Guest User


a guest
Jun 26th, 2019
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  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Pod
  3. metadata:
  4. creationTimestamp: null
  5. labels:
  6. run: pod
  7. name: pod1
  8. spec:
  9. containers:
  10. - args:
  11. - sleep
  12. - "10000"
  13. image: busybox
  14. name: pod
  15. resources: {}
  16. restartPolicy: Always
  17. status: {}
  18. ---
  19. apiVersion: v1
  20. kind: Pod
  21. metadata:
  22. creationTimestamp: null
  23. labels:
  24. run: pod
  25. name: pod2
  26. spec:
  27. containers:
  28. - args:
  29. - sleep
  30. - "10000"
  31. image: busybox
  32. name: pod
  33. resources: {}
  34. restartPolicy: Always
  35. status: {}
  36. ---
  37. apiVersion: v1
  38. kind: Service
  39. metadata:
  40. creationTimestamp: null
  41. labels:
  42. app: dd-service
  43. name: dd-service
  44. spec:
  45. ports:
  46. - name: 80-80
  47. port: 80
  48. protocol: TCP
  49. targetPort: 80
  50. selector:
  51. name: whoami
  52. type: ClusterIP
  53. ---
  54. apiVersion: apps/v1
  55. kind: DaemonSet
  56. metadata:
  57. name: dd-whoami
  58. namespace: default
  59. labels:
  60. k8s-app: whoami
  61. spec:
  62. selector:
  63. matchLabels:
  64. name: whoami
  65. template:
  66. metadata:
  67. labels:
  68. name: whoami
  69. spec:
  70. containers:
  71. - name: whoami
  72. image: containous/whoami
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