
avoids a tk air hammer

May 17th, 2020
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  1. The girl pointed her index fingers high in the sky. It almost looked like she was posing for
  2. a photo, but that was actually the sign of a coming aerial bombing. She “grabbed”
  3. something in the sky and swung both hands down to slam it toward him.
  4. He could not think of that as empty space above him.
  5. There was air there.
  6. (She isn’t limited to solids?)
  7. Kamijou felt the gears of his mind jam. This was bad. The unknown always swallowed
  8. people up and blanked their mind.
  9. She had shaken him.
  10. His body was already in bad shape, so if the same happened to his mind, he had no chance
  11. of winning.
  12. He had to figure this out and fast.
  13. He could not stop here. He had to grease the wheels of his thoughts.
  14. Otherwise, he would be swallowed up and crushed.
  15. (This is not a freaking joke!!)
  16. “Tch!!”
  17. He quickly removed his belt and wrapped it around a nearby roadside tree as a lifeline.
  18. The mass of air crashing down from above might be enough to give him a light concussion,
  19. but after the wind slammed into the ground, it would scatter in all 360 degrees in search
  20. of a way out. If he only prepared for the impact from above, his feet would be scooped out
  21. from under him and he would be sent tumbling for dozens of meters.
  22. Plus, the road was littered with small pieces of asphalt and glass shards.
  23. What if the wind gathered those up and chucked them toward him?
  24. The road was enveloped in an explosion even more gruesome than a directional mine that
  25. scattered countless metal balls in a fan shape to instantly negate a charge made by fifty
  26. enemy troops. This was like cleaning out the bath’s water pipes.
  27. He could only cling to the back of the thick tree and bear with it.
  28. The hard bark was stripped away as if by a giant file and the Christmas light cables and
  29. small branches were torn away into the wind. If he took just one step from behind that
  30. trunk, his flesh and blood body would not last even a single second.
  32. - Genesis Testament Volume 1 Chapter 4 Part 5
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