
Friend-Lord Anon II: Live and Let Friend

Sep 28th, 2014
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  1. >Be Inquisitor Anon, protector of mankind, vanquisher of daemons, defender of humanity from unthinkable evils on the behalf of the God-Emperor of Mankind himself
  2. >Or at least you used to be
  3. >Now you're "friend-lord" anon, and the Emperor seems more interested in sleeping with xenos than purging them
  4. >Last night you made a choice, deciding to stay and try to fulfil your new role, rather than returning to your old role
  5. >You're still not 100% sure you made the right choice, but today's a new day, so may as well roll with it
  6. >Dinner last night was good, but you were glad to return to your chambers and sleep, hoping the following day would be less hectic
  7. >Your sleep had been plagued yet again by unbidden, heretical dreams of one of the princesses
  8. >As you turn your mind away from that one dream about Luna and all that whipped cream, you get up
  9. >In the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium, there is still the Shit Shower Shave.
  10. >After performing the triple S, you put on your last clean outfit
  11. >That white seamstress xeno better have your new clothes ready soon
  12. >Feeling more awake, you try to decide what to do with yourself for the day
  13. >Lounging around in the sun wasn't too bad
  14. >And you'd a great idea
  15. >The spess mehrines were there as your body guard
  16. >Obviously they would protect you from an attack, but they could protect you from other things...
  17. >... like having to interact with these backward xenos
  18. >All you had to do was fob anyone off with a huge super soldier, and you could be left in peace
  19. >You wonder if you could requisition some amsec
  20. >As you leave your chambers, you make a note to ask the Emperor next time you see him
  21. >Heck, you could just say it's an important diplomatic tool
  22. >Although you get the feeling he wouldn't particular mind ordering a big crate...
  23. >Or three
  25. >10 minutes later, you're enjoying the sun, sitting out on the grass by a load of statues
  26. >A pair of marines are waiting a respectful distance away
  27. >You're not sure if you should get a hobby or something
  28. >Lying around might get old pretty quickly
  29. >Also, it never hurts to better yourself, something which came in useful as an inquisitor
  30. >Back then of course, you would practice shooting. Or "questioning" if you were lucky and had a few extra heretics lying around
  31. >Those were probably not going to help you as a friend-lord
  32. >Maybe you could learn to juggle or something
  33. >Your musings are interrupted by the sound of hooves
  34. >You relax, knowing that whatever problem you're posed, you're just going to pass it off to your guard
  35. >"Ah told ya there was an alien!"
  36. >"He doesn't look that dangerous! Rainbow Dash could take him!"
  37. >You roll over lazily and see three small, awestruck xenos looking at you
  38. >"Excuse me mister, are you an alien?" the white one asks
  39. >You stare at them in silence for a moment, your face straight
  40. >They fidget nervously before you finally answer
  41. No. You're the aliens.
  42. >This provokes a shocked reaction
  43. >"Ahm not an alien!"
  44. >"Whaddya mean alien!? You're the alien around here!"
  45. >The orange one puffs her chest out in what's probably supposed to be an aggressive manner as she says that
  46. Well, you're not humans. You're xenos. Aliens. Case closed
  47. >You roll over onto your back again, as the little creatures stand in silence
  48. >You may have just blown their minds.
  49. >The three of them form a huddle and whisper intently between themselves
  50. >They occasionally glance over to you, before continuing
  51. >After a few minutes, the white one breaks off and speaks
  52. >"Ummmm, mister? If we're aliens, how come we're not green? Or in a flying saucer?"
  53. >You smile inwardly
  54. >Not because your stoney heart has melted at their huge eyes, or their childish innocence
  55. >Nope, they're just a bit slow
  56. >And you love fucking with stupid people
  57. Well, when you put it like that...
  58. I'm not green, nor am I in a flying saucer, yet you called me an alien
  59. So is being green and in a flying saucer what really makes someone an alien?
  60. Furthermore, you say you're not aliens, but you are
  61. All non humans are aliens, so unless you're a human, you're an alien
  62. >You watch the little white xeno
  63. >You can almost hear the gears in its head grinding
  64. >It opens it mouth
  65. >"Uhhhhhhh..."
  66. >Leaving a small dust cloud, it dashes back to its friends
  67. >The frantic whispering resumes
  68. >You lean back, enjoying the sun once again
  69. >You weren't going to let the space marines have ALL the fun with the xenos...
  70. >Just when these little ones started getting annoying.
  71. >You watch the xenos out of the corner of your eye as you bask
  72. >They really seem to be having a hard time getting their head around what you just said
  73. >The white one is drawing diagrams in the ground to try to explain
  74. >You think you can see venn diagrams
  75. >They spend maybe 10 minutes having a discussion
  76. >You're almost impressed
  77. >At how stupid they are.
  78. >It's not a particularly hard concept to grasp.
  79. >They're the aliens, you're not.
  80. >Simple.
  81. >The white one approaches you again
  82. >It seems to have been nominated as the spokesperson
  83. >"Well mister, we know how you're an alien."
  84. >It looks smug
  85. >You feel smug, but your face stays completely straight
  86. >"If everything that's not a human is an alien, then you must not be a human!"
  87. >"Me and the girls are humans, so we're not aliens!"
  88. >You stare at her, almost dumbfounded
  89. >Almost.
  90. That's completely ridiculous.
  91. I once saw a mutant's brain transplanted into an orc's body, and the abomination's screams made more sense than what you just said.
  92. I have no response to your argument, beyond "No."
  93. >You look at the little xeno
  94. >It' just looks confused by your long words
  95. >You're about to berate it more when you hear more hooves approaching
  96. >You turn to see who the newcomer is
  97. >You're pleasantly surprised to see the seamstress from the other night
  98. >Rarity was her name
  99. >Holy shit, you'd managed to remember a name!
  100. Hello there, Rarity
  101. >The pony smiles to you, and bows her head
  102. >"Your eminence, my apologies for my sister"
  103. >Huh, the little xeno was related to her
  104. >You glanced at it, and saw it was sheepishly avoiding Rarity's eyes
  105. >"You three, I've told you before not to go running off like that!"
  106. >"I have my hooves quite full already without having to chase after you!"
  107. >There's a chorus of "Sorry"'s
  108. >The unicorn turns to you
  109. >"They're such a hoof-full, ahah"
  110. >You shrug
  111. If you say so
  112. >"It's so hard to work on outfits AND keep an eye on the young ones"
  113. Right
  114. >She gazes wistfully into the distance
  115. >"If only there was someone who had some free time on their hands..."
  116. >She glances at you quickly, then back away
  117. Oh, if only.
  118. >You stretch lazily
  119. >"Well, your eminence..."
  120. >You raise an eyebrow at her quizzically
  121. >"I was wondering if... well..."
  122. >You narrow your eyes in feinted confusion
  123. >You know exactly what she's trying to ask, and you already know your response
  124. >"I hate to ask, but would you be a gentlecol... gentle..."
  125. >She blinks
  126. >" a kind dear and take care of the fillies for me?"
  127. Absolutely.
  128. >Rarity begins to thank you, but you're already turning away
  129. MARINES!
  130. >She jumps at your outburst, and trembles slightly as the two hulking soldiers charge over
  131. >They salute you
  132. I am issuing a new order.
  133. >You point to the little xenos
  134. These little, uh... ponies, they are to be considered VIPs. I want them fully protected until Rarity relieves you
  135. >"YESSIR!" The marines yell in unison
  136. >The white unicorn's mouth hangs open as the marines hustle the shocked children off to a more secure location
  137. They'll be safe with the marines, don't you worry
  138. >Rarity shakes her head, snapping herself out of her stupor
  139. >"That's not exactly what I had in mind, Anon."
  140. >She looks at you in annoyance
  141. No need to thank me, helping is what I do
  142. >She harumphs, and turns to leave
  143. Oh, Rarity?
  144. >She looks back over her shoulder
  145. If you see any servants, would you let them know I'd like a drink?
  147. >You yawn and stretch
  148. >Must have dozed off there
  149. >It's about midday, judging from the sun
  150. >You're still thirsty, and now you're getting hungry too
  151. >Time to scrounge some food
  152. >You heave yourself up and head off to the kitchens
  154. >You walk briskly through the corridors
  155. >Some of the xeno servants greet you
  156. >You pointedly ignore them
  157. >One seems to be trying very hard to get your attention
  158. >You briefly glance at it
  159. >It's the guard from the other day
  160. >The one that started crying and ran off to Celestia
  161. >It's trotting to keep up with you, and jumping up and down trying to get your attention
  162. >"Hey. Hey, Friend-Lord! Sir!"
  163. >You speed up your walk
  164. >It speeds up as well
  165. >"Hey! Over here! Sir! I need to talk to you!"
  166. >You're still a few minutes walk from the kitchens
  167. >You stop abruptly and the stupid xeno keeps walking, talking and waving it's... leg end thing
  168. What.
  169. >You're not sure if you can put up with it's babble for the rest of the trip to the kitchen
  170. >The guard realises you've stopped, and turns back to you, it's leg still in the air
  171. What do you want.
  172. >The guard laughs
  173. >"You must not have seen me there, huh?"
  174. No. I didn't
  175. >You reply flatly
  176. >"And you may want to get your hearing checked Friend-Lord!"
  177. >It chuckles
  178. >You look at, deadpan expression
  179. Yes, well. Now I've seen you and heard you. Why don't you be on your way, and I'll go on mine
  180. >You begin to walk again
  181. >"Wait! Princess Luna sent me to find you!"
  182. >You stop
  183. She did? Why?
  184. >"She has a top secret mission for you! She's waiting in the dungeons"
  185. Well, she can wait until after I've had lunch
  186. >You're peckish. But maybe you should see what she wants...
  187. >Nah.
  188. >"But your eminence! Why not go down to her? I'll see that your lunch is brought to you"
  189. >You get the feeling he's not going to give up until you agree
  190. Gah. Fine.
  191. >You wish you could tell him what a cunt he was, but he'd probably have a breakdown
  192. >And though it would be incredibly entertaining, people would think you were cruel or something.
  193. But by shitting crickey, if I don't have a meal, the first thing I'll do when I get back up is eat YOU
  194. >The guard yelps as you stalk off for the dungeons
  195. >You head down to the castle's lower levels
  196. >There seems to be a lot of guards around
  197. >The dungeons are not what you'd expect
  198. >As an inquisitor, you know a fair bit about dungeons, jails and all manner of penal institutions
  199. >This one is shit tier
  200. >It's well lit, airy and smells slightly of roses
  201. >You doubt you'd even find a rat down here, and the cells you walk past are well furnished
  202. >You wouldn't even interrogate a mildly heretical person in here
  203. >You soon find Princess Luna
  204. >"Greetings Anon"
  205. >Her voice is grave, her countenance serious
  206. Yeah, hi. Did someone bring down a lunch for me? Maybe a salad?
  207. >"We have more important things to worry about, Friend-Lord"
  208. A sandwich? Even, like, an apple or something just to keep me going
  209. >Luna looks at you in annoyance
  210. >"We have apprehended an enemy of Equestria!"
  211. >This takes you by surprise, but she continues before you can respond
  212. >"A changeling spy, it had managed to infiltrate our royal guard"
  213. What's a changeling?
  214. >The alicorn ignores your question
  215. >"The vile creature was planning something, but it won't tell us what"
  216. Seriously, what the hell is a changeling?
  217. >"We want it to become a double agent, but it is... reluctant to the idea"
  218. >Is she going where you think she is with this?
  219. >"We thought your particular skill set might come in useful in... persuading the captive"
  220. >YES!
  221. >Finally, a chance to really shine
  222. Ok, if you insist.
  223. >You rub your hands together in glee
  224. >O dis gon b gud
  225. >Luna looks a little surprised at your eager attitude
  226. >You put on your serious face
  227. It's not like I have anything better to do
  229. >After a brief trip to a maintenance cupboard to collect a tool box, you enter the holding cell
  230. >A table is set up with a black, carapaced xeno sat on the other side, strapped into a comfy looking chair
  231. >It looks bored, and glances over to you
  232. >"You here to beg me to join your side? Save it."
  233. >It yawns as you sit down opposite it in silence
  234. >"You Equestrians just don't understand espionage. Heck, your prisons are so comfy they're practically 4-star hotels!"
  235. >The lounging xeno jumps as you drop the robust toolbox on the table
  236. >It laughs at you
  237. >"You here to fix the bidet? Or mend the chocolate fountain? You Equestrian's make me sick with your materialistic, self-centred..."
  238. >The changeling tails off as you open the toolbox and begin removing the contents, laying them neatly on the table between the two of you
  239. >A claw hammer, a mallet, a series of different sized wrenches...
  240. >"What are... uh, what are you doing there?"
  241. >...a drill with a selection of drill-bits, some screwdrivers, a packet of nails...
  242. >"That's a lot of tools for just fixing something..."
  243. >The changeling finally stops talking, and watches in silence as you continue removing your toys
  244. >...pliers, some weird metal thing which you don't recognise, some saws and finally a spirit level
  245. >The black xeno watches wide eyed as you adjust the hammer slightly, making sure everything is neatly aligned
  246. >You finally look up at the alien, and speak
  247. I'm going to ask you questions. You're going to give me concise, honest answers to the best of your ability
  248. >The xeno tries to look defiant, but its eyes keep darting back to the tools
  249. >"And if I don't?"
  250. Then I play with my toys a bit.
  251. >You point to the hacksaw
  252. I think the first thing I'll do is saw your horn off
  253. If you're unlucky, my lunch may arrive when I'm halfway through, and you'll have to wait until I finish it before I finish sawing your horn
  254. If you're VERY VERY unlucky, my lunch won't arrive at all.
  255. I can get somewhat grumpy when I'm hungry
  256. >The changeling gulps audibly, but still tries to act indifferent
  257. >"You t-t-think you can scare me?"
  258. Oh, I hope not
  259. >You smile pleasantly
  260. I really hope that you put up a lot of resistance
  261. >You point at the oddly shaped metal tool
  262. I really want to find out what that thing can do
  263. >Seriously, it's like a tube with small spikes coming out of one end, what the hell do they use it for?
  264. And believe me, some of the things I've got planned with that chisel will keep me entertained for hours!
  265. You may not enjoy it so much though.
  266. >The changeling shudders at your words
  267. So, first question. Answer me correctly, or I'll have to see how thick that shell of yours really is.
  268. >The xeno looks at you, clearly terrified
  269. Prove that no three positive integers a, b and c can satisfy the equation a^n + b^n = c^n for any integer n greater than 2
  270. >"Wuh-what?!"
  271. >The xeno looks frantic
  272. >"I can't answer that!"
  273. What a shame!
  274. >You lean forward and take the hacksaw with a grin
  275. >"No, wait, ask another, ask another!"
  276. >You stand and saunter around to the other side of the table
  277. >"I know the answer! It's... uh, about 40! 40 and a half!"
  278. I'm afraid it's not. But if you won't tell me, I'm going to have to punish you
  279. >You're standing behind the alien now
  280. >You lean down and whisper in its ear
  281. Maybe that question was a bit too harsh. How about another one?
  282. >"Oh, please, in the name of the Hive, please!"
  283. Ok. All these tools...
  284. >You wave at the ones on the table
  285. Why do they have handles if you xenos don't have hands?
  286. >The changeling sits in silence for a moment
  287. >"It's because... uh..."
  288. Too slow!
  289. >You grab the trembling xeno by its horn and push its head down onto the table
  290. >You place the hacksaw blade against hard protrusion, and gently draw it across, not cutting yet
  291. >The alien lets out a hysterical sob as you finish, and apply a little pressure, preparing to begin cutting...
  292. >There's a sudden bang at the door before you can begin
  293. Well, looks like my lunch had arrived
  294. >You let go of the spy's horn and place the hacksaw back down on the table
  295. Think carefully about my questions while I have eat
  296. >You leave the sobbing captive as you exit the room for lunch
  297. >You hope it's a ham and cheese sandwich
  298. >Outside the room stands the captain from earlier, with a plate
  299. >You grin at the sight of a toastie, molten cheese oozing out the sides
  300. Thank you captain.
  301. >You take the plate and walk a short distance to find somewhere to eat
  303. >You've eaten the first half of your delicious lunch and are about to start the second half
  304. >Life is good. A tasty sandwich and, after that, a good heretic to crack
  305. >Well, a spy. Or whatever
  306. >You forget exactly what he'd done wrong, but that wasn't a big deal
  307. >You're still a little peckish, and about to bite into the rest of your sandwich when you hear a voice
  308. >"Well done Anon! When I went to talk to the changeling, it was begging me to tell me what it knew!"
  309. >You freeze with the sandwich halfway to your mouth as Luna beams at you
  310. What? You talked to it? I wasn't finished! I didn't even get to...
  311. >The princess claps you on the back
  312. >"I knew you were the right man for the job!"
  313. But I didn't even DO my job! I only began to...
  314. >"Nonsense! You were a perfect Friend-Lord!"
  315. >Wait, she wanted you to befriend the spying xeno?!
  316. >She sighs, and a gazes into the distance with a goofy smile
  317. >"Just another way you're perfect Anon"
  318. >what?
  319. What?
  320. >"Oh, uh... anyway, I'd best be getting back to Equestria's newest double agent!
  321. >You dejectedly watch Luna go
  322. >Though you do enjoy watching her leave
  323. >That swaying rump...
  324. >You sigh. It's still not enough to take your mind off what you're missing
  325. >You may never learn what that weird metal thing did
  326. >It's hard to believe that they wanted you to befriend the enemy spy rather than torture him
  327. >What kind of twisted society is this?
  328. >You're going to miss out on all your fun
  329. >You glumly stare at the toastie in your hand before putting it down
  330. >You've lost your appetite
  332. >You storm back into the gardens
  333. >How could they be so cruel? You thought you had the chance to take your frustration out on a xeno
  334. >But then they snatched that away from you
  335. >It was just... heartbreaking
  336. >These barbarians were so callous...
  337. >You stop your internal rant at the sight of the gardens
  338. >Small craters mar the once perfectly cut lawn
  339. >The ornamental topiary has been butchered, one shrub gently smouldering
  340. >The statues that dotted the area are strewn around, reduced to rubble
  341. >In the middle of the carnage, sitting on a picnic blanket, the three little xenos from earlier sip on cups of tea
  342. >Oh, and the space marines are with them, daintily sipping from tiny teacups
  343. >The whole scene is so bizarre, you almost laugh at it.
  344. >ALMOST laugh, because just like normal, every time you're about to have a good time on this wretched planet, fate ruins it for you
  345. >This time, it's a voice from behind you
  346. >"Well, if'n it ain't the eh-lien. Boy howdy, y'ain't half a tallun, ah y'?"
  347. >You turn at the string of incoherent speech
  348. >An orange xeno stands, its hoof raised slightly, some kind of hat on its head
  349. Uhh...
  350. >You're not sure if its talking to you, or just had some kind of seizure and temporarily lost the ability to speak
  351. ... Yes, not bad. You?
  352. >The alien guffaws
  353. >"Tha name's Apuhljack, an' it's a right honah tah be meetin' y'an'all"
  354. >You stare at it blankly as it continues talking at you
  355. >"Now, when Rarity 'n tha gurls was talkin' about yah, ah couldn't believe it, but here y'are!"
  356. >You want to insult it for how stupid it is, but you're fairly certain it has some kind of brain damage
  357. >And then who would be the bad guy?
  358. >Seriously, you catch the occasional word, but most of what you're hearing is a slurred mess
  359. >"Ahm just here to collect tha little'uns, she sid you was lookin' after'm"
  360. >Even if it was just a xeno, last time you made one cry you only got yourself in more trouble
  361. >And besides, you weren't completely heartless
  362. >Perhaps you could just nod along and hope it didn't become attached to you or anything
  363. ...oh. Yeah. Absolutely.
  364. >You give the creature a warm, friendly smile
  365. >Well, you turn the corners of your mouth up and bare your teeth slightly, but you're damned if you've ever smiled at a xeno before
  366. >"They c'n be quite tha hoof full an' I reckon it's rahht proper'n good o' ya ta tek care of 'em, so I'll tek 'em fer a bit"
  367. >You nod along, scared of saying anything that might upset the poor thing
  368. Yeah. Uh-huh
  369. >"Whaddah ya call yahself?"
  370. >The upward inflection it put on that sentence make you think it's trying to ask you a question
  371. >Shit, what's it saying?
  372. >You look at its hat, and take a gamble
  373. ... It's a really nice hat, uh... yeah, looks good on you
  374. >The orange creature cocks its head
  375. >"Mah hat? T'ain't nothin' but mah old pop's. He ain't ahround no more."
  376. >The xeno's head drops slightly, and it looks sad
  377. >Shit, you aren't about to make a disabled person cry
  378. >Quick Anon, time for some damage control
  379. >Operation Dam Xeno is a go
  380. >Objective: stop a retard from crying
  381. >You pat yourself down, looking for something shiny to give the simpleton to cheer it up
  382. >You find the perfect thing
  383. Whoa, hey buddy, what's this I've got?
  384. >You pull out the half eaten cheese toastie from earlier
  385. >The orange xeno looks at it in mild confusion
  386. >Well, you think it's mild confusion, it could just be how this alien looks at every new object
  387. Wow, a sandwich! Here, you should have it!
  388. >You hand over the goods
  389. >The xeno stares at the food uncertainly
  390. >You hold your breath
  391. >It breaks into a smile, whatever was upsetting it clearly forgotten
  392. >"Tha's mighty kind ah ya, reck'n ah've worked up quite th'appetite. I hadda help Rare carry'er baggage an' whatnot in, and whoa Nelly tha' gurl c'n packs heavier'n a cart 'a plows"
  393. >You mouth drifts open slightly as your brain is overwhelmed
  394. >Shit, you hope whatever it has isn't contagious
  395. >You subtly take a step back
  396. >"Well, ah shud be headin' off, but thanks part-nuh. Ah'll be seein' y'at suppuh!"
  397. >With a final stream of nonsense, the xeno walks over to the picnic, collects the young xenos and takes its leave
  398. >You watch it go in dumb silence as your guards wave bye to the younglings
  399. >You watch in muted shock as it leaves with them, still not certain of what just happened
  400. >You replay the conversation in your head searching for meaning
  401. >Finding none, your thoughts move on
  402. >Early in your inquisition career, there was incident with a psyker
  403. >She'd been untrained, and had accidentally torn open the warp
  404. >She'd stared straight into the veil of chaos beyond reality
  405. >That poor soul had tried to speak, and all that had come out was a stream of terrified gibberish
  406. >In the end, you'd done the merciful thing and put her to rest
  407. >The xeno reminded you of that psyker.
  408. >Maybe you should talk to the Emperor about 'helping' it out of its misery
  409. >Then again, it seemed happy enough
  410. >Once it got its sandwich at least
  411. >You make a mental note to always carry a sandwich in case of a repeat encounter
  413. >The rest of the day passes quickly, and before you know it you're heading to the dining hall for dinner
  414. >You didn't even see any other xenos after the... special one you met earlier
  415. >The main reason for this was that you went and got incredibly lost in the maze
  416. >In fact, you may still be lost if it wasn't for the fact that your escort were carrying chainswords
  417. >You approach the dining room door, and a pair of xeno guards pull it open for you
  418. >You're surprised to see that you've the first one here, and that the table seems to be set with several extra places
  419. >You take your usual place besides where your God sits, the two of you opposite the Princess sister's places
  420. >You double check the time, and are surprised to see that you're the only one who isn't late
  421. >After a couple of minutes alone, unsure of if there's somewhere else you should be, the gigantic doors open once again
  422. >In walks the Emperor of Man, a smug grin on his face
  423. >You wonder what he's so pleased about, and can't help but feel a little jealous that he's not having an awful time
  424. >He pulls out his seat and sits, a full 5 minutes late
  425. >"How's it going, Friend-Lord?"
  426. >Awful
  427. Very well your imperial majesty
  428. >"Made any new friends?"
  429. >You think back to the orange xeno you gave a sandwich to
  430. No your most excellent magnificence
  431. >Maybe you should distract him from quizzing you about making new friends
  432. Do you know where the Princesses are?
  433. >"Luna is busy dealing with some subterfuge or something. She'll be much later if she makes it all"
  434. >Oh.
  435. >That's, well, that can only be a good thing right?
  436. >One less xeno about
  437. >You can't help but feel a little disappointed though
  438. And what about the other one?
  439. >At that, the God-Emperor of Man's smile broadens
  440. >"Oh, I think she'll be along shortly"
  441. >That fucking smile
  442. >"Yeah, we were busy discussing a trade agreement"
  443. >A trade agreement? What could these xenos have on this backwater planet that the Imperium of Man didn't already have on a thousand other
  444. A trade agreement? What could these savages possibly offer us?
  445. >You swear if his smirk grew any wider, the top of his head would fall off
  446. >"Oh, there are lots of things they can offer. In fact, I would say..."
  447. >The smug man is cut off by the sound of the door opening
  448. >You turn to see Celestia walking in
  449. >She seems to be walking a bit funny, taking quite wide steps with her back legs
  450. >You shrug it off. Maybe it's just how the xenos walk sometimes? What do you know?
  451. >She greets you and heads to her seat
  452. >With a brief flash, a very thick velvet cushion appears on her chair, which she plumps and then sits on
  453. >You'd swear she winces slightly as she puts her weight on her behind
  454. >Fuck. Don't do it anon
  455. >You raise an eyebrow...
  456. >Don't do it, no
  457. >... and turn to your Emperor
  458. >He just looks at you and wiggles his eyebrows
  459. >Wow. That's... you're just not sure how to respond to what's happening
  460. >Your brain shuts down at the many heretical implications and you clear your throat uncomfortably
  461. >Celestia smiles at you, and you struggle to meet her eyes
  462. >"Good evening Friend-Lord. How was your day?"
  463. >Awful
  464. It was fine
  465. >"Did you make any new friends?
  466. Not today, no.
  467. >Holy shit, the same damn questions. It's like they planned this
  468. >You cast a suspicious glance at your Emperor
  469. >He wiggles his eyebrows again, and gives an exaggerated wink
  470. >After a few moments of silence, the alabaster pony speaks again
  471. >"Tonight, Anon, we're being joined by a few guests"
  472. >More xenos. Great
  473. Oh, how very exciting
  474. >You don't even pretend to smile
  475. >"Yes, they're all personal friends. I'm sure you'll get along great!"
  476. Yes, I'm sure we'll all become the very best of friends
  477. >You take a drink from your glass
  478. >It's some kind of fresh juice, from an actual fruit
  479. >You shudder
  480. >These pitiful, backwards creatures
  481. >Actually, that reminds you:
  482. Your Majesty? Would it be possible to order a crate of amsec? The local drinks are somewhat... lacking
  483. >You God looks at you, in slight surprise
  484. >"Have you not been using the wine cellar Anon?"
  485. >The wine cellar? What's wine?
  486. >Before you can ask, Celestia speaks up
  487. >"We have an extensive reserve of all kinds of alcoholic drinks. The finest wines, aged whiskey, all manners of spirits..."
  488. >You're finding it hard to look at her without imagining the Emperor waggling his eyebrows, but you do perk up when you hear mention of alcohol
  489. So... I can have some?
  490. >"Certainly. In fact, maybe it would be nice to drink something other than freshly squeezed fruit juice"
  491. >Why the hell these xenos would drink something as primitive as fruit juice when there's perfectly good booze around is beyond you
  492. >Celestia sends for wine, and you're poured a glass
  493. >It's a dark red colour, and you look at it uncertainly
  494. >What the hell, it smells ok, and if it's you poisoned at least you'd be spared having to sit through a meal with a group of dirty xenos
  495. >You take a sip, and the Emperor and Celestia do likewise
  496. >It tastes nothing like amsec
  497. >In fact...
  498. Does this have some of that fruit stuff in it?
  499. >You're met with surprised looks
  500. >"But of course! It's made with the finest sun drenched grapes, hoof pressed in the warm hills of Southern Prance"
  501. >You almost gag
  502. >Not only is made from FRUIT, but your drink has had some dirty xeno's foot in it
  503. >You force another gulp
  504. >Hopefully after a few glasses you'll be too drunk to care about the... TAINT in it
  505. >"Where else would alcohol come from?"
  506. >Celestia seems puzzled by the concept that you's rather drink something that was designed to be delicious
  507. My understanding is that pure alcohol is generated and then diluted with flavourings
  508. >The alicorn blinks in surprise
  509. >"That sounds dreadful! How can you put something into your body that was... it's just..."
  510. >She seems to be at a loss of what to say
  511. >"We take the juice from fruits, vegetables and certain grains and let them ferment, slowly changing to alcohol. The flavour and type depends on the original fruit."
  512. >"It's a much better way, completely natural with no chemicals added."
  513. >You almost laugh
  514. So, you're saying that it's better to just squeeze the juice out of whatever you dig up from the ground, and then let it rot?
  515. >These xenos are just too much
  516. >Of course, food often comes from agriworlds, but that's different
  517. >The food is usually processed and stuffed full of all sorts of chemicals to keep it stable and flavoursome for it's long space journeys
  518. >But to actually just drink the juice from something that came OUT OF THE GROUND!
  519. You do realise that WORMS live in the ground? And that they probably TOUCHED some of the vegetables? Or that the fruit probably had a fly land on it, or a bird peck at it or something
  520. >You think birds eat fruit. Either way, there's no way to be sure, and it's better safe than sorry
  521. >The Emperor seems to be diplomatically staying out of the conversation
  522. >"You didn't seem to be complaining about your dinners for the past few days. THEY came our of the ground"
  523. But they were cooked! That almost makes them as healthy as nutri-paste. Sure, your food tastes a lot better, but it's much less healthy!
  524. >Before your conversation can become any more heated, you hear the sound of the doors being opened once more
  525. >In walk half a dozen xenos
  526. >You groan
  527. >Looks like the party's about to begin.
  529. >As the new xenos enter and sit, you recognise several of them
  530. >There's Rarity, who greets you with a "Your Eminence" and a curt bow
  531. >Damn, you wish the other aliens would treat you with that level of respect
  532. >There's also the Orange one from earlier, and the pink one that baked a cupcake. You ignore those two
  533. >There are a pair of the flying xenos, one blue and one yellow
  534. >The blue one is staring at you intensely
  535. >The yellow one is staring anywhere BUT you intensely
  536. >You stare back at the blue one
  537. >You're not about to let some damn xeno out-stare YOU, an Inquis... Ex-Inquisitor of the Imperium of Man
  538. >Your cold eyes pierce the blue alien, who glances away after a mere few seconds
  539. >Point to you
  540. >The last of your esteemed guests is a purple xeno, one of the ones with a horn
  541. >Out of all of them, it's the one that seems the most thrilled to meet you
  542. >"Hello!"
  543. >Oh God, it's practically jumping with excitement
  544. >"Are you a friendship student too? Celestia said there was an alien, and I was so excited to meet it, but then she said it was studying friendship, and I thought we could compare notes, but then I realised I couldn't..."
  545. >It continues talking for a bit while you go for another sip of that wine stuff
  546. >It wasn't half bad once you got past how unhygienic it was
  547. >The xeno abruptly stops and smiles sheepishly
  548. >"Ah... sorry, I'm getting carried away. My name is Twilight Sparkle"
  549. >You drain your glass
  550. Ok
  551. >A servant promptly refills your glass
  552. >The xeno hesitates for a moment as you take another long swig
  553. >"... sorry, what did you say your name was?"
  554. I didn't.
  555. >You really shouldn't be such a dick
  556. >The Emperor is right there, and you know he wouldn't be happy if he wasn't too busy telling a dirty joke to the pink alien
  557. Anon. It's Anon.
  558. >"Oh, well... it's nice to meet you Anon
  559. >You sit in an awkward silence for a while
  560. >Well, it's not awkward for you. You don't give a shit, it's actually funny how uncomfortable the xeno looks
  561. >It's as though SHE'S the one stuck on some arse-backward planet
  562. >"Twilight!"
  563. >The xeno turns at Celestia's voice and lets out an excited squeak as she rushed over to the princess
  564. >The two embrace and begin catching up
  565. >Further down the table, the pink one is laughing uproariously at Emperor's dirty joke while the blue one is repeatedly asking someone to explain it to her
  566. >You silently take another sip of your wine
  567. >You wonder how long it'll take the food to arrive
  568. >Everyone seems to be have a good time
  569. >A servant steps forward to refill your glass
  570. >Funny, you didn't realise you'd emptied it again
  571. >There's another burst of laughter from down the table
  572. >This is great, they're all so busy talking to each other, no one wants to talk to you
  573. >You take another drink
  574. >Great
  575. >Sip
  576. >No one interested in how your day was
  577. >Sip
  578. >No one trying to get your attention
  579. >Sip
  580. >Yep. Just what you wanted
  581. >You let out a small sigh and look down the table
  582. >The Emperor's laughing at the pink xeno doing some kind of... dance? It could be having a seizure, you're not 100% sure
  583. >You would laugh at the latter though
  584. >A servant steps in to fill your glass again
  585. >The groups all continue their talk, and you sit there slowly becoming intoxicated
  586. >After half an hour, dinner is brought out
  587. >You eat in silence as the xenos tell tales of their adventures
  588. >Apparently they once got scared by some trees
  589. >Suddenly, an idea forms in your mind
  590. >Here you are, sitting eating with a group of xenos, experiencing their 'culture', learning their way of life
  591. >Why shouldn't one of them go experience YOUR old life? Get some experience as an inquisitor.
  592. >You chuckle at the idea. Sure, trees can be pretty scary. Now go face down a Carnifex and a few chaos space marines.
  593. >You wait for the conversation to lull, before making your proposition
  594. >You turn to Celestia
  595. Hey, you know what? I'm here, learning all about your... kind, and 'friendship', but why don't you send something to fill my old role? Like a cultural exchange?
  596. >Celestia's eyes light up
  597. >"What a fantastic idea, Friend-Lord! I know just the pony for the job"
  598. >She moves to face Twilight, beaming happily
  599. >"Twilight. I would like to give you a new task. I want you to go to the Imperium of Man. Learn of their ways, and make friends so our two civilisations can grow closer"
  600. >Calling their backward society a 'civilisation' is a stretch, but you let it slide
  601. >"What's that?!"
  602. >Before Twilight can respond, the Emperor has spun around, a slightly panicked look in his eyes
  603. >"Did you say experience human culture? I'm not sure that's a great idea at the moment, things are a bit crazy"
  604. >"Nonsense! I think Anon's idea is wonderful!"
  605. >The Emperor frowns
  606. >"Anon's idea?"
  607. >He turns to you, clearly concerned about the fact that 'Twilight' would probably go insane and be murdered simultaneously
  608. >You look him in the eyes...
  609. >And wiggle your eyebrows at the motherfucker.
  610. >Wow, this wine stuff is pretty strong.
  611. >Well, that and the fact that you're now on your... 5th glass? Maybe 6th
  612. >His eyebrows crease for a moment, and he shrugs
  613. >"I'm sure that can be arranged."
  614. >"Wonderful! We can send Twilight to..."
  615. >As Twilight, Celestia and the Emperor talk, you zone out, and resume your campaign of destruction against your liver
  616. >It's not long before things are back to what they were before, you sitting alone in silence while the xenos all talk amongst themselves
  617. >Which you're completely happy with
  618. >It's exactly what you want.
  619. >Sip
  620. >You hear the door opening. Probably dessert arriving. At least you can get out of here soon
  621. >Suddenly, you hear a voice behind you
  622. >"Hello Friend-Lord"
  623. >You sit up straight and turn around at the familiar voice
  624. Luna!
  625. >You lean back into your chair and clear your throat
  626. Uh... Hey Luna.
  627. >She takes her usual place
  628. >"Sorry I'm late everyone, I was busy dealing with Equestria's newest agent!"
  629. >There are a chorus of "Hello"s from the assembled xenos
  630. >Luna turns to you and beams
  631. >"You were amazing, I don't know what you did, but you managed to get a changeling to turn on its hive!"
  632. >There are a serious of wowed noises from those present, and Celestia raises an eyebrow
  633. >"You converted a changeling? That's incredible, you must be so good at making friends!"
  634. >You're about to correct her, but seeing Luna smiling at you...
  635. Oh, it was nothing. That wouldn't even rank in my top 100 hardest... questionings
  636. >The xenos all seem impressed, and fire a series of questions at you
  637. >"What's the coolest thing you've ever done?"
  638. >"Have you ever fought a ghost?"
  639. >"Have you ever been in a battle?"
  640. >You let them ask a few questions, and cooly sip on your drink
  641. Well, I've been in my fair share of combat. A few heroic last stands, plenty of battles. Sieges, skirmishes. Yeah, I've seen a fair bit of action
  642. >They all 'ooh' and 'aah'
  643. >The Emperor looks at you
  644. >He grins evilly
  645. >"Oh, but it's more than that. How many of those engagements did you personally lead, Anon?"
  646. >You wonder what he's doing
  647. I played a leading role in most of them
  648. >"So you're a commander who led men into battle from the front, fought valiantly to protect mankind and would be willing to lay down your life for the good of others?"
  649. >You're not sure about laying down your life, but most of that is pretty accurate
  650. Well, I wouldn't say it like that. I did my duty is all.
  651. >"Oh, you're being modest. I would say, Anon, that you're a hero."
  652. >The Emperor's grin widens slightly, and he turns his head to Luna
  653. >You realise too late what he's doing, and glance over at her
  654. >There's a blush across her face and she's practically swooning
  655. >The Emperor looks back to you, wiggles his eyebrows
  656. >Shit
  657. >Luna's practically drooling, just staring at you
  658. >Time to run some damage control
  659. >You open your mouth to speak, but are cut off by the sound of the doors to the room being flung open
  660. >Everyone turns in surprise to see a black, bat xeno in guard armour
  661. >Luna snaps of out of her trance and stands
  662. >"What is the meaning of this, Sargeant?!"
  663. >The pony bows low
  664. >"My Princess, I have had suspicious over these past few days. I took the liberty of doing some investigative work of my own, and have come to a shocking conclusion."
  665. >You have to hand it to this xeno, it's got style. And taking the initiative to do its own investigation? That sounds far too competent for the aliens you've seen so far
  666. >"Well? Out with it!"
  667. >The guard rises from its bow to Luna, and raises a hoof to point at you
  668. >"Friend-Lord Anon is... A FAKE!"
  669. >There are a serious of gasps from around the room
  670. >You take a sip from your glass
  671. >Wow. What is this, entertainment while you eat?
  672. >You're not 100% sure, but if it is, you're impressed
  673. >Seems a bit hammy, too over the top for your liking, but it's different
  674. >Variety is the spice of life.
  675. >As the room sits in stunned silence, servants begin bringing in the desserts
  676. >The silence drags on for a while, and you wonder if you should say something
  677. Oh?
  678. >The guard lowers its hoof, and as it does so, you can hear something getting louder
  679. >It takes you a second to place it, but you quickly recognise it.
  680. >A drum beat, getting louder and louder
  681. >Looks like this show's about to turn into a musical...
  683. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  685. >Twilight eagerly moves on to the next exhibit as she scribbles notes
  686. >The ordo xenos had a museum!
  687. >It had a section all about aliens
  688. >She'd never imagined the universe could be so full of life!
  689. >There were hundreds, maybe thousands of exhibits
  690. >Skeletons, examples of the alien's weapons, details of their habits and lifestyles
  691. >At first Twilight had felt like she was being brushed off
  692. >All of these inquisitors were cold and unfriendly
  693. >They'd just taken her to her room and left her alone
  694. >She'd managed to find one and asked to be shown around a bit, but he'd just taken her here
  695. >She'd soon forgotten the rudeness when she realised where she was
  696. >Flora and fauna exhibits, pictures of whole alien worlds
  697. >And of course, hundreds and hundreds of scrolls and books
  698. >Twilight was starting to think she'd need order another couple of shipments of note paper
  699. >As amazing as this museum was, there was one thing she wasn't sure about
  700. >While most of the colossal building was given over to humanity and their expansion and conquest of the galaxy, all of the aliens were in a single wing
  701. >She wasn't sure about the name of it though, and made a mental note to ask an inquisitor next chance she got
  702. >Then, after a pause, she made an ACTUAL note of it...
  703. >Why was it called the "Exterminatus Wing"?
  705. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  707. >Grim statues line the cavernous, dimly lit room
  708. >At it's centre, a monolithic stone table
  709. >"... all in favour of consigning the souls of Lalande II to oblivion, say Aye"
  710. >There are a chorus of 'aye's, and the speaker nods solemnly, before adding his signature to an exterminatus order
  711. >These are the Inquisitor Lords of the Ordos Xenos, some of the most powerful men in the galaxy
  712. >The fate of trillions of souls is determined in this room by a mere 7 inquisitors
  713. >"And now for the next point on the agenda."
  714. >The bald, stoned faced man gestures to the 8th figure in the room
  715. >"We have a..."
  716. >The man visibly shudders
  717. >"... guest."
  718. >Twilight Sparkle stands and smiles at the collection of men and women
  719. >"Hello everyone! To get to know each other a bit better, why don't why each say our names, two things we enjoy and our dream for the future?"
  720. >Oblivious to the looks of disgust around the room, the Unicorn presses on
  721. >"I'll start. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I like picnics with my friends, and snuggling up in bed with a good book. My hope for the future is to publish a book on friendship!"
  722. >A wall of stares, some shocked, others outright disgusted, meet the unicorn
  723. >The room is silent for a few moments
  724. >"Now it's your turn!" The unicorn cheerily chirps as she gestures to the man next to her
  725. >The man gives a start, looking around uncertainly before standing
  726. >"My name is Inquisitor Lord Carrock. I enjoy destroying the enemies of humanity and..."
  727. >He pauses for a second, temporarily overcome by embarrassment
  728. >"... worshipping the God Emperor. My dream is to see the galaxy purged of all those who would oppose mankind."
  729. >Carrock sits, and there is a general murmur of approval at his words
  730. >Twilight smiles at him
  731. >"Nice to meet you Carrock."
  732. >She turns to the others in the room, a conspiratorial glint in her eye
  733. >"Oh, one thing I forgot to mention. You can't say something someone else has already said"
  734. >The lords look at each other in alarm as the next inquisitor rises to her feet
  735. >"I am Inquisitor Lord Harlow, and... I like... uh..."
  736. >She looks around desperately, the other inquisitors avoiding her eyes
  737. >"... poker Saturdays, and... practicing shooting. My dream is to, I guess hunt demons? Carrock didn't say that."
  738. >The bald woman sits, and Twilight grins...
  740. >..."Nice to meet you all." the lavender unicorn says with a broad smile as the last human sits
  741. >The inquisitors look around the room uncomfortably, not making eye contact out of mutual embarrassment.
  742. >"...yes. Well, next item, 3 on the agenda. This was your proposal Carrock?"
  743. >Carrock stands
  744. >"My fellow inquisitors..."
  745. >The thin man casts a serious look over those present
  746. >"...I propose we move Poker night from Saturday to Friday."
  747. >The room erupts into chaos
  749. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  751. >The Inquisitor Lord sighs as he continues down the agenda
  752. >The alien had been attending their meetings for the last two weeks
  753. >Right now, it had one of its legs raised, he could only assume that it wished to speak
  754. >The man pointedly ignored it, as he had been doing for the past two hours
  755. Ahem
  756. >Great. It was coughing now
  757. AHHH-HEM
  758. >"FINE. What? What is it that's so important we have to stop discussing the best way to deal with the Ork Waaagh in Voltupis-9?"
  759. >Twilight gives a little laugh and smile
  760. >"You must not have noticed my hoof up!"
  761. >"I just had a question"
  762. >The man sighs
  763. >"Well, ask we may resume our business"
  764. >Twilight nods and looks down at her notes
  765. >"Have you ever tried talking to the Orks?"
  766. >She looks up, but is met by a circle of disbelieving stares
  767. >"...what."
  768. >"The Orks? It's just, you seem to not like them, but maybe you could talk out your differences"
  769. >The Inquisitor Lords look to each other, then back to the pony
  770. >After a few moments, one speaks up
  771. >"The Orks can not be reasoned with. They must be exterminated with the strongest hate humanity can muster"
  772. >"Oh"
  773. >Twilight frowns
  774. >"So you tried, but they just can't be reasoned with"
  775. >The man clears his throat
  776. >"Well... not really tried per se, no"
  777. >Twilight raises an eyebrow
  778. >"Well, you really should try talking out your differences first."
  779. >The man sighs
  780. >"I'll have an ork captured, and YOU can try reasoning with it. Until then, let us deal with our work, and you sit there and take your little notes"
  781. >"Actually, I did have another question..."
  782. >The Inquisitor eyes her with annoyance
  783. >"Quickly then. My patience grows thin, alien"
  784. >Twilight rifles through some of her pages of notes
  785. >"Those Tyranid things you were having trouble with..."
  786. >The man snorts
  787. >"I suppose you want us to try talking with them, eh?"
  788. >"Oh no, not at all... I was going to ask if you'd tried using a trombone."
  790. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  792. >The Lord Inquisitors stand outside a special, reinforced viewing port
  793. >Through the port, a specimen room
  794. >An ork is chained up, thick loops of metal holding it to the floor
  795. >Also in the room, Twilight Sparkle
  796. >"But some people just don't want to fight"
  797. >"I reckon all da gitz in da galaxy wanna fight"
  798. >"Some do, and it's ok to fight them. But what there are people that don't"
  799. >The ork looks like its brain might melt with the difficulty of the concept
  800. >"Wat if dey fink dey don't wanna fight, but de gitz really need a good stomin'?"
  801. >"Well, I think they know what they want. You really should ASK people if they're ok with it."
  802. >"So da you wanna fight wiv me?"
  803. >"No. I don't want to fight you"
  804. >The ork sags a little, looking somewhat disappointed.
  805. >"Ok den"
  806. >Twilight's next words send a ripple of disbelief through the assembled inquisitors
  807. >"Let him out. Unchain him."
  808. >There's a short pause, then a technician in the control room pulls a lever, releasing the chains with a clunk
  809. >The ork shakes the chains off, then stands there
  810. >Twilight smiles at it, and it gives a little wave, before kicking its feet a little
  811. >There's a disbelieving gasp from the inquisitors, and a cry of 'impossible!'
  812. >At the noise, the ork spins, and raises its fists as it prepares to charge the port the sound came through
  813. >It stops though for a moment though
  814. >"Da youz gitz wanna fight?"
  815. >There's a pause, and a single response of 'no'
  816. >The ork shrugs
  817. >"Ok den."
  818. >The inquisitors stand around in stunned silence for a long time
  819. >"What happens now?" one asks
  820. >Carrock sighs
  821. >"Someone go and find a trombone."
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