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Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. #UWAGA ! ######################################## # # # Licencja :
  2. #Jest to nadal rozwijana wersja skryptu ######### # # # #
  3. #Autor (Crido) Zastrzega Prawa Autorskie######### # # # # # # Licencja :
  4. #Strona autora : Crido.Net.PL#################### # # # # # # #
  5. #Kontakt: # # # # # # # #
  6. #Usuniecie informacji o autorze oznacza ######### # # # # # # # # # Licencja:
  7. #Naruszenie praw autorskich###################### # # # # # # # # # #
  8. #Blad skryptu ? Napisz do mnie na maila/forum#### # # # # # # # # # # #
  9. # ################################################# # # # # # # # # # # # #
  10. #=========================================================================== Licencja:
  11. # `-.`'.-'
  12. # `-. .-'.
  13. # `-. -./\.- .-'
  14. # -. /_|\ .-
  15. # `-. `/____\' .-'.
  16. # `-. -./.-""-.\.- '
  17. # `-. /< (()) >\ .-'
  18. # - .`/__`-..-'__\' .-
  19. # ,...`-./___|____|___\.-'.,.
  20. #
  21. # )\ / ) /\ ( \ /( /\
  22. # / / ( ( | CRIDO NOVANETOWRKS version 2 | ) ) \ \
  23. # | | \ \ | |dev 10.01.19| | / / | |
  24. # .-.\ \ \ \ | by CRidoTecH | / / / /.-.
  25. #(= )\ `._.' | | | | `._.' /( =)
  26. #\ (_) ) | -------------------------------- | ( (_) /
  27. # \ `----' |"CODE ILLEGAL" imposibble | '----` /
  28. # \ -------------------------------- /
  29. #
  30. #It is possible that the defcon is frozen
  31. #
  32. #hi :^)
  33. #==========================================================================================
  34. #--[[
  35. #
  36. #
  37. #---# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  38. #-#
  39. #-
  40. #-####################################### #######
  41. #-### Nie usuwaj informacji o autorze ### ## ##
  42. #-### CTECH ### # ##### #
  43. #-### Jesli ktos inny ma maszyne ... ### # # #
  44. #-### Bez zgody autora lub ... ### # # #
  45. #-### Usunie informacje o autorze... ### # # #
  46. #-### To moze zostac ukarany ! ### # # #
  47. #-### Tworcy przysluguja prawa autor- ### # # #
  48. #-### skie !!! ### # ##### #
  49. #-####################################### ## ##
  50. #- ####### @Copyright 2019 CRIDO
  51. #-#############################################
  52. #-### Profil Steam Autora: ###
  53. #-### ###
  54. #-#############################################
  55. #-
  56. #-# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  57. #---
  58. #
  59. #| | | |
  60. #| | | |
  61. #| | | |
  62. #| | | |
  63. #v v v v
  64. #
  65. #--]]
  66. #
  67. #| | | |
  68. #| | | |
  69. #| | | |
  70. #| | | |
  71. #v v v v
  72. #
  73. #--[[
  74. #-HIGHT\_____
  75. #-HIGHT ORBIT\___
  76. #-HIGHT ORBIT ION\______
  77. #-HIGHT ORBIT ION CANNON\_______
  78. #-WORKING HIGHT ORBIT ION CANNON\__________________________________________
  79. #-WORKING HIGHT ORBIT ION CANNON /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|=====================-----------------------------------------------------------|__--|===-=-=-=-=-=---------===================----------============-----------------====== |||||||||||||||||| NOVA-ANTY>HIGHT>ORBIT>ION>CANNON>PROTECTION <<>> CRIDOCOMMUNITY |\/|
  80. #-WORKING HIGHT ORBIT ION CANNON/|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|/
  82. #-HIGHT ORBIT ION/\\\
  83. #-HIGHT ORBIT/\\\
  84. #-HIGHT/\\\
  85. #--]]
  86. #
  87. #| | | |
  88. #| | | |
  89. #| | | |
  90. #| | | |
  91. #v v v v
  92. #
  93. #--[[
  94. #--
  95. #CRETOR:
  96. #-CRIDO
  97. #--
  99. #By Crido
  100. #--
  101. #DONATE:
  102. #-PayPal :
  103. #+
  104. #--
  105. #CONTACT :
  106. #EMAIL :
  108. #DISCORD :
  110. #STEAM :
  112. #WEBSITE :
  114. #--
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  116. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  117. #|>! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !<|
  118. #|>! ! ! ! ! ! ATTENTION ! ! ! ! ! !<|
  119. #|>! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! !<|
  120. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  121. #/\------------------------/\
  122. #Dont copy/upload this script
  124. #All rights reserved
  125. #/\------------------------/\
  126. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  127. #/\-------------------/\
  128. #Script made by : Crido
  129. #/\-------------------/\
  130. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  131. #/\----------------------------------------------------------------/\
  132. #
  134. #You may syffer legal consequences on the script are imposed laws
  135. # _________________________
  136. #/ |\> </>
  137. #|HIGHT ORBIT ION CANNON \|>>>>>=========>>>>>========//>===---'''--'--//>===========******************++++++++++++=++=====++++++++++++++++============**************========+++ |||||||||||||||||| NOVA-ANTY>HIGHT>ORBIT>ION>CANNON>PROTECTION <<>> CRIDOCOMMUNITY
  138. #\_________________________|/> </>
  139. #
  140. #If you dont use illegal copy you are asking the awesome and thanks
  141. #for using my script
  142. #
  143. #/\-----------------------------------------------------------------/\
  144. #/\-----------------------------------------------------------------/\
  145. #LICENSE<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>+/ ][[]
  146. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|+\
  147. #-=-CTECH-=- /\ | +/ ][][
  148. #-=-Nova-Networks.EU-=- /\ |+\
  149. #-=-GamingEmpire-=- /\ | +/ ][][
  150. #-=-TeslaGames-=- /\ |+\
  151. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| +/
  152. # \ \ \ \ /|+\ [][
  153. #___________________________________| | +/
  154. # / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |+\__ ][][
  155. #------------------------------------------|
  156. # \/
  157. #____________________________________________x_________________________________________________________
  158. #[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]|
  159. #/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
  160. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  161. #/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  162. #
  163. # Creator: Crido - Nova-Networks.EU
  164. # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  165. # To view a copy of this license, visit
  166. #
  167. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  168. #
  169. #
  170. #STEP 1
  171. #-------
  172. #Upload this folder to the 'Scripts' folder in 'plugins/skript/scripts'.
  173. #
  174. #STEP 2
  175. #-------
  176. #Don't change Setting !'.
  183. command /gui [<text>]:
  184. trigger:
  185. if player has permission "crido.gui" or "crido.wszystko":
  186. open chest with 3 rows named "&6 Crido GUI" to player
  187. loop 9 times:
  188. set player's current inventory's slot 10 to book named "&7Wylacz czat "
  189. set player's current inventory's slot 11 to book named "&7Wlacz czat "
  190. set player's current inventory's slot 12 to torch named "&7Niesmiertelnosc"
  191. set player's current inventory's slot 13 to splash potion of invisibility named "&7Vanish (ON)(OFF)"
  192. set player's current inventory's slot 14 to paper named "&7Wyczysc Czat"
  193. set player's current inventory's slot 15 to water bucket named "&7Wylacz deszcz "
  194. set player's current inventory's slot 16 to yellow wool named "&7 Dzien "
  195. on inventory click:
  196. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6 Crido GUI":
  197. cancel event #Dzieki CANCEL EVENT nie mozna wyjac itemow.
  198. if clicked slot is 13:
  199. if {v::%player%} is not set:
  200. set {v::%player%} to true
  201. send "&8» Aktywowano vanisha!"
  202. loop all players:
  203. if loop-player don't have permission "crido.vanishshow":
  204. add loop-player to {_g::*}
  205. hide player from {_g::*}
  206. stop
  207. if {v::%player%} is set:
  208. clear {v::%player%}
  209. send "&8» Zdezaktywowano vanisha"
  210. reveal player to all players
  211. stop
  212. on inventory click:
  213. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6 Crido GUI":
  214. cancel event #Dzieki CANCEL EVENT nie mozna wyjac itemow.
  215. if clicked slot is 14:
  216. loop all players:
  217. loop 100 times:
  218. send "" to player
  219. broadcast "&5>> Chat zostal wyczyszczony przez &c%player%"
  220. stop
  221. on inventory click:
  222. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6 Crido GUI":
  223. cancel event #Dzieki CANCEL EVENT nie mozna wyjac itemow.
  224. if clicked slot is 12:
  225. execute console command "god %player%"
  226. send "&cWlaczono tryb niesmiertelnosci"
  227. stop
  228. on inventory click:
  229. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6 Crido GUI":
  230. cancel event #Dzieki CANCEL EVENT nie mozna wyjac itemow.
  231. if clicked slot is 11:
  232. send "&8» &cWlaczyles &6chat!"
  233. broadcast "&8» &6Chat zostal &awlaczony &6przez &7%player%"
  234. set {chat.status} to true
  235. stop
  236. on inventory click:
  237. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6 Crido GUI":
  238. cancel event #Dzieki CANCEL EVENT nie mozna wyjac itemow.
  239. if clicked slot is 10:
  240. send "&8» &cWylaczyles &6chat!"
  241. broadcast "&8» &6Chat zostal &cwylaczony &6przez &7%player%"
  242. set {chat.status} to false
  243. stop
  244. on inventory click:
  245. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6 Crido GUI":
  246. cancel event #Dzieki CANCEL EVENT nie mozna wyjac itemow.
  247. if clicked slot is 15:
  248. send "&8» &cWylaczyles &6descz!"
  249. broadcast "»&c%player% &5wylaczyl deszcz !"
  250. execute console command "weather clear"
  251. stop
  252. on inventory click:
  253. if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&6 Crido GUI":
  254. cancel event #Dzieki CANCEL EVENT nie mozna wyjac itemow.
  255. if clicked slot is 16:
  256. send "&8» &cZmieniasz pore dnia na &6dzien!"
  257. broadcast "»&c%player% &5ustawia dzien !"
  258. execute console command "time set day"
  259. stop
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