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Feb 23rd, 2018
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  1. **1** In-game Name: Donald J. Trump
  3. **2** :link: Steam Profile Link:
  5. **4** :alarm_clock: Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
  7. **5** Do you have a working Microphone? Of course, I just don't use it often. Although, i'll gladly use it when needed.
  9. **6 What is one thing we absolutely need to know about you? I'm very mature and respectful to the Ducky's RP community. For example, I only goof off when told too. Also, i'm respectful because I help players out whenever they need help. For example, they're new to the server and they have questions. I'll gladly answer their questions correctly.
  11. **7** What should be added to the server? A spawn town and/or a main town where there are different shops and houses that people can rent.
  13. **8** Why do you want to be a part of Ducky's staff? Because I think I can bring a difference to the staff team. I can bring non-abusive staff members, as well as very active members to the Ducky's community therefore it isn't a toxic and the community doesn't have a bad reputation.
  15. **9** What encouraged you to apply? Well, I've been staff on A LOT of different Unturned servers, although this server is the most unique one I've found and I think it'll be a great experience as it's very unique and fun.
  17. **10** What makes you unique? Well i'm quite unique because I can bring GREAT ideas to the community. Such as, spawn towns, cars, as well as other mods and fun things that will make the server enjoyable for different players in the community.
  19. **11** Describe a time when you worked well as part of a team. What was the goal? What was the result? Well, in Unturned the goal was to get into a place that was so called, "dealing drugs". We helped eachother as a team, when one person got injured we helped eachother, and eventually the people surrendered and we won that mission.
  21. **12** Describe what you would consider your biggest strength and weakness. I think maturity, respectfulness, and uniqueness would be my 3 best strengths. AS, i'm quite good at every single of those very things. Although, some of my weaknesses would be, my activeness as I have school. It really disrupts all of my time to play on Unturned, although I can still fit in time to do it.
  23. **13** What is one thing you would change about Duckys RP Server? A.) Well, I wouldn't change anything. Although, I would add advertisements to increase the servers player base.
  25. **14** Do you have a limited steam account? No.
  27. **15** Whats your age? 14.
  29. **16** How often are you online? 24/7 as long as i'm not in school.
  31. **17** How many hours do you have on unturned? I have 600+.
  33. **18** If we asked you to run the server for a Day by yourself do you think you could manage it? Of course, i'm highly trained in being an administrator on servers.
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