Guest User


a guest
Jul 17th, 2019
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  1. #moveme - Moves you to a voice channel.
  2. #profile - View yours or someone else's customizable personal global profile card.
  3. #id - View yours or someone else's server rank card.
  4. #top - Display members with the most server score or global XP.
  5. #user - Shows info, such as ID and join date, about yourself or a user.
  6. #avatar - Get a users' avatar.
  7. #server - Shows info about a server
  8. #roles - Get a list of server roles and member counts.
  9. #credits - Shows your or someone's balance.
  10. #title - Changes your title in the #profile command.
  11. #ban - Bans a member.
  12. #unban - Unbans a member.
  13. #kick - Kicks a member.
  14. #mute - Mute a member from text channels so they cannot type.
  15. #unmute - Unmutes a member.
  16. #vmute - Mute a member from voice channels so they cannot speak.
  17. #unvmute - Unmutes a member from voice channels.
  18. #clear - Cleans messages from a channel.
  19. #move - Moves a member to a voice channel.
  20. #role - Add/remove a user to a role or roles.
  21. #warn - Warns a member.
  22. #removewarn -
  23. #warnings - Get warnings for the server or user.
  24. #color - Changes roles' color.
  25. #colors - Lists you all the available colors.
  26. #short - Shortens a URL.
  27. #play - Add a song to queue and play.
  28. #search - Searches YouTube for results to play.
  29. #queue - Display the queue of the current tracks in the playlist.
  30. #stop - Stop the current song and clears the entire music queue.
  31. #vol - Changes/Shows the current volume.
  32. #pause - Pauses the currently playing track.
  33. #np - Shows what song the bot is currently playing.
  34. #repeat - Changes the repeat mode.
  35. #seek - Seeks to a certain point in the current track.
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