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Jul 21st, 2019
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  1. TheOneWhoSighs@DESKTOP-T5GQPBO MINGW64 /c/.emacs.d/bin
  2. $ ./doom --debug install
  3. Bootstrapping straight.el...
  4. Bootstrapping straight.el...done
  5. Building straight...
  6. Building straight...done
  7. Looking for use-package recipe -> Cloning melpa...
  8. Looking for use-package recipe -> Cloning melpa...done
  9. Cloning use-package...
  10. Cloning use-package...done
  11. Building use-package...
  12. Building use-package -> Building bind-key...
  13. Building use-package -> Building bind-key...done
  14. Building use-package...
  15. Building use-package...done
  16. Cloning emacs-async...
  17. Cloning emacs-async...done
  18. Building async...
  19. Building async...done
  20. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/autoload/packages.el (source)...
  21. DOOM Ignoring built-in package so-long
  22. Looking for undo-tree recipe -> Cloning gnu-elpa-mirror...
  23. Looking for undo-tree recipe -> Cloning gnu-elpa-mirror...done
  24. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/autoload/format.el (source)...
  25. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/autoload/packages.el (source)...
  26. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/cli/install.el (source)...
  27. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/cli/debug.el (source)...
  28. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/autoload/debug.el (source)...
  29. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/cli/test.el (source)...
  30. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/cli/env.el (source)...
  31. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/cli/upgrade.el (source)...
  32. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/cli/packages.el (source)...
  33. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/cli/autoloads.el (source)...
  34. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/cli/patch-macos.el (source)...
  35. Loading c:/.emacs.d/core/cli/byte-compile.el (source)...
  37. Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-missing "Opening input file" "No such file or directory" "c:/init.example.el")
  38. insert-file-contents("c:/init.example.el")
  39. (lambda nil (insert-file-contents (doom-path "init.example.el")))()
  40. funcall((lambda nil (insert-file-contents (doom-path "init.example.el"))))
  41. (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (funcall fn))
  42. (prog1 (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (funcall fn)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (write-region nil nil temp-file nil 0)))
  43. (unwind-protect (prog1 (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (funcall fn)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (write-region nil nil temp-file nil 0))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))
  44. (let ((temp-file (doom-path doom-private-dir filename)) (temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name " *temp file*")))) (unwind-protect (prog1 (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (funcall fn)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (write-region nil nil temp-file nil 0))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer))))
  45. (if (let ((--directory-- doom-private-dir)) (let ((--file-- (expand-file-name filename --directory--))) (and (file-exists-p --file--) --file--))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote warn) "%s already exists, skipping") filename))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote info) "Creating %s%s") (doom--format-class (quote relpath) doom-private-dir) filename))) (let ((temp-file (doom-path doom-private-dir filename)) (temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name " *temp file*")))) (unwind-protect (prog1 (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (funcall fn)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (write-region nil nil temp-file nil 0))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Done!")))))
  46. (let* ((fn file) (filename (if fn (car-safe (prog1 fn (setq fn (cdr fn)))) (signal (quote wrong-number-of-arguments) (list nil (length fn)))))) (if (let ((--directory-- doom-private-dir)) (let ((--file-- (expand-file-name filename --directory--))) (and (file-exists-p --file--) --file--))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote warn) "%s already exists, skipping") filename))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote info) "Creating %s%s") (doom--format-class (quote relpath) doom-private-dir) filename))) (let ((temp-file (doom-path doom-private-dir filename)) (temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name " *temp file*")))) (unwind-protect (prog1 (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (funcall fn)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (write-region nil nil temp-file nil 0))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Done!"))))))
  47. (closure (t) (file) (let* ((fn file) (filename (if fn (car-safe (prog1 fn (setq fn ...))) (signal (quote wrong-number-of-arguments) (list nil (length fn)))))) (if (let ((--directory-- doom-private-dir)) (let ((--file-- (expand-file-name filename --directory--))) (and (file-exists-p --file--) --file--))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote warn) "%s already exists, skipping") filename))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote info) "Creating %s%s") (doom--format-class (quote relpath) doom-private-dir) filename))) (let ((temp-file (doom-path doom-private-dir filename)) (temp-buffer (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name " *temp file*")))) (unwind-protect (prog1 (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (funcall fn)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (write-region nil nil temp-file nil 0))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Done!")))))))(("init.el" lambda nil (insert-file-contents (doom-path "init.example.el"))))
  48. mapc((closure (t) (file) (let* ((fn file) (filename (if fn (car-safe (prog1 fn ...)) (signal (quote wrong-number-of-arguments) (list nil ...))))) (if (let ((--directory-- doom-private-dir)) (let ((--file-- ...)) (and (file-exists-p --file--) --file--))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class ... "%s already exists, skipping") filename))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class ... "Creating %s%s") (doom--format-class ... doom-private-dir) filename))) (let ((temp-file (doom-path doom-private-dir filename)) (temp-buffer (get-buffer-create ...))) (unwind-protect (prog1 (save-current-buffer ... ...) (save-current-buffer ... ...)) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class ... "Done!"))))))) (("init.el" lambda nil (insert-file-contents (doom-path "init.example.el"))) ("config.el" lambda nil (insert! ";;; %sconfig.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-\n\n" ";; Place your private configuration here\n" ((relpath doom-private-dir)))) ("packages.el" lambda nil (insert! ";; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-\n;;; %spackages.el\n\n" ";;; Examples:\n" ";; (package! some-package)\n" ";; (package! another-package :recipe (:fetcher github :repo \"username/repo\"))\n" ";; (package! builtin-package :disable t)\n" ((relpath doom-private-dir))))))
  49. (if (member "--no-config" args) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote warn) "Not copying private config template, as requested")))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format "> Creating %s" (doom--format-class (quote relpath) doom-private-dir)))) (make-directory doom-private-dir (quote parents)) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Created %s") (doom--format-class (quote relpath) doom-private-dir)))) (mapc (function (lambda (file) (let* ((fn file) (filename (if fn ... ...))) (if (let (...) (let ... ...)) (doom--format-print (doom--format ...)) (doom--format-print (doom--format ...)) (let (... ...) (unwind-protect ... ...)) (doom--format-print (doom--format ...)))))) (quote (("init.el" lambda nil (insert-file-contents (doom-path "init.example.el"))) ("config.el" lambda nil (insert! ";;; %sconfig.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-\n\n" ";; Place your private configuration here\n" ((relpath doom-private-dir)))) ("packages.el" lambda nil (insert! ";; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-\n;;; %spackages.el\n\n" ";;; Examples:\n" ";; (package! some-package)\n" ";; (package! another-package :recipe (:fetcher github :repo \"username/repo\"))\n" ";; (package! builtin-package :disable t)\n" ((relpath doom-private-dir))))))))
  50. (let ((default-directory (doom-path "~"))) (if (member "--no-config" args) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote warn) "Not copying private config template, as requested")))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format "> Creating %s" (doom--format-class (quote relpath) doom-private-dir)))) (make-directory doom-private-dir (quote parents)) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Created %s") (doom--format-class (quote relpath) doom-private-dir)))) (mapc (function (lambda (file) (let* ((fn file) (filename ...)) (if (let ... ...) (doom--format-print ...) (doom--format-print ...) (let ... ...) (doom--format-print ...))))) (quote (("init.el" lambda nil (insert-file-contents (doom-path "init.example.el"))) ("config.el" lambda nil (insert! ";;; %sconfig.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-\n\n" ";; Place your private configuration here\n" (...))) ("packages.el" lambda nil (insert! ";; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-\n;;; %spackages.el\n\n" ";;; Examples:\n" ";; (package! some-package)\n" ";; (package! another-package :recipe (:fetcher github :repo \"username/repo\"))\n" ";; (package! builtin-package :disable t)\n" (...))))))) (doom-initialize-packages (quote force-p)) (if (member "--no-env" args) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote warn) "- Not generating envvars file, as requested")))) (if (or doom-auto-accept (y-or-n-p "Generate an env file? (see `doom help env` for details)")) (progn (doom-reload-env-file (quote force-p))))) (if (member "--no-install" args) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote warn) "- Not installing plugins, as requested")))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format "Installing plugins"))) (doom-packages-install doom-auto-accept)) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format "Regenerating autoloads files"))) (doom-reload-autoloads nil (quote force-p)) (if (member "--no-fonts" args) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote warn) "- Not installing fonts, as requested")))) (if (or doom-auto-accept (y-or-n-p "Download and install all-the-icon's fonts?")) (progn (require (quote all-the-icons)) (let ((window-system (cond ... ...))) (all-the-icons-install-fonts (quote yes)))))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "\nFinished! Doom is ready to go!\n")))) (let ((temp-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *temp*"))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (unwind-protect (progn (doom-template-insert "QUICKSTART_INTRO") (doom--format-print (doom--format (format ...)))) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer))))))
  51. doom-cli-install()
  52. apply(doom-cli-install nil)
  53. (and t (apply fn args))
  54. (let* ((ret (and t (apply fn args)))) (if ret (progn (print! "\n%s" (success "Finished! (%.4fs)" (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) start-time)))) (run-hooks (quote doom-cli-post-execute-hook)) ret) nil))
  55. (let ((start-time (current-time))) (run-hooks (quote doom-cli-pre-execute-hook)) (let* ((ret (and t (apply fn args)))) (if ret (progn (print! "\n%s" (success "Finished! (%.4fs)" (float-time (time-subtract ... start-time)))) (run-hooks (quote doom-cli-post-execute-hook)) ret) nil)))
  56. (if show-help (doom--dispatch-help fn args) (let ((start-time (current-time))) (run-hooks (quote doom-cli-pre-execute-hook)) (let* ((ret (and t (apply fn args)))) (if ret (progn (print! "\n%s" (success "Finished! (%.4fs)" (float-time ...))) (run-hooks (quote doom-cli-post-execute-hook)) ret) nil))))
  57. (let ((fn (doom--dispatch-command cmd))) (if (fboundp fn) nil (user-error "%s is not any command *I* know!" fn)) (if show-help (doom--dispatch-help fn args) (let ((start-time (current-time))) (run-hooks (quote doom-cli-pre-execute-hook)) (let* ((ret (and t (apply fn args)))) (if ret (progn (print! "\n%s" (success "Finished! (%.4fs)" ...)) (run-hooks (quote doom-cli-post-execute-hook)) ret) nil)))))
  58. doom-dispatch("install" nil)
  59. (condition-case e (doom-dispatch (car args) (cdr args)) (user-error (signal (car e) (cdr e))) ((debug error) (message "--------------------------------------------------\n") (message "There was an unexpected error:") (message " %s (%s)" (get (car e) (quote error-message)) (car e)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (cdr e)) item) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq item (car --dolist-tail--)) (message " %s" item) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))) (if debug-on-error nil (message (concat "\nRun the command again with the -d (or --debug) option to enable debug\n" "mode and, hopefully, generate a stack trace. If you decide to file a bug\n" "report, please include it!\n\n" "Emacs outputs to standard error, so you'll need to redirect stderr to\n" "stdout to pipe this to a file or clipboard!\n\n" " e.g. doom -d install 2>&1 | clipboard-program")) (signal (quote doom-error) e))))
  60. (let ((default-directory emacs-dir)) (setq argv nil noninteractive (quote doom)) (condition-case e (doom-dispatch (car args) (cdr args)) (user-error (signal (car e) (cdr e))) ((debug error) (message "--------------------------------------------------\n") (message "There was an unexpected error:") (message " %s (%s)" (get (car e) (quote error-message)) (car e)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (cdr e)) item) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq item (car --dolist-tail--)) (message " %s" item) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))) (if debug-on-error nil (message (concat "\nRun the command again with the -d (or --debug) option to enable debug\n" "mode and, hopefully, generate a stack trace. If you decide to file a bug\n" "report, please include it!\n\n" "Emacs outputs to standard error, so you'll need to redirect stderr to\n" "stdout to pipe this to a file or clipboard!\n\n" " e.g. doom -d install 2>&1 | clipboard-program")) (signal (quote doom-error) e)))))
  61. (cond ((not noninteractive) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((and (not (cdr args)) (member (car args) (quote ("help" "h")))) (usage)) ((not args) (print! (error "No command detected.\n")) (usage)) ((let ((default-directory emacs-dir)) (setq argv nil noninteractive (quote doom)) (condition-case e (doom-dispatch (car args) (cdr args)) (user-error (signal (car e) (cdr e))) ((debug error) (message "--------------------------------------------------\n") (message "There was an unexpected error:") (message " %s (%s)" (get (car e) (quote error-message)) (car e)) (let ((--dolist-tail-- ...) item) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq item ...) (message " %s" item) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...))) (if debug-on-error nil (message (concat "\nRun the command again with the -d (or --debug) option to enable debug\n" "mode and, hopefully, generate a stack trace. If you decide to file a bug\n" "report, please include it!\n\n" "Emacs outputs to standard error, so you'll need to redirect stderr to\n" "stdout to pipe this to a file or clipboard!\n\n" " e.g. doom -d install 2>&1 | clipboard-program")) (signal (quote doom-error) e)))))))
  62. (let ((args (cdr (cdr (cdr command-line-args)))) (emacs-dir (or (getenv "EMACSDIR") (expand-file-name "../" (file-name-directory (file-truename load-file-name)))))) (while (condition-case nil (progn (string-prefix-p "-" (car args))) (error nil)) (let* ((val (car-safe (prog1 args (setq args ...))))) (cond ((member val (quote ("--help" "-h"))) (setq args (cons "help" args))) ((member val (quote ("--debug" "-d"))) (setenv "DEBUG" "1") (message "Debug mode on")) ((member val (quote ("--insecure" "-i"))) (setenv "INSECURE" "1") (message "Insecure mode on")) ((member val (quote ("--private" "-p"))) (setq doom-private-dir (expand-file-name (concat ... "/"))) (setenv "DOOMDIR" doom-private-dir) (message "DOOMDIR changed to %s" doom-private-dir) (or (file-directory-p doom-private-dir) (message "Warning: %s does not exist" (abbreviate-file-name doom-private-dir)))) ((member val (quote ("--local" "-l"))) (setq doom-local-dir (expand-file-name (concat ... "/"))) (setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" doom-local-dir) (message "DOOMLOCALDIR changed to %s" doom-local-dir)) ((member val (quote ("--emacsd" "-e"))) (setq emacs-dir (expand-file-name (concat ... "/"))) (message "Emacs directory changed to %s" emacs-dir)) ((member val (quote ("--yes" "-y"))) (setenv "YES" "1") (message "Auto-yes mode on")) (t nil)))) (if (file-directory-p emacs-dir) nil (error "%s does not exist" emacs-dir)) (load (expand-file-name "init" emacs-dir) nil (quote nomessage)) (cond ((not noninteractive) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((and (not (cdr args)) (member (car args) (quote ("help" "h")))) (usage)) ((not args) (print! (error "No command detected.\n")) (usage)) ((let ((default-directory emacs-dir)) (setq argv nil noninteractive (quote doom)) (condition-case e (doom-dispatch (car args) (cdr args)) (user-error (signal (car e) (cdr e))) ((debug error) (message "--------------------------------------------------\n") (message "There was an unexpected error:") (message " %s (%s)" (get ... ...) (car e)) (let (... item) (while --dolist-tail-- ... ... ...)) (if debug-on-error nil (message ...) (signal ... e))))))))
  63. eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*> nil "c:/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 5248
  64. load-with-code-conversion("c:/.emacs.d/bin/doom" "c:/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t)
  65. load("c:/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t t)
  66. command-line-1(("-scriptload" "./doom" "--" "install"))
  67. command-line()
  68. normal-top-level()
  70. Installing Doom Emacs!
  72. > Creating .doom.d/
  73. ✓ Created .doom.d/
  74. - Creating .doom.d/init.el
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