
Qart Hadast bot

Sep 24th, 2018
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  1. var waitTime = 1; // In seconds
  2. var group = 4441764; // 0 for no group check, otherwise people in this group will not receive the message
  3. function sendMsg(userId, username) {
  4. function send() {
  5. $.post('//',{
  6. subject: "You have been selected by the Empire of Carthage!",
  7. body: "Hello, I am a messenger from great city of Qart-hadast, also known as Carthage. You have been carefully chosen by our collection of great military leaders of Carthage, such as Hannibal, to join our elite army of warriors. You are well known through out the ancient world in groups such as the Roman Empire, Sparta and Egypt for being a great warrior! We also have positions available in our council and leadership roles such as military officers, if you believe you are worthy. The decision is up to you if you wish to join us, but we want you in our glorious army! Here is the group link to the main group if you wish to join us:",
  8. recipientid: userId,
  9. cacheBuster: new Date().getTime()
  10. }).done(function(response) {
  11. if (response.success == true) {
  12. console.log('Sent message to ' + username + ' (' + userId + ')');
  13. } else {
  14. console.log('Error sending to ' + username + ': ' + response.shortMessage);
  15. }
  16. });
  17. }
  18. if (group > 0) {
  19. $.get('//' + userId + '&groupid=' + group, function(response) {
  20. if(response.indexOf('true') == -1) {
  21. send();
  22. } else {
  23. console.log('Didn\'t send a message to ' + username + ' because he is already in group ' + group + '.');
  24. }
  25. });
  26. } else {
  27. send();
  28. }
  29. }
  31. function run() {
  32. var timeout = 0;
  33. var elements = document.evaluate('//div[contains(@id,\'ctl00_cphRoblox_rbxGroupRoleSetMembersPane_GroupMembersUpdatePanel\')]//div[contains(@class,\'GroupMember\')]//span[contains(@class,\'Name\')]/a',document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE,null);
  34. var currentNode = elements.iterateNext();
  35. while (currentNode) {
  36. (function(time,id,name) {
  37. setTimeout(sendMsg,time,id,name);
  38. })(timeout,currentNode.href.match(/\d+/)[0],currentNode.textContent);
  39. timeout+=waitTime*1000;
  40. currentNode = elements.iterateNext();
  41. }
  42. __doPostBack('ctl00$cphRoblox$rbxGroupRoleSetMembersPane$dlUsers_Footer$ctl02$ctl00','');
  43. var ready = setInterval(function() {
  44. if (document.getElementById('__EVENTTARGET').value == '') {
  45. clearInterval(ready);
  46. setTimeout(run,timeout);
  47. }
  48. }, 10);
  49. }
  50. var ready = setInterval(function() {
  51. if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
  52. clearInterval(ready);
  53. run();
  54. }
  55. }, 10);
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