
#politics is filled with mentally weak people

Dec 3rd, 2017
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  1. dialedin: i hope not
  2. [3:39pm] dialedin: pelosi, schumer, feinstein....worst of the worst
  3. [3:39pm] Diana: http://dailyflashnews.org/2017/12/03/breaking-nancy-pelosi-resign-new-revelations/
  4. [3:40pm] Diana: yea schumer,, feinstein,, decommio
  5. [3:40pm] Diana: u can read it. see what u think
  6. [3:40pm] Diana: i was just so happy to see it, haha the dems want her ot resign also
  7. [3:41pm] Diana: i didtn look at the source
  8. [3:41pm] Diana: her resigning was all i needed .
  9. [3:41pm] Smaque: heh
  10. [3:42pm] Diana: i saw howie's show live,, it was good,,
  11. [3:42pm] Diana: and they give out free tickets to things like that,, game shows and stuff
  12. [3:43pm] Diana: want to laugh https://twitter.com/sky11star1/status/937455999908237313
  13. [3:46pm] tis joined the chat room.
  14. [3:46pm] tis was granted voice by Ekko.
  15. [3:48pm] Claude: Diana: I put you on ignore for linking to fake news.
  16. [3:49pm] dialedin: yea that was a pretty bad link
  17. [3:49pm] dialedin: you got it from your armpit?
  18. [3:49pm] bingbangb left the chat room. (Quit: Bye)
  19. [3:51pm] dialedin: i love how trump uses twitter
  20. [3:51pm] dialedin: trump is playing the left like a fiddle
  21. [3:51pm] shannow: are we in a netsplit right now?
  22. [3:52pm] dialedin: let me rephrase
  23. [3:52pm] dialedin: a bullshit link
  24. [3:53pm] Claude: Trump seems to be incredibly impulsive and non-strategic.
  25. [3:53pm] dialedin: yea libtard
  26. [3:53pm] dialedin: in florida
  27. [3:53pm] Claude: He appears to be panicking after the Flynn plea.
  28. [3:53pm] Smaque: Claude: I put you on ignore for babbling stupid shit.
  29. [3:54pm] Claude: Smaque: I respect your free-association.
  30. [3:54pm] ltCd-: I like how his analysis is always anti-Trump/anti-right-wing but he considers himself the most intellectual honest person I'll ever know
  31. [3:54pm] dialedin: trump is going to get re-elected
  32. [3:54pm] dialedin: hes exposing the corruption
  33. [3:55pm] dialedin: trump is going to have so much ammo to use in 2020 campaign
  34. [3:55pm] dialedin: will be ridiculous
  35. [3:55pm] Claude: dialedin: Trump appears to be the most corrupt president in American history.
  36. [3:55pm] Claude: Can you name a president more corrupt?
  37. [3:55pm] dialedin: claude....please stfu
  38. [3:55pm] Claude: So, no, then.
  39. [3:56pm] Claude: http://www.newsweek.com/2017/11/10/trump-administration-most-corrupt-history-698935.html
  40. [3:57pm] Claude: “But according to the presidential historian Robert Dallek, no American leader has acted with more unadulterated self-interest as Trump. Dallek says that in terms of outright corruption, Trump is worse than both Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding, presidents who oversaw the most flagrant instances of graft in American political history.”
  41. [3:57pm] panini joined the chat room.
  42. [3:58pm] panini was granted voice by Ekko.
  43. [3:58pm] panini: dialedin I said from day one, Mueller is megacorrupt
  44. [3:58pm] Claude: panini: Why is Mueller megacorrupt?
  45. [3:58pm] panini: Claude I am familiar with his history
  46. [3:59pm] Claude: What are the two best pieces of evidnece demonstrating he is megacorrupt?
  47. [3:59pm] panini: his ENTIRE career has been one of abuse of power, unethical behavior, and massive corruption
  48. [3:59pm] Claude: What are the two best examples in his career demonstrating that
  49. [4:00pm] Claude: A graduate of Princeton University, Mueller served as a Marine Corps officer during the Vietnam War, receiving the Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V" for heroism and the Purple Heart Medal.
  50. [4:00pm] tis left the chat room. (Quit: tis)
  51. [4:00pm] Claude: You stated “his ENTIRE career”. Threfore, his Bronze Star Medal was an act of corruption.
  52. [4:00pm] Claude: This is why we don’t use absolute qualifiers.
  53. [4:01pm] panini: is this the fallacy moron?
  54. [4:01pm] Claude: You have been unable to present any evidence supporting your thesis.
  55. [4:01pm] Claude: Thesis rejected.
  56. [4:02pm] Pathis left the chat room. (Remote host closed the connection)
  57. [4:04pm] Claude: Robert Mueller is one of the best examples of an American patriot in America.
  58. [4:04pm] Claude: I’ll present two pieces of evidence.
  59. [4:04pm] Claude: Robert Swan Mueller III (/ˈmʌlər/; born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer and civil servant who was the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 2001 to 2013. A Republican, he was appointed by President George W. Bush and his original ten-year term was given a two-year extension by President Barack Obama, making him the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover.
  60. [4:04pm] julz: mueller is at best incompetent
  61. [4:05pm] julz: I know that's why I said "at best"
  62. [4:05pm] • gjvc turns on the night light
  63. [4:05pm] Claude: julz, why do you think he’s incompetent?
  64. [4:05pm] julz: his record speaks for itself
  65. [4:05pm] julz: claude....anthrax case.....
  66. [4:05pm] Claude: I’m not familiar with that.
  67. [4:05pm] julz: figgers
  68. [4:06pm] julz: claude I would suggest you familiarize yourself with it
  69. [4:06pm] Claude: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_anthrax_attacks
  70. [4:06pm] Claude: That?
  71. [4:06pm] julz: hang on claude...I will be your bitch of burden
  72. [4:06pm] Claude: julz, part of discussion is providing citations.
  73. [4:07pm] Claude: You shouldn’t conceputalize it as a negative thing.
  74. [4:07pm] Claude: It does look like Mueller had an important role in the investigation of those attacks.
  75. [4:08pm] Ranger removed the ban on *!*@S0106bcd1652f024b.ed.shawcable.net.
  76. [4:09pm] Claude: According to the FBI, the ensuing investigation became "one of the largest and most complex in the history of law enforcement."[1]
  77. [4:10pm] Claude: I didn’t realize that @ 2001 anthrax attacks
  78. [4:10pm] julz: claude: http://archive.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2011/06/15/revisiting_mueller_and_the_anthrax_case/
  79. [4:11pm] Claude: julz, I agree with you there are reputable sources claiming Mueller may have done a poor job in the 2001 anthrax cases.
  80. [4:11pm] Claude: I’d need more time to evaluate the evidence for myself.
  81. [4:11pm] Claude: ty
  82. [4:11pm] julz: he screwed up major ally...it was Richard Jewell on steroids
  83. [4:12pm] Claude: It seems that is possible
  84. [4:12pm] Claude: During his tenure, he oversaw prosecutions that included Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega, the Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie bombing) case, and the Gambino crime family boss John Gotti. In 1991, he was elected a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers.[9]
  85. [4:12pm] Claude: Here’s some evidence for his competence
  86. [4:13pm] julz: claude...meuller screwed up so bad that the guy he vilified successfully sued the fBI/DOJ and it required the American taxpayer to pay Steven Hatfield off to the tunes of several millions
  87. [4:14pm] Claude: julz, that appears true
  88. [4:14pm] nospinzy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv5QitqbxJw
  89. [4:14pm] nospinzy: >they are the perfect antidote for reactionary nationalism
  90. [4:14pm] nospinzy: first minute of the sppech
  91. [4:14pm] nospinzy:
  92. [4:15pm] nospinzy: good old ted talks
  93. [4:15pm] nomic: Trump's McDonald's binges and screaming fits revealed in new book Typical order: two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fishes and a chocolate milkshake https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/dec/03/trump-mcdonalds-binges-screaming-fits-book-lewandowski-bossie
  94. [4:15pm] nospinzy: ahhahahahahhaahah
  95. [4:15pm] nospinzy: he goes onto say "In Brazil where i live"
  96. [4:15pm] nomic: thats like a death row meal
  97. [4:16pm] julz: like anyone would bother with mickey D's with a chef at their residence
  98. [4:16pm] nomic: mebbe he fired the chef
  99. [4:17pm] Claude: julz, you don’t believe Trump’s campaign manager from 2016 Jan to 2016 Jun?
  100. [4:17pm] rhoks joined the chat room.
  101. [4:17pm] Claude: That seems an extremely credible source
  102. [4:17pm] julz: for what?
  103. [4:17pm] nomic: ah thats it eh
  104. [4:17pm] rhoks was granted voice by Ekko.
  105. [4:18pm] Claude: Sorry, 2015 Jan to 2016 Jun
  106. [4:18pm] Claude: I didn’t realize he started that early
  107. [4:18pm] Claude: Lewandowski first met Trump in April 2014 at a political event in New Hampshire.[5][20] In January 2015, six months before Trump announced his campaign, Lewandowski was invited to Trump Tower, where he accepted an offer from Trump to become campaign manager.[13] His salary was $20,000 per month.[35]
  108. [4:19pm] Claude: There’s reporting that some Russians new Trump was running for president as early as 2014
  109. [4:19pm] legi0n joined the chat room.
  110. [4:19pm] Claude: Apparently, he made a deal to run for president in 2016 in order to finalize Trump Tower in Moscow
  111. [4:20pm] legi0n was granted voice by Ekko.
  112. [4:20pm] Claude: Made a deal with Russia*
  113. [4:20pm] legi0n: this tahoe is going to be the death of me. I just spent 3600 bucks getting a bunch of bullshit fixed and now i need to replace my U-Joint....uuughhh. At least it happened after I got back from tennessee
  114. [4:20pm] Claude: Specifically Putin
  115. [4:21pm] mac^^^: Diana: as much as I hate dems, I don't think even they would chop of hands of a thief
  116. [4:21pm] julz: claude do you remember what barry soetoro said to Medvedev in the open mic?
  117. [4:21pm] Claude: No
  118. [4:21pm] julz: why don't you google it?
  119. [4:21pm] Claude: What did he say
  120. [4:22pm] Claude: julz, it appears this is whataboutism
  121. [4:22pm] julz: claude, he said he would have more latitude to deal with the missile situation AFTER the election to which Medvedev replied he would relay that to Vladimir
  122. [4:22pm] Claude: What Obama did or did not do has no bearing on what Trump did or did not do
  123. [4:22pm] Claude: Does that make sense?
  124. [4:22pm] Willpa: then I must be uninformed, because I don't know what he said either
  125. [4:22pm] julz: no, claude..if was a flat out statement caught on a hot mic
  126. [4:22pm] mac^^^: it makes no sense that Russia would favor Trump over Hillary
  127. [4:23pm] Claude: julz, what Obama did or did not do has no bearing on what Trump did or did not do
  128. [4:23pm] Claude: You brought this up in response to my noting Trump made a deal with Putin to run for president in exchange for permits for Trump Tower in Moscow
  129. [4:23pm] julz: Will, it was that famous incident when barry was caught saying something he thought was off the record
  130. [4:23pm] Claude: This is the definition of whataboutism
  131. [4:23pm] julz: claude oh yes it does
  132. [4:23pm] Claude: How?
  133. [4:23pm] julz: claude...you're more dense than a bunch of rocks
  134. [4:24pm] Claude: Ad hominem fallacy.
  135. [4:24pm] Claude: I ended my conversation with you, julz.
  136. [4:24pm] Claude: If you would l like to discuss Obama’s interactions with Putin, we can do that.
  137. [4:24pm] Claude: But not while we are discussing Trump’s interactions with Putin.
  138. [4:24pm] Willpa: fight nice kiddies
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