
Raising Cakes Part 4

Jan 12th, 2013
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  2. >Panting, you help Pinkie drag the stroller up the steps of the not-so-child-friendly entrance to the town hall
  3. >The twins had been overjoyed to see you, gurgling and laughing the whole journey
  4. >It was nice
  5. >The foyer is nice and cool. There's even a ceiling fan
  6. >Leaning heavily on the counter, you wipe the sweat off of your forehead and check the time on the desk clock
  7. >Made it here with two minutes to spare
  8. >The receptionist mare behind the counter looks less than pleased
  9. >"May I help you, er... sir?"
  10. >What's that supposed to mean?
  11. >No, no time to get offended
  12. "Mr. Anonymous and Miss Pie here to see the Mayors aide. We have an appointment."
  13. >She looks down at her chart
  14. >"Ah yes, 2 o'clock. The Mayor- ahem, I mean the Mayors aide- will see you now."
  15. >You nod and, motioning Pinkie to follow, walk down the corridor to the office
  16. >You push lightly on the door and it opens quietly
  17. >Inside, you see aide mare spinning on the mayoral chair, a look of almost manic excitement on her face
  18. >It appears she has been doing this for some time
  19. >As soon as she sees all of you, horror replaces the joy. She falls out of the chair, picking herself up almost instantly
  20. >Real professional
  21. >You cough awkwardly
  22. >You can hear Pinkie suppressing a giggle. You know for a fact she wants a chair like that now
  24. >After regaining her composure, the mare sitting behind the desk clears her throat
  25. >"Ahem... Welcome, Mr. Anonymous, Miss Pie. The Cakes' estate attorney should be here momentarily. Please take a seat."
  26. >You do as she asks, keeping the foals stroller within reaching distance
  27. >Damn pony chairs, it always feels like they're seconds from snapping
  28. >You aren't that fat!
  29. >A stallion walks into the room dragging a large briefcase behind him
  30. >He's wearing a tie. That counts for dressed up around here, so you figure him to be the attorney
  31. >You stand and shake his hoof
  32. >It always feels weird doing that
  33. >"Good afternoon, Mr. Anonymous, Miss Pie. Well, let's begin shall we?"
  34. >He lugs the briefcase onto the desk and pops it open, pulling out some important looking files
  35. >A lot of important looking files
  36. >He notices the look on your face and smiles
  37. >"Don't worry, most of these are mine to worry about. I do need a couple of signatures though"
  38. >You nod, put slightly at ease
  39. >You disliked paperwork at the best of times, to say nothing of Pinkie. This guy would be lucky to get her to sign her own name
  40. >He picks up a file and places some reading glasses onto his snout
  41. >You all brace yourselves for the reading
  43. >Which, anticlimactically, doesn't happen
  44. >Instead, he passes one sheet to you and one to Pinkie
  45. >"Well, if you can just sign here and here, I can be on my way"
  46. >You stare at him
  47. "That's it? No reading?"
  48. >Now it's his turn to stare
  49. >"I was informed you could read. Is this not the case?"
  50. "Now wait just a minute, of course-"
  51. >He gave a short laugh
  52. >"I suggest you stop watching so many courtroom dramas, Mr. Anonymous. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
  53. >He collects your signed sheets and deposits two envelopes, one for you, one for Pinkie
  54. >You tear yours open and read the contents
  55. >The first part was full of legalities, stating that the Cakes had left Sugarcube Corner to their children, Mr. Cake had left you his good wristwatch along with a bunch of ties.
  56. >To be quite honest you'd always hated those ties
  57. >But now you'd keep them forever
  58. >You read onwards, skipping through a lot of legal jargon
  59. >You stopped at one sentence though. It had your name on it
  60. >'Anon. We feel silly writing this. But if worse comes to worst, we need something to fall back on, something to make sure everything (and not to mention everyone) is taken care of.'
  61. >You read on
  62. >'We can't imagine how you would be feeling if events were to cause you to ever have to read this, but know this. You are our family. From the moment you woke up on our kitchen couch, to your little fights with Pinkie,
  63. to your help with the twins.'
  64. >You smile, memories flooding your mind
  65. >'We love you Anon. Goodbye, and take care.'
  66. >That did it
  67. >You rub the tears from your eyes and close them for a second, shutting the world out
  68. >Just for a second
  69. >Finally, you were able to let go
  70. "Goodbye."
  72. >"I'm sorry?"
  73. >You open your eyes to find the Aide Mare giving you a funny look
  74. >You smile, at peace
  75. >Turning to Pinkie, you see tears falling from her eyes. But she was smiling
  76. >And her hair had poofed again
  77. >"Well, that just leaves the issue of assigning legal guardianship. Who wants to sign first?"
  78. >What?
  79. "What?"
  80. >You frantically flick back through the file
  81. >There was nothing in here about adopting Pumpkin and Pound!
  82. >Oh wait
  83. >It was in the legal jargon bit
  84. >Fuck
  85. >The aide mare was still talking
  86. >"According to the forms, if either you and Miss Pie fail to sign, the twins will be handed over to foal welfare"
  87. >You panic and say the only thing that springs to mind
  88. "I need to get a drink of- go to the toilet"
  89. >Correction. The only two things that spring to mind
  90. >You look at everyone and rush awkwardly from the room
  91. >Reaching the front desk, you find the bored looking receptionist
  92. "Toilet?"
  93. >She looks up from her magazine at you
  94. >"We don't have one"
  95. "Where do you go then?"
  96. >She sighs, then points to a door behind her
  97. "Thanks"
  98. >Once inside, you lean on the sink
  99. >Running the tap, you feel the cold water under your hands. You splash some on your face and take stock of the situation
  100. >Foal welfare
  101. >You'd heard things, and none of them particularly reassuring. It was the equivalent of Social Services back home
  102. >You couldn't condemn them to that
  103. >Looks like your plans for leaving had been scuppered for the time being
  104. >No need to get rid of them entirely though
  106. >At that moment, the bathroom door opens
  107. >Pinkie walks in
  108. "Pinkie, what are you doing in here?"
  109. >You say, shocked
  110. >She points to the door, a confused look on her face
  111. >"It's the mare's bathroom?"
  112. >Oh
  113. >You figured the lack of urinals was due to an anatomical thing
  114. >"Anyway, I just wanted to see if you were okay"
  115. >You exhale
  116. "Pinkie-"
  117. >She cuts you off
  118. >"Before you make a decision, just hear me out. I'm not exactly what you'd call responsible. I don't know if I can do this, but I'm going to give it my best shot. Only..."
  119. >She looks you in the eye
  120. >"Only I can't do it without you, Anon. And I'm not just talking about some signature on a piece of paper, either. So, really what I'm asking is, will you help me?"
  121. >You stand, and without answering, walk out of the bathroom
  122. >Pinkie follows, staring after you uncertainly
  123. >"Anon?"
  124. >You stride back into the Mayors office, and, ignoring her spinning aide, grab a pen from the desk
  125. >With a flourish, you sign your name on the dotted line, right next to Pinkies
  126. "There. It's done"
  127. >The slide the paper over the desk and, grabbing the stroller full of gurgling foals, leave the room
  128. >Pinkie is standing outside he door, hopping from hoof to hoof in anticipation
  129. >"What happened?"
  130. >You ruffle her mane
  131. "I did it. I signed the paper"
  132. >She beams at you
  133. >"Anon, I can't- Whoa!"
  134. >You lift her up onto your back
  135. >You think to yourself how strange you must look
  136. >A big monkey wearing clothes, pushing a stroller with a unicorn and a pegasus foal in it, whilst giving a piggyback to a giggling pink Earth pony
  137. >You knew better though
  138. >You were a family
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