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mg #44 chat

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Mar 25th, 2015
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  1. joe_eisma: yoooooo
  2. [8:22 PM] upguntha: hey guys
  3. [8:23 PM] joe_eisma: so many absences tonight!
  4. [8:23 PM] joe_eisma: but i'm grateful you guys are here. what'd you guys think of the issue?
  5. [8:23 PM] upguntha: or tardies
  6. [8:23 PM] upguntha: lol
  7. [8:23 PM] joe_eisma: haha
  8. [8:24 PM] upguntha: It was a nice one with a lot of set ups and clues
  9. [8:24 PM] joe_eisma: well thank you
  10. [8:25 PM] joe_eisma: did anyone notice that vanessa is a my little pony fan? haha
  11. [8:25 PM] upguntha: I just giggled abour bronnies freaking out
  12. [8:26 PM] joe_eisma: haha
  13. [8:26 PM] upguntha: it's been awhile since we saw dead bodies that was fun
  14. [8:27 PM] joe_eisma: well, dead bodies are our bread and butter, after all
  15. [8:27 PM] joe_eisma: i'll also say that with this issue, i really regretted giving ellen dreadlocks
  16. [8:28 PM] joe_eisma: drawing those over and over killed me
  17. [8:28 PM] upguntha: Poor Tuna is going to get punished for other people's crap
  18. [8:28 PM] upguntha: haha
  19. [8:29 PM] upguntha: That radio thing still has me baffled
  20. [8:29 PM] joe_eisma: haha
  21. [8:30 PM] upguntha: prob some otjer timey wimwey thing
  22. [8:30 PM] upguntha: Congrats on new book Joe
  23. [8:31 PM] joe_eisma: thanks! i'm a big nerd for big trouble in little china
  24. [8:32 PM] upguntha: is it an ongoing or a mini
  25. [8:32 PM] joe_eisma: it's an arc of the ongoing series
  26. [8:32 PM] upguntha: ah ok
  27. [8:33 PM] upguntha: it must be nice not drawing devious children
  28. [8:33 PM] joe_eisma: haha changing it up is always good
  29. [8:33 PM] joe_eisma: but i'm sure to sneak some MG things in the book
  30. [8:34 PM] upguntha: easter egg hunt
  31. [8:34 PM] theirastra: well now we all need to buy it as well, then
  32. [8:34 PM] joe_eisma: yup!
  33. [8:34 PM] joe_eisma: i know the focus is really on the students in this book
  34. [8:35 PM] joe_eisma: but i think this issue really spotlighted the adults really effectively
  35. [8:35 PM] joe_eisma: i mean, how creepy was oliver? :)
  36. [8:36 PM] mairelon: i wanted to throw a book at Oliver
  37. [8:36 PM] joe_eisma: haha
  38. [8:36 PM] upguntha: I really want to know what hid deal is
  39. [8:36 PM] macey: vanessa shut him down so quick that was great
  40. [8:36 PM] joe_eisma: haha
  41. [8:37 PM] upguntha: Him and his proximity effect tests
  42. [8:38 PM] upguntha: I wonder why he's allowed to talk to Ian but Ellen is under supervision
  43. [8:38 PM] joe_eisma: good question
  44. [8:38 PM] upguntha: I don;t buy Hodge's logic
  45. [8:39 PM] macey: i figured it's just because he's a horrible father
  46. [8:39 PM] nick: hey all
  47. [8:39 PM] upguntha: lol
  48. [8:39 PM] oreoguy55: hi
  49. [8:39 PM] upguntha: heyyyy
  50. [8:40 PM] philmaira: hey
  51. [8:41 PM] macey: good evening
  52. [8:41 PM] upguntha: Wonder why the guards couldn;t follow them to Egypt
  53. [8:42 PM] mairelon: I'm just glad to know what country they are in there.
  54. [8:42 PM] macey: i got the impression that was one of the weird ambiguous rules of the game
  55. [8:43 PM] upguntha: That's prob why Daramount was proud of herself when she found the camp in 25
  56. [8:45 PM] philmaira: nick, I was wondering about 4th dimensional objects. What size would something that exists simultanously within 4 dimensions be?
  57. [8:45 PM] philmaira: A story like, the cylander? A plank since it does not need to follow the conventions as described by the 2 Simons.
  58. [8:46 PM] philmaira: Or the sizes a galaxy or cluster of galaxies since an object that can bend time may be in proporation to it's effect on space?
  59. [8:47 PM] upguntha: I miss Study Hall
  60. [8:47 PM] joe_eisma: yeah, matt said he's sorry he didn't post it.
  61. [8:47 PM] joe_eisma: this was his exact text to me:
  62. [8:47 PM] joe_eisma: if anyone asks in the chat tonight will you tell them it’s because i’m super depressed lately?like, up all night crying depressed
  63. [8:47 PM] philmaira: Or should it be taken as literal that characters within the 2nd dimenional are discussing the 4th
  64. [8:48 PM] macey: yeah i'm not going to hold it against matt, it's not like a comic book should be his first priority
  65. [8:48 PM] upguntha: oh wow. sorry to hear that, hope he's ok
  66. [8:49 PM] joe_eisma: haha--i just told him what you guys said
  67. [8:50 PM] joe_eisma: he says 'ugh. fine. i'll write it.' :)
  68. [8:50 PM] joe_eisma: he's just been busy on the job hunt lately, i think.
  69. [8:51 PM] nick: Phil- yeah, it would very much depend! You see a bit in both directions here
  70. [8:51 PM] yuuhy: So Egypt! Camp has a physical location! That is exciting!
  71. [8:51 PM] upguntha: Are we to assume that Accra was a reference to Esi?
  72. [8:52 PM] nick: You can safely assume that's a reference to Esi, yes
  73. [8:52 PM] macey: i was just excited about accra because yay cities but- huh
  74. [8:52 PM] nick: And yeah, everybody send Matt good thoughts
  75. [8:52 PM] macey: nick, are you implying esi was a camp kid this whole time
  76. [8:52 PM] upguntha: How many people did Clarkson talk to?
  77. [8:52 PM] nick: nope :)
  78. [8:53 PM] upguntha: Are those army guys from arc 5, where Clarkson got that radio??
  79. [8:53 PM] McFiznu: hello
  80. [8:55 PM] nick: As far as Clarkson goes, we're still filling in the blanks of what we saw in 26
  81. [8:55 PM] nick: that's actually a big focus of the next two issues as well
  82. [8:56 PM] philmaira: casino?
  83. [8:56 PM] upguntha: Can't wait to se how they all connect espcially that scene with Jade's mom
  84. [8:56 PM] nick: Casino is a bit farther out- that's a big one
  85. [8:57 PM] joe_eisma: i'm surprised no one on tumblr has posted those montage pages from 26 and ticked off the ones we expanded on
  86. [8:57 PM] upguntha: yet
  87. [8:57 PM] joe_eisma: haha
  88. [8:57 PM] macey: you're just tempting upguntha
  89. [8:57 PM] mairelon: ive been sitting here planning to do that actually
  90. [8:57 PM] nick: By the time we get to season 3 you'll have most of them
  91. [8:57 PM] theirastra: and tomorrow everyone posts one!
  92. [8:58 PM] joe_eisma: haha
  93. [8:58 PM] macey: ah i was wondering that, there was a time when i thought you might tick them all off by the end of the season
  94. [8:58 PM] upguntha: I was thinking about today but got lazy
  95. [8:59 PM] macey: my favorite part in this issue was that clarkson was just sitting in the dark for some period of time before ellen walks in
  96. [8:59 PM] nick: haha
  97. [8:59 PM] upguntha: major creeper
  98. [8:59 PM] theirastra: you've got to set the mood~
  99. [9:00 PM] upguntha: that one second
  100. [9:00 PM] upguntha: was bad ass
  101. [9:00 PM] theirastra: got your wifi back, Beth?
  102. [9:00 PM] macey: clarkson is absolutely killing it this entire issue, yeah
  103. [9:01 PM] mairelon: I'm actually on a bus so signal is a bit all over the place, but I'm back for now!
  104. [9:01 PM] yuuhy: So what does everybody think is going on with the phone?
  105. [9:01 PM] macey: beth you are going all out to be here i appreciate it
  106. [9:01 PM] joe_eisma: we gave you the answer in MG Babies, yuuhy!
  107. [9:01 PM] macey: i think the radio is a construct powered by belief and if you want to get especially wrinkle in time, love
  108. [9:02 PM] macey: but mostly belief
  109. [9:02 PM] nick: interesting theory
  110. [9:03 PM] upguntha: It came to here right when she needed it
  111. [9:03 PM] macey: im obliged to share this whenever i mention wrinkle
  112. [9:04 PM] upguntha: i loved Ellen faces when she found out about Brendan
  113. [9:04 PM] nick: ha, macey, that is awesome
  114. [9:05 PM] nick: perfect summary
  115. [9:05 PM] yuuhy: "Boy???"
  116. [9:07 PM] macey: the toast is doing a series of discussions on the time quartet too that are really good...but that is the most important
  117. [9:08 PM] upguntha: that was hillarious
  118. [9:08 PM] joe_eisma: i've got to go pack for emerald city, but thanks for being here tonight, folks! and thanks for reading!
  119. [9:08 PM] philmaira: Ms. Richmond kinda freaked a little too much out. What would happen if 2 of the god's in training had a kid together?
  120. [9:08 PM] joe_eisma: i am done drawing 45, and it's a fun one. hope you like sandwiches!
  121. [9:08 PM] mairelon: I'm so excited for Jade Sandwiches.
  122. [9:08 PM] upguntha: Have fun at ECC
  123. [9:08 PM] nick: joe really nailed the sandwiches
  124. [9:08 PM] joe_eisma: haha
  125. [9:09 PM] macey: an entire issue of jade eating's so beautiful
  126. [9:09 PM] joe_eisma: actually one tidbit about that
  127. [9:09 PM] macey: have a good time joe!
  128. [9:09 PM] theirastra: I keep thinking sandwiches is code for something?
  129. [9:09 PM] mairelon: I hope they're vegan.
  130. [9:09 PM] joe_eisma: nick just had someone give her the sandwich and that was it
  131. [9:09 PM] upguntha: tumblr about Jade eating
  132. [9:09 PM] joe_eisma: i thought it would be fun for her to eat it throughout the rest of the issue.
  133. [9:09 PM] joe_eisma: haha okay, i'm done. see you guys next time!
  134. [9:09 PM] theirastra: have fun!
  135. [9:10 PM] mairelon: bye!!
  136. [9:10 PM] upguntha: night
  137. [9:10 PM] McFiznu: see you.
  138. [9:10 PM] nick: as he mentioned, next month is a jade issue
  139. [9:11 PM] macey: there's that panel of jade denying cookies too....
  140. [9:11 PM] macey: 45 will tell us so much about jade's food preferences
  141. [9:11 PM] yuuhy: Jade!! Sweet kidnapped child.
  142. [9:11 PM] nick: and the month after that, it's someone we have seen for quite a while--
  143. [9:12 PM] theirastra: ooooooo~
  144. [9:12 PM] macey: i bet it's albert
  145. [9:12 PM] upguntha: have or havent
  146. [9:12 PM] nick: then we're into the big season finale arc
  147. [9:12 PM] nick: sorry, haven't
  148. [9:12 PM] mairelon: that is terrifying.
  149. [9:12 PM] yuuhy: I bet it's an entire issue of Albert driving people.
  150. [9:13 PM] macey: that issue would probably be so informative though
  151. [9:13 PM] upguntha: that scene in issue 1 when Jade's dad couldnt remember her name is it cause of academie or he's an ass?
  152. [9:13 PM] yuuhy: This is us, not daring to hope.
  153. [9:13 PM] nick: ha, definitely not just him being an ass
  154. [9:13 PM] nick: any last questions on this one?
  155. [9:14 PM] upguntha: Julie Hayes swoonnnnn
  156. [9:14 PM] macey: so if esi is from ghana can you tell us where hannah and andres are from?
  157. [9:14 PM] upguntha: Did Clarkson vivit Magie
  158. [9:14 PM] nick: Esi- Ghana, Andres- Mexico, Hannah- Northern Ireland
  159. [9:14 PM] yuuhy: Is Vanessa's cat doll safe and sond?
  160. [9:15 PM] McFiznu: is the broken phone working because its not broken enough, or some other reason?
  161. [9:15 PM] macey: hannah had a cute irish accent this whole time and we never knew............
  162. [9:15 PM] mairelon: ellen was surprised that clarkson had parents. do many of the other students have normal parents?
  163. [9:15 PM] nick: lots more about the phone on the way, we've been setting that thing up a long time
  164. [9:16 PM] theirastra: honestly this just makes hannah even better. all her dialogue with that accent...
  165. [9:16 PM] upguntha: ET phone honw
  166. [9:16 PM] upguntha: home*
  167. [9:17 PM] philmaira: so Irina is #46?
  168. [9:17 PM] nick: ellen's surprise is, to me, all about her views on what Clarkson is
  169. [9:18 PM] nick: she obviously views her differently than we do since she doesn't know anything about Casey
  170. [9:18 PM] nick: Irina is in 46, I'll go ahead and spoil that, sure :)
  171. [9:18 PM] yuuhy: IRINA
  172. [9:19 PM] macey: spoiler alert it's just a one panel flashback
  173. [9:19 PM] McFiznu: yeaahhh!!!
  174. [9:19 PM] yuuhy: IRINA!!!!
  175. [9:19 PM] macey: i am not getting my hopes up here
  176. [9:19 PM] upguntha: Can someone go check if Macey is breathing
  177. [9:19 PM] yuuhy: but macey. irina.
  178. [9:19 PM] macey: can't fool me nick. can't fool me
  179. [9:19 PM] yuuhy: MACEY, IRINA.
  180. [9:19 PM] upguntha: Is there a reason why Abraham choose Egypt?
  181. [9:20 PM] nick: we don't know that Abraham chose it!
  182. [9:20 PM] philmaira: Clarkson is a psuedo-4th dimensional entity, similar to Vonnegut's tralfamadorian? They know all the beginning and all the end. To them time is a decimal point
  183. [9:21 PM] philmaira: The above rambling is the explain Ms. Richmond's awe of Ms. Clarkson
  184. [9:21 PM] upguntha: touche
  185. [9:21 PM] yuuhy: i wanna say the significance is promised land but
  186. [9:21 PM] nick: we've certainly hinted some things in line with that, especially over s2
  187. [9:22 PM] upguntha: Wonder how Clarkson is getting those names
  188. [9:22 PM] upguntha: she seems to randomly get them
  189. [9:22 PM] yuuhy: I had guessed from Lara
  190. [9:22 PM] nick: okay, well, I gotta run- hope you liked the issue, 45 will be out next month!
  191. [9:23 PM] yuuhy: Bye!
  192. [9:23 PM] philmaira: Probably from Akiko's dad. That's why he jumped.
  193. [9:23 PM] McFiznu: it was awesome, nick. thank you
  194. [9:23 PM] macey: see you nick! thanks for coming
  195. [9:23 PM] philmaira: night
  196. [9:23 PM] theirastra: bye!
  197. [9:23 PM] mairelon: i never knew how much i loved the Richmond's until now. thanks and bye!!
  198. [9:23 PM] yuuhy: irina in two(?) months...... irina.....
  199. [9:23 PM] yuuhy: a whole panel
  200. [9:23 PM] macey: i always figured she got the names from lara's instructions
  201. [9:24 PM] theirastra: same here
  202. [9:24 PM] macey: knowing lara maybe she figured out a way for new info to appear over time or something
  203. [9:24 PM] macey: it's a tiny panel of her in the corner of the page taken from a previous issue
  204. [9:24 PM] upguntha: maybe
  205. [9:24 PM] mairelon: a photo on the wall in an office
  206. [9:25 PM] McFiznu: as soon as lara says she doesnt think vanessa is challenging enough, i wonder what vanessas motives are
  207. [9:25 PM] theirastra: a photo in a wallet in the background of a small panel
  208. [9:25 PM] yuuhy: a whole tiny old panel of irina not even appearing in person <3 <3 <3
  209. [9:25 PM] macey: georgina has a picture of irina in her wallet to shake her fist at whenever she feels like hating something
  210. [9:26 PM] yuuhy: nemeses
  211. [9:26 PM] yuuhy: actually i would like to see the kate beaton nemeses strips with casey and isabel
  212. [9:26 PM] upguntha: lat month nick said 46 was the Party maybe Irina crashes it
  213. [9:27 PM] macey: i'm genuinely so excited for the casey/isabel debate
  214. [9:27 PM] macey: has irina even ever been to a party. does she know how to party in a non violent matter
  215. [9:27 PM] theirastra: is it really a party without any deadly weapons?
  216. [9:28 PM] mairelon: i hope there&#39;s a piñata there for her
  217. [9:29 PM] upguntha: Pamela will prob want to smash the pinata
  218. [9:30 PM] upguntha: I wonder f Clarksaon had any interactions with Guillaume
  219. [9:31 PM] McFiznu: are there no more Study Halls?
  220. [9:31 PM] macey: yeah i wonder how this party will work, if it'll be in hiding or mga will let it happen as a sort of official election thing
  221. [9:32 PM] yuuhy: I have so much angst about us not seeing Guillaume's origin story yet.
  222. [9:33 PM] yuuhy: speaking of guillaume, jade.
  223. [9:33 PM] mairelon: i love her. so so much.
  224. [9:34 PM] yuuhy: If she's eating a sandwich in present day, hopefully that means she successfully kicks Jun in the face and gets out of there.
  225. [9:34 PM] yuuhy: speaking of amazing and beautiful, vanessa interrupting oliver simon
  226. [9:34 PM] upguntha: they prob feed her once in awhile for her last meal
  227. [9:34 PM] macey: i can't wait for vanessa to slay the science fair but i will def wait for her to go to the basement
  228. [9:34 PM] theirastra: jade deserves the biggest holiday
  229. [9:35 PM] theirastra: somewhere nice and non-stabby
  230. [9:36 PM] mairelon: preferably somewhere not on fire, too.
  231. [9:37 PM] upguntha: Jade and Tuna always getting captured
  232. [9:37 PM] theirastra: well my laptops almost dead, so see y'all around
  233. [9:38 PM] macey: bye!!!
  234. [9:38 PM] macey: spinoff about jade and fortunato's adventures in being kidnapped
  235. [9:38 PM] mairelon: bye grace!!
  236. [9:38 PM] McFiznu: bye
  237. [9:39 PM] mairelon: I&#39;d better head off too. Bye guys!!
  238. [9:40 PM] McFiznu: cya
  239. [9:41 PM] upguntha: nighy
  240. [9:41 PM] upguntha: did anyone watch knights of Sedonia
  241. [9:46 PM] yuuhy: i'm so fond of the mga guards
  242. [9:46 PM] yuuhy: with their superman physiques
  243. [9:46 PM] yuuhy: their square jaws
  244. [9:46 PM] macey: where do they even get all those guards
  245. [9:46 PM] McFiznu: they have great beards.
  246. [9:47 PM] upguntha: they're all clones
  247. [9:48 PM] yuuhy: i wonder how many of them are readers or joe's friends this time
  248. [9:48 PM] yuuhy: "this reader looks like he could beat someone up..."
  249. [9:49 PM] McFiznu: i think they are the older readers, that look they could beat someone up. lol
  250. [9:50 PM] macey: harry and/or barry is one of them!
  251. [9:50 PM] macey: i still dont know which one he is
  252. [9:51 PM] McFiznu: i wonder if joe trims their beards?
  253. [9:55 PM] McFiznu: how do you guys cope with the break between books. ive only just got up to date? im sort of new to comics
  254. [9:56 PM] McFiznu: thanks for these tinychats too btw. very helpful with the understandings
  255. [9:56 PM] macey: tbh as you get more into comics you get used to it...i read a lot of books, so i usually have at least something to read every week
  256. [9:56 PM] macey: no problem!
  257. [9:56 PM] yuuhy: by crying to each other mostly
  258. [9:56 PM] McFiznu: lol
  259. [9:57 PM] yuuhy: rereading old issues, forming theories
  260. [10:01 PM] McFiznu: i just saw that Hope Larson did a wrinkle in time graphic novel, im going to pick that up now after reading this. ive never read it?
  261. [10:01 PM] McFiznu: .
  262. [10:02 PM] macey: i skimmed the graphic novel, it didn't seem like anything stunning. the original book was a favorite of mine as a kid
  263. [10:03 PM] McFiznu: sounds interesting.
  264. [10:08 PM] McFiznu: thanks for having me. hope to cya next month, having formed some theories!
  265. [10:09 PM] macey: thanks for coming!
  266. [10:17 PM] yuuhy: macey in two days i get to harass joe in person
  267. [10:18 PM] macey: thats beautiful
  268. [10:19 PM] yuuhy: i should steal his wallet
  269. [10:19 PM] yuuhy: HAH HAH, JUST JOKING, CHAT READERS
  270. [10:22 PM] macey: dont commit crimes yuuhy
  271. [10:23 PM] yuuhy: i would NEVER commit crimes
  272. [10:23 PM] yuuhy: not one single crime
  273. [11:13 PM] macey: good night friends
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