
SCP SL Server Commands (Smod+AdminToolbox)

Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. [19:45:17] CONFIG <reload>: Handles reloading the config
  2. [19:45:17] EXIT: Exits the server
  3. [19:45:17] GITHUBGEN [filelocation]: Generates a github .md file outlining all t
  4. he features/commands
  5. [19:45:17] HELP: Prints out available commands and their function.
  6. [19:45:17] INFO: Prints license and author information.
  7. [19:45:17] NEW <config_id>: Starts a new server with the given config id.
  8. [19:45:17] RESTART: Restarts the game server (multiadmin will not restart, just
  9. the game)
  10. [19:45:17] RESTARTNEXTROUND: Restarts the server at the end of this round
  11. [19:45:17] STOPNEXTROUND: Stops the server at the end of this round
  12. [19:45:17] Commands from game:
  13. [19:45:17] Sending request to SCP: Secret Laboratory...
  14. [19:45:18] [CMD] Calling command HELP
  15. [19:45:18] [CMD] Number of args 0
  16. [19:45:18] [CMD] Command handler found, calling
  17. [19:45:18] :
  18. ATCOLOR (bool): Enables/Disables color for Admintoolbox in the server window
  19. ATDISABLE: Disables Admintoolbox
  20. BAN <player/s name|player/s ip>: Ban player/players
  21. BANREFRESH: Refreshes the ban list
  22. BREAKDOOR [PLAYER] [BOOLEAN]: Toggles that players break doors when interacting
  23. with them
  24. CLASSLIST <page>: Prints a list of classes and their IDs
  25. CLEAN <Item ID>: Removes all found instances of a certain item.
  26. CLS|CLEAR: Clears the console screen
  27. CONFIG <R|RELOAD|RLD> | <PATH> | <VALUE> <KEY>: Reloads the config, displays the
  28.  path or prints the value of a specific key.
  29. DOORS [OPEN / CLOSE / OPENSECURE / CLOSESECURE]: Opens/closes all doors.
  30. DROPALL <player>: Force all player/players to drop their items
  31. ENDROUND: End the round as if the match was done.
  32. GIVE <id>: Gives the player an item (doesnt work with dedicated servers)
  33. GIVEALL <Item ID>: Gives all players an item, or if their inventory is full, dro
  34. p it on the ground.
  35. GIVEPLAYER <Player(s)> <Item ID>: Gives a player/players an item, or if their in
  36. ventory is full, drop it on the ground.
  37. GIVETEAM <Team ID> <Item ID>: Gives all players in a team an item, or if their i
  38. nventory is full, drop it on the ground.
  39. GOD [PLAYER] (BOOL): Switch on/off godmode for player
  40. GOTO <roomid> <player>: Goto a specific room.
  41. Grenade <time>: Throws a grenade at all players.
  42. HEAL [PLAYER] (AMOUNT): Heals player. Use int for spesific amount (optional)
  43. HELP <command>: List commands
  44. HP [PLAYER] (AMOUNT): Sets player HP. Use int for amount
  45. INSTANTKILL [PLAYER] [BOOLEAN]: Lets specified players instantly kill targets
  46. ITEMLIST <page>: Displays a list of all items and their IDs
  47. ITEMPOS: Prints a list of item ids and positions
  48. KEEP [PLAYER] [BOOLEAN]: Toggles that players keeping settings on round restart
  49. LOCKDOWN [PLAYER] [BOOLEAN]: Locks all the doors for specified players
  50. NODMG [PLAYER] (BOOL): Switch on/off damageOutput for player
  51. NUKE [ON / OFF / START / STOP / LOCK / UNLOCK]: Remotely controls the alpha warh
  52. ead.
  53. PARROT|PAR <input>: Prints the input
  54. PLAYER [PLAYERNAME]: Gets toolbox info about spesific player
  55. PLAYERS: Lists current players to server console
  56. pm [(enable|disable|commands) <plugin/s>][list (all|enabled|disabled)]: SMOD2 Pl
  57. ugin Management
  58. pos (player) [add/set/get/help] [x=][y=][z=]
  59. Visit the "" for more info: Alters the player positi
  60. on
  61. QUIT|EXIT: Quits the game
  62. RANGE: Goto the shooting range.
  63. RECIPES: Prints a list of 914 recipes.
  64. RECONNECTRS: Tells all players to reconnect then quits the game.
  65. REFRESHFIX: Something to do with fixing refreshing of the console.
  66. ROLE [PLAYER] [ROLEID]: Sets player to (ROLEID)
  67. ROOMPOS: Prints a list room ids and positions
  68. ROUNDLOCK TRUE/FALSE: Locks the round so it cant end
  69. ROUNDRESTART: Restarts the round.
  70. SEED: Show the current map seed.
  71. SHOWRIDS: Show a list of Room Ids
  72. smdev [player<:name or addr> | class<:classid> | server | inventory<:itemid> | I
  73. TEMS<:itemid|:itemidWORLD>| connection<:addr> | round | roundstats] [ [METHOD|M|
  74. CALL|C <method name> <param1> .. <paramN>] | [GET|G <propery name>] | [SET|S <pr
  75. opery name> <value>] ]: Method to call Smod2 API methods/get properties on Smod2
  76.  objects for testing. To specify paramater types use i' f' b' d' s' at the start
  77. of your argument.
  78. SPECTATOR [PLAYER] (BOOL): Switch on/off always spectator for player
  79. STEAMID <player/s name|player/s ip>: Prints SteamID for player/players
  80. TEAMLIST: Displays a list of all teams and their IDs
  81. TP <Player(s) to be Teleported> <Target Player>: Teleports a player/s to another
  82. target player
  83. TPALL <Target Player>: Teleports all players to a specific player
  84. TPROOM <Player(s) to be Teleported> <Target Room id>: Teleports a player/s to a
  85. room
  86. TPX [PLAYER] [PLAYER2]: Teleports player to player2
  87. TUT/TUTORIAL [PLAYER]: Sets player to TUTORIAL
  88. VALUE <key>: No idea what this does
  89. WARP [LIST]
  90. WARP [ADD/+] [PlayerName] [YourWarpPointName]
  91. WARP [REMOVE/-] [YourWarpPointName]
  92. WARP [PlayerName] [WarpPointName]:
  93. WEAPONLIST <page>: Displays a list of all weapons and their IDs
  94. WEIGHTS [Player(s)]: Lists player weights from Smart Class Picker.
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