident. That is all I've been able to learn after I did my own investigation on them."
  75. It took some time to ask around, not just in Acyhon but by needing to send letters overseas in an attempt to reach the right people to explain about the battery. Even then, the exact incident still has some secrets they keep classified.
  77. How did it happen, what were the previous components? Alexander does not know.
  79. "Second, the fragment. A piece that was off from the Nethradin that tore through the veil following Dimtiri's failed attempt at capturing the spirits. It still has some of the being's essence, and in my own experimentation noticed that it reacts to blood. Perhaps with the appropriate blood it'll be able to channel its full strength out- With the battery acting as the container, perhaps."
  81. Piece by piece, Alexander details Asura his own thoughts on the items he has revealed to him.
  83. "Lastly, there is this... Dark, mysterious substance that I have uncovered by going into a Nethradin's home realm. It can channel mana well, and takes solid shape when chilled. I am unsure how to do this, but this is a substance that can be turned into a conduit for magic if done right. A replacement for my current staff."
  85. With the explanation complete, Alexander leans back.. And sighs. There is still a material that eludes him, that would have helped him out.
  87. "What I am missing for certain though? Is Arcanium. Could provide a strong base to put them all together."
  88. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [11:54] Magical materials for a magic weapon, dictated this project be headed by a magical artificer -- however, there didn't seem to be any of the likes to aid the Hellstrom. Besides, he came to Asura Nomont, a renown non-magi with feats that dared to challenge some of magus stature.
  93. If anything, a proper means of creating something that could amplify a magi's strength to new heights, could mean a better understanding for his underlying his goals. "Yes... I see." He had to go above... Beyond, a nonmagi's limitations.
  94. He had to go beyond the comfortable, to frontiers formerly thought to be exclusive to magus ilk.
  96. "I imagine the battery as is, is rather useless... Unless, combined with one of the two other elements here." He started in his self-chatter, thinking aloud. "The question, which pairing would be best? And once I figure out such, how would I dare to apply such compilation?" He stroked at his chin with his tyrium digits, licking away at his own essence through the gesture.
  98. "You're telling me, the fragment... Reacts to blood?" He asked aloud, "So... That channels out energy? Perhaps you are correct, and that means it could feed into the battery... However..." Something was bothering him. "If the..." Further thought was being put into the matter before he finally gave a nod.
  99. It was coming together mentally now.
  101. Yes... A weapon that -could- theoretically fulfill the needs of the magi, and manage the utility of each product to their maximum potential!
  103. "An arcanium base would be optimal... A sturdy foundation unparalleled to any other. I can forge leylines grafting to fill with this... Substance stuff... It's going to need a name." He claimed, with a shake of the head.
  104. "I opt for... 'Nethesium'." He claimed, "...Assuming it was found from the home of 'Nethradin', it feels only fitting." That, and it would make referring to it, much easier.
  106. "Leylines will feed around the battery which can be encased within the foundation. A twisting motion to insert or remove for maintenance if need be." It made sense from a design perspective. What if the battery was severely damaged? Or a better one came to be. The man nodded as the idea came together in mind.
  108. "Though, what leaves me wondering is... The applicability of the fragment... As sharpened spires along the top of the staff for..." The man imitated a warrior thrusting a spear. "Stabbing? Drawing blood would only serve to better strengthen the ability of the weapon." There was further thought on the matter, though it didn't sound as... Sane.
  110. "...--or, if you... Like some other magi, are more of the self-destructive sort." He tucked his opposing thumbs in their respective pockets. I can apply a mechanism that triggers with the press of your fingers. It could procure arcanium spikes to cut the feed to... 'feed' these fragments, giving it that extra 'power' you were considering. Though, I'm not sure if you'd be interested in -hurting- yourself for a boost of power... Right?"
  111. (Asura Nomont)
  112. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. [12:06] 'Nethesium'? Is that how he is going to call the vantablack substance?
  116. Well, not like Alexander had any better names in store. It would indeed make it easier.
  118. After listening in to Asura's suggestion, Alexander leans forward to rest his arms on the table, looking at the fragment- The main item of contention about how it should be used.
  120. "The fragment is something I had thought to use as a power source. By putting what I can inside the battery, then fill it with blood that would act as the conduit inside of the battery- If I am using the correct words on the matter, of course."
  122. He isn't certain if conduit is the right word, but if it works like he has in mind? The blood would make the fragment react and release energy, which the blood will then be able to move around the battery to be used as needed.
  123. Of course, that leaves the question of where the power might flow too?
  125. "Thought the battery's ability to overcharge and release an explosion can be used while on the weapon. To aim the release of energy towards the enemy and strike them with the fragment's power. I am not certain on what would happen, or how to channel the energy so that it won't backfire, but that is the idea in gist. Now, as for blood?"
  127. Alexander opens up his hand, moving it up so that Asura will be able to see it at eye level. From the palm, blood is expelled forth from the pores, condensing into a small crimson ball.
  129. "I am a blood magi. I can make my own blood fuel you could say, without needing to be cut. That said... I've spoken with some on the matter prior. They suggested something akin to a revolver mechanism if I wanted to use the blood of other people, to fill up the battery. Could potentially do the same with my own blood, though if I use mine? The revolver mechanism would be redundant."
  130. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. [18:59] "The fragment? A power source? I imagined the battery was intended to be the catalyst and had -some- functionality on its own." He claimed, wincing at the fragment.
  134. "Besides, it seems as though there's a CLEAR size difference here... The battery is about the size of... Well..." He offered a vague gesture in its direction.
  136. "It's small." He surrendered his arms to his sides.
  137. "...and a conduit, is something that allows something to treat it as a catalyst to operate through, ergo, copper for electricity? Orichalcum for mana? So on, so forth..." A clarification, assuming it was needed.
  139. "If we're putting -anything- inside of the battery, it's going to be a lot of material loss... Waste, rather." There was some time provided to mull on the matter.
  140. "--and that's assuming we can even get our hands on tools to work on things that small."
  142. The man let a period of silence take the room, if it was allotted.
  144. "...I can make the tools to work on something that small."
  146. A complete contradiction to his lack of ability a moment ago.
  148. "I suppose the matter concerning -blood- could work... I read somewhere it's supposedly high in iron content. Though, I'm unsure as to..." He trialed off as the magi showcased his own gimmick: The means of manipulating his own blood. It earned a visible wince of disgust from the man, clearly not enthusiastic about an entity that could cast his own blood from his body.
  150. Some magics simply, shouldn't have been conceived in the Nomont's eyes... But it was what they had to work with.
  152. "I... See..." He acknowledged with a slow nod.
  154. There was a blink - a realization.
  155. "Wait, the battery has a tendency to explode?!" --but Asura's -oldest- versions of his batteries had a tendency to violently explode. So, it was a common problem? How would they manage to make anything so dangerous, out of something so small?
  157. "...You... -want- it to remain unstable?" Asura's brow rose, perplexed by the insistence of such flaw.
  158. "--and intend to... Weaponize it." With some thought on the matter, it -did- make -some- sense.
  159. Asura used the tactic with the MDF when he realized the danger his batteries had.
  161. To think someone never even considered simply fixing it, as he did. Such puzzled him several times over.
  163. "Very well then!"
  165. Then, that would be that.
  167. "Then, it will be a cylindrical stave with leylines grafted throughout to allow for the drainage of Nethesium throughout. I'll explore its traits to see if we can get it solidified to prevent it from simply leaking -everywhere-." He assured, "And allow the stave to be twisted apart to reveal the battery component, which will be housed in... Your blood." The latter bit mentioned with a hint of disgust. "--and the battery itself will be opened up with some tools I'll procure over the next few days, and have... Very, very, very small strips of this fragment material placed within it.
  169. It won't be much, but if the battery is as powerful as you say it is? It won't need to be. Encased within the halves of the arcanium stave? It should be perfectly functional. Though, I'd recommend opening it up to clean the battery receptacle every now and again to prevent the blood from... Well... Rotting." It sounded like a common sense thing for the nonmagi -- but magi were a unique breed.
  171. "Rotting blood -could- damage the battery's exterior and weaken the overall quality of the weapon, I'd fathom."
  173. Common sense couldn't be assumed amongst their enigmatic ilk.
  174. (Asura Nomont)
  175. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. [18:59] Asura Nomont says, "<*adds*> That, and... It gives an... Iron-y, smell... Not great."
  178. [18:59] With the explanation about using the fragment inside of the battery would be a net loss of materials, Alexander has to sadly nod in agreement.
  180. The logic of physical volume is simply too strong to just ignore.
  182. As he elaborated further on the design of the weapon, though? On how the battery would be made with the fragment? This in turn, gives him an idea.
  184. "Who said we need to throw the rest of the fragment parts away, once we use what we can inside of the battery?" Alexander suggests, a smirk upon his lips.
  186. "If we grind what remains to a powder, and infuse it into the black subst- *Ahem*, Nethesium." Alexander quickly corrects himself, trying to follow Asura's thought pattern and ideas. He is the one who is going to be working with the materials he brings him, after all.
  188. "It could function as a way to further strengthen the Nethesium. Or the Nethsium strengthening the fragment, due to them being related."
  190. The sergeant taps the beaker that contains the vantablack substance, a realization forming in his head.
  192. "This Nethesium? Came out of the ceiling of the Nethradin's home. A living house." The clarification is given, perhaps eluding to what Alexander is now getting at.
  194. "The house itself was a creature in the Nethradin's realm. In the smiling Nethradin's realm, to be exact. One could say... That the Nethesium is that creature's blood. Thing is?"
  196. Alexander's eyes shift their gaze towards the fragment, the chunk of black bile.
  198. "I never tested to see what would be the reaction."
  199. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  200. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. [18:59] That actually made sense. Grinding up the excess into a powder to better augment the other parts of the weapon. If Nethesium was naturally good at conducting mana, then something that amplified it further could only assist in the transference of energy down the length of the stave.
  204. --To think that the mana could be channeled from a magi to accumulate, and trigger the battery within the weapon, only to further amplify down the length for a violent projection? It was perfect -- something like the gun he was gifted, except, this was for a magi.
  206. "Judging from what I can gather on the theoretical endgame? This would become explosion... A focused explosion mind you, but... If you were to cast? I'm certain you could direct the mana channeled through it down the length to properly redirect it from the inner channel of the weapon itself." A nod in assurance.
  208. "Yes, yes... In fact, we can test with a prototype." He claimed, before falling silent. He wanted to hear more about what the man knew.
  210. Items... Being related? An odd way of identifying them.
  211. The ceiling? Of a house? A living house?
  212. Wouldn't that make the fragment, flesh? And the Nethesium… Blood?
  214. "I suppose there is no better time to test, than now."
  215. (Asura Nomont)
  216. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  218. [18:59] 'There is no better time to test, than now'.
  220. Truer words haven't been spoken today. Asura was right on the mark: If they won't test, they won't know if it'll even work!
  222. With this in mind? Alexander takes the fragment, and handing it over towards Asura.
  224. "If so... Would you like to do the honors? As the inventor among us?"
  226. Messing with the power of a Nethradin, of beings from Helheim itself...
  228. For science!
  229. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  230. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. [18:59] The man paused, hands held out before him and Alexander.
  234. "Wait."
  236. There needed to be more... Efficient means.
  238. "Take those up for now... And follow me. I have employees that work within my place of residence." He admitted, "While I admittedly have them working on new battlesuits for the demonstration I intended to show the Commander? I'm certain we've developed the tools to take samples." He claimed.
  240. "Please, follow, follow..."
  241. (Asura Nomont)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. [18:59] With a nod, Alexander takes the chunk of black bile and puts it carefully in his pocket. With the beaker filled the Nethesium held delicately with both arms, he follows Asura out!
  245. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  246. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  248. [18:59] Into Achyon's underbelly, where they'd find themselves within the residential sect -- and even further to Commander Augustus' former place of residence.
  249. It was gifted to Asura: His Second Chance...
  250. Once opening the front door, they'd be greeted with just a single womanly it'd seem.
  252. They were busy moving items around, cleaning up as they would... Odd, that they seemed so busy with a small room.
  254. ''Ah, Mister Nomont -- You've returned! So much has happened in the la-''
  256. "I am aware." The man cut her off. "Is everyone alright?" He asked, to which the housekeeper responded with a nod.
  257. ''Luckily, there were no casualties here, sir. We've also managed to get lucky with our work so far! No damages nor losses!''
  259. Work? What exactly was he working on nowadays, given his divided attention on the surface.
  261. "Oh?" Asura responded as he reached his tyrium hand out, opening the door to the backroom where Alexander could see the strong juxtaposition.
  262. There were bodies... Everywhere! Working where they could.
  263. Nonmagi were hammering away at metals served fresh from a furnace!
  265. The constant clanging of hammer to steel was only complemented by the succession of hisses from tangerine plates being dipped into quenching fluid.
  266. Laden across the walls, were vacant battlesuits of Nomont's design.
  268. The original Antimagus Assault Force gear, showcased for any eyes that'd glaze past it. They were the original fit for the Magus Defense Force of olde.
  269. Then, something -else- next to it...
  270. The Nomont Battlesuit MK II: Primarily tyrium by design...
  272. The Nomont Battlesuit MK III: Newer, a dark hue... Tyrium? No, an attempt of home-forged Cold Iron. Though, it wasn't pure enough, clearly a failure.
  274. A few men were donned in the MK2 of the armor, practicing on trainingdummies at the corner of the room. Otherwise, the entire backroom was packed with busy bodies carrying on to some form of development or small-term field test. It was what they could get away with, within Achyon.
  276. "Here, is where we'll work." Asura proclaimed, with some eyes passing over him -and- the magi.
  277. A snap of the fingers and he'd point to someone whom was observing the field test for a man adorn in the newest stable variant of battlesuit.
  279. "You there. I need an alchemic toolset - a sampling variety, if you may..." Before the man rushed off for the inventory towards the back, weaving around the numbers.
  280. There had to be -dozens- of people down here, thank goodness for no fire codes being written into law.
  282. "Please, set the material on -that- table there." Asura directed with a finger pointing towards a table mostly vacant, with few alchemic tools for mixing and gnashing.
  284. (Asura Nomont)
  285. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  287. [18:59] Asura's second chance: A place underneath of Achyon, out of sight from people's notice.
  289. Alexander wasn't sure if this is what Asura wanted, a place where he can focus on his own work without any judging eyes... Or instead, had desired a place where everyone else would look at his creations and marvel in awe.
  291. Whatever the case was, that is not why Alexander is here today.
  293. With a silent nod given towards the woman greeter, with Alexander then taking this rare opportunity to scout around with gray eyes. To see what creations the factory of Asura is making, and just how many people he has working for him.
  295. In one word? Splendid. So many bodies working together in unison, the sound of hammering and hissing metal plates. The sight of the vacant battlesuits was the one most imposing, however.
  297. Some are clearly protoypes, not fully colored for presentation. Even then, Alexander looked with amazement at the sight. Those battlesuits? Could end up as the tie breaker between Osrona and Achyon, if they'll indeed work properly.
  299. A place where Asura is in complete control. His domain...
  301. With the instructions by the inventor clear, Alexander anxiously puts the beaker with the Nethesium over the table, and takes out his chunk of black bile to set besides it. The sergeant then steps back, to let the inventor do his work... With Alexander, visibly worried for the results.
  303. Whatever happens, is out of his hands now.
  304. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  305. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  307. [18:59] {Item} You picked up Living? Filth. Dropped by Alexander Vol Hellstrom..
  308. [18:59] {Item} You picked up Nethradin Fragment. Dropped by Alexander Vol Hellstrom..
  309. [18:59] A toolset was provided -- Nomont Fabrication Company products; Asura would have no other quality afforded to him, for in his eyes? It was his creations that perfection was enabled.
  310. The toolbox was opened to reveal miniature instances reminiscent to a medical toolset. A scalpel that likely could substitute its medical counterpart was unveiled.
  311. The Nethradin Fragment was first within the nonmagi's clutches, before...
  313. "You! I need you." Asura called out, but not to Alexander -- He was here merely to observe. A nonmagi jogged into the fray to assist where he could, taking to the beaker of proclaimed Nethesium and observing it with their own eyes. Typically, Asura had workers for the groundwork of his endeavors, so seeing him messing with instances directly? It surely put a puzzled expression on the employee's face, but continue their observations they did.
  315. "It's called Nethesium." He re-introduced, refining his attention to the fringe of the fragment he took the scalpel to."It's apparently a conductor of mana, meaning it can substitute for a conduit." A small sliver of the chunk was carved from it, carefully intent on not disturbing its integrity to any notable degree. "Think of it like the copper leylines used in the Assault Gear." An expression of awe struck the silent nonmagi worker, nodding in reverence before putting it back on the table. The scalpel was placed on the table, and a small sliver of the fragment was picked up with a pair of tweezers.
  317. Asura skimmed his eyes across the tools provided to him to furrow his only eye. "I'm missing a dropper." He stated aloud, "Get me a dropper." He ordered.
  318. Without hesitation, the held departed to do just that...
  319. A small device of strangely sponge-like material along one end, and cylindrical glass tubing towards its mouth was presented back.
  321. "It's small." Asura explained to Alexander, gesturing with a head nudged for the nameless collaborator to do the honors. "--but with a squeeze of the 'pommel' here..." He stirred, his employee following his Asura's narration as instruction - lowering the mouth of the device into the vantablack filled beaker.
  322. "...You can suck up fluids." The Nomont employee slowly released to invoke a miniature vacuum effect with the tool, pulling up some of the substance before withdrawing it, and pulling a few pockets of air within the device.
  324. "It's so precise, I deduce it could drop a single droplet within even someone's eye without squirting, given the right -touch-. Without the need of much optometry? What need would there be of an 'eye'-dropper.
  325. The Nethesium-sampled dropper was handed to Asura, whom prepped the two items in opposite hands.
  327. "Ready?"
  328. (Asura Nomont)
  329. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  331. [18:59] A toolset was provided -- Nomont Fabrication Company products; Asura would have no other quality afforded to him, for in his eyes? It was his creations that perfection was enabled.
  332. The toolbox was opened to reveal miniature instances reminiscent to a medical toolset. A scalpel that likely could substitute its medical counterpart was unveiled.
  333. The Nethradin Fragment was first within the nonmagi's clutches, before...
  335. "You! I need you." Asura called out, but not to Alexander -- He was here merely to observe. A nonmagi jogged into the fray to assist where he could, taking to the beaker of proclaimed Nethesium and observing it with their own eyes. Typically, Asura had workers for the groundwork of his endeavors, so seeing him messing with instances directly? It surely put a puzzled expression on the employee's face, but continue their observations they did.
  337. "It's called Nethesium." He re-introduced, refining his attention to the fringe of the fragment he took the scalpel to."It's apparently a conductor of mana, meaning it can substitute for a conduit." A small sliver of the chunk was carved from it, carefully intent on not disturbing its integrity to any notable degree. "Think of it like the copper leylines used in the Assault Gear." An expression of awe struck the silent nonmagi worker, nodding in reverence before putting it back on the table. The scalpel was placed on the table, and a small sliver of the fragment was picked up with a pair of tweezers.
  339. Asura skimmed his eyes across the tools provided to him to furrow his only eye. "I'm missing a dropper." He stated aloud, "Get me a dropper." He ordered.
  340. Without hesitation, the held departed to do just that...
  341. A small device of strangely sponge-like material along one end, and cylindrical glass tubing towards its mouth was presented back.
  343. "It's small." Asura explained to Alexander, gesturing with a head nudged for the nameless collaborator to do the honors. "--but with a squeeze of the 'pommel' here..." He stirred, his employee following his Asura's narration as instruction - lowering the mouth of the device into the vantablack filled beaker.
  344. "...You can suck up fluids." The Nomont employee slowly released to invoke a miniature vacuum effect with the tool, pulling up some of the substance before withdrawing it, and pulling a few pockets of air within the device.
  346. "It's so precise, I deduce it could drop a single droplet within even someone's eye without squirting them given the right -touch-." Without the need of much optometry? What need would there be of an 'eye'-dropper.
  347. The Nethesium-sampled dropper was handed to Asura, whom prepped the two items in opposite hands.
  349. "Ready?"
  350. (Asura Nomont)
  351. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. [18:59] A toolbox that contained within items that were similar to that of a medical toolset? It makes sense both in theory and in practice, now that Alexander thinks of it.
  355. He has lost count how many times he had to rely on scalpels to make small cuts. On forceps to remove foreign objects from people's bodies, even the tiny sized ones.
  357. All Alexander could do now? Was to stand and watch in astonishment as Asura gets to work, nodding every once in a while whenever Asura addressed him.
  359. He was out of his depth now, after all. There is barely anything he can say in return that would add to this experiment.
  361. "I am familiar with a dropper." Alexander notes. While he doesn't have as much experience with the tool as Asura has, he still seen it used in the past. He even has some left in store inside his clinic, to take liquid samples for testing if needed.
  363. With Asura now holding the filled dropper with one hand, and the fragment with the other?
  365. All he can now? Is hope for the best.
  367. "I'm ready."
  368. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  369. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  371. [18:59] Here, went nothing...
  372. "Nethradin Fragment introduced to Nethesium in a controlled environment... Test One."
  374. As Asura spoke, his assistant immediate got to scribing down what the Nomont was saying.
  376. "Materials are both of similar places of origin. It is suspected that both should have a nonviolent reaction that manifests a mana-condusive surface. Mana itself would require something of spiritual nature, under the assumption that these are infact, not just that."
  378. If only the poor man knew -- Nethradin were spirits. At least, at one point they were.
  379. The introduction of a fragment from one, and this ichorous substance incredibly conducive to mana?
  381. A squeeze in one hand, and a droplet of Nethesium would be plopped onto the sliver of contained Nethradin fragment. If they were related material, then the union wouldn't be anything -too- concerning. If anything, it should've been something like what itwas before they harvested it. At least, that made sense to the nonmagi.
  383. What often made sense to him, often didn't end up working out on the magus side of things.
  385. The droplet touched.... And then, a gleam of light.
  386. Not sapphire as mana often was... But vermillion -- The unholy presence that was the Nethraden's origins radiated on touch. It was unfamiliar to nonmagus ilk -- but sickly, all the same.
  387. The gleam it gave off, sparked ebonic static, causing Asura to drop both the dropper and tweezers holding up the sample.
  389. He wanted to get away from what he thought to be a painless endeavor turned volatile.
  391. Surely, the sample was too small to cause catastrophic damage... But imagine if he was someone far more reckless... If they were to try a much large quantity without the care for the lives present. The material took upon its crimson glow, fitting for an application of blood to fit the color scheme, but... Alas, it brought upon, -new- concerns.
  393. It didn't take a magi for someone to realize the dangers of -whatever- this was.
  394. "This... This stuff..." Asura muttered aloud.
  396. "It makes my skin crawl." An honest admission. "...But it -is- conductive... --and it is not excessively violent that it explodes. The radiation however, I'm unsure of its long-term effects. I'll need me and my men properly suited up to finish the final product."
  397. (Asura Nomont)
  398. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  400. [18:59] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  401. [18:59] Here goes nothing...
  403. Alexander's thoughts on the matter were similar to Asura. While he had expected a reaction, having seen the activity the fragment makes at the touch of blood? He still wasn't sure how it would react to the vantablack substance he has procured from the ceiling of the living house.
  405. Would it actually qualify for the fragment and react it? Or would it be a dud.
  406. Even if it were to react, Alexander did not expect such a volatile outcome from a single drop of the stuff!
  408. He has seen the chunk of black bile glowing before at the touch of blood, but never at such tenacity, at such brightness!
  410. And never, in the color of Vermillion. Willingly or not, it seems that they have found the exact substance the fragment reacts the most to.
  412. "The reaction... Was far stronger than I expected."
  414. The sergeant admits, a hand reflexively reaches for his black cap to take if off, looking the table in shock.
  416. "Take the time you need to move forward on this carefully. Take the proper precautions, too- I do not want to risk an incident happening because of my own desires."
  418. That release of energy that was all too familiar to Alexander, the radiated origin of a Nethradin?
  419. He knew firsthand how dangerous such magic can be if not handled with care, having fought both the Netrhadin from which the fragment comes from, and the living house that gave Alexander the vantablack substance before he managed to leave with the rest.
  420. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  421. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  423. [18:59] "I see, I see..."
  424. The Nethradin fragment -- or that overwhelming majority of it, was presented back to Alexander by one of the employees.
  425. Next? The beaker filled with the rest of the dubbed Nethesium.
  427. "I will continue examine what I can here." Asura assured, "--and when I'm not, I'll task others here to. Every attribute that can be extracted, will be -- until it is thoroughly understood. Then, we will prepare accordingly for the official build. Fair?" The man gave a nod, "In -that- time? I'd suspect you'd be able to attain some Arcanium, yes?" He offered enough time before he'd answer on his own question. "Yes."
  429. A nod as he crossed his arms.
  430. Much work needed to be done, indeed.
  431. (Asura Nomont)
  432. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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