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Mario Netplay

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Jun 30th, 2021
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  1. Copy pasting this from another guide tailored towards Mario Party, should work fine with other games too.
  3. Netplay Setup Guide
  4. Step 1: Download the Emulator
  6. PJ64 (Mario Party 1-3)
  7. Download:
  8. Mirror:
  10. Dolphin (Mario Party 4-9)
  11. Download:
  12. Mirror:
  14. This download contains a custom netplay build, which includes 100% saves, optimized netplay settings, game-enhancing codes and more.
  15. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  16. Step 2: Gather Your Games
  18. Obtain ISO files for the games you would like to play. (
  20. Note that only version 1.01 of Mario Party 4 and version 1.02 of Mario Party 8 are supported; If you have another version of Mario Party 4, you can use the converter included in the Extras folder of the download.
  22. Make sure your ISOs match the following checksums:
  24. Mario Party 4 (USA) (v1.01).iso: 01de13ad52f1554975e7f316370ba086
  26. Mario Party 5 (USA).iso: 6b3699ee1f18447c4b2fabb3dd2ebf39
  28. Mario Party 6 (USA).iso: 010dece78287bcb8cafdeb15f035127a
  30. Mario Party 7 (USA).iso: bd367c67fca5d93e581a43d1f61f4514
  32. Mario Party 8 (USA) (v1.02).iso: 944c3f7db81170c9d86fc73dab1da24b
  34. Mario Party 9 (USA) (En,Fr,Es).iso: a9aa140b48e67ccdba9c7c9afc9884bc
  36. You can confirm your checksums by right clicking on the game you're testing and selecting Properties > Verify > Verify Integrity.
  37. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  38. Step 3: Set Up the Emulator
  40. Drag the Mario Party Netplay GC-Wii folder out of the download and keep it wherever you like. You can launch it using Dolphin.exe after placing your ISOs in the included Games folder.
  42. GCN
  43. Go to Controllers. Under GameCube Controllers, select your controller from the drop-down menu next to Port 1. click Configure to the right of the drop-down menu and configure your controls to suit your needs.
  45. Wii
  46. Go to Controllers. After marking Emulate the Wii's Bluetooth adapter, select your controller from the drop-down menu next to Wii Remote 1. click Configure to the right of the drop-down menu and configure your controls to suit your needs.
  47. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  48. Netplay Usage Guide
  49. Step 1: Accessing Netplay
  51. Launch Dolphin.exe.
  53. Wii
  54. Everyone needs to choose which player they'd like to be and configure their controls in that Wii Remote slot. All players must use a different slot.
  55. Each player must set as many Wii Remote slots to Emulated Wiimote as there are players, and must click Configure > Clear on all ports besides their own.
  57. From here, go to Tools > Start NetPlay.
  58. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  59. Step 2: Connecting to Other Players
  61. If you are joining someone's lobby, the host should provide you their lobby's host code.
  62. If you plan to host your own lobby for others to join, pick the Host tab and double-click the game you want to host. Click Copy next to the room ID and give it to the players who will join you.
  63. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  64. Step 3: Setting up the Game
  66. Wii
  67. Host: Open Assign Controllers/Wiimotes from the netplay window and set each player to the player order decided in Step 3 of the Netplay Setup Guide.
  70. Once everyone is together, the host may start the party using Start. In case of crashing or desync, make sure settings are shared and restart.
  71. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  72. Other Notes
  74. Every player must have the same save file for saving to work. Be sure to run Replace.bat from the emulator's folder to replace the saves before every party you play.
  76. Player order is decided by the order of the netplay room by default. The host can change controller ports in the netplay window.
  78. It's possible for multiple people to play from the same computer as long as the controllers they're using are plugged in and the host allows them use of multiple ports.
  80. It's possible to host a room for 4 other people as long as the host disables their controller in Dolphin.
  82. Lag is an unfortunate but necessary part of netplay. The host may use the Buffer command to increase input buffer and make the game smoother.
  84. If a save file is corrupted, try formatting the data or redownloading the saves.
  86. Possible desyncs aren't always truly desyncs, keep playing to make sure if there was truly a desync before restarting.
  88. Direct connect may be used even when the traversal server is down, and for players who have trouble with the traversal server at all times it may be the only way to play. Forward a port if the traversal server isn't working for you.
  89. Frequently Asked Questions
  91. I already have Dolphin, do I need to download it again?
  92. >Yes. This guide provides a version of this emulator geared specifically for netplay, and it's incompatible with other versions.
  94. How can I reduce netplay lag?
  95. >1) Increase buffer
  96. >2) Close any other programs using internet (web browsers, skype)
  97. >3) Make sure no one on the same network is using the internet (family, roommates)
  98. >4) Seek out players from nearby regions
  99. >5) Ensure it's actually netplay lag by having each player test FPS locally
  101. The game's graphics are bad! Can I make them look better?
  102. >The resolution and anti-aliasing of a game can be changed without issue, though it is not recommended as the emulation will require more resources. If you'd like to edit these options, load a splitscreen Mini-Game such as MP6's Circuit Maximus offline and confirm the game speed does not decrease.
  104. How do I use the GameCube Mic accessory over netplay?
  105. >Mic compatibility is currently not possible over netplay.
  107. How do I play Mario Party 7's Deluxe Cruise mode over netplay?
  108. >8-player netplay is currently not possible over netplay.
  110. I'd like to continue a party using someone else's save, how do I replace saves manually?
  111. GCN
  112. >Have the player whose save you want to use upload their MPN-A.USA.raw file, then download it and stick it in Mario Party Netplay GC-Wii > User > GC.
  113. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  114. Troubleshooting
  116. Whenever I try to join someone's traversal lobby, Dolphin just stalls and I can't connect!
  117. >Depending on how your network is configured, you may only be able to connect to lobbies hosted over Direct Connect. Either have the player unable to connect host the traversal lobby themselves or have the host forward a port and host over Direct Connect. If you need help forwarding a port, try following this guide.
  120. I was playing Mario Party and the board went black! How do I restore it?
  121. >In-game, quit out of the party and try again. If you've been saving every turn, no progress will be lost.
  124. I started emulation in a netplay lobby, but the game showed up as a black screen!
  125. >The black screen is caused by players not starting emulation at the same time. Ensure that no one in the lobby is running the game before the host starts netplay.
  127. Someone desynced on frame 0!
  128. >A frame 0 desync means that there's a checksum mismatch. All players should have the same game version.
  130. I tried both running Replace.bat and replacing a save manually but the save still isn't getting replaced in-game!
  131. >Pathing issues may arise from moving folders around or dragging the emulator folder instead of extracting it. In these cases, the best solution it to redownload the emulator and try again.
  133. How do I solve the error The program can't start because MSVCP140.dll is missing from your computer.?
  134. >Download and run the file.
  136. Bonus
  137. A few codes that may improve your experience (note that everyone must use the same codes):
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