

Sep 29th, 2019
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  1. Can you shed any light on AOM's previous group on Serenity? How long have you been playing together? What history do you have?
  2. No need to write an essay of course, but if you can give the readers a brief picture of the context behind AOM that'd be great.
  3. 馒主席,请问您可不可以跟我们讲一下之前在国服的时候AOM的前身PIBC是一个什么样的联盟?PIBC联盟的历史大概有多长,在过去PIBC有什么重要的故事吗?
  4. 这个问题咱们简单谈一下就可以,不需要长篇大论。如果您能给大家展示一个大体的景象,让大家理解AOM背后的来龙去脉那是最好的。
  6. //Before tranquility, we are a alliance called PIBC, we started our game from the very beginning of China server, which is 14 years by now. After so many years of struggle and effort, we experienced weakness, process, splitting and the challenge of extinction, we became the largest alliance in China sever. The most important story in our history is the secession and the civil war in our alliance, and the war between us and EX-strongest alliance back in China server
  7. //在国服,我们叫PIBC,我们从国服开服的时候就进入了EVE,至今已经14年了,经过多年的奋斗,我们经历了弱小,成长,分裂,生死存亡,到成为国服第一大联盟。我们最重要的故事,就是中间的分裂,内战,以及我们和当时国服最强大联盟之间的抗争。
  9. //After becoming the largest alliance in China, we went into a peak of missing goals and aims. And due to our nation policy, we stop version update and the server shut down. So, we started again in Tranquility to continue the spirit and feeling we once treasure.
  10. //成为国服最大联盟之后,我们经历了失去目标的低潮期,以及由于政策问题带来的游戏版本停滞,直到至今无法开服,因为我们决定来欧服从头开始,延续我们珍惜的精神和情感。
  12. //Though AOM was mainly formed by old players from PIBC, lots of serenity players joined us too, many of which were old enemies back in China server. Now AOM is a much broader Chinese speaking player alliance
  13. //AOM虽然由国服PIBC为主体组成,但是现在也吸纳了很多在欧服才加入的新朋友,以及以前在国服的老敌人,现在的AOM已经是一个比PIBC更广泛的华人玩家群体。
  15. EX-strongest alliance? Who were they or is that their name?
  17. //We call them FBP. They used to occupy detoriod, omist and the whole east part of the star map.
  18. // We call them FBP. 他们曾经占有整个新八所有星域,以及递交,底特,欧米斯特,因斯等几乎整个地图的东方。
  20. What are the biggest differences and changes that you and your alliance have had to adapt to after moving to Tranquility?
  21. 请问您的联盟移居到宁静服务器之后,跟之前相比,最大的变化与挑战是什么?
  23. //The most severe challenge we face is that we came into a sever which has been developed for more than ten years, filled with powerful players and factions, and now we are rookies with no skill points, no money. It is like a child standing among titans, we are facing this great pressure.
  24. 我们面临的最大的问题当然是我们来到了一个已经成长了十年的,充满了强大成熟联盟和强大成熟玩家的服务器,而我们只是一群没技能,没钱的欧服萌新,感觉好像一群小朋友站在一群巨人中间,我们面临的压力非常巨大
  26. Can you provide any context, or a statement, on allegations of AOM using RMT to buy ISK? For instance the recent Reddit post of players claiming you bought 2000b.
  27. 请问您对目前外界指控AOM进行了2000b的rmt交易的言论有什么想要阐述或澄清的观点吗?您是否能谈一下这件事情大致的前因后果?
  28. 因为之前在reddit上有玩家贴出了对话截图声称AOMrmt了超过2000b的isk
  30. //After the allegation, or rumor shows up on Reddit, we gave our official reply immediately on Reddit and posted screen shots of evidences.
  31. 这个谣言出现以后,我们就第一时间在reddit上进行了官方回应并且贴出了相关证据的截图。
  33. //We do have two players who donated large amount of money and isk to AOM, but their isk came from ccp official trading by buying PLEX and sell them in jita and pmi.
  34. 我们联盟确实有两位玩家投入了比较大的资金购买ISK并且提供给联盟,但是他们的ISK全部是通过官方充值购买PLEX,然后在吉他和皮米出售PLEX所获得的。
  36. //We would be happy if ccp can check through our alliance account and eliminate this false accusation.
  37. 我们欢迎CCP官方对我们联盟账户的资金进行调查以消除这种毫无根据的不实指控。
  39. //AOM hold a clear attitude against rmt and bots. We do not allow any kind of bots and non-official isk incoming, and once we find out any of our member is trying to do so, we will report to ccp and punish the member in alliance level.
  40. AOM对脚本和RMT的态度非常明确,我们坚决反对使用脚本和任何非官方充值的ISK获取方式,一旦发现类似行为,我们会积极举报并且在联盟层面予以处罚。
  42. Do you have a process for reporting RMTers or botters to the alliance?
  43. 请问目前联盟是否有报告rmt/脚本的渠道、流程?
  45. //After our member found or suspect others to be a botter, he can report to corp management and provide evidences such as screen shots. And the corp management will then report to alliance management, and alliance will then put an observe period on the suspect.
  46. 当我们的成员发现疑似脚本的人之后,他们会向军团管理提交截图并汇报,军团管理会向联盟管理层进行汇报,然后被举报的对象就会进入一个观察期
  48. //In this period, alliance will send people in charge to record the behavior and collect evidences. After we make sure that his behavior matches with the features of bots, we will report directly to ccp and order him to stop botting. Anyone who ignore the warning will be removed from the alliance.
  49. 在观察期内我们会派员对这些疑似脚本进行观察并取证,确认一些脚本特征后,我们就会直接向CCP进行举报并且勒令其停止脚本行为,无视警告的会被踢出联盟
  51. //And for RMT, we don't allow any kind of rmt trading information been sent through alliance channel, community, voice chat, or in game mail. Anyone who was found breaking the rules will be punished.
  52. 对于RMT行为,我们禁止在联盟频道,邮件,QQ群,YY等一切沟通渠道发布任何出售ISK或舰船物资收取现实货币的信息。一经发现,发布者将立刻面临严厉处罚。
  54. Sorry for the delay, something came up.
  55. Do you have to remove many for RMTing from alliance? Did many who were RMTing on Serenity move to Tranquility?
  56. 抱歉耽误了一会,刚才有点事
  57. 请问您是否曾因rmt的行为将一些成员清出联盟?是不是之前晨曦服务器很多rmt玩家目前也转移到了宁静服务器?
  59. //I have kicked members who sent RMT information in QQ, we consider RMT a harmful behavior not only for player but also for alliance, cause the resources they collect in game will not be used in helping alliance to product or to fight, but in exchanging for real money, so I'm happy to remove such players out of our alliance.
  60. 我曾经清理过公开在联盟Q群发布RMT信息的成员。我们始终认为RMT玩家不光对游戏,对联盟也会构成很大的伤害,因为他们在游戏里采集的资源将不会用来帮助联盟生产或者作战,而是拿去换取现实货币,所以对这种玩家我是非常乐意清理的。
  62. //If RMTers from serenity move to tranquility and joined us, we will kick them out as soon as possible.
  63. 如果有RMT玩家混入我们当中进入欧服,那么我们一旦发现也会坚决清除。
  65. What differentiates the major Chinese groups in Tranquility right now? Do they simply represent different alliances moving over, or is there something else to each of them?
  66. 现在区分宁静服务器的中国玩家群体之间的主要因素是什么?是之前国服的老联盟、公司的关系延续?或者是他们之间有什么其他的因素?
  68. //Three years ago, in the immigration, most of them were our major enemies who lose in a great total war. They see no hope in the rising of PIBC, so they move to tranquility such as some players in RR or FRT.
  69. 在三年前那一波移民潮中,来欧服的玩家主要都是我们在国服的敌人,在一场超级规模的大战中失败之后,面对全面崛起的PIBC,他们在国服看不到希望,于是纷纷移民到了欧服,比如RR和FRT中的部分玩家。
  71. //And the recent immigration is because the sever in China was shut down and game stopped updating. Many of which were the winners back in that war. Such as many players in AOM and VVV.
  72. 最近这批移民潮则主要是因为国服版本更新停顿,以及无法开服,这批移民里很多都是当年大战的胜利者,比如AOM和3V里的很多玩家。
  74. //I think the major factor which divided us is the history back in serenity, but this boundary is also becoming vague.
  75. 我认为目前在欧服划分他们的主要因素,还是国服的历史,虽然现在这种边界正在模糊
  77. Are there any additional comments you'd like to make?
  78. Regarding anything you've spoken about here or otherwise.
  79. 请问您这边还有什么想跟其他玩家说的吗
  80. 关于您之前谈到的内容还有什么补充之类的
  82. //I want to speak to players from each factions, there used to be opinions that Chinese player are bad game players especially due to botting and RMTing, some of which are truth, but others are just rumor. An old Chinese saying goes: You judge a person only after you see his behavior. We AOM decided to shape our new image through our effort. Though we've been here for only few months, we have decided to integrate into the player community of Tranquility. We are happy that we can continue the greatness of this fantastic game with players from all over the world. Thank you.
  83. 我们想在此对欧服的各势力和玩家说,之前欧服有很多关于所有华人玩家的不好传言,尤其是关于脚本和RMT,其中有些是事实,有些则是毫无根据的谣言。我们中国人有句话叫:听其言观其行。我们AOM决心用实际行动来打造我们自身的形象。
  85. Great, thanks for agreeing to the interview.
  86. 我们到欧服才几个月,我们还很弱小,但是我们已经下定决心要融入欧服这个世界大家庭。我们很高兴能有机会和欧服各国的玩家一起延续这个神奇游戏的精彩。
  88. //thank you too
  89. 谢谢您
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