
Sibling Smack Down

Jan 30th, 2015
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  1. Musik has joined the chat
  2. Musik: -Dean slid into the parking lot of Beer Goggles, stepping inside the bar. He walked straight to the bar and sat down, holding up a finger to the bartender to order himself a beer.- // -Aubrey pulled up right after Dean did, seeing his truck. She pushed her door open and slammed the door shut heading to through the front door waving her hand to the bouncer, she looked around for Dean and spotted him at the bar. She clenched her jaw walking straight up to him grabbing his beer once the bartender set it down.- "Hola hermano mayor, mucho tiempo sin hablar." (Hello big brother, long time no talk.) -She took a drink of his beer, slamming the bottle down onto the bar.- // -Dean sighed hearing Aubrey's voice, dropping his head onto the bar.- "Déjame de una puta solo loco de mierda puta." (Leave me the fuck alone you crazy fucking bitch.)
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Steph quickly pulled her car into the parking lot of Beer Goggles, killing the engine and grabbing her keys from the ignition and shoving them in her pocket. She pushed the door open and climbed out hastily, slamming it shut behind her as she stalked up to the door and waved the bouncer off, walking right inside. She spotted Dean seated at the bar with Aubrey standing on one side of him, moving through the crowd of people to stand on the other side of him. She stared at Aubrey, keeping her eyes locked on her. "Hey Dean."-
  4. Musik: -Dean looked over to Steph sending her a weak, tired smile before dropping his head back down onto the bar, talking to Aubrey.- "Lo has hecho?" (You done?) // -Aubrey saw Steph, raising her brow lifting her hand out to shove Dean hard as she dropped her eyes down to him.- "Qué hiciste? Llame a Steph para venir a salvarte? Esto no chage mierda Dean! Estoy cogiendo terminado contigo!" (What'd you do? Call Steph to come save you? This doesn't chage shit Dean! I'm fucking done with you!) // -Dean shot his head up and pushed off the stool to stand in front of Aubrey, inches from her as he stared down at her.- "Si estás tan jodidamente terminado conmigo, entonces por qué coño estás parado aquí!?" (If you're so fucking done with me then why the fuck are you standing here!?) -He clenched his jaw tightly staring down at her as she said nothing.- "That's what I thought." -He sat back down on the stool, dropping his head down onto the bar.-
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stared hard at Aubrey as she rambled off in Spanish, only catching a few words here and there as she makeshift translated as best as she could from Italian. Lifting her hand to lay it down on Dean's shoulder, she yelled over the top of his at Aubrey. "Holy shit, do you ever shut up? It's bad enough you fucking punched him, now you have to belittle and irritate him too? It must take a really big person to hit someone you know won't hit you back."-
  6. Musik: -Aubrey shot a look up to Steph, furrowing her brows as she lifted her hand to point at her.- "Shut the fuck up, Steph. This is between me and my brother, not you. So go over there and keep to yourself." -She moved her hand motioning to another direction.- // -Dean lifted his head slightly, dropping it against the bar hard.- "Aubrey shut up, would you please? I've heard enough of your fucking voice today."
  8. Musik: (OH I'M SORRY.)
  9. AngeliqueArkayda has joined the chat
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Steph rolled her eyes, laughing as she turned her head to glance across the bar. "I'm pretty sure the second you punched your brother in the face, one of my best friends and one of the nicest people I know, it became not just between you and him anymore. So either you can walk yourself away from him, or I can walk you away from him. Your choice, but I assure you that you sure as fuck will not like my way."- (ANSWER BRYAN'S TEXT SO HE CAN COME WATCH TOO)
  11. Erleiden has joined the chat
  12. AngeliqueArkayda: ~Kerli pulled up and parked her car as she stepped out. She was stressed out from all the planning of her party next week. She pushed the doors open and moved toward the bar. Anything happening around her she didnt even pay attention she was on a mission. She waved the bartender down as she jumped up on the bar~ I need a Snake bite And two Screaming Orgasm. ~She held back a laugh.~
  13. Musik: "God don't you ever get tired of hearing your own fucking voice?" -Aubrey said to her before looking down at Dean.- "Si piensas que vas a llegar lejos con haberme echado de la puta hospital, estás jodido mal." (If you think you're gonna get away with having me kicked out of the fucking hospital, you're fucking wrong.) -She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, letting out a sigh as she yanked it out, sliding her fingers over the screen quickly before stuffing it back into her pocket, looking at Dean.- // "No me importa un carajo! No se puede actuar de la manera que estaban actuando y pensar que está bien! Deje de hablar mierda ya, Aubrey!" (I don't give a fuck! You can't act the way you were acting and think it's okay! Quit fucking talking already, Aubrey!) -Dean pushed up away from the bar walking over to the bathrooms, shoving the bathroom door open walking inside.-
  14. Alexithymiaa: -Steph listened to the two as they yelled in Spanish at each other, picking up the basis of the story in her head as Dean shoved his way into the bathroom, her eyes settling over Aubrey. "Not nearly as much as I'm tired of hearing yours. I swear I do not give any fucks if he is your brother, leave him the fuck alone already. Jesus."-
  15. Musik: -Aubrey watched Dean walk off before turning her head to look at Steph, clencing her jaw.- "If you're so tired of hearing my fucking voice then fucking leave! Like I've been telling you to fucking do since you fucking put your nose in where it doesn't belong. You're not part of our family, this is FAMILY issues, so stay the fuck out of it!" -Her voice raised as she stared hard at Steph's face.-
  16. AngeliqueArkayda: ~The bartender returned with her two shots and Drink. Kerli downed the two shots before grabbing her drink as she turned on her stool seeing the conflict going on beind her. She shook her head but knew to stay out of it. ~
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood up straight, moving her hands in front of her to shove Aubrey in the chest back out of her face. "Last i checked I didn't give a shit if you considered me part of your family, I consider Dean to be a part of mine and the fact that you are so far up his ass right now bitching and moaning and actually physically hurting him only makes me think even less of you than I already do. So step the fuck off."-
  18. Musik: -Aubrey stumbled back a few steps before reaching her hands out to return the shove, shoving her hard.- "And last time I checked? I don't give a fuck who YOU "consider" family, he's not your fucking family. If he wasn't so fucking stupid I wouldn't have physically hurt him. You'd think hanging out with Miss know it all he'd fucking learn a thing or two."
  19. Alexithymiaa: (I cant take this fight seriously while we're dancing like this ♥ )
  20. Musik: (hahahaha)
  21. AngeliqueArkayda: ~Kerli turned back around placing her elbows on the bar as she took another drink. She could hear the fighting and bickering behind her. This school seemed to be filled with drama, gossip and fighting.~
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stumbled backwards when Aubrey shoved her, quickly regaining her footing and narrowed her eyes on Aubrey's face. "If it were okay to just hit stupid people for the sake of their stupidity, you'd have had your ass kicked a long time ago." She stopped, smirking. "Actually..." Trailing off, she curled her hand into a fist, swinging it upward from underneath her as she pushed up from her feet and angled the punch at the lower side of her jaw. If it would connect, she'd lean forward, bringing her left knee up at Aubrey's stomach before shoving the heel of her foot at her chest to shove her back and away.-
  23. Musik: (This is becoming an every Thrusday thing.. Isn't it? Aubrey and Steph fight night.)
  24. Alexithymiaa: (The first rule of fight club is that you don't talk about fight club, Pey.)
  25. Musik: ( :x )
  26. AngeliqueArkayda: ((lol))
  27. Musik: (If only you could hear the noises coming out of my mouth right now. my laugh is horse and doesn't sound like a laugh. I sound like i'm dying.)
  28. Alexithymiaa: (Bahaha <3 )
  29. Musik: -Aubrey felt Steph's fist against her jaw, sending her head back a little. She brought her hand up to rub her jaw but instantly dropped it as she felt Steph's knee to her stomach, and her foot against her chest. Aubrey stumbled backwards into the bar stools, planting her hands against against them to catch herself from falling. She clenched her jaw tightly as she moved her hand fast, to shove Steph's foot away, moving towards her reaching her right hand back to punch her in the side of the face, if it'd connect a pretty decent bruise would show up eventually.- // -Dean made his way out of the bathroom mid yawn. He ran his hands over his face, stopping as his hands were over his mouth, staring as Aubrey and Steph were fighting. He dropped his hands to his sides and walked over to the edge of the bar, leaning against it as he watched.-
  30. Alexithymiaa: (hahahaha Dean <3)
  31. Musik: ( I TOLD YOU)
  32. Alexithymiaa: (DOESNT MAKE IT ANY LESS FUNNY)
  33. AngeliqueArkayda: ~Kerli picked her glass up off the bar as she moved slightly out of the way of the girls fight.~ Cant we all just get along ~She mumbled.~
  34. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's head swayed to one side at Aubrey's punch, immediately lifting her arm to knock Aubrey's hand away from her face, keeping her hands coiled up in tight fists. Taking a step forward with her left foot, she swiveled her hips and pivoted hard, lifting her right leg up to extend it toward the side of Aubrey's head, following through with her kick in a sweeping motion from right to left, planting her foot back down on the floor and quickly jumping away before Aubrey could counter. // Bryan sped into the parking lot of Beer Goggles after receiving the text from Aubrey, jumping out of the car and leaving the doors unlocked altogether. He ran through the front doors of the bar, looking straight over the tops of peoples' heads to the two girls fighting by the way. He shoved between groups of people, making his way over to them and looking to Dean . "What the fuck are you doing? Why are you just fuckin' standing there?"-
  35. Musik: (HAHAHA, bryan. this just keeps getting funnier.)
  36. AngeliqueArkayda: (brb)
  37. Musik: -Aubrey felt Steph's foot against the side of her head, her head jerking to the side as she kicked it, she winced bringing her hand up to push through her hair, rubbing where she had been kicked slgihtly as she stood up straighter, her eyes fixed on Steph's face as she got even more pissed. She lunged forward to tackle Steph to the ground. Once she had her on the ground she brought her hand back to punch Steph in the side.- // -Dean had a smile plastered across his face as he watched teh two, his eyes shifting over to Bryan and as he shrugged.- "Because the day I see your sister kicking my sisters ass is a day come true for me."
  38. Alexithymiaa: -Steph fell backwards as Aubrey tackled her, immediately bringing her forearms up in front of her face, side by side when she was punched in the ribs. She winced hard, and despite everything she'd ever learned, squeezed her eyes shut, the pain vibrating through her stomach. She swallowed hard and popped her hips up, attempting to throw Aubrey off balance on top of her so she could swing her leg around in around of Aubrey, pushing it against her neck to ease the girl's weight off her body. // Bryan shook his head at Dean, looking back over to the girls. "You're fuckin' useless!" Quickly side-step dancing around them on the floor a couple of times, he moved behind Aubrey and grabbed her underneath her arms, lifting her up and off of Steph as he walked backward. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"-
  39. AngeliqueArkayda has left the chat
  40. Musik: -Aubrey flailed her arms around as she felt someone grab her and pull her off Steph. She pushed up to her feet and jerked herself away from him and turned around to look up at Bryan.- "What the fuck is wrong with me? Nothing! Nothing is fucking wrong with me! She's the one who wants stick her fucking nose where it doesn't fucking belong!" // -Dean moved away from the bar and pushed past Aubrey to walk over to Steph bending down to her, holding his hand out to her.- "You okay?"
  41. Alexithymiaa: -Steph took a deep breath, wincing at the pain in her ribs as she placed her hand down in his, getting her feet underneath her and inhaling sharply at the shooting pain in her right knee. "Yeah... yeah I'm fine." // Bryan grabbed for Aubrey's wrist, tugging her over to him as he wrapped his arms around her back. "I know I know I know, chill the fuck out." he looked over the top of her head and over to Dean and Steph, watching as she climbed to her feet before looking back down at Aubrey. "What the fuck happened?"-
  42. Musik: -Aubrey blew out a breath pressing her face against his chest.- "Dean had me removed from the fucking hospital earlier, after telling me I was turning into our fucking mother. So I did that.." -She pulled away from Bryan slightly lifting her hand motioning towards Dean's beat up face.- "Then your fucking sister wants to put her unwanted two cents in and she shoved me, and I shoved her back and then things ended up.. well you saw.." -She sighed bringing her hand up to rub her throbbing jaw.- // -Dean stood up letting go of her hand furrowing his brows.- "Let me buy you a fuckin' drink."
  43. Alexithymiaa: -She sighed, walking slowly over to the bar to grab onto the side of it, immediately clinging to the edge to steady herself up onto a stool, her hand dropping down over the brace on her knee. "I don't think a drink can help me anymore." // Bryan lifted his hand to rub his thumb over her reddening cheek, keeping his eyes on her face. "You're both fuckin' ridiculous, you fight more than I do. Can't you find someone to hate that makes my life easier?"-
  44. Musik: -Aubrey pulled her face away from his hand.- "Yeah because hating your sister was on the top of my to do list. Shit happens." // -Dean followed behind her staring at her.- "You sure you're okay? Because a drink can help anything."
  45. Alexithymiaa: -She sighed, grabbing the hem of her shirt and pulling it up to look down at the red mark over her ribs which were clearly outlined with her skin. Running her fingers over the soon to be bruise, she quickly dropped her shirt, smoothing it out and turning her head back to face the bar. "I'll let you know when I can feel my knee at all. I need to learn how to be just as dominant with my left if I ever want to actually have a right knee anymore." // Bryan let his hand drop down to his side, staring at her. "I fucking know, I'm just saying this doesn't make shit any easier on me, okay?"-
  46. Musik: "Well I'm fucking sorry, alright? 'Cause this shit's so fucking easy on me." -Aubrey pressed her lips together crossing her arms across her chest.- // -Dean looked over to the bartender waving him down then looked over to Steph.- "Well then you should probably starting learning to be just as dominant. You kinda want both legs to walk. What do you want to drink?"
  47. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sighed, staring up at the bartender for a moment. "Something to replace the medication I don't have with me would be nice." She swiveled around on her stool, straightening her right leg out in front of her, reaching to tighten the brace around her knee. "You do know how much of a fucking piece of shit she is, right?" // Bryan brought his hands up to drag them down over his face, blowing out a breath. "That's not what I meant and you know it. She's just..." He glanced over toward Steph and Dean. "She's my fuckin' sister, Aubrey."-
  48. Musik: -Aubrey looked over at Steph and Dean for a minute before nodding.- "Yeah, and he's my fuckin' brother. But it's okay for you to fight with him and hate him, right? What the fuck ever." -She walked around him and headed for the door, shoving it open and headed out towards her car.- // -Dean looked at her then at the bartender.- "You heard the lady. Something strong. And bring me a beer." -Dean watched the bartender walk away before dropping his head down against the bar.-
  49. Alexithymiaa: -She swiveled back around to face him, propping her elbow up on the bar. "So how did the surgery go?" // Bryan threw up his hands, watching Aubrey walk to the door as he raised his voice. "It's different!" He shook his head as she disappeared through the front doors, turning and making his way over to Dean and Steph, reaching his hand out to shove Steph in the shoulder. "Why the fuck do you always have to do that?"-
  50. Erleiden: ((Uh ohhh :o))
  51. Alexithymiaa: (PIPE DOWN PEANUT GALLERY)
  52. Musik: -Aubrey climbed into her car, starting up the engine and pulling off to her apartment.- // -Dean shrugged.- "Fine I guess. The stiches on his lung busted open, it took fucking forever.. But they say he'll be fine no.." -He cut his words off hearing Bryan's words. He lifted his head off the bar looking over to him as he shoved Steph.- "Hey man, you don't have to fuckin' shove her."
  53. Erleiden: ((>:D))
  56. Alexithymiaa: (Ugh I fucked this up so bad.)
  57. Alexithymiaa: -Steph leaned forward as Bryan shoved her, turning her head to look over her shoulder at him. "I didn't do shit. She's the one who can't keep her hands to herself." // Bryan turned his head to look at Dean, narrowing his eyes at him. "Was I talking to you? No? then shut the fuck up." His eyes settled back on Steph. "Do you not fuckin' see this is why everyone hates you? You don't even have any fuckin' friends anymore because you're such a bitch to everyone!" // Steph flinched as Bryan raised his voice, her eyes dropping down to stare at the bar. "I have plenty of friends..." // Bryan laughed obnoxiously. "Oh yeah, like who? Cadence? No I'm pretty sure she fuckin' hates you. Oh, Aubrey? Nah she hates you too. Really Steph, you're all fucking by yourself just the way you wanted it." He lifted his hand, flipping her off before walking off, shoving the bathroom door open and stepping inside.-
  58. Musik: -Dean furrowed his brows staring at Bryan as he went on and on, watching him walk off. He turned back to look at Steph, reaching his hand over to place on her arm.- "Don't fuckin' listen to him."
  59. Alexithymiaa: -She let out a small breath, keeping her eyes away from Dean's face. "Yeah.." As the bartender returned with their drinks, she grabbed for the glass, bringing it up to her lips and taking a long drink from it.-
  60. Musik: "I'm serious Steph, don't. He's a fuckin' prick. Don't fuckin' listen to him." -He patted her arm before reaching over to grab his beer taking a drink.-
  61. Alexithymiaa: -She turned her head to look over at Dean, taking another sip before setting the glass down. "Dean... you are literally my only friend. He's not even wrong..."-
  62. Musik: -He sighed looking at her.- "Well he doesn't have to be such a fucking dick about it. Everything seems to be just a big ole fucking mess right now."
  63. Alexithymiaa: "Right..." She lifted the glass one last time to finish it off, setting the empty down on the bar and turning to slide off the stool. "I appreciate the sentiment Dean. But I'm just going to head home."-
  64. Musik: "Steph seriously don't lte your fuckin' brother get to you.." -He said looking at her as she stood up.-
  65. Alexithymiaa: -She forced a smile onto her face. "He's had nearly twenty years of practice on me, he knows what he's doing by now." She reached into her pocket for her keys, hooking her finger through the ring. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, alright? Let me know if anything with your father changes."-
  66. Musik: "Yeah.. Will do. If you need anything, Steph.. Call me. I'll probably sleep all day tomorrow, but my phone will be on high."
  67. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded her head, ducking her eyes away from him as she turned to walk away, wading through the crowded bar as she tried to put as little weight on her right side as possible, pushing through the front doors and making her way out into the parking lot to her car. Climbing into the car, she pulled the door closed behind her, her eyes lifting to look into her rearview mirror, her eyes glassy as she blinked hard, jamming her key into the ignition to start the car, surprised that it started on its first turn over. Backing out quickly, she headed off for her apartment.-
  68. Musik: (Ugh bryan you ass lol)
  69. Alexithymiaa: (HES SO GOOD AT IT. He's one of the very few people who can actually make her cry. And he knows exactly what to say to get to her.)
  70. Musik: -Dean watched her walk off, he pushed off the stool and pulled out his wallet to toss a few bills on the counter before turning on his heels to head out to to his truck. He climbed inside and drove off to his house.-
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