
Magical Burst: Session 23: Hell of a Night

May 6th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Sunday, April 20, 2014
  3. 7:14 PM - Eve has been invited to chat.
  4. 7:14 PM - Megafan has been invited to chat.
  5. 7:14 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: shit
  6. 7:15 PM - All Hail the GM: Yep
  7. 7:15 PM - MeltingData has been invited to chat.
  8. 7:15 PM - MeltingData entered chat.
  9. 7:15 PM - Eve entered chat.
  10. 7:15 PM - MeltingData: oh you're here
  11. 7:15 PM - xX~420_Head_Ache~Xx has been invited to chat.
  12. 7:15 PM - xX~420_Head_Ache~Xx entered chat.
  13. 7:15 PM - MeltingData: cut my DBZ buu fight watching spree short
  14. 7:15 PM - Eve: Heh, sorry friend
  15. 7:15 PM - xX~420_Head_Ache~Xx: sup foo
  16. 7:16 PM - All Hail the GM: As Tim said, hope you guys enjoy international praise and blaze day
  17. 7:16 PM - xX~420_Head_Ache~Xx: ah ye
  18. 7:16 PM - Eve: Woo woo
  19. 7:16 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: don't forget hitler
  20. 7:16 PM - Sarah Salem: go hitler
  21. 7:16 PM - xX~420_Head_Ache~Xx: is it hitler's birthday?
  22. 7:16 PM - Sarah Salem: hes our blazin man
  23. 7:16 PM - xX~420_Head_Ache~Xx: nice
  24. 7:17 PM - Sarah Salem: yeah
  25. 7:17 PM - All Hail the GM: You just gave me something to misquote the rest of your lives
  26. 7:17 PM - All Hail the GM: Caleb and Dan
  27. 7:17 PM - Sarah Salem: what
  28. 7:17 PM - All Hail the GM: 6:17 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: don't forget hitler
  29. 6:17 PM - Sarah Salem: go hitler
  30. 7:18 PM - All Hail the GM: Fuck I need a stupid name
  31. 7:18 PM - Sarah Salem: honhon french space program
  32. 7:19 PM - Sarah Salem: or 'french tits'
  33. 7:19 PM - Sarah Salem: like french tips
  34. 7:19 PM - Sarah Salem: damn im funny
  35. 7:19 PM - All Hail the GM: :V
  36. 7:19 PM - All Hail the GM: I think I'll go with that, too lazy to do anything else
  37. 7:19 PM - All Hail the GM: Unless anyone can do better
  38. 7:19 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: hmm
  39. 7:20 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: got nothin
  40. 7:22 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: hey dan, did I use up all my bandages yesterday?
  41. 7:22 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: I mean, the last session?
  42. 7:22 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: *shrug*
  43. 7:22 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: what else do you need them for? Intend to wrap yourself up like the new Sonic design for extra edge?
  44. 7:22 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: your shoes might need bandages
  45. 7:22 PM - French Tits: Dan dont give him terrible ideas
  46. 7:22 PM - Sarah Salem: pfft
  47. 7:22 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: nah, I just figured that they'd might remain useful for something
  48. 7:23 PM - Sarah Salem: they wont
  49. 7:23 PM - Sarah Salem: now surgical tubing on the other hand
  50. 7:23 PM - Sarah Salem: that is medical supplies that someone ALWAYS needs
  51. 7:23 PM - French Tits: USE IT FOR AN EXTREME STRAW
  52. 7:23 PM - French Tits: FOR WHEN YOU HAVE
  53. 7:23 PM - French Tits: AN EXTREME THIRST
  54. 7:23 PM - Sarah Salem: or towing cars
  55. 7:23 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to Easter Contract.
  56. 7:23 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: I think I like Ryan's idea the most
  57. 7:24 PM - French Tits: Yep
  58. 7:24 PM - Sarah Salem: just drink the car
  59. 7:24 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: not to mention that I also get to have a comedically sized glass of water to go with it
  60. 7:24 PM - French Tits: Anyways Dan, before this turns into a four hour lecture on the uses of surgical tubing, start things and stop us :V
  61. 7:24 PM - Easter Contract: I think I'll put magical, unbreakable surgical tubing in now
  62. 7:25 PM - Sarah Salem: i need that
  63. 7:25 PM - Sarah Salem: buy it in the bar
  64. 7:25 PM - Easter Contract: you have enough toys
  65. 7:25 PM - Sarah Salem: no i dont :c
  66. 7:25 PM - French Tits: I only have my X-ray telescope
  67. 7:25 PM - Eve: *regrets not making his weapon surgical tubing*
  68. 7:25 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: I only have a notepad, a bioweapon, and a giftbag :u
  69. 7:26 PM - Sarah Salem: garrote someone with surgical tubing
  70. 7:26 PM - Easter Contract: Ok so anyway
  71. 7:26 PM - Easter Contract: last we played we were checking out the coffee shop, right?
  72. 7:26 PM - French Tits: Werent Celestine and Sarah going off to 'visit' Satoya?
  73. 7:26 PM - Sarah Salem: aye
  74. 7:26 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (before we start, hop in teamspeak?)
  75. 7:26 PM - French Tits: At the very end
  76. 7:26 PM - Sarah Salem: (sure)
  77. 7:26 PM - French Tits: (Would, but my sound card is fucked up)
  78. 7:27 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (lame)
  79. 7:27 PM - French Tits: (Yep)
  80. 7:27 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (should get that checked out)
  81. 7:27 PM - French Tits: (Also yep)
  82. 7:30 PM - Easter Contract: Kay, so
  83. 7:31 PM - Easter Contract: Last time, Eri, Eve, Sarah and Celestine, along with our classic NPC trio and Ally clinging concernedly to Eve at the whole situation, were discussing the probable culprit of the burned down bar, Satoya
  84. 7:32 PM - Easter Contract: Tami was on the ground and just crying, Eri comforting her and saying she was going to find Satoya
  85. 7:32 PM - Easter Contract: you may begin
  86. 7:33 PM - French Tits: "Right, you know her, where would miss Taji be right about now?"
  87. 7:33 PM - Sarah Salem: "She left town recently."
  88. 7:33 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I don't know, but if I had to guess, we should start at Shosuke's place."
  89. 7:34 PM - French Tits: "Going where? We need to find her, rogue magical girls tend to ramp up the damage they cause rather quickly."
  90. 7:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "She, um, wouldn't say. She gave me her things and then ran away."
  91. 7:35 PM - Easter Contract: Roll Social for lying
  92. 7:35 PM - French Tits: Can I roll to pick up on it?
  93. 7:36 PM - Easter Contract: Depends on how believable his lie is, might not need to be done :v
  94. 7:36 PM - French Tits: Ah
  95. 7:36 PM - Sarah Salem: 16
  96. 7:36 PM - Easter Contract: ...
  97. 7:36 PM - Sarah Salem: max wtf
  98. 7:36 PM - Easter Contract: double 6s
  99. 7:36 PM - French Tits: Are you fucking kidding me
  100. 7:36 PM - Sarah Salem: how
  101. 7:36 PM - French Tits: I cannot out roll Sarah it seems
  102. 7:36 PM - Easter Contract: Then uh, yeah
  103. 7:36 PM - French Tits: 14
  104. 7:36 PM - Easter Contract: Feel free to try and detect his lie
  105. 7:36 PM - French Tits: I'll use one of my 2 luck
  106. 7:36 PM - French Tits: Since this is sorta important
  107. 7:37 PM - French Tits: So, 17
  108. 7:37 PM - French Tits: Not going to risk the 1d6 roll :V
  109. 7:37 PM - Sarah Salem: using my own luck
  110. 7:37 PM - Sarah Salem: risking the 1d6 roll :v
  111. 7:37 PM - Sarah Salem: 18, dern
  112. 7:37 PM - Easter Contract: Was expecting a 6
  113. 7:37 PM - Sarah Salem: was hoping for one :v
  114. 7:38 PM - French Tits: How much luck does Sarah have?
  115. 7:38 PM - Sarah Salem: that was it hehe
  116. 7:38 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (this is silly :v)
  117. 7:38 PM - French Tits: Okay, I'll use the other
  118. 7:38 PM - French Tits: 20
  119. 7:38 PM - French Tits: (Hey, I wont let her cover up a murder :V)
  120. 7:38 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (ye, I hear ya)
  121. 7:39 PM - Easter Contract: Welp
  122. 7:39 PM - French Tits: Wait I got this
  123. 7:40 PM - Easter Contract: eh?
  124. 7:40 PM - Easter Contract: I was typing, but what have you got in mind?
  125. 7:40 PM - French Tits: Ill copy paste it to you :V
  126. 7:41 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah manages an incredibly convincing lie, all things considered, but you see through it
  127. 7:41 PM - French Tits: "Objection! I know for a fact she hasn't left, I've kept an eye on every magical girl entering and exiting the city in the last 48 hours, I would have picked her up easily!"
  128. 7:41 PM - Easter Contract: gg
  129. 7:41 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um. Maybe she used magic to hide herself?"
  130. 7:42 PM - French Tits: "I had the help of my Tsukaima, trust me, nothing got by"
  131. 7:42 PM - Sarah Salem: "Maybe she had the help of her tsukaima?"
  132. 7:42 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri just stands by, listening.
  133. 7:42 PM - French Tits: "Well, there's only three in this city, and I know one of them, bring hers here, and we'll have that settled easily"
  134. 7:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "He is a wily sort, would definitely help her out."
  135. 7:43 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "....Three?"
  136. 7:43 PM - Eve: *Eve stands back as well, although shes becoming slightly unnerved by the confrontation*
  137. 7:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "Three?"
  138. 7:44 PM - Easter Contract: A: "Three?"
  139. 7:44 PM - Easter Contract: Ally doesn't know what there are three of
  140. 7:44 PM - Easter Contract: but she wanted to be included
  141. 7:44 PM - French Tits: "Well, who are you familiar with?"
  142. 7:44 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Eno, the raven, and Haku, the cat."
  143. 7:44 PM - French Tits: "Oh no..."
  144. 7:46 PM - Sarah Salem: "Is something wrong?"
  145. 7:46 PM - Sarah Salem: ((besides dead cats))
  146. 7:46 PM - French Tits: "Those two, tend to bicker. Things get ugly if there's no one to mediate between them"
  147. 7:47 PM - French Tits: "And yet, you don't even know Yarif? No no, that's not good"
  148. 7:47 PM - Eve: "W-who's Yarif?"
  149. 7:48 PM - French Tits: "Hmm, now would be a good time for him to barge into here, as he tends to do when inconvient. Mais non, he'd never be that reliable" She sighed as she rubbed her forehead a bit
  150. 7:49 PM - French Tits: "He's the keeper of balance, at least, he tries to be, he does need the occasional helper, doesn't recruit as heavily as the other two, so I shouldn't be surprised you don't know him"
  151. 7:50 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...I see."
  152. 7:51 PM - Sarah Salem: "Interesting."
  153. 7:51 PM - French Tits: "Which is why this Satoya girl is so important, someone so dangerous working for that little furball? That's a bad set up, I need to know about what happened to her, now. So Sarah, if you're holding back anything, know that you're putting a lot at risk"
  154. 7:51 PM - Easter Contract: I see a trigger word!
  155. 7:51 PM - Sarah Salem: I take a step forward and aim a nice kick at her stomach.
  157. 7:52 PM - French Tits: I teleport out of the way
  158. 7:52 PM - Sarah Salem: 16
  159. 7:52 PM - French Tits: Ill assume, like last time, it's magic
  160. 7:52 PM - French Tits: 15
  161. 7:52 PM - French Tits: Welp, not gonna OC it
  162. 7:53 PM - French Tits: But you are not making friends with Celestine, that's for sure :V
  163. 7:53 PM - Sarah Salem: ((not my fault :c))
  164. 7:53 PM - Easter Contract: Well I was gonna say Finesse roll to magic fast enough
  165. 7:53 PM - Easter Contract: since it's sorta related to your element?
  166. 7:53 PM - French Tits: You didnt do the Finesse thing last time, so I went with it
  167. 7:54 PM - Easter Contract: Eh, true enough
  168. 7:54 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah sends a foot into Celestine's gut
  169. 7:55 PM - French Tits: Im not transformed, so what's the damage report?
  170. 7:55 PM - Easter Contract: You get a foot to your gut and you double over out of breath
  171. 7:55 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Sarah, what the hell!?"
  172. 7:56 PM - Eve: *Eve runs over to Celes* "A-are you okay? Is anything broken?"
  173. 7:56 PM - Sarah Salem: I stumble back a bit and put my hands over my mouth. "Oh my god, I am so sorry."
  174. 7:56 PM - Sarah Salem: "I don't know what came over me!"
  175. 7:56 PM - French Tits: "No, no, everything just hurts..."
  176. 7:56 PM - French Tits: I get up and raise a finger at Sarah, now angered
  177. 7:56 PM - French Tits: "What is it that you're hiding about Satoya!?"
  178. 7:57 PM - French Tits: ((She doesnt know about the trigger, time to either make you look like a dick, or out your secret :V))
  179. 7:57 PM - Sarah Salem: I take a jab at her faceparts.
  180. 7:57 PM - Sarah Salem: 15
  181. 7:57 PM - Eve: *Eve jumps back in fear*
  182. 7:58 PM - French Tits: 15
  183. 7:58 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (nice)
  184. 7:58 PM - French Tits: What's the result of a tie, do I punch back, with my face :V
  185. 7:59 PM - Easter Contract: shit uh
  186. 7:59 PM - Easter Contract: ok I got this
  187. 7:59 PM - Easter Contract: Celestine vanishes, appearing atop Sarah's extended arm
  188. 7:59 PM - Easter Contract: this is hardly a stable position, and they topple in a heap
  189. 8:00 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...Are you two done? This is SERIOUS."
  190. 8:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sorry! I can't stop hitting you!"
  191. 8:00 PM - Eve: "Sarah, that's such a mean thing to say!"
  192. 8:00 PM - Easter Contract: Ally pokes her head out from behind Eve
  193. 8:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "Not like that, it's just happening! My fist is moving on it's own!"
  194. 8:00 PM - French Tits: "What do you mean you can't stop? Why should I trust that? You lied about Satoya's location and I know it! Now you're beating me when I'm trying to get details! Eve, Eri, look, she's hiding something! She's sided with Satoya!"
  195. 8:01 PM - Eve: *Ev's had enough and decides to vine Sarah*
  196. 8:01 PM - Eve: Eve* ))
  197. 8:02 PM - Eve: 16
  198. 8:03 PM - Easter Contract: Eve vines Sarah, and gets an OC
  199. 8:03 PM - Eve: 19
  200. 8:03 PM - Eve: 21 even
  201. 8:04 PM - French Tits: Nice math bro
  202. 8:04 PM - French Tits: gg
  203. 8:04 PM - French Tits: -2 to Calcumancy
  204. 8:04 PM - Easter Contract: 21 total, Eve is forcably meguca'd and straps Sarah around a telephone pole with a ludicrous amount of vines
  205. 8:04 PM - Eve: c:
  206. 8:04 PM - Eve: *Eve sneezes*
  207. 8:04 PM - French Tits: "Now then, I think we all want some answers"
  208. 8:04 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...Sarah, is what Cele saying true? Do you know something?"
  209. 8:05 PM - Sarah Salem: "Alright, alright. Let me explain, please."
  210. 8:05 PM - Sarah Salem: "Satoya is dead."
  211. 8:05 PM - Sarah Salem: My arm spasms as it attempts to punch me.
  212. 8:05 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...What?"
  213. 8:05 PM - Sarah Salem: 17
  214. 8:06 PM - French Tits: "Dead? But, these chars are still hot, how recent was this, what happened?"
  215. 8:06 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah's fist breaks through some of the restraints as it flies towards her face
  216. 8:06 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "It had to be last night..."
  217. 8:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ow, damn! I killed her is what happened!"
  218. 8:07 PM - Easter Contract: A: "Sato's... d-dead?"
  219. 8:07 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...."
  220. 8:07 PM - Eve: "W-w-why?"
  221. 8:07 PM - French Tits: "You killed her! Without a trial, without due magical process! What are you, judge, jury, and executioner?"
  222. 8:07 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri is visibily conflicted.
  223. 8:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "Just executioner, apparently! I was not aware there was a system for it!"
  224. 8:08 PM - Easter Contract: S: "Well, the cat wasn't exactly... a good person, from what I remember."
  225. 8:08 PM - French Tits: "This city is worse than I thought, magical girls just running around, killing eachother!"
  226. 8:09 PM - Sarah Salem: "Believe me, it was for the best. Look, you're staring /right at/ her handiwork!"
  227. 8:09 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri turns to look at the burned ashes.
  228. 8:09 PM - French Tits: "Yes, but you can't just sink to her level!"
  229. 8:10 PM - Eve: *Eve looks down at her feet*
  230. 8:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'm not planning to crusade around killing everyone! That would be Princess's field!"
  231. 8:10 PM - Easter Contract: Ally clutches Eve and tries not to think about the late Satoya
  232. 8:11 PM - French Tits: "Satoya was still a person! Mais non, you just ended her! Here, you want to make things better, come to me, I have someone you need to explain things to."
  233. 8:11 PM - Easter Contract: Suzu and Ko are for the most part silent, and Tami seems conflicted
  234. 8:12 PM - Sarah Salem: I throw an ineffectual punch in Cele's direction, still bound.
  235. 8:12 PM - Eve: *Eve releases the vines and megucas down*
  236. 8:13 PM - French Tits: "Now, are you going to come with me to talk to Yarif? Or are you going to insist that you did the right thing?"
  237. 8:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um, actually, keep me tied up. I can't stop attacking people, even myself." I rub my jaw.
  238. 8:13 PM - Eve: *Eve contstructs some handcuffs out of vines*
  239. 8:14 PM - French Tits: "Oh, and I hate to seperate you from your friends, but magical girls only where we're about to go"
  240. 8:14 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...If you don't mind, I'll stay out of this one."
  241. 8:14 PM - Sarah Salem: I let her cuff me, and continue talking. "I will talk, but I do believe I did the right thing."
  242. 8:15 PM - Eve: *Eve gives Ally a hug and walks towards Celes* "I'm going."
  243. 8:15 PM - French Tits: "No no, you'll like this place! I insist... Stick along, and drinks are on me?"
  244. 8:15 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...Fine."
  245. 8:16 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I'll see you guys later."
  246. 8:16 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (Directed at the NPCs)
  247. 8:16 PM - French Tits: I take the group of girls with me back to Yarif's bar.
  248. 8:17 PM - Easter Contract: Friggle, roll finesse
  249. 8:17 PM - Easter Contract: congrats, you failed misreably
  250. 8:17 PM - Eve: D:
  251. 8:17 PM - French Tits: g fuckin g
  252. 8:17 PM - Easter Contract: You entirely forget that you are meguca'd up, and as you walk through the city, people look at you very oddly
  253. 8:18 PM - Eve: (( it's a fishion statement bitches get on my level ))
  254. 8:18 PM - French Tits: ((Fishion statement))
  255. 8:18 PM - French Tits: ((FASHION FOR FISH))
  256. 8:18 PM - Sarah Salem: ((fishion mailed))
  257. 8:18 PM - Easter Contract: Celestine leads you down to the 4th tier, close to the edge of the city, and to a nice, dark alley
  258. 8:18 PM - Eve: (( nucelar fission statement ))
  259. 8:19 PM - Easter Contract: It's gritty and dirty, but in a safe party of town at least
  260. 8:19 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri sighs at being back on the 4th tier.
  261. 8:20 PM - Easter Contract: She stops at a staircase leading to the basement of an inconspicuious building in the alley
  262. 8:20 PM - Sarah Salem: "This could not look any more suspicious."
  263. 8:20 PM - French Tits: "I know, I know, but, pay close attention, you're going to want to come back!"
  264. 8:20 PM - French Tits: I knock at the door
  265. 8:21 PM - Easter Contract: Celestine knocks "shave and a haircut" on the door. From the other side, you hear, "Password."
  266. 8:21 PM - French Tits: "Incubator"
  267. 8:21 PM - Sarah Salem: "That is assuming I'm not imprisoned here."
  268. 8:22 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri nudges Sarah.
  269. 8:22 PM - Easter Contract: About 7 or 8 heavy clicks and chain rattles later, the thick metal door opens
  270. 8:23 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hm?"
  271. 8:23 PM - French Tits: I casually walk into the seedy bar
  272. 8:23 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...I'll make sure you don't get stuck here. I'm sure you had your reasons."
  273. 8:23 PM - Easter Contract: A girl on the other side beckons you in. "Welcome to The Tortise Shell. Ah, Cele, I see you brought company."
  274. 8:24 PM - French Tits: "New friends, Yarif here?"
  275. 8:24 PM - Sarah Salem: "...Thanks." I give her a smile and file in behind honhonbaguette
  276. 8:24 PM - French Tits: "Now then, before you get me in trouble, there are rules"
  277. 8:24 PM - Easter Contract: "Yeah, he's in back." The girl turns towards you others. "We've got one important rule here. No fighting."
  278. 8:25 PM - Easter Contract: "...or you can tell them, Cele."
  279. 8:25 PM - French Tits: "I was going to bring up the no regular girls, and no men allowed thing too, but, I dont think they'd have an issue with the second part, they're all lesbians."
  280. 8:26 PM - Sarah Salem: I shake my bound arms. "Hopefully the vines hold, then."
  281. 8:26 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri doesn't comment.
  282. 8:27 PM - Easter Contract: As you enter, the gritty exterior is replaced by a nice, classily lit room. Dark mahogony wood, a nicely stocked bar, large mirror, and numerous girls in and out of magical attires chatting amicably
  283. 8:27 PM - Eve: *Eve tightens the vines slightly*
  284. 8:27 PM - French Tits: "Well, I'll go in and talk to him alone for a second, unwind, get a drink! If they ask, it's on my tab" I wander through the back door to see Yarif
  288. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Celestine - Tortoise~~
  290. 5:34 PM - French Tits: "Yarif, we have a bit of a, uh, problem"
  291. 8:34 PM - Easter Contract: You head through the halls and enter a nice little office. Yarif stands on his desk, tiny little glasses perched on his tortisey face
  292. 8:34 PM - Easter Contract: He looks up. "Hmm?"
  293. 5:35 PM - French Tits: "Satoya's dead, not brought in for questioning, for due processing, to get information out of, just dead!"
  294. 8:35 PM - Easter Contract: "Hmm," he says in his croaky voice
  295. 5:36 PM - French Tits: "She's here, the one who killed her, should I send her in? That'll do more good than me just telling you about it"
  296. 8:37 PM - Easter Contract: "You may. Bring her here."
  297. 5:38 PM - French Tits: "Ill send her in, I need a drink" She walks out with a sigh
  299. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Celestine - Tortoise~~
  303. 8:28 PM - Easter Contract: At the bar is one particular pink-haired girl whose hair flickers like fire, downing a large glass of dark liquid in a single swig
  304. 8:28 PM - Sarah Salem: ((ahahah oh fuck))
  305. 8:28 PM - Eve: (( perfect godamn timing ))
  306. 8:29 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri nods, and picks a seat in front of the mirror, ignoring Princess.
  307. 8:29 PM - Eve: *Eve takes a seat next to Eri and waves over the bartender*
  308. 8:30 PM - Sarah Salem: I take a seat on the other side of the two, away from Princess.
  309. 8:30 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri finger guns at her reflection, checking for a response.
  310. 8:31 PM - Easter Contract: A girl with frizzy brown hair, shiny gold eyes and with fluffy as fuck ears and a tail, stands behind the bar
  311. 8:31 PM - Easter Contract: Eri's reflection fingerguns back at her. It winks. Eri did not.
  312. 8:32 PM - Easter Contract: The floofytail person behind the counter approaches you. "What can I get you girls?"
  313. 8:32 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Any recommendations?"
  314. 8:33 PM - Eve: "I-I'll have s-some orange juice."
  315. 8:33 PM - Easter Contract: "Well, we've got most kinds of alcohol you can want - or softer stuff too," the squirrel-girl says, looking at Eve with a smile
  316. 8:35 PM - Eve: "Orange juice-on the rocks. Make it a double." *Eve blushes and giggles to herself*
  317. 8:36 PM - Easter Contract: Sqirrel giggles to herself, sliding a glass over to Eve and filling it with OJ
  318. 8:36 PM - Easter Contract: She waves her hand over it and two ice cubes form inside it
  319. 8:36 PM - Sarah Salem: "Water, please." I think to myself for a second, and shake my arms for the second time. "With a straw?"
  320. 8:37 PM - Eve: "Do you have any bendy straws?" *Eve looks down slightly embarassed*
  321. 8:37 PM - Easter Contract: "Would you like that pre-bent?"
  322. 8:38 PM - French Tits: Celestine walks out of back door, back into the bar. "Sarah, Yarif wants you, last door at the end of the hall"
  323. 8:38 PM - Eve: "N-no, it's funner if you do it yourself."
  324. 8:38 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri looks along the wall, and sees something that catches her eye, "Hey, Cele."
  325. 8:38 PM - French Tits: "Oui?"
  326. 8:38 PM - Easter Contract: Squirrley gets you an unbent bendy straw
  327. 8:39 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Wanna share a bottle of Henri Jayer Richebourg Grand Cru?"
  328. 8:39 PM - Eve: *Eve bends it with glee and goes about drinking her OJ while giving Sarah a supportive thumbs up*
  329. 8:39 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri points to a bottle of wine, $16,500 USD
  330. 8:39 PM - French Tits: "Equisite tastes my friend! One of my favorites, oui, if you're willing to share"
  331. 8:40 PM - Sarah Salem: I hop off the stool. "I will see you all later, hopefully." and then head down the hall.
  335. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Tortoise 2~~
  337. 8:41 PM - Easter Contract: You follow Celestine's directions, ending up in a nice looking office
  338. 8:42 PM - Easter Contract: Shevles of various knickknacks line the walls and there are a number of pictures and various trinkets and items hanging around, making it look like an Applebees
  339. 8:43 PM - Easter Contract: You see a tortise standing on the desk, a pair of itty bitty glasses on his tortisey face and a long white goatee on his chin. He is looking over some papers, but looks up at you
  340. 8:43 PM - Easter Contract: "Sarah?" He says in a croaky, deep voice.
  341. 5:44 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod. "You would be Yarif, I assume?"
  342. 8:45 PM - Easter Contract: "Hmm."
  343. 8:49 PM - Easter Contract: "So you killed Taji."
  344. 5:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "I did."
  345. 8:52 PM - Easter Contract: "Your reason is a sound one. I have no quarrel with it."
  346. 5:53 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh. I was expecting to be jailed. That is a relief."
  347. 8:52 PM - Easter Contract: "Enomatia, was your contractor."
  348. 5:53 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod.
  349. 8:53 PM - Easter Contract: "Hmm."
  350. 8:57 PM - Easter Contract: "I do not approve of your speeding into conflict so readily, though. The raven seems less inclined to help his charges, of late."
  351. 6:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "No-one else was doing anything to stop her, so I took matters into my own hands. I apologize, since from what I've heard, there is some kind of process to dealing with girls like her."
  352. 9:03 PM - Easter Contract: "There is, usually. We can not control every girl in the city, of course. Conflicts are a normal occurence."
  353. 9:04 PM - Easter Contract: "A proper trial is fairer to all. They may not seem it, but even the evil are human on the inside. They deserve some form of respect."
  354. 6:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "If it makes you feel better, I-wait, no, I didn't at all."
  355. 6:07 PM - Sarah Salem: "I don't regret my actions, but I'm not keen on killing any other girls, if that's what you're going to ask."
  356. 9:10 PM - Easter Contract: "I was to send a girl to retrieve Taji quite soon, but several matters arose requiring attention to be brought elsewhere."
  357. 6:11 PM - Sarah Salem: I shrug. "I wouldn't know."
  358. 9:13 PM - Easter Contract: "Hmm."
  359. 9:14 PM - Easter Contract: "Under the circumstances, I shall acquit you of any potential charges. Next time you come across a rogue Magi, bring them to my attention. There are rewards, as well."
  360. 6:15 PM - Sarah Salem: "Thank you, and I'll make sure to next time."
  361. 9:16 PM - Easter Contract: Your vine restraints are loosened and fall to the floor, before they wither and vanish
  362. 6:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Uh, that was not a good idea."
  363. 9:17 PM - Easter Contract: "Inform the others not to address Taji by her full first name when you are around. Removing the last vowel should suffice to work around the effect."
  364. 6:18 PM - Sarah Salem: I cock my head. "Why is that?"
  365. 9:18 PM - Easter Contract: "You have experienced the why for yourself, have you not?"
  366. 6:19 PM - Sarah Salem: "Is /that/ why I can't stop hitting people?"
  367. 6:19 PM - Sarah Salem: I sigh. "Stupid magic. Thank you again."
  368. 9:20 PM - Easter Contract: He nods slowly. You can almost hear the creaking of his joints as he moves
  369. 6:22 PM - Sarah Salem: I head back and join the others, then
  371. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Tortoise 2~~
  375. 8:40 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I don't think I should drink it all myself..."
  376. 8:40 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...and you're paying for it."
  377. 8:40 PM - French Tits: "Well, two heads are better than one!" I approve of this purchase
  378. 8:41 PM - Easter Contract: Squirrel shrugs, and pours two glasses
  379. 8:41 PM - Sarah Salem: ((SHAME YOU CANT COMBINE THEM HUH))
  380. 8:41 PM - Sarah Salem: (( :c ))
  381. 8:41 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (huehuehue)
  382. 8:41 PM - French Tits: ((:V)))
  383. 8:42 PM - French Tits: I take Sarah's seat and enjoy the drink
  384. 8:43 PM - Eve: *Eve nudges Eri*
  385. 8:43 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...Yeah?"
  386. 8:44 PM - Eve: *Eve points at Princess and makes a series of handmotions imitating fire*
  387. 8:44 PM - Eve: "Isn't that mean fire lady?"
  388. 8:44 PM - French Tits: Celestine shrugs "I know Princess, she wont cause trouble here, just, dont start anything"
  389. 8:44 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri just pats Eve's head.
  390. 8:45 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "It's fine."
  391. 8:45 PM - French Tits: "If anything, this is perfect, we could perhaps sort things out!"
  392. 8:45 PM - Eve: *Eve goes back to drinking her OJ, satisfied*
  393. 8:45 PM - French Tits: I get the bartender's attention
  394. 8:45 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...That would be nice but...."
  395. 8:46 PM - French Tits: "Namiyo, send a glass of this over to princess." I point at the bottle me and Eri purchased.
  396. 8:46 PM - Easter Contract: "You got it, Cel."
  397. 8:47 PM - Easter Contract: She does as asked, pointing your way. Princess looks at you with a gaze that you're pretty sure could literally set you on fire if she tried a little
  398. 8:47 PM - French Tits: "Merci beaucoup dear!"
  399. 8:47 PM - French Tits: "Oooh, it's working, I'll go talk to her!"
  400. 8:47 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri just nods in Princess's direction.
  401. 8:47 PM - French Tits: I get up and happily walk over to Princess
  402. 8:48 PM - French Tits: ((This is going to go either perfectly, or hilariously wrong))
  403. 8:48 PM - Easter Contract: Princess looks down to her wine, taking a drink of it. She stares into it, saying as you approach, "What do you want, teletits."
  404. 8:49 PM - French Tits: "A bit of conversation, you're one of the few magical girls I don't talk to that much, and it's quite a shame!"
  405. 8:50 PM - Easter Contract: "There's a reason for it. Point your balloons somewhere else."
  406. 8:51 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri subtly pours a tiny bit of her drink into Eve's OJ while she's not paying attention.
  407. 8:51 PM - French Tits: "Pourquoi? Listen, if you must know, a rogue girl recently met her end, and I dont want to see another death, I know you can get a little, wild, sometimes."
  408. 8:52 PM - Eve: *Eve turns away from the argument taking place and sips her now spiked OJ*
  409. 8:52 PM - French Tits: "If you at least give me a chance, hear me out, perhaps I'll pay off that tab of yours?"
  410. 8:53 PM - Easter Contract: She gives what amounts to a growl
  411. 8:53 PM - Easter Contract: but it wasn't a no!
  412. 8:53 PM - French Tits: I sit beside her, still smiling.
  413. 8:54 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri takes a small sip of her wine, before initiating a game of rock, paper, scissors with her reflection.
  414. 8:54 PM - Easter Contract: Eri and her reflection shake their fists in tandem
  415. 8:54 PM - Easter Contract: Rock, paper or scissors?
  416. 8:54 PM - French Tits: "So, how have things been?" I try to engage in smalltalk, deciding that starting off with something serious isn't the best idea
  417. 8:55 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri conjures an illusionary set of scissors.
  418. 8:55 PM - Eve: *Eve finishes her OJ and slams the glass on the table*
  419. 8:55 PM - Eve: "I'll have another!"
  420. 8:56 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (they suspiciously look like a set of famous scissors)
  421. 8:56 PM - Easter Contract: Your scissors beat her paper. She snaps her finger in frustration, then pantomimes a motion that you take as "best two out of three?"
  422. 8:57 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri nods, dissolving her scissors.
  423. 8:57 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (nods in agreement, that is)
  424. 8:57 PM - Sarah Salem: ((how do you nod in disagreement?))
  425. 8:57 PM - French Tits: ((Princess is quiet I guess :V))
  426. 8:57 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (who the hell knows)
  427. 8:57 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (sorry, magical rock paper scissors takes precidence)
  428. 8:58 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Paper, made to look like the declaration of independence
  429. 8:58 PM - Easter Contract: Her scissors cuts it readily
  430. 8:59 PM - Easter Contract: Namiyo refills Eve's glass, with a sly look at Eri as Eve looks away
  431. 8:59 PM - French Tits: Pricess is in a GM induced coma apparently
  432. 8:59 PM - French Tits: :V
  433. 8:59 PM - Easter Contract: "Things have been shit,"
  434. 8:59 PM - Easter Contract: says Princess
  435. 8:59 PM - Easter Contract: shhh
  436. 8:59 PM - Easter Contract: rock paper scissors
  437. 8:59 PM - French Tits: "Oh, how so?"
  438. 8:59 PM - Easter Contract: "People keep trying to talk to me."
  439. 8:59 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri conjures a miniature of the best wrestler ever, The Rock
  440. 9:00 PM - French Tits: "That's because people care, I always see you here, alone and angry"
  441. 9:00 PM - Easter Contract: Your The Rock suplexes her scissors and rips them in half
  442. 9:00 PM - Easter Contract: You win!
  443. 9:01 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri shoots a victory pose at her reflection, before taking another nip of her wine.
  444. 9:01 PM - French Tits: ((The scissors didnt smell what he was cooking))
  445. 9:01 PM - Easter Contract: You gain nothing but satisfaction at having beaten yourself
  446. 9:01 PM - French Tits: ((Hah, Eri is the queen of playing with herself))
  447. 9:01 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (pfft)
  448. 9:02 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (at least I can have a real party of one :u)
  449. 9:02 PM - Easter Contract: "And my reasons are my own." Princess downs the rest of her wine. Obviously not one to savor the taste
  450. 9:02 PM - Easter Contract: "I wonder, though..."
  451. 9:02 PM - Easter Contract: she trails off
  452. 9:02 PM - French Tits: "Hmm?"
  453. 9:02 PM - French Tits: "Something you wish to talk about?"
  454. 9:03 PM - Easter Contract: She points at your chest. "Think those'd pop if you poked 'em with a pin?"
  455. 9:03 PM - French Tits: ((So tempted to say something like "Why dont you find out?"))
  456. 9:03 PM - French Tits: ((Someone stop me))
  457. 9:03 PM - Sarah Salem: ((what happened to 'no fighting' :v))
  458. 9:03 PM - French Tits: ((No one's being punched, or supplexed))
  459. 9:04 PM - Sarah Salem: ((they will be if you say it :V))
  460. 9:04 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri taps Eve on the shoulder, on the side that's opposite Eri.
  461. 9:04 PM - Eve: *Eve quickly looks in fear*
  462. 9:04 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: While she isn't looking, Eri pours a tiny bit more into Eve's OJ
  463. 9:04 PM - French Tits: ((Fuck it, I'm going in :V))
  464. 9:04 PM - French Tits: She giggles as she finishes off her glass of wine "Ah, if we were closer, I'd let you find out"
  465. 9:04 PM - Eve: *She then turns back to Eri and points at her slowly* "'re so silly Eri."
  466. 9:05 PM - Easter Contract: Namiyo the squirrelgirl giggles, having seen Eri's shenanigans
  467. 9:05 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri raises her glass to that, and downs the rest of it.
  468. 9:05 PM - Eve: "By the way yo ushould try some of this Orange juice, it's reeeeeeeeeeally good."
  469. 9:05 PM - Eve: *Eve does the same*
  470. 9:06 PM - Eve: "Another pease!"
  471. 9:06 PM - Easter Contract: "Yeah no thanks. I don't like to play scissor, unlike that cunt," she points at Eri.
  472. 9:06 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri chuckles at Eve, ignoring Princess's jab
  473. 9:07 PM - French Tits: "That's surprising for any magical girl, mais non, I wont dig into the subject if it's personal"
  474. 9:08 PM - Easter Contract: Namiyo refills Eve's glass again
  475. 9:08 PM - Easter Contract: "You're sure as hell trying to dig though."
  476. 9:08 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri shakes her head no to a refill on her wine.
  477. 9:08 PM - French Tits: "No no, I'll drop it, merely tried playing along"
  478. 9:09 PM - Easter Contract: Squirrel nods at Eri, holding a hand to her mouth as she giggles again
  479. 9:10 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: To pass the time, Eri's going to conjure a tiny dragon to fly around.
  480. 9:10 PM - French Tits: "Well, changing topics at your request, fight any youma recently? For some reason, there have been a lot of strong ones recently..."
  481. 9:11 PM - Easter Contract: "Yeah, I'll agree with that at least. They've been getting more of a pain in the ass."
  482. 9:11 PM - French Tits: "Perhaps you'd like some assistance one of these days?"
  483. 9:11 PM - Easter Contract: "Every day, there's fucking more of them too."
  484. 9:12 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (brb gotta watch over crab legs)
  485. 9:12 PM - Easter Contract: She drains yet another glass. Nayomi seems to refill her cup almost automatically
  486. 9:12 PM - Easter Contract: "I swear, last three I fought didn't even drop any seeds."
  487. 9:14 PM - French Tits: "No seeds? Hmm, thats not good. Next time you're out there, take me with, I need to see these Youma"
  488. 9:15 PM - Easter Contract: "Tch"
  489. 9:15 PM - Easter Contract: She only downs half her glass this time
  490. 9:15 PM - French Tits: "If it does drop a seed, I'll let you have it, if not, this is a bigger problem then I thought"
  491. 9:17 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri makes the dragon perch on top of Eve's drink.
  492. 9:17 PM - Easter Contract: "Yeah, fighting for nothing. Never even got that damned metal back from the cunt..." she mumbles the last part to herself
  493. 9:18 PM - French Tits: "Well, if you promise me to come with on at least one of your patrols, I'll even throw in this" She pulls out an oblivion seed
  494. 9:18 PM - Eve: *Eve lays her head down on her arm* "Woaaaah..."
  495. 9:18 PM - Eve: *Eve trys to poke the dragon*
  496. 9:18 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Dragon uses Double Team!
  497. 9:19 PM - Eve: (( omg ))
  498. 9:19 PM - Easter Contract: She raises an eyebrow, glares at you, then shakily extends a hand out for a handshake
  499. 9:19 PM - Easter Contract: "Fine."
  500. 9:20 PM - French Tits: "Excellent, when where you planning on going next?" I shake her hand with a smile
  501. 9:20 PM - Eve: *Eve freaks out and falls off her chair*
  502. 9:20 PM - Eve: *Then she just lays there laughing*
  503. 9:21 PM - Easter Contract: She downs the rest of her glass. "When I can walk straight."
  504. 9:21 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri moves the dragon so it lands on Eve's nose.
  505. 9:21 PM - French Tits: "Well, that'll be tomorrow at the earliest, in that case..." I grab another glass of wine "I think I'll join you"
  506. 9:22 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah walks back in
  507. 9:22 PM - Eve: *Starts laughing even harder and attempts to swat the dragon*
  508. 9:23 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hello, everyone."
  509. 9:23 PM - French Tits: Sarah sees Celestine and Princess, talking and drinking together, oh boy :V
  510. 9:23 PM - Easter Contract: Princess looks towards Sarah
  511. 9:23 PM - French Tits: "Hmm, know her?"
  512. 9:23 PM - Sarah Salem: I meet her gaze.
  513. 9:23 PM - Easter Contract: That glare she gave Eri before? Back tenfold. Sarah can ltierally feel the air around her grow warmer
  514. 9:24 PM - Sarah Salem: scuse me, glare :v
  515. 9:24 PM - Sarah Salem: "...Princess."
  516. 9:24 PM - Easter Contract: "Cunt."
  517. 9:24 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri makes the dragon fly into Sarah's face, in order to break the tension.
  518. 9:24 PM - Eve: *Eve chases after it*
  519. 9:24 PM - French Tits: I glare at Sarah as well, "Dont start anything, dont need you murdering her too."
  520. 9:25 PM - Easter Contract: Roll finesse, Eve
  521. 9:25 PM - Sarah Salem: I move the dragon out of the way.
  523. 9:25 PM - Sarah Salem: "Tell her that."
  524. 9:25 PM - Eve: 9
  525. 9:25 PM - French Tits: ((DID YOU SPIKE HER DRINK WITH HEROIN))
  526. 9:25 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (you got that right)
  527. 9:25 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: <-
  528. 9:25 PM - Easter Contract: Eve jumps from her stool to chase the magical illusion dragon
  529. 9:26 PM - French Tits: "Why should I? She's not doing anything, just relax, have a drink."
  530. 9:26 PM - Easter Contract: she wobbles far to the right on unsteady feet, knocking into a thankfully empty table, then to the left and into...
  531. 9:26 PM - Easter Contract: roll 1d3!
  532. 9:27 PM - Eve: 1
  533. 9:27 PM - Easter Contract: You wobble left again, back towards the bar, and into Celestine
  534. 9:27 PM - French Tits: I catch her, gently
  535. 9:27 PM - Sarah Salem: "Not doing anything to you, maybe. Feel the air."
  536. 9:28 PM - French Tits: "Shh, just sit, drink, relax"
  537. 9:28 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri sheepishly looks to Eve and Cele, like she did nothing wrong.
  538. 9:28 PM - Eve: 8
  539. 9:28 PM - Eve: (( ignore that whoops ))
  540. 9:28 PM - Easter Contract: gg
  541. 9:28 PM - French Tits: I giggle in her direction, helping Eve up and back to her seat, before rejoining Princess.
  542. 9:28 PM - French Tits: gg
  543. 9:28 PM - Sarah Salem: I roll my eyes and continue back to my previous seat.
  544. 9:29 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri turns back to look at Sarah, "...Hey."
  545. 9:29 PM - Eve: *Eve falls to the floor and starts rolling around*
  546. 9:29 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "How'd things work out?"
  547. 9:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hi. No charges."
  548. 9:30 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Eh heh... That's good."
  549. 9:30 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, and uh, don't mention Taji by her first name. Just use 'Sato' or her last."
  550. 9:30 PM - French Tits: "So, patrol tomorrow, get smashed tonight?" I ask Princess after returning lil miss drunk
  551. 9:30 PM - Eve: "But...didn't you kill Satoya?"
  552. 9:31 PM - French Tits: ((Oh boy))
  553. 9:31 PM - Sarah Salem: I try and hold back my arm.
  554. 9:31 PM - Easter Contract: Fortitude to not whack her
  555. 9:31 PM - Sarah Salem: 9
  556. 9:32 PM - French Tits: gg
  557. 9:32 PM - Eve: (( halp))
  558. 9:32 PM - French Tits: ((Too busy flirti- I mean, conversing with Princess))
  559. 9:32 PM - Easter Contract: You entirely fail to hold yourself back, and charge at Eve, fist drawn
  560. 9:32 PM - French Tits: I sigh and look over to Princess "Any idea why she's been doing that all day?"
  561. 9:33 PM - French Tits: "You seem to know her"
  562. 9:33 PM - Easter Contract: "Probably cause she's a cunt who likes attacking people."
  563. 9:33 PM - Eve: 15
  564. 9:34 PM - French Tits: "Yeah, she's been beating on me all day."
  565. 9:34 PM - Easter Contract: Eve rolls into Sarah's legs, and Sarah trips, falling face-first onto the floor
  566. 9:34 PM - Easter Contract: The bar goes quiet. No fighting is a big rule around here, even non-magical fights
  567. 9:34 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri sighs.
  568. 9:35 PM - Eve: *Eve laughs loudly and rolls over to Sarah8 "You're best friend dude..."
  569. 9:35 PM - French Tits: "Oh no, not even one visit and they're going to get banned"
  570. 9:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oof. Thank you." I get up into a seated position. "Now can we stop saying Satoya?"
  571. 9:35 PM - Eve: "All of you are."
  572. 9:35 PM - Sarah Salem: I punch myself in the face again.
  573. 9:35 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Sarah. Outside."
  574. 9:36 PM - Sarah Salem: I pull myself to the feet and awkwardly shuffle outside.
  575. 9:36 PM - French Tits: "Ah Princess, I think I should get going now, before things get worse. But first..." I try to get the bar's attention "A toast?"
  576. 9:37 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri rotates on her stool, facing Cele.
  577. 9:37 PM - Easter Contract: You have the bar's attention, at least
  578. 9:37 PM - Easter Contract: to what are you toasting?
  579. 9:38 PM - French Tits: "As they say on the Rivera..."
  580. 9:39 PM - French Tits: "La cul sec! Drink to the bottom of your glass!" And she finishes her fourth glass, stumbling a little bit on her seat.
  581. 9:39 PM - Easter Contract: The patrons of the bar raise their glasses in agreement, cheer and drink themselves
  582. 9:39 PM - Eve: *Eve gets up and grabs her OJ, joining the cheer*
  583. 9:40 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri makes an illusionary copy of the OJ, and attempts to replace Eve's with the illusion.
  584. 9:41 PM - French Tits: I look over at Princess "Still too drunk to walk? If so, I could help you home, you're going to need rest for tomorrow."
  585. 9:41 PM - Easter Contract: "Hmph."
  586. 9:42 PM - Easter Contract: "Don't need any help. Done this without your help before."
  587. 9:42 PM - French Tits: I lean over to whisper
  591. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Celestine - Bartalk~~
  593. 6:43 PM - French Tits: "It'd be the only way to arrange our patrol, without the other's hearing"
  594. 9:44 PM - Easter Contract: "So the other cunts you came in with won't be with us?"
  595. 6:44 PM - French Tits: "Exactly, they seem to have something against you, I'd rather have an unbiased first opinion of you"
  596. 6:45 PM - French Tits: "Like I said, just us, I keep promises"
  597. 9:45 PM - Easter Contract: "...fine."
  599. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Celestine - Bartalk~~
  603. 9:43 PM - Eve: *Eve, confused about why she can't pickup the glass, goes about staring at it and contemplating existence*
  604. 9:43 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri just chugs Eve's OJ.
  605. 9:43 PM - Eve disconnected.
  606. 9:45 PM - French Tits: I pull away from whispering, and again, offer my hand to Princess
  607. 9:45 PM - Easter Contract: She begrudgingly takes it, and stands on unsteady feet
  608. 9:46 PM - Eve entered chat.
  609. 9:46 PM - French Tits: I take her out of the bar, carefully
  610. 9:46 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri puts Eve's glass of OJ over the illusionary one, dispelling the illusion.
  611. 9:46 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri waves to Cele as she leaves.
  612. 9:47 PM - French Tits: I wave back with a smile
  616. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Twins~~
  618. 9:48 PM - Easter Contract: You see Celestine and Princess walk out of the bar together
  619. 9:49 PM - Easter Contract: They're chatting quietly and Princess is leaning heavily on Celestine, walking unsteadily
  620. 6:50 PM - Sarah Salem: I watch them leave.
  621. 9:53 PM - Easter Contract: You're leaning on the wall, by the door, at the bottom of the stairs
  622. 9:53 PM - Easter Contract: From above, you hear footsteps, then hear voices
  623. 9:53 PM - Easter Contract: "Ah, a surprise-" "-to see you here."
  624. 6:54 PM - Sarah Salem: I look up I guess?
  625. 9:54 PM - Easter Contract: Looking up, you spot a familiar set of twins, holding hands and leaning over the railing down at you
  626. 6:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, it's you two. Thanks again for saving us, before."
  627. 9:55 PM - Easter Contract: "It was a favor for Enomatia." "Though we are still pleased we made it in time."
  628. 6:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "So, are you two here for the tavern?"
  629. 9:57 PM - Easter Contract: They nod in unison. "Though not for the alcohol." "We are here for a job."
  630. 6:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "Job? What job could you get at a place run by magical girls?"
  631. 9:59 PM - Easter Contract: "The fact that it is run by our kind-" "-is the very reason jobs are available."
  632. 9:59 PM - Easter Contract: "Where else would one go-" "-to seek our specialized help?"
  633. 7:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "Like magical bounties? I should come here again sometime, if that is the case."
  634. 10:00 PM - Easter Contract: "Bounties are but one-" "-of many potential jobs."
  635. 7:01 PM - Sarah Salem: "What else is there?"
  636. 10:02 PM - Easter Contract: "Details on specific youma hunting, rouge girls with bounties." "Requests for element-specific powers, guarding a client."
  637. 10:03 PM - Easter Contract: "Those are but examples of-" "-available jobs."
  638. 7:04 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod. "Interesting. I really should check back, then."
  639. 10:08 PM - Easter Contract: The twins float over the railing and land gently onto the bottom of the stairs
  640. 10:08 PM - Easter Contract: "So why do you-" "-stand out here?"
  641. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: "Just waiting outside so I don't attack anyone. Some magic is affecting my body, and I have to hit anyone who says Taji's first name."
  642. 10:10 PM - Easter Contract: "Taji?" they ask in unison
  643. 7:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ah, the uh, cat-girl. You may have seen her before."
  644. 7:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "She's dead now, by the way."
  645. 10:10 PM - Easter Contract: They nod together, humming in thought
  646. 10:11 PM - Easter Contract: "Well then, so long as you caused no damage-" "-I'm sure they would not mind if you returned inside."
  647. 7:12 PM - Sarah Salem: "Things have probably calmed down by now, yes. After you two?"
  648. 10:13 PM - Easter Contract: They give a short bow, and walk in, awkwardly going single-file for a moment to fit through the door without removing hold of the other's hand
  650. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Twins~~
  654. 9:47 PM - Eve: "Whaaaaaaa...."
  655. 9:47 PM - Eve: "This is weird..."
  656. 9:47 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri just pats Eve's head.
  657. 9:48 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri chuckles, "You really ARE a lightweight."
  658. 9:48 PM - Eve: "Eri, can I ask you something?"
  659. 9:48 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "What's that?"
  660. 9:48 PM - Eve: "What goes on inside a dishwasher?"
  661. 9:49 PM - French Tits: ((Oh my god, Eve, get drunk more often))
  662. 9:49 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: ".... I really don't know." Eri strikes a thinking pose.
  663. 9:49 PM - Eve: (( Psch whatchu talking about I've been drinking OJ ))
  664. 9:49 PM - French Tits: ((Course you have))
  665. 9:49 PM - Eve: "D oyo uthink there's like...little men insede washing everything?"
  666. 9:50 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Perhaps little youma come out and start scrubbing the dishes with mops...?"
  667. 9:50 PM - Eve: "Oh man...if you're right then we have to destroy every dishwasher in the city!"
  668. 9:50 PM - Eve: *Eve stands up with newfound purpose*
  669. 9:50 PM - Eve: "Let's go."
  670. 9:51 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Hmm... but Eve, if we did that, we'd have to wash all the dishes by hand..."
  671. 9:51 PM - French Tits: (("Then we create... MORE YOUMA"))
  672. 9:52 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri gets up from the barstool, "This is a serious ethical dilema!"
  673. 9:52 PM - Eve: "Oh yeah...hmmm."
  674. 9:52 PM - Eve: "What if we just made everyone a magical girl...then they could destroy their dishwashers, and clean everything with magic."
  675. 9:53 PM - French Tits: ((What about the men?))
  676. 9:53 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Hmm... but Eve, everyone has different elements..."
  677. 9:54 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Like, how is a girl with blood powers supposed to clean her dishes?"
  678. 9:54 PM - Eve: "Oh're right."
  679. 9:54 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...It'd also make cleaning white sheets a pain!"
  680. 9:54 PM - Eve: "What can we do then?"
  681. 9:55 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...We have to get Eno in on this."
  682. 9:55 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...He's like, god, right?"
  683. 9:55 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "He'd know the answer."
  684. 9:55 PM - Eve: "You're so sec."
  685. 9:55 PM - Eve: *Eve calls up Eno*
  686. 9:56 PM - French Tits: ((Ohmygod))
  687. 9:56 PM - Sarah Salem: ((pls))
  688. 9:56 PM - French Tits: ((This is literally going to become texts from Walpurisnaught))
  689. 9:56 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: ((there is nothing wrong with this))
  690. 9:56 PM - Easter Contract: You give spacebirdjesus a ring on your mindphone
  691. 9:56 PM - Eve: " and Eri are on to something BIG here, we need your help."
  692. 9:58 PM - Easter Contract: He gives a caw that sounds like a questioning hum, awaiting you to elaborate
  693. 9:58 PM - Eve: "We think there's a Youma infestation...a pretty large scale one. We're talking every house in the city."
  694. 10:00 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri hops back onto her stool, sitting on it crosslegged, awaiting the wise bird's advice.
  695. 10:00 PM - Easter Contract: "Allegations like that are deathly serious. What is your reasoning behind this? Have you any facts?"
  696. 10:01 PM - Eve: " YOUUUU know what happens inside a dishwasher?"
  697. 10:03 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri twiddles her thumbs, when suddenly she hatches a brilliant idea.
  698. 10:03 PM - Easter Contract: "...what?"
  699. 10:03 PM - Easter Contract: This is perhaps the first time you have ever heard burd perplexed
  700. 10:03 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri illusions up a tiny imp with a mop, slowly cleaning up Eve's OJ glass.
  701. 10:04 PM - Eve: *Eve runs and hides under a table*
  702. 10:04 PM - Eve: "Shhhh, I see one now."
  703. 10:04 PM - Eve: "Eno we need your help, please what do we do?"
  704. 10:04 PM - French Tits: ((Whoops Celestine and Princess are having a drunken sleepover))
  705. 10:05 PM - Sarah Salem: ((yep))
  706. 10:05 PM - Easter Contract: "Child, I ask you. Elaborate. What is currently taking place?"
  707. 10:05 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri makes the imp wave at Eve, wet mop flailing around.
  708. 10:05 PM - Eve: "There's...little Youmma...insider...the dishwashers..."
  709. 10:06 PM - Eve: *Eve eeps and curls into a ball*
  710. 10:06 PM - Easter Contract: You hear a terrifying sound that you can only imagine is a bird growling
  711. 10:06 PM - Easter Contract: do birds growl, you wonder?
  712. 10:06 PM - Easter Contract: you do not know
  713. 10:06 PM - Easter Contract: but this one just did
  714. 10:07 PM - French Tits: :V
  715. 10:07 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri high fives the imp illusion, before dissapaiting it.
  716. 10:07 PM - Easter Contract: The feather catches fire
  717. 10:07 PM - Eve: *Eve throws it on the ground and crawls away*
  718. 10:07 PM - Eve: "Eri...I-"
  719. 10:07 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "So, what happened?"
  720. 10:07 PM - Eve: "I think Eno is working with the Imps."
  721. 10:08 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Oh... really?" Eri holds another thinking pose, "hmm... we should look into it tomorrow."
  722. 10:09 PM - Eve: "Yeah...I'm tired."
  723. 10:09 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Yeah... today's been a weird one."
  724. 10:10 PM - Eve: "I think we should go home, and destroy our dishwashers."
  725. 10:10 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Hmm... I don't know, Tami might get mad..."
  726. 10:11 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri gasps, "AND THEN I'D HAVE TO WASH THE DISHES."
  727. 10:11 PM - Eve: "It's for her own good, trust me." *Eve grabs Eri and looks at her seriously*
  728. 10:11 PM - Eve: "Who knows when they could strike?"
  729. 10:12 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "WHY ARE FATES SO CRUEL!?" Eri bursts into tears, hugging onto Eve tighter than she probably should be.
  730. 10:13 PM - Eve: *Eve hugs her back and rubs her head* "'s going to be okay. I'll help you clean the dishes."
  731. 10:14 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri sniffles in response.
  732. 10:14 PM - Easter Contract: Into the bar walks two twins, a boy and a girl, holding hands. Behind them is Sarah
  733. 10:14 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri sniffles, again, "Oh... hey Sarah..."
  734. 10:15 PM - Easter Contract: They look your way. "You were at the elevator."
  735. 10:15 PM - Easter Contract: They say, at the same time
  736. 10:15 PM - Eve: "Oh hey it's you guys...nice save that time, we were almost toast hehehe..."
  737. 10:16 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Hey... isn't there a no boys allowed rule or something...?"
  738. 10:16 PM - Eve: *Eve leans in close to the twins* "Try the orange juice..."
  739. 10:17 PM - Easter Contract: They bat not an eye. The girl says, "My brother is an exception."
  740. 10:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hi guys." I direct my attention back to the twins. "So, do you talk to the turtle for jobs?"
  741. 10:18 PM - Easter Contract: "Occasionally, yes." "But only for jobs he requests."
  742. 10:18 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri sits back down on the stool, hmming and hahing over something she's thinking about.
  743. 10:19 PM - Easter Contract: "Otherwise, one of the bartenders-" "-have all the available jobs."
  744. 10:19 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ah, thank you. I'll just be with my friends, then. Nice talking."
  745. 10:20 PM - Sarah Salem: I head over to miss wasted and company :b
  746. 10:20 PM - Sarah Salem: :v
  747. 10:20 PM - Easter Contract: "A pleasure." They chime together as they take two empty seats at the bar
  748. 10:20 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri looks up from her thoughts, "Oh, hey, sorry about making you leave; you kinda were making a scene there for a second..."
  749. 10:20 PM - Eve: *Eve sits back down at the bar and rests her head on her arms*
  750. 10:21 PM - Sarah Salem: "It's fine. Do you still have that wine?"
  751. 10:22 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Hmm..." Eri looks at glass, which is pretty much empty.
  752. 10:22 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...I don't, but, you could probably ask for a glass; I'm sure Cele won't mind."
  753. 10:23 PM - Sarah Salem: "Excellent." I ring the tiny bell that totally has to be there.
  754. 10:24 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "So... what happened anyways? With Tariff or whoever?"
  755. 10:24 PM - Eve disconnected.
  756. 10:25 PM - French Tits: ((Eve Ishi, 2013-2014, Alcohol poisoning))
  757. 10:25 PM - Sarah Salem: "Nothing, he just told me to bring any issues with rogues to him next time."
  758. 10:26 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri makes small laps around the edge of the glass with her finger, "... I see."
  759. 10:26 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "So."
  760. 10:26 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Why...?"
  761. 10:26 PM - Sarah Salem: "So?"
  762. 10:27 PM - Eve entered chat.
  763. 10:27 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh."
  764. 10:27 PM - Sarah Salem: "Can you really say you wanted her to keep doing what she was doing?"
  765. 10:28 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri sighs, "I... I can't say I appreciated her behavior last night. Not in the slighest."
  766. 10:28 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "But... was it really something to be killed over...?"
  767. 10:29 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri continues to traces lines across her glass.
  768. 10:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "That's not all she's done. But is this really the place to discuss it?"
  769. 10:30 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "..." Eri takes another glance at the current bar situation.
  770. 10:31 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...I don't see why not."
  771. 10:31 PM - Easter Contract: Namiyo walks over, ludicrously expensive wine in hand
  772. 10:31 PM - Easter Contract: "Need a refill?"
  773. 10:31 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri shakes her head no.
  774. 10:32 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ah, may I get a glass of what she had?" I gesture to Eri.
  775. 10:32 PM - Easter Contract: "That would be this, then. On Celestine, I assume?"
  776. 10:33 PM - Sarah Salem: I wink. "Sounds good to me."
  777. 10:34 PM - Eve: *Eve walks over to Sarah* "She almost killed Ally once...I don't blame you for what you did."
  778. 10:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Shh, we're putting that away for now. Only drink now."
  779. 10:35 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri sighs, "I.... I always thought that Sato was a bit of a clutz, but... to just, burn down Tami's place, just 'cuz?"
  780. 10:35 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah sits down with her drink
  781. 10:35 PM - Easter Contract: Before she can put the glass to her lips
  782. 10:36 PM - Eve: *Eve nods and smiles, and calls over the bartender, asking for another OJ*
  783. 10:36 PM - Easter Contract: A second Sarah walks into the bar, and sits next to the first Sarah
  784. 10:36 PM - Easter Contract: "I'll have what she's having." She points at the first Sarah
  785. 10:36 PM - French Tits: ((My tab is so fucked))
  786. 10:36 PM - Easter Contract: One new expensive tab on Celestine later, and Sarah2 has a drink
  787. 10:36 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (sorry bby, I only ordered the one drink :S)
  788. 10:36 PM - Sarah Salem: I look at the newcomer. "This is not the first time this has happened. A toast?"
  789. 10:37 PM - Sarah Salem: ((you're rich, you can deal c:))
  790. 10:37 PM - Eve: *Eve tilts her head in confusion*
  791. 10:37 PM - Easter Contract: "A toast. To what? I don't remember what it was the first time."
  792. 10:38 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri just watches in mild beffudlement.
  793. 10:38 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "A toast... to being friends?" Eri pipes up.
  794. 10:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "Uh, how about her time of death?"
  795. 10:39 PM - Easter Contract: "Thought it was something about the cat."
  796. 10:39 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...Oh."
  797. 10:39 PM - Easter Contract: She raises her glass and clinks it with yours
  798. 10:39 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hurray!" I down the glass.
  799. 10:39 PM - Easter Contract: She does the same
  800. 10:40 PM - Sarah Salem: I cough after it burns my throat and look back at the other two.
  801. 10:40 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, this is Sarah. She's a good friend of mine."
  802. 10:40 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...You don't say?"
  803. 10:41 PM - Eve: "She...looks a lot like you..."
  804. 10:41 PM - Sarah Salem: I look to myself and back. "I can see why you would say that."
  805. 10:42 PM - Eve disconnected.
  806. 10:42 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah2 bangs on the bar
  807. 10:42 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri chuckles to herself, before looking at herself again in the mirror. "...I guess we truly are our own best friends..."
  808. 10:42 PM - Easter Contract: "Another round for us!"
  809. 10:42 PM - Eve entered chat.
  810. 10:43 PM - Sarah Salem: I turn around in the stool again. "Actually, just leave the uh, the bottle."
  811. 10:43 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah2 looks at you. "I was gonna say that. Or uh, did say that."
  812. 10:44 PM - Eve: *Eve leans in to whisper something in Eri's ear*
  813. 10:44 PM - Sarah Salem: "Great minds think alike."
  814. 10:44 PM - Sarah Salem: "...I think."
  815. 10:44 PM - Eve: "Do you think this could be the work of the miniature youmas?"
  816. 10:45 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I don't know, ask Eri." Eri conjures up another Eri, sitting on the other side of Eve.
  817. 10:47 PM - Eve: *Eve looks over at the other Eri and just decides to go back to sleeping*
  818. 10:47 PM - Sarah Salem: ((im just gonna assume the bottle was left with us))
  819. 10:47 PM - Eve: "Too many doubles..."
  820. 10:47 PM - Sarah Salem: I pour myself and I another drink.
  821. 10:47 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Both Eri and Eri rub Eve's back.
  822. 10:47 PM - Sarah Salem: "Another toast!"
  823. 10:48 PM - Eve: "Ah...ah thank you..." *Eve smiles and gigles a little bit*
  824. 10:49 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Geez, you really are a lightweight..."
  825. 10:49 PM - Eve: "Whaddya mean...?"
  826. 10:49 PM - Easter Contract: "May the cat lick herself in hell!"
  827. 10:49 PM - Sarah Salem: "Woo!" I clink glasses and down mine.
  828. 10:49 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah2 clinks glasses with you again and chugs hers
  829. 10:50 PM - French Tits: ((Jesus christ that was terrible))
  830. 10:50 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "You'll find out when you're older..." Eri chuckles to herself.
  831. 10:50 PM - Sarah Salem: I sway in the chair a bit. "This stuff is pretty strong, huh?"
  832. 10:50 PM - Eve: *Eve blushes and whines* "H-hey...I'm plenty old. I live all by myself you know!"
  833. 10:51 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Yeah, try and not keel over, ok Sarah?"
  834. 10:51 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "And... what? I thought you had like... I don't know, a relative or something?"
  835. 10:52 PM - Eve: "I did..."
  836. 10:52 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "You... did?"
  837. 10:52 PM - Sarah Salem: "I won't, Eri. It's not, hehe, my /time/ yet." I burst into giggles.
  838. 10:53 PM - Easter Contract: "I won't, Eri. It's not, hehe, my /time/ yet." Sarah2 bursts into giggles.
  839. 10:53 PM - Eve: "But as seems to be commonplace in our little circle of friends she kicked the bucket."
  840. 10:53 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yesss." I highfive myself.
  841. 10:53 PM - Eve: "Remember when we first met? That was the youma who killed her."
  842. 10:53 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri groans lightly to herself, but cracks a smile all the same.
  843. 10:54 PM - Eve: "My grandma."
  844. 10:54 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Before that smile dissapears.
  845. 10:54 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "..."
  846. 10:54 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I see."
  847. 10:54 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I guess I wasn't... fast enough."
  848. 10:55 PM - French Tits: ((Guys, you ever stop and think
  849. 10:55 PM - French Tits: ))
  850. 10:55 PM - French Tits: ((Youre the fucking bad guys :V))
  851. 10:55 PM - French Tits: ((At least, objectively))
  852. 10:55 PM - Eve: "Hey don't blame saved me right? Besides it's going to be all fine. I'm going to wish her back."
  853. 10:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "Speaking of time, it's /time/ for another round."
  854. 10:55 PM - Sarah Salem: I rewind time on the glasses to refill them, and then down mine instantly.
  855. 10:55 PM - Eve: (( I only killed ONE hospital full of people ))
  856. 10:56 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah2 does the same
  857. 10:56 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri just puts her head between her hands, contemplative.
  858. 10:57 PM - French Tits: ((She's volunteering at an orphanage right now))
  859. 10:57 PM - Easter Contract: Namiyo happens to see your time rewinding shenanigans. "...ok, I'm confused. Would that count as stealing?"
  860. 10:57 PM - French Tits: ((We've never done any good, just fight youma and then fuck shit up :V))
  861. 10:57 PM - French Tits: ((FUCK WE'RE THE BADDIES))
  862. 10:57 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...I guess my inaction changed the lives of..."
  863. 10:57 PM - Eve: (( I saved that doctor before I killed everyone in the hospital :v ))
  864. 10:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "It's the same wine, we're just enjoying it again, hehehe."
  865. 10:58 PM - Easter Contract: She scratches her head behind her floofy ears
  866. 10:58 PM - French Tits: ((There were other doctors in there))
  867. 10:58 PM - Eve: "Hey, didn't I say don't worry about it? Everyone who died that night are gunna be fine."
  868. 10:58 PM - Eve: "That's the only reason I'm fighting after all."
  869. 10:59 PM - Eve: (( ye but I saved one ))
  870. 10:59 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "... I don't know Eve... and that's what scares me..."
  871. 10:59 PM - Sarah Salem: I lean over to myself. "What uh, what happens next?"
  872. 10:59 PM - Eve: "How do ya mean?"
  873. 10:59 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...It's what one of the other mes did, wishing for her family back... but I have the feeling that something went wrong..."
  874. 11:00 PM - Easter Contract: "I dunno. I'm too drunk to remember."
  875. 11:00 PM - Easter Contract: She timefills her glass and downs it
  876. 11:00 PM - Eve: "They probably just messed it up...I'll do it right."
  877. 11:00 PM - Sarah Salem: I follow her actions, and then fall out of my seat.
  878. 11:01 PM - Sarah Salem: "I think I got shorter, guys."
  879. 11:02 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Jeez Sarah..."
  880. 11:02 PM - Easter Contract: "What? I didn't do anything."
  881. 11:02 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri picks up Sarah, and places her back on the seat.
  882. 11:02 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Oh hey, you got taller!"
  883. 11:03 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri chuckles bemusingly to herself.
  884. 11:03 PM - Sarah Salem: I slump over onto myself. "Eri, Eri."
  885. 11:03 PM - Sarah Salem: "I think you might be a wizard."
  886. 11:04 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Oh no, you found me out!" Eri dispells the secondary Eri illusion, and uses another illusion to make herself look like a wizard (robes, hat, even a white beard)
  887. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: I look at her, confused.
  888. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: "Where'd Eri go?"
  889. 11:05 PM - Eve: *Eve strokes the beard*
  890. 11:05 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I was hoping to keep it a secret, but I guess I can't anymore."
  891. 11:05 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I'm a closet-wizard."
  892. 11:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sarah, bring me closer. I have to touch the beard."
  893. 11:06 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri attempts to make the beard blow majestically in the wind.
  894. 11:08 PM - Easter Contract: "But I want to touch the beard."
  895. 11:08 PM - Easter Contract: "You bring me closer."
  896. 11:09 PM - Sarah Salem: "OK, we bring each other closer. How do we do this?"
  897. 11:09 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri makes the beard elongate, so that both Sarahs can reach, "Jeez, do I have to do everything around here?"
  898. 11:10 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (The beard is probably about like, 7 feet long now, snaking along the bar table, congrats)
  899. 11:10 PM - French Tits: ((My god))
  900. 11:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sarah. Sarah, oh my god."
  901. 11:10 PM - French Tits: ((Am I the voice of reason))
  902. 11:10 PM - French Tits: ((If so))
  903. 11:10 PM - French Tits: ((Thats a first))
  904. 11:10 PM - Easter Contract: "Sarah are you seeing this"
  905. 11:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sarah, you're thinking what I'm thinking, right?"
  906. 11:10 PM - Easter Contract: "Hell yeah Sarah"
  907. 11:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "THE BEARD IS ALIVE."
  908. 11:11 PM - Easter Contract: "THE BEARD IS ALIVE."
  909. 11:11 PM - Sarah Salem: I reach for the beard and stroke its fluffy majesty.
  910. 11:11 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah does the same
  911. 11:11 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: The beard braids together into a snake, and it flicks it tounge menacingly at Sarah(s).
  912. 11:12 PM - Easter Contract: "Sarah did we anger the beard"
  913. 11:12 PM - Sarah Salem: "We did, oh god."
  914. 11:12 PM - Easter Contract: "No no wait, I know what to do to appease it"
  915. 11:12 PM - Sarah Salem: "Quickly, before it kills us!"
  916. 11:12 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah timefills her glass of wine, and presents it to the beard
  917. 11:12 PM - Easter Contract: By pouring it
  918. 11:13 PM - Easter Contract: all over the beard
  919. 11:13 PM - Easter Contract: and by extension, the bar
  920. 11:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ok I think you fixed it. Good work."
  921. 11:13 PM - French Tits: ((You are wasting 18,000$ wine))
  922. 11:13 PM - Easter Contract: You can hear giggles and laughs from various tables behind you
  923. 11:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "Speaking of work, I should get that uh, that uh..." I trail off
  924. 11:14 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: The snake dissipates from this action.
  925. 11:14 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Ah... jeez Sarah, you scared him off..."
  926. 11:14 PM - Sarah Salem: "What did I need to get?"
  927. 11:14 PM - Sarah Salem: "This is important hold on."
  928. 11:14 PM - Easter Contract: "The job?"
  929. 11:15 PM - Easter Contract: "Shit, did I do that already? Or do I still need to?"
  930. 11:15 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ah! Thanks, sclera." I hug myself and call the bartender.
  931. 11:16 PM - Easter Contract: Namiyo comes over, and looks at the mess you've made of the bar
  932. 11:16 PM - Easter Contract: She is very cross
  933. 11:16 PM - Easter Contract: As she puts her hands to her hips and huffs, laughter breaks out once more behind you
  934. 11:17 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri turns around to see what the matter is.
  935. 11:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ok, before you get mad, what juice is available? I mean jobs. Jobs, yes."
  936. 11:21 PM - Easter Contract: "First, clean this up."
  937. 11:21 PM - Easter Contract: She throws a dirty rag at both Sarahs
  938. 11:21 PM - Easter Contract: one lands in front of you, and the other on Sarah2's head
  939. 11:22 PM - Sarah Salem: I try to mop it up as best I can.
  940. 11:22 PM - Easter Contract: As does Sarah
  941. 11:23 PM - Easter Contract: the bar is still mostly damp by the time you finish, but at least it isn't a puddle anymore
  942. 11:23 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri just glances at the rest of the bar patrons, to see what they are up to.
  943. 11:24 PM - Sarah Salem: "Better!" I give a ':D' face at the bartender.
  944. 11:24 PM - Easter Contract: Sarah2 goes to highfive Sarah for their amazing teamwork
  945. 11:25 PM - Sarah Salem: I try to reciprocate and miss horribly.
  946. 11:25 PM - Easter Contract: roll finesse to not fall over
  947. 11:25 PM - Sarah Salem: 12
  948. 11:26 PM - Easter Contract: You miss horribly, swinging right past her arm and slapping her shoulder instead. You end up with a leaning barstool on 2 legs as you hug your future self
  949. 11:26 PM - Easter Contract: But hey, you didn't shrink again
  950. 11:26 PM - Sarah Salem: yay
  951. 11:26 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "So, other Sarah, got any sage advice?"
  952. 11:27 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Or... do you have to follow the time traveler's code, and not say anything?"
  953. 11:27 PM - Easter Contract: "I'd tell you to kill the catgirl but that's already been covered."
  954. 11:27 PM - Easter Contract: "So uh, I got nothin'."
  955. 11:28 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...Thanks."
  956. 11:28 PM - Easter Contract: Namiyo comes back, sighs at your poor mopping job, but relents
  957. 11:28 PM - Easter Contract: "So... Sarah...s. You wanted a job?"
  958. 11:28 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yep."
  959. 11:28 PM - Easter Contract: "Yep."
  960. 11:29 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri illusions up another Sarah, who nods in agreement.
  961. 11:30 PM - Easter Contract: N: "Well... what are you looking for? And should I even be giving you work when you're plastered? If what she says is any record," she points at Sarah2, "then she doesn't even remember this. And you become her at some point. So..."
  962. 11:30 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Does that mean I should take the job?"
  963. 11:30 PM - Sarah Salem: "How could I be her? If I'm me? Who's the time trasheller again?"
  964. 11:32 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I'm with her, but... It'd be stupid of me to let her go and do whatever this thing is."
  965. 11:33 PM - Eve: *Eve stands up* "I'll assist also...after all I've only had OJ right?"
  966. 11:33 PM - Easter Contract: "Well, if - if I'm the one from the future, then I already know what happens! So I can just tell you that you gave me a job and you'll have to to prevent a par-park-parry, uh..."
  967. 11:33 PM - Sarah Salem: "Parakeet, right?"
  968. 11:33 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri just pats Eve's head, for she is none the wiser.
  969. 11:34 PM - Easter Contract: S: "Yeah, that's it. If you don't gimme a job it'll cause a parakeet. And that's bad."
  970. 11:34 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I think you are looking for the word 'Paradox'."
  971. 11:34 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod. "What she said."
  972. 11:34 PM - Easter Contract: N: "And did I /give/ you the job in your relative past?"
  973. 11:35 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Do you want to risk it? I'm sure paradoxes are hard to clean up."
  974. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Wait, guys, I just had the best idea."
  975. 11:35 PM - Easter Contract: S: "Uhh, shit." Sarah2 leans over and whispers in Sarah's ear loud enough for everyone to hear,though not on purpose
  976. 11:35 PM - Easter Contract: "Psst, hey. Did you get the job?"
  977. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Why wouldn't I get the job?"
  978. 11:36 PM - Sarah Salem: "Anyway, I'm gonna go flinish that bottle."
  979. 11:36 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri grabs the bottle, and returns it to Nay-whatever the fuck her name is.
  980. 11:36 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...She's had enough."
  981. 11:36 PM - Easter Contract: "Aww."
  982. 11:37 PM - Sarah Salem: I snap my fingers, and a large imprint of a clock surrounds me and begins winding backwardly wildly, before I disappear from my spot on my lap.
  983. 11:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "Byyyyye~" I wave at the spot where I was just sitting and then turn back to the barkeep.
  984. 11:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "So yeah, you totally gave me the job."
  985. 11:38 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "... My brain hurts."
  986. 11:39 PM - Easter Contract: N: "All this proved was just how much you need to sober up before I consider giving you a job."
  987. 11:39 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'm completely soaper. Look!" I get up out of the chair and walk in circles.
  988. 11:40 PM - Easter Contract: finesse
  989. 11:40 PM - Eve: (( omg ))
  990. 11:40 PM - Easter Contract: -3
  991. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: 15
  992. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: max result
  993. 11:40 PM - French Tits: Jesus
  994. 11:40 PM - French Tits: Fuck
  995. 11:40 PM - Easter Contract: fucking dicks you double 6d
  996. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: noone can beat sarah in a drinking contest
  997. 11:41 PM - Sarah Salem: she is simply the best there is
  998. 11:41 PM - French Tits: YOURE THE BEST
  999. 11:41 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...Wow, that was fast."
  1000. 11:41 PM - French Tits: AROUND
  1001. 11:41 PM - Easter Contract: You not only walk in circles, you do some cute little spins
  1002. 11:41 PM - French Tits: NOTHINGS GONNA KEEP YOU DOWN
  1003. 11:41 PM - Sarah Salem: exactly
  1004. 11:41 PM - Sarah Salem: thanks french fry
  1005. 11:41 PM - Sarah Salem: c:
  1006. 11:41 PM - Easter Contract: People across the bar applaud
  1007. 11:41 PM - Eve: "That is the most sober I've ever seen someone."
  1008. 11:42 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'm fiiiiiiiiiiine~ Now gimme the job!" I say with a little hiccup.
  1009. 11:43 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Hey, Eve, you ever get the feeling that you are beside yourself?"
  1010. 11:43 PM - Easter Contract: A random voice in the bar begins chanting, "Give her the job! Give her the job!" while banging on the table to the beat
  1011. 11:44 PM - Easter Contract: Then several more voices join in before at least half the bar is shouting it
  1012. 11:45 PM - Eve: "I dunno whatcha mean."
  1013. 11:45 PM - Easter Contract: Namiyo grinds her teeth, growling in a manner that can only be described as squirrelish
  1014. 11:45 PM - Easter Contract: "Fine! You'll get your stupid job!"
  1015. 11:45 PM - Easter Contract: the chanters cheer and applaud
  1016. 11:46 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yay!" I initiate a group hug between Eri, Eve, and I
  1017. 11:46 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri points behind Eve, to another Eve, who's wearing a red version of Eve's meguca outfit.
  1018. 11:47 PM - Eve: "Ohhhhh..."
  1019. 11:47 PM - Eve: "Now I get what you mean."
  1020. 11:48 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Red Eve waves to green Eve, before dissapearing into the night, forever~
  1021. 11:48 PM - Eve: "Man, I need to lay off the OJ."
  1022. 11:50 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Yeah, it's some potent stuff." Laughs to herself.
  1023. 11:51 PM - Easter Contract: Namiyo sighs and facepalms. "Next time you come in here I'll have to tell everyone to set a limit for how much to give you."
  1024. 11:51 PM - Sarah Salem: I refill every glass in the bar with time majyykzz
  1025. 11:52 PM - Sarah Salem: "That prooobably won't help, hehe."
  1026. 11:54 PM - Easter Contract: More cheers and raised glasses
  1027. 11:54 PM - Easter Contract: "I think we'll have to ban magic next."
  1028. 11:54 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri pipes up to Namiyo, "Heh, sorry about Sarah; she's never been this... eccentric."
  1029. 11:54 PM - Sarah Salem: "Booo. But what's the *hic* job?"
  1030. 11:59 PM - Sarah Salem: ((dan you're pulling a ryan))
  1031. 11:59 PM - Easter Contract: I'm talking TO ryan, that's why
  1032. 12:00 AM - Easter Contract: least I have private chats as an excuse
  1033. 12:00 AM - Sarah Salem: ((sh, don't be ryan))
  1034. 12:00 AM - Sarah Salem: ((hes a feget))
  1035. 12:00 AM - Sarah Salem: ((c:))
  1036. 12:01 AM - Easter Contract: "Depends on what you're interested in." She reaches under the counter, pulling out a sheef of papers as she flips through them. "Guarding? Item retrival? Hunting? Join a group? Can't do that, you don't have the right element... uh, joining a band? Are we allowed to give out contracts like that?"
  1037. 12:02 AM - Sarah Salem: "Any, *hic* suggestions, guys?" I look around to the others.
  1038. 12:02 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "What's that about joining a band?"
  1039. 12:03 AM - French Tits: ((Oh god no))
  1040. 12:03 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: ((yes, we're making it happen))
  1041. 12:04 AM - Sarah Salem: "Band? Like, *hic*, a mercenary band?"
  1042. 12:04 AM - Easter Contract: She pulls out the paper. "Looks like there's a few girls looking for some new talent... yeah I don't think I can give this one out. Who even accepted it for handout anyway?"
  1043. 12:04 AM - Eve: (( K-ON: Magical girl Edition ))
  1044. 12:04 AM - Easter Contract: "Uh, no. Like, a musical band."
  1045. 12:04 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: ((I approve))
  1046. 12:04 AM - Eve: (( Looks like they're looking for a guitarist...))
  1047. 12:04 AM - French Tits: ((Im the only one with musical talent, and I'm not involved, this is going to be hilarious))
  1048. 12:04 AM - Sarah Salem: "LET'S DO IT."
  1049. 12:04 AM - Sarah Salem: ((i am a master of the lute you have no idea))
  1050. 12:05 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "But Sarah... do you know any instruments?"
  1051. 12:06 AM - Sarah Salem: "The herp."
  1052. 12:06 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "The what?"
  1053. 12:06 AM - Sarah Salem: "Harp."
  1054. 12:06 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Oh... I think they're looking for something... more... modern?"
  1055. 12:06 AM - Sarah Salem: I look proud of myself.
  1056. 12:07 AM - Sarah Salem: "The harp is totally modern. People play it in like, every tavern and inn ever."
  1057. 12:07 AM - French Tits: ((THE HERP))
  1058. 12:07 AM - French Tits: ((SHES A HERPIST))
  1059. 12:07 AM - French Tits: ((THE HERPSICHORD))
  1060. 12:07 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Sarah. Who's playing the harp right now?"
  1061. 12:07 AM - Sarah Salem: "Me."
  1062. 12:07 AM - Sarah Salem: "In my head." I give another ':D' face
  1063. 12:08 AM - Eve: (( omg ))
  1064. 12:08 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri flicks Sarah on the forehead.
  1065. 12:08 AM - Easter Contract: "...yeaaah I think I'll just tear this one up."
  1066. 12:08 AM - Sarah Salem: "You broke my harrrrrrp! *hic*"
  1067. 12:08 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "It's a shame."
  1068. 12:09 AM - Eve: (( byeeeeeee ))
  1069. 12:09 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "So, what about item retrieval?"
  1070. 12:09 AM - Sarah Salem: "Is it a new harp?"
  1071. 12:09 AM - Eve left chat.
  1072. 12:11 AM - Easter Contract: She looks the paper over, tossing the one about joining a band aside haphazardly
  1073. 12:12 AM - Sarah Salem: I try to catch the paper
  1074. 12:12 AM - Easter Contract: finesse
  1075. 12:12 AM - Sarah Salem: 12
  1076. 12:13 AM - Easter Contract: You snatch the fluttering paper out of the air, stuffing it in your pocket before the snooty and boringly sober squirrel says something
  1077. 12:14 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri takes a look at the item retrieval contract.
  1078. 12:15 AM - Easter Contract: "Looks like there looking for someone to grab an item for them. Says details will be given by them when an interested party contacts them."
  1079. 12:15 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Hmm... Do you know who the employer is?"
  1080. 12:15 AM - Sarah Salem: "How do we contract them? I mean contact them."
  1081. 12:17 AM - Easter Contract: "Has their phone number here."
  1082. 12:17 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Hmm... ok, give me a second."
  1083. 12:18 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "If you don't mind, I'm going to give them a call."
  1084. 12:19 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri mind-dials the number, since she's still missing her cellphone.
  1085. 12:20 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (oh, oh no)
  1086. 12:20 AM - Easter Contract: ?
  1087. 12:20 AM - Easter Contract: oh no what
  1088. 12:21 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (hmm, nothing, it's probably nothing)
  1092. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - A Job~~
  1094. 12:23 AM - Easter Contract: You minddial the number, and it rings in your head for all but a second before someone picks up
  1095. 12:24 AM - Easter Contract: only Eri can hear this btw
  1096. 12:24 AM - Easter Contract: "You're calling about the job?"
  1097. 12:24 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Yes."
  1098. 12:28 AM - Easter Contract: "Well, a competitor of mine has stolen an item that once belonged to me. I require this item. You are to fetch it and bring it to me, undamaged. Further details will be given upon accepting this contract."
  1099. 12:29 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Got it. What's the reward for the job?"
  1100. 12:31 AM - Easter Contract: "I happen to have recieved two of those little gems you girls are always fawning over, as well as a monetary reward to be decided upon safe return of the item."
  1101. 12:32 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I see. What is the item in question?"
  1102. 12:36 AM - Easter Contract: "A cylindrical, standard USB-compatible device. Its purpose is not something you need to know. Simply bring me the item and get your payment, on the spot. Simple."
  1103. 12:37 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I understand. Would it be damaging of me to look at the contents of this device?"
  1104. 12:41 AM - Easter Contract: "Quite so. Bring the item to me, do not use it. It will be inherently obvious if you have used it."
  1105. 9:42 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Does it have any identifying markings, something I can identify it with, without opening the device?"
  1106. 9:43 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "This sounds important, so I do not wish to make a fool of myself."
  1107. 12:38 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I need to make sure I return the right drive."
  1108. 12:47 AM - Easter Contract: "There are a series of numbers across one of its sides, they change after each use. The device is unmistakeable."
  1109. 9:48 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Got it."
  1110. 9:51 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Where's the rough location of this device currently?"
  1111. 12:50 AM - Easter Contract: "So then, this will require that you tell noone but whomever you intend to bring with you to complete the retrieval. Discretion is vital. Are you interested? I will only tell you if you agree to the contract."
  1112. 9:51 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "I agree to it."
  1113. 12:53 AM - Easter Contract: "Very well then. The device is located somewhere within the headquarters of a rival company of mine, the Akechi Corporation. They are located on the second tier, at..." he gives you the exact address. "Unfortunately, I lack in more exact details. I can only assume it would be in his own hands, so his office is a good place to check first."
  1114. 9:55 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Got it. I'll be as swift and silent as the shadows I hide in."
  1115. 12:57 AM - Easter Contract: "Contact me when you have the item. I will send someone to pick it up, with your payment in hand."
  1116. 9:58 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Agreed."
  1117. 10:00 PM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri hangs up.
  1119. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - A Job~~
  1123. 12:35 AM - Sarah Salem: I reach over the counter and pat at the squirrelgirl's fluffparts.
  1124. 12:37 AM - Easter Contract: Namiyo jolts backwards as you pat her tail
  1125. 12:38 AM - Easter Contract: She holds her poofy as fuck tail in front of her, hugging it to her chest as she looks at you crossly. "Don't just touch it like that."
  1126. 12:38 AM - Sarah Salem: I giggle. "Sorry. You're too fluffy to just, not."
  1127. 12:39 AM - Sarah Salem: "What's your magicalitude?"
  1128. 12:41 AM - Easter Contract: "My... what?"
  1129. 12:42 AM - Sarah Salem: "The thing you do. Like timeness."
  1130. 12:42 AM - Sarah Salem: I swing my pocketwatch around for emphasis.
  1131. 12:43 AM - Easter Contract: "Oh. Well, I specialize in water and ice. Makes for good bartending."
  1132. 12:43 AM - Sarah Salem: "That is..."
  1133. 12:43 AM - Sarah Salem: "SO. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL."
  1134. 12:44 AM - Sarah Salem: "Can you make ice statues? You should make one of the turtle. Or the cat. Or the bird."
  1135. 12:45 AM - Easter Contract: "If it'll quiet you down..."
  1136. 12:45 AM - Sarah Salem: I put a hand over my mouth and nod furiously.
  1137. 12:46 AM - Easter Contract: She waves her hands around on the bar in front of you, forming a floating pool of water to vaguely shape into a rough shape of Yarif. Then the water flash freezes and forms into a none-too-shabby representation of the tortiose in question
  1138. 12:47 AM - Sarah Salem: I clap for her and sit there, staring at the statue.
  1139. 12:55 AM - Easter Contract: She blushes a little at the attention, before running off to refill another girl's drink
  1140. 12:55 AM - Easter Contract: Looking over, you notice your twin friends are long gone. Shame, they didn't stick around to drink. How boring.
  1141. 12:56 AM - Sarah Salem: ((their loss))
  1142. 12:56 AM - Sarah Salem: ((sarahs enjoying her uh))
  1143. 12:56 AM - Sarah Salem: ((time here))
  1144. 12:56 AM - Sarah Salem: ((that was unavoidable sorry))
  1145. 12:57 AM - Easter Contract: gg
  1146. 1:01 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri twitches a bit as she snaps back to reality.
  1147. 1:01 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Ok Sarah, we've got the job."
  1148. 1:01 AM - Sarah Salem: I turn around. "Yay. Check out this statue, it's so cool."
  1149. 1:01 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Oh, it IS pretty cool."
  1150. 1:02 AM - Sarah Salem: "That's what I said. *hic*"
  1151. 1:02 AM - Easter Contract: Eve sneezes in her sleep in agreement, facedown on the bar
  1152. 1:02 AM - Sarah Salem: I hop off the stool. "Where're we going?"
  1153. 1:03 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "Well, I think we should drop Eve off first, and then I'll explain on the way there."
  1154. 1:03 AM - Sarah Salem: "Okee." I lift Eve.
  1155. 1:04 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: "...Maybe I should do that for you."
  1156. 1:05 AM - Sarah Salem: I stumble around under the weight of both Eve and my inebriation. "I can do it. *hic* She's super-light!"
  1157. 1:06 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: Eri sighs, before leading the band of merry (wo)men out the door.
  1158. 1:08 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: (and I'm calling it a night here; I've gotta take my dog into the vet in the morn)
  1159. 1:08 AM - Easter Contract: Some of the girls at the tables you pass give some final, light applause and cheers as Sarah passes, having given them free entertainment
  1160. 1:09 AM - Sarah Salem: "Thank you, thank you! I'll be back soon, folks!"
  1164. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Celestine - Princess~~
  1166. 6:47 PM - French Tits: Leaving the bar, I look around "So, first things first, where do you live?"
  1167. 9:48 PM - Easter Contract: "Second tier. My employer gives me a place to stay."
  1168. 6:49 PM - French Tits: "Ah, me too, perhaps we aren't that far?" She giggled a bit before starting the walk to the elevator. "So, tomorrow, what's the game plan?"
  1169. 9:49 PM - Easter Contract: "Vomit. Mouthwash. Aspirin. Hunt."
  1170. 6:50 PM - French Tits: "You do have access to the mouthwash and aspirin, I assume?"
  1171. 9:50 PM - Easter Contract: "Mhm. Actually, step one is coming a little earlier than expected."
  1172. 6:51 PM - French Tits: I bring her to the nearest garbage can
  1173. 6:51 PM - French Tits: And like a proper friend, I even hold her hair back
  1174. 9:51 PM - Easter Contract: She vomits flaming balls of ice, and some alcohol, down the trash.
  1175. 6:52 PM - French Tits: I pat her back gently as she does so
  1176. 9:52 PM - Easter Contract: "Ugh."
  1177. 9:53 PM - Easter Contract: She spits a few times before she backs away, a little steadier
  1178. 6:53 PM - French Tits: "Usually this bad? Or is this worse?"
  1179. 9:55 PM - Easter Contract: She shrugs. "Varies."
  1180. 6:56 PM - French Tits: "Hmm, if it doesnt get better, I can give you the guest room, and have one of my butlers look after you, maybe Peter! He's such a darling whenever I'm in this sort of situation"
  1181. 9:56 PM - Easter Contract: "Uhhuh."
  1182. 6:57 PM - French Tits: I get in the elevator with Princess, hitting the tier 2 button "So, you want to crash the night then?"
  1183. 9:58 PM - Easter Contract: She grumbles
  1184. 7:00 PM - French Tits: "Ill take that a yes!"
  1185. 10:01 PM - Easter Contract: After some time, you arrive at your house on the second tier
  1186. 7:03 PM - French Tits: I knock at the door, waiting for one of the adorable butlers :3
  1187. 10:03 PM - Easter Contract: One of the adorable (penguin) butlers answers promptly
  1188. 7:05 PM - French Tits: "Wolfgang! Hi buddy, good to see you're up this late! Tonight we have a guest, and I want you to take care of her, whatever she asks, do it! Got it lil guy?"
  1189. 10:08 PM - Easter Contract: Wolfgang squawks
  1190. 10:09 PM - Easter Contract: P: "...the fuck is that."
  1191. 7:10 PM - French Tits: "A penguin! You see, after I became a magical girl, and started using music based magic, they just started, showing up! More than happy to live here, and even help out a bit!"
  1192. 10:11 PM - Easter Contract: "It's got a fuckin' suit on."
  1193. 7:13 PM - French Tits: "I know, isnt it cute! I made it myself, if you ever want any sewing work done, just ask!"
  1194. 10:13 PM - Easter Contract: "Can you sew your mouth shut?"
  1195. 7:14 PM - French Tits: "I could, dont see why I would"
  1196. 7:14 PM - French Tits: "Sorry, I get a bit, loud... When tipsy, heh"
  1197. 10:15 PM - Easter Contract: "Tch"
  1198. 10:16 PM - Easter Contract: "So did you, have any like, plans. Or am I just going to vomit again then go to sleep?"
  1199. 7:17 PM - French Tits: "Like I said, whatever you want, master bathroom is all yours if you want to wash your face or something, if not, I'll give you my room for the night, since you're pretty wasted, and I'll grab a guest room or something!"
  1200. 10:18 PM - Easter Contract: "Keep the squawking shits out of the room."
  1201. 7:19 PM - French Tits: "If you insist"
  1202. 10:19 PM - Easter Contract: "Yeah, where's your bathroom, then. Think I need a cold shower."
  1203. 7:20 PM - French Tits: I guide her through the villa, upstairs, to the lavish master bathroom
  1204. 7:20 PM - French Tits: "Tadaaaa! Feel free to use any of my expensive imported shampoos! Nothing but the best here, hehe"
  1205. 10:20 PM - Easter Contract: "Feh." She stumbles into the bathroom alone, and before long you hear the shower start
  1206. 10:21 PM - Easter Contract: Wanna do anything? Or should we jump next day
  1207. 7:21 PM - French Tits: Hmm
  1208. 7:21 PM - French Tits: Might as well jump
  1209. 7:21 PM - French Tits: (jump!)
  1210. 7:22 PM - French Tits: Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnn
  1211. 10:21 PM - Easter Contract: love that song :v
  1212. 10:21 PM - Easter Contract: so anyway, yes, jump then
  1213. 7:22 PM - French Tits: Its like, 5 times better live
  1214. 10:22 PM - Easter Contract: you saw it live?
  1215. 7:23 PM - French Tits: Yep, 2 years ago saw VH on the Different Kind of Truth tour
  1216. 7:23 PM - French Tits: Best night of my life
  1217. 7:23 PM - French Tits: Going to see Aerosmith this summer
  1218. 10:23 PM - Easter Contract: awesome
  1219. 10:23 PM - Easter Contract: well, anyways
  1220. 7:24 PM - French Tits: Yes, time skip, nothing else to do unless they end up in the same bedroom, which can end multiple ways, but all are bad :V
  1221. 10:23 PM - Easter Contract: The following day, you are rudely awoken by a shout, load of loud squawking, and a thump
  1222. 7:24 PM - French Tits: I run over to Princess's room to see what happened
  1223. 7:24 PM - French Tits: "Everything alrigh?"
  1224. 10:25 PM - Easter Contract: You barge in to see Princess with a towel wrapped around her body and Wolfgang squawking and rolling around, trying to get back on his feet.
  1225. 10:25 PM - Easter Contract: "I told you to keep the damned birds out."
  1226. 7:28 PM - French Tits: "No no, bad Wolfgang!" I rush him out of the room, looking disappointed. "I did, I'm sorry! Little guy was just trying to help! Anything I can do to make up for that?"
  1227. 10:28 PM - Easter Contract: "No, just - just get the fuck out. And do you have any clothes that aren't sized to fit your fucking melons?"
  1228. 7:29 PM - French Tits: "Nope, but I can arrange that!" I yell down the hall "Peter, Franz, Johann, we have some sewing to be done!"
  1229. 10:30 PM - Easter Contract: "So I just sit here, naked, until you sew me an entire outfit?"
  1230. 7:31 PM - French Tits: "With magic, it'll be no time at all! And besides, hehe, you act like thats a problem~"
  1231. 10:30 PM - Easter Contract: She does her little annoyed growl
  1232. 10:31 PM - Easter Contract: "Just make it quick, and not frilly."
  1233. 7:32 PM - French Tits: "Give me ten, no, five minutes then!" I sprint out, megucaing and meeting up with my floofy assistants
  1234. 7:33 PM - French Tits: I set to work on a basic, red and white dress, with quite a bit of magical help (but, no stat bonuses or anything like that, just speeding things up :V)
  1235. 7:33 PM - French Tits: Hmm, wait, question
  1236. 10:33 PM - Easter Contract: yes?
  1237. 7:34 PM - French Tits: Is there any trace of a red thread between me and Princess?
  1238. 7:34 PM - French Tits: Since I can actually check these things :3
  1239. 10:34 PM - Easter Contract: Trace a thread? Like, see if one exists?
  1240. 7:34 PM - French Tits: Yep
  1241. 10:34 PM - Easter Contract: yeah, sure then
  1242. 10:35 PM - Easter Contract: You're able to see a single, nearly microscipicly thin strand. It's about as thick as a strand from a spider's web.
  1243. 7:35 PM - French Tits: I attempt to strengthen it
  1244. 10:37 PM - Easter Contract: Hmm
  1245. 10:37 PM - Easter Contract: Try a Heart roll
  1246. 7:37 PM - French Tits: 13
  1247. 10:38 PM - Easter Contract: You manage to do a little manipulation. It's... less thin, at least. Noticably so. but definitely not very standard for thickness
  1248. 7:39 PM - French Tits: I'll OC once, just once, hoping for a better result
  1249. 7:39 PM - French Tits: 16, stopping there
  1250. 10:40 PM - Easter Contract: It's better still. This is a stubborn bitch, but maybe she'll be a little less of a cunt now!
  1251. 7:41 PM - French Tits: Well, I finish her dress, and go back to her room
  1252. 7:41 PM - French Tits: "Red and white, not too frilly, yet still nice looking, a perfect fit, no?"
  1253. 10:41 PM - Easter Contract: She is waiting impatiently for you, but as you enter she seems to stop herself from saying something rude
  1254. 10:41 PM - Easter Contract: She just doesn't say anything at all, taking the dress and putting it on in the bathroom
  1255. 10:41 PM - Easter Contract: She comes out, looking it over, then nods
  1256. 10:41 PM - Easter Contract: "Good enough."
  1257. 7:42 PM - French Tits: I clap happily "Perfect! Glad it fits on you, if you ever need, no, want, anything else, just ask!"
  1258. 10:43 PM - Easter Contract: "I need to make a stop first, before we go hunting. Don't know how long it will take."
  1259. 7:44 PM - French Tits: "Where to? If you dont mind me asking"
  1260. 10:44 PM - Easter Contract: She snorts. "Guess you'll see soon enough."
  1261. 7:45 PM - French Tits: "So you dont mind if I tag along?"
  1262. 10:44 PM - Easter Contract: She says nothing, grabs her things, and walks out
  1263. 7:45 PM - French Tits: I follow happily
  1264. 10:47 PM - Easter Contract: She takes you to the express elevator, and down to the fourth tier again
  1265. 7:48 PM - French Tits: "Its still morning, we're drinking again?"
  1266. 10:47 PM - Easter Contract: "Not drinking."
  1267. 7:48 PM - French Tits: "Hmm, interesting"
  1268. 10:48 PM - Easter Contract: You walk through the dingy streets, having little conversation, and she stops outside a building
  1269. 10:48 PM - Easter Contract: You look the building over. "Mother Aira's Little Ones Orphanage" says a sign
  1270. 10:48 PM - Easter Contract: She goes inside without a word
  1271. 7:49 PM - French Tits: I follow, silently
  1272. 7:49 PM - French Tits: ((Either this is going to be heart touching, or heart breaking))
  1273. 10:50 PM - Easter Contract: There's a nice old woman behind a desk there. She looks up at Princess. "Oh, hello Missy. The children were wondering where you were. I see you brought a friend?"
  1274. 10:51 PM - Easter Contract: "She's here for the trip."
  1275. 7:51 PM - French Tits: "The trip?"
  1276. 10:51 PM - Easter Contract: P: "You came with me here. That's a trip, isn't it?"
  1277. 7:52 PM - French Tits: "Well, of course. I'm more than willing to volunteer! I've even done it before"
  1278. 10:52 PM - Easter Contract: ?: "Well, you know where to find the young ones, then."
  1279. 10:52 PM - Easter Contract: Princess nods
  1280. 10:53 PM - Easter Contract: You follow her through some halls and into a large, colorful open room full of children
  1281. 10:54 PM - Easter Contract: Toys are scattered everywhere, and the walls are adorned with things such as cute little dancing animals and other such assorted pictures
  1282. 10:54 PM - Easter Contract: Almost all of the children look and shout "Missy!" then practically glomp Princess
  1283. 7:55 PM - French Tits: "Oh my god that's precious!"
  1284. 10:56 PM - Easter Contract: She digs herself out of the pile, and you see a very slight smile on her face. It's almost a straight line, with veeeeery slight curves upwards. That's like, the biggest you've ever seen on her
  1285. 7:58 PM - French Tits: "Princess, I had no idea this is what you did, this is the sweetest thing I've ever seen!"
  1286. 10:58 PM - Easter Contract: "Yeah, well, keep it to yourself. Don't need anyone finding out."
  1287. 10:59 PM - Easter Contract: also for the record don't fuckin tell anyone about this
  1288. 10:59 PM - Easter Contract: specially not caleb
  1289. 7:59 PM - French Tits: Pfft whoops
  1290. 7:59 PM - French Tits: :V
  1291. 10:59 PM - Easter Contract: :T
  1292. 10:59 PM - Easter Contract: you ruined it
  1293. 10:59 PM - Easter Contract: h8 u
  1294. 10:59 PM - Easter Contract: what'd you even say
  1295. 8:00 PM - French Tits: 9:51 PM - French Tits: Dude, I'm learning that Sarah's a dick
  1296. 9:51 PM - French Tits: Princess volunteers at an orphanage
  1297. 9:51 PM - French Tits: You're the bad guy :V
  1298. 8:00 PM - French Tits: 9:51 PM - French Tits: You fight someone who takes care of orphans
  1299. 11:00 PM - Easter Contract: welp
  1300. 8:00 PM - French Tits: Also, IC no one knows, unless metagaming
  1301. 11:01 PM - Easter Contract: I guess, but still I was gonna have Sarah find Princess here already playing with the kids, then she's like, "Not here, outside. Sorry kids I gotta go I'll be back real soon"
  1302. 11:01 PM - Easter Contract: then they fight
  1303. 8:02 PM - French Tits: True
  1304. 8:02 PM - French Tits: "Anything I can do to help? Seems like a lot of work around here"
  1305. 11:03 PM - Easter Contract: "Not really. I just swing by now and then, play with the kids. And bring them cake and such sometimes."
  1306. 8:04 PM - French Tits: "Hmm, is there a music program here? If not, I have an idea"
  1307. 11:03 PM - Easter Contract: "Not that I know of. You play?"
  1308. 8:05 PM - French Tits: "Viola mostly, a bit of violin, cello, double bass, picked it up from my mother, I've sort of horded instruments, I have more than enough to donate, music brings a lot into a child's life"
  1309. 8:05 PM - French Tits: "Especially when they're seperated from their parents..."
  1310. 11:06 PM - Easter Contract: "Sounds like you have experience."
  1311. 11:06 PM - Easter Contract: A little girl with her thumb in her mouth tugs on Princess' dress. She removes the thumb to say, "Do th' ting! Cakey cake pleese, Missy?"
  1312. 11:07 PM - Easter Contract: Princess snorts what could only be amusedly. "I also spoil the kids with cake. I shouldn't, but I can't help it sometimes."
  1313. 11:07 PM - Easter Contract: With a clap of her hands, Princess uses her power
  1314. 11:07 PM - Easter Contract: summon cake
  1315. 8:08 PM - French Tits: Celestine giggled lightly, before doing the same, pulling out a bag of bon-bons "I think I'll join you then"
  1316. 11:07 PM - Easter Contract: And trays full of cupcakes, pies and various forms of cake land gently on the flooR
  1317. 11:08 PM - Easter Contract: The kids cheer and dig in
  1318. 8:10 PM - French Tits: "Wow, you dont know how much respect I have for you right now, Princess, this is fantastic, really"
  1319. 11:10 PM - Easter Contract: "Yeah yeah. Never brought anyone here. Last thing I need is someone taking this place out to spite me."
  1320. 8:11 PM - French Tits: "No no, I would never! That'd be the most despicable thing, if anything, now that I know where this is, I have to come by and help when I can!"
  1321. 11:14 PM - Easter Contract: "Kids would like that, I'd think. This is one of the more forgotten places, so they don't get many people coming to adopt."
  1322. 8:15 PM - French Tits: "Would it be too much to try and look into starting a music program? It would do wonders around here"
  1323. 11:15 PM - Easter Contract: "I doubt Aira would mind."
  1324. 8:17 PM - French Tits: "Well, I'll have to handle that whenever I have time to lug all that over, moving a collection that big would require quite a bit of coordination."
  1325. 11:17 PM - Easter Contract: "Mhm," Princess says, popping a cookie into her mouth
  1326. 8:18 PM - French Tits: I reach over to grab myself a bon bon, before offering her one.
  1327. 11:18 PM - Easter Contract: She walks over to an open seat and forms firecat, who curls up on her lap as she pets it
  1328. 11:18 PM - Easter Contract: Without looking at you, she accepts and eats it
  1329. 8:19 PM - French Tits: "While this is sweet, and there are so many things to talk about, the youma is still the most important, because that could put a whole lot of people, if not the entire city, into trouble"
  1330. 8:19 PM - French Tits: I grab a chair next to her
  1331. 11:19 PM - Easter Contract: "There some specific youma I should know about, flying around eating people? Or you mean in general."
  1332. 8:20 PM - French Tits: "In general. If they arent dropping seeds, then, they're not normal youma"
  1333. 8:20 PM - French Tits: "Something, or someone, is making them"
  1334. 11:21 PM - Easter Contract: Some of the kids who finished their cake grab some little plastic balls that jingled when shaken. Firecat looks in their direction, then hops off Princess and heads over to them
  1335. 8:21 PM - French Tits: Celestine giggles a bit at the sight
  1336. 8:22 PM - French Tits: ((Oh man I should totes bring in the penguins, kids love penguins))
  1337. 11:21 PM - Easter Contract: :v
  1338. 11:24 PM - Easter Contract: "Making them? I know ones that pop out of magical girls sometimes do drop seeds, so that's not it."
  1339. 8:26 PM - French Tits: "No no, I mean voluntarily"
  1340. 11:26 PM - Easter Contract: "Can you even do that?"
  1341. 8:28 PM - French Tits: "Seems to be the only logical possibility, how else could they not have seeds? That means that they arent popped out of magical girls, or formed normally"
  1342. 8:28 PM - French Tits: "Unless they're just appearing, which is an even more terrifying thought"
  1343. 11:30 PM - Easter Contract: "That's no good. There's no way."
  1344. 11:31 PM - Easter Contract: The kids are chasing firecat around as it plays with the jingling toys. Some kids even pet it without harm as it rolls on the floor
  1345. 8:32 PM - French Tits: "Logic doesn't apply to magic, sadly, we wont know unless we find out"
  1346. 8:34 PM - French Tits: "Which is why, while I dont want to interupt, I think we should get hunting, asap"
  1347. 11:36 PM - Easter Contract: She grunts in annoyance, but gives a slight nod
  1348. 8:37 PM - French Tits: I get up, offering her a hand. "I hate to interupt, but, this is serious buisness"
  1349. 11:38 PM - Easter Contract: She looks at your hand, but doesn't it, standing on her own
  1350. 11:38 PM - Easter Contract: "Yeah yeah, let's get this over with."
  1351. 8:40 PM - French Tits: "Lead the way, you know this town better than me"
  1352. 11:42 PM - Easter Contract: "Yeah, alright. Not like I know what I'm looking for though."
  1353. 11:42 PM - Easter Contract: She gives some apologies to the kids, who "aww" at her departure, and the two of you leave
  1354. 8:43 PM - French Tits: "Were the last few in the same area, or scattered?"
  1355. 11:46 PM - Easter Contract: "Scattered. I followed the trails, same as any other youma. Nothing seemed weird about them."
  1356. 8:47 PM - French Tits: "No seeds, other than that they were normal?"
  1357. 11:47 PM - Easter Contract: "Yep."
  1358. 11:47 PM - Easter Contract: "And just as fucking tough as the others."
  1359. 8:48 PM - French Tits: "Hmm, well, you'll have back up this time, if we run into one"
  1360. 8:52 PM - French Tits: ((Are we actually going to run into one :V))
  1361. 11:51 PM - Easter Contract: oh right
  1362. 11:52 PM - Easter Contract: Roll finesse
  1363. 8:53 PM - French Tits: 17
  1364. 11:53 PM - Easter Contract: hell, 8 finesse?
  1365. 8:54 PM - French Tits: Yep
  1366. 11:53 PM - Easter Contract: dang
  1367. 11:55 PM - Easter Contract: Well, you and Princess do some grid searches throughout the tier, and you pick up a stray trail
  1368. 11:55 PM - Easter Contract: really, the feedback you got from your activator on the source could have just been your imagination with how light it was, but as you follow it, sure enough it picks up a solid trail
  1369. 8:56 PM - French Tits: "Looks like we got one"
  1370. 11:56 PM - Easter Contract: "Yeah, I feel it"
  1371. 8:58 PM - French Tits: "Allons y?"
  1372. 11:59 PM - Easter Contract: You track it to what appears to be an abandoned mall
  1373. 11:59 PM - Easter Contract: As you enter, the erie atmosphere hits you hard. Dust motes flit through the air and your footsteps echo unsettlingly, but otherwise it's entirely normal
  1374. 9:00 PM - French Tits: "Well, certainly creepy, but it's not an ordinary nightmare"
  1375. 9:02 PM - French Tits: I try to head to the source of the signal
  1376. 12:02 AM - Easter Contract: You follow the trail as it increases. It leads you to some maintenance tunnels, but otherwise it's mostly a dead end, though the signal continues on
  1377. 12:02 AM - Easter Contract: Spotcheck, finesse
  1378. 9:03 PM - French Tits: 16
  1379. 12:04 AM - Easter Contract: You feel a slight breeze coming from what appears to be a solid concrete wall
  1380. 12:05 AM - Easter Contract: "Find something?"
  1381. 9:06 PM - French Tits: "I think!"
  1382. 9:06 PM - French Tits: I run into the wall
  1383. 9:06 PM - French Tits: And hope for the best
  1384. 12:06 AM - Easter Contract: You slam into a concrete wall
  1385. 12:06 AM - Easter Contract: "Good thing you have airbags."
  1386. 9:07 PM - French Tits: "I, I did not find something"
  1387. 9:07 PM - French Tits: "Hey, I rather enjoy my safety features"
  1388. 12:09 AM - Easter Contract: Princess comes over to investigate
  1389. 12:09 AM - Easter Contract: "A breeze?"
  1390. 9:09 PM - French Tits: The wall or the airbags?
  1391. 9:09 PM - French Tits: The wall then
  1392. 9:09 PM - French Tits: :V
  1393. 9:09 PM - French Tits: "Figured it was like, an illusion"
  1394. 9:09 PM - French Tits: "So I tried to run through it"
  1395. 12:09 AM - Easter Contract: "I got this one. Back up a bit."
  1396. 9:11 PM - French Tits: I do just that
  1397. 12:10 AM - Easter Contract: Princess meguca's up, and with a crack of her whip, a giant, pointy crystal of ice erupts from the floor and into the wall
  1398. 12:10 AM - Easter Contract: the wall crumbles
  1399. 12:11 AM - Easter Contract: "Found it."
  1400. 9:12 PM - French Tits: "Oh right, that woulda worked" I rub my forehead slightly
  1401. 12:15 AM - Easter Contract: Princess doesn't demeguca, instead summoning firecat and entering the hole
  1402. 9:16 PM - French Tits: I follow, summoning a few penguins, and bringing out my Viola
  1403. 12:16 AM - Easter Contract: it leads to a series of stairs. You instinctively have a bad feeling about this
  1404. 9:17 PM - French Tits: "MY GREATEST ENEMY"
  1405. 9:17 PM - French Tits: "STAIRS"
  1406. 12:16 AM - Easter Contract: "...?"
  1407. 9:17 PM - French Tits: "Nothing, long, long story"
  1408. 9:17 PM - French Tits: "Well, second greatest enemy"
  1409. 12:16 AM - Easter Contract: "...whatever."
  1410. 9:17 PM - French Tits: "Behind those damn Germans" She shakes her fist in the air
  1411. 12:18 AM - Easter Contract: speaking of which, does windmill syndrome only apply if you know the person is german?
  1412. 9:18 PM - French Tits: Yep
  1413. 12:18 AM - Easter Contract: or do you magically know when someone is german
  1414. 9:18 PM - French Tits: Hmm
  1415. 9:18 PM - French Tits: Option two is funnier
  1416. 9:18 PM - French Tits: Lets go with that :V
  1417. 12:18 AM - Easter Contract: oh boy
  1418. 9:19 PM - French Tits: I assume Princess is not German
  1419. 12:19 AM - Easter Contract: nope
  1420. 12:19 AM - Easter Contract: but another NPM is
  1421. 12:19 AM - Easter Contract: Anyway
  1422. 12:19 AM - Easter Contract: you enter the hole and descend the stairs
  1423. 12:20 AM - Easter Contract: you walk down for what seems 10 or 20 minutes and the stairs are still going
  1424. 12:20 AM - Easter Contract: Finally, some time later, you reach the bottom. You must have walked an entire tier down, you suspect
  1425. 9:21 PM - French Tits: "Wow, I think I burned off a cup size or two"
  1426. 12:21 AM - Easter Contract: "Probably for the best. You have too much on there. Cause back problems."
  1427. 9:22 PM - French Tits: "The more the merrier~"
  1428. 9:25 PM - French Tits: "Unless you prefer quality over quantitty, hehe"
  1429. 12:25 AM - Easter Contract: She snorts, anc ocntinues
  1430. 12:26 AM - Easter Contract: You follow the trail into the dim tunnels, lit by caged lights at vary far distances
  1431. 12:26 AM - Easter Contract: You come to a T junction, and you're coming up the middle. The trail splits evenly in both directions
  1432. 9:27 PM - French Tits: "Split up, or not? Could be dangerous"
  1433. 12:28 AM - Easter Contract: "Splitting up seems easiest."
  1434. 9:30 PM - French Tits: "Aw, but then we wont get to walk together!"
  1435. 12:30 AM - Easter Contract: "Tch, fine then. Which way?"
  1436. 9:30 PM - French Tits: "Left!"
  1437. 9:31 PM - French Tits: ((Hehe, she actually listened, the red thread is strengthening~))
  1438. 12:32 AM - Easter Contract: You head down the left tunnel, and follow it for quite some time
  1439. 12:33 AM - Easter Contract: Inside mostly consists of a number of pipes both big and small, wires strung across the walls practically like wallpaper with how many there are, and locked metal boxes along the walls occasionally with the wires leading into them
  1440. 12:33 AM - Easter Contract: finesse roll
  1441. 9:34 PM - French Tits: 19
  1442. 12:36 AM - Easter Contract: damn
  1443. 9:38 PM - French Tits: :3
  1444. 12:38 AM - Easter Contract: You spot a silohuette in the distance. It looks completely normal and human, though the low light makes it difficult to tell any exact features
  1445. 12:39 AM - Easter Contract: The person doesn't seem to notice you yet
  1446. 9:40 PM - French Tits: I use my Blink attack to teleport directly behind them
  1447. 12:42 AM - Easter Contract: Roll
  1448. 9:44 PM - French Tits: Actually, wait
  1449. 9:44 PM - French Tits: Since Im not in combat
  1450. 9:44 PM - French Tits: Can I use my power to teleport
  1451. 9:44 PM - French Tits: THEN backstab?
  1452. 12:43 AM - Easter Contract: you don't even know if this is the youma :v
  1453. 9:44 PM - French Tits: Hmm, true
  1454. 9:44 PM - French Tits: I just teleport behind them then
  1455. 12:44 AM - Easter Contract: shouldn't have said anything
  1456. 12:44 AM - Easter Contract: damn
  1457. 9:44 PM - French Tits: :V
  1458. 9:48 PM - French Tits: So, who am I behind?
  1459. 12:48 AM - Easter Contract: You appear behind a rather shabby looking man, in a torn and filthy shirt
  1460. 12:48 AM - Easter Contract: He's walking forward, mumbling to himself. "Where is he where is he he said he'd be here that sunovabitch I swear need my fix god damn I..."
  1461. 9:51 PM - French Tits: I gesture to princess to move on, before ditching him and continuing down the tunnel
  1462. 12:51 AM - Easter Contract: You walk past him then?
  1463. 12:51 AM - Easter Contract: It's an open tunnel, really nothing to hide behind
  1464. 9:53 PM - French Tits: Yep
  1465. 9:54 PM - French Tits: Not messing with the crack addict :V
  1466. 12:54 AM - Easter Contract: Princess catches up to you and you stroll on past mr druggie
  1467. 12:54 AM - Easter Contract: But not before he looks up at you, "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU WHERE'S YANO THAT FUCK SAID HE'D BE HERE"
  1468. 9:55 PM - French Tits: "Yano? Sir, no one else is in these tunnels, you're being set up"
  1469. 12:57 AM - Easter Contract: "Oh I know damn well I'm being set up that prick is always here why isn't he here now son of a bitch promised me he'd get the good shit this time..."
  1470. 9:58 PM - French Tits: "And sir, there's trouble in these tunnels, sticking around might get you hurt! Be careful!"
  1471. 12:59 AM - Easter Contract: "You're damn right there's trouble in these tunnels! You best watch your steps girlies or you'll end up gutted. Some bad types in the underground."
  1472. 10:00 PM - French Tits: I take out my butterfly knife, and giggle as I deftly open it "Trust me, we can handle it!"
  1473. 1:01 AM - Easter Contract: "A-and if you see Yano you tell that fuck I've been waiting half a god damn hour already and to get his ass over here."
  1474. 10:02 PM - French Tits: "Will do mister!"
  1475. 10:02 PM - French Tits: We then resume the hunt
  1476. 1:04 AM - Easter Contract: You continue on for some time, before the cramped tunnel opens into a massive, open space, with a concave, dome-shaped ceiling
  1477. 10:05 PM - French Tits: "This seems more like it!"
  1478. 1:05 AM - Easter Contract: Within this massive room are shacks of scrap metal and other such assorted junk
  1479. 1:05 AM - Easter Contract: You see a number of rough looking, unsavory types
  1480. 10:06 PM - French Tits: I lean over and whisper to princess "This doesnt seem right"
  1481. 1:05 AM - Easter Contract: this place is probably the size of a small hamlet
  1482. 1:05 AM - Easter Contract: "Never heard shit about this up above."
  1483. 10:07 PM - French Tits: "Think we should back off?"
  1484. 1:07 AM - Easter Contract: "Dunno. I'm almost curious about this place."
  1485. 10:08 PM - French Tits: "You lead the way, I'm a bit, heh, nervous..."
  1486. 1:09 AM - Easter Contract: She adjusts her grip on her whip and walks in
  1487. 10:09 PM - French Tits: I follow
  1488. 1:09 AM - Easter Contract: big, tattooed, muscled people make up a majority of the populace, all in raggedy clothing, a number of which are smoking
  1490. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Celestine - Princess~~
  1494. 1:09 AM - Sarah Salem: ((aight, i should probably sleep too))
  1495. 1:09 AM - Sarah Salem: ((i do have school after all))
  1496. 1:09 AM - Sarah Salem: ((hows ryan doin))
  1497. 1:10 AM - French Tits: ((Same))
  1498. 1:10 AM - Easter Contract: pretty good
  1499. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: mmk, groovy
  1500. 1:10 AM - French Tits: Okay, passing out now
  1501. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: night guys
  1502. 1:11 AM - French Tits: Dan, log stuff
  1503. 1:11 AM - French Tits: :V
  1504. 1:11 AM - Sarah Salem left chat.
  1505. 1:11 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: and not a single dice roll made by Eri
  1506. 1:11 AM - Ninjas Are Terrible House Guests: woo
  1507. 1:11 AM - French Tits disconnected.
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