
vkopt en lang 26.08.13

Aug 26th, 2013
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text 34.61 KB | None | 0 0
  2. vk_lang_en={//by Hzy
  3. 'LangAuthor':'by Hzy',
  4. 'LinksGet':'Get links',
  5. 'Error':'Error',
  6. 'download':'[ Download ]',
  7. 'downloadHD':'[ Download HD ]',
  8. 'delete':'[ Delete ]',
  9. 'DelTag':'Delete tag',
  10. 'DelTagOk':'Tag removed',
  11. 'MyTagsDelete':'Delete tags',
  12. 'removed':'Removed',
  13. 'added':'Added',
  14. 'noWallMessages':'No messages',
  15. 'vblog':'Code for blog',
  16. 'now':'Now',
  17. 'set':'Set',
  18. 'delby':'You\'ve been deleted by:',
  19. 'addby':'You\'ve been added by:',
  20. 'selall':'[ Select all ]',
  21. 'selnon':'Select',
  22. 'selinv':'Invert selected',
  23. 'delsel':'Delete selected',
  24. 'wallClear':'Clear wall',
  25. 'selgrs':'[ Select groups ]',
  26. 'start':'[ Start ]',
  27. 'remall':'[ Delete all ]',
  28. 'favorites':'Favorites',
  29. 'blacklist':'Black list',
  30. 'addblack':'Add to black list',
  31. 'confblack':'Are you sure you want add user to black list ?',
  32. 'fron':'Friends online',
  33. 'fris':'Friends',
  34. 'all':'All',
  35. 'ban':'Fast ban',
  36. 'addf':'[ <b>Add photo</b> ]',
  37. 'delFromFav':'Delete from list',
  38. 'addToFav':'Add in list',
  39. 'wall':'Wall ',
  40. 'comm':' comm.',
  41. 'komm':'Comments',
  42. 'obzor':'Browse',
  43. 'refreshList':'Refresh list',
  44. 'clPhW':'Photos with..',
  45. 'clViW':'Videos with..',
  46. 'clPh':'Photos',
  47. 'clVi':'Videos',
  48. 'clAu':'Audio',
  49. 'clGr':'Groups',
  50. 'clQu':'Questions',
  51. 'clAp':'Apps',
  52. 'clEv':'Events',
  53. 'clNo':'Notes',
  54. 'clWa':'Wall',
  55. 'clRa':'Rating',
  56. 'clMa':'Agree with suggestion',
  57. 'clGi':'Gift',
  58. 'clFav':'To&nbsp;bookmarks',
  59. 'clAddFr':'Add to friend',
  60. 'clAddToFav':'Add to bookmarks',
  61. 'day':' d.',
  62. 'min':' min.',
  63. 'byID':' ',
  64. 'byName':'N.',
  65. 'byFam':'S.',
  66. 'byNone':'None',
  67. 'mIdW':'Wall',
  68. 'mFrA':'All',
  69. 'mFrO':'Online',
  70. 'mFrNew':'Recent',
  71. 'mFrSug':'Suggestions',
  72. 'mPhM':'My albums',
  73. 'mPhW':'Photos with me',
  74. 'mPhN':'Add album',
  75. 'mPhC':'Comments',
  76. 'mPhA':'Browse photos',
  77. 'mViM':'My videos',
  78. 'mViW':'Videos with me',
  79. 'mViN':'Add',
  80. 'mAuM':'My audio',
  81. 'mAuE':'Edit',
  82. 'mAuN':'Add',
  83. 'mMaI':'Recieved',
  84. 'mMaO':'Sent',
  85. 'mQuickMessages':'Quick Messages',
  86. 'mNoM':'My notes',
  87. 'mNoN':'Add',
  88. 'mNoC':'Comments',
  89. 'mNoF':'Friends notes',
  90. 'mNoI':'Favorite notes',
  91. 'mGrM':'My groups',
  92. 'mGrN':'Group news',
  93. 'mGrS':'Search groups',
  94. 'mEvF':'Future',
  95. 'mEvL':'Passed',
  96. 'mEvC':'Calendar',
  97. 'mEvN':'Create event',
  98. 'mEvS':'Event search',
  99. 'mNeF':'Friends',
  100. 'mNeG':'Groups',
  101. 'mNeB':'Comments',
  102. 'mNeS':'Status',
  103. 'mNeFW':'-- to photos with me',
  104. 'mSeO':'Main',
  105. 'mSeP':'Privacy',
  106. 'mSeN':'Notifications',
  107. 'mSeB':'Black list',
  108. 'mSeU':'Updates',
  109. 'mMaM':'My suggestions',
  110. 'mMaS':'Search',
  111. 'mMaSe':'Accepted',
  112. 'mOpA':'Opinions about me',
  113. 'mOpO':'My opinions',
  114. 'mOpF':'My friends',
  115. 'mApM':'My apps',
  116. 'mApA':'All apps',
  117. 'mQuM':'My questions',
  118. 'mQuN':'Add question',
  119. 'mQuS':'Question search',
  120. 'mQuF':'Friends questions',
  121. 'mQuA':'My answers',
  122. 'mMaA':'All ads',
  123. 'mMaN':'My ads',
  124. 'mMaF':'Friends ads',
  125. "mWishMy": "My wishes",
  126. "mWishDone": "Granted",
  127. "mWishFr":"Friends wishes",
  128. 'mFrR':'Requests',
  129. 'mTags':'Tags',
  130. 'mSlideShow':'[SlideShow]',
  131. //settings
  132. 'seLinkAu':'Audio download',
  133. 'seLinkVi':'Video download',
  134. 'seLinkAp':'[ App download ]',
  135. 'seBlCod':'[ Show video code for blog ]',
  136. 'sePlayer':'[ Download FLV-player ]',
  137. 'seSelEG':'[ Show `Invite all` in events/groups ]',
  138. 'seWallImg':'[ Auto-rotate images at wall ]',
  139. 'seGInCol':'Groups in column',
  140. 'seNInCol':'[ Names on photo and video in column ]',
  141. 'seLoadOnl':'Load list with friends online<br>Refresh list in:',
  142. 'seLoadCom':'Load list of mutual friends',
  143. 'seLoadApP':'[ Load links to apps from profile ]',
  144. 'seLoadApL':'[ Load links to apps from list ]',
  145. 'seOnActiv':'Big window for editing status',
  146. 'seOnVid':'[ Load links to video from profile/album ]',
  147. 'seOnSelP':'[ Turn on `Select all` on photo ]',
  148. 'seOnSelV':'[ Turn on `Select all` on video]',
  149. 'seOnAway':'Ignore away.php',
  150. 'seFavOn':'Notify when Favorite user is online',
  151. 'seGrCom':'Highlight common groups on friend\'s profile',
  152. 'seNewSnd':'[ Sound notification ]',
  153. 'seVisible':'[ Manage visibility ]',
  154. 'seTestFr':'Checking new/deleted friends',
  155. 'seRefList':'Refresh list every:',
  156. 'seCreList':'Create new list',
  157. 'seAttent':'[ This settings are saved only on this computer ! ]',
  158. 'seMenu':'Advanced menu',
  159. 'seNewsAv':'[ Show avatars in news ]',
  160. 'seADRem':'Remove ads',
  161. 'seQSearch':'[ Fast audio/video search ]',
  162. 'seSortNam':'Sort friends list by parameter',
  163. 'seUpdate':'[ Notify about updates ]',
  164. 'seLMenuH':'Left menu',
  165. 'seLMenuO':'- don\'t change<br>- remove "My"<br>- replace "My" with icons',
  166. 'seVkBlog':'[ Show Vkontakte developers news ]',
  167. 'seClockH':'Clock',
  168. 'seClockO':'0- No<br> 1- Digital (only time)<br> 2- Digital (time+date)<br> 3-Analog',
  169. 'seCalend':'Calendar',
  170. 'seAdmins':'[ Functions for admins.<br>For others it doesn\'t work anyway.. ]',
  171. 'seQAns':'List of unread messages in advanced menu',
  172. 'seClos':'[ List on closed pages ]',
  173. 'seFave':'[ Buttons on Bookmarks ]',
  174. 'sePVext':'[ Button for photo/video from profile/group ("browse" etc.) ]',
  175. 'seWallH':'[ Walls checking ]',
  176. 'seWallO':'0- No<br> 1- Inscription "Wall Quantity"<br> 2- (1) message<br> 3- Inscription "Wall # Quantity"<br> 4- (3) messages<br> 5- Inscription "Wall # New"<br> 6- (5) messages',
  177. 'sePh100':'[ Show 100 photos on page ]',
  178. 'seQur':'[ Delete email and pass from cookies ]<br>// Free cookies: 2<br>// Security: ',
  179. 'seWhoFaved':'Show, who added me in faves',
  180. 'seRightBar':'Clock and calendar on right panel',
  181. 'seGS':'[ Get settings ]',
  183. 'seSelApp':'[ Show `Invite all` in apps ]',
  184. 'seStyleBtns':'Advanced text edit',
  185. 'seAudioLyr':'Audio. Link to search lyrics. Necessary turn on ',
  186. 'seCalcAge':'Show age and zodiacal sign in profiles ',
  187. 'seHLMail':'Custom background of unread messages',
  188. 'seSwichTextChr':'Change keyboard layout in current textfield by CTRL+Q or CTRL+]',
  189. 'seExPlayer':'Advanced player in audio',
  190. 'seHideWIUmsg':'Hide notifications about unreliable information',
  191. 'seRemDuplicate':'Remove dublicates in audio search ',
  192. 'seBigPhotoArrow':'Big arrows to look through photos',
  193. 'seExUserMenu':'Advanced menu for all profiles &#9660;',
  194. 'seExUMClik':'Show advanced profile menu by click on &#9660; (if "Off" - by mouse pointing)',
  195. 'seMsgSelColor':'Background of unread messages',
  196. 'seLightFriends':'Highlight friends with another color',
  197. 'seFrSelColor':'Friends highlighting color',
  198. 'seICQico':'Show ICQ status check icon in profiles',
  199. 'seQuickWallPost':'Quick answer window after pressing on "Post on user\'s wall"',
  200. 'seDontCutAva':'Don\'t cut users avatars',
  201. 'seAutoUpdMenu':'Auto-refresh left menu',
  202. 'sePopupNewMsg':'Popup unread messages. ( Autopopup new messages if auto-refresh menu is on )',
  203. 'seMsgFavicon':'[ Notify icon about new message ]<br>Work\'s only if two previous options is on.',
  204. 'seMsgFaviconTxt':'0 - off <br>1 - static <br>2 - blinking ',
  205. 'seAjaxMsgForm':'[ Popup answer and new message window ]',
  206. 'seAjMsgCfg':'0 - off<br>1 - everywhere<br>2 - everywhere, except "My messages"',
  207. 'sePlCtrlLMnu':'Control buttons for advanced player under left menu',
  208. 'seExHistoryStatus':'[ Show all status history ]',
  209. 'seAudioDownloadName':'Download audio with original VK name using <a href="">Download Master</a>',
  210. 'seLoadFrCats':'Load friend lists in advanced menu',
  211. 'seAltProfile':'Alternative profile',
  212. 'seMasDelPMsg':'Function for deleting all messages',
  213. 'seFavToTopIm':'Put Favorites on top of contact list in conversations',
  214. 'seQuoteIM':'Quoting in quick messages by clicking on text',
  215. 'seOnlineStatus':'Box with info about your current online/offline status',
  216. 'seZoomPhoto':'Popup photo/info by pointing avatar',
  217. 'seZoomPhHelp':'0 - off <br>1 - only big photo<br>2 - big photo + info',
  218. 'seQuickMsg2Norm':'Button to switch to standart message from quick',
  219. 'seSmiles':'Smiles',
  220. 'seFavOnline':'Show bookmarked users online on my profile<br>',
  221. 'sePhotosOnAlbPage':'Quantity of photos on photo-album page',
  222. 'sePhotosOnPageText':'- 20 (default)<br>- 40<br>- 60<br>- 80<br>- 100<br>- 260<br>- 510',
  223. 'seQPhotos':'Quick album preview',
  224. 'seQPhotosText':'- off<br>- over photo<br>- under photo',
  225. 'seScroolPhoto':'Switching photos by mouse scroll',
  227. 'Media':'Media',
  228. 'Users':'Users',
  229. 'vkInterface':'Interface',
  230. 'Messages':'Messages',
  231. 'Others':'Others',
  232. //
  233. 'delme':'Delete me',
  234. 'on':'On',
  235. 'of':'Off',
  236. 'au':'Auto',
  237. 'ru':'Manual',
  238. 'deleteduser':'Paged deleted by owner',
  239. 'addtop':'[Subscribe]',
  240. 'doMultiNids':'Several account checking is necessary?',
  241. 'addVkopsSets':'After selecting necessary options, add in file vkops.js this line:',
  242. 'repVkopsSets':'Replace in file vkops.js line 1. with line 2.',
  243. 'SettsNotSaved':'<center><a href=# onclick="return false;">If settings aren\'t saved</a></center>',
  244. 'addtopicerr':'Error. Refresh page and try again.',
  245. 'topicadded':'Added in news',
  246. 'graffiti':'Graffiti',
  247. 'photo':'Photo',
  248. 'video':'Video',
  249. 'audio':'Audio',
  250. 'send2wall':'Post to wall: ',
  251. 'whofavedonline':'Added to faves and online now',
  252. 'whofavedofline':'Added to faves and offline now',
  253. 'rekvizits':'<b><a href="">Ivan Dmitritch [VkOpt]</a>:</b><br>R392598737391 - wmr <br>E303827419590 - wme <br>Z363416290401 - wmz <br>41001323116074 - Яндекс.Деньги<br><a href="">sms</a>',
  254. 'rekvizits2':'<b><a href="">Raevskiy Mikhail [KiberПсих]</a>:</b><br>R255120081922 - wmr <br>E101435675230 - wme <br>Z498828961904 - wmz <br>41001486412536 - Yandex.Money<br><a href="">sms</a>',
  255. 'ResetApp':'[Reset]',
  256. 'SwichAppDescr':'[Show/hide description]',
  257. 'invite':'[ Invite ]',
  258. 'CheckStatus':'check status',
  259. 'HisStatus':'Status history',
  260. 'rejectallinv':'[ Decline all invites ]',
  261. 'updateLMenu':'Refresh menu',
  262. 'PhotoLinks':'[ Links to photo ]',
  263. 'CheckPageAccess':'Check page access',
  264. 'SearchOnPda': '[ Look for accessible wall here ]',
  265. 'AddMyAudio':'Add',
  266. 'GoSearch':'Search..',
  267. 'DontInNewWindow':'Don\'t open this link in new window',
  268. 'Attach':'Attach',
  269. 'PhotoHD':'Download HD',
  270. //>>
  271. 'LoadFakePhoto':'Upload photo with spoofed preview',
  272. 'UploadPhoto':'Upload photo',
  273. 'UpPhoto':'Photo:',
  274. 'UpPhoto1':'Main:',
  275. 'UpPhoto2':'s_Small (news):',
  276. 'UpPhoto3':'m_Medium (in album):',
  277. 'UpPhoto4':'y_HD1:',
  278. 'UpPhoto5':'z_HD2:',
  279. 'LoadFakePhotoZ':'Upload photo with cutting',
  281. 'LoadGraffiti':'From file',
  282. 'LoadFakeGraffiti':'Upload graffity from file',
  283. 'UpGraffiti':' ',//'Upload graffity: ',
  284. 'GraffitiSignature':'Image key:',
  285. 'GrafSidCalc':'Calculate',
  286. 'GraffitiFile':'Image:',
  287. 'UploadFraffiti':'Upload',
  288. 'GraffHelp':'<b>Hint:</b><br>To upload graffity:<br><ol><li>Select image in specified field.</li><li>Select same image to calculate key and press "Calculate". If you already have a key, type it near this button</li><li>Press button "Upload"</li></ol>',
  290. 'SaveHistory':'[ Save history ]',
  291. 'SaveToFile':'Save to file',
  292. 'ClickForSave':'To select place for saving press button: ',
  293. //<<
  295. 'admDelInvP':'Cancel visible',
  298. 'InvAll':'[Invite all]',
  299. 'InvMsg':'Invite friends to group?',
  300. 'InvBtn':'Invite',
  301. 'InvBoxTtl':'Inviting friends',
  302. 'InvStart':'Start inviting',
  303. 'InvProgr':'Request success progress: ',
  305. 'InvMsgApp':'Invite all friends in app?',
  306. 'InvNormalApp':'Invite optionally',
  307. 'InvAll2App':'Invite all friends',
  309. 'AppInstEmul':'[Fake app installation]',
  310. 'AppAdd2Me':'Add to my page',
  311. 'AppEmulSet':'Fake app installation button',
  312. //styles
  313. 'sm_Select':'Choose style:',
  314. 'sm_SelectSmile':'Choose smile:',
  315. 'sm_Style1':'&#1161; &#776;&#804;с&#776;&#804;т&#776;&#804;и&#776;&#804;л&#776;&#804;ь&#776;&#804; &#776;&#804;т&#776;&#804;е&#776;&#804;к&#776;&#804;с&#776;&#804;т&#776;&#804;а&#776;&#804; &#1161;',
  316. 'sm_Style2':'&#824;с&#824;т&#824;и&#824;л&#824;ь&#824; &#824;т&#824;е&#824;к&#824;с&#824;т&#824;а',
  317. 'sm_Style3':'&#800;с&#800;т&#800;и&#800;л&#800;ь&#800; &#800;т&#800;е&#800;к&#800;с&#800;т&#800;а&#800;',
  318. 'sm_Style4':'&#864;с&#864;т&#864;и&#864;л&#864;ь &#864;т&#864;е&#864;к&#864;с&#864;т&#864;а',
  319. 'sm_Style5':'&#804;с&#804;т&#804;и&#804;л&#804;ь&#804; &#804;т&#804;е&#804;к&#804;с&#804;т&#804;а&#804;',
  321. 'AudioLyr':'Text',
  322. 'aDubDel':' Deleted ', 'aDublic':' Dublicate',
  323. //Player
  324. 'Play2Status_on':'<font color="#17A170">Turn on</font><br>now playing in status',
  325. 'Play2Status_off':'<font color="#FF5C5C">Turn off</font><br>now playing in status',
  326. 'On_green':'<font color="#17A170">Turn on</font>',
  327. 'Off_red':'<font color="#FF5C5C">Turn off</font>',
  328. 'PlayerEPC':' player controls are on this page with buttons under left menu',
  329. 'SnufflePls':'Remix playlist',
  331. 'txMessage':'Message',
  332. 'txHide':'Hide',
  333. 'Lock':'Block',
  334. 'Send':'Send',
  335. 'Cancel':'Cancel',
  336. 'Error':'Error',
  337. 'Loading':'Loading...',
  338. 'FailSendMsg':'Unable to send message!',
  339. 'FailMore20':'You are trying to send more then 20 messages to people you have not in your friendlist. Add user to friends, to bypass this restriction.',
  340. 'ClearActivity':'Clear status',
  341. 'MsgFromChat':'Message from chat',
  342. 'msgdel':'Deleting...',
  343. 'msgreq':'Requesting message list...',
  344. 'msgcnt':'Messages remaining:',
  345. 'msgsuc':'Messages deleted.',
  346. 'msgclearchat':'[ Delete history ]',
  347. 'msgdelinbox':'[ Delete all recieved ]',
  348. 'msgdeloutbox':'[ Delete all sent ]',
  349. 'msgdelconfirm':'Do you really want to delete all messages?\nUndo this action is impossible!',
  351. 'FaveOnline':'Faves online',
  352. 'AltInfo':'Alternative information',
  353. 'banit':'Ban',
  355. 'checkAll':'Select all',
  356. 'uncheckAll':'Unselect all',
  357. 'delChecked':'Delete selected',
  358. 'Done':'Done',
  360. 'SkinMan':'Skin manager',
  361. 'Author':'Author',
  362. 'Zoom':'Zoom',
  363. 'Noname':'Noname',
  364. 'Preview':'Preview',
  365. 'Apply':'Apply',
  366. 'Clear':'Clear',
  367. 'Hide':'Hide',
  368. 'SetByLink':'Set by link',
  369. 'SetByCode':'Set CSS-code',
  370. 'EnterCSSLink':'Enter direct link to CSS file',
  371. 'categories':'Categories',
  372. 'theme_num':['','<b>%s</b> skin','<b>%s</b> skins','<b>%s</b> skins'],
  373. 'InsertCSSCode':'Insert CSS-code here:',
  374. 'WrongCSSCode':'Error. In CSS-code there are <style> or <script> tags',//&lt;style&gt; or &lt;script&gt;
  375. 'CSSCode':'User styles',
  377. 'ToggleQuickPreviews':'Show quick album preview',
  378. 'ClearWall':'Wall clearing',
  379. 'ClearBegin':'Begin clearing:',
  380. 'FromFirstPage':'with 1st page',
  381. 'FromSecondPage':'with 2nd page',
  382. 'ClearDone':'Clearing completed',
  383. 'Deleted':'Deleted',
  385. 'Settings':'Settings',
  386. 'SearchText':'[ Find text ]',
  387. 'THFI':'Thanks for installing VkOpt!',
  388. 'YIV':'You have been installed VkOpt v',
  389. 'INCD':'<font color="red"><b>ATTENTION!</b></font><br><br><b>Remember</b>: To avoid fakes, which can stole your password, download script <b>only</b> from official <a href="" target=_blank><b>site</b></a>.<br><br>To turn on/off functions you have to go to <a href="/settings?act=vkopt" target=_blank>settings</a>.<br><br>Don\'t turn on all (necessary and unnecessary) functions to avoid lags during page loads.<br><br><b>With questions</b> of using script go to <a href="" target=_blank>forum</a><br><br>Description of Vkopt\'s functions can be found <a href="" target=_blank>here</a><br><br>',
  390. 'FIS':'To complete install refresh page.',
  392. //miXOniN
  393. 'ShowHistoryStatuses':'[ Show full status history ]',
  394. 'ErrorStatus3pageClosed':'-3 (Unable to get statuses from closed profile!)',
  395. 'NeizvestajaError': '(Unknown error!)',
  396. 'HistoryError':'Unable to get status history!<br>Err no: ',
  397. 'DellAllHist':'[ Delete all history! ]',
  398. 'GolovDell':'Completed!',
  399. 'TopicNewMess':'',
  400. 'UznatVozrast':'Age?(=',
  401. 'Vozrast':'Age: ',
  402. 'Let':'years',
  403. 'VsegoStatusov':'All statuses: ',
  404. 'qDelAllStatus':'Do you really want to delete all visible statuses from history?',
  405. //
  407. 'vk_year':["","%s year.","%s years.","%s years."],
  408. 'ParseFriends':'Friends parsing',
  409. 'FrToCatsBySex':'New category names for friends sexes',
  410. 'Sex_other':'Undefined',
  411. 'FrSexToLists':'[ To list by sex ]',
  412. 'ChangeVkOptLang':"Change VkOpt language",
  413. 'Spam':'Spam',
  414. 'Donations':'Contribute via your donation to developers:',
  415. 'Help':'Help',
  416. 'FrNoteFound':'<b>A note with friendlist was founded.</b>({note})<br><br>Would you like Vkopt changes it further?<br>If not, a new note will be created.',
  417. 'FriendsListTest':'Friendlist is checking',
  418. 'FrListLoading':'Friendlist is loading..',
  419. 'FrListLoadingNote':'Friendlist from note is loading..',
  420. 'FrListSaveNote':'Friendlist is saving in note..',
  421. 'FrListNoteError':'Error.\nA note with friendlist may be broken. Refreshing friendlist was stopped.\nTry to create new note.',
  422. 'FrListError':'Getting friendlist error. The friends_ajax.php page may be unavailable. Many friends in list can cause the problem.',
  423. 'NoteCreated':'Note created',
  424. 'NoteCreating':'Note is creating',
  425. 'WithoutChanges':'Friend list didn\'t change since last check',
  426. 'Yes':'Ok',
  427. 'No':'Cancel',
  428. 'seMyFrLink':'Change behavior on clicking "My friends":',
  429. 'seMyFrLnkOps':'- Don\'t change<br>- Online<br>- All',
  431. "paCheckUnik":"Check uniqueness",
  432. "paGetPByUser":"Search by user",
  433. "paDelOld":"Deleted old",
  434. "paDevSpecialFor":'developed for <a href="/club337">club337</a>',
  435. "paAllUserPhotos":'[ All user photos ]',
  436. 'paSearchUserPhotos':'Search user photo',
  437. 'paEnterUser':'Set user',
  438. 'paEnterUserLink':'Set userlink:',
  439. 'paDelCount':'Quantity of deleted:',
  440. 'paChkOldPhotos':'Old selected photos:',
  441. 'paIDCheckedPhotos':'Selected photos ID',
  442. 'paDelPhotos':'Photos deleting',
  443. 'paSureDelPhoto':'<p>Do you really want to delete all <b>{count}</b> photos?</p>',
  444. 'phDel':'Delete',
  445. 'paNullCount':'Number of deleted photos was not set.',
  446. 'paDelStarted':'Begin deleting...',
  447. 'paDelProc':'Deleting...:',
  448. 'paDelSuc':'Deleting completed',
  449. 'paDelAllUserPhotos':'[ Delete all his photos ]',
  450. 'paDelChecked':'[ Delete checked ]',
  451. 'paBanAll':'[ Ban all ]',
  452. 'paBanUsers':'Users ban',
  453. 'paSureBanAll':'Add <b>{count}</b> to ban?',
  455. 'CheckAll':'[ Select all ]',
  456. 'UncheckAll':'[ Unselect ]',
  457. 'paBanAllAndDelPhotos':'[ Delete all photos and ban ]',
  458. 'Search':'Search',
  459. 'mSeMobile':'Mobile services',
  460. 'seFixLeftMenu':'Fix left menu',
  461. 'wallsHelp':'For groups wall before id add symbol g. Example: g123456',
  462. 'add':'Add',
  463. 'EnterAllowPhotoCount':'Set maximum photos by one user in album:',
  464. 'seSkinManBtn':'Skin manager button in left bottom corner',
  465. 'seFixLeftMenuText':'- off<br>- normal<br>- simple<br>',
  466. 'NotUser':'Profile not found',
  467. 'seExplandProfileInfo':'Autodrop detailed info in profile',
  468. 'seMoveMBlog':'Put microblog in bottom',
  469. 'Links':'[ Links ]',
  470. 'seOldStatusHistory':'Show old status history at profile',
  471. 'zodiac_signs': ["Capricorn", "Aquarius", "Pisces", "Aries", "Taurus", "Gemini", "Cancer", "Leo", "Virgo", "Libra", "Scorpio", "Sagittarius"],
  472. 'seRemVidDuplicate':'Delete video duplicates',
  473. 'seMovPopupMsgRight':'Popup new messages at the right',
  474. 'mGrInv':'Invites',
  475. 'LoadFromFile':'Load data from file',
  476. 'Browse':'Browse',
  477. 'ClickForLoad':'To choose file with data click button ',
  478. 'ConfigBackupRestore':'Save/restore settings backup:',
  479. 'ConfigLoaded':'Settings loaded!',
  480. 'ConfigError':'Error while loading settings. File may be broken.',
  481. 'ExportSettings':'Save setting in file',
  482. 'ImportSettings':'Restore settings from file',
  483. 'ClearCssCode':'Clear CSS code',
  484. 'seAvaArrows':'Arrows for viewing avatars on profile',
  485. 'Sounds':'Sounds',
  486. 'SoundsThemeLoadClear':'Load/clear sound theme',
  487. 'LoadSoundsTheme':'Load from file',
  488. 'ResetSoundsDef':'Reset default sound theme',
  489. 'SoundsThemeLoaded':'Sound theme loaded',
  490. 'SoundsThemeError':'Error. File is not a sound theme or it is broken',
  491. 'SoundMsg':'New messages',
  492. 'SoundNew':'New occurrence in left menu',
  493. 'SoundFavOnl':'Favourite user is online',
  494. 'SoundsThemeName':'Current sound theme',
  495. 'Default':'Default',
  496. 'SoundsThemeOnForum':'On forum: <a href="">VkOpt | Sound themes</a> | In community: <a href="">[ Sound themes ] Create/share</a>',
  497. 'seDisableAjaxNav':'Disable AJAX navigation',
  498. 'ConfigOnServer':'Settings\' storage on server',
  499. 'SaveOnServer':'Save on server',
  500. 'LoadFromServer':'Load from server',
  501. 'seExpland_ProfileInfo':'Full information on profile:',
  502. 'seExplandProfileInfoText':'0 - don\'t change<br>1 - remember last condition<br>2 - always expland<br>3 - always minimized',
  503. 'AltLogin':'[ Alternative login ]',
  505. 'mDialogsMessages':'Conversations',
  506. 'mFaV':'My bookmarks',
  507. 'mFaL':'Links',
  508. 'mFaP':'Photos',
  509. 'mFaVI':'Videos',
  510. 'mFaPO':'Posts',
  511. 'mNeP':'Feed',
  512. 'mWAllPosts':'All posts',
  513. 'mWMyPosts':'My posts',
  514. 'clPhBrowse':'Browse photos',
  515. 'board':'Discussion board',
  516. 'clGu':'Members',
  517. 'clAdm':'Administration',
  518. //'Links':'Links',
  519. 'UserAPI_Auth':'Authorization on UserAPI',
  520. 'DuroAuth':'Authorization through',
  521. 'email':'E-mail or Login',
  522. 'pass':'Password',
  523. 'enter':'Login',
  524. 'auto_login':'Auto-login',
  525. 'UserAPI_e1':'Incorrect email or password',
  526. 'UserAPI_e2':'Wrong captcha after sending email and password',
  527. 'UserAPI_e3':'Wrong email or password. You must enter captcha next time',
  528. 'UserAPI_e4':'Wrong email or password, no need in captcha',
  529. 'WTF_SID':'Bad SID. Authorization impossible',
  530. 'RefreshFrListConfirm':'Check list of added/deleted friends?',
  531. 'Donate':'Donate',
  532. 'Donate_text':'Donate to VkOpt project',
  533. 'DevRekv':'<b><a href="">Raevskiy Mikhail [KiberПсих]</a>:</b>',
  534. 'NeedWMKeeper':'You need installed <br><b>WebMoney Keeper Classic</b>',
  535. 'Page':'Page',
  536. 'TinEyeSearch':'[ Search copies (TinEye) ]',
  537. 'seCompactAudio':'Decrease space between audios',
  538. 'seMoreDarkViewer':'Dark photoviewer in night-mode',
  539. 'seCompactFave':'Decrease avatars\' size in bookmarks',
  540. 'seLMenuWallLink':'Link to the wall in left menu',
  541. 'seCfgBackupDate':'Settings were backed up at ',
  542. 'seCfgNoBackup':'Settings backup wasn\'t found on server',
  543. 'seCfgRestored':'Settings loaded. Reload page',
  544. 'seCfgLoadError':'Error while loading settings',
  545. 'seCfgBackupSaved':'Settings backed up.',
  546. 'seBlocksToRightBar':'Move notifications, vk news and other blocks to the right panel',
  547. 'sePreventHideNotifications':'Don\'t hide popup notifications',
  548. 'seRightBarFixAsSideBar':'Fix as left menu',
  549. 'seSortFeedPhotos':'Sort new photos in feed by time',
  550. 'seAudioSize':'Show bitrate and size of track, after pointing to download icon',
  551. 'seAdNotHideSugFr':'Don\'t hide friends suggestion block',
  552. 'SavingImages':'Saving images',
  553. 'ClickForShowPage':'Click here to open page with photos, which was made',
  554. 'HtmlPageSaveHelp':'Wait until this page will finish loading and save as web-page to save all photos. Photos will be save in folder with the same name as web-page\
  555. <small><br>Opera: "Save as.." -> "HTML-file with images"\
  556. <br>Firefox: "Save as..." -> "Web-page, fully" (Be careful! Firefox can use a lot of memory, when you are saving a big amount of photos with this function)\
  557. </small>',
  558. 'SaveAlbumAsHtml':'[ Save album ]',
  559. 'DeleteMessages':'Deleting messages',
  560. 'DeleteMessagesDone':'Messages have been deleted',
  561. 'DelAllComments':'[ Delete all comments ]',
  562. 'DelComments':'Deleting comments',
  563. 'DelAllCommentsConfirm':'Are you sure, that you want to delete all comments?',
  564. 'CommonFriends':'Common friends',
  565. 'links':'Links',
  566. 'download_M3U':'Download M3U playlist',
  567. 'download_PLS':'Download PLS playlist',
  568. 'M3U_Playlist':'M3U playlist',
  569. 'PLS_Playlist':'PLS playlist',
  570. 'WarnSetting':'<b>This option isn\'t recommended to use</b><br>Don\'t turn it on, if you aren\'t sure!!!',
  571. 'Reset':'Reset',
  572. 'SaveHistoryCfg':'Configure',
  573. 'SaveMsgFormat':'Messages format',
  574. 'SaveMsgDateFormat':'Date format',
  575. 'nodesdel':'Deleting notes',
  576. 'notesreq':'Requesting notes list',
  577. 'ClearNotes':'Deleting all notes',
  578. 'CleanNotesConfirm':'Are you sure, that you want to delete all note? You won\'t be able to restore them!',
  579. 'DelAllNotes':'[ Delete all notes ]',
  580. 'DelCreatedAfterTime':'Delete only notes, which were created after:',
  581. 'DelAudios':'Deleting audios',
  582. 'DelAllAutiosConfirm':'Are you sure, that you want to delete all audios?',
  583. 'listreq':'Requesting list',
  584. 'deleting':'Deleting',
  585. 'DelAll':'[ Delete all ]',
  586. 'BanConfirm':'Are you sure, that you want to ban this user in community?',
  587. 'TetAtet':'One on one',
  588. 'Actions':'[ Actions ]',
  589. 'DeleteDuplicates':'[ Delete duplicates ]',
  590. 'DupDelCheckSizes':'Take size into account',
  591. 'Duplicates':'Duplicates',
  592. 'SoundNewEvents':'New events',
  593. 'ReplaceVkSounds':'Replace VK sounds',
  594. 'Add':'[ Add ]',
  595. 'mPhFrP':'Friends\' photo albums',
  596. 'mApS':'Settings',
  597. 'mNeU':'Updates',
  598. 'mNeR':'Suggestions',
  599. 'PhotoUploaded':'Photo uploaded',
  600. 'PhotoUpload':'Uploading in album',
  601. 'puUploadImageBtn':'Upload image',
  602. 'puChoiceAlbum':'Choose album to upload:',
  603. 'puLoadingInfoWait':'Loading info... Please wait...',
  604. 'ErrOldVkoptFound':'Old files of VkOpt were found. Delete them to avoid problems.',
  605. 'EnterLinkToPhoto':'[Link to photo as `photoXXX_YYYYY`]',
  606. 'IncorrectPhotoLink':'Incorrect photo link',
  607. 'AddFrToList':'[ Add to list ]',
  608. 'mNeMe':'Mentions',
  609. 'FavAddUser':'Add to Favourites',
  610. 'FavRemoved':'User was deleted from Favourites list',
  611. 'FavAdded':'User was added to Favourites list',
  612. 'FavUsers':'[ Favourites ]',
  613. 'UserOnline':'User is online',
  614. 'FavListRelace':'Local Favourites list detected. Do you want to replace it from server?',
  615. 'seFaveOnline':'Notify when bookmarked user is online',
  616. 'infoUseNetTrafic':'This option can use additional internet traffic',
  617. 'SearchAudioLyr':'Search lyrics',
  618. 'seShutProfilesBlock':'Minimize some blocks on profile',
  619. 'seMoveNotifier':'Location of popup notifiers',
  620. 'seMoveNotifierText':'- don\'t change <br>- bottom right <br>- top right <br>- top left',
  621. 'GetAudiosList':'Show list of audios (if possible)',
  622. 'AgeNA':'Age is inaccessible',
  623. 'OnlyForFriends':'[ only for friends ]',
  624. 'PreventHide':'[ Don\'t hide ]',
  625. 'VkoptDupFound':'More than one copy of VkOpt were found. <br>Delete duplicates.',
  626. 'SendAbuse':'Report profile',
  627. 'seIMFullTime':'Show full time for every message in conversations ( HH:MM:ss)',
  628. 'seIMAlwaysShowTime':'Show time for associated messages in conversations',
  629. 'seOnRightPart':'on the right part',
  630. 'clFans':'Followers',
  631. 'clSubscriptions':'Subscriptions',
  632. 'sePopupBoardInfo':'Popup details about topic/post, when points link with mouse',
  633. 'seExplandGroupNews':'Always expland group news',
  635. 'FrNotInLists':'[ Friends not in lists ]',
  636. 'IncorrectVideoLink':'Incorrect video link',
  637. 'EnterLinkToVideo':'[Link to video as `videoXXXX_YYYY`]',
  638. 'IncorrectAudioLink':'Incorrect audio link',
  639. 'EnterLinkToAudio':'[Link to video as `audioXXXX_YYYY` or wiki-code]',
  640. 'AddToSubscribtions':'Follow',
  641. 'profile_relation_m_0':'N/a',
  642. 'profile_relation_m_1':'Single',
  643. 'profile_relation_m_2':'In relationship',
  644. 'profile_relation_m_3':'Engaged',
  645. 'profile_relation_m_4':'Married',
  646. 'profile_relation_m_5':'It\'s Complicated',
  647. 'profile_relation_m_6':'Actively searching',
  648. 'profile_relation_m_7':'In love',
  649. 'profile_relation_f_0':'N/a',
  650. 'profile_relation_f_1':'Single',
  651. 'profile_relation_f_2':'In relationship',
  652. 'profile_relation_f_3':'Engaged',
  653. 'profile_relation_f_4':'Married',
  654. 'profile_relation_f_5':'It\'s Complicated',
  655. 'profile_relation_f_6':'Actively searching',
  656. 'profile_relation_f_7':'In love',
  657. 'seProfileMoveAudioBlock':'Move audio block on the right side of profile',
  658. 'seProfileGroups':'User\'s groups on the left side of profile',
  659. 'GoToUserPosts':'Go to user\'s posts',
  660. 'mNeNotif':'Feedback',
  661. 'mFrAllReq':'All requests',
  662. 'mFrOutReq':'Out requests',
  663. 'seWriteBoxWithoutFastChat':'Old-style message box (not quick chat)',
  664. 'seSmilesAlwaysShow':'always show',
  665. 'seSmilesAlwaysShowWarning':'After switching on "always show" site may work slower',
  666. 'photos_on_wall':'Photos on wall',
  667. 'YouTube':'YouTube',
  668. 'Birthdays':'Birthdays',
  669. 'clNews':'News',
  670. 'Volume':'Volume',
  671. 'seToTopOld':'Old behavior of "To top" button (to top/downwards)',
  672. /* Scrobbler */
  673. 'AuthBoxTitle' :'Last.FM Auth',
  674. 'AuthBoxText' :'Do you want to login?',
  675. 'AuthDone' :'<b><a href="<username>" target="_blank"><username></a></b>, you are succesfully logged in!',
  676. 'TimeRemaining':'<time> remained till scrobbling',
  677. 'TrackScrobbled':'Track scrobbled',
  678. 'TrackNotScrobbled':'Error while scrobbling',
  679. 'TrackPassed':'Track ignored',
  680. 'ScrobblingOn':'<b><a href="<username>" target="_blank"><username></a></b>, enable.',
  681. 'ScrobblingOff':'<b><a href="<username>" target="_blank"><username></a></b>, disable.',
  682. 'AuthNeeded':'Authorisation on Last.FM required',
  683. 'Logout':'[Logout]',
  684. 'LogoutSubmit':'You are logged in as <b><a href="<username>" target="_blank"><username></a></b>. Are you sure, that you want to logout?',
  685. 'LastFMAddToLoved':'Add to "Loved"',
  686. 'LastFMRemoveFromLoved':'Remove from "Loved"',
  687. /* end scrobbler lang */
  689. 'seShowLastActivity':'Information on profile, when user was online last time',
  690. 'mGrAdmin':'Administration',
  692. 'Stats':'Stats',
  693. 'mNeArticles':'Articles',
  694. 'vk_cc':'',
  695. 'SelectGRFilter':'Filter',
  696. 'Groups':'Groups',
  697. 'Events':'Events',
  698. 'GroupsAndPublics':'Groups and public pages',
  699. 'Publics':'Public pages',
  700. 'WarnCSSJSTheme':'This style uses extra scripts to change appearance.<br>Possible additional usage of system resources.',
  701. 'NotInAlbums':'[ Not in albums ]',
  702. 'Dialog':'Conversation',
  703. 'Chat':'Chat',
  704. 'PublicToGroup':'[ Transfer public to group ]',
  705. 'seVidDownloadLinks':'Links to download video in the lists',
  706. 'seHideLeftFrendsBlock':'Hide block with suggested friends',
  707. 'Typing':'is typing...',
  708. 'WikiPagesList':'[ List of Wiki-pages ]',
  709. 'seTypingNotify':'Notify, when somebody is typing you a message (conversations or quick chat must be opened)',
  710. 'TagsInfo':'[ Information about tags ]',
  711. 'Tag':'Tag',
  712. 'TagPlacer':'Person, who tagged',
  713. 'Date':'Date',
  714. 'GoogleImgSearch':'[ Search copies (Google) ]',
  715. 'HelpAds':'Ads help developer to earn some money from his work. Before switching off, please, think does it disturb you so much?',
  716. 'seHideBigLike':'Hide big "Like" button of photos',
  717. 'ViewResults':'[ Results ]',
  718. 'seWallReplyMod':'Reply to more than one person in comments',
  720. 'NotInFriends':'Not in friend-list',
  721. 'OutFriendRequests':'You have sent a friend request and started following this user.',
  722. 'FriendRequests':'This user sent a friend request and started following you',
  723. 'UserInFriend':'User is your friend',
  724. 'seFriendCatsOnProfile':'On friend\'s profile show lists, in which he is added',
  725. 'seLoadAudioAlbumInfo':'Load information about album of current audio track',
  726. 'AddMod':'Add mod',
  727. 'AddToGroup':'Add to group',
  728. 'SelectGroup':'Select group',
  729. 'SelectAlbum':'Select album',
  730. 'seLeaveGroupLinks':'Show "leave" buttons in communities list',
  731. 'LeaveGroup':'Leave community',
  732. 'GroupLeft':'You left this community',
  733. 'Kill_Invitation':'[ Delete all invitations ]',
  734. 'Kill_Invitation_confirm':'Are you sure, that you want to delete all invitations?',
  735. 'Bithday':'Birthday',
  736. 'Sex':'Sex',
  737. 'Country':'Country',
  738. 'City':'City',
  739. 'Relation':'Relationship status',
  740. 'Mob_tel': 'Mobile',
  741. 'Home_tel':'Alternative phone',
  742. 'University_name':'University',
  743. 'Faculty':'Department',
  744. 'Graduation':'Graduation year',
  745. 'FixAlbumInfo':'Fix album info',
  746. 'SearchAlbumTracks':'I\'m feeling lucky',
  747. 'seAPlayerCtrls':'Buttons for switching tracks in minimized player',
  748. 'PrevPosts':'[ Previous ]',
  749. 'MakeCover':'Make cover',
  750. 'UnbanAll':'[ Unban all ]',
  751. 'UnbanAll_confirm':'Are you sure, that you want to unban all?',
  752. 'EnterLinkToGroup':'Enter group link',
  753. 'seVideoFullTitles':'Show full names of videos and folders',
  754. 'GroupAlbums':'Group albums',
  755. 'Saved_photos':'Saved photos',
  756. 'Filter':'[ Filter ]',
  757. 'HideFeedRows':'Hide feeds:',
  758. 'with_photo':'with photos',
  759. 'with_video':'with videos',
  760. 'with_audio':'with audios',
  761. 'with_graff':'with graffities',
  762. 'with_poll':'with polls',
  763. 'with_note':'with notes',
  764. 'with_repost':'with reposts',
  765. 'with_text':'with text',
  766. 'with_links':'with links',
  767. 'from_friend':'from friends',
  768. 'from_group':'from communities',
  769. 'Middle_name':'[ Middle name: ]',
  770. 'WallPost':'[ Post from wall ]',
  771. 'EnterLinkToWallPost':'[Link to wall post as `wallXXX_YYYYY`]',
  772. 'IncorrectWallPostLink':'Incorrect wall post link',
  773. 'DelVideos':'Deleting video',
  774. 'DelAllVideosConfirm':'Are you sure, that you want to delete all videos?',
  775. 'seBatchCleaners':'Audios, videos, photos etc, deleting functions',
  776. 'LeaveAll':'[ Leave all ]',
  777. 'LeaveGroups':'Leave groups',
  778. 'LeaveAllGroupsConfirm':'Are you sure, that you want to leave all groups?',
  779. 'seCutBracket':'Frame VkOpt functions with square brackets',
  780. 'Reply':'[ Reply ]',
  781. 'dislike':'Dislike',
  782. 'users_dislike':['', '%s user disliked it', '%s users disliked it', '%s users disliked it'],
  783. 'who_dislike':'People who disliked it',
  784. 'CalcAgeWarning':'If user has never specified his age, this number may be random! Don\'t trust it totally :)',
  785. 'seDislikes':'Show "dislike" button',
  786. 'CancelAnswer':'[ Revote ]',
  787. 'CancelAnswerError':'Vote not found. Maybe you did not vote?',
  788. 'CancelAnswerSuccess':'Vote canceled. Reload this page',
  789. 'CancelAnswerFail':'Error while cancelling vote',
  790. 'seMenuToRight':'menu to the left',
  791. 'MenuCustomLinks':'User links in menu:',
  792. 'seDialogsReplyBtn':'Add to messanges "Reply" button',
  793. 'FullThumb':'[ Full thumbnails ]',
  794. 'FrDeleted':'[ Blocked ]',
  795. 'seAutoScrollToTrack':'Disable page autoscroll to current track\'s position after changing it',
  796. 'seDisableWallWikiBox':'Disable opening wall post in wiki-box and open it in old-style',
  797. 'ShowGroupMembers':'[ Show in entry order ]',
  798. 'GroupMembers':'Group members',
  799. 'mSeBalance':'Balance',
  800. 'Code':'[ Code ]',
  801. 'seSearchExInfo':'Additional information about user in search results',
  802. 'AddedToPls':'Added to playlist',
  803. 'AddToPls':'Add to playlist',
  804. 'ShowMore':'Show more',
  805. 'Share':'Share',
  806. 'NoteNew':'New note',
  807. 'GroupRequests':'Group requests',
  808. 'seGroupRequestsBlock':'Show block with requests in groups',
  809. 'VideoMove':'Moving video',
  810. 'VideoFilterRegex':'Find:',
  811. 'VideoFilterRegexHelp':'e.g. RegExp <b>/\\d+/i</b><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Regular expressions</a>',
  812. 'MoveTo':'Move to:',
  813. 'Move':'Move',
  814. 'VideosOnlyWithoutAlbum':'Only videos without albums',
  815. 'Found':'Found',
  816. 'ReloadPegeAfterMove':'Reload the page after moving',
  817. 'AudioBanned':'Blocked audio',
  818. 'SearchBanned':'Try to search blocked audio?',
  819. 'seDisableIMFavicon':'Disable favicon and title animation in conversation tab when new message recieved',
  820. 'mImportant':'Important'
  821. };
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