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  3. A Scientific Review Of ROK’s Community Beliefs
  6. I discovered Return of Kings on Facebook when an acquaintance shared the community beliefs on her profile. She was mocking them, as if these beliefs had no value. I commented that these beliefs were empirically supported or derived from empirically supported principles.
  8. An army of offended females and betas was unleashed upon me. I wasn’t hoping for much from the girls, but I could only feel sad to see that many guys were naively supporting them.
  10. Going to the research
  13. I realized that most people have no first-hand contact with scientific knowledge. Literature on our community beliefs is not only existent, but extensive. I decided to use my academic knowledge to give support to the ROK community.
  15. Many of the authors you will read about here are some of the most famous academics in behavioral sciences (Google scholar citations: Baron-Cohen: 96 020, Buss: 39 524, Baumeister: 87 528). I do not claim that these summaries and articles will help you in arguments. We live in some sort of ochlocracy where we risk intimidation by hordes of angry women or betas if we hold beliefs congruent with scientific evidence. I remember a feminist saying something along the lines of: ”Nothing like good old scientific facts to justify your sexism.”
  17. This research is usually not spread too much, especially in undergraduate programs, but really informative. Let us now examine what science has to say about each point in our community beliefs list.
  19. 1. Men and women are genetically different, both physically and mentally
  22. Sex roles evolved in all mammals. Humans are not exempt. Psychological differences between sexes have been extensively documented in biology and psychology. Many will claim that sex roles are socially constructed, but scientific evidence says that there is more about it than culture.
  24. Testosterone exposure in the womb determines the masculinization of behavior. Some girls suffer from congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). It is a condition that alters the appearance of the genitalia of affected women, making it partially or totally masculinized due to an exposure of excessive amounts of testosterone in the womb.
  26. Interestingly, girls affected by CAH exhibit masculinized behavior as well, showing a preference for male-stereotypical toys, play fighting more often than normal females, a preference for playing with boys and have less chances of being heterosexual later in life. It shows that androgens masculinize the brain in the womb, and as we all know boys are exposed to more androgens than normal girls.
  28. Testosterone levels have been manipulated in rodents and in non-human primates, showing the same results: increased masculinized behavior. Prenatal testosterone correlates with athletic performance, mental toughness, optimism, less emotion-focused coping, determination, confidence, aggression and low empathy.
  30. Here’s something funny. Many people claim that sex-stereotypical toys are preferred by boys and girls due to socialization and parental pressure. Research says that even rhesus monkeys prefer sex-stereotypical human toys. For example, male monkeys prefer toy trucks than plush toys.
  32. 2. Men will opt out of monogamy and reproduction if there are no incentives to engage in them
  35. The psychological literature refers to this concept as Sexual Economics, when referring to the investment that a male is ready to make in order to ”buy” a woman’s sexuality. Women sell sex, and men buy it. This investment varies between cultures and periods.
  37. There was a time when years of courtship and long term financial investment were necessary to obtain sex from a woman. Not anymore. The invention of contraception multiplied the offer of sex tenfold. Women together manage the worth of sexual acts, and it might explain why women despise prostitution and pornography, and slut-shame each other. An average girl who asks a price that is too high for the sexual economy will not find a buyer.
  39. If a woman’s sexuality has been offered a lot, the value of the offer will decrease. This means that a woman’s sexuality is non-renewable. Women will try to protect their sexual reputation and to make others believe that their sexuality is exclusive.
  41. Paternity uncertainty has been one of our most important sexual challenges. The attraction that men feel for virgins is explainable by the fact that paternal uncertainty is the equivalent of rape for men; being denied the ability to invest in one’s chosen offspring.
  43. Everyone benefits from paternity certainty. For example, maternal grandparents invest more in children, possibly because unlike the father’s parents, they are certain of being related to the child.
  45. Another poor victim of the evolutionary game.
  46. Another poor victim of the evolutionary game.
  47. 3. Past traditions and rituals that evolved alongside humanity served a clear benefit to the family unit
  49. Until the latest decades, culture was a tool for the genes to be passed on. The maturation of humans takes extremely long before being able to conceive, which shows the importance of upbringing and learning the norms of a social group. Most traditional sex roles can be seen as a way to assess the best mates among men and women.
  51. Men would benefit the gene pool by passing genes with agentic traits to lead the group to higher goals, whereas women displayed feminine qualities to display nurturing qualities to attractive males. The opposite was inconceivable because men outperform females in literally any sort of competition, and women are better at nurturing children and showing empathy. Naturally, the most successful male picked the most attractive female and both offered the finances and care a child needed. It was beneficial to the family unit, which was in turn beneficial to the continuity of the society.
  53. Now, people are mysteriously invested in the mission of destroying gender roles, cheer on parents who crossdress their children and encourage companies to advertise toy trucks with girls. Everyone wants to eliminate gender roles but no one really knows why. Meanwhile, masculine men are still more desirable and successful and feminine women more attractive (although this relationship is a little more complicated). Women’s self-rated attractiveness is strongly linked to attraction to masculine faces, and prefer vocal masculinity. Denying these preferences will only prevent you from getting laid. Even though we are waging war against gender roles, women still apply them when choosing mates. (Interestingly, there is a negative relationship between physical self-evaluation and the number of sexual partners in women.)
  55. While men cannot escape their contribution to society because of a permanent motivation to compete, perform and achieve before being rewarded with sexual opportunities, women are undergoing social engineering that aims to suppress their desire for children. Through contraception and social engineering, women have neglected their end of the bargain.
  57. 4. Testosterone is the biological cause for masculinity. Environmental changes that reduce the hormone’s concentration in men causes them to be weaker and more feminine.
  59. Testosterone masculinizes both behavior and physical appearance, as stated above, and lack thereof feminizes them. However these environmental forces obviously refer to something of which I have no awareness of. Didn’t they fix the problems with plastic feeding bottles already? Or do you call ”environmental change” the emasculation of teenage boys in cathedral choirs until about a hundred years?
  61. 5. A woman’s value significantly depends on her fertility and beauty. A man’s value significantly depends on his resources, intellect, and character.
  63. David Buss gathered data from 37 cultures with a total sample size of over 10,000 to find out about mate preferences and concluded that men preferred youth and physical attractiveness because it displays fertility and reproductive capacity, and women prefer men with a great earning potential that can provide for them in the long term.
  65. It was the first study to assess mating preferences on such a large scale, exceeding previous studies in terms of ethnic, geographic, religious and racial diversity. To this day, the article has 3,000 Google scholar citations and is a pillar of evolutionary theory. These findings about preferences have been replicated many times, notably on dating websites.
  67. Many progressivists believe that women’s attractiveness should also be dependent on her intellect. That is a great utopia, but unrealistic. In the end, it pretty much comes down to this: those who are not needed will go extraordinary lengths to feel accepted, and this is why men take all the biggest risks, resulting in the greatest achievements. Women take little risks (even visible in their inability to be funny, resulting in their absence in stand-up comedy) and contribute little to art or science and as a result we are making them a favor by judging them by their looks. You cannot simply opt out of your evolved preferences and characteristics. The day we judge women on their personality will be the day autists score with women. It is unlikely to ever happen.
  69. Why is this guy risking paralysis as a hobby while this girl is licking ice cream?
  70. Sex differences in risk taking. Why is this guy risking breaking his neck for no apparent reason while these girls are fulfilled simply licking ice cream?
  71. 6. Elimination of traditional sex roles and the promotion of unlimited mating choice in women unleashes their promiscuity and other negative behaviors that block family formation.
  72. HotMom_wBaby
  76. The chances of fertilization are higher in one-night stands, and men’s sperm count is higher when they are away from their long-term partner for a while. The human penis might have been shaped to remove competitor’s sperm out of the vagina. Women experience more orgasms with masculine and attractive men, who have qualities sought for short term mating. Many benefits exist to short-term matings for women, such as resources, mate switching or manipulation.
  78. All of these examples suggest that women did not evolve a preference for monogamous, long-term relationships. Click here for evidence that women are designed for short-term mating.
  80. I personally believe, however, that all this evidence is inconclusive. The general ambiguity that surrounds female sexuality and the discrepancies between sexual preferences in females across the world seem to indicate that their sexual preference might not be solidly entrenched, whereas men’s sexuality is widely understood and consistent across time, species and cultures.
  82. Females’ sexual attitudes are mostly shaped by culture: females’ sexual preferences are more responsive to socialization than males’. In other words, women will like what they are told to like.
  84. 7. Socialism, feminism, cultural Marxism, and social justice warriorism aim to destroy the family unit, decrease the fertility rate, and impoverish the state through large welfare entitlements.
  85. Untitled
  86. Welfare entitlements.
  87. Adherence to feminism (or compliance) is as close as a society can get to cultural and ethnic suicide. I cannot provide psychological empirical evidence for this one, but I will say this. Historically, intrasexual (male) competition always benefited the group. The feminist sentiment rose to power when outcomes were not shared with the the whole group, and rich people would get rich at the expense of others without paying taxes.
  89. Women, depending on a single provider, began experiencing the variable outcomes that men have gone through for millions of generations. That is why they support financial entitlement measures. The benefits they could get out of their sexuality became as variable as men’s outcomes. Now, they can have the best genes by engaging in short-term mating, and their basic needs paid for by millions of anonymous working men.
  91. Later they will fight for their right not to be judged on their sexual past, and when they will realize the hardships of a working life or just get bored and have children, they will get support from the state. Men are backing them up in every step of the way.
  93. Cultural marxism is the greatest ideological battle of our time in the Western world. We are paying people to fight against manspreading, or funding university research that operationalizes sexism with agreement to items like ”Women, compared to men, tend to have a superior moral sensibility.”
  95. We do not have the support from academic researchers, even though we can use their research. Even David Buss, who studies sex differences and evolutionary psychology, calls himself a feminist and does not see sex differences and feminism as incompatible.
  97. I don’t think anyone who believes in any form of biological determinism is compatible with the blank-slate perspective of SJWism. We don’t have popular support, but we have plenty of scientific evidence backing us up.
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