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Nov 13th, 2019
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  1. [Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Risk of Rain 2
  2. [Message: BepInEx] BLEEDING EDGE Build #171 from cb786816766ae19f93cfd165b09dc97821b3bfa8 at master
  3. [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2018.3.14.13691377
  4. [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020
  5. [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: False
  6. [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started
  7. [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher methods from BepInEx.MonoMod.Loader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  8. [Info : BepInEx] 2 patcher plugin(s) loaded
  9. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
  10. [Info : MonoMod] Collecting target assemblies from mods
  11. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [BepInEx.MonoMod.Loader.Patcher]
  12. [Message: MonoMod] [Main] Scanning for mods in directory.
  13. [Message: MonoMod] [ReadMod] Loading mod dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\BepInEx\monomod
  14. [Message: MonoMod] [ReadMod] Loading mod: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\BepInEx\monomod\
  15. [Message: MonoMod] [Main] Found 1 mods
  16. [Message: MonoMod] [Main] mm.PatchRefs(); fixup pre-pass
  17. [Message: MonoMod] [Main] mm.AutoPatch();
  18. [Message: MonoMod] [AutoPatch] Parsing rules in loaded mods
  19. [Info :BepInEx Preloader] [MonoMod] [RulesModder]
  20. [Info :BepInEx Preloader] [Write] Writing modded module into output stream.
  21. [Message: MonoMod] [AutoPatch] PrePatch pass
  22. [Message: MonoMod] [AutoPatch] Patch pass
  23. [Message: MonoMod] [AutoPatch] PatchRefs pass
  24. [Message: MonoMod] [PostProcessor] PostProcessor pass #1
  25. [Message: MonoMod] [Main] Done.
  26. [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished
  27. [Warning: BepInEx] Couldn't open log file 'LogOutput.log' for writing, trying another...
  28. [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready
  29. [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started
  30. [Info : BepInEx] 1 plugins to load
  31. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [R2API 2.2.45]
  32. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: SurvivorAPI
  33. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: AssetAPI
  34. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: EntityAPI
  35. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: InventoryAPI
  36. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: ItemAPI
  37. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: ItemDropAPI
  38. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: LoadoutAPI
  39. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: LobbyConfigAPI
  40. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: ResourcesAPI
  41. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: CommandHelper
  42. [Info : R2API] Requested R2API Submodule: AssetPlus
  43. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.AssetAPI
  44. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.EntityAPI
  45. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.InventoryAPI
  46. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.ItemAPI
  47. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.ItemDropAPI
  48. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.LoadoutAPI
  49. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.LobbyConfigAPI
  50. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.ResourcesAPI
  51. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.SurvivorAPI
  52. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.Utils.CommandHelper
  53. [Info : R2API] Found and Enabling R2API Submodule: R2API.AssetPlus.AssetPlus
  54. [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
  55. Facepunch.Steamworks Unity: WindowsPlayer
  56. Facepunch.Steamworks Os: Windows
  57. Facepunch.Steamworks Arch: x64
  58. Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 632360
  59. Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561198017030484 [API loaded no]
  60. Searching for compatible XInput library...
  61. Found Xinput1_4.dll.
  62. [Info : Unity Log] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully.
  63. [Info : Unity Log] Bloom: True
  64. [Info : Unity Log] english
  65. [Info : Unity Log] Setting current language to "en"
  66. [Info : Unity Log] arg[0]="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2.exe"
  67. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: BodyCatalog
  68. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: BuffCatalog
  69. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: CostTypeCatalog
  70. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: EquipmentCatalog
  71. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: ItemCatalog
  72. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: ItemMaskNetworkExtensions
  73. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: MasterCatalog
  74. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: PickupCatalog
  75. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: ProjectileCatalog
  76. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: RuleCatalog
  77. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: SceneCatalog
  78. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: SurvivorCatalog
  79. [Warning: Unity Log] Unregistered survivor Bandit!
  80. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: UnlockableCatalog
  81. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: UserProfile
  82. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: StatDef
  83. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: StatSheet
  84. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: SkillCatalog
  85. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: AchievementManager
  86. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: BuffMask
  87. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: ItemDisplayRuleSet
  88. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: EquipmentMask
  89. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: PreGameRuleVoteController
  90. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: GameModeCatalog
  91. [Info : Unity Log] Registered gamemode ClassicRun True
  92. [Info : Unity Log] Registered gamemode WeeklyRun True
  93. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: BodyLoadoutManager
  94. [Info : Unity Log] Initializing system: RuleBook
  95. [Info : Unity Log] Attempting to load user profile /UserProfiles/fe32657e-c767-4114-ba5e-46bc005451a3.xml
  96. [Info : Unity Log] stream.Length=99728
  97. [Info : Unity Log] english
  98. [Info : Unity Log] Setting current language to "en"
  99. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded archived convars.
  100. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to title
  101. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene title loadSceneMode=2
  102. [Info : Unity Log] GameNetworkManager.desiredHost={ hostType=IPv4 address=localhost port=7777 }
  103. [Info : Unity Log] Attempting connection. ip=localhost port=7777
  104. [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene title
  105. [Info : Unity Log] FlashWindow.Flash(197786)
  106. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to lobby
  107. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene lobby loadSceneMode=Single
  108. [Info : Unity Log] Press Enter to chat.
  109. [Info : Unity Log] Adding local player controller 0 on connection hostId: 0 connectionId: 1 isReady: False channel count: 8
  110. [Info : Unity Log] FlashWindow.Flash(197786)
  111. [Info : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=lobby currentSceneName=lobby
  112. [Error : Unity Log] A connection has already been set as ready. There can only be one.
  113. [Info : Unity Log] Adding local player controller 0 on connection hostId: 0 connectionId: 1 isReady: False channel count: 8
  114. [Info : Unity Log] <style=cEvent> connected.</color>
  115. [Warning: Unity Log] Could not find transform "HuntressArmature/ROOT/base/BowRoot/BowStringIKTarget/ArrowDisplay/Flash" relative to "mdlHuntress".
  116. [Info : Unity Log] Unloaded scene lobby
  117. [Info : Unity Log] Active scene changed from to blackbeach
  118. [Info : Unity Log] Loaded scene blackbeach loadSceneMode=Single
  119. [Info : Unity Log] OnClientSceneChanged networkSceneName=blackbeach currentSceneName=blackbeach
  120. [Info : Unity Log] Player 0 already added, aborting.
  121. [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException
  122. Stack trace:
  123. UnityEngine.Transform.get_position () (at <f2abf40b37c34cf19b7fd98865114d88>:0)
  124. RoR2.UI.CombatHealthBarViewer.UpdateAllHealthbarPositions (UnityEngine.Camera sceneCam, UnityEngine.Camera uiCam) (at <eae781bd93824da1b7902a2b6526887c>:0)
  125. RoR2.UI.CombatHealthBarViewer.LayoutForCamera (RoR2.UICamera uiCamera) (at <eae781bd93824da1b7902a2b6526887c>:0)
  126. RoR2.UI.CombatHealthBarViewer.SetLayoutHorizontal () (at <eae781bd93824da1b7902a2b6526887c>:0)
  127. UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder.<Rebuild>m__3 (UnityEngine.Component e) (at <adbbd84a6a874fb3bb8dd55fe88db73d>:0)
  128. UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder.PerformLayoutControl (UnityEngine.RectTransform rect, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1[T0] action) (at <adbbd84a6a874fb3bb8dd55fe88db73d>:0)
  129. UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder.Rebuild (UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate executing) (at <adbbd84a6a874fb3bb8dd55fe88db73d>:0)
  130. UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry.PerformUpdate () (at <adbbd84a6a874fb3bb8dd55fe88db73d>:0)
  131. UnityEngine.Canvas:SendWillRenderCanvases()
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