
Elf Rape

Jan 23rd, 2019
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  1. >be me
  2. >on patrol
  3. >APC making its usual clunking
  4. >sound of metal breaking and snapping then nothing
  5. >cloud of smoke comes out of engine
  6. >sergeant announces that we will be outside the walls for tonight
  7. >fuck.png
  8. >a few hours later the squad is trading stories of old 'Greentexts' the old one called them
  9. >find a good one about filling a shotgun shell with flammable liquid and starting a forest fire
  10. >put it down to reach for MRE
  11. >look up
  12. >some treehumpers have knives to our throats
  13. >luckily not the extreme kind
  14. >no one makes a move
  15. >see the head of one explode and hear a crack
  16. >another and another
  17. >the treenigger thats got me is distracted
  18. >I make my move
  19. >simply stand up really fucking fast
  20. >it works somehow, i hit her in the jaw
  21. >she falls back and tries to run
  22. >grab nugget and shoot
  23. >hit her leg
  24. >rest of squad is absolutely demolishing the treefags
  25. >turns out a scout team had found our site but had tracked the keebs for weeks
  26. >i run over to the wounded nigelf
  27. >drag her, kicking and screaming over to the broke APC
  28. >rest of squad is looking at her with rape eyes
  29. >i feel compelled
  30. >i take her into the APC
  31. >rip off her garbs
  32. > grab her by the hips
  33. >feel her tight elf pussy
  34. >hard as fuck
  35. >shes making weak attempts to crawl away
  36. >decide to record it for later
  37. >push BHC in
  38. >she begins screaming
  39. >hit her on the head with rifle butt
  40. >knocks her out
  41. >continue humping her hard
  42. >fuck shes tight
  43. >smooth skin
  44. >silky pussy
  45. >cum buckets
  46. >pull out and stop recording
  47. >ffwd next day
  48. >turns out raping elves kills them
  49. >leave body in forest
  50. >get back from patrol
  51. >In pub
  52. >Showing Bros the video
  53. >elf bartender walks by
  54. >He fucking freaks
  55. >Going on about us filthy humans
  56. >We decide to leave
  58. >whatthefuckdidyoujustsay.gif
  59. >We all turn around almost simultaneously
  60. >Turn back and walk to our barracks
  61. >That night we sneak back to the tavern
  62. >We're in luck that knife ear is just about to leave, perfect
  63. >He walks out and we tackle him
  64. >Drag his pointed ass to the alley
  65. >Shoot him
  66. >Throw the body into the dumpster
  67. >Walk out back to the barracks and sleep
  68. >Ffwd next week
  69. >Turn out the authorities found the body as expected
  70. >They did nothing as expected
  71. >Go out to buy enchanted ammo
  72. >Fucking place is littered with fairys
  73. >Go inside
  74. >An elf girl
  75. >Alone
  76. >With 4 teenage human guys over 6'
  77. >You can smell the fucking testosterone, wait no that's just body odor
  78. >She looks unphased
  79. >I ask for some invisible ammo
  80. >She says she thinks she doesn't have any
  81. >She checks
  82. >She does have some and puts on the counter... Nothing
  83. >I feel the pot where she supposedly laid these bullets down
  84. > There's really nothing
  85. >is this a joke my fren says
  86. >n-no honerable soldier
  87. >Ok now she's absolutely shook
  88. >Lean in close to her
  89. >She is fixed in place
  90. >Now you liste-
  91. >She pulls out a Derringer
  92. >Buddy from the side stabs her with bayonette
  93. >She falls to the floor crying and in pain
  94. >No state to fight
  95. >Decide to show the video I took
  96. >If you have no invisible bullets then tell us where we can get some or you'll be like her
  97. >She knows damn well what happens when an elf is raped
  98. >she's unable to speak
  99. >6'4" big boye from my left goes in
  100. >Says, have it yer way then sweetheart! In a southern accent
  101. >Vicous anal rape
  102. >Record this as well for future... Use kek
  103. >fren finishes up
  104. >She collapses in a sobbing mess
  105. >Breath grows shallow and she just goes blank
  106. >Fren says, damn I'll bet we can kill all them keebs with our dicks if we wanted to!
  107. >kek a little
  108. >Stay a little longer for ammo grabs
  109. >Check the body's pulse
  110. >She's still alive
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