Guest User


a guest
Feb 20th, 2019
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  1. database:
  2. type: sqlite
  3. mySQLHost: localhost
  4. mySQLPort: 3306
  5. mySQLDatabase: db
  6. mySQLUser: root
  7. mySQLPassword: ""
  8. tableNames:
  9. players: "players"
  11. economyType: VAULT
  12. shopMenuName: "* Shop *"
  13. shopMenuSize: 54
  14. enableSellAll: true
  15. enableBuyGUI: true
  16. enableSellGUI: true
  17. enableSellGUISellAll: true
  18. returnToShop: true
  19. quickBuySell: true
  20. hideBuyPriceForUnbuyable: true
  21. hideSellPriceForUnsellable: true
  22. invertBuySell: false
  23. maxEnchantments: 3
  24. limitEnchantmentLevelDiff: false
  25. enableAmountSelectionFix: true
  26. allowAllSellAllStackSizes: false
  27. roundPrices: none
  28. disableMainMenu: false
  29. useDifferentMessagesForFreeItems: true
  30. capitalizeItemNames: true
  31. priceModifiersType: BOTH
  32. closeGuiAfterSellAll: false
  33. openBulkGuiImmediately: false
  35. itemStackSizeCappedAt:
  36. 1:
  37. material: ENDER_PEARL
  38. size: 16
  39. 2:
  40. material: SNOW_BALL
  41. size: 16
  42. 3:
  43. material: SIGN
  44. size: 16
  45. 4:
  46. material: EGG
  47. size: 16
  48. 5:
  49. material: BUCKET
  50. size: 16
  51. 6:
  52. material: WATER_BUCKET
  53. size: 1
  54. 7:
  55. material: LAVA_BUCKET
  56. size: 1
  58. disableShopsInGamemodes:
  60. - CREATIVE
  63. disableShopsInWorlds: []
  64. displayPriceModifiersInPercents: true
  65. disableSudoWorldPermissionCheck: false
  66. disableSudoShopPermissionCheck: false
  67. sellHandAllExcludeFreeItems: true
  69. defaultItemSettings:
  70. compareMeta: false
  71. stripItemMeta: false
  73. shopItemLoreFormat:
  74. item:
  75. - "&7Buy price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  76. - "&7Sell price &8\u25AA &a%sell%$"
  77. - ""
  78. - "&7Left click &8\u25AA &fBuy"
  79. - "&7Middle mouse button &8\u25AA &fSell all"
  80. - "&7Right click &8\u25AA &fSell"
  81. itemBuyGUI:
  82. - "&7Buy price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  83. itemSellGUI:
  84. - "&7Sell price &8\u25AA &a%sell%$"
  85. itemSellGUISellAll:
  86. - "&7Sell all for &8\u25AA &a%sell%$"
  87. permission:
  88. - "&7Buy price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  89. enchantment:
  90. - "&7Buy price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  91. command:
  92. - "&7Buy price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  94. log:
  95. toConsole: true
  96. toFile: true
  97. formatDate: "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"
  98. formatBuy: "%player% bought %amount%x %item% for $%price% from %shop% shop"
  99. formatSell: "%player% sold %amount%x %item% for $%price% to %shop% shop"
  100. formatSellAll: "%player% sold all %amount%x %item% for $%price% to %shop% shop"
  102. sellHand:
  103. allowAllQuantites: true
  104. sellsAllItems: false
  106. sellAll:
  107. detailedSummary: true
  109. buttons:
  110. goBack:
  111. item:
  112. material: NETHER_STAR
  113. amount: 1
  114. damage: 0
  115. name: "&6Return"
  116. slot: 49
  117. previousPage:
  118. item:
  119. material: PAPER
  120. quantity: 1
  121. name: "&ePrevious page"
  122. slot: 45
  123. nextPage:
  124. item:
  125. material: PAPER
  126. quantity: 1
  127. name: "&eNext page"
  128. slot: 53
  130. amountSelectionGUIBulkBuy:
  131. size: 18
  132. replaceButtonsType: true
  133. buttons:
  134. buy1:
  135. item:
  136. quantity: 1
  137. name: "&aBuy 1 stack"
  138. lore:
  139. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  140. value: 1
  141. slot: 0
  142. buy2:
  143. item:
  144. quantity: 2
  145. name: "&aBuy 2 stacks"
  146. lore:
  147. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  148. value: 2
  149. slot: 1
  150. buy3:
  151. item:
  152. quantity: 3
  153. name: "&aBuy 3 stacks"
  154. lore:
  155. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  156. value: 3
  157. slot: 2
  158. buy4:
  159. item:
  160. quantity: 4
  161. name: "&aBuy 4 stacks"
  162. lore:
  163. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  164. value: 4
  165. slot: 3
  166. buy5:
  167. item:
  168. quantity: 5
  169. name: "&aBuy 5 stacks"
  170. lore:
  171. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  172. value: 5
  173. slot: 4
  174. buy6:
  175. item:
  176. quantity: 6
  177. name: "&aBuy 6 stacks"
  178. lore:
  179. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  180. value: 6
  181. slot: 5
  182. buy7:
  183. item:
  184. quantity: 7
  185. name: "&aBuy 7 stacks"
  186. lore:
  187. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  188. value: 7
  189. slot: 6
  190. buy8:
  191. item:
  192. quantity: 8
  193. name: "&aBuy 8 stacks"
  194. lore:
  195. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  196. value: 8
  197. slot: 7
  198. buy9:
  199. item:
  200. quantity: 9
  201. name: "&aBuy 9 stacks"
  202. lore:
  203. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%buy%$"
  204. value: 9
  205. slot: 8
  206. cancel:
  207. item:
  208. material: STAINED_GLASS
  209. quantity: 1
  210. damage: 14
  211. name: "&cCancel"
  212. slot: 13
  214. amountSelectionGUIBulkSell:
  215. size: 18
  216. replaceButtonsType: true
  217. buttons:
  218. sell1:
  219. item:
  220. quantity: 1
  221. name: "&aSell 1 stack"
  222. lore:
  223. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%sell%$"
  224. value: 1
  225. slot: 0
  226. sell2:
  227. item:
  228. quantity: 2
  229. name: "&aSell 2 stacks"
  230. lore:
  231. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%sell%$"
  232. value: 2
  233. slot: 1
  234. sell3:
  235. item:
  236. quantity: 3
  237. name: "&aSell 3 stacks"
  238. lore:
  239. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%sell%$"
  240. value: 3
  241. slot: 2
  242. sell4:
  243. item:
  244. quantity: 4
  245. name: "&aSell 4 stacks"
  246. lore:
  247. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%sell%$"
  248. value: 4
  249. slot: 3
  250. sell5:
  251. item:
  252. quantity: 5
  253. name: "&aSell 5 stacks"
  254. lore:
  255. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%sell%$"
  256. value: 5
  257. slot: 4
  258. sell6:
  259. item:
  260. quantity: 6
  261. name: "&aSell 6 stacks"
  262. lore:
  263. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%sell%$"
  264. value: 6
  265. slot: 5
  266. sell7:
  267. item:
  268. quantity: 7
  269. name: "&aSell 7 stacks"
  270. lore:
  271. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%sell%$"
  272. value: 7
  273. slot: 6
  274. sell8:
  275. item:
  276. quantity: 8
  277. name: "&aSell 8 stacks"
  278. lore:
  279. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%sell%$"
  280. value: 8
  281. slot: 7
  282. sell9:
  283. item:
  284. quantity: 9
  285. name: "&aSell 9 stacks"
  286. lore:
  287. - "&7Price &8\u25AA &c%sell%$"
  288. value: 9
  289. slot: 8
  290. cancel:
  291. item:
  292. material: STAINED_GLASS
  293. quantity: 1
  294. damage: 14
  295. name: "&cCancel"
  296. slot: 13
  298. amountSelectionGUI:
  299. size: 54
  300. itemSlot: 22
  301. buttons:
  302. set1:
  303. item:
  304. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  305. quantity: 1
  306. damage: 14
  307. name: "&cSet to 1"
  308. slot: 18
  309. remove10:
  310. item:
  311. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  312. quantity: 10
  313. damage: 14
  314. name: "&cRemove 10"
  315. slot: 19
  316. remove1:
  317. item:
  318. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  319. quantity: 1
  320. damage: 14
  321. name: "&cRemove 1"
  322. slot: 20
  323. add1:
  324. item:
  325. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  326. quantity: 1
  327. damage: 5
  328. name: "&aAdd 1"
  329. slot: 24
  330. add10:
  331. item:
  332. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  333. quantity: 10
  334. damage: 5
  335. name: "&aAdd 10"
  336. slot: 25
  337. set16:
  338. item:
  339. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  340. quantity: 16
  341. damage: 5
  342. name: "&aSet to 16"
  343. slot: 26
  344. set64:
  345. item:
  346. material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  347. quantity: 64
  348. damage: 5
  349. name: "&aSet to 64"
  350. slot: 26
  351. confirm:
  352. item:
  353. material: STAINED_GLASS
  354. quantity: 1
  355. damage: 5
  356. name: "&aConfirm"
  357. slot: 39
  358. sellAll:
  359. item:
  360. material: STAINED_GLASS
  361. quantity: 1
  362. damage: 5
  363. name: "&aSell all"
  364. slot: 40
  365. buyMore:
  366. item:
  367. material: STAINED_GLASS
  368. quantity: 64
  369. damage: 5
  370. name: "&aBuy more"
  371. slot: 49
  372. sellMore:
  373. item:
  374. material: STAINED_GLASS
  375. quantity: 64
  376. damage: 5
  377. name: "&aSell more"
  378. slot: 49
  379. cancel:
  380. item:
  381. material: STAINED_GLASS
  382. quantity: 1
  383. damage: 14
  384. name: "&cCancel"
  385. slot: 41
  387. shopMenuItems:
  388. 1:
  389. item:
  390. material: 264
  391. quantity: 1
  392. name: "&7* &fOres &7*"
  393. shop: "ores"
  394. slot: 12
  395. 2:
  396. item:
  397. material: 2
  398. quantity: 1
  399. name: "&7* &fBlocks &7*"
  400. shop: "blocks"
  401. slot: 14
  402. 3:
  403. item:
  404. material: 364
  405. quantity: 1
  406. name: "&7* &fFood &7*"
  407. shop: "food"
  408. slot: 20
  409. 4:
  410. item:
  411. material: 351
  412. damage: 1
  413. quantity: 1
  414. name: "&7* &fColoured Blocks &7*"
  415. shop: "colouredblocks"
  416. slot: 22
  417. 5:
  418. item:
  419. material: 331
  420. quantity: 1
  421. name: "&7* &fRedstone &7*"
  422. shop: "redstone"
  423. slot: 24
  424. 6:
  425. item:
  426. material: 421
  427. quantity: 1
  428. name: "&7* &fMiscellaneous &7*"
  429. shop: "miscellaneous"
  430. slot: 28
  431. 7:
  432. item:
  433. material: 296
  434. quantity: 1
  435. name: "&7* &fFarming &7*"
  436. shop: "farming"
  437. slot: 30
  438. 8:
  439. item:
  440. material: 52
  441. quantity: 1
  442. name: "&7* &fSpawners &7*"
  443. shop: "spawners"
  444. slot: 32
  445. 9:
  446. item:
  447. material: 352
  448. quantity: 1
  449. name: "&7* &fMob Drops &7*"
  450. shop: "mobdrops"
  451. slot: 34
  452. 10:
  453. item:
  454. material: 310
  455. quantity: 1
  456. name: "&7* &fArmour &7*"
  457. shop: "armour"
  458. slot: 38
  459. 11:
  460. item:
  461. material: 278
  462. quantity: 1
  463. name: "&7* &fTools &7*"
  464. shop: "tools"
  465. slot: 40
  466. 12:
  467. item:
  468. material: 340
  469. quantity: 1
  470. name: "&7* &fEmpty &7*"
  471. shop: ""
  472. slot: 42
  474. specialElements:
  475. balance:
  476. item:
  477. material: GOLD_NUGGET
  478. quantity: 1
  479. name: "&6Balance"
  480. lore:
  481. - "&e$%balance%"
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