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Oct 20th, 2014
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  1. Monday, October 20, 2014
  2. 5:09 AM - A: guys
  3. 5:09 AM - A: KiA brigading
  4. 5:09 AM - A: anyone following it?
  5. 5:12 AM - C: what is brigading?
  6. 5:13 AM - A: great question
  7. 5:13 AM - A: brigading is the reddit term for when a group of people from one subreddit collectively decide to go fuck with comments/threads in another subreddit
  8. 5:13 AM - A: it's one of the few things that's against site-wide rules
  9. 5:13 AM - C: ah, so its a raid
  10. 5:13 AM - A: yes.
  11. 5:14 AM - A: specifically brigading is mass upvoting/downvoting though
  12. 5:14 AM - A: raids generally come with that, but not always
  13. 5:14 AM - C: fair enough, cant say im surprised, theyve fucked with pretty much everything else
  14. 5:14 AM - A: when the quinnspiracy started, a bunch of redditors got banned for the suspicion of coming from 4chan to do this
  15. 5:14 AM - A: with no evidence
  16. 5:15 AM - A: that was in that thread in /r/gaming that got like 30,000 deleted comments
  17. 5:15 AM - A: IIRC
  18. 5:15 AM - A: well, right now
  19. 5:15 AM - C: she was also talking with one of the mods too from screenshots i saw on 4 chan back when it wasnt a hole
  20. 5:15 AM - A: yeah
  21. 5:16 AM - A:
  22. 5:16 AM - A: ^ that thread (only showing the relevant comment chain)
  23. 5:17 AM - A: a boston globe reporter shows up in a post that is nearly a full month old with a small amount of votes either way on it, and within hours 5 other subreddits link to it
  24. 5:17 AM - A: as well as some people linking on twitter
  25. 5:17 AM - A: and look at that insane amount of upvotes
  26. 5:17 AM - A: and the reddit gold
  27. 5:18 AM - A: (gift given by other users, generally in appreciation of the post)
  28. 5:18 AM - A: and look at the downvotes of some of the pro-gg responses
  29. 5:18 AM - A: it's all gotten more exaggerated since then, btw; that archive link is an hour or two old
  30. 5:19 AM - A: admins were notified, of course
  31. 5:19 AM - A: and one responded
  32. 5:19 AM - A:
  33. 5:20 AM - A: however that admin, ocrasorm, might have a bit of an SJW bent. I'm not sure exactly, he's referenced in relation to banning a subreddit that some random SRS (ShitRedditSays-- the SJW hub for reddit) woman found offensive or some shit
  34. 5:21 AM - A: or maybe it was banning a person, I don't know
  35. 5:22 AM - A: (SRS is interesting, as an aside, 'cause it's a place that kind of actively encourages brigading-- each thread that is made links to a post that offends them and lists the current up/downvote numbers at the time of posting so they can all fuck with the numbers and marvel at their ability to collectively click on shit)
  36. 5:22 AM - A: (and it's for some reason not banned)
  37. 5:22 AM - H:
  38. 5:23 AM - C: cause then youd be oppresing them obvs
  39. 5:23 AM - E: Who here a Goody Goodie?
  40. 5:23 AM - A: now, like I said
  41. 5:24 AM - A: bans are given for this sort of shit
  42. 5:24 AM - A: normally
  43. 5:24 AM - A: shadowbans in particular
  44. 5:24 AM - A: which are a type of ban where to the user, everything looks normal
  45. 5:24 AM - A: but no other users on the site can see their posts and their votes affect nothing
  46. 5:25 AM - A: it was started to combat spammers; if the spammers have no idea they've been banned, they keep spamming on that account instaed of creating a new one
  47. 5:25 AM - A: it seems to work pretty well for that, 'cause I've never actually seen spam on a reddit thread
  48. 5:25 AM - A: but it's occasionally used for non-spam reasons
  49. 5:26 AM - A: now, there was a screenshot of the original admin response
  50. 5:26 AM - A: there was another admin response which I haven't seen a screenshot or other actual proof of yet
  51. 5:26 AM - A: but the same guy who capped the first one said this:
  52. 5:26 AM - A: Edit Admin response.
  53. Yeah I have dealt with the vote brigading. We can not ban people, who are not subscribed to a subreddit, for commenting. The mods can ban them if they feel they are trolling/breaking rules. If they then evade subreddit bans we can take action.
  54. 5:27 AM - A: vote brigading = shadowban, but just commenting = no ban
  55. 5:27 AM - A: that's fair
  56. 5:27 AM - A: but what about this guy
  57. 5:27 AM - A:
  58. 5:27 AM - A: longbowrocks 10 points 6 hours ago
  59. Sorry I can only upvote once. ;_;
  60. 5:28 AM - A:
  61. 5:28 AM - A: I guess he didn't actually participate in the brigading by voting?
  62. 5:28 AM - A: he's not banned 'cause you can see his profile
  63. 5:28 AM - A: if he was banned you'd get a "user does not exist" message
  64. 5:28 AM - A: there are others
  65. 5:28 AM - A: you can check everyone who commented with anti-gg stuff in that thread
  66. 5:29 AM - A: if you have the time, you will probably see that the majority of them have never posted in KotakuInAction before
  67. 5:29 AM - A: and you may see activity in some of the anti-gg subreddits
  68. 5:29 AM - A: like GamerGhazi
  69. 5:29 AM - A: AgainstGamerGate
  70. 5:30 AM - A: BestOfOutrageCulture
  71. 5:30 AM - C: yea it doesnt look like he has voted on anything else in KiA
  72. 5:30 AM - A: and apparently SubredditDrama
  73. 5:30 AM - A: or anythig with "SRS" in the title
  74. 5:30 AM - A: there's a whole network
  75. 5:31 AM - A: if I remember right they call themselves the femspiracy or some shit
  76. 5:31 AM - A: now
  77. 5:31 AM - A: a recap
  78. 5:31 AM - A: brigading happens
  79. 5:32 AM - A: more proof btw
  80. 5:32 AM - A: this posted by a mod and then censored for some reason
  81. 5:32 AM - A:
  82. 5:32 AM - A: and the dude who posted the highly upvoted comment linked to the thread on his twitter
  83. 5:32 AM - A:
  84. 5:33 AM - A: it was also apparently linked on NeoGAF
  85. 5:33 AM - A:
  86. 5:33 AM - C: this is the upside of reddit over anon imageboards
  87. 5:33 AM - A: yeah
  88. 5:33 AM - C: you can figure out whos fucking with you a lot easier
  89. 5:33 AM - A: although 8chan allows for some tracking of this shit
  90. 5:33 AM - A: 4chan probably did too
  91. 5:33 AM - A: but I never really visited
  92. 5:33 AM - A: anyway, brigading happens
  93. 5:34 AM - A: much proof
  94. 5:34 AM - A: admins say "we took care of it"
  95. 5:34 AM - A: brigaders remain unbanned
  96. 5:35 AM - A: meanwhile, pro-GG redditors get banned back in the early days of the movement for suspicion of the same thing
  97. 5:35 AM - A:
  98. 5:35 AM - P entered chat.
  99. 5:35 AM - A: and oh fucking look, the admin that banned the pro-GG peeps was the very same who is looking into this vote brigading now
  100. 5:35 AM - A:
  101. 5:35 AM - A: Ocrasorm
  102. 5:36 AM - A: detailed story of that whole event here:
  103. 5:36 AM - A: can't vouch for it 'cause I haven't read it but it's probably a good summary
  104. 5:36 AM - A: ..which I guess is me vouching for it? anyway
  105. 5:37 AM - C: yea, welcome to how the world apparently is, SJW admins everywhere
  106. 5:37 AM - A: another fun connection, the dude who made the highly upvoted post? Jesse Singal
  107. 5:38 AM - A: the author of the article the original thread was about
  108. 5:38 AM - A: a Boston Globe writer
  109. 5:38 AM - A:
  110. 5:38 AM - L: I just don't know anymore
  111. 5:38 AM - L: What's going on?
  112. 5:38 AM - H is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  113. 5:38 AM - A: I'll put all this into a pastebin or some shit in a second
  114. 5:38 AM - L: Thanks
  115. 5:38 AM - L: easier than reading 100 steam chat messages
  116. 5:39 AM - A: yeah
  117. 5:39 AM - A: now
  118. 5:39 AM - L: “Depression Quest,” a well-regarded indie title
  119. 5:39 AM - L: WELL
  120. 5:39 AM - L: REGARDED
  121. 5:39 AM - L: WELL REGARDED
  122. 5:39 AM - A: I know. But you've missed out on the truly interesting stuff if you haven't been reading until now
  123. 5:39 AM - A: today is monday
  124. 5:39 AM - L: I haven't
  125. 5:40 AM - L: I've been productive!
  126. 5:40 AM - P: they don't say who it's well regarded by :p
  127. 5:40 AM - L: Heh
  128. 5:40 AM - A: the other day a LW or 2 promised a big 'black eye' for gamergate today
  129. 5:40 AM - A: people speculated a few things
  130. 5:40 AM - L: heh
  131. 5:40 AM - L: I managed to get my currently-nonfunctional moderator app to load in google hangouts
  132. 5:40 AM - P: like the eye of black cthulu?
  133. 5:40 AM - A: you jest
  134. 5:41 AM - A: but
  135. 5:41 AM - L: Unassailably moderated debate soon, fellow gamergates
  136. 5:41 AM - A: there's a part of me that wonders if we aren't getting fucked over on reddit
  137. 5:41 AM - A: they could use this brigading situation as a reason to outright ban kotakuinaction
  138. 5:42 AM - P: we're getting fucked over everywhere
  139. 5:42 AM - A: leaving no pro-gamergate subs and like 6 anti ones
  140. 5:42 AM - E: What the fuck, is this guy real? He literally describes the Anti-GG side, but means us instead
  141. 5:42 AM - A: that would be a big 'black eye', no?
  142. 5:42 AM - A: KiA is one of the two big places to share info
  143. 5:43 AM - A: and the only one that isn't associated with a deeply tainted image for the average person
  144. 5:43 AM - A: reddit is awesome, everyone talks about reddit and knowingly shares shit from it
  145. 5:43 AM - A: the chans though, the imageboards, those are shady evil places where vans explode
  146. 5:44 AM - A: I don't want to be alarmist
  147. 5:44 AM - A: and this part is just speculation
  148. 5:44 AM - A: but there's definitely some shit happening; what the outcome will be, I don't know.
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