

Oct 24th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Of course, there was no knock. No question of permission, only a grand entrance. Ignoring the locked door and the double-layered locking spell, the giant turned the knob with a nonchalant expression, a wide, cheerful grin plastered on his face.
  2. "We're back, Boss!"
  3. A towering figure with close-cropped iron hair and a guitar case slung across his back. He bore a resemblance to a Nordic metalhead at first glance, but his thick, axe-forged physique and eyes that held the weight of countless battles—a far cry from anything seen in modern Nordic society—betrayed his true nature. The McIntosh earphones crammed into his ears were likely a souvenir from the hapless young man he'd encountered shortly after his summoning.
  4. One warning was enough. Now, the only concern was the shattered doorknob and the dispelled spell.
  5. "Berserker," Lemina raised an eyebrow, "anything unusual when you opened the door?"
  6. "Nope."
  7. "...Then it's fine."
  8. It would have been cute if he had just said it was a little hard.
  10. Fate/Lost Einherjar, Chapter 1
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