
deal making w/ choi

Apr 15th, 2018
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  1. [04:02:08] It wasn't exactly intended to be a flashy entrance, but considering the Nagual woman just appeared in the courtyard in a flash of lightning. Well. One could be forgiven for thinking Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati had a taste for the dramatics.
  3. Scantily clad, metal staff held loosely in her left hand. Blue hair fanning out around her for a moment as she turned, scanning the crowd. Oh hey, she recognised so many people here. Great. She was so happy. Tragedy. Effigy. She wasn't here for them, however. .
  5. The woman stalked across the courtyard, head held high. "Choi," she said. "I've come to make a deal."
  6. (Lotlhuitl)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [04:02:59] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: (( DORMAMU
  10. [04:02:59] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: (( I'VE CAME TO BARGAIN
  11. [04:02:59] LOOC - Avaian: [ So dramatic
  12. [04:02:59] LOOC - Avaian: [:eyeroll:
  13. [04:02:59] Osha blinks slowly in response to the dramatic entrance, at least one would think she was blinking. Her eyelid remained clamped shut, moistening her eyelid for a good half a minute before re-opening.
  15. "Wow."
  16. (Osha)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [04:03:50] Effigy just holds out a hand towards Lotl, face contorted into a 'why the fuck are we letting every random asshole into the city' kind of look.
  20. (Effigy)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [04:03:50] Osha says, "She said. She was strolling. And lost."
  24. [04:03:50] Osha says, "Then she appears here. I do not understand."
  25. [04:04:41] The demon simply looked with uncaring eyes at the entrance made by the human and eye roll was given he looked around the courtyard and gave a yawn.
  26. (Avaian)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [04:04:41] Kamui just stood smiling in the middle of the square, next to the fountain, staring at Lotlhuitl as she walked into the square, then over to Choi, asking to make a deal with him. Slowly, he looked over at Effigy.
  31. "..I can stay here, yes? For a while, at least, aha? It's not as though I can return to either the Valmasian refugees or the Jianghuren colony. I'm not quite particularly fond of death, after all!"
  32. (Kamui Mizuchi)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [04:05:32] Effigy says, "If you're not fond of death, you're in the wrong city."
  36. [04:05:32] Kamui Mizuchi says, "I was refering to my own death, sir."
  37. [04:06:24] Effigy says, "So was I."
  38. [04:06:24] Juniper opted to just heave a gentle sigh, her shoulders slumping.
  40. "Somehow, nobody is being exceptionaly stupid, but I'm still terribly weary of people already."
  41. (Juniper Faye)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [04:06:24] At the sound of crashing lightning, Ru opened her eyes and looked towards the source of the cacophony. She slowly blinks, and after a moment, she turns her head back towards the others in the square- namely the newcomer, Kamui.
  46. Maybe more poppylus had grown in by now, she thought to herself...
  47. (Ru Xiang)
  48. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [04:06:24] Kamui Mizuchi says, "..My."
  51. [04:06:24] Osha asks, "What should. I do. Take him to border?"
  52. [04:06:24] Effigy shrugs.
  53. (Effigy)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. [04:07:15] Osha says, "I do not understand."
  57. [04:07:15] Effigy says, "If he wants to stay here, maybe we just have him slit the throat of the Kitsune bitch we caught to prove his loyalties."
  58. [04:07:15] Kamui Mizuchi says, "Slit somebody's throat? That sounds rather boring."
  59. [04:07:15] Kamui Mizuchi asks, "There's more creative ways to go about it, hm! Perhaps electrocution?"
  60. [04:08:06] Ru holds up a finger. "You mean -another- Kitsune bitch, right?"
  61. (Ru Xiang)
  62. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. [04:08:06] Osha begins to perspire, taking several steps back.
  65. (Osha)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [04:08:06] Juniper Faye says, "..hey now, I said she wasn't my type, but that doesn't mean you can just go slaying my concubines."
  69. [04:08:06] "As have many before, and as will many after. Perhaps it is best that your bargaining is discussed inside, so we do not have yet another disruption."
  71. A low, lethargic sigh followed. The merchant-envoy's arms had been resting behind the back of a bared neck, acting as if it were a cushion for his skull. Grayed eyes trailed Lotl's person and the notable chance that had been incurred in the time passed.
  73. He didn't seem too downtrodden this evening. That, at least, was a departure from the flaring tempers of yester-week and the last failed attempt at negotiation. A hand extended and lazily gestured to the right, indicating the looming watchtower.
  75. "Let's get this done with quick, yes? Better for me, better for you, better for that friend of yours."
  76. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [04:08:06] Juniper Faye says, "..Especialy if it's to test..this thing."
  80. [04:08:06] Effigy says, "Nn. I wanted to trade her for the Kid, anyway, but.."
  81. [04:08:06] Osha says, "I do not understand."
  82. [04:08:06] Osha asks, "Wait. Usi?"
  83. [04:08:06] Effigy says, "Yep."
  84. [04:08:57] Osha's lonesome eye widens.
  85. (Osha)
  86. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. [04:15:47] "You're a busy man. I'll make this quick." Lotlhuitl's tone was terse, brusque. Whether this was just her normal manner of speech or her being rude, who could say.
  90. The Nagual had followed him within the watchtower. Hips swaying with each step. "I see where you're coming from. Justice must be seen to be done, and hot blooded men must have their fun and all that."
  92. Her gaze was unblinking, she looking down her nose at Choi, staring at him with her vivid emerald eyes.
  94. "I can get you Zahhual's bracers, if you can make all of this nonsense just.. stop. Just go away."
  96. Her tail twitched.
  98. "I.. I don't say any of this because I think that she's guilty. She's not. But from what you've said, her guilt or innocence doesn't really matter, does it? All that matters is saving face."
  99. (Lotlhuitl)
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [04:23:28] "You bring me what you offer, and I'll consider that payment for services to be rendered. My only suggestion would be to ensure that it is delivered swiftly, because I will certainly not intervene beforehand."
  104. His expression and attention seemed unbothered by her terse, brusque tone. Choi'd retained a succinct manner of speech, expression ever-still it's warm smile. He leaned forward ever so slightly, peering into Lotl's eyes.
  106. The man seemed to appreciate the brevity, even if loathing was at it's root. Choi was not a man who cared about being liked, when it came to his work; the only desire was a sufficiently worthwhile end result. Perhaps that'd be his doom, one day.
  108. "If that's all, you can see yourself off. If you can't manage to acquire the payment I'd like, however..."
  110. His eyes trailed over Lotl, and the smile seemed more leering.
  112. "I'm sure we'll be able to arrange something, yes? But this suffices."
  113. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. [04:33:42] Choi wasn't wrong, there was definitely some element of loathing about Lotlhuitl. But to say that she loathed him wouldn't have been entirely correct. Her feelings towards the man standing before her were... complicated.
  118. The Nagual hadn't moved forward as he leant forward. Her face hovering over his. Tension suddenly appearing in her limbs as there was a pause in the conversation. As Choi dismissed her. As his gaze dipped down her body. A butcher's gaze, she thought, getting the strangest feeling, like Mr Choi Tae-Moon was setting a price on each of her limbs.
  120. But what did it matter. She could get the bracers.
  122. "I pay my debts." Lotlhuitl stated, possessing the full zeal that someone who truly believed in what they were saying. Her honour was everything to her.
  124. "Choi, I will not hand the bracers over, until... until I have some assurance that this is all. fixed up. Or.. Or that death, at least, is off the table."
  125. (Lotlhuitl)
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [04:35:24] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (er, hadn't moved at all as he leant forward.. I meant..)
  129. [04:37:07] Lotlhuitl probably meant reputation, rather than honour in that last post. Since, well. This was unashamedly an attempt at bribing...
  130. (Lotlhuitl)
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. [04:40:32] "You have a guarantee that she will not be executed by any Demon adhering to lord Zaruma's orders, and that I will will ensure she survives -- provided payment eventually finds its way into my pockets."
  135. "Am I understrood?"
  137. Nothing about him implied a match to her anger or irritation of his own. He was calm and collected, without a flicker of hesitation when it came to the nature of his corruption. White teeth practically reflected torchlight with how incandescent his smiles was.
  139. The inspection ended, and his eyes returned to her own. There wasn't any attempt to disguise the fact, or any untoward implications that might come with it. Whether such was another tactic to off-put other persons or an indicator of less pleasant wants remained to be seen.
  141. His hands'd raised up to either of his sides, lazy.
  143. "That's the best you'll get. My word. Which is probably a good dozen rocks' more weighty than most, 'least when it comes to business."
  145. "However, I don't know how I feel about solidifying that agreement without some solid weight to imply that you aren't just using me as a temporary stay for her."
  146. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  147. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149. [04:51:37] * You have been awarded 0.75 Roleplay Points! *
  150. [05:00:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hi uh)
  151. [05:01:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hallo..)
  152. [05:01:00] LOOC - Fabula Eremita: (should i leave :P )
  153. [05:01:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (choi just stepped out OOCly
  154. [05:01:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: )While i was afk grab a drink.)
  155. [05:01:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (he's here)
  156. [05:01:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you can leave if you want or stay)
  157. [05:01:52] LOOC - Fabula Eremita: ( :P Ill leave, l8r! )
  158. [05:12:06] Lotlhuitl, at heart, was not calm. She was a creature of passions and instinct. Sometimes those passions ran cold, but they were passions all the same. And it was difficult to just not let go, to not just give in to her instincts. Let loose the tenuous hold she had on her emotions.
  160. "I understand, Choi." Her mouth felt like cotton wool. This was just business. She couldn't really expect Choi to stick his neck out for her, and even less for Xitlalli. But still, when the Nagual half suspected that this entire crime had been cooked up by the Demon City, it.. did all leave a rather bitter taste in her mouth.
  162. "I do not fear any Demon - well, more than is sane. I.. I need this to be cleaned up entirely. It isn't going to be a demon killing her, but Noa."
  164. A shudder. Men were stupid. "This is all some sick and twisted game, and it just needs to stop. So name it. I can't hand over the bracers until she is safe, but if I must prove my trustworthiness. Well. So be it."
  165. (Lotlhuitl)
  166. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. [05:22:20] "Do you? How convenient."
  170. Amusement ranked first and foremost among his thoughts. From earlier, the day before where she'd insulted him and made threats -- to it's end, where she was metaphorically subjugated... To this? What a turn of events. It brought a bit of genuine joy to the reptilian fellow's expression.
  172. "I don't know Noa or anything about the man, but she'll be offered my - and by extension - lord Zaruma's protection, provided you cooperate. And she, in turn, cooperates."
  174. A pause followed, and he raised the back of a gauntleted hand. Olive eyes inspect the articulated metal almost dismissively, as if he wasn't presently talking to someone. Her remarks about Demon's did little to effect his expression and demeanor.
  176. "Yet that request means more effort on my part. My sway only extends so far when Gehenna comes into play, and the present war makes it all the more challenging for me to tend to affairs..."
  178. The man leans forward, his head adjacent her own. He whispers - amused.
  180. "So tell me-- what is it you will offer to prove that you are dedicated to saving your friend, and that this isn't just a false promise? I'm... most curious."
  182. The man sets his hands to his hips.
  184. "Unfortunately, we all enjoy games. I doubt this will be the last or the most vicious you're forced to experience in your... lifetime."
  185. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  188. [05:25:45] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: (( not offer, give**
  189. [05:25:45] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((woops
  190. [05:37:42] Lotlhuitl had remained silent while Choi spoke. Her chin held high. Her emotions bubbling away just beneath the surface. If Choi had any sort of awareness when it came to the mana around him, he'd be well aware of the internal conflict raging within her.. as it caused her corrupted mana to spike.
  192. They'd forced her to do this: Xoconan and Noa both. She had no friends, no allies to turn to. And so she turned to Choi. A businessman.
  194. She loved Xoconan. Really, truly, adored him. And yet, at the end of the day, he really was only out for himself. She couldn't trust him. It broke her fucking heart. And Noa? One of her oldest friends, Noa. Why! She'd been jealous of their happiness. Ashamed at that jealousy. And now, this?
  196. It only made that envy within her soul twist like a knife.
  198. Oh, Noa. He didn't deserve Xitlalli. "That he would at all contemplateslaying the woman who trusts him, runs to him for protection and sleeps beside him at the insistence of others says more about his character than I ever could."
  200. Terse once more.
  202. "It's Somnus. He's the one who needs to be dealt with. Noa doesn't want to kill her. But he will if--"
  204. Lotlhuitl hesitated. She couldn't bring herself to say 'if Xitlalli is the Sin of Lust.' She couldn't. A small frown.
  206. "What will I give?" A game. This was just a game. Like.. she was playing chicken, toying with some force more powerful than she could comprehend.
  208. Had.. Choi always been standing behind her?
  210. The woman turned, hair fanning out behind her, and the sound of metal subtly filled the air as her jewellery rose up and then fell, metal pieces bumping into each other. Jingle. Clink. Tink.
  212. "The job you wanted Xoconan to do. He.. he wouldn't tell me anything about it." Not entirely true - the two had a brief argument and he'd asked her if she was okay, wherein she had revealed she was pregnant. The topic had moved on before Xoconan had to reveal what Choi wanted. But still.
  214. "I'll.. do it. Or.. or if Xoconan must do it, I'll.. I'll apply pressure."
  216. Beat. She hadn't. She hadn't asked what it was. "What is it."
  217. (Lotlhuitl)
  218. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  220. [05:48:48] "A weak little thing like you? For that job? I've no use for a warm corpse, I'm afraid. He'll take the job; it's the job he's always wanted, and it's worth more than your weight in gold. Get more creative."
  222. This was his environment. The man was catlike in his predilections when it came to possessing a stronger position in negotiations. It wasn't necessarily unfair dealing; he was being honest with what he said, but watching someone scrounge for something they could offer was terribly entertaining. His hands'd steeple under a chin.
  224. That display didn't last long. Choi didn't recoil when she turned to meet him - and he did in fact, seem to have changed positions-- the how and why were good questions. A cordial tilt of the head followed her remark as she pursued the demand, making her initial offer.
  226. Yet his mind'd lingered on the other remark.
  228. "I can pay to have this Noa boy dealt with, if he's such an issue. Yet -- that'll cost money, as I'm sure you understand. It'll cost several good handfuls of my coin - and, if you're insistent - it'll mean you need to provide me with something of sufficient coin value."
  230. "Or entertainment great enough to be worth the expenditure, anyway."
  232. Did he even care how much she suffered? It wasn't clear. Choi didn't seem the type to completely disregard empathy, but it didn't come easy. Maybe a bit of prodding could elicit sympathy, though what precisely would be needed wasn't clear.
  234. The same corrupted mana she spoke of and held about herself seemed redoubled and slithering in regards to the man's person. He retained mastery over the power of the Occult, permitting it to only infect his words and person at concise intervals. He'd been educated by the Archons' themselves - beings of imacculate mastery over the art - in how to make himself a greater asset.
  236. It was funny, still.
  238. He's never needed to exert physical violence or threats, but there's the understated implication that he's far more than capable in terms of raw accrued power and control.
  240. "I'm sure you can think of something. Best if it comes quick, though."
  241. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. [05:50:30] Choi Tae-Moon says, "Ahem -- Somnus will stand down if Zaruma tells him to. Officially, anyway. I can't guarantee he won't still push Noa privately without.. ah, preventative measures."
  245. [06:03:18] By the way Lotlhuitl's eyes had widened as Choi told her to get more creative, it was clear that his words had surprised him. She wanted to protest, claim that she wasn't weak. Her lips had drawn a straight line, breath taken sharply through her nose. And exhaled.
  247. She could swear almost that she could hear someone laughing at her. No, not someone. Herself. what the fuck was wrong with her.
  249. "I.. I don't want Noa 'dealt with.'" Lotlhuitl said quietly. "That will not be necessary." She couldn't trust Noa. He didn't deserve Xitlalli. But the thought of him dying? Being hurt? God. She wasn't a monster. It was them.
  251. These men.
  253. Really, the woman gained a somewhat righteous look about herself as she regarded Choi. Something about how her jaw squared. Her eyes narrowing as she looked down her nose at him.
  255. "I can offer my services." She exhaled. "As, likely, would Xitlalli. In gratitude."
  257. She meant her skills as a runescribe, but her wording was.. loose. Unclear. Lotlhuitl was not an energy mage. Neither was she an occultist. She didn't really understand the energy flowing around them both, corrupted mana, or the occult.
  259. Something about Choi made all her senses prickle. In truth, she put it down to the fact that she was literally here about to be forced to beg for her dearest friend's life. Her gaze shifted as she looked at him. It was with effort that she tried to look cool, calm and collected.
  261. She was doing a decent enough job at it, but probably not enough to win any games of poker. And definitely not to hide the fact that she was increasingly feeling like she was playing dice with the devil.
  263. Fuck. At this point, bartering it all in a game of cards was looking like it might have been the SMART thing to do, by comparison. She'd be lucky if she got out of here with her dignity intact.
  264. (Lotlhuitl)
  265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. [06:04:09] Lotlhuitl says, "What do you want from me? To beg? I wouldn't.. I wouldn't be here if I had any other choice. You can name your price and I will pay it."
  268. [06:05:00] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (betting it all in a game of cards, not bartering**)
  269. [06:17:48] "How far are you willing to go, I wonder?"
  271. A low, throaty noise that implied rumination followed. He seated himself on the lip of a stool and set his hands behind the back of his head, elbows touching the stone wall to either side. He'd visibly relaxed, and his legs'd shifted to kick out. As much discomfort as she displayed, he seemed to revel.
  273. The man's expression was sterile as he contemplated opportunities. The gauntlets - in truth - were good enough payment for what the deed was.. But Lotl and Xoconan? They'd made him sting. He hit him where it hurt: his pride and ego, the sense of authority he so lovingly cherished and abused.
  275. A dark smile split his lips. He knew just what he'd do; a tit for a tat. It was clear that he'd been pondering the matter, eyes lit with the same level of indistinct mirth as when she'd apologized after provoking his irritation. It was obvious that there was something terrible brewing in the back of his mind.
  277. "Are you willing to confront that fear of yours? Touching, being touched? I think it's a suitable level of punishment. So -- come here, why don't you?"
  279. Oh boy.
  281. "And if you behave well and you thank me, I'll see about getting to work on this little issue sooner rather than later. That -- ah, Xitlalli girl? I like her, so I suppose it's best she has to suffer as little as possible."
  282. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  283. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  285. [06:35:44] Lotlhuitl's gaze darkened, her body stiffening at the question of how far she was willing to go was asked by Choi. Rhetorical. She just.. stood there.
  287. She was angry. So angry. Not so much at Choi, but at herself. Was this always how this sort of thing was going to go? Why was she so weak. It was her usual default state, to try and hide her own vulnerability behind this veneer of anger. But she was just exhausted.
  289. Xoconan and Noa had failed her. Nobody believed in her. Heck, she wasn't sure she even believed in herself.
  291. She didn't look away from Choi, standing in the same spot even as he walked away and sat down. Even as he smiled. And for a good second after he asked her to come over to him. Told her that he was going to punish her.
  293. Her eyes widened. She swallowed. Visibly deflated. No, she didn't like this idea. Didn't want this. But what fucking choice did she have?
  295. A glance to the door would've been enough to tell Choi that she was seriously considering bolting. Her fear at what he was suggesting was such. But, holding her breath, she approached him. Oh, by all the spirits in the highest realms. She actually approached him.
  297. She was cold.
  299. "I.. there is more I can offer you, than my body." Lotlhuitl was shocked. "I don't want to do this."
  301. And someone entered!
  303. The question was, would they rescue poor -- oh they left. Oh well, looked like nobody was going to save her.
  305. Envy burnt within her. Fuck. Some part of her would've marvelled at the power Choi was wielding over her, except, at this point it somewhat felt like she'd gone from being one of Ixchel's blessed to tamed housecat. A pushover. She truly was pathetic.
  307. Her mana spiking with her own self loathing, the Nagual stepped within Choi's reach.
  308. (Lotlhuitl)
  309. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  311. [06:49:23] "Mm. I won't hurt you if you say no. I simply won't protect that friend of yours. I'm sure you understand, don't you? I gave you the opportunity to make an offer, and you failed to provide me with anything of interest."
  313. "So I'll take my show of good faith in the oldest way known to man. It only seems like a fair trade, since you ask me to go so far as to put my body in harms' way."
  315. His knees' spread ever so slightly, the armor grating and groaning in duress. Well-forged mythril fitted to his specifications clad his body from the nape of his neck to the heel of his foot. Chois' words seemed genuine. He wasn't a savage brute, nor did he have a personal investment.
  317. This was an assertion of dominance. Just the same way the distant whispers of Xomac screamed for him to make Jianghu and Lin Ru bend at any costs, so did they demand the subjugation of any others who'd brought insult to him; and in that act - fulfilling the wish - did he derive his pleasure from all this. Everything else meant nothing to him.
  319. If only Lotl knew the whole story. This situation made him want to break out into laughter; he'd longed the freedom to taunt others and further aggrandize himself, but satisfaction could not supersede potential gain. After all, it was an investment.
  321. "I'd say you should ask Xoconan to help before coming to me, but..."
  323. A saddened tone entered his voice. It was almost a taunt.
  325. "... he doesn't care about your friends, does he? Maybe he's in it for himself. Maybe the sex isn't good enough. Maybe -- he doesn't care about you enough to help, either. So you're stuck coming to me."
  327. "But, good Lotl; I'm here for you. You only need to pay the price."
  329. An armored hand extended, aiming to gently cup around the cusp of her jawline and cheek. Cool mythril fingers sought to find purchase, almost as if he'd been grabbing a doll.
  331. "So?"
  332. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  333. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  335. [07:04:44] Lotlhuitl was truly conflicted. Frightened. Visually so. No tears welled up in those green eyes. She, at least, was made up of sterner stuff than to start openly weeping as Choi alluded to what he intended on taking from her.
  337. If she didn't go through with it, she would lose Xitlalli. But if Xoconan ever found out, she would lose him.
  339. What a fool she was. She had come here, thinking that she'd had something to barter with. And all she'd ended up doing was humiliating herself. What he was suggesting was nothing less than debasing herself.
  341. But what fucking choice did she have? All the reasons which had drove her to seek Choi out still stood.
  343. She stood firm, strong enough, willing herself to maintain at least a shred of dignity. That is, until the point where CHoi managed to get under her skin again. Mentioning Xoconan. A sharp intake of breath. She was looking at the Jianghuan-born man from beneath dark eyelashes. It would've been clear that Choi had struck a nerve. The Nagual visibly trembled.
  345. She hadn't jerked away from Choi's armoured hand as he touched her. Her skin crawled at the contact. It was clear that it was not something the Nagual was comfortable with. Her rich brown skin was warm and soft and unblemished.
  347. "I.. I thought we were friends." Holy shit. Her stammered words sounded weak, even to her own ears. The Nagual couldn't help wincing, internally telling herself to get it the fuck together before she managed to make the entire situation worse. The spiking mana stopped. Solidifying within her core, as she gathered her will.
  349. Her voice hoarse, her expression serious, Lotlhuitl answered him: "Fine. I will pay your price."
  350. (Lotlhuitl)
  351. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. [07:19:15] "As you wish. Promise you won't run around telling people about this or seeking revenge for the slight to your pride, and the contract is sealed. I will ensure your friends protection at any price to myself, so long as the bracers are later delivered."
  355. "And.. a friend? You used your lover to try and intimidate me. You threatened me and insulted my business. That first time we got drunk? Perhaps, then, I held you in high regard."
  357. "That apology the other night didn't mean shit after what you said."
  359. A nerve. Perhaps that displayed the gravity of his pettiness; anyone who'd so much as slighted them would face concentrate ire until they were in a similar scenario to where she stood now. He did not forget, and forgiveness was only found through pure and utter subjugation.
  361. The hand upon the soft flesh of hercheek drew it's fingers across the sun-kissed skin. A thumb drew under Lotl's lips - a prelude and a declaration of intent, perhaps - till it crested under the split in the middle. It drifted up, aiming to press down.
  363. "I admire your dedication, if not your impudence. Xitlali truly has a wonderful friend; I question, however, if they deserve such sacrifice. I won't stop you, though."
  365. His legs'd split apart, far to either side - spread typically, with an emphasis upon the crotch. Crude, but it was clear what he was looking for. While his expression and tone were placid and uncaring, the back of his mind burble; this was a bitter-sweet conquest.
  367. His grip upon himself and the "good man" somewhere in his mind slid further. The child who worked his fingers to bloody nubs to pay for his brother's meals in Ardent was barely there; only the savage Occultist, the wiley negotiatior, and the voice of the Archons remained.
  370. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  371. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  373. [07:42:17] Yeah. Lotlhuitl was never going to tell anyone about this. Choi had her. That much should have been obvious. She was a proud creature, even now. Or... or perhaps she feared Xoconan's reaction if he ever found out.
  375. "I -" There'd been a flash of emotion from her as he accused her of threatening him, accused her of getting Xoconan to intimidate him, accused her of insulting his business. Anger perhaps? Bewilderment? Fear? Sadness? Something within her railed against how unfair he was being. Heck, she almost apologised again.
  377. "I won't tell anyone, Choi." Defeated, though not enough to start blubbering and begging for his forgiveness. His anger spooked her. She needed him. By all the spirits in the highest realms, she hated how much she needed him.
  379. The Nagual, hanging her head slightly, may as well have been a doll. He touched her. She didn't move, as much as she wanted to! when his thumb tracked over her soft, warm skin. She didn't resist when it brushed against her full lips, and then mockingly attempted to press into her mouth. Attempted, and then succeeded.
  381. The woman's ears were flicked back. Not in anger, just.. Defeated.
  383. Choi hadn't even locked the door.
  385. The whole thing was overwhelming. His hands touching her. His thumb in her mouth. The Nagual had whimpered, despite herself. Despite telling herself that she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing how humiliated she was. The runic tattoo hidden at the nape of her neck prickling. Said tattoo was, ironically, a mark likely not at all dissimilar to that which had been found on Somnus' mate - the mark which had got Xitlalli into so much trouble in the first place.
  387. She would pay his price.
  389. She knelt.
  390. (Lotlhuitl)
  391. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  393. [07:54:14] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((uuuh for emote context is she wearing anything beneath the shirt
  394. [07:54:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (-sweats-)
  395. [07:55:05] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (no_
  396. [07:59:21]
  397. Though he wasn't one for carnal expression - not without alternative motive, anyway, such as in a few key instances - he could not deny the bestial appeal of her flesh. Soft curves and warm skin gave way to a bit of influence upon him; that effect was even more pronounced as the steel-twined thumb scraped across her lips and pushed in, as if trying to push down upon her tongue.
  399. "I presume Xoconan educated you well. If you're sufficiently talented, this'll be swift enough and I won't need to take liberty with more than your lips."
  401. The hand settled upon her face, with it's thumb pressed callously into her mouth, resettled itself. Fingertips glide down the crest of her chin in much the same way they'd approached. The movements were slow and salacious, intended to toy with Lotl as much as they were to serve as a prelude to what would come next.
  403. The steel-clad fingers drifted for her sheer 'attire' - if it even could be referred to as such in good company. It descended from above, not even aiming to undress her; the hand'd sought exclusively to force it ajar and slide his hand beneath the fabric, cold steel sliding across the little swell of flesh.
  405. Much like his personality, his touch was cold - literally so, being metal - and decisive in it's approach. Sharp - not cuttingly so, but distinctly unpleasant - fingers trace upon her breast, just above he heart - seeking to trail the conical formation till something sensitive was caught between strong fingers.
  407. "On you go. Down with the codpiece; you can manage, the clasps are simple and modular. No need for anything else, I figure."
  408. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  409. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  411. [08:29:13]
  412. {LOAD GAME}
  414. [09:02:30] Spirits save her. Why was she attracted to him? Cold metal. Unyielding. There were many parallels to be made between Choi and Xoconan. Both personality wise, and what with the metal prosthesis and all. But the parallels ended there. She gave herself to Xoconan because she loved him. She was doing this because she had no choice. Because she was weak and had to rely on others.
  416. The Nagual woman was rendered mute, kneeling between his legs. Her hands resting on her thighs. Expression coming about as close to meek as Choi would've ever seen her. As much as she hated herself, as much as she had told Choi she was a bad person, the sad truth was that poor willowy Lotlhuitl was not really so terrible a person. Not yet, anyway.
  418. She just made really bad decisions.
  420. She had nothing to say in response to Xoconan educating her. Nothing to say about Choi threatening to take liberty with more than her lips. Nothing to say, but a distinct shiver worked its way up her spine. Her skin, which had previously taken on a rather ashen look, became distinctly flushed as he removed his thumb from her mouth. As he trailed his fingers down her neck, across her collar bone.. and slid them under her shirt.
  422. Her soft skin was warm and soft and sensitive. What a contrast to the metal which now toying with her flesh! Her breath caught, her despair and her blush deepening in equal measure.
  424. What. was. this. He dared to touch her like a lover. She wanted to push his hand away. No. She wanted to hurt him. Gut him. Anger bubbled within her. Rage. The Nagual stiffened, heck, she bared her teeth. And then she thought of Xitlalli.
  426. Beautiful Xitlalli, who had shown her she needed to change. Weak Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati couldn't even survive on her own, let alone protect the people she cared about.
  428. And so it was that the Nagual undid his codpiece.
  430. Unfastened his breaches.
  432. -- And Lotlhuitl paid Choi the price he had named to prove her trustworthiness. --
  434. Oh, Lotlhuitl would bitterly wager she had proved much more than mere trustworthiness to Choi. She felt she had proved that she could be bought, just like she felt he'd likely really wanted. She had dirtied herself, degraded herself on her knees. And no Cruxati should kneel. What would Zahhual think, seeing her like this? Lotlhuitl was disgusted that she had brought him pleasure with her mouth, when really what she should have wanted to do was bring him death.
  435. There was some horrible sickening part of herself which had truly enjoyed what had transpired between the two of them. That more than the acts which had transpired between them was what truly scared her.
  437. That was what made it truly difficult to look at Choiafterwards.
  439. But Xitlalli was saved! And at such a bargain price! Only the cost of her dignity, and spiralling a good amount downwards closer towards insanity. She was a wreck. Her emotions were in flux, and her corrupted, rotted soul was in agony. The proximity to Choi, the act, everything. It had damaged her.
  441. The rune at the back of her neck dimly glowed.
  443. How fucking envious she felt at this moment, of people stronger and made of sterner stuff than her.
  445. Xoconan, Noa, heck, even Xitlalli. They all had the power and the strength and the courage that willowy Lotlhuitl pathetically lacked. They had agency. They were clean.
  447. She had to change. She had to change to be more like them.
  449. (Lotlhuitl)
  450. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  452. [09:12:44]
  453. The act itself was a terse one could expect from a man whose passion was all but nil and a woman who found the act the greatest indignity available upon their person. His expression was stoic all throughout, sans the occasional grunt or staccato-inflected instruction. Not even his mind was present in the moment; his lust was more directed towards the potential power of Zahhual's bracers than endeavor before him.
  455. After all was said and done, he'd dismissively laid a hand upon Lotlhuitl's head. It was almost as if he expected the established back-and-forth of dominance to continue -- of which, perhaps he did; or it was simply another attempt to further degrade her. He sought to pull her had to his lap, running bare fingers through silken hair.
  457. Was he trying to comfort her? It seemed the case. His voice was a soft coo, almost expressing what sounded like affection. How utterly abstract that must be after what he - albeit, with her willingness - saw her subjected to. Perhaps he had a soft spot for the broken and the disregarded.
  459. "Stay with me for a while."
  461. It wasn't an offer, or a question. It seemed he wanted her near; perhaps it was with the intent of keeping her from harming herself, physically or through less direct means. Convincing him to let her stray'd likely be an affair.
  463. Cosmic light'd bubbled across the ends of his fingers, across her brow. Belial smiled upon madness and decadence; while Choi strived to normally maintain a level head, his influence upon him was stronger for what had transpired. It sought to eat at her fear, her worry -- perhaps with variable levels of effect.
  465. Either way, it might feel blissful and relaxing. Ambient, excess power radiated from the bare, sweat-stained fingers as they situated themselves around the back of her neck, through her hair. His eyes certainly caught sight of the rune.
  467. How interesting.
  468. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  469. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  471. [09:14:27] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((as* fuck
  472. [09:40:03] Lotlhuitl's long hair was lightly dishevelled. It felt like, to the Nagual, that Choi managed to find every tangle in its midnight blue-black length as she rest her head against his thigh. Shuddering. Lightly wincing from the sensation. It didn't exactly hurt - her hair was silken enough that any tangle was easily removed. But the Nagual still was not fond of being touched. The contact between them, it threatened to overwhelm her with how much it felt like the affectionate touch of a lover.
  474. The act which transpired between them would have been, well, implied, if not obvious to anyone who entered. Accordingly, the kneeling woman desperately wanted to rise. To get out of here. To return the safety and familiarity of home.
  476. And then Choi told her to stay with him.
  478. Dark eyelashes had fluttered, her expression clearly first astonished. Then came fear. And, to cover that up? Anger.
  480. But before she'd gathered her wits torespond, his fingers brushed against her brow. And instead, she found herself exhaling a surprised "oh" as she felt her emotions drain. Strangely, becoming comfortably numb did not feel so dissimilar to euphoria, considering the emotional agony she had been feeling for years now because of the affect of the wraith's curse -- soul rot.
  482. The Nagual had relaxed: her cheek still resting against his thigh. Heck, one of her fluffy ears twitched rapidly, her gaze turning languid as she looked up at him. Felt his hands run through her hair.
  484. "And if I protest?" She asked, her voice breathy as she turned her face away and unknowingly afforded him the view of the dimly glowing rune.
  486. "...what a terrible person I must be, even to consider it." Lotlhuitl murmured. The tall Nagual woman now attempted to stand. She attempted to extract herself from Choi's influence, as difficult as thatwas. As, admittedly, much as she really didn't want to do so.
  488. The impulse truly was to stay with him, at least for a night. Keep him happy. He was powerful. There was surely much she could learn from him. And maybe if Xoconan noticed her missing, it could be him that felt envious for once.
  490. She should have wanted to kill Choi. But she didn't. She willed herself to rationalise it just as business, but was it? There was something about him. And so it was that she said to him, entirely without conviction, "You know I can't."
  491. (Lotlhuitl)
  492. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  494. [09:56:16] "You won't."
  496. "Besides, I won't keep you for too long. After, you can go home and relax -- enjoy yourself, get fresh air... But for now? Let's get you cleaned up. Being in a foul mood'll do little to improve things."
  498. It really was uncharacteristically thoughtful of him. Choi remained back-first against the wall, letting himself revel in the bliss. His naked thigh that her cheek roosted upon was hot to the touch, damp with light perspiration and doubtlessly the aftermath of their encounter. A thin layer of fat was followed by firm muscle, making for a good cushion.
  500. The fingers lingered softly in her hair. Pain was not the intent, now, and he was gentle with the stroking of his long, spindly fingers. Only briefly did his nails trail across her scalp, opting to try to gently turn her head. His own'd descended, and a soft kiss sought to lay upon her lips -- if she didn't resist.
  502. "There's something wrong here. Besides this, I mean; something more -- substantial. Relax, enjoy yourself, and let me see what I can do. Consider it a bonus for a job well done, yeah?"
  504. Was this another attempt at manipulation? It wasn't clear. Not even Choi really knew. His eyes remained glued to Lotl's as the moonlight seemed to meld with her skin, burying raw energy beneath. Perhaps it felt good - perhaps it didn't. One might imagine that the suffusion of raw energy was a pleasant sensation.
  506. A low, pleased murr left him. The opposite hand aimed to trail down her shoulder, across her exposed arm -- it, too, had the gauntlet removed much earlier. It seemed like he was determined to keep her near to him - close, both in the literal and the deviant sense. A shift of his hips'd offered her perch upon her laps if she were to be convinced.
  508. "Pretty please?"
  511. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  512. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  514. [09:57:07] Ten-Tsao Kenshiro says, "Night."
  515. [09:57:07] Ten-Tsao snores like a legend
  516. (Ten-Tsao Kenshiro)
  517. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  519. [09:57:07] LOOC - Ten-Tsao Kenshiro: ( PEACE MAN
  520. [09:57:07] LOOC - Ten-Tsao Kenshiro: ( yea
  521. [09:57:07] LOOC - Ten-Tsao Kenshiro: ( night man
  522. [09:57:07] LOOC - Ten-Tsao Kenshiro: ( gtg
  523. [09:57:07] LOOC - Sakamoto Saito: ( cya
  524. [10:44:03] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well."
  525. [10:45:45] "Ah. Already driven to such?"
  527. Amused expression was painted over Archon's face. Most of the humans he encountered so far fall into such pits of despair, and it appears that Guatemoc was no different.
  529. Truly disappointing, but alas.
  531. "Then stay here for necessary lengths to serve me. We may yet wage the war soon - that is where you will find your solace and peace."
  533. "Do not assume that what you feel is only negativity. Channel it, let it flow, like the blood goes in your veins."
  535. "Only when you learn to embrace it, you will know peace."
  537. Zaruma spoke with a collected, somewhat even monotone voice. Dealing with such cases of humans wasn't anything new to him, and Guatemoc was just one of many when it comes to such things.
  539. And one of many to be put on the right path.
  540. (Zaruma)
  541. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  543. [10:46:36] Guatemoc says, "You make it sound simple."
  544. [10:55:08] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((gonna whisper in zaruma's ear briefly and jump back rq
  545. [11:08:48] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: (( i return
  546. [11:11:21] Choi Tae-Moon says, "1"
  547. [11:13:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ta da im naked again)
  548. [11:13:04] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((wot
  549. [11:13:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh, uh.. my shirt sprite layers incorrectly when I log)
  550. [11:13:55] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((oh huh
  551. [11:13:55] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: (( i see
  552. [11:13:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i wrecked my wrists spriting a dumb bikini)
  553. [11:13:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so I'm going to use it..)
  554. [11:13:55] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((is spriting rly that painful
  555. [11:13:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (shouldn't be but i have chronic rsi)
  556. [11:13:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (which is why im slow)
  557. [11:13:55] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((ah
  558. [11:13:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and being slow rn)
  559. [11:14:46] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((i'm shocked i don't have carpal tunnel honestly
  560. [11:14:46] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((also no worries, feel free to take ur time
  561. [11:14:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i was a professional typist for 5 yrs)
  562. [11:14:46] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: (( just lmk if u plan on dropping/stopping so i don't wait around
  563. [11:14:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and played eternia)
  564. [11:14:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (im writing)
  565. [11:14:46] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: ((lol
  566. [11:14:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (dw)
  567. [11:14:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah it was dummmb)
  568. [11:15:37] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: (( yeah no i was saying in general u nerd
  569. [11:15:37] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (OOOOOOOOOOH ok)
  570. [11:15:37] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: (( *cracks nuckle
  571. [11:30:08] * You have been awarded 0.75 Roleplay Points! *
  572. [11:52:19] You won't. Two words and the mighty blessed of Ixchel, Handmaiden of Dmex, was filled with tension. Her eyes wide, she suddenly felt less like a powerful warrior-magi, and more like some kitten. Helpless. Choi was right, of course. If he wanted her to stay, she would have to stay. What was her alternative? Fight him? Fight every Demon in this forsaken city? That was madness.
  574. All that played out across her face, her initial conflict, and then the resignation. She would stay.
  576. And in any case, she would never admit it, but part of her wanted to stay around him. The impulse she felt was to just give in and nuzzle her cheek into his leg. Heck, she almost could just continue suppressing the fact that what they'd just shared was so fucking wrong. That she should want to kill him. What the fuck was wrong with her.
  578. Wrong with her? This was all Xoconan'sfault.
  580. It was a silky thought, perhaps conveniently occurring right before Choi tilted her head. Her gaze had softened as he leaned in. And he kissed her. She didn't resist, though it obviously surprised her. Her lips parted, feline green eyes meeting his gaze both as he kissed her.. and as he told her there was something wrong.
  582. But it was the pretty please which did it.
  584. "Very well." She said, inclining her head. Instead of moving away from his influence, she found herself drawing near. Sitting in his lap. Letting him stroke her arms as she felt the raw moonlight energy sink into her flesh. She shivered, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
  586. "Who are you really, Choi Tae-Moon?"
  587. (Lotlhuitl)
  588. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  590. [12:24:44] "Who am I? It's a question many have asked me, funnily enough. I'd go so far as to say that I'm a man of great taste and particular ambition. Past that? It all depends on the individual in question. I'd not fault a man his opinion."
  592. "A better question is who is Choi Tae-Moon to you, sweet Lotl?"
  594. The statement and following inquiry were followed by the light trailing of his fingers across the side of her bicep, suffused energy bleeding into the muscle as it might be prone to. His fingers, too, probed the arm, gently rubbing the muscle and connective tissue. It seems he enjoyed it.
  596. When she settled in his lap, his free arm laced around her back and tightened around Lotl's belly -- he wasn't retraining her, however, just holding her. His chin pressed against the side of her shoulder, and olive eyes scanned the once-hidden rune and how it'd shone with fell strength. This - it seemed - was the night's objective.
  598. Learning more about the Sin and potentially contracting it's power would be most useful. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy Lotl's company -- quite the opposite, because doubtlessly he'd have prompted her to keep him company regardless -- but an objective was added to the evening's affairs. A low, quiet hum followed.
  600. "Am I evil? Did I manipulate you? I don't know, some days. I used to like to pretend everything I did was for the greater good, but I might just be being dishonest with myself."
  602. "What even is good, in such a sick world?"
  603. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  604. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  606. [13:18:30] The Nagual remained sitting in his lap. Truthfully, her body was covered in a light sheen of perspiration. She still was lightly disheveled, even after his hands had found her silken hair and run through them.
  608. But above all else, Lotlhuitl was surprised. By his question, who was Choi Tae-Moon to her? She hesitated, before answering quietly but (to her shame!) honestly: "I hope someone I can trust."
  610. She sighed softly, becoming briefly lost in her thoughts. Her fingers brushed through her hair. Affording him an excellent view to peer at this rune and inspect it.
  612. A sun, fashioned out of a spiral. If one had any experience with rune writing, one had to know that this rune was different. It truthfully didn't beat with an explicit aura of Sin or anything like that, it had been so long since placement surely there was no trace of the original mana. But whoever had set it had enough foresight to work the design into the Nagual's mana circuits, ensuring it would be recharged with Lotlhuitl's own mana automatically.
  614. Unless Choi was a master runescribe its purpose was highly likely obscured at first glance. It was a sun fashioned out of a spiral. If he had any runescribing knowledge, he may recognise it as a rune which should encourage change, but what sort of change?
  616. It was definitely mind effecting, however!
  618. Lotlhuitl had to surpress a snort at Choi's speech he gave, she finding it indulgent. Had to, because her good sense told her that she really didn't want to get on his bad side. He.. he seemed to have forgiven her. She hoped.
  620. She needed him.
  622. "I'm not sure I know what 'good' is, Curious Mr Choi." Lotlhuitl finally answered. Patting him on the leg in an awkward attempt at affection. "There is only what we must do."
  623. (Lotlhuitl)
  624. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  626. [13:27:02]
  627. The remark's self-indulgent nature was aggrandized and comedic, less an attempt at bragging and more a light-hearted boast. That didn't eat at it's truthfulness, however; at the end of the day, he was a man ruled by what he found tasteful and what he desired. In that facet, he was no different from anyone else on Agartha
  629. "Trust is a fickle thing, miss Lottie. I won't sacrifice myself for anyone, and I'm not sure I have reason to dedicate myself to helping you... But, I'm not cruel. Those who do well by me I will do well boy in turn."
  631. "Besides, in a strange way, I like you. Don't fuck that up and I'll give you good deals if you need something. You and me? We can cooperate. I can make you stronger, I can make you famous; you can be the ears to my eyes, and the blanket to my cot."
  633. That was an odd euphemism, but it seemed partly in jest. The rune emblazoned upon her neck was of interest, that much he knew; he was no rune writer, and he certainly couldn't divine what, precisely, it did. One hand rose from her side, trailing his finger across it's spiral-shaped sun.
  635. If they were going to help one another, he might as well start by being cooperative.
  637. "Hey, Lottie. Who gave you this tattoo? It's real pretty."
  639. Not a lie, but not the truth. It was somewhere in between; like with everything, there were a myriad of motives to his intent and thought. Choi's lips casually pressed to the space above it, where her neck met her head.
  641. "And what is it you need to do?"
  642. (Choi Tae-Moon)
  643. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  645. [13:27:02] LOOC - Choi Tae-Moon: (( do well by*
  646. [14:05:26] Lotlhutil glanced at Choi from beneath dark eyelashes - and the corner of her eyes. A wry glance. "Ah. Yes. Well, I should qualify. I trust you to do what is logical and reasonable. Not to.. act against your own self interest, or give away that which is valuable for free. There are many stupid people in this world, Curious Mr Choi. I don't expect that you are one of them."
  648. She went quiet for a moment. Letting him talk as she spoke of deals and bargains. In truth, she was tired. She couldn't say that she really felt like plotting world dominion. There was only one thing she wanted, and that was to secure Xitlalli's safety.
  650. "Tattoo.. Mmm." She had breathed, feeling his finger trace across her neck. "Ah, right. Yes.. aha. Thank you." She knew what he was talking about, at least definitely by the time she was thanking him.
  652. "Technically it's not a tattoo. It's a rune." She corrected, tail twitching. "Why, would you like one?" Bemusement. Her entire tone and attitude was casual, either she was an intensely practiced liar or she was unaware that she was avoiding answering the question as to who had given it to her.
  654. "Ouch! I didn't realise you wanted me to stick around so you could make me feel bad for not living up to my life's purpose." A small laugh, though there was much less of the bemusement in it from earlier. "Fine, I'll give this one to you for free. I obviously need to change so I stop enjoying the mercy of men like you, dear Mr Choi."
  655. (Lotlhuitl)
  656. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  658. [22:16:06]
  659. {LOAD GAME}
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