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a guest
Apr 30th, 2016
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  1. variables:
  2. {chatoff} = false
  3. command /chat [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  4. aliases: /chat
  5. permission: masachat.admin
  6. permission message: &c&2 %player% Nie masz uprawnien do uzycia tej komendy!
  7. trigger:
  8. if arg 1 is not set:
  9. send "&8--====&8[&c&lHej&3&l&2%player%&8]====--"
  10. send "&9/chat off &7- Wylacza chat"
  11. send "&9/chat on &7- Wlacza chat"
  12. send "&9/chat cc &7- Czysci chat"
  13. send "&9/chat info &7- Pokazuje informacje o autorze oraz wersji skryptu"
  14. if arg 1 is "info" or "autor":
  15. send "&6&lChat &3by &cPloster"
  16. send "&cWersja: &71.0 "
  17. if arg 1 is "off":
  18. if {chatoff} is false:
  19. set {chatoff} to true
  20. broadcast " &8--====&8[&c&lCHAT&8]====--"
  21. broadcast " &6Chat zostal: &cWylaczony"
  22. broadcast " &6Przez administratora: &2%player%"
  23. else:
  24. send "&c>> &6Chat jest juz wylaczony!"
  25. if arg 1 is "on":
  26. if {chatoff} is true:
  27. set {chatoff} to false
  28. broadcast " &8--====&8[&c&lCHAT&8]====--"
  29. broadcast " &6Chat zostal: &aWlaczony"
  30. broadcast " &6Przez administratora: &2%player%"
  31. else:
  32. send "&c>> &6Chat jest juz wlaczony!"
  33. if arg 1 is "cc" or "wyczysc":
  34. loop 100 times:
  35. broadcast ""
  36. loop 1 times:
  37. broadcast " &8--====&8[&c&lCHAT&8]====--"
  38. broadcast " &6Chat zostal: &aWyczyszczony"
  39. broadcast " &6Przez administratora: &2%player%"
  40. on chat:
  41. if {chatoff} is true:
  42. player doesn't have permissions "masachat.admin":
  43. cancel event
  44. send "&9>> &7Chat jest aktualnie wylaczony!"
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