
Trainings and Feats Under Construction

Feb 23rd, 2014
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  1. Trainings and Feats under construction (Why am I doing this to myself)
  3. Feats: All feats listed in Name only, their Mechanics will be adapted to fit the system as presented, and their requirements will be amended for some skill requirements (replacing with trainings) and BAB requirements. (All BAB dependent become a factor of 5 level dependent. IE Feats with req BAB 1-5 can be taken as long as you posses a character level. 6-10 requirement needs you to be at least level 6. 11-15 base attack bonus requirement requires you to be at least level 11. and so forth.
  5. Some feats require certain class features, well you still need those features to get them. Those class features can be accessed by raising certain combinations of trainings to any factor of 5, and having obtained equally appropriate perks. Then you can get character features.
  7. Your Big Damn Perk is kind of a character feature that scales greatly with level.
  9. Metamagic Feats will be given MP cost adjustments instead of level adjustments.
  11. If there is a feat you would like to suggest for Mikage's level up, from somewhere in the first Party DnD 3.0, 3.5, d20Modern, Call of Cthulhu, or 3.5/3.0 era Dragon/Dungeon Magazine, or Paizo's Pathfinder pile, that I haven't dumped here (as I'm mostly just dumping list charts) please feel free to let me know.
  13. Feats & Descriptions:
  15. Trainings List:
  17. Acrobatics - Jump, Climb, Swing, Slide, and Parkour. Often used with Might or Agility. Adds a Dodge bonus to AC that stacks with your Agility bonus under certain armor's max dex bonuses.
  19. Academic Lore (assorted) - School stuff. Often used with Intellect.
  21. Athletics - Climb, Swim, Run, Lift, Sports. Often used with Might or Agility.
  23. Artistry (assorted) - Making art, creative projects, painting, sculpting, drawing, writing. Often uses Charisma, Intellect, or Might...unless you're going full crazy Artiste and find ways to apply will, endurance, or agility...on second thought, scrap those last two.
  25. Arcane Lore - MAGIC, it's truths and manipulations. Often uses Intellect, Will, or Charisma
  27. Computer Science - Beep boop, basic, html, C++, how to run bios and things beyond your QM. Often Intellect based.
  29. Advanced LOCKED: Close Quarters Combat - A rider skill that stacks with Melee to pull off unarmed or lightly armed combat maneuvers and attacks. Often uses Agility or Might.
  31. Current Events Lore - Be up on your world. Read the paper everyday. Get news from your phone. Uses Intellect.
  33. Deceive - Lying. You filthy lying liar who lies. Uses Charisma and sometimes Intellect.
  35. Disguise - Mundanely making yourself appear to be someone else. Uses Charisma and some times intellect. If you beat your face with a crowbar I'll let your use might.
  37. Advanced LOCKED: Demolitions - How to properly set your BOOM on structures and vehicles. Uses intellect.
  39. Drive (Motor Vehicle/Nautical Craft/Aircraft) - Self Explanatory. Often used with Agility or Intellect
  41. Escape Artist - Flexibility, Squeezing through things, undoing bindings. Agility Might Will and Intellect often go here.
  43. Handle Animal - Charisma or Might help you work with the fuzzy little ani- OH GOD ITS EATING MY FACE
  45. Advanced LOCKED: First Drawn Strike (Melee, Ranged Draw) [based on iajutsu focus] - If you meet the Buddha, even he will be cut.
  47. Insight - Sensing motivations, understanding others, getting weird feelings, trusting your gut. Often Will or Intellect.
  49. Intimidate - YOU WOT M8, I'll SOCK U IN THE GOB I WILL. Often uses Charisma, Intellect, or Might
  51. Linguistics - Take a rank, learn a tongue & how to write. Also useful in decoding messages and pattern recognition. Uses Intellect.
  53. LOCKED: Lucidity - Basically just Auto hypnosis & Lucid Dreaming with a bit more flexibility, I'm not going too deeply into the flavor text. Uses Will or Charisma.
  55. Melee - Replaces Base Attack Bonus for Melee combat. At 6 base melee, you can full attack for -2/-2. At 11 BAB, you full attack for -1/-1. And at 16, it's 0/0.
  57. Persuasion - Fast talking, trusting words, diplomacy, and seduction. Charisma primarily.
  59. Perception - Look, listen, search, find. Intellect based.
  61. Perform (Various) - Pending on the type of performance it can be tied to any stat.
  63. Pop Culture Lore - Know more than the gossip column. Know what's going on in gaming like the kids playing with power. Intellect based..ironically.
  65. Professional (Assorted) - Do what you do. Work to live or live to work. Uses assorted stats.
  67. Ranged - Replaces Base Attack Bonus for Ranged combat.
  69. Religious Lore - Know your Kami from your Angels, quote scriptures, and understand the lore of a greater part of human culture. Uses Intellect.
  71. Repair - If it ain't broke. Don't fix it, unless you're aiming for some sabotage. Uses Intellect.
  73. Ride - Climb upon my faithful steed. Then we're gonna ride, gonna smoke some weed. Right upon my big ass Steed, we'll ride ride ride. Uses Agility, Charisma, or Might.
  75. Stealth - This is a sneaking Mission. Uses Intellect or Agility.
  77. Streetwise - Get the word on the street. Navigate the city. Find people who don't want to be found. Uses Charisma and Intellect. If you want to crack a few skulls you can use Might too...but it might cost you.
  79. LOCKED: Survival - You know the tools you need to survive the wild. You know what will make you sick and what is safe to eat. You can set a snare and catch and skin a rabbit if you need to. Uses Intellect, Will, or Agility.
  81. LOCKED: Thievery - This skill has already taken your wallet. Pick pockets, open locks, run a con, plan a grift, or any number of unsavory sorts of things. Uses Intellect or Agility.
  83. Treat Injury - From First Aid to major surgery. Uses Intellect.
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